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Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

Zusammen vermitteln die acht Beiträge eine Vielzahl von

interessanten Einsichten in Problemstellungen, die für die
Zukunft des Agribusiness von zentraler Bedeutung sind.
Aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht bemerkenswert ist dabei die
Vielfalt der theoretischen und methodologischen Ansätze:
Industrieökonomik, Transaktionskostentheorie, Systemthe-
orie und Verbraucherpsychologie finden sich unter den
verwendeten Theoriegrundlagen. Die angewandten Metho-
den variieren von quantitativen experimentellen Designs bis
zu qualitativen Verfahren. Nicht nur das Agribusiness ist in
einer turbulenten Phase – auch der Wissenschaftsbereich,
der sich mit ihm beschäftigt.
Prof. Dr. KLAUS G. GRUNERT, Wirtschaftsuniversität Aarhus, MAPP
Forschungszentrum, Haslegaardsvey 10, DK-8210 Aarhus V (E-
Prof. Dr. HANNES WEINDLMAIER, Institut für Betriebswirtschaftslehre
des FML Weihenstephan, Technische Universität München, Weihen-
stephaner Berg 1, D-85356 Freising (E-Mail: Weindlmaier@bwl.

Scenarios for the Food Industry in 2010

Schlüsselwörter: Szenarien; Lebensmittelindustrie;
While predicting the future is impossible, corporate decision-makers Kompetenzanforderungen
have to decide which competencies to develop precisely on this ba-
sis. This article presents the results of a research project on sce-
nario analyses in the Danish food industry. The aim of the study is 1 Introduction and aim
to look at alternative visions of the future of the food industry and to Companies and other actors in the food industry often have
assess their implications for competence requirements. Given the
to make decisions that will affect their future competitive-
uncertain nature of the environment, food companies cannot rely on
today’s competencies being sufficient to fulfil the demands of to- ness. This requires knowledge of the future, the position
morrow’s markets. However, predicting the determinants of success they want to occupy in that future, and the actions they
in the food industry 10 years hence is a daunting task. Scenario need to take to achieve this. Visions of the future can either
techniques can be very useful in this respect (VON REIBNITZ, 1988). be intuitive or an educated guess based on cause-and-effect
The contribution of the article is the methodological approach to relationships.
scenario building, which combines academic and industry input and The aim of this article is to use the scenario method to
translates the scenarios into the required competencies in each identify the competencies required to compete in the vari-
scenario. From an industry point of view, the competencies identi- ous possible futures in the food industry.
fied in each scenario can stimulate discussions of strategic choice
in the food sector.
The scenario methodology has been called “disciplined
intuition” (WRIGHT et al., 1987) – intuitive in the sense that
Keywords: Scenarios; food industry; competence requirements it evokes unconstrained future thinking, and disciplined in
that it is a systematized and managed process. On the face
Zusammenfassung of it, the scenario method is a strategic planning tool aimed
Die Zukunft vorherzusagen ist unmöglich, aber unternehmerische at dynamic competence development, but it is of limited
Entscheidungsträger müssen trotzdem Entscheidungen darüber value unless used imaginatively (ERIKSEN et al., 1997). A
treffen, welche Kompetenzen in der Unternehmung weiterentwickelt scenario can be thought of as a means of predicting possible
werden sollen. Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert die Ergebnisse futures, and thus provide a basis for decision-making
eines Forschungsprojektes über Zukunftsszenarien für die dänische (SCHWARTZ, 1991). However, the aim of scenarios is not to
Lebensmittelindustrie. Ziel der Studie ist, alternative Visionen über forecast the future per se, but to develop views of alterna-
die Zukunft der Lebensmittelindustrie zu betrachten und deren Imp-
tive possible futures. It is the structure of the future that is
likationen für die unternehmerische Kompetenzentwicklung zu ana-
lysieren. Aufgrund der unsicheren Entwicklung in der Umgebung
of interest rather than the exact details. Unlike traditional
kann man nicht darauf vertrauen, dass die Kompetenzen von heute business forecasting, scenarios do not merely extend pres-
ausreichend sein werden um die Nachfrage von morgen zu befriedi- ent trends, but provide alternative images of the future.
gen. Die Vorhersage von Erfolgsdeterminanten in 10 Jahren ist ein The purpose of scenario planning is to help people deal
schwieriges Unterfangen, und die Szenarientechnik kann in diesem with an uncertain and complex future (WENNERHOLM et al.,
Zusammenhang sehr nützlich sein (VON REIBNITZ, 1988). Der vorlie- 1996). One widely accepted definition of a scenario is: A
gende Artikel macht einen methodologischen Beitrag zur Ableitung tool for ordering one’s perceptions about alternative future
von Szenarien, indem Beiträge aus Wissenschaft und Praxis kombi- environments in which one’s decisions might be played out
niert wurden und die Szenarien in Kompetenzanforderungen über-
(SCHWARTZ, 1991).
setzt wurden. Für die Industrie können die für jedes Szenario identi-
fizierten Kompetenzanforderungen die Diskussion über strategische Ideally, the aim is to reduce the level of uncertainty
Wahlmöglichkeiten stimulieren. (MITCHELL et al., 1979), but a more modest objective is to


Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

identify, articulate and control uncertainty factors (ERIKSEN 3.1 Creation of research-based vignettes
et al., 1997; FAHEY et al., 1998; OGILVY, 1992). An institu- As mentioned above, the first step in the creation of sce-
tionalized use of scenario planning will shape a company’s narios is to identify the factors that will influence the future.
ability to act rather than react in a volatile environment. This can generally be done in two ways. One way, called
Emerging weak signals (i.e. indicators of change) will be future forward (FAHEY et al., 1998), is to look at important
intercepted at a much earlier point in time. Decoding weak trends and extend them. The other, called future backwards
signals can prevent sudden emergency situations or materi- (FAHEY et al., 1998), is to imagine the future or aspects of
alize into unexpected opportunities to be exploited before the future, and deduce the main factors or forces underlying
competitors (SCHOEMAKER, 1995). it. We have chosen the latter to ensure creativity and vi-
sionary thinking in the initial phases of the project.
2 Theoretical approach – scenario methods We began by asking a number of Danish and interna-
tional academics in food research for their opinion on what
While scenarios can be constructed in a number of ways, the future will look like for the industry in ten years. Aca-
they all have certain similarities. They begin by identifying demics are used to taking a long-term perspective, which
the factors that are expected to affect the issue concerned was clearly an advantage at this phase in the process.
(SCHNAARS, 1987). The challenge then is to separate the
Moreover, they must be considered experts within their
largely certain from the largely uncertain, or to separate
field, and thus able to make educated guesses about possi-
predetermined elements from uncertainties. While the logic
ble developments over a ten-year period. This resulted in a
that distinguishes and drives the scenarios is shaped by the number of small stories, or vignettes, describing possible
most important and uncertain forces, other significant fac- developments with regard to both technology and market
tors should also be involved (SCHWARTZ et al., 1998). Each forces. Each vignette described an episode or situation in
of the key factors and trends should be given some attention
2010, including the chain of events leading up to it.
in at least one of the scenarios, while the predetermined
An example of a vignette is presented below.
elements are likely to show up in all of them.
Most authors recommend creating between two and four 60% of all households do not have a kitchen anymore
scenarios, based on the following criteria (FAHEY et al., Food culture has changed. Previously, cooking and eating was an
1998; VAN DER HEIJDEN, 1996; GODET et al., 1996): intense experience with involvement in both activities – it was
almost regarded as an art form. This is history now. Today, only a
– Plausibility, i.e. scenarios should be possible and credi- very few people value the preparation of a meal and set aside the
ble. time it takes to cook one. Now, everything is ready-to-go, either in
the form of take-aways or eating at one of the numerous small
– Internal consistency, i.e. events in the scenario cannot be restaurants that have sprouted everywhere. The convenience
mutually exclusive. For example, it is difficult to imagine concept has revolutionized food culture. Kitchen firms’ only source
a scenario describing a situation with a high rate of infla- of income today is in kitchen removals. The kitchen has become a
tion and a low interest rate. thing of the past, out of touch with reality and the spirit of the times.

– Challenging, i.e. scenarios should challenge people’s We received a total of 65 vignettes, which were grouped
mindset and stretch their perception of the future. into six broad categories. This was done independently by
two researchers, and resulted in the following categories:
– Relevance. To have an impact, scenarios should connect convenience, adventure foods, health and environment,
with the mental maps and concerns of the users and be production methods, distribution and retail structure, and
relevant to the issue concerned. macroenvironment.
– Archetypal, i.e. describe generically different futures
rather than variations on a theme –scenarios should cover 3.2 Workshop discussions with actors in the food industry
a wide range of possibilities and highlight competing per-
spectives (SCHOEMAKER, 1995). In phase two of the project, to validate and extend this ma-
terial, we invited representatives from four sectors of the
Danish food industry (dairy, meat, fish, fruit & vegetables)
3 Research process to discuss the future of the industry. We organized four
The scenarios and accompanying competency requirements separate workshops, one for each sector. In order to obtain
for the Danish food industry were developed through a re- as wide a range of views on the future as possible, partici-
search design covering four phases. pants were selected from different parts of the food chain,
including primary production, food manufacturers, con-
sumer rights groups, retail chains, trade unions and organi-
zations, and various authorities.
Participants were sent copies of all vignettes well in ad-
vance of the workshop to enable them to familiarize them-
selves with the material. During the workshop, participants
were asked to take part in group discussions on the plausi-
bility of each vignette. This was done to eliminate implau-
sible scenarios (with reference to the scenario criteria men-
tioned in section 2). Participants were also asked to concre-
tise the likely development in their particular sector with
Figure 1 the aim of developing sector-specific scenarios. The work-

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

shop leader made sure everyone understood that consensus tant factors in accordance with the logical coherence and
was not a requirement in the discussion. In addition, par- consistency of the basic structure (SCHWARTZ, 1991).
ticipants were encouraged to supplement the material with This process resulted in three descriptive and qualitative
their own ideas on possible future developments. scenarios, representing three equally justified future end
Through these workshop discussions with managers and states, i.e. no probabilities can be ascribed to the individual
other actors in the food industry, we developed an under- scenarios. The scenarios are archetypal or borderline sce-
standing of which factors are unlikely to change and which narios, whose purpose is to shed light on the extremes of
are uncertain over a ten-year horizon. This, together with the future developments and thereby hopefully challenge
the research-based vignettes, formed the basis of the three conventional wisdom and stimulate visionary thinking. The
end-scenarios created in phase three of the project. relevance and plausibility of the three scenarios was vali-
dated through the workshops, while their internal consis-
tency was ensured via influence diagrams and several
3.3 Data analysis and scenario-building
rounds of analysis.
Our scenario construction method was inspired by The time frame chosen is approximately 10 years, which
SCHWARTZ (1991). Thus, when analysing the workshop is regarded as realistic, balancing the ability for creative
data, we looked for trends, pre-determined elements, and thinking while still maintaining a high degree of uncer-
critical uncertainties. We focused especially on the latter, tainty.
since, although important factors in determining the future
of the industry, they are difficult to predict. Each vignette
discussed in the workshops was rated according to degree 3.4 Deducing implications for the development of industry compe-
of uncertainty and importance. This was done independ- tencies
ently for all four sector workshops by two members of the The scenarios constituted a starting point for identifying the
project team.
competencies required for competing in the various future
A comparison of the results for the four sectors showed a
situations. To achieve this, workshops for the four sectors
high degree of consistency in which factors were perceived
(dairy, meat, fish, and fruit and vegetables) were again or-
as uncertain and important, which we felt justified creating
one set of generic scenarios rather than one set for each ganized. The concept of company competence was chosen,
sector. since, in theory, this can be seen as a driver of company
Once we had identified the critical uncertainties, the next competitiveness (HAMEL et al., 1994). And, from an appli-
step was to analyse the possible development of these fac- cation perspective, in the long term competencies are within
tors. We started by outlining the official future, by which is the control of the company, and therefore relevant in strate-
meant the conventional wisdom about what the future or gic discussions about the future.
outcome will be if present trends are extrapolated into the We used the laddering method to deduce competencies
future. The official future represents the base case, which and competence elements. Laddering is a tool for revealing
some authors recommend using as a starting point for sce- subjective causal chains in qualitative interviews (GRUNERT
nario-building for two reasons (SCHRIEFER, 1995; et al., 1995). In laddering, a series of consecutive questions
JOUVENEL 2000): the created scenarios need to challenge are used to prompt the respondents to develop causal
conventional wisdom, and the official future is also a part chains. In laddering interviews, the interviewer usually
of the plausible outcome. starts at the more concrete level (typically product attrib-
We also examined existing reports regarding the official utes) and ends at the more abstract level (personal values).
future of the critical uncertainties considered. What, for ex- Here, however, interviews start with the abstract and end at
ample, is the general view regarding the development of the more concrete (HARMSEN et al., 2000).
functional foods in Denmark, or what will things look like We outlined the most important characteristics of each
in ten years if we extended present trends in demand for or- scenario and asked participants to translate these into com-
ganic products? This desk research also provided insights petence requirements. After listing the competencies they
into the prerequisites for and consequences of different pos- believed to be important, we then asked participants about
sible developments for these uncertainties.
the qualities needed to be good at them, and thus to list
Having arrived at a list of critical uncertainties and key
competence elements at a more concrete level.
trends, we then looked for main driving forces, which steer
In laddering interviews, the interviewer usually continues
developments one way or the other, and thus separate the
scenarios. By grouping the factors according to potential to ask questions until the respondent runs out of answers.
common denominators and examining the mutual dynamics However, we stopped asking questions after the second
between them, we arrived at a number of main driving level, both due to lack of time and because it was unlikely
forces. To help identify the driving forces and understand that a high degree of detail could be deduced about compe-
the relationship between the variables in our analysis, we tencies that will be relevant in 10 years’ time. One of the
constructed an influence diagram. According to VAN DER advantages of using this method was the ability to structure
HEIJDEN (1996), variables in an influence diagram are the discussion rather than just encouraging a general dis-
linked by arrows, indicating the influence they exert on cussion of the scenarios (GRUNERT et al., 1995). Another
each other. Factors that play a central role in such a system advantage was that the structured data made comparison
are likely to be driving forces. across the four sectors possible.
These driving forces and predetermined factors consti- The laddering interviews resulted in tree diagrams of
tuted the ‘scenario skeleton’, which was filled in with the links between a scenario and the required general compe-
different outcomes for the remaining uncertain and impor- tencies and underlying competence elements.

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

4 Results sales to the industry. The other trend is based on small local
The research results consist of the three scenarios for the units with a versatile and safe production. The few remain-
food industry in 2010, together with the competence trees ing conventional farmers try to market their products as
describing the competencies required for successful opera- “light green” with a minimum use of pesticides.
tion in the different futures. Danish exports are targeted at foreign consumers who
demand soft quality parameters and who are prepared to
pay for them. Denmark – as opposed to other countries –
4.1 The three scenarios has thus declared itself a GM-free zone, which has re-
The three scenarios presented are borderline scenarios, as inforced its green image.
illustrated in figure 2. In other words, the most likely future Though Danish consumers have rejected functional foods
development will probably include elements from each sce- per se, producers have focused heavily on the optimisation
nario, and the three scenarios can occur sequentially or si- of natural health-promoting substances, e.g. by making fruit
multaneously in different market segments or different parts juices from fruits and berries that contain a high level of
of the world (SCHRIEFER, 1995). vitamins. Most people think that good health depends on a
The scenarios presented here are shortened versions of wholesome and varied diet. The focus is on food quality
the original scenarios. and high-quality raw materials. Home cooking has a high
priority, especially at weekends, though convenience foods
are still in demand when it comes to whole organic meals or
choice components.
The number of small specialty shops is increasing, both
Scenario 2 as shop-in-shops in supermarkets and as independent spe-
•Technology accept
•Personal health cialty shops. These outlets offer advice on how to prepare
•E-commerce and cook the products, and enjoy the confidence of con-
sumers. To a large degree the retail trade stocks locally
Scenario 1 produced food products. Within certain product categories
•Sustainability retail chains no longer require large-scale, uniform, nation-
•Organic production
•Rejection of GM
wide supplies, which has enabled small producers to supply
and FF The future supermarkets. Standard products are sold via the Internet,
and net stores sell organic products which are delivered di-
rectly from the farm. In general, there is great interest in
more direct contact between producers and consumers.
Recruiting staff is a problem in the processing industry,
Scenario 3
•Price rules
which has focused attention on the work environment. The
•Powerful retailers agenda of value-based management includes good working
•Competition from conditions, which the ordinary consumer also has in mind
Eastern Europe
when shopping for food. Having been won over to envi-
ronment-friendly food products, consumers are now turning
their attention to social consciousness and improved work-
ing conditions.
Figure 2

4.1.1 Naturalness (scenario 1) 4.1.2 Technology-driven health (scenario 2)

This scenario is based on consumers’ mistrust of conven- There are three driving forces of this scenario: consumer
tional food production and rejection of genetic modification acceptance of new technology (such as functional foods,
and other biotechnological advances. This, together with a genetically modified foods and intelligent materials), a
deteriorating environment and a series of food scandals, has hitherto unseen consumer focus on personal health, and
resulted in organic farming being the dominant production more liberal legislation – especially as regards labelling and
method. Consumers show great interest in sustainability research.
from farm to table and consider organic products to be Consumers have confidence in food production – they
more wholesome. feel well informed and believe they have a realistic picture
Production and processing have undergone radical re- of modern food production. Consumers have gained confi-
structuring, which has helped restore confidence in the food dence in the quality of food products through systems that
sector. The food sector has responded swiftly to consumer control traceability and documentation, such as intelligent
demands for naturalness, fewer additives and increased packaging, which continually check product quality. The
transparency. Product development and the quality im- large brand manufacturers carry out their own laboratory
provement of organic products, together with larger vol- checks and contribute to the development of traceability
umes, have lowered the price differential of organic prod- systems. In primary production, confidence has been re-
ucts compared to conventional products, which in turn have stored by changing those elements which attracted the most
contributed to the success of these products. consumer criticism. For example, factory calves and battery
Organic production has developed in two directions. One hens no longer exist.
trend, which represents an attempt to meet the retail trade’s Food products and the health sciences are more closely
requirements for homogenous and stable supplies at rela- linked than ever before. Since documented health effects
tively low prices, is based on specialisation and large-scale have been allowed on product labels, many companies have

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

started producing functional foods. Especially products that the EU, consumer scepticism has faded. More and more
are assumed to have a beneficial effect on such widespread consumers are thus demanding these low-priced products,
diseases as cardiovascular disease, obesity and diabetes are which are also of fair quality.
popular, e.g. low-fat products and fibre– and vitamin-en- High-quality products and soft quality parameters have a
riched products. limited market, which is largely characterized by the inten-
Consumers are very knowledgeable about which food sified competitive situation. While the main competitive fo-
products are healthy for them, and therefore demand that cus is on price, producers also have to meet rigorous de-
producers provide relevant information. This has led to the mands on quality and food safety in order to enter these
increased individualisation of products, e.g. adaptations of markets, which has therefore made this market considerably
the same basic product to fit the health and nutrition re- less attractive.
quirements of various target groups. Primary production has become international. Parts of the
Research has shown that genetic modification not only Danish food industry buy cheap raw materials abroad,
offers manufacturers advantages, but that it may also be a while others own Eastern European companies that process
vital element in combating animal and human disease, and regional food products. Danish primary producers set up
can even effectively curb certain types of pollution. This outside the country to avoid duties and environmental re-
has persuaded consumers to accept genetic modification, quirements, leading to a slump in Danish primary produc-
and gene technology is now also permitted in Danish pri- tion. Some of the former primary producers now make a
mary production and processing. Vast amounts of public re- living from selling know-how to Eastern Europe, among
search funds are spent to ensure that genetic modification others. Organic products are no longer in demand, prices
does not cause imbalances in the ecosystem and to monitor being far too high for price-conscious consumers.
long-term effects. The retail trade is dominated by powerful international
Today’s lifestyles have left little time for cooking, which chains. Most domestic chains are owned by, or work in
has resulted in a heavy demand for convenience products close collaboration with, multinational retail chains. All re-
and take-aways. Part of this rise in demand can be attrib- tail chains are members of global buying organisations,
uted to improved quality, which has been achieved through which generate an extremely high and stable demand for
the use of better raw materials and improved packaging and products. The power this confers is used to put pressure on
manufacturing processes that ensure product freshness with producers as regards price, as well as to gain the value
a reduced use of additives. added from own labels. Consumer trust is shifting towards
Organic farms are few and far between. The demand for or- the retail chains and their labels, which, among other
ganic products is constrained by the fact that organic farm-
things, guarantee food safety. As a countermove, some
ers reject the use of genetic modification and the use of un-
brand producers are trying to launch joint e-businesses in an
natural substances, which has resulted in relatively dearer
attempt to reach consumers directly.
Health is still a top issue. There is a large international
The retail chains give priority mainly to well-documented
market for cut-price functional foods, which are regarded as
brands, downgrading their own products as manufacturers’
an inexpensive way of staying healthy. The Danish food in-
brand strategy has become dependent on research in control
dustry has not enjoyed much success with functional foods,
and health. E-commerce has become normal, and consum-
partly due to restrictive labelling regulations and partly due
ers buy standard goods and foods, as well as more individu-
to minimal R&D investments in this area.
alized products, on the net. Net outlets store information
Denmark is at a crossroads with regard to genetic modifi-
about consumers’ individual preferences, and the home is
cation in food production, a situation which has not been
run by means of information technology, e.g. the fridge
made easier by the fact that consumer attitudes towards ge-
automatically re-orders groceries from the preferred sup-
netic modification have become less clear-cut. Some con-
plier via the Internet.
sumers have begun to accept GM products, whereas others
The small cohorts entering the labour market have inten-
stick to GM-free supermarkets. This has therefore resulted
sified the struggle for manpower. The food industry auto-
in intensive research in high-yielding GM crops and prod-
mated monotonous and strenuous manual work as soon as
became technically possible, but is still experiencing prob-
The recession and resulting unemployment have allevi-
lems with employees leaving for other industries.
ated the recruitment problem – at least in the short term.
However, companies with old-fashioned attitudes to the
4.1.3 Tight spending (scenario 3) work environment are still experiencing problems in re-
cruiting young staff.
This scenario is based on lower disposable real income and
The three borderline scenarios presented above can be
extensive internationalisation. Price has become the main
used in several ways. Typically, they will be used to
criterion of choice of both Danish and foreign consumers.
stimulate strategic discussion at either the company or in-
For example, many consumers only demand convenience if
dustry level. In the following, we use them as a starting
it is cheaper than cooking from scratch.
point for identifying the critical competencies required to
Danish food products are under increasing price competi-
compete successfully in the various futures described in the
tion from Eastern Europe. East European products are
cheaper because they do not have to meet the same envi-
ronmental requirements, they are not subject to the same
4.2 Competence requirements
level of duties, and East European wages are lower. How-
ever, East European products do meet basic EU require- In the second round of workshops, the scenarios were pre-
ments, and as more East European countries have entered sented to managers and other actors from the fish, dairy,

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

meat, and fruit and vegetables sectors. Four separate work- Service competence
shops were then held to discuss the competencies required
The large number of specialty shops and value added prod-
for each sector to succeed in the three different futures and
ucts, together with high levels of consumer involvement,
identify the main future challenges compared with today.
require much more service and product knowledge at the
This resulted in diagrams of the links between scenarios,
retail level. Staff training must include knowledge about the
general competencies and competence elements. Here, we
products they sell and their possible uses. Responsibility for
present the main results of the workshop for the meat sec-
this training could be both at the level of the retailer and the
tor. In the following, some of the competencies have the
level of the food processing company.
same general headline. Competing in any of the three sce-
To sum up, scenario 1 especially requires competencies
narios requires production competencies, of course. The
to handle the high expectations of and closer relationship to
nuances between the three scenarios lie in the specific ap-
consumers and the specific challenges of large-scale or-
plication of the competence, which is also discussed.
ganic production.

4.2.1 Competence requirements for scenario 1: Naturalness

4.2.2 Competence requirements for scenario 2: Technology-driven health
Image competence
Documentation competence
Being able to create and communicate an image of sustain-
able, ethical, and organic production is necessary, both in Product documentation is critical in a world where new
relation to consumers and present and potential employees. technologies are being developed all the time. Traceability
For consumers, ethical behaviour with regard to animal is one aspect of documentation, which is an important com-
welfare and working conditions is important throughout the petence in markets which require a high degree of food
entire production chain. In order to meet this consumer safety. The Danish food industry has a long history of verti-
concern, food producers will need a higher degree of open- cal integration, which is a good starting point for being able
ness and transparency. Being in closer contact with con- to track food products from farm to table. However, a
sumers is also a necessary competence. higher degree of traceability, strong vertical integration
Employees will be attracted to employers with a good im- and/or coordination requires more advanced certifying sys-
age. A good image allows employees to take pride in the tems in primary production.
company they work for and the products they produce. Of Another required competence is the documentation of ef-
course, efforts to create jobs with variation is also important fects. Documentation of the effects of new technologies is
to employees. crucial. This relates both to the environmental conse-
quences of new technologies and the health effects on the
Production competence individual consumer. While part of this knowledge creation
will probably be public, another part will be created in pri-
Food safety is no less a requirement under organic and vate companies, which will require new competencies in
sustainable production than under conventional production. R&D.
At present, it is debatable whether producers can live up to
the standards set for food products. Thus, knowledge on
and implementation of food safety in organic production is Production competence
needed. This scenario requires a high degree of product differentia-
A future characterized by sustainability in primary pro- tion. The ability to handle many more differentiated raw
duction will probably be accompanied by a decrease in out- materials is therefore a central competence requirement.
put. Sustainable agricultural production demands larger The technical requirements, especially with regard to GM
geographical areas than conventional production systems in products, begin at the level of primary production, and are
order to achieve the same output. Thus, if this future is to not merely a matter of production competencies at the proc-
include food production for export and not merely for the essing level. Being able to produce various types of primary
home market, better knowledge of production efficiency in products for different types of consumers with different
sustainable primary production is a competence require- types of health concerns is also a competence requirement.
ment. Knowledge about how modern technology can con- It follows that flexible processing competence is required.
tribute to greater efficiency in sustainable production is also There is less mass production and therefore a need for a dif-
required. ferent production set-up, enabling companies to shift rap-
Eating quality and organic production do not necessarily idly from producing one variant to another.
go hand in hand. A high level of objective quality for or-
ganic products is required, which in turn requires product Product development competence
development competencies supplemented with more
knowledge of the links between objective and sensory A highly differentiated demand makes product develop-
quality. ment competence very important. The type and scope of
product development will be more advanced, knowledge-
Logistics competence intensive, and challenging than it is today. When producing
functional foods, knowledge of the health effects of adding
Organic food products, which contain little or no preserva- various ingredients to a food product is necessary. This
tives, typically have a shorter life than conventional prod- concerns the effect of consuming both individual functional
ucts, which puts big demands on logistics competencies and foods and different functional foods together. This compe-
extensive co-operation throughout the food chain. tence and knowledge can either be built up internally in the

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

company or obtained from external partners such as suppli- seen is in low-priced convenience foods. Danish wages are
ers or medical companies. This means that product devel- too high to produce low-priced convenience food, which
opment will probably involve a larger number of internal makes it necessary to consider global supplies of raw mate-
and external partners, requiring more advanced project and rials, e.g. from Third World countries. Mergers with or the
knowledge management. purchase of foreign competitors are another form of global
understanding, since this makes it possible to obtain
Communications competence economies of scale at a higher level in a purely Danish
Communications skills are an important competence with company.
regard to the marketing of both functional foods and GM In order to take advantage of Eastern European cost lev-
food products. The more technically advanced and complex els, it may become necessary to separate certain parts of
products are, the more important it becomes to communi- production from, for example, product development. This
cate the added benefits of these products to consumers. The will also require the ability to think and act globally. Inter-
ability to understand the needs of the increasing number of national competitiveness can be obtained by focusing either
different consumer segments is also a prerequisite for suc- on large international private label supplies or on one or
cess in this scenario. few international brands.
Thus, even though GM and other new technologies in
food production have been accepted, communication com- Relationship management
petencies are required to communicate their benefits to con- Mastering relationship management is an important pre-
sumers. This requires both general communications skills requisite of success in this scenario. Thus, skilful relation-
and research-based documentation. While some of this ship management is one way of handling powerful retail
documentation is produced by the authorities, some will be chains. One important strategic choice, requiring insight
produced by the companies, e.g. the specific effects of a into the retail market, is to grow with the right retail
given product. Such communication will be more knowl- chain(s). Suppliers need to make themselves indispensable.
edge-intensive and segmented than it is today. Among other things, this requires an understanding of the
The competence to build and sustain brands is also cen- retail chains’ needs and how best to fulfil both these and
tral. To consumers, brands will be symbols of a high level consumers’ needs. Such understanding requires a good
of knowledge and documentation. Since this will largely be market analysis competence.
company-specific, the importance of branding is critical in In conclusion, this scenario requires a highly efficient
this scenario. food industry with an international profile.
To sum up, this scenario requires many complex compe-
tencies. It envisages a much more knowledge-intensive in-
5 Discussion and limitations
dustry, which should also be able to successfully handle
international brand building. The three scenarios and related competencies raise a num-
ber of issues related to the methodology and the application
of the results.
4.2.3 Competence requirements for scenario 3: Tight spending
The scenarios can be used in several ways. We have used
Production competence them to identify competencies that are perceived to be im-
In this scenario large-scale, uniform and low-priced sup- portant to compete successfully in the various futures. But
plies to the powerful international retail chains are required. they can also be used in a more traditional way as a basis
Production competencies which focus on efficiency are for making long-term decisions and identifying major
therefore central. Competencies such as production control, threats and opportunities. Merely by discussing the scenar-
increased automation and cost minimizing in processes in ios, the personal beliefs of a management group will be-
particular will have to be developed further in order to op- come much more articulate and transparent, and both
erate successfully in this scenario. agreements and disagreements will be important for devel-
Furthermore, there is a need for structural rationalisations oping some sort of shared perception of where the company
throughout the value chain. Thus, primary producers need will or should be in the future. It is also important to note
to invest in large-scale production and automation in order that the various actors in an industry naturally also influ-
to supply cheaper raw materials for subsequent links in the ence the future. Thus, the scenarios can also be used as a
value chain. In addition, further mergers within the various starting point for discussions about the ideal direction the
sectors are required. company should take in the future, and what it can actively
do to influence this. Whether opting for adaptation or pro-
Logistics competence actively influencing the future, an important step is to iden-
This scenario also calls for the development of the logistics tify the main events that have to take place for the specific
competence to guarantee delivery, more frequent supplies scenario to become a reality, and to track these signals in
and the lowest price. To meet these requirements, the in- order to monitor the direction in which the industry is
dustry must specialize in fewer variants. Intensifying re- moving.
search on how to increase product shelf life is another way The competence portfolios can be used for gap analysis in
of facilitating logistics, thereby keeping costs low. individual companies or at industry level. What are the big-
gest challenges in relation to the three scenarios? Where are
Global understanding our competence gaps, and should we start trying to fill
Extensive internationalisation is another central feature of them?
this scenario, which makes global understanding an impor- Scenario 1 requires a change of attitude among food pro-
tant competence requirement. One area in which this can be ducers and in society in general. A big challenge here is

Agrarwirtschaft 50 (2001), Heft 6

that the Danish food industry must accept that its role will proach to identifying key driving forces, and there is cur-
change from being an important exporting industry to an rently no overview of what has worked best in scenario-
industry mainly supplying the home market. Industry par- building in the past.
ticipants agreed that this scenario could only be realized This study has been based on the Danish food industry.
with a much smaller production. From a societal point of However, it is impossible to say anything about the extent
view, it therefore requires the further growth of other in- to which the scenarios are relevant for food sectors in other
dustries to replace the important position of the food indus- countries. The scenarios are international to the extent that
try. More knowledge about efficiency in organic and sus- we have asked industry participants to consider their rele-
tainable production is also needed for this scenario to suc- vant markets in the process. The dairy, meat and fish in-
ceed. Another challenge is to define sustainable production dustries are heavily export oriented, while fruit and vegeta-
and standardize rules and regulations. Consumer attitudes bles are less so. The scenarios are therefore a mixture of
are an important aspect of this scenario. The scenario builds more and less international perspectives. In future research,
heavily on the belief that consumers want more sustainable a clearer delimitation of the scenarios would be preferred.
production and that they are willing to pay for it. This needs Scenarios can be developed at different levels of analysis.
to be confirmed, since these are important conditions for Often, they are developed for a specific company, which
the realisation of this scenario. means that, among other things, positioning in the industry
The biggest challenges with regard to the future outlined and the existence of different consumer segments would be
in scenario 2 is the accumulation of knowledge that has to taken into account. At the other end of the spectrum, global
take place. This future requires a lot of research and devel- scenarios can be developed, taking into account all kinds of
opment, and it is questionable whether individual compa- macroeconomic factors. Our scenarios are industry-level
nies will be able to finance this. Workshop participants be- scenarios, and do not include either the variation within
lieved that more research collaboration between industry specific industries or considerations about factors like
and government is needed if Danish companies are to suc- global population growth, global environmental problems
ceed and compete with multinational enterprises in this fu- or global political developments.
ture. This, of course, requires a proactive research and de- We have tried to develop scenarios for the year 2010.
velopment strategy from the government rather than just a However, we found it very difficult to stick precisely to this
liberalization of rules and regulations with regard to func- time perspective. Participants seem to have a different view
tional foods and GM food. Another requirement is con- of the time frame of ten years – some see it as just around
sumer acceptance of new technologies in food. This is an the corner, while for others it is far in the future. This
aspect that should be monitored closely, since at the mo- makes it difficult to evaluate whether the various inputs
ment it appears to be one of the major obstacles to this sce- actually relate to the same point in time. This is a problem-
nario – so far, consumers have been very reluctant to accept atic aspect of the scenario method which requires further
GM food products. methodological developments.
Scenario 3 is the only one which involves an economic We will continue with this project by inviting researchers
recession, and naturally this is an aspect that is easy to working on food-related topics to a seminar, the aim of
monitor. It is also the most important issue, as the key which is to translate the competence portfolios into research
driving force in scenario 3 is consumers’ focus on price. projects. The intention is to discuss the kind of knowledge
Consumer attitudes to prices should also be followed. Since researchers will have to provide to the food industry in re-
retailers occupy a central position in this future, it will be lation to the three scenarios. In this way, we hope to stimu-
important to choose the right retail chain(s) as partner(s) late discussions of future research strategies.
and start developing good relationship management. To sum up, we have tried to approach the scenario
This study is subject to several limitations, of course. The method from a structured perspective, to make scenario-
scenario process is highly qualitative, and results are de- building transparent and easy to discuss. We regard this, to-
pendent on the participants we have included in the process, gether with the combination of researcher and industry in-
which in turn involves speculative input that cannot be put and the translation to competence portfolios, as the
validated. While we have tried to increase the plausibility main contributions of this project. Whether we have fallen
of the scenarios by holding several rounds of group discus- into the trap that scenarios sometimes say more about how
sions, it could be argued that, in this way, we have elimi- people perceive the present than the future, we will have to
nated the wildest ideas that could really challenge current wait until 2010 to find out.
thinking. The limitations of qualitative research also apply References
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researchers’ horizon is a fairly long-term one, and that their HAMEL, G.; PRAHALAD, C. K. (1994): Competing for the future. Boston,
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and new developments, is a good indication of where the HARMSEN. H.; GRUNERT, K.G.; BOVE. K. (2000): Company competencies
as networks: The role of product development. Journal of Product Inno-
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Strukturwandel durch Fusionen im

Ein anhaltender Konzentrationsprozess?
Structural change in the food industry by mergers and acquisitions: se1) stehen in den Medien auf der Tagesordnung. Im Jahr
a persistent process of concentration? 2000 wurden weltweit Unternehmen im Wert von
Mergers and acquisitions substantially affect the structure of the 3,5 Billionen US-Dollar übernommen. Damit hat sich das
German food industry. This study analyses changes in the number Übernahmevolumen seit Anfang der 90er Jahre fast ver-
of mergers and acquisitions for 21 German industries between 1976 zehnfacht2). Allein die Dimension der bei Großfusionen ge-
and 1994. The results of an econometric panel data analysis show nannten Summen, die nicht selten das Bruttoinlandsprodukt
(a) a high degree of persistence, (b) distinct anti-cyclical fluctua- von Volkswirtschaften übersteigen, führen zu einem erheb-
tions and a positive trend of merger activities as well as (c) signifi- lichen Maß an Verunsicherung.
cant effects of industry specific characteristics. Contrary to the Auch die deutsche Ernährungswirtschaft wird von dieser
available empirical literature the econometric model differentiates
Welle mitgerissen. Eine Rabobank-Studie zitierend geht
between industry characteristics of “acquiring” and “acquired”
firms. WEINDLMAIER (1999, S. 1) davon aus, dass „jeder dritte eu-
ropäische Lebensmittelhersteller aufgrund des Preis–/Ver-
Key words: mergers and acquisitions; food industry; structural drängungswettbewerbs in den nächsten Jahren ausscheiden
change; merger waves; panel analysis; industry characteristics; und dass ein weiteres Drittel der Unternehmen nur dann
economic cycle
eine Chance haben wird, wenn dieses durch Fusionen oder
strategische Allianzen seine Wettbewerbsposition verbes-
sert“. Ähnlich stellen auch MARION und KIM (1991) im
Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse haben einen wesentlichen Ein- Rahmen einer umfangreichen empirischen Analyse für ver-
fluss auf die Struktur der deutschen Ernährungswirtschaft. Der vor- schiedene Branchen der Ernährungswirtschaft der USA
liegende Beitrag analysiert die Veränderung der Zahl der Unterneh- fest, dass etwa 2/3 des Anstieges der Unternehmenskon-
menszusammenschlüsse in 21 Industriebranchen in Deutschland zentration zwischen 1977 und 1988 auf Unternehmenszu-
für die Periode 1976 bis 1994. Die Ergebnisse einer ökonometri-
schen Paneldatenanalyse legen (a) ein hohes Ausmaß der Per-
sammenschlüsse und nur etwa 1/3 auf „internes Wachstum“
sistenz der Fusionsaktivitäten, (b) ausgeprägte kontra-zyklische der Unternehmen zurückzuführen ist. Ein geringes „internes
Schwankungen zum Konjunkturverlauf und einen positiven Trend in Wachstum“ und damit ein starker Druck zu Wachstum
der Fusionsaktivität sowie (c) signifikante Einflüsse von Branchen- durch Fusionen wird besonders in stagnierenden Branchen
charakteristika nahe. Im Gegensatz zur vorhandenen empirischen zu erwarten sein und in Branchen mit schnellem technolo-
Literatur unterscheidet das hier verwendete ökonometrische Modell gischen Fortschritt, in denen steigende Investitionen durch
explizit zwischen den Charakteristika der Branche des „erwerben- sinkende Produktlebenszyklen ein organisches internes
den“ bzw. des „erworbenen“ Unternehmens. Wachstum erschweren (PENKER, 2000). Unternehmens-
Schlüsselwörter: Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse; Ernährungs- zusammenschlüssen in der deutschen Ernährungswirtschaft
industrie; Strukturwandel; Fusionswellen; Panelanalyse; Branchen- wird denach eine zentrale Bedeutung als strukturbestim-
charakteristika; Konjunktureinfluss mendes Element zukommen.
Empirische Studien zur Analyse von Unternehmenszu-
1 Einleitung sammenschlüssen lassen sich nach ihrer primären Zielset-

Eine Welle von Fusionen hat die Weltwirtschaft erfasst. Be- 1) Im Folgenden werden die Begriffe „Fusion“ und „Unternehmenszu-
sammenschluss“ synonym verwendet. Die exakte Begriffsdefinition für die
richte über Fusionen und Unternehmenszusammenschlüs- empirische Analyse erfolgt in Abschnitt 4.
2) Im Jahr 1991 betrug das Übernahmevolumen 373 Mrd. US-Dollar.


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