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Linux Tips For New Users

The command line

The command line (also referred to as the "terminal" or "console") is an alternate way to get things done, in Linux. In some casses,
a succinct command at a terminal can be a lot easier and faster than doing the same task in a graphical user interface (GUI). The
major downside to a command line interface is that it's pretty much useless unless you already know at least some simple

In most of the distributions of Linux-based operating systems we installed at Free Your Machine (Redhat and Mandrake), pretty
much everything that you would need to do can be done with an easy-to-use graphical interface. But since most people are fairly
familiar with that paradigm, here are some tips on using the command line, and expanding the power you have over your

Note: when at the command line in linux, you may type tab to autocomplete lines, or get a listing of files in the current directory
beginning with the characters you have typed
Command Description DOS UNIX
startx start x windows Command Command
shutdown -r now restart cd cd change (to) directory
shutdown -h now shutdown w/o restart attrib chmod change file protections
su login to root comp diff compare files
exit exit root/end terminal copy cp copy file(s)
view manual entry for specfied del rm delete file
command rd rmdir delete directory
man -k keyword search manual listingsfor keyword dir ls list directory contents
mv filename edit pico edit a file
rename filename to newfilename
newfilename find grep find text in a file
mv filename get information on a
move filename to newdirectory help man
newdirectory command
ls lists files in directory md mkdir make a new directory
ls -al filelisting with details move mv move file(s)
rm filename deletes file ren mv rename file
rm -rf foldername delete folder and all subfile date, time date show date and time
cp oldfile newfile makes copy with name newfile show free disk space
chkdsk df
makes copy of file in indicated (storage)
cp oldfile directory
directory type cat show file contents
cd directory change to specified directory show file, screen-by-
type | more cat | more
cd .. move one directory up screen
tar -xvf file.tar unzip tar file sort sort sort data
tar -t file.tar list contents of tar file
tar -xvfz file.tar.gz unzip tar.gz file
tar -xvfj file.tar.bz2 unzip tar.bz2 file
gunzip file.gz unzip gzip file
unzip unzip zip file
bunzip2 file.bz2 unzip bzip2 file

Additional Programs and Getting Help

Beyond the command line, there are a few "regular" programs you may wish to install, which are general useful. Most of these
programs (or similar) ones were likely installed on your computer if we installed Redhat Linux or Mandrake, but it's always handy
to know the actual names of the programs. Also, in the future, if you think of any programs you may need, one of the most surefire
places to look is, or if you installed Redhat or Mandrake.

A few recommended programs: CPLUG Information:

Program Description Web Site:
web browser
firebird Where to ask
mp3 file player Questions:
xmms (compatible with IRC Channel: #cplug on
winamp skins) To connect to IRC: open xchat, select FreeNode from the
lame mp3 encoding server list and click connect. After it connects, type /nick [your
mplayer media/video player nickname], then /j #cplug. There's usually a couple of us in
gimp image editing there and we can help you with any questions you have.
instant messaging Mailing List:
MS Office Other places to
replacement get help:
xpdf pdf file viewer Google Groups:
email/groupware The Linux
program Documentation
email/groupware Project:

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