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 n grammar, a clause a pair or group of words that consist of a subject and a predicate,

although in some languages and some types of clauses, the subject may not appear explicitly as a
noun phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially common in null subject
languages). ...

 clause - (grammar) an expression including a subject and predicate but not constituting a
complete sentence
 clause - article: a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)
 Clause - In logic, a clause is a disjunction of literals. In propositional logic, clauses are
usually written as follows, where the symbols are literals: In some cases, clauses are written as
sets of literals, so that clause above would be written as . ...
 clause - (grammar, informal) A group of two or more words which include a subject and any
necessary predicate (the predicate also includes a verb, conjunction, or a preposition) to begin the
clause; however, this clause is not considered a sentence for colloquial purposes; (grammar) A
word or group of ...
 Either a Prolog fact or rule.
 a structural unit of language which is smaller than the sentence but larger than phrases or
words, and which contains a finite verb
 clause - On this website, a clause refers to the basic unit of a Regulation or a Bill. Each
clause within a Regulation or Bill deals with a separate subject or idea and has its own number.
When a Bill becomes an Act, its clauses are called sections. ...
 a clause has the attributes of a sentence but may occur within a sentence, for example a
relative clause who played the alto within the sentence The man who played the alto was Charlie
 clause - Words in a policy which describe certain specifications, limitations or modifications.
 clause - divisions of a bill consisting of an individual sentence or statement, once a bill
becomes law, its clauses are referred to as sections;
 clause - A verb and all its associated arguments. See phrase.
 clause - a provision in a mortgage contract requiring that the entire loan balance be paid
immediately on demand in the event of the sale of a mortgaged property. ...
 clause - A string of words containing a subject and a verb. Some clauses are independent;
that is, they express a complete thought ("Samantha cried." or "Charlie stumbled through the
door"). ...

From Wikipedia

In grammar, a clause is the smallest grammatical unit that can express a complete proposition[1] .
In some languages it may be a pair or group of words that consists of a subject and a predicate,
although in other languages in certain clauses the subject may not appear explicitly as a noun
phrase. It may instead be marked on the verb (this is especially common in null subject
languages). The most basic kind of sentence consists of a single clause. More complicated
sentences may contain multiple clauses, including clauses contained within clauses. Clauses are
divided into two categories: independent clauses and dependent clauses. Independent clauses can
be easily differentiated from dependent clauses by their ability to stand by themselves, even
when connected with different clauses in the same sentence. A sentence made up of just one
clause which can stand by itself is made up of an independent clause. Dependent clauses would
be awkward or nonsensical if they were to stand by themselves, and therefore require an
independent clause in the same sentence.

Clauses are often contrasted with phrases. Traditionally, a clause was said to have both a finite
verb and its subject, whereas a phrase either contained a finite verb but not its subject (in which
case it is a verb phrase) or did not contain a finite verb. Hence, in the sentence "I didn't know
that the dog ran through the yard," "that the dog ran through the yard" is a clause, as is the
sentence as a whole, while "the yard," "through the yard," "ran through the yard," and "the dog"
are all phrases. However, modern linguists do not draw the same distinction, as they accept the
idea of a non-finite clause, a clause that is organized around a non-finite verb.


• 1 Functions of dependent clauses

• 2 Structures of dependent clauses
• 3 References

• 4 See also

[edit] Functions of dependent clauses

Under this classification scheme, there are three main types of dependent clauses: noun clauses,
adjective clauses, and adverb clauses, so-called for their syntactic and semantic resemblance to
nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, respectively. In the following English examples, dependent noun
clauses are shown in bold:

• "I imagine that they're having a good time."

• "I keep thinking about what happened yesterday."

(The word that is optional in the first sentence, highlighting a complication in the entire
dependent/independent contrast: "They're having a good time" is a complete sentence, and
therefore an independent clause, but "that they're having a good time" is a dependent clause.)

An adjective clause modifies a noun phrase. In English, adjective clauses typically come at the
end of their phrase and usually have a relative pronoun forming a relative clause. The pronoun
can sometimes be omitted to produce a reduced relative clause:

• "The woman I saw said otherwise."

• "I found the book that she suggested to me."

An adverb clause typically modifies its entire main clause. In English, it usually precedes (in a
periodic sentence) or follows (in a loose sentence) its main clause. The following adverb clauses
show when (with the subordinating conjunction "when") and why (with the subordinating
conjunction "because"):

• "When she gets here, all will be explained."

• "She's worried because they were already an hour late."

The line between categories may be indistinct, and, in some languages, it may be difficult to
apply these classifications at all. At times more than one interpretation is possible, as in the
English sentence "We saw a movie, after which we went dancing," where "after which we went
dancing" can be seen either as an adjective clause ("We saw a movie. After the movie, we went
dancing.") or as an adverb clause ("We saw a movie. After we saw the movie, we went
dancing."). Sometimes the two interpretations are not synonymous, but are both intended, as in
"Let me know when you're ready," where "when you're ready" functions both as a noun clause
(the object of know, identifying what knowledge is to be conveyed) and as an adverb clause
(specifying when the knowledge is to be conveyed).

[edit] Structures of dependent clauses

The other major way to classify dependent clauses is by their structure, although even this
classification scheme does make some reference to the clause's function in a sentence. This
scheme is more complex, as there are many different ways that a dependent clause can be
structured. In English, common structures include the following:

• Many dependent clauses, such as "before he comes" or "because they agreed," consist of
a preposition-like subordinating conjunction, plus what would otherwise be an
independent clause. These clauses act much like prepositional phrases, and are either
adjective clauses or adverb clauses, with many being able to function in either capacity.
• Relative clauses, such as "which I couldn't see," generally consist of a relative pronoun,
plus a clause in which the relative pronoun plays a part. Relative clauses usually function
as adjective clauses, but occasionally they function as adverb clauses; in either case, they
modify their relative pronoun's antecedent and follow the phrase or clause that they
• Fused relative clauses, such as "what she did" (in the sense of "the thing she did"), are
like ordinary relative clauses except that they act as noun clauses; they incorporate their
subjects into their relative pronouns.
• Declarative content clauses, such as "that they came," usually consist of the conjunction
that plus what would otherwise be an independent clause, or of an independent clause
alone (with an implicit preceding that). For this reason, they are often called that-clauses.
Declarative content clauses refer to states of affairs; it is often implied that the state of
affairs is the case, as in "It is fortunate that they came," but this implication is easily
removed by the context, as in "It is doubtful that they came."
• Interrogative content clauses, such as "whether they came" and "where he went" (as in "I
don't know where he went"), are much like declarative ones, except that they are
introduced by interrogative words. Rather than referring to a state of affairs, they refer to
an unknown element of a state of affairs, such as one of the participants (as in "I wonder
who came") or even the truth of the state (as in "I wonder whether he came").
• Small clauses, such as "him leave" (as in "I saw him leave") and "him to leave" (as in "I
wanted him to leave"), are minimal predicate structures, consisting only of an object and
an additional structure (usually an infinitive), with the latter being predicated to the
former by a controlling verb or preposition.


A clause is a group of words that have a subjet and a predicate and is used as a sentence or part
of a sentence.

Read more:

Types of clauses

Types of Clauses
Like a phrase, a clause is a group of related words, but unlike a phrase, a clause has a subject and
predicate. An independent clause, along with having a subject and predicate, expresses a
complete thought and can stand alone as a sentence. On the contrary, a subordinate or
dependent clause does not express a complete thought and therefore is not a sentence. A
subordinate clause standing alone is the most common type of sentence fragment.
Independent clauses
He saw her. The Washingtons hurried home. Free speech has a price. Grammatically complete
statements like these are sentences and can stand alone. When they are part of longer sentences,
they are referred to as independent (or main) clauses.

Two or more independent clauses can be joined by using coordinating conjunctions (and, but,
for, nor, or, so, and yet) or by using semicolons. The most important thing to remember is that an
independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence.

In the following example the independent clause is a simple sentence.

• Erica brushed her long, raven hair.

Here, the coordinating conjunction and joins two independent clauses:

• Fernando left, and Erica brushed her long, raven hair.

Here, a semicolon joins two independent clauses:

• Fernando left; Erica brushed her long, raven hair.

All sentences must include at least one independent clause.

• After she told Fernando to leave, Erica brushed her long, raven hair.

The independent clause is preceded by a clause that can't stand alone.

• Erica brushed her long, raven hair while she waited for Fernando to leave.
The independent clause is followed by a clause that can't stand alone.

Beginning sentences with coordinating conjunctions

Any of the coordinating conjunctions (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet) can be used to join an
independent clause to another independent clause. But can you begin a sentence with one of
these conjunctions?

• No one knew what to do. But everyone agreed that something should be done.

An old rule says that you shouldn't. But beginning a sentence with a coordinating conjunction is
widely accepted today. (Notice the preceding sentence, for example.) Sometimes beginning a
sentence this way creates exactly the effect you want; it separates the clause and yet draws
attention to its relationship with the previous clause. Use this technique when it works for you. If
you're confronted with an advocate of the old rule, you'll have no trouble finding support for
your position from the best writers and usage experts.

Subordinate clauses
A subordinate clause has a subject and predicate but, unlike an independent clause, cannot
stand by itself. It depends on something else to express a complete thought, which is why it is
also called a dependent clause. Some subordinate clauses are introduced by relative pronouns
(who, whom, that, which, what, whose) and some by subordinating conjunctions (although,
because, if, unless, when, etc.). Subordinate clauses function in sentences as adjectives, nouns,
and adverbs.

Relative clauses
A relative clause begins with a relative pronoun and functions as an adjective.

In the following sentence, the relative pronoun that is the subject of its clause and won is the
predicate. This clause couldn't stand by itself. Its role in the complete sentence is to modify
novel, the subject of the independent clause.

• The novel that won the Pulitzer Prize didn't sell well when it was first published.

In the next example , which is the relative pronoun that begins the subordinate clause. Celebrities
is the subject of the clause and attended is the predicate. In the complete sentence, this clause
functions as an adjective describing ceremony.

• The ceremony, which several celebrities attended, received intense coverage.

Note that in a relative clause the relative pronoun is sometimes the subject of the clause, as in the
following sentence, and sometimes the object, as in the next sentence.
• Arthur, who comes to the games every week, offered to be scorekeeper.

Who is the subject of the clause and comes is the predicate. The clause modifies Arthur.

In the following sentence , mother is the subject of the clause, adored is the predicate, and whom
is the direct object of adored. Again, the clause modifies Arthur.

• Arthur, whom the team mother adored, was asked to be scorekeeper.

Noun clauses
A noun clause serves as a noun in a sentence.

• What I want for dinner is a hamburger. (subject of the predicate is)

• The host told us how he escaped. (object of the predicate told)
• The vacation is what I need most. (complement of the linking verb is)
• Give it to whoever arrives first. (object of the preposition to)

Pronoun case in subordinate clause

Who, whom, whoever, whomever. In deciding which case of who you should use in a clause,
remember this important rule: The case of the pronoun is governed by the role it plays in its own
clause, not by its relation to the rest of the sentence. Choosing the right case of pronoun can be
especially confusing because the pronoun may appear to have more than one function. Look at
the following sentence.

• They gave the money to whoever presented the winning ticket.

At first, you may be tempted to think whomever rather than whoever should be the pronoun here,
on the assumption that it is the object of the preposition to. But in fact the entire clause, not
whoever, is the object of the preposition. Refer to the basic rule: The case should be based on the
pronoun's role within its own clause. In this clause, whoever is the subject of the verb presented.
(A good way to determine the right pronoun case is to forget everything but the clause itself:
whoever presented the winning ticket, yes; whomever presented the winning ticket, no.)

The following two sentences show more dramatically how you must focus on the clause rather
than the complete sentence in choosing the right pronoun case.

• We asked whomever we saw for a reaction to the play.

• We asked whoever called us to call back later.

In each sentence the clause is the direct object of asked. But in the first sentence, whomever is
correct because within its clause it is the object of saw, while in the second sentence, whoever is
correct because it is the subject of called.
Adverbial clauses
Many subordinate clauses begin with subordinating conjunctions called adverbial clauses.
Examples of these conjunctions are because, unless, if, when, and although. What these
conjunctions have in common is that they make the clauses that follow them unable to stand
alone. The clauses act as adverbs, answering questions like how, when, where, why, to what
extent, and under what conditions.

• While Mauna Loa was erupting and spewing fountains of lava into the air, we drove
away as quickly as we could.

In the preceding sentence , while is a subordinating conjunction introducing the adverbial clause;
the subject of the clause is Mauna Loa and the predicate is was erupting and [was] spewing. This
clause is dependent because it is an incomplete thought. What happened while the volcano was
erupting? The independent clause we drove away as quickly as we could completes the thought.
The adverbial clause answers the question “When did we drive?”

In the following sentence, because introduces the adverbial clause in which van is the subject
and needed the predicate. This clause is an incomplete thought. What happened because the van
needed repairs? The independent clause The group of tourists decided to have lunch in the
village is necessary to complete the thought. Again, the subordinate clause as a whole acts as an
adverb, telling why the tourists decided to have lunch in the village.

• The group of tourists decided to have lunch in the village because the van needed

Types of clauses from other

A clause is essentially a phrase, but with both a subject and predicate (more on those in the next
post). Clauses are either dependent or independent. An independent clause can exist by itself as a
complete sentence (as in “I love grammar.“), while a dependent clause cannot.

Dependent or Subordinate Clauses

A dependent or subordinate clause depends on an independent clause to express its full meaning
(as in “Because I love grammar.”). These clauses begin with a dependent word,
like a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun.

Dependent clauses can function as nouns, adjectives, and adverbs:

• Noun Clause – “The boy wondered if his parents bought him what he wanted for
Christmas.” A noun clause can replace any noun in a sentence, functioning as a subject,
object, or complement (see English Grammar: Basic Sentence Elements).
• Adjective Clause (or relative clause) – “I listened to the song that you told me about.”
An adjective clause describes a noun just like an adjective. Which song? The new song,
the good song, the song that you told me about. Often called relative clauses, they’re
either restrictive or nonrestrictive (also called defining and non-defining, essential and
nonessential, or integrated and supplementary):
o Restrictive Clause – “The building that they built in San Francisco sold for a lot
of money.” A restrictive clause begins with a relative pronoun like that or who (or
sometimes which – see Which Versus That). It specifies or restricts the noun; in
this case, it specifies which building the speaker is referring to. Note: the relative
pronoun is often omitted (“The building (that) they built”), leaving what is called
an elliptical clause or contact clause.
o Nonrestrictive Clause – “The building, which they built in San Francisco, sold
for a lot of money.” A nonrestrictive clause begins with a relative pronoun
like which or who. It adds extra information about an already-specific noun; in
this case, there’s only one building to talk about, whereas the example for the
restrictive clause implies that there could be several buildings.

• Adverb Clause – “I’ll do the laundry when I’m out of clothes.” Like all adverbials,
adverb clauses express when, where, why, and how something occurs. A
dependent clause is an adverb clause if you can replace it with an adverb, as in “I’ll do
the laundry later.”

Note: appositives can include clauses, but I’ve yet to find a source mentioning an “appositive
clause.” They’re generally regarded as a type of noun phrase, even though they can be restrictive
or nonrestrictive like relative clauses.

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