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Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[2] Starting Out
[2.01] Starting Out
[2.02] Sub-Villagers
[2.03] Farm Degree
[2.04] Stamina and Fullness
[3] Cash Crops
[3.01] Growing Crops
[3.02] Spring Crops
[3.03] Summer Crops
[3.04] Fall Crops
[3.05] Grain Crops
[3.06] Trees
[3.07] Mushroom Log
[3.08] Greenhouse
[4] Animal Crossing
[4.01] Starting Up
[4.02] Affection
[4.03] Chickens
[4.04] Cows and Sheep
[4.05] Dog and Horse
[5] Nookington's Shopping Store
[5.01] Chen's General Store
[5.02] Gannon's Carpentry Store
[5.03] Mirabelle's Animal Supplies
[5.04] Charlie's Accessories
[6] Top Notch Tools
[6.01] Wonderful System
[6.02] Fishing Pole
[7] Digging Around
[7.01] Foraging
[7.02] Mining
[7.03] Fishing
[8] Cooking
[8.01] Cooking Recipes
[8.02] Salad Recipes
[8.03] Drink/Soup Recipes
[8.04] Appetizer Recipes
[8.05] Main Course Recipes
[8.06] Dessert Recipes
[8.07] Other Recipes
[9] Making Makers
[9.01] Makers
[10] Festivals and Events
[10.01] Spring Events
[10.02] Summer Events
[10.03] Fall Events
[10.04] Winter Events
[10.05] Other Events
[11] Relationships
[11.01] Friends
[11.02] Marriage
[11.03] Rival Marriages
[11.04] Moving Off
[12] Main Villagers
[12.01] Aliza
[12.02] Charlie
[12.03] Chelsea
[12.04] Chen
[12.05] Cliff
[12.06] Denny
[12.07] Eliza
[12.08] Elliot
[12.09] Felicia
[12.10] Gannon
[12.11] Harvest Goddess
[12.12] Julia
[12.13] Karen
[12.14] Lanna
[12.15] Mark
[12.16] Mirabelle
[12.17] Natalie
[12.18] Nathan
[12.19] Pierre
[12.20] Popuri
[12.21] Regis
[12.22] Sabrina
[12.23] Shea
[12.24] Taro
[12.25] Trent
[12.26] Vaughn
[12.27] Wada
[12.28] Witch Princess
[12.29] Your Child
[13] Sub-Villager Groups
[13.01] Anglers
[13.02] Boy Farmers
[13.03] Children
[13.04] Girl Farmers
[13.05] Harvest Sprites
[13.06] Miners
[13.07] Old Men
[13.08] Old Women
[13.09] Young Men
[13.10] Young Women

[2.01] Starting Out

Starting Out this game, well, you get the nice background story on what really
happens and how you land on this nice island, and then, you get ready to start
farming. You have your gender to decide, male default name is Mark, female is
Chelsea and finally, your Birthday.

Well, you have your basic tools, bag of seeds and a large patch of land to
dig up at your will. What you will have over the next few days is more people
will arrive at your location. You will have a few merchants, Charlie and Chen
arrive to start your General Stall and Mirabelle will start up the Animal
Store. Gannon will arrive to be the carpenter, but in reality, he is the handy

When you start out, you want to make a fair amount of money. You need to
plant your seeds and water them, but the crop system is different compared to
other Harvest Moon games, there is a new system, so more on that later. Grow
your crops, but most importantly, you need to forage. Grass, flowers and
seaweed on the rock on the beach will be a good source of money early on. You
will also want to get a fishing rod whilst you wait, or get more seeds to grow
for money.

Over time, as you upgrade more items at Gannons, ship more crops, befriend
more people, more people will arrive on your island, and these will be more
villagers to talk to. More on that in the next section.

There is no overall aim of the game. Want to collect all the recipes? Collect
all the fish? Have the upgraded Greenhouse? Whatever you want to do, you will
have to do. It is up to you if you do it or not. Like most simulation games,
there is no end goal, there is no victory. There is no Game Over either.

[2.02] Sub-Villagers

A new system, well, I haven't played it for a while anyway. There are two
groups of villagers, normal main villagers and the sub villagers. The main
villagers are shown on your assets screen, on the little person tab. If they
have a face next to their name, they are a main villager, if they do not, then
they are a sub villager.

As you accomplish tasks, more sub-villagers will turn up to the island. But
if you do not talk to anyone, and this does apply to the main villagers, they
will leave the island for 30 days until you accomplish a certain task that
will bring them back. However, more on that later, this is just the intro

The Sub-Villagers are important for a few things. The most important is the
unlocking of the Diner and Cafe, which is important as that is the best way
to recover your stamina and fullness. Anyway, that is its own section. Trust
me, there are a lot of sections to cover. I will have a list of all the sub
villagers and their requirements later on, since there are a fair amount of
them to say the least.

[2.03] Farm Degree

The farm degree is basically a ranking system to show off to your buds how
good a Harvest Moon player you are. The longer you've played and the more you
have done, the more points you will have on your Farm Degree and that is
about all it does.

You don't get any perks for having a certain title, though the exact number of
points that you have, which you cannot actually view, will have effects in the
procurement of Wonderfuls and that is pretty much about it.

There are many ways to get points, but depending on what you do, you will get
a certain number of points. Note that points can only go up, not down. Well,
considering the top title is 100 million, going down will make that nigh

What Would Get You:

1 Point

* Place a single item in a Shipping Box. Multiple items means multiple


* Use your fishing rod to catch a fish, regardless of size and location of
where you catch the fish.

* Use any of your tools. If you chop a branch, till the soil, water the
plants, hammer the stones or cut the weeds, all will be counted as a use
of your tools.

* Talking to a single person every day. That is a different person and you
can only get a single point per person per day.

5 Points

* Talking to any of your animals. This is only targeting your cows and your
sheep, you cannot talk to any other animals.

* Buying an item, this includes food from the Diner and Cafe, items from
Chen's store, Mirabelle's Store and Gannon's Store.

* Discover an item in the mine. This basically means that you find a coin in
the ground or some black grass, you get points for it.

10 Points
* Using your kitchen to cook any recipe. It is best that you succeed
though, you don't want to waste valuable ingredients on a wasted dish.

20 Points

* The discovery for any gem, jewel or ore in the mines. Smash some rocks and
there you go.

50 Points

* Obtaining a new recipe, either through the Diner or Cafe, or the Harvest
Goddess herself.

100 Points

* Catching a King Fish, which will be listed in its own section later on.

* Participating in a Festival. Any festival you can enter, you will need to
enter to participate/enter to count. Bring your owns require you to bring
your own items.

* View a bonus event. There are 5. Starting the Goddess Festival, Unlocking
the Tower, Accessing the Rice Paddy, Renaming the Island and finally,
any upgrade to your house.

500 Points

* Get Married. You'd think that you get more points for such a big event, but
you are definitely wrong there.

* Take part in a Heart Event. More on that later.

* View a Rival Heart Event. Again, more on that later.

* Take 3rd place in any Festival involving a judge. That means Crop
Festivals, Animal Festivals, Mining Festival, Fishing Festival, and the

700 Points

* Take 2nd place in any Festival involving a judge. That means Crop
Festivals, Animal Festivals, Mining Festival, Fishing Festival, and the

1000 Points
* Take 1st place in any Festival involving a judge. That means Crop
Festivals, Animal Festivals, Mining Festival, Fishing Festival, and the

2000 Points

* Have a child. I seriously don't get how swing your sickle 2000 times equals
having a child.

Variable Points

* Having Lictograph and Bottled Message in Rucksack. If you have these items
in your rucksack, you will earn points everytime in the morning. The points
is determined by the formula (Number of Items X Years Passed). So, if you
have 25 of these items and it is Year 5, you get 125 Points.

* Going to bed. You get points for going to sleep, but the amount of points
is determined by the year. The year is the amount of points you get for
going to have a sleep.

Well, there is really no point in so many points if there are no titles to

obtain with all those points. Below are the titles, and it is a very
extensive list.

Title Points Required

Novice Rancher, Level 1 0

Novice Rancher, Level 2 500
Novice Rancher, Level 3 1,000

Amateur Rancher, Level 1 2,000

Amateur Rancher, Level 2 3,000
Amateur Rancher, Level 3 4,000
Amateur Rancher, Level 4 5,000
Amateur Rancher, Level 5 6,000
Amateur Rancher, Level 6 7,000

Medium Rancher, Level 1 10,000

Medium Rancher, Level 2 11,000
Medium Rancher, Level 3 12,000
Medium Rancher, Level 4 13,000
Medium Rancher, Level 5 14,000
Medium Rancher, Level 6 15,000

Advanced Rancher, Level 1 20,000

Advanced Rancher, Level 2 22,000
Advanced Rancher, Level 3 24,000
Advanced Rancher, Level 4 26,000
Advanced Rancher, Level 5 28,000
Advanced Rancher, Level 6 30,000

Expert Rancher, Level 1 40,000

Expert Rancher, Level 2 42,000
Expert Rancher, Level 3 44,000
Expert Rancher, Level 4 46,000
Expert Rancher, Level 5 48,000
Expert Rancher, Level 6 50,000

Super Rancher 60,000

Ranch Virtuoso 100,000

Ranch Maestro 110,000
Ranch Knight 120,000
Ranch Baron 130,000
Ranch Viscount 140,000
Ranch Count 150,000
Ranch Marquis 170,000

Ranch Duke 200,000

Ranch Juggernaut 300,000
Ranch Prince 500,000
Ranch Chief 700,000
Ranch Master 900,000

Ranch King 1,200,000

Ranch Emperor 1,500,000
Ranch Angel 1,900,000
Ranch Archangel 2,300,000
Ranch Shaman 2,800,000
Ranch Magus 3,300,000
Ranch Legend 4,000,000

Earth Rancher 10,000,000

Sky Rancher 20,000,000
Star Rancher 30,000,000
Sun Rancher 40,000,000
Galaxy Rancher 50,000,000

Universe Rancher 100,000,000

As you can see, it is near impossible to become Universe Rancher in this

lifetime. But it really isn't all that important. Or is it?

[2.04] Stamina and Fullness

There are two Metres, one for Stamina and the other for Fullness, and they
are located on the bottom left corner of the top screen. There are reasons
that you want to keep both bars as high as possible, if they completely run
out, you will pass out and wake up the next morning immediately, with half
the complete bar that ran out.

Stamina is the bar that will be the one that you always want to keep your
eye on. That is the bar that determines how much more work you can do on your
farm without passing out. Every action that you do, every tool that you will
use, will require stamina. Therefore, for a large farm, you want to have a lot
of stamina, else you won't have enough to finish the farmwork.

Fullness is the bar that determines how full your stomach is. The more the
bar is, the more petrol you have in the tank. The consequence for having a
small bar is different. Compared to stamina, which has no adverse effects
regardless how low the bar is, the Fullness bar will determine at what time
you wake up in the morning.

A full bar to half a bar, you will wake up at the designated 6am. From half a
bar to 40% of a full bar, it is about 8am. From 40% to 20%, you are looking
at a 10am start, and less than that, well that means you wake up at noon,
which means you have wasted 6 hours.

Stamina and Fullness start at 100/100 at the beginning. There are no power
berries in this game, so you will need accessories that need to be made out
of Orichalc obtained from the mine. There cost will be listed on the part
about Chen's Store, but there are three levels for each accessory, red, blue
and green. All in order from weakest to strongest. However, the accessories
are only useful as long as the accessory is attached to your character, if it
is removed, then the bonus no longer applies to your bars. Also, stack effect
counts if you have more than one accessory attached. You can only have a
maximum of 250 points for both bars, since that is the limit.

Otherwise, there are other ways to boost the bar. Unlocking the Diner or
Cafe will allow you to eat food that will boost your stamina and fullness.
Grass that you can find on the ground, crops and animal produce will also
be used to recharge the bar, but the most effective is the diner and cafe,
but that will cost money. Sure, the bathroom and the restroom upgrade will
also cost money and store stamina, but the cafe and diner is the most

--==Pendants and Earrings==--

There are two types. Earrings only work while you are outdoors since they
will require time to past. Pendants will work both indoors and outdoors. They
have a passive effect.

Goddess Earrings

Red - Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 30 minutes

Green - Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 15 minutes

Blue - Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 3 minutes

Kappa Earrings

Red - Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 120 minutes

Green - Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 60 minutes

Blue - Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 30 minutes

Witch Earrings

Red - Recharges 1 Fullness and Stamina Point every 120 minutes

Green - Recharges 1 Fullness and Stamina Point every 60 minutes

Blue - Recharges 1 Fullness and Stamina Point every 30 minutes

Goddess Pendant

Red - Increases Maximum Stamina by 30

Green - Increases Maximum Stamina by 90

Blue - Increases Maximum Stamina by 150

Kappa Pendant

Red - Increases Maximum Fullness by 30

Green - Increases Maximum Fullness by 90

Blue - Increases Maximum Fullness by 150

Witch Pendant

Red - Increases Maximum Fullness and Stamina by 15

Green - Increases Maximum Fullness and Stamina by 45

Blue - Increases Maximum Fullness and Stamina by 90

If you have the Goddess Pendant equipped before you go to sleep, your bar that
has been enhanced will be completely full. Nice eh?


Weather also has an effect on the stamina that you lose. Of course, this will
not just happen at will, it will only effect you when you decide to use the
tools. Sunny Weather and Drizzle will increase the stamina you will use by
1 per use, while Rainy and Snowy weather will increase it by 2, which means a
lot of stamina could be burnt in a short period of time.

[3.01] Growing Crops

Growing Crops is a little different this time round. Instead of letting it

sit in the dirt for a couple of days and watering it everyday, everything is
now done by a point system. Each crop requires a certain amount of water and
sun points as well as a set amount of days.

First, the weather. There are 8 different sets of weather. They are as follows
as well as the information on what Seasons they appear in as well as the water
and sun points that they provide. If you want to know the weather for the
next day, you can always ask Taro, the old ranch king, and he will accurately
tell you the weather for the next day.

* Big Red Sun

* All Year Round

* 3 Sun Points


* Small Red Sun

* All Year Round

* 1 Sun Point


* Small Fluffy Cloud

* All Year Round

* No Points


* Closed Umbrella

* Spring, Summer and Fall

* 1 Water Point


* Open Umbrella

* Spring, Summer and Fall

* 2 Water Points


* Snowman

* Winter

* 2 Water Points

* Strong Wind Blowing Leaf

* Summer

* 3 Water Points

* Will blow crap all over the farm, can demolish trees


* Snowfall

* Winter

* 3 Water Points

* Will blow snow and crap all over your farm, can demolish trees

Now what do all these points mean? Well, it is quite simple, yet you only have
control over one.

Sun points are basically the amount of sunlight a plant will receive. A plant
will need a certain amount of sunlight to advance into the next stage. You
have no control over this since the weather is pre-determined 5 days ahead of
time, so saving and reloading isn't going to work at all. You want a lot of
sunny weather, but not too much.

Water points means the amount of water a plant will receive. Although the
weather will play a part, you can determine how much sun the plant will get.
Since you can now water the plants as many times as you want per day, which
is a single water point per water, you can control this somewhat.

But all this doesn't mean squat without an explanation, does it? Well, Fogu
has a great explanation, but I cannot just copy and paste it can I? Then we
need a better explanation.


So, I use the Turnip. Why, well it is a basic crop. There are three stages
of the Turnip, the Seed, Sprout and Mature.

Seed = Requires 2 Days, 2-10 Sun Points and 2-10 Water Points

Sprout = Requires 2 Days, 2-10 Sun Points and 2-10 Water Points

Mature = Will Die if it receives more than 20 Sun Points and/or 10 Water
Points in 10 days unless harvested.

Now, what the stages mean is that the first, the Seed will require at least
to days. It will need at least 2 Sun Points, but no more than 10 Sun Points
and the same for the Water Points. Reaching either of those limits will kill
the plant.

It will not advance to the Sprout Stage after two days until the requirements
in terms of water and sunlight are met, and will continue until it is met.
In terms of quality of the crop, you want it to be as close to the mininum
requirement as possible for the best quality crop.


Day 1

You plant the Seed, and it is Sunny Weather. It gives you three Sun points,
but you only water it once, so at the end of the day, you only get a single
water point.

3 Sun Points + 1 Water Point

Day 2

You water the plant again, and it is a nice clear day this time. You get a
single Sun Point and another Water Point. That makes it enough to advance.

4 Sun Points + 2 Water Points

Since you have the necessary amount of Sun and Water Points, you will now
have it advance to the next stage, the Sprout Stage. Once it advances to the
next stage of growth, the amount of water and sun points have been reset so
you need to start anew.

Day 3

Timer has reset, and today is a rainy day. You get your two water points,
but since there is no sun, there is no Sunny Points. At least you don't need
to water the plant today, well, thats a plus.

2 Water Points

Day 4

Today is a Cloudy Day, there are no Sun or Water points delivered today, and
you don't water the plants, so there is no need to add any points.

2 Water Points

Since there are day requirements and they are not met, you don't have the
plant advance to the next stage since there aren't enough sun points to have
the plant advance. So it looks like you need some good weather soon.

Day 5

At last, it is a Sunny Day, so you get the three Sun Points that you so
desperately need. Since you have just reached the limit today, the plants get
to advance to the mature stage tomorrow. Have fun harvesting then.

3 Sun + 2 Water Points

Well, this isn't going to get the highest quality. Like I said, to have the
best quality, you need to have, at all stages, have the plant meet the mininum
requirements, so 2 water and 2 sun points during 2 days. Don't water past the
required two. That way, you get a nice crop, and have less watering.

Day 6
Turnip is now complete, you can now harvest it. Thanks to the guys at Fogu for
a great walkthrough that I can use as a basic guide, but of course, blatant
copying and pasting is wrong, so I did do some modifications to it. We don't
want another DJ Tig here do we?

[3.02] Spring Crops

Spring Crops are the crops that will be used straight off the bat, and given
that there is a nice holiday on the 1st of Spring each and every year, it
would be advised that you purchase some spare seeds, for planting at the end
of the season so you have it all ready to go in the next year. There is
no point in wasting a day waiting for seeds if you already have them ready
to go.

There are only two main crops that are available to you when you start the
game, but there are three more crops that will be unlocked when you start to
sell more produce and hit the 100 mark. The explanation for growing crops is
quite simple. Till a 3 X 3 square with the hoe, then plant the crops on that
square that you tilled, and using the point system, grow the plants.


Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 120G

Average Shipping Income = 60G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 360G
Selling to Chen = 36G

There are 3 Stages for the Turnip, and that is what makes them such a good
starter crop, they are extremely fast to grow, and with some good weather, it
would take at most 5 days to have the crop ready to be harvested and shipped


Seed Stage

* 2 Days
* 2 to 10 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 2 to 10 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun Points and/or 10 Water Points in 10


Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 150G

Average Shipping Income = 80G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 480G
Selling to Chen = 48G

The Potato is the second crop that you have access to straight away, but this
takes a bit more time than the turnip to grow, it takes about 3 more days,
bringing the total up to 8 days for the potato to be fully ready to be picked
and shipped.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 3 to 10 Sun Points
* 3 to 10 Water Points

Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 14 Sun Points
* 4 to 14 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun Points and/or 10 Water Points in 10



Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Turnips and Potatoes

Cost per Bag = 200G

Average Shipping Income = 60G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 360G
Selling to Chen = 36G

What you notice is that the Cucumber is the crop that will sprout again after
it is harvested. Also, you need to unlock this crop, it doesn't appear at the
start of the game. Of course, you want to plant this nice and early, so you
can get the most out of this crop and make the most money.


Seed Stage
* 4 Days
* 5 to 20 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 4 to 16 Sun Points
* 2 to 8 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 3 to 12 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun Points and/or 8 Water Points in 10

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Second Sprout Stage


Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers unlocked

Cost per Bag = 150G

Average Shipping Income = 30G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 180G
Selling to Chen = 18G

Another unlocked crop, and another crop than when fully grown and harvested,
it will return to a previous stage, ready until you make the conditions ready
for the next harvest. Though it does take time to reach the Mature stage, the
crop will pay for itself.


Seed Stage

* 4 Days
* 3 to 10 Sun Points
* 4 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 2 to 10 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 2 to 6 Sun Points
* 2 to 8 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 10 Sun Points and/or 10 Water Points in 10

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Second Sprout Stage


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Wheat

Cost per Bag = 500G

Average Shipping Income = 350G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 2100G
Selling to Chen = 210G

The Cabbage is the supercrop, it takes a lot of time to crop, so you need to
grow it in the beginning of the season, but it will sell for a lot of money,
so you want to take this on quite quickly in order to make some good money. I
advise you to start growingit on the 1st or 2nd of the month.


Seed Stage

* 4 Days
* 7 to 20 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 9 to 22 Sun Points
* 4 to 12 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 9 to 20 Sun Points
* 5 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 10 Sun Points and/or 10 Water Points in 10


[3.03] Summer Crops

Summer Crops start off with a nice twist, they both regrow after being
harvested, which makes a lot more money, but as a result, they take a much
longer period of time to grow into the mature stage, which isn't very good for
the first half or so of Summer, since there is no real crop income flowing in
to your farm. You might want to have a few seeds as backup as well, in case
the first of Summer is a Friday, and Chen's store isn't open.


Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 200G

Average Shipping Income = 60G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 360G
Selling to Chen = 36G

The Tomato is the cheaper of the two basic crops, and it is faster in terms
of maturing into a harvestable crop, but it doesn't provide a lot of income
compared to Corn. Summer weather has the chance of the hurricane, and that
will be able to ruin all your crops, so I suggest that if you start out, you
want to have at least 3 fields of Tomato and Corn, don't put all your eggs
in a single basket.


Seed Stage

* 2 Days
* 6 to 22 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 6 to 22 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 8 to 20 Sun Points
* 2 to 12 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 8 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Third Sprout Stage

Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 300G

Average Shipping Income = 100G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G

Corn is the better crop to grow in the summer, mainly because it is worth
a bit more, but the problem is that it takes significantly longer to grow
than Tomatoes. The earliest you can receive the crop is day 15, and that
all depends on the weather, which is very unpredictable. Again, as I said
above, best to have fields of several crops, just in case the Hurricane
decides to pay a little visit.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 16 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 6 to 16 Sun Points
* 4 to 20 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 4 to 20 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 3 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 20 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Third Sprout Stage


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Tomatoes and Corn

Cost per Bag = 150G

Average Shipping Income = 80G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 480G
Selling to Chen = 48G

Onions are going to be a good choice through the summer when you have
unlocked it, they are the fastest crop for Summer, so if you are worried
about the hurricanes running through and want some decent cash fast, then
Onions are going to be the way to go. Easy to grow and they aren't to
fussy over it. Just don't attract the ogres...


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 3 to 12 Sun Points
* 3 to 10 Water Points

Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 20 Sun Points
* 4 to 14 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 15 Sun and/or 10 Water Points in 10 days


Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers unlocked

Cost per Bag = 500G

Average Shipping Income = 250G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1500G
Selling to Chen = 150G

The Pumpkin is a crop that will sell for a hell of a lot of money, but it
doesn't stack to the Pineapple. They do take a hell of a time to grow though
and you need to ponder if all that effort is worth the crop that will be the
result. Compared to the pineapple, it takes a lot more sunlight, which makes
it undesirable as a crop since you have no control over it. But then again,
there is nothing better than having a nice roasted pumpkin, is there?


Seed Stage

* 4 Days
* 10 to 30 Sun Points
* 4 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 13 to 40 Sun Points
* 5 to 14 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 14 to 40 Sun Points
* 5 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 6 Water Points in 10 days


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Soybeans

Cost per Bag = 1000G

Average Shipping Income = 700G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 4200G
Selling to Chen = 420G

These are the best crops to grow, but unfortunately, they take the
longest to grow, and they have quite high requirements, making them a
crop that you should grow early on in the season, else the weather will
play havoc and you will end up with a useless crop later on. And the best
thing is, it does regrow, and ideally, you will have multiple harvests,
making it a very good crop overall, despite the high price initially.


Seed Stage

* 5 Days
* 10 to 30 Sun Points
* 5 to 15 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 8 to 24 Sun Points
* 6 to 20 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 8 to 24 Sun Points
* 6 to 18 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 12 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Second Sprout Stage

[3.04] Fall Crops

Fall Crops are extremely hard to deal with, since the fall weather is
completely dominated by rain most of the time. You might get some nice sun
for your plants, but odds are, rain will ruin your crops. In particular, the
Yam crop. That is one crop, while fast, is extremely hard to grow properly
since water is a problem. Remember, at the end of each season, purchase some
extra seeds for the next year, you'll need it just in case it happens to be
a store closure on that day.


Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 120G

Average Shipping Income = 80G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 480G
Selling to Chen = 48G

A staple crop for the fall, it is a decent cash crop, since it does allow
for further harvests, and they don't take too long to regrow, making it a
nice crop to have around. Since there are no real threats, three fields of
eggplants will be more than enough, and the weather should be able to help
you. You should hope for some real sunny days, else they won't grow.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 18 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 4 to 14 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 3 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 10 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Second Sprout Stage

Unlocked = At Start

Cost per Bag = 300G

Average Shipping Income = 120G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 720G
Selling to Chen = 72G

This is a nice crop, they are quick to grow and their demands aren't that
unreasonable given the time that they have. These are a good crop to start in
the beginning, to allow the cash to flow in, which you desperately need whilst
you are waiting for the eggplants to ripe.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 16 Sun Points
* 3 to 12 Water Points

Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 6 to 20 Sun Points
* 4 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 15 Sun and/or 4 Water Points in 10 days


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Eggplants and Carrots

Cost per Bag = 300G

Average Shipping Income = 100G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G

This is a really big problem to grow, the water requirements really doesn't
allow for anything such as luck to interfere. If you get two wet days, that
could ruin your crops. So you really need to have your predictions read from
Taro, just to figure out what the weather is going to be. If it rains, make
sure that you DON'T WATER THE PLANT. Anything more than 4 water points kills
the plant, so really, be careful.

The best growing conditions for the plant is the Greenhouse. There, you
control both the weather and the environment, so you can control the amount of
water and sunlight, which is the best way to go. And the funny thing is, they
can be re-harvested if you want to, but odds are, they won't last very long.

Seed Stage

* 1 Days
* 2 to 8 Sun Points
* 1 to 8 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 3 to 16 Sun Points
* 1 to 4 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 3 to 16 Sun Points
* 1 to 4 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 15 Sun and/or 4 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Second Sprout Stage


Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers unlocked

Cost per Bag = 200G

Average Shipping Income = 80G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 480G
Selling to Chen = 48G

Spinach is a nice crop to grow, they are fast and easy to grow, taking at
6 days to finish, if the weather permits. They aren't too demanding in
terms of water and sun requirements, but a few days of rampant rain will
ruin the crop for you. They do however, don't sell for a high value, which
means that you might need a few bags to make a decent profit.


Seed Stage

* 2 Days
* 2 to 8 Sun Points
* 2 to 8 Water Points

Sprout Stage

* 3 Days
* 3 to 12 Sun Points
* 2 to 8 Water Points

Mature Stage
* Dies if it receives more than 10 Sun and/or 4 Water Points in 5 days

Bell Pepper

Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Buckwheat

Cost per Bag = 150G

Average Shipping Income = 80G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 480G
Selling to Chen = 48G

Ah, Chairman Kaga's trademark. This does take some time to grow, but it is
relatively fast and the cost is rather cheap to purchase, cheap to ship. The
water demands aren't too bad, unlike most of the other fall crops, but this
will take some time to unlock, Buckwheat isn't really that easily gained.


Seed Stage

* 2 Days
* 4 to 18 Sun Points
* 2 to 10 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 1 Days
* 2 to 10 Sun Points
* 1 to 6 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 3 to 12 Sun Points
* 2 to 16 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 2 Days
* 4 to 12 Sun Points
* 1 to 16 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 10 Water Points in 10 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of Third Sprout Stage

[3.05] Grain Crops

Grain crops require you to actually do something, before you actually have the
chance to grow it. Well, with the exception of Grass anyway. All the rest
require you to have done something, or reached a milestone before you are
able to grow it, and often, these milestones are quite hard to reach, and most
people will be struggling to reach it by the third year.

Grain Crops, with the exception of rice, which will be in its own section in
this section, will need to be grown in the tilled soil, planted on a 3 by 3
square, and then cared for. When it comes to harvesting it, you need to use
a sickle with a Yellow Wonderful attached, and more on that later on.

Rice can only be grown in the rice paddy at the back of your farm, the rest
can be grown on your field as well as in the greenhouse, which is the safest
place to grow crops, they don't die on you. Some crops are also dormant
through winter, which means, during Winter, the crops don't die, but they
don't grow either. When Spring comes along, they start to grow again.

The next thing about Grain Crops is that there are makers, which can be
purchased from Gannon, and listed in its own section, that will be able to
convert the raw grain into more valuable products. A Thresher will convert
a raw grain into an edible product. A Flour Mill will convert that product
into a flour, which is the final product.


Unlocked = At Start

Grown In = Spring, Summer, Fall

Dormant Through Winter? = Yes

Cost per Bag = 500G

Average Shipping Income = 1G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 6G
Selling to Chen = 1G

Grass is needed for one reason, it is used to feed livestock, Cows and Sheep.
You need it either on the field so that the animals can graze outside or you
can harvest the grass, it doesn't need the Yellow Wonderful attached, and have
it as fodder, which serves to feed the animals inside the barn, or ship it,
which is the crappier option. Make sure that you cut the grass when need be,
because it can die on you.

And no, you can't eat the grass.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 3 to 18 Sun Points
* 1 to 20 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 18 Sun Points
* 1 to 20 Water Points
Second Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 18 Sun Points
* 1 to 20 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 90 Sun and/or 60 Water Points in 60 days

* When Harvested, returns to beginning of First Sprout Stage


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Turnips, Potatoes, Cucumbers and Strawberries

Grown In = Spring, Summer, Fall

Dormant Through Winter? = Yes

Cost per Bag = 200G

Average Shipping Income = 135G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 810G
Selling to Chen = 81G

Thresher Product = Wheat

Average Shipping Income = 150G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 900G
Selling to Chen = 90G

Flour Mill Product = Wheat Flour

Average Shipping Income = 180G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1080G
Selling to Chen = 108G

Wheat might be hard to get, but it is well worth the wait. It does get hard
to grow the crop, since the conditions it requires is rather controlled and
you don't have those conditions. Wheat does take a long time to grow, which
can make it hard to grow, and you don't exactly have machinery to make it
a lot easier on yourself.

It is always nice to have at least 3 fields of these at all times. During

Winter, it doesn't die, so you can have it ready to go in Spring.


Seed Stage

* 30 Days
* 30 to 60 Sun Points
* 10 to 60 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 6 to 48 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 80 Sun Points
* 4 to 48 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 100 Sun Points
* 4 to 48 Water Points

Fourth Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 100 Sun Points
* 6 to 48 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 19 Water Points in 10 days


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Tomatoes, Corn, Onions and Pumpkins

Grown In = Summer, Fall

Dormant Through Winter? = No

Cost per Bag = 250G

Average Shipping Income = 135G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 810G
Selling to Chen = 81G

First Mature Stage Product = Edamame

Average Shipping Income = 150G
Shipping S-Rank Crop = 900G
Selling to Chen = 90G

Thresher Product = Soybeans

Average Shipping Income = 180G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1080G
Selling to Chen = 108G

Flour Mill Product = Soybean Flour

Average Shipping Income = 200G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1200G
Selling to Chen = 120G

Soybean is an interesting crop. There are actually two mature stages for the
crop. The first will give you a new product, while the second will allow you
to refine the crop into a flour product. It is up to you which one you choose,
but it does seem that the raw Soybean is less valuable than the Edamame bean.

Also, compared to the other crops, Soybeans take less time to grow, but they
can only be grown in two seasons, and they cannot survive through the winter,
which makes it a bit more frustrating when they don't seem to finish growing
by the end of Fall.


Seed Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 10 to 60 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 12 to 60 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 t0 80 Sun Points
* 12 to 60 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 100 Sun Points
* 14 to 80 Water Points

First Mature Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 100 Sun Points
* 12 to 68 Water Points
* Produces Edamame

Second Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 20 Water Points in 10 days

* Produces Raw Soybeans


Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Eggplants, Carrots, Yams and Spinach

Grown In = Summer, Fall

Dormant Through Winter? = No

Cost per Bag = 230G

Average Shipping Income = 162G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 972G
Selling to Chen = 98G

Thresher Product = Buckwheat

Average Shipping Income = 150G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 900G
Selling to Chen = 90G

Flour Mill Product = Buckwheat Flour

Average Shipping Income = 180G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1080G
Selling to Chen = 108G

Buckwheat is one of the cheaper crops, and they sell for a lower value, but
the good thing is that it takes a lot shorter period of time than other grain
crops. They take half the time as it would Soybeans, so these are great to
grow within a season. Well, given that the flour is used in the New Year
Festival, I guess there are buyers out there.


Seed Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 32 Sun Points
* 4 to 40 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 36 Sun Points
* 4 to 32 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 36 Sun Points
* 4 to 32 Water Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 32 Sun Points
* 4 to 40 Water Points

Fourth Sprout Stage

* 4 Days
* 4 to 32 Sun Points
* 4 to 40 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 20 Water Points in 10 days

Rice is a different grain, you don't need to ship anything. What you need to
do is to have a Yellow Wonderful stone attached to your hammer. Once that is
done, you will have an event, which you cannot miss, where you and Charlie
will head to a MASSIVE boulder at the north-western corner of your farm. You
will demolish it with your hammer, and that will unlock the rice paddy.

To actually use it, you need to have a Yellow Wonderful attached to your Hoe
and you need to charge and till the paddy. The paddy is a 3 X 11 rectangle,
so there is a lot of tilling there. All you need to do is to plant the seeds.
Note that although there are 11 squares, you need 4 bags of rice seeds to
fully plant the paddy. Don't waste any of it.

Rice should be grown in early spring, that is because it takes at least 50

days, but that doesn't take into account the sun requirements for the rice
to grow. The rice doesn't require any water points, it is basically loaded
with water. As any real farmer will know, rice is a VERY water intensive

To harvest the crop, you need to use a Charged attack from a Sickle with the
Yellow Wonderful attached to it. Now that is a lot of money right there from
a single field. Through the Stamina system, I suggest that you till and seed
an entire field a day, for three days. That will give you enough time to
harvest the crop without any problem.

Unlocked = See Above

Grown In = Spring, Summer, Fall

Dormant Through Winter? = No

Cost per Bag = 200G

Average Shipping Income = 180G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1080G
Selling to Chen = 108G

Thresher Product = Rice

Average Shipping Income = 200G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1200G
Selling to Chen = 120G

Flour Mill Product = Rice Flour

Average Shipping Income = 180G
Shipping S-Rank Item = 1080G
Selling to Chen = 108G

Rice is one of the best crops to grow, seeing it is all in a single spot, but
you are limited by how much you can grow, which is 99 tiles of Rice per year.
I suggest leaving it as rice, since that will get you the most money, but some
to flour, for cooking purposes.


Seed Stage

* 10 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points

First Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 15 to 80 Sun Points

Third Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 20 to 100 Sun Points

Fourth Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 20 to 100 Sun Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 20 Sun and/or 10 Water Points in 10 days

[3.06] Trees

Trees will not be available, but when you reach Spring in the second year, you
will have access to the fruit trees. These trees do take a lot of time to
grow, but they will bear fruit and they are quite valuable, and don't forget,
they will grow more fruit if the conditions serve.

All trees grow throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall seasons, while they will
be dormant throughout the Winter, only to start again in the Spring. Be
careful that Hurricanes and Blizzards can kill your trees, as well as excess
sunlight and water. Given the time periods, the mature stage will apply for a
season, while during the Flowering, that is the most vulnerable stage in
which the tree could die.

To grow trees, till a 3 X 3 square. Plant the seed in the middle. This is done
for a reason. This is because that is where the tree roots are going to be and
you cannot plant anything on those surrounding tiles. After you have it down
and planted, you don't need to retill those tiles, the plant will continue to
grow, but nothing else on those tiles will grow.

When it comes to bearing fruit, there are no set amount of days that you need
before it will bear fruit. As long as you meet the sun and water requirements
that are needed to grow the fruit, the fruit will drop.


Unlocked = Reach the Second Year

Cost per Bag = 2000G

Average Shipping Income = 250G
Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1500G
Selling to Chen = 150G

The Peach tree is the first three you will have access to. The tree will
flower in Spring and produce fruit in Summer. They are a lot more valuable
than apples, which you also have access to, and given the value and effort
that you need to grow this, this is best to grow it in the Greenhouse if you
have it.


Seed Stage

* 8 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 4 to 40 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 20 to 100 Sun Points
* 20 to 100 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 39 Days
* 50 to 120 Sun Points
* 30 to 120 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 120 Sun and/or 120 Water Points


Flowering Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 40 Sun Points
* 3 to 20 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 20 Water Points during Spring


Fruit Stage

* Produces 1 Peach when it receives:

* 4 to 20 Sun Points
* 4 to 16 Water Points

Unlocked = Reach the Second Year

Cost per Bag = 1000G

Average Shipping Income = 100G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G

The Apple tree is the second tree you have access to, but it grows faster and
is slightly harder to kill in terms of exceeding the requirements for the
plant to grow. It does, however, take a bit more effort to produce some apples
as fruit.


Seed Stage

* 9 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 20 to 100 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 12 Days
* 15 to 60 Sun Points
* 25 to 120 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 30 Days
* 40 to 120 Sun Points
* 60 to 120 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 120 Sun and/or Water Points


Flowering Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 40 Sun Points
* 10 to 60 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 60 Water Points during Summer


Fruit Stage

* Produce 1 Apple when it receives:

* 4 to 20 Sun Points
* 5 to 30 Water Points


Unlocked = Ship at least 5 Peaches

Cost per Bag = 2000G

Average Shipping Income = 300G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1800G
Selling to Chen = 180G

The Banana tree is a really funny looking tree, because banana trees don't
look like what they have been depicted in the game, which I am disappointed in
at Natsume. The problem with the Banana crop is that too much water, from the
rain, would ruin the crop, which can be a problem, which is why I suggest that
all tree crops be contained in the Greenhouse, so they both don't blow away
and they are under your control at all times. Though the crop is very valuable
so you might want to keep it under control.


Seed Stage

* 9 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 4 to 20 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 6 Days
* 15 to 100 Sun Points
* 3 to 120 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 24 Days
* 50 to 120 Sun Points
* 12 to 60 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 120 Sun and/or 60 Water Points


Flowering Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 40 Sun Points
* 3 to 20 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 20 Water Points during Spring

Fruit Stage

* Produce 1 Banana when it receives:

* 4 to 30 Sun Points
* 3 to 20 Water Points


Unlocked = Ship at least 10 Bananas and/or Peaches

Cost per Bag = 1800G

Average Shipping Income = 200G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1200G
Selling to Chen = 120G

The orange selling price might be rather low, but the reason is that it will
sprout 2 oranges instead of one, like the previous trees that you have seen
above. This is a decent tree to start off the greenhouse, they provide a
steady flow of income as it isn't that hard to give them what they need
during the Summer season.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 5 to 30 Sun Points
* 6 to 40 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 21 Days
* 25 to 100 Sun Points
* 30 to 100 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 18 Days
* 20 to 90 Sun Points
* 30 to 60 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 100 Sun and/or 60 Water Points


Flowering Stage

* 3 Days
* 4 to 40 Sun Points
* 6 to 24 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 40 Sun and/or 24 Water Points during Spring


Fruit Stage

* Produce 2 Oranges when it receives:

* 4 to 20 Sun Points
* 6 to 24 Water Points


Unlocked = Ship at least 5 Apples

Cost per Bag = 1700G

Average Shipping Income = 200G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 1200G
Selling to Chen = 120G

Why the sour grapes? Anyway, these require you to have the apple tree, but the
real problem is that grapes don't grow on tree, to the best of my knowledge,
they grow on grape vines. That is a problem isn't it? Anyway, a nice tree to
grow, because on top of the great price, you get 2 grapes at the same time, so
you really do get a bit more.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 9 to 60 Sun Points
* 10 to 60 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 21 Days
* 55 to 120 Sun Points
* 65 to 120 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 33 Days
* 70 to 120 Sun Points
* 80 to 120 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 120 Sun and/or 120 Water Points

Flowering Stage

* 3 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 15 to 80 Water Points

Mature Stage

* Dies if it receives more than 60 Sun and/or 80 Water Points during Summer


Fruit Stage

* Produce 2 Grapes when it receives:

* 10 to 40 Sun Points
* 10 to 50 Water Points

[3.07] Mushroom Logs

In the corner in your farm, the south east corner, there are 6 mushroom logs
there that allow you to grow your mushrooms on. There are here to allow you
to grow three sets of mushrooms for your own use, Toadstools, Shiitake and
Matsutake mushrooms.

These logs require you to have seeds before you can grow anything on them,
but they do not keep regrowing forever, they do eventually those, 50 for the
Shiitake, 30 for the Toadstool and 20 for the Matsutake mushrooms.

There are two ways to unlock the seeds. You can either lock them the
traditional method, or you can collect the mushroom during fall, whilst
foraging, and you can place it in the Seed Machine, which will net you the
seeds for it.

Note that you can only grow mushrooms on those logs, no where else. Also
note that you can water the logs, so you can semi control the water points
on the mushrooms. Once they reach the mature stage and you harvest it, the
conditions on the mature stage need to be met before they can be reharvested
for more money.


Unlocked = Reach Second Year, Unlock 3 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Cost per Bag = 1000G

Average Shipping Income = 50G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 300G
Selling to Chen = 30G

Cheap and easy, you get at least 50 harvests out of this, so it is a nice,
staple source of income.

Seed Stage

* 2 Days
* 2 to 12 Sun Points
* 5 to 40 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 5 Days
* 5 to 30 Sun Points
* 10 to 80 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 20 to 120 Water Points

Mature Stage

* 5 Days
* 5 to 30 Sun Points
* 10 to 60 Water Points


Unlocked = Reach Second Year, Ship at least 100 Shiitake Mushrooms

Cost per Bag = 2000G

Average Shipping Income = 100G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G

A decent money maker, it does earn a lot, but it only has 30 harvests
and you really don't want to eat it.


Seed Stage

* 3 Days
* 3 to 20 Sun Points
* 5 to 40 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 10 to 60 Sun Points
* 17 to 120 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 9 Days
* 9 to 80 Sun Points
* 15 to 80 Water Points

Mature Stage

* 5 Days
* 5 to 30 Sun Points
* 9 to 80 Water Points


Unlocked = Reach Second Year, Unlock ALL Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Cost per Bag = 5000G

Average Shipping Income = 350G

Shipping S-Rank Crop = 2100G
Selling to Chen = 210G

An extremely valuable mushroom, they are very rare normally and can
be compared to Truffles in previous games. They only have 20 harvests so
you really want them all to be S ranks, don't you?


Seed Stage

* 5 Days
* 5 to 20 Sun Points
* 12 to 50 Water Points

First Sprout Stage

* 10 Days
* 10 to 30 Sun Points
* 25 to 80 Water Points

Second Sprout Stage

* 15 Days
* 10 to 40 Sun Points
* 20 to 80 Water Points

Mature Stage

* 15 Days
* 10 to 40 Sun Points
* 20 to 80 Water Points

[3.08] Greenhouse

The Greenhouse is purchasable from Gannon for a set price, as well as all the
accessories that you can purchase off him. It is up to you to purchase those
items, but I'll talk about how the Greenhouse works.
How the greenhouse works is simple. It is an indoor environment where you
can grow crops from any season using the Suns. The Suns are like the seasons.
There is a little box in the Greenhouse where you put your stone. The stone
controls the Season. There are 4 stones, Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
The stone that is in the box will be the season that is in the Greenhouse.

That is, if you have the Spring Sun inside the stone holder, it will be the
season of Spring inside the Greenhouse. Summer Sun means it is summer, and
you can change that at will. Note that if you change the sun, the crops that
belonged to a previous season will be killed.

You need to have the Stone there before you can grow any crops. Note that
they will always receive 1 Sun Point per day, and Water is determined by
you. Therefore, it is the perfect controlled environment.

Trees can also grow in the Greenhouse, however, in terms of fruit, it is

going to be harder. It needs to cycle through the seasons when you reach
the mature stage. When the tree is mature, you need to cycle through the
Suns until you reach the blooming stage. That is, if it matures in Summer
and blooms in spring, you need to cycle through Fall, sleep, Winter, sleep,
Spring. Then, let it bloom, and when it is ready, switch to Summer, and
drop fruit.

However, since it is still getting sun and water, you will need to cycle
through all the seasons to reset all the water and sun points you have
gotten, since it will be reset when blooming.

[4.01] Starting Up

When you start up, you do not have access to any of the valuable animals that
will generate a lot of income. You will only have your Stable, which houses
the Horse and Dog, but you do not get access to the Chicken Coop and the
Barn, which means no Chickens, Cows and Sheep.

If you want to make money off animals, you need to hire Gannon to build the
Coop and Barn. However, they will be the bare basics, a feed dispenser and
2 feeders (slots to hold animals). You will need to fork out more money for
the luxuries, more feeders, larger feed dispensers, shipping bins, incubators
and birthing pens and larger buildings.

I suggest that you start off with Chickens. They don't provide the same
income as the Sheep and the Cow, but they do provide a constant stream of
income, and they have a relatively low startup cost, it doesn't cost much to
purchase a chicken. For the price of a Cow, you have at least 3 Chickens with
some spare change left over.

Of course, the reason that you really want to have access to the Forest is to
use the mine, to make the Makers. Those will transform the raw inputs into
processed materials which are worth significantly more. That is about it for
the basics, the in-depth is below.

[4.02] Affection

Your pets need affection to survive, and the more affectionate they are
towards you, the better produce they will produce for you, and the more money
you make, so it is in your best interests that you will go and be nice to your

Now, on the Assets tab, there are all your current animals there. All animals
except your Horse and Dog, which cannot die, will have a heart and a stress
bar. The Horse and Dog will have a heart bar, but no stress bar. It is the
hearts that will influence the quality of the produce while the stress bar
will indicate the overall health of the animal.

How, the hearts bar is explained by Friendship Points. Between the numbers of
0 and 100, you have a single heart, 101 to 200 Friendship Points means two
hearts, 201 to 300 is three hearts, and so on. 10 Hearts is the best you can
do, so a maximum of 1000 Friendship Points.

Stress Points are different, there is a maximum of 100. If you reach that
amount, the animal will stress out and die, and that will not go good with
the rest of the town, they will lower their relationship by 2000 Friendship
Points, and that is for EVERY VILLAGER, which is a pretty big drop.

There is a list of all the ways that you can increase and decrease the
affection to your animals, as well as all the ways that you can increase and
decrease the stress levels of all your animals as well. Most are basic
interactions, involve a pick-up and set down, or talking, which is tapping
the animal. The rest, such as milking, require tools. All actions are once
a day, unless listed otherwise.


* Tap the animal

* Effects Cows and Sheep
* +1 Friendship Point

Pick Up

* Pick Up the animal, and set it down

* Requires empty hand slot
* Effects Chickens and Dogs
* +1 Friendship Point


* Minigame with hand gesture

* Pat the animal until it is finished
* Effects Chickens and Dogs
* +3 Friendship Points, -5 Stress Points


* Brush animal with Brush Tool

* Effects Horse, Cows and Sheep
* +3 Friendship Points, -5 Stress Points
Ring Bell

* Ring the Bell with the Bell

* Effects Horse, Cows, Sheep and Dog
* +1 Friendship Point


* Ride the Horse. Tap Character to Dismount

* Effects Horse Only
* +1 Friendship Point


* Use Milker to Milk the Cow

* Effects Cow
* +1 Friendship Point


* Use Sheering to Sheer Sheep

* Can only be done once every THREE DAYS
* Effects Sheep
* +1 Friendship Point

No Food

* Don't Feed Animals

* Effects All Animals
* -3 Friendship Points, +5 Stress Points

Leave Outside - Sunny/Clear

* Sunny or Clear Weather Only

* Effects All Animals
* +1 Friendship Point, -10 Stress Points EVERY 5 HOURS

Leave Outside - Cloudy

* Cloudy Weather Only

* Effects All Animals
* +1 Friendship Point, -10 Stress Points EVERY 10 HOURS

Leave Outside - Rainy, Drizzle, Snowy

* Rainy, Drizzle or Snowy Weather

* Effects All Animals
* -1 Friendship Point, +1 Stress Point EVERY HOUR
Leave Outside - Hurricane/Snowstorm

* Hurricane or Snowstorm Outside

* Effects All Animals
* -10 Friendship Points, +30 Stress Points

Wild Dog

* Animals Left Outside

* Wild Dog arrives randomly between 8pm to 12am
* Will cause damage if he moves close to animal and barks
* Effects Chickens, Cows and Sheep
* Build Fence around animals to protect against Wild Dog
* Own Dog with High Friendship can scare off dog
* +10 Stress Points

It is in your best interests to have the Stress Bar is completely empty

because if it is full, the animal will die and that is a lost of money
and it is a big loss in relationship with all the other villagers. You need
to make sure that you counter-act all the possible obstacles that may come
your way.

The best to is to leave your animals outside, but in this game, it isn't
really necessary, they don't need to be outside for a certain amount of
time for the S Rank, P Rank, U Rank, whatever Rank for that extra good
produce. Though leaving them outside is a good way to get their relationship
up, it does have its risk. So make sure that you check the weather often, so
hurricanes don't blow the cows away.

[4.03] Chickens

Chickens are the only type of animal that are stored in the Chicken Coop.
Given that compared to other Harvest Moon games, especially on the Wii, there
are no ducks in this game, there is no other type of poultry that you have
to play with.

Anyway, the cost and all that is with Gannon, but right after the Chicken
Coop is finished, Taro will come along and give you a free chick. That will
grow into a chicken in about 3 Days. As good as a time as any, if you have
the incubator, it will take about 7 days for the eggs to give you a chick.

When it is a fully grown chicken, it will have a life of about 4 years. So

they are quick to die, so if you want any new chickens, you should be using
the incubator since it will take a long period of time for a normal chicken
from the store to reach the level 10 level, where as a chick from a level 10
egg will have at least 5 hearts upon birth. Just so you know, it will cost
1500 G for a chicken from the store.

When it is a chicken, it will give an egg every day, even if you didn't
bother to feed it. You should feed it, less you want it to die on you, and
you can purchase the feed from Mirabelle who will sell it at a reasonable
price. Anyway, there is a Mayo Maker that you can get, that will double the
selling price of the eggs that you will be getting from the chickens.

Average Shipping Cost = 215G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 300G
Selling to Chen = 30G


Average Shipping Cost = 430G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G

[4.04] Cows and Sheep

Cows and Sheep are obtained after you have access to the barn. Cows are
unlocked straight away, while sheep will only be unlocked after you have
at least 2 boy farmer Sub-Villagers in your Village. Like the chicken coop,
you will only have the basic barn, feed dispenser and 2 feeder bins, the
rest you need to unlock yourself. When the barn is built, Taro will come along
and give you another gift, a nice calf.

For any new calf, if you want one, you can purchase one from Mirabelle at the
cost of 5000G, or you can purchase a Cow Miracle Potion and give it to a grown
cow. After 21 days, that cow will give birth to a new calf. From that point
on, any new calf will take 18 days to grow into a nice strong cow. They have
an average lifespan of about 7 years.

For a new lamb, you need to purchase one from Mirabelle, and from then on,
you can use a Sheep Miracle Potion. That will take 16 days before it will
end up with a new lamb. That lamb, and all lambs, will take 15 days before
their first sheering can begin. They have an average lifespan of about 6

Both animals require fodder. They can either eat outside, which requires one
patch of fully grown grass every 4 hours for grazing, or you can harvest
the grass for fodder, or purchase it from Mirabelle, and feed it once a day
to the animals.

Cows can be milked everyday, while sheep can only be sheered once every three
days, which might be a bit of a wait, but their produce are a lot more
valuable then any other produce.

Like any animal product, there is a maker for each of them. For the sheep,
there is the yarn maker, which pretty much triples the value of the wool,
which makes a lot of money. The difference with cows is that there are THREE
makers for them. A Cheese Maker, a Yogurt Maker and a Butter Maker. From
there, Yogurt is cheaper than Butter, which is cheaper than Cheese. They do
make a lot of money, don't they?


Average Shipping Cost = 1715G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 2400G
Selling to Chen = 240G

Average Shipping Cost = 5360G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 7500G
Selling to Chen = 750G


Average Shipping Cost = 430G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 600G
Selling to Chen = 60G


Average Shipping Cost = 645G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 900G
Selling to Chen = 90G


Average Shipping Cost = 860G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 1200G
Selling to Chen = 120G


Average Shipping Cost = 1290G

Shipping S-Rank Item = 1800G
Selling to Chen = 180G

[4.05] Dog and Horse

Well, the Dog and Horse both belong to the Stable, but they cannot be bought
nor are they given freely.

To get the dog, you need access to the Forest for starters. You need to have
your relationship with Mirabelle up to 5000 Friendship Points, which pretty
much means two hearts. You also need to have access to animals and have at
least a Chicken, Cow or Sheep on your farm. Then, you need to walk into the
Forest when the weather is either Raining or Snowing. From there, you will
get the dog.

What the dog actually does, besides consuming more pet food, is that with a
high relationship value, they will scare off the wild dog that will sometimes
plague your farm at night. They can also participate in the Dog Festival
which you can win for some more Wonderfuls to equip.

The horse is gotten via Chen. You need to have Chen's relationship at the
level of 5000 Friendship Points, which is nearly 2 hearts, and when that
happens, you can exit the house and then if it is a clear day, you will
get the horse, and it is delivered towards you with no strings attached.

You can use your horse as your personal transport. Horsey will go wherever
you want, and that willreduce the am ount of time it takes to move from
place to place. However, there is a glitch that will screw over the horse
and make it disappear, so it is advised that you don't bother with the
horse unless you really want to. Don't worry, it will reappear after the
Horse Festival.

Note that the horse doesn't stay in a place long, and more often than
not, you waste more time searching for the horse over the time saved using
the horse as a transport. If you leave the horse outside the farm overnight,
it will reappear on your farm. The question is, given the lack of a nice
mini-map, is where.

[5.01] Chen's General Store


Chen's Store is the store that you are going to be visiting quite a fair
amount, because of all the seeds that he sells that is more or less going to
be essential to the operation of your farm. He also sells some nice upgrades
and parts for yourself and your home, which is going to be essential to start
a family, or store food at the very least. His son, Charlie, will also sell
some items, but given the amount of items that he sells and the services that
he provides, it would be better off that I give a section to him as well,
just to make sure he doesn't feel left out.

All seeds are sold through him, so that makes him important, and rucksack
upgrades as well. Anyway, below is a list of everything that he could
possibly sell, the prices and the time when they are available for sale. You
can also sell items back to Chen as well, but the problem is that Chen really
pays the bottom dollar for his items. Tools you get half price, which is
rather nice, but for crops and foraged goods, it really isn't worth the
effort, you are a lot better off selling it via the shipping bin, which makes
a bit more money.

Turnip Seeds

Available = Winter 30 to Spring 30

Cost = 120G
Unlocked = At Start

Potato Seeds

Available = Winter 30 to Spring 30

Cost = 150G
Unlocked = At Start

Cucumber Seeds

Available = Winter 30 to Spring 30

Cost = 200G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Turnips and Potatoes

Strawberry Seeds

Available = Winter 30 to Spring 30

Cost = 150G
Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Cabbage Seeds

Available = Winter 30 to Spring 30

Cost = 500G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Wheat

Tomato Seeds

Available = Spring 30 to Summer 30

Cost = 200G
Unlocked = At Start

Corn Seeds

Available = Spring 30 to Summer 30

Cost = 300G
Unlocked = At Start

Onion Seeds

Available = Spring 30 to Summer 30

Cost = 150G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Tomatoes and Corn

Pumpkin Seeds

Available = Spring 30 to Summer 30

Cost = 500G
Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Pineapple Seeds

Available = Spring 30 to Summer 30

Cost = 1000G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Soybeans

Eggplant Seeds

Available = Summer 30 to Fall 30

Cost = 120G
Unlocked = At Start
Carrot Seeds

Available = Summer 30 to Fall 30

Cost = 300G
Unlocked = At Start

Yam Seeds

Available = Summer 30 to Fall 30

Cost = 300G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Eggplants and Carrots

Spinach Seeds

Available = Summer 30 to Fall 30

Cost = 200G
Unlocked = Have at least 2 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Pepper Seeds

Available = Summer 30 to Fall 30

Cost = 150G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Buckwheat

Grass Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 500G
Unlocked = At Start

Rice Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 200G
Unlocked = Unlock the Rice Paddy

Wheat Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 200G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Turnips, Potatoes, Cucumbers and Strawberries

Soybean Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 250G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Tomatoes, Corn, Onions and Pumpkings
Buckwheat Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 230G
Unlocked = Ship at least 100 Eggplants, Carrots, Yams and Spinach

Peach Tree Seed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,000G
Unlocked = During Year 2

Apple Tree Seed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,000G
Unlocked = During Year 2

Banana Tree Seed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,000G
Unlocked = Ship at least 5 Peaches

Orange Tree Seed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,800G
Unlocked = Ship at least 10 Bananas and/or Peaches

Grape Tree Seed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,700G
Unlocked = Ship at least 5 Apples

Shiitake Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,000G
Unlocked = At least Second Year and have at least 3 Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers

Toadstool Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,000G
Unlocked = At least Second Year and ship at least 100 Shiitake
Matsutake Seeds

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 5,000G
Unlocked = At least Second Year and have all Girl Farmer Sub-Villagers


Available = All Year Round

Cost = 50G
Unlocked = At Start

Curry Powder

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 50G
Unlocked = At Start


Available = All Year Round

Cost = 100G
Unlocked = At Start

Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter Sun

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,000G EACH
Unlocked = Greenhouse is Built

10,000G Ticket

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 10,000G
Unlocked = At Start

1,000,000G Ticket

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,000,000G
Unlocked = At Start

Teleport Stone

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 100,000G
Unlocked = Have at least 100,000G and unlock ALL AREAS

Medium Rucksack
Available = All Year Round
Cost = 3,000G
Unlocked = At Start

Large Rucksack

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 5,000G
Unlocked = 1 Week after buying the Medium Rucksack

Blue Feather

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 1,000G
Unlocked = Reach Orange Heart Level with any eligible character

Tool Box

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,000G
Unlocked = At Start

Beauty Box

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,500G
Unlocked = At Start


Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,000G
Unlocked = Have Medium House Upgrade


Available = All Year Round

Cost = 2,500G
Unlocked = Have Medium House Upgrade


Available = All Year Round

Cost = 4,000G
Unlocked = Have Medium House Upgrade

Husband OR Wife Bed

Available = All Year Round
Cost = 10,000G
Unlocked = Have Medium House Upgrade, Refrigerator

Baby Bed

Available = All Year Round

Cost = 10,000G
Unlocked = Have Extra Large House Upgrade

[5.02] Gannon's Carpentry Store


Gannon is one of the most important characters in the game, without him, you
cannot upgrade or build anything for the island, which will be a downright
shame. Anyway, besides the fact that it does cost money, it is essential to
progress in the game to have Gannon upgrade all your items for you. He appears
and sets up shop on the 11th of Spring, Year 1.

Gannon is needed for any building or upgrade to a building. He is needed to

build bridges to new land, as well as upgrade existing roads to make it look
that much nicer. He is required to purchase new tools, with more wonderful
slots, upgrade storage units in your home and purchasing building materials.


Anyway, lets start with the basic items, the tools that you can purchase
from Gannon. These tools will be the ones that you can obtain at the beginning
of the game, however, they are needed to hold more wonderful stones. The
general rule is that for every 1000G for a tool, that means 1 wonderful stone
can be held. Therefore, 7000G will have 7 slots for Wonderfuls. The amount of
slots held goes up by year, starting in Year 1, it will be three, but in Year
2, it will be 4, and so on.

If you wonder what to do with the old tools, you can sell them at Chen's for
the price of 600G each. This doesn't take into account how much you actually
spent on the tool in the first place, so be careful. Or just toss it into the
trash. Your choice.

Lumber is also covered in this section. You can purchase lumber, and later
on, Stone and Golden Lumber. Again, Golden Lumber is lumber that you can place
on the field and it doesn't rot, the same for Stone. But hey, lets needlessly
show off your wealth.

Cost: 50G

Cost: 200G

Golden Lumber
Cost: 100,000G
Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Watering Can
Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G


Gannon is also needed if you want to largen your current storage units. All
the storage units that you can purchase from Chen, the Tool Box, Beauty Box,
Refrigerator and the Shelves can all be expanded in two ways. They can be
expanded to hold more items, each expansion holding an extra 32 sets of 99
like items, or they can be used to improve the material of the storage unit.
You start off with the lumber version.

I suggest that you upgrade in terms of size first, rather than material,
because starting with material, and heading to mythic ore, rather than
starting in expanding the size is a lot more costly.

Anyway, the only reason you need to upgrade to Mythic is for the refrigerator
because there is a freshness preserver. Items stored inside a lumber fridge
will lose a freshness dot every 6 days, in stone, it is 10 days. Golden is
every 12 days, while in mythic, it never rots.

Given that mythic ore is rather hard to obtain, a glitch in the game is that
if you have all your mythic ore in the shelves, Gannon won't take it and
still upgrade your storage unit. What a wonderful glitch to exploit eh? Note
that Gannon will not offer an all CASH option for Mythic. I guess he doesn't
know where to find this mythic ore.

Upgrade - Small -> Medium

* Cost 100 Lumber and 2000G


* Lumber = 6,000G
* Stone = 20,000G
* Golden = 1,002,000G

Upgrade - Medium -> Large

* Cost 200 Lumber and 10,000G

* Lumber = 20,000G
* Stone = 40,000G
* Golden = 2,010,000

Upgrade - Large -> Extra Large

* Cost 300 Lumber and 1,000,000G


* Lumber = 1,010,000G
* Stone = 1,060,000G
* Golden = 3,100,000G

If you are going to be changing the material, it will cost you. Mythic Ore is
the most expensive costing a whooping 5 million Gold. This is just for
completion and not necessary, but still, that is millions just to have a
bigger fridge. But if it is looks and not completion, Gold is a nice touch.


I'm leaving upgrades till last, just to annoy you, though you can scroll down
at the same time. The roads and bridges are always marked in green, and the
order that I list them is the order in which they are available. You need to
purchase the previous upgrade before the next upgrade can be ready to
constructed. Roads are important, because some sub-villagers will only be
unlocked after the roads have been upgraded.


East Town -> Meadow (500 Lumber + 10,000G / 35,000G)

West Town -> Forest (500 Lumber + 20,000G / 45,000G)

East Town -> Jungle (500 Lumber + 30,000G / 55,000G)

Roads (ALL COST 10,000G)

West Town -> Ranch

West Town Main Road

West Town -> Beach

East Town -> Regis' House (Requires Regis)

East Town -> Pierre's House

West Town -> Inn

East Town -> Cafe/Diner

East Town -> Meadow


Not there yet, there are still makers that Gannon makes. There are three sizes
or sets for the makers, and they cost a different amount. You will need a
shed before you can build any of these, because where else are you going to
store these machines, down your pants?

Note that there is still no pure money option for this, you need both the
Adamantite from the mines as well as the money before you can build any of
these. Typically, it will require two trips to level 25 before you have
enough adamantite to make the cheapest maker.

10 Adamantite + 20,000G

* Yarn Maker
* Butter Maker
* Cheese Maker
* Yogurt Maker
* Mayonnaise Maker

10 Adamantite + 50,000G

* Seed Maker

20 Adamantite + 100,000G

* Flour Mill
* Thresher

100 Adamantite + 5,000,000G

* Rank Maker


Finally, the section that you all have been waiting for, the upgrades to your
farm. All these upgrades will have a lumber plus labour cost OR a full gold
cost. The latter is more often than not more expensive, but have a look. Keep
in mind that lumber costs 50G each, so do the math and don't waste your
lumber needlessly, since Lumber is rather hard to obtain in large numbers.

House Upgrades

Size Upgrade, Small -> Medium

* 200 Lumber + 3000G OR 10,000G

Size Upgrade, Medium -> Large

* 400 Lumber + 10,000G OR 25,000G

Size Upgrade, Large -> Extra Large

* 700 Lumber + 50,000G OR 80,000G

Bath Room

* 580 Lumber + 30,000G OR 55,000G

Toilet Room

* 400 Lumber + 20,000G OR 35,000G

Chicken Coop

Construction of Coop

* 200 Lumber + 10,000G OR 20,000G

Size Upgrade, Small -> Medium

* 400 Lumber + 5,000G OR 20,000G

Size Upgrade, Medium -> Large

* 1200 Lumber + 20,000G OR 70,000G

Another Feeder Box

* 100 Lumber + 500G OR 5,000G


* 200 Lumber + 500G OR 10,000G

Feed Dispenser, Small -> Medium

* 1000 Lumber + 30,000G OR 50,000G

Feed Dispenser, Medium -> Large

* 3000 Lumber + 30,000 OR 170,000G

Shipping Bin

* 200 Lumber + 1,000G OR 10,000G

Supply Shed

Size Upgrade, Small -> Large

* 500 Lumber + 5,000G OR 27,000G

Ability to Store Stone

* 500 Lumber + 10,000G OR 30,000G

Ability to Store Golden Lumber

* 500 Lumber + 100,000G OR 120,000G

Animal Barn

Construction of Barn

* 200 Lumber + 12,000G OR 22,000G

Size Upgrade, Small -> Medium

* 500 Lumber + 7,000G OR 30,000G

Size Upgrade, Medium -> Large

* 2000 Lumber + 30,000 OR 125,000G

Another Feeder Box

* 100 Lumber + 500G OR 5,000G

Birthing Pen

* 200 Lumber + 500G OR 10,000G

Feed Dispenser, Small -> Large

* 1500 Lumber + 7000G OR 80,000G

Shipping Bin

* 200 Lumber + 1,000G OR 10,000G

Maker Shed

Construction of Shed

* 300 Lumber + 30,000G OR 40,000

Size Upgrade, Small -> Large

* 1000 Lumber + 5,000G OR 50,000G

Shipping Bin

* 200 Lumber + 1,000G OR 10,000G


Feed Dispenser, Small -> Medium

* 1000 Lumber + 5,000G OR 50,000G

Feed Dispenser, Medium -> Large

* 3000 Lumber + 30,000G OR 170,000G


Construction of Greenhouse

* 4000 Lumber + 300,000G OR 500,000G

Size Upgrade, Small -> Large

* 9000 Lumber + 500,000G OR 950,000G

Shipping Bin

* 200 Lumber + 1,000G OR 10,000G

Water Well

* 400 Lumber + 500,000G OR 520,000G

[5.03] Mirabelle's Animal Supplies


Around Spring 12, Mirabelle will set up show and allow you to purchase animal
products, which are going to be necessary to set up a successful farm with a
lot of animals supporting your income. The tools are the same as Gannons,
and with selling animals, well, she won't sell you any animals if you do not
have any room on your farm, that is, not enough feeder bins. That way, you
don't end up with more animals than feeder bins. She also sells any type of
food that is necessary to feed your animals, so you have that set as well.

In regards to selling animals, the selling price really depends on the heart
Metre of the animal. The more hearts, the more money it is worth. Victories
in festivals also jack up the price. What you should do is try to sell it
near the 4th year mark. That way, you sell the animal before it dies, so you
make some money out of it.

Chicken Feed
Cost: 10G

Cost: 20G

Pet Food
Cost: 10G

Animal Medicine
Cost: 1,000G

Sheep Miracle Potion

Cost: 3,000G

Cow Miracle Potion

Cost: 3,500G

Cost: 500G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Cost: 1,000G to 10,000G

Purchase a Chicken
Cost: 1,500G

Purchase a Cow
Cost: 5,000G

Purchase a Sheep
Cost: 3,500G

[5.04] Charlie's Accessories


Charlie has two roles inside the General store, mucking around and selling
stuff, like his day. However, there is a nice gap where he isn't there, so
just hope you don't need him during those periods of time.

His first job is to attach wonderfuls to your tools. That is the first job
while the other is to sell you accessories that will increase the stamina
and fullness limits of your character. That has been mentioned earlier in its
own section, but the cost hasn't been given, and it will be in this section.


Wonderfuls are important. They can be attached to your tools, and this is
going to be explained in depth in the section right below this one, so don't
worry about it.

There are a number of slots the wonderful stone can fit into, and you can try
to pick which one, but Charlie will place it in the correct one. Basic tools
can only carry one wonderful, but you can get tools with more slots. You need
to head to Gannon and Mirabelle to purchase tools with more slots, or use the
indigo, which allows for more slots. However, Wonderfuls are not always
there, you can take them off via the same actions that place them on.

Don't worry about the rank of the Wonderful stone. The rank may go down, it
may even be at D rank, but at the end of the day, a D rank stone performs the
same as a S rank stone, so don't worry about it. Don't worry, this service
is free.

Charlie also creates the accessories that is important for you if you want the
ability to have more stamina and fullness, rather than going down the mine,
fall a few floors and end up in bed the next day. Charlies doesn't charge for
the accessories, but he will charge you the Orichalc ore that is required to
make the accessory. He also makes some other accessories that weren't
mentioned in the stamina section, but hey, they weren't relevent then, they
are now.

Goddess Earrings, Red

* 5 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 250 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 30 Minutes

Goddess Earrings, Green

* 15 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Goddess Earrings
* 750 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 15 Minutes

Goddess Earrings, Blue

* 30 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Goddess Earrings
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina Point every 3 Minutes

Kappa Earrings, Red

* 5 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 250 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 120 Minutes

Kappa Earrings, Green

* 15 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Kappa Earrings
* 750 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 60 Minutes

Kappa Earrings, Blue

* 30 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Kappa Earrings
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Fullness Point every 30 Minutes

Witch Earrings, Red

* 15 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Goddess and Kappa Earrings
* 750 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina and Fullness Point every 120 Minutes
Witch Earrings, Green

* 45 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Goddess and Kappa Earrings
* 2250 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina and Fullness Point every 60 Minutes

Witch Earrings, Blue

* 100 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Blue Goddess and Kappa Earrings
* 5000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Recharges 1 Stamina and Fullness Point every 15 Minutes

Friend Pendant, Red

* 5 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 250 G Selling Price for Chen
* Earn Extra 20% More Friendship Points

Friend Pendant, Green

* 15 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Friend Pendant
* 750 G Selling Price for Chen
* Earn Extra 50% More Friendship Points

Friend Pendant, Blue

* 45 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Friend Pendant
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Earn Extra 100% More Friendship Points

Fast Boots

* 60 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 3000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Run 150% Faster


* 900 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked after making Blue Witch Pendant
* 45,000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Picking up any item on screen, regardless of distance

Time Ring, Slow

* 100 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Blue Witch Pendant
* 5000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Slows down the flow of time
Time Ring, Fast

* 100 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Blue Witch Pendant
* 5000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Speeds up the flow of time


* 5 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 250 G Selling Price for Chen
* Counts all your steps

Goddess Pendant, Red

* 10 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina by 30 Points

Goddess Pendant, Green

* 30 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Goddess Pendant
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina by 90 Points

Goddess Pendant, Blue

* 60 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Goddess Pendant
* 3000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina by 150 Points

Kappa Pendant, Red

* 10 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked At Start
* 500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Fullness by 30 Points

Kappa Pendant, Green

* 30 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Kappa Pendant
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Fullness by 90 Points

Kappa Pendant, Blue

* 60 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Kappa Pendant
* 3000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Fullness by 150 Points

Witch Pendant, Red

* 30 Orichalc Ore Needed
* Unlocked 7 Days after making Red Goddess and Kappa Pendant
* 1500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina and Fullness by 15 Points

Witch Pendant, Green

* 90 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Green Goddess and Kappa Pendant
* 4500 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina and Fullness by 45 Points

Witch Pendant, Blue

* 200 Orichalc Ore Needed

* Unlocked 7 Days after making Blue Goddess and Kappa Pendant
* 10,000 G Selling Price for Chen
* Increases Maximum Stamina and Fullness by 90 Points

[6.01] Wonderful System

Tool upgrading is completely revamped. No longer is it that you use the tools
and after a certain amount of usage, you could grab some ore, get the local
blacksmith to upgrade it. Now, the tools system is completely different.

Tools now have slots. Thats right, little holes to hold new items called
Wonderful Stones. These stones are obtained all over the place, but more on
that later. Anyway, one slot from a tool allows it to hole a single stone,
so 10 slots can hold 10 stones. However, in the beginning, you can only hold
1 stone with your starter tools, but as you progress, you can purchase new
tools from Gannon and Mirabelle which holds more tools. Rule is, 1000G means
1 slot, the max is 10 slots.

Now, what are these stones? Well, there are 7 stones, and they all have
different effects. However, they will have varying effects depending on what
type of tools you are using. Obviously, you can't water more crops with an
axe, can you? Now lets start with the colours, and their effects. Note that
when you attach the stones, the effects will stack, so two purples mean 4G
per use.


Axe - Increase the chopping length by 1 tile

Brush - Increase the brushing length by 1 tile

Hammer - Increase the hammering length by 1 tile

Hoe - Increase the tilling length by 1 tile

Milker - Increase the milking length by 1 tile

Sheers - Increase the sheering length by 1 tile

Sickle - Increase the cutting length by 1 tile

Watering Can - Increase the watering length by 1 tile


Axe - Receive more lumber when chopping branches and stumps

Brush - Receive lower animal stress points on animal

Hammer - Receive more material stone, jewels and ore when smashing rocks

Hoe - Receive more items when tilling ground inside mine

Milker - Receive more milk from cows

Sheers - Receive more wool from sheep

Sickle - Receive more produce when cutting down grain crops

Watering Can - Receive extra storing capacity of 50 units


Axe - Ability to chop down tree stumps

Brush - Ability to earn more affection from animals

Hammer - Ability to smash larger rocks (need 3 for complete power)

Hoe - Ability to till soil on the rice paddy

Milker - Ability to earn more affection from cows

Sheers - Ability to earn more affection from sheeps

Sickle - Ability to cut down grain crops

Watering Can - Ability to give watered tile more water


Axe - Use one less Stamina Point

Brush - Use one less Stamina Point

Hammer - Use one less Stamina Point

Hoe - Use one less Stamina Point

Milker - Use one less Stamina Point

Sheers - Use one less Stamina Point

Sickle - Use one less Stamina Point

Watering Can - Use one less Stamina Point


Axe - Increase the chopping width by 2 (one on each side)

Brush - Increase the brushing width by 2 (one on each side)

Hammer - Increase the hammering width by 2 (one on each side)

Hoe - Increase the tilling width by 2 (one on each side)

Milker - Increase the milking width by 2 (one on each side)

Sheers - Increase the sheering width by 2 (one on each side)

Sickle - Increase the cuting width by 2 (one on each side)

Watering Can - Increase the watering width by 2 (one on each side)


Axe - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Brush - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Hammer - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Hoe - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Milker - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Sheers - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Sickle - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots

Watering Can - Gives tool an additional 5 stone slots


Axe - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Brush - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Hammer - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Hoe - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Milker - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Sheers - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Sickle - Earn 2G every time you use tool

Watering Can - Earn 2G every time you use tool

So, a text version is where you have a nice watering can. You place a blue
stone on it, but it will only water a 1 X 3. So, toss in 2 red stones, which
increases the length by 2, which makes it 3 X 3, so that would be it. Though
I do perfer the old system.

Obtaining the Wonderfuls

Thats the hard part. It all might sound nice and dandy, but the question
really is where you get these from. You don't exactly get them from the
corner store and they are just obtained from smacking rocks.

There are three ways, you can get it from winning the festivals, you can get
it when you reach the 255th floor in the mines, or you can purchase it from
Chen during the winter season.


Now, if you win any of the festivals that could possibly be won, you will be
able to get the stone. The festivals that allow you to obtain the wonderful
stones are :

* Dog Festival
* Horse Festival
* Chicken Festival
* Sheep Festival
* Cow Festival
* Mining Festival
* Cooking Festival
* Crop Festival (Spring, Summer and Fall)
* Fishing Festival

Now, if you win one, there is a stone that you get as a reward, and the stone
colour is determined, by, of all things, your Farm Degree. The last 2 digits
of your farm degree will determine what colour stone you get. The list is

00 to 19 -> Blue Wonderful

20 to 39 -> Green Wonderful

40 to 54 -> Red Wonderful

55 to 70 -> Yellow Wonderful

71 to 82 -> Orange Wonderful

83 to 90 -> Purple Wonderful

91 to 99 -> Indigo Wonderful

You can cheat a little. Save before the festival to see what wonderful you
get. Then, using the guide on Farm Degree, smash your tools to manipulate the
numbers, ship items, to get the wonderful that you want. Not to hard is it?
255th Floor

If you reach the 255th floor of the mine, you will met the Harvest Goddess
who will give you the wonderful stone. However, you needed to have tossed
something into the Goddess Pond first, which will activate her as a character
and then, you get head to the 255th floor, which is no mean feat, you need
to be carrying a lot of food, Bodigzer XL would be best, Ice Cream would be
another, though weaker option. Anyway, on your first time down there, she
will give you a stone, and then, on it will shift. For every even number
time you are down there, you get a stone.

If you want to know what wonderful you will get, it is the same as the
festivals, you just need to look up a little, and there you go, what stone
you get is determined. Save on the 254th floor, and then get the stone, then
reload, and manipulate at will.

Chen's Store

During the season of Winter, business is slow, and Chen will sell Wonderfuls
to you for a price. However, you might not see it because you need the Farm
Degree again. If the number of the farm degree ends with a 5, then he will
sell the item, if it does not, then he won't sell it. Simple as that.

You need to save the night before, and manipulate the numbers, remember that
when you go to sleep, you get Farm Degree points as well, so just keep that
in mind. And that about wraps it up for the tools.

[6.02] Fishing Pole

A short section devoted to the fishing pole. There is only one fishing pole
in the game, and that is obtained from Taro. You need 2000 Friendship Points
with Taro before he comes in the next day and gives you the fishing pole. And
thats how you get the fishing pole.

You cannot purchase another one, nor can you put Wonderful slots in it. That
is all.

[7.01] Foraging

Foraging is the best source of money early in the game when you are on your
feet, starting out. There is so much to buy, but there isn't enough money
to buy it. So, look around the place and you can forage for money. Everywhere
in town, there is crap on the floor and you can just pick it up and sell it.

I know, it isn't a lot of money, but every little bit helps, doesn't it?
Anyway, most of this are edible, so I'll list their nutritional value to you.
Of course, rank does have an effect, so it will just be a rough average. And
bear in mind, not all the items are all year round, they are seasonal. Of
course, all prices are averages, about B Rank, since most are found on those

Blue Grass
Season = Spring
Eating = +10 Stamina, +1 Fullness
Price = 100G
S-Rank = 120G
Chen's = 12G


Season = Spring
Eating = +7 Stamina, +1 Fullness
Price = 800G
S-Rank = 1080G
Chen's = 108G

* Obtained from the large rock on the beach. Covered with green crap.

Moondrop Flower

Season = Spring
Price = 300G
S-Rank = 360G
Chen's = 60G

Toy Flower

Season = Spring
Price = 500G
S-Rank = 600G
Chen's = 60G

Green Grass

Season = Spring, Summer

Eating = +5 Stamina, +3 Fullness
Price = 100G
S-Rank = 120G
Chen's = 12G

Indigo Grass

Season = Spring, Summer

Eating = +9 Stamina, +2 Hunger
Price = 100G
S-Rank = 120G
Chen's = 12G

Purple Grass

Season = Spring, Fall

Eating = +7 Stamina, +2 Hunger
Price = 115G
S-Rank = 144G
Chen's = 14G

Pinkcat Flower

Season = Summer
Price = 200G
S-Rank = 240G
Chen's = 24G

Orange Grass

Season = Summer, Fall

Eating = +2 Stamina, +4 Fullness
Price = 100G
S-Rank = 120G
Chen's = 12G

Yellow Grass

Season = Summer, Fall

Eating = +10 Stamina, +1 Fullness
Price = 100G
S-Rank = 120G
Chen's = 12G

Blue Magic Flower

Season = Fall
Price = 420G
S-Rank = 480G
Chen's = 48G

Red Magic Flower

Season = Fall
Price = 1000G
S-Rank = 1200G
Chen's = 120G

Shiitake Mushroom

Season = Fall
Eating = +3 Stamina, +2 Fullness
Price = 250G
S-Rank = 300G
Chen's = 30G

Matsutake Mushroom
Season = Fall
Eating = +4 Stamina, +2 Fullness
Price = 1800G
S-Rank = 2100G
Chen's = 210G


Season = Fall
Eating = -50 Stamina, +1 Fullness
Price = 500G
S-Rank = 600G
Chen's = 60G

Red Grass

Season = Fall
Eating = +1 Stamina, +5 Fullness
Price = 110G
S-Rank = 132G
Chen's = 14G

White Grass

Season = Winter
Eating = +10 Stamina, +5 Fullness
Price = 150G
S-Rank = 180G
Chen's = 18G

[7.02] Mining

Mining is heading into the mine and doing some heavy work. What you need to
do is to get Gannong to build the road to the Forest. From there, you can
access the Mountain and the mine there. Unlike previous games, there is only
one mine, and it is available all year round.

At first, there is nothing, but dig for a stairwell, and you'll get there.
There are tutorials for this, and thats what they are for. Till the soil for
items, smash the rocks for the valuables.

The problem with mining is pitfalls. There are random holes in the ground
that are pitfalls. They will drop you 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 floors. The further
the drop, the more stamina you will lose, and at the end, the stamina will
not last for a 5 floor drop if you have the average 100/100 bar, without any
accessory. You will need accessories to make sure that you can survive the
drop. Otherwise, if you do not survive, you wake up the next morning in
your bad with a half stamina bar.

If you want to travel down to the bottom of the mine, you get a little
bonus. You will meet the Harvest Goddess and get a Wonderful Stone, and
from then on in, every odd numbered trip nets a stone, even numbered
trip nets a recipe. After the 36th trip, all trips down to the bottom will
give you a wonderful stone.

Anyway, there are going to be three lists here. One is what you can find in
the dirt, the second is what you can find by smashing rocks, and the final
one is the recipe list.

In The Dirt

Black Grass

Located : Every floor except 50

Shipping : 15G
S-Rank : 18G
To Chen : 1G


Located : Every 25th Floor

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G

Small Gold Coin

Located : Every Floor

Automatic 1-10G

Bronze Coin

Located : Every Floor

Automatic 5-20G

Silver Coin

Located : Every Floor

Automatic 15-30G

Large Gold Coin

Located : Every Floor

Automatic 100-500G

In the Rocks

Junk Ore

Located : 1-74, 76-254

Shipping : 3G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 3G

Copper Ore

Located : 26-49, 51-74, 76-99, 200, 250-254

Shipping : 30G
S-Rank : 60G
To Chen : 6G

Silver Ore

Located : 26-49, 51-74, 76-99, 200, 250-254

Shipping : 36G
S-Rank : 72G
To Chen : 7G

Gold Ore

Located : 26-49, 51-74, 76-99, 200, 250-254

Shipping : 45G
S-Rank : 90G
To Chen : 9G

Mythril Ore

Located : 26-49, 51-74, 76-99, 200, 250-254

Shipping : 60G
S-Rank : 120G
To Chen : 12G

Mythic Stone

Located : 100, 250-254

Shipping : 6,000G
S-Rank : 12,000G
To Chen : 1200G


Located : 50-74, 225, 250-254

Shipping : 90G
S-Rank : 180G
To Chen : 18G


Located : 25, 51-74, 225, 250-254

Shipping : 90G
S-Rank : 180G
To Chen : 18G

Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 25, 75, 125, 150, 175, 225, 250, 255
Shipping : 120G
S-Rank : 240G
To Chen : 24G


Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 25, 75, 125, 150, 175, 225, 250, 255
Shipping : 150G
S-Rank : 300G
To Chen : 30G


Located : 125, 250-254

Shipping : 15,000G
S-Rank : 30,000G
To Chen : 3,000G


Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 1-50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 300G
S-Rank : 600G
To Chen : 60G

Pink Diamond

Located : 150, 250-254

Shipping : 15,000G
S-Rank : 30,000G
To Chen : 3,000G


Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 1-11, 21-51, 75-100, 125, 150, 175, 200, 225,
Shipping : 195G
S-Rank : 390G
To Chen : 39G


Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 1-7, 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 186G
S-Rank : 372G
To Chen : 37G

Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 1-3, 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 180G
S-Rank : 360G
To Chen : 36G


Located : Every Floor EXCEPT 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 174G
S-Rank : 348G
To Chen : 35G


Located : Every Floor Except 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 165G
S-Rank : 330G
To Chen : 33G


Located : Every Floor Except 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 156G
S-Rank : 312G
To Chen : 31G


Located : Every Floor Except 25, 50, 75-100, 125, 175, 200, 225, 255
Shipping : 150G
S-Rank : 300G
To Chen : 30G


Blue Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 2

Green Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 4

Red Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 6

Yellow Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 8

Orange Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 10

Purple Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 12

Indigo Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 14

Black Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 16

White Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 18

Rainbow Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 20

Ultimate Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 22

Finest Curry

Trips to the Bottom: 24

Mix Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 26

Fish Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 28

Dairy Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 30

Gem Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 32

Mochi Mix Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 34

Red Flower Mix Natto

Trips to the Bottom: 36

[7.03] Fishing

Fishing, well, once you get the tutorial on it from Taro, when he gives you
the fishing rod, you are set and ready to go. Since there is a tutorial for
it, I refuse to rehash, so we head into the works straight away.

Fishing Holes

There are 6 places where you can go fishing. I will list them below as well
as any unlock that is required to unlock them.


The farm is the first place you will be able to catch fish. You mostly catch
the small fish here. This area includes the stream that is where your watering
area is, as well as the river unlocked when you unlock the rice paddy.


This is the prime position to catch fish, and you are more likely to catch
large fish here than any other location. This is accessed from the beach
area, south of the main town. You can fish from the beach OR on the docks.

West Town

This is the stream that is just west of West Town, and near the bridge that
will take you to the Forest. Pretty much the same as the Farm. Also the
same as the little inlet in the Forest area.

East Town

After unlocking East Town, this is the river that runs on the eastern side
of this area. This is also the same as unlocking the bridge to the Meadow
and fishing from the western side of the meadow.

Goddess Pond

Unlocked after reaching the Forest. This is the pond that is right next to
the church, and is clearly visible on the map as a little closed pond.


Unlocked after building the bridge to the Jungle, this is the rural area
and is seen as the pointy end of land pointing at your farm.

Shipping Items

This section is for selling everything that you can catch. Note that a fish
under 50cm is considered small, 50cm to 1 Metre is considered medium and
anything beyond 1 Metre is considered large. You also get a fair amount of
junk, it is up to you to sell or dump.

Fish (S)

Located : All fishing holes

Eating : +2 Stamina, +2 Fullness
Shipping : 120G
S-Rank : 180G
To Chen : 18G

Fish (M)

Located : All fishing holes

Eating : +3 Stamina, +3 Fullness
Shipping : 320G
S-Rank : 480G
To Chen : 48G

Fish (L)

Located : All fishing holes (Actually, just go to the Ocean, it is easier)

Eating : +4 Stamina, +4 Fullness
Shipping : 480G
S-Rank : 720G
To Chen : 72G


Located : Ocean in Spring

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G
Pirate Treasure

Located : Ocean in Summer

Shipping : 25,000G
S-Rank : 30,000G
To Chen : 6,000G

Fish Fossil

Located : Ocean in Fall

Shipping : 9,000G
S-Rank : 12,000G
To Chen : 1,200G

Empty Can

Located : West Town, East Town

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G


Located : Goddess Pond, Jungle, Farm

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G

Fish Bone

Located : Goddess Pond, Ocean, Farm

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G

Rubber Boot

Located : East Town, West Town, Ocean

Shipping : 1G
S-Rank : 6G
To Chen : 1G

Fish To Catch

There are many fishes that you can catch. You can to catch all of them since
they are recorded. As a side note, whenever the game as it is a record
breaking fish, it is a S-RANK fish. Sell it immediate for money.

Rock Trout
Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 40cm

Horse Mackerel
Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 40cm

Located - East Town, Goddess Pond
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 15cm

Amago Trout
Located - East Town, Goddess Pond
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 25cm

Chicken Grunt
Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 40cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 25cm

Located - East Town
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 50cm

Big-Scaled Redfin
Located - Farm, Jungle, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 35cm

Located - Farm, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 Metre

Pale Chub
Located - Farm, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 15cm

Located - Ocean
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 90cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 60cm
Located - Ocean
Season - Fall, Winter and Spring
Max Size - 30cm

Gold Crucian Carp

Located - Farm, Jungle, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 20cm

Silver Crucian Carp

Located - Farm, Jungle, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 30cm

Longtooth Grouper
Located - Ocean
Season - Fall, Winter and Spring
Max Size - 70cm

Located - Farm, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 Metre

Located - Ocean
Season - Summer and Fall
Max Size - 70cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 50cm

Japanese Halfback
Located - Ocean
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 40cm

Spanish Mackerel
Located - Ocean
Season - Winter, Spring and Summer
Max Size - 1 Metre

Located - Ocean
Season - Fall
Max Size - 40cm

Located - Ocean
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 1 Metre 80cm

Sea Bream
Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 Metre

Located - Ocean
Season - Winter and Spring
Max Size - 50cm

Located - Farm, West Town
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 12cm

Located - Farm, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 25cm

Rainbow Trout
Located - East Town, Goddess Pond
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 Metre

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 30cm

Silver Carp
Located - Farm, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 Metre

Sailfin Sandfish
Located - Ocean
Season - Fall, Winter and Spring
Max Size - 20cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 80cm

Puffer Fish
Located - Ocean
Season - Winter and Spring
Max Size - 50cm

Black Bass
Located - East Town, Farm, Goddess Pond, Jungle, West Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 50cm

Yellow Tail
Located - Ocean
Season - Winter and Spring
Max Size - 1 Metre
Located - Goddess Pond, Jungle
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 25cm

Crucian Carp
Located - Goddess Pond, Jungle
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 50cm

Atka Mackerel
Located - Ocean
Season - Fall, Winter, Spring
Max Size - 40cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 2 Metres, 50cm

Mola Mola
Located - Ocean
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 2 Metres, 50cm

Located - Ocean
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 30cm

Located - Ocean
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 30cm

Masu Trout
Located - East Town
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 30cm

Located - Farm, Jungle, West Town
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 80cm

Pond Smelt
Located - Farm, Jungle, West Town
Season - Fall, Winter and Spring
Max Size - 15cm

Fish Kings

Fish Kings are rare fish that can only be caught under special circunstances.
You can catch them, but you can never keep them. But of course, you can
always catch them again, and you get a nice bonus of 100 Farm Degree points
for it. Other than that, it isn't anything special. Not that you can eat it
or anything. There is one for every fishing hole, except your farm. That isn't
good enough.

Angler Fish
Located - Ocean
Season - Winter and Spring
Max Size - 1 metre
Special - Clear Weather

Located - Goddess Pond
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 80cm
Special - Catch all the other fish kings first

Located - Jungle
Season - All 4 Seasons
Max Size - 1 metre, 55cm
Special - Between 6am and midday (12pm)

Located - West Town
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 1 metre, 50cm
Special - None

Spa Catfish
Located - East Town
Season - Spring, Summer and Fall
Max Size - 1 metre, 20cm
Special - Drizzle or Rainy Weather

Located - Ocean
Season - Winter and Spring
Max Size - 50cm
Special - Between 9pm and 4am

[8.01] Cooking Recipes

There are 195 recipes in this game, but unlike previous games, where you can
easily go and trial and error with the recipes, or just look up the relevant
FAQ, in this game, all recipes are obtained from either the Diner or the Cafe.

First, how do you unlock the Diner and the Cafe. They will both be available
in the East Town section when you unlock 10 Sub-Villagers. However, you will
not be able to unlock any recipes off them until they expand. For Madelynn,
the Cafe, you will need 20 Sub-Villagers, and for Luke, owner of the Diner,
you will need 25 Sub-Villagers.

Now, to have them give you the recipe, you need to give them an ingredient,
that will be listed with the recipe. Each recipe requires you to give a
specific item to either Luke or Madelynn, and they will give you a recipe.
Sometimes, they might fail with their creations, and you will need to do it
again to get the recipe.

Note that when you get more and more recipes off them, they will have more and
more dishes for sale, which means more for you to choose. Luke, owner of the
Diner, will have more for sale than Madelynn, although she has more to sell
initially. They will also have different recipes depending on the season,
that is, seasonal recipes.

Now, we talk about alternations. Most recipes will have some alternations,
which means, you can add additional ingredients to make it tastier and give
it more nutritional value.

Below, all the figures will be averages, on a B Rank item. Depending on the
rank and quality of your ingredients, your dishes may recover more or less
than what is listed, as well as selling it, but remember, these are averages,
you are bound to get deviations from the averages. And there isn't any way
to sell the recipes to Chen though.

Recipes are a good way to make your basic crops into more valuable items via
the upsizing method. You don't need to pay for the stamina, since cooking
doesn't seem to need stamina, and you make at least 50% more money. What isn't
there to like?

Note that stuffing up the recipe beyond the limits listed below will end up
with a Failed Dish.

Another note, Bread Crumbs are created from tossing bread into the flour mill.
It grinds the bread up, and makes it into crumbs. Sweet Rice Flour is made
by tossing a Rice Cake into a Flour Mill.

[8.02] Salad Recipes


Ingredients : Cucumber, Tomato

Nutrition : +35 Stamina Points
+05 Fullness Points

Alternations: Any Fruit or Vegetable

Baked Apple, Boiled Egg, Cheese, Matsutake Mushroom,
Roasted Corn, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Cafe -> Cucumber

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Pickled Turnip==--

Ingredients : Turnip
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+04 Fullness Points

Alternations: Cucumber, Cabbage, Onion, Carrot

Obtained By : Cafe -> Turnip
Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Mashed Potato==--

Ingredients : Butter, Milk, Potato

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Cheese, Egg, Ketchup, Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Potato

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Pickled Cucumber==--

Ingredients : Cucumber
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+04 Fullness Points

Alternations: Turnip, Cabbage, Onion, Carrot

Obtained By : Cafe -> Cucumber

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Onion Salad==--

Ingredients : Onion
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Corn, Cucumber, Ketchup, Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Onion

Shipping : 345G
S-Rank Value: 480G

--==Boiled Spinach==--

Ingredients : Spinach
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: None
Obtained By : Cafe -> Spinach
Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Tomato Salad==--

Ingredients : Tomato
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Ketchup, Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Tomato

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==InSalata di Caprese==--

Ingredients : Cheese, Oil, Tomato

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+08 Fullness Points

Alternations: Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Tomato

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G

--==Herb Salad==--

Ingredients : Black Grass, White Grass

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+08 Fullness Points

Alternations: Any Wild Grass

Ketchup, Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> White Grass

Shipping : 145G
S-Rank Value: 205G

--==Spaghetti Salad==--

Ingredients : Cucumber, Mayonnaise, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Butter, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant,

Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion,
Rice Cake, Roasted Rice Cake, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach,

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 1500G
S-Rank Value: 2100G

[8.03] Drink/Soup Recipes


Ingredients : Bread, Tomato

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Bread Crumbs, Cucumber, Onion

Obtained By : Cafe -> Tomato

Shipping : 345G
S-Rank Value: 480G

--==Corn Soup==--

Ingredients : Corn, Milk

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Cornflakes

Obtained By : Cafe -> Corn

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Onion Soup==--

Ingredients : Onion
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Cheese

Obtained By : Cafe -> Onion

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Pumpkin Soup==--

Ingredients : Pumpkin
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Cheese, Onion, Potato

Obtained By : Cafe -> Pumpkin

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Egg Soup==--

Ingredients : Egg
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 250G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Soy Milk==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Soybeans

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Miso Soup==--

Ingredients : Miso
Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Deep-Fried Tofu, Egg, Eggplant,

Fish (S, M, L), Freeze-Dried Tofu, Fried Tofu Dumplings,
Grilled Eggplant, Grilled Fish, Grilled Mushrooms, Matsutake
Mushroom, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Seaseed, Shiitake Mushroom,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Tofu, Yam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Miso

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Herb Soup==--
Ingredients : Black Grass, White Grass
Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+08 Fullness Points

Alternations: Any Wild Grass

Obtained By : Cafe -> Black Grass

Shipping : 145G
S-Rank Value: 205G

--==Spaghetti Soup==--

Ingredients : Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Butter, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L)
Matsutake Mushrooms, Onion, Shiitake Mushrooms, Spinach

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Tomato Juice==--

Ingredients : Tomato
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Tomato Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Tomato

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Pineapple Juice==--

Ingredients : Pineapple
Nutrition : +24 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Pineapple Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Pineapple

Shipping : 3045G
S-Rank Value: 4260G

--==Peach Juice==--
Ingredients : Peach
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Peach Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Peach

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Banana Juice==--

Ingredients : Banana
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Baked Banana, Banana Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Banana

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G

--==Orange Juice==--

Ingredients : Orange
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Marmalade, Orange Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Orange

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Apple Juice==--

Ingredients : Apple
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple Jam, Apple Juice, Baked Apple

Obtained By : Cafe -> Apple

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Grape Juice==--
Ingredients : Grapes
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Jam, Grape Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Grape

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Grape Punch==--

Ingredients : Grape
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Grape

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Carrot Juice==--

Ingredients : Carrot
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+06 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Carrot

Shipping : 560G
S-Rank Value: 780G


Ingredients : Milk, Yogurt

Nutrition : +26 Stamina Points
+08 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Grape, Lassi, Orange, Peach, Pineapple,

Obtained By : Cafe -> Yogurt

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Fruit Juice==--
Ingredients : Apple, Orange, Strawberry
Nutrition : +50 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple Juice, Banana Juice, Fruit Juice, Grape Juice,
Orange Juice, Peach Juice, Pineapple Juice
Banana, Peach, Pineapple

Obtained By : Cafe -> Strawberry

Shipping : 215G
S-Rank Value: 300G

--==Vegetable Juice==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Cucumber

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Corn, Eggplant, Onion, Pumpkin, Spinach,

Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Carrot

Shipping : 345G
S-Rank Value: 480G

--==Mixed Juice==--

Ingredients : Apple, Carrot, Cucumber, Orange, Strawberry

Nutrition : +56 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

All Juices
Banana, Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Corn, Grape, Onion, Peach,
Pineapple, Pumpkin, Spinach, Tomato, Turnip

Obtained By : Cafe -> Peach

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Fruit Smoothie==--

Ingredients : Apple, Milk, Orange, Strawberry

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple Juice, Banana Juice, Fruit Smoothie, Grape Juice, Orange
Juice, Peach Juice, Pineapple Juice
Banana, Grape, Hot Milk, Peach, Pineapple

Obtained By : Cafe -> Banana

Shipping : 645G
S-Rank Value: 900G

--==Vegetable Smoothie==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Cucumber, Milk

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Hot Milk, Vegetable Juice, Vegetable Smoothie
Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Corn, Eggplant, Onion, Pumpkin, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip

Obtained By : Cafe -> Cabbage

Shipping : 770G
S-Rank Value: 1080G

--==Mixed Smoothie==--

Ingredients : Apple, Carrot, Cucumber, Milk, Orange, Strawberry

Nutrition : +64 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Grape

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Strawberry Milk==--

Ingredients : Milk, Strawberry

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Hot Milk, Strawberry Jam, Strawberry Milk

Obtained By : Cafe -> Strawberry

Shipping : 600G
S-Rank Value: 840G

--==Relax Tea==--

Ingredients : Relax Tea Leaves

Nutrition : +70 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

All Wild Grasses
Apple, Banana, Grape, Grape Punch, Hot Milk, Milk, Orange,
Peach. Pineapple, Strawberry

Obtained By : Cafe -> Relax Tea Leaves

Shipping : 1975G
S-Rank Value: 2760G

--==Hot Milk==--

Ingredients : Milk
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Hot Milk

Obtained By : Cafe -> Milk

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Hot Chocolate==--

Ingredients : Chocolate, Milk

Nutrition : +32 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Hot Chocolate, Hot Milk

Obtained By : Cafe -> Chocolate

Shipping : 85G
S-Rank Value: 120G

[8.04] Appetizer Recipes

--==Steamed Turnip==--

Ingredients : Egg, Fish (M), Turnip

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Shiitake Mushrooms

Obtained By : Cafe -> Turnip

Shipping : 1030G
S-Rank Value: 1440G

--==French Fries==--
Ingredients : Oil, Potato
Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Ketchup, Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Diner -> Potato

Shipping : 1030G
S-Rank Value: 1440G

--==Braised Potato==--

Ingredients : Potato
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Onion

Obtained By : Diner -> Potato

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Stuffed Cabbage==--

Ingredients : Cabbage
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bread Crumbs, Carrot, Ketchup, Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion,

Shiitake Mushrooms

Obtained By : Diner -> Cabbage

Shipping : 1545G
S-Rank Value: 2160G

--==Roasted Corn==--

Ingredients : Corn
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Corn

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

Ingredients : Corn
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Corn

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Corn Flakes==--

Ingredients : Corn
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Banana, Chocolate, Chocolate Banana, Grape, Hot

Chocolate, Hot Milk, Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt

Obtained By : Diner -> Corn

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Cooked Pumpkin==--

Ingredients : Pumpkin
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Pumpkin

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Miso Eggplant==--

Ingredients : Eggplant, Miso

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Cheese, Milk

Obtained By : Diner -> Miso

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Grilled Eggplant==--
Ingredients : Eggplant
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Miso

Obtained By : Diner -> Eggplant

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Baked Yam==--

Ingredients : Yam
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Material Stone, Stone

Obtained By : Diner -> Yam

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Boiled Egg==--

Ingredients : Egg
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 260G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Spa-Boiled Egg==--

Ingredients : Egg
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Mayonnaise

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 260G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Fried Egg==--
Ingredients : Egg, Oil
Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Ketchup, Mayonnaise, Miso

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Steamed Egg Custard==--

Ingredients : Egg, Shiitake Mushroom

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grilled Fish, Grilled Mushrooms,
Matsutake Mushrooms, Oil, Sashimi

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G


Ingredients : Fish (M)

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (L)

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (M)

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Fish Sticks==--

Ingredients : Fish (M)

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (L)

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (M)

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Grilled Mushroom==--
Ingredients : Shiitake Mushroom
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Matsutake Mushrooms

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 260G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Foiled Mushroom==--

Ingredients : Shiitake Mushrooms

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Grape Punch, Matsutake Mushroom, Miso

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 260G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Mountain Stew==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Shiitake Mushroom

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (S, M, L), Matsutake Mushroom, Oil, Potato

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 770G
S-Rank Value: 1080G

--==Stir-Fried Veggies==--

Ingredients : Cabbage, Oil

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber, Matsutake Mushroom,

Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Tomato,

Obtained By : Diner -> Cabbage

Shipping : 1545G
S-Rank Value: 2160G

--==Chop Suey==--
Ingredients : Cabbage, Carrot, Oil
Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Egg, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Carrot

Shipping : 2230G
S-Rank Value: 3120G


Ingredients : Bread, Cucumber, Egg, Tomato

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Carrot, Cabbage, Cheese, Corn, Cream Croquette,

Croquette, Fish (S. M, L), Fried Noodles, Grape Punch,
Matsurate Mushroom, Mayonnaise, Onion, Potato, Shiitake
Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Yam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Boiled Egg

Shipping : 1070G
S-Rank Value: 1500G

--==Fruit Sandwich==--

Ingredients : Apple, Bread, Strawberry

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Baked Apple, Baked Banana, Banana, Butter, Fruit Dumpling,
Grape, Grape Punch, Orange, Pineapple

Obtained By : Cafe -> Strawberry

Shipping : 985G
S-Rank Value: 1380G

--==Raisin Bread==--

Ingredients : Bread, Grape

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Juice

Obtained By : Cafe -> Grape

Shipping : 1670G
S-Rank Value: 2340G

--==Jam Bread==--

Ingredients : Apple Jam, Bread

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Jam, Marmalade, Strawberry Jam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Marmalade

Shipping : 1070G
S-Rank Value: 1500G

--==Curry Bread==--

Ingredients : Bread, Curry Powder, Bread

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Curry Powder

Shipping : 1245G
S-Rank Value: 1740G


Ingredients : Bread
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams, Butter

Obtained By : Cafe -> Bread

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==French Toast==--

Ingredients : Bread, Egg, Oil

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points
Alternations: Butter, Ketchup, Milk

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 1245G
S-Rank Value: 1740G

--==Steamed Bread==--

Ingredients : Oil, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Corn, Cucumber,
Eggplant, Grape, Onion, Milk, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Pumpkin,
Spinach, Strawberry, Tomato

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Dinner Roll==--

Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Milk

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Butter

Shipping : 1545G
S-Rank Value: 2160G


Ingredients : Egg, Oil, Onion, Potato, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Ketchup, Matsutake Mushroom,

Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Cafe -> Potato

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G

--==Cream Croquette==--
Ingredients : Egg, Milk, Oil, Onion, Potato, Wheat Flour
Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Milk

Shipping : 2360G
S-Rank Value: 3300G

--==Chinese Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Cabbage, Egg, Onion, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Oil, Shiitake

Obtained By : Cafe -> Onion

Shipping : 2445G
S-Rank Value: 3420G

--==Curry Bun==--

Ingredients : Curry Flour, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +26 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Curry Powder

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G

--==Pot Sticker==--

Ingredients : Cabbage, Oil, Onion, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot, Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks,
Grilled Fish, Matsutake Mushroom, Sashimi, Shiitake Mushroom,
Spa-Boiled Egg

Obtained By : Diner -> Cabbage

Shipping : 2875G
S-Rank Value: 4020G


Ingredients : Milk, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Shiitake Mushroom,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Milk

Shipping : 1245G
S-Rank Value: 1740G


Ingredients : Egg, Oil, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Chocolate, Corn,

Cucumber, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Ice Cream,
Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Turnip, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Egg

Shipping : 1245G
S-Rank Value: 1740G

--==Buckwheat Chips==--

Ingredients : Buckwheat Flour

Nutrition : +24 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Buckwheat Flour

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Buckwheat Ball==--
Ingredients : Buckwheat Flour, Egg, Wheat Flour
Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Buckwheat Flour

Shipping : 1890G
S-Rank Value: 2640G

--==Chinese Bun==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Shiitake Mushroom, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fish (S, M, L), Matsutake Mushroom, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 1545G
S-Rank Value: 2160G

--==Seaweed Paste==--

Ingredients : Seaweed
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Seaweed

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Spring Roll==--

Ingredients : Cabbage, Rice Flour, Shiitake Mushroom

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Matsutake Mushroom, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Rice Flour

Shipping : 2530G
S-Rank Value: 3540G


Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G


Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G


Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Deep-Fried Tofu==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Fried Tofu Dumplings==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Oil, Potato, Soybeans

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 1715G
S-Rank Value: 2400G

--==Freeze-Dried Tofu==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Boiled Tofu==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +20 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Cold Tofu==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +24 Stamina Points
+14 Fullness Points

Alternations: Seaweeds

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Dried Bean Curd==--

Ingredients : Soybeans
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points
Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soy Milk

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

--==Mix Natto==--

Ingredients : Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Natto, Pineapple, Rice, Toadstool

Nutrition : +56 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 26th Time

Shipping : 7080G
S-Rank Value: 9900G

--==Fish Natto==--

Ingredients : Bottle, Fish (S, M, L), Fish Fossil, Natto

Nutrition : +50 Stamina Points
+42 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 28th Time

Shipping : 23940G
S-Rank Value: 33480G

--==Dairy Natto==--

Ingredients : Egg, Milk, Natto, Wool

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+50 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 30th Time

Shipping : 4550G
S-Rank Value: 6360G

--==Gem Natto==--

Ingredients : Adamantite, Alexandrite, Mystrile, Natto, Pink Diamond

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+56 Fullness Points
Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 32nd Time

Shipping : 87090G
S-Rank Value: 121800G

--==Mochi Mix Natto==--

Ingredients : Dairy Natto, Fish Natto, Gem Natto, Mix Natto, Rice Cake
Nutrition : +255 Stamina Points
+140 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 34th Time

Shipping : 128700G
S-Rank Value: 180000G

--==Red Flower Mix Natto==--

Ingredients : Dairy Natto, Fish Natto, Gem Natto, Mix Natto, Red Magic Flower
Nutrition : +140 Stamina Points
+255 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 36th Time

Shipping : 128700G
S-Rank Value: 180000G

[8.05] Main Course Recipes


Ingredients : Egg, Milk, Oil

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant,

Fish (S, M, L), Ketchup, Matsutake Mushroom, Mayonnaise, Onion,
Potato, Pumpkin, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Yam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Omelet Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Egg, Milk, Oil

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+40 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant,

Fish (S, M, L), Ketchup, Matsutake Mushroom, Mayonnaise, Onion,
Potato, Pumpkin, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Yam

Obtained By : Cafe -> Egg

Shipping : 1760G
S-Rank Value: 2460G

--==Fried Egg Over Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Egg

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Seaweed, Seaweed Paste,

Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Egg

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Egg Over Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Egg

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Mayonnaise, Miso, Seaweed, Seaweed Paste

Obtained By : Diner -> Egg

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Cheese Fondue==--

Ingredients : Bread, Cheese

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Potato, Pumpkin, Shiitake

Obtained By : Diner -> Cheese

Shipping : 2100G
S-Rank Value: 2940G

Ingredients : Butter, Cheese, Milk, Onion, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+42 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Ketchup,
Matsutake Mushroom, Oil, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Cheese

Shipping : 3000G
S-Rank Value: 4200G


Ingredients : Cheese, Ketchup, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Matsutake Mushroom, Mayonnaise, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Shiitake Mushroom, Tomato, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Ketchup

Shipping : 2400G
S-Rank Value: 3360G


Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Sashimi

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fried Egg

Obtained By : Diner -> Sashimi

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G

--==Sushi Over Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Sashimi

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+42 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Cucumber, Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Shiitake


Obtained By : Diner -> Sashimi

Shipping : 1885G
S-Rank Value: 2640G

--==Grilled Fish==--

Ingredients : Fish (M)

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Miso, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (M)

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Boiled Fish==--

Ingredients : Fish (M)

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (L)

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Fish Meuniere==--

Ingredients : Fish (M), Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Grape Punch, Milk

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (M)

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G


Ingredients : Oil, Sashimi

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Cucumber, Grape Punch, Mayonnaise, Onion, Tomato

Obtained By : Diner -> Sashimi

Shipping : 600G
S-Rank Value: 840G
--==Marinated Fish==--

Ingredients : Fish (M), Oil, Onion

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Fish (L), Grape Punch, Tomato

Obtained By : Diner -> Fish (L)

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Rice Ball==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice

Nutrition : +16 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Fried Egg

Obtained By : Diner -> Cooked Rice

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Toasted Rice Ball==--

Ingredients : Rice Ball

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Miso, Pickled Cucumber, Pickled Turnip, Seaweed, Seaweed Paste

Obtained By : Diner -> Rice Ball

Shipping : 945G
S-Rank Value: 1320G

--==Rice Soup==-

Ingredients : Cooked Rice

Nutrition : +16 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Wild Grass

Obtained By : Diner -> Cooked Rice

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Milk

Nutrition : +12 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Wild Grass

Obtained By : Diner -> Milk

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G

--==Fried Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Egg, Oil

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Cabbage, Carrot, Cheese, Cheese,

Chinese Dumpling, Chop Suey, Cream Croquette, Croquette,
Cucumber, Curry Bun, Dry Curry, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Fried Egg, Grape Punch, Grilled Fish, Matsutake
Mushroom, Onion, Pot Stickers, Sashimi, Shiitake Mushroom,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach, Stir-Fried Veggies, Toasted Rice Ball

Obtained By : Diner -> Cooked Rice

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G


Ingredients : Egg, Oil, Onion, Tomato

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks,
Grilled Fish, Matsutake Mushroom, Sashimi, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Cooked Rice

Shipping : 1715G
S-Rank Value: 2400G


Ingredients : Butter, Cooked Rice, Milk, Onion, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+38 Fullness Points
Alternations: Bell Pepper, Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Ketchup,
Matsutake Mushroom, Oil, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Cooked Rice

Shipping : 3000G
S-Rank Value: 4200G

--==Rice and Beans==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Edamame

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Soybeans

Obtained By : Diner -> Edamame

Shipping : 1585G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Yam Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Yam

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Potato

Obtained By : Diner -> Yam

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G

--==Mixed Rice==--

Ingredients : Carrot, Cooked Rice, Deep-Fried Tofu, Shiitake

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+42 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Deep-Fried Tofu

Shipping : 2490G
S-Rank Value: 3480G

--==Mushroom Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Shiitake Mushroom

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points
Alternations: Matsutake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Shiitake Mushroom

Shipping : 1555G
S-Rank Value: 1620G

--==Matsutake Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Matsutake Mushroom

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Matsutake Mushroom

Shipping : 2400G
S-Rank Value: 3360G

--==Tempura Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Tempura

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Seaweed, Seaweed Paste,

Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Tempura

Shipping : 2575G
S-Rank Value: 3600G

--==Tofu Sushi==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Deep-Fried Tofu

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Cucumber, Egg, Sashimi

Obtained By : Diner -> Deep-Fried Tofu

Shipping : 1800G
S-Rank Value: 2520G

--==Dry Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points
Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,
Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Curry Powder

Shipping : 985G
S-Rank Value: 1380G

--==Curry Rice==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Diner -> Curry Powder

Shipping : 985G
S-Rank Value: 1380G

--==Blue Curry==--

Ingredients : Blue Grass, Cooked Rice, Curry Powder

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 2nd Time

Shipping : 1585G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Green Curry==--
Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Green Grass
Nutrition : +32 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 4th Time

Shipping : 1585G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Red Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Red Grass

Nutrition : +30 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 6th Time

Shipping : 1630G
S-Rank Value: 2280G

--==Yellow Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Yellow Grass

Nutrition : +32 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 8th Time

Shipping : 1675G
S-Rank Value: 2340G
--==Orange Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Orange Grass

Nutrition : +32 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 10th Time

Shipping : 1590G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Purple Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Purple Grass

Nutrition : +34 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 12th Time

Shipping : 1675G
S-Rank Value: 2340G

--==Indigo Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, Indigo Grass

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 14th Time

Shipping : 1590G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Black Curry==--

Ingredients : Black Grass, Cooked Rice, Curry Powder

Nutrition : +30 Stamina Points
+26 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 16th Time

Shipping : 1200G
S-Rank Value: 1680G

--==White Curry==--

Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Curry Powder, White Grass

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 18th Time

Shipping : 1800G
S-Rank Value: 2520G

--==Rainbow Curry==--

Ingredients : Black Curry, Blue Curry, Curry Rice, Green Curry, Red Curry,
White Curry
Nutrition : +112 Stamina Points
+050 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 20th Time

Shipping : 3220G
S-Rank Value: 4500G
--==Ultimate Curry==--

Ingredients : Black Curry, Failed Dish, Rainbow Curry

Nutrition : +166 Stamina Points
+70 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 22th Time

Shipping : 4505G
S-Rank Value: 6300G

--==Finest Curry==--

Ingredients : Failed Dish, Rainbow Curry, White Curry

Nutrition : +140 Stamina Points
+112 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple, Baked Apple, Bell Pepper, Boiled Egg, Carrot,

Cheese, Chocolate, Corn, Cream Croquette, Croquette, Egg,
Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks, Grape Juice, Grape Punch,
Matsutake Mushroom, Milk, Onion, Pineapple, Potato, Pumpkin,
Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Roasted Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spa-Boiled Egg, Spinach,
Tomato, Turnip, Vegetable Juice, Yam

Obtained By : Floor 255 in Mine, 24th Time

Shipping : 4505G
S-Rank Value: 6300G

--==Savoury Pancake==--

Ingredients : Cabbage, Egg, Oil, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+40 Fullness Points

Alternations: Carrot, Cheese, Corn, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L), Fish Sticks,
Fried Noodles, Fried Thick Noodles, Matsutake Mushroom,
Mayonnaise, Milk, Pumpkin, Rice Cake, Roasted Corn, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Toasted Rice Cake

Obtained By : Diner -> Cabbage

Shipping : 2745G
S-Rank Value: 3840G

Ingredients : Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Curry Noodles==--

Ingredients : Curry Powder, Noodles

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+36 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Curry Powder

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Tempura Noodles==--

Ingredients : Noodles, Tempura

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+38 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Tempura

Shipping : 2490G
S-Rank Value: 3480G

--==Fried Thick Noodles==--

Ingredients : Noodles, Oil

Nutrition : +26 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Oil

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Buckwheat Noodles==--

Ingredients : Buckwheat Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Buckwheat Flour

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Tempura Soba==--

Ingredients : Buckwheat Noodles, Tempura

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+38 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,

Obtained By : Diner -> Tempura

Shipping : 2145G
S-Rank Value: 3000G

--==Fried Noodles==--

Ingredients : Buckwheat Noodles, Oil

Nutrition : +26 Stamina Points
+32 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L),
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Toasted Rice Cake, Turnip,
Obtained By : Diner -> Oil
Shipping : 985G
S-Rank Value: 1380G


Ingredients : Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Butter, Cheese, Corn, Egg, Eggplant, Fish (S, M, L)
Fish Sticks, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion, Rice Cake, Seaweed,
Seaweed Paste, Shiitake Mushroom, Spinach, Toasted Rice Cake,

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Tofu Steak==--

Ingredients : Oil, Tofu

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Butter, Carrot, Egg, Wheat Flour

Obtained By : Diner -> Tofu

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Fried Rice Noodles==--

Ingredients : Oil, Rice Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+28 Fullness Points

Alternations: Bell Pepper, Cabbage, Carrot, Egg, Matsutake Mushroom, Onion,

Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Rice Flour

Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G

[8.06] Dessert Recipes

--==Yam Pudding==--
Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Yam
Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+22 Fullness Points

Alternations: Milk

Obtained By : Diner -> Yam

Shipping : 1160G
S-Rank Value: 1620G

--==Pumpkin Pudding==--

Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Pumpkin

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Chocolate, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch,
Ice Cream, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry

Obtained By : Diner -> Pumpkin

Shipping : 1760G
S-Rank Value: 2460G

--==Baked Banana==--

Ingredients : Banana
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter

Obtained By : Diner -> Banana

Shipping : 1330G
S-Rank Value: 1860G

--==Chocolate Banana==--

Ingredients : Banana, Chocolate

Nutrition : +38 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Stick

Obtained By : Diner -> Chocolate

Shipping : 1375G
S-Rank Value: 1920G

--==Candied Potato==--
Ingredients : Yam
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Yam

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Sweet Yam Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Yam
Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Egg, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Yam

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Baked Apple==--

Ingredients : Apple
Nutrition : +26 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Apple

Shipping : 470G
S-Rank Value: 660G

--==Apple Pie==--

Ingredients : Apple, Butter, Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Apple Jam, Grape Jam, Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Apple

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G

--==Pineapple Pie==--
Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Pineapple, Wheat Flour
Nutrition : +46 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Pineapple

Shipping : 4505G
S-Rank Value: 6300G

--==Strawberry Rice Cake==--

Ingredients : Rice Cake, Strawberry

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Strawberry

Shipping : 385G
S-Rank Value: 540G

--==Sponge Cake==--

Ingredients : Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Milk, Oil

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 1030G
S-Rank Value: 1440G


Ingredients : Butter, Milk

Nutrition : +38 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Chocolate, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch,
Ice Cream, Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry

Obtained By : Diner -> Milk

Shipping : 685G
S-Rank Value: 960G

Ingredients : Cheese, Egg, Milk
Nutrition : +40 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams, Butter, Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Cheese

Shipping : 1975G
S-Rank Value: 2760G


Ingredients : Egg, Milk, Oil, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams, Butter, Yogurt

Obtained By : Diner -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 1715G
S-Rank Value: 2400G


Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Milk, Oil, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams, Chocolate

Obtained By : Diner -> Milk

Shipping : 2230G
S-Rank Value: 3120G


Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Wheat Flour

Shipping : 1500G
S-Rank Value: 2100G

--==Chocolate Cookies==--
Ingredients : Chocolate, Cookies
Nutrition : +38 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Cafe -> Chocolate

Shipping : 1585G
S-Rank Value: 2220G

--==Ice Cream==--

Ingredients : Eggs, Milk

Nutrition : +38 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Chocolate, Corn Flakes, Grape, Orange, Peach,
Pineapple, Strawberry

Obtained By : Cafe -> Milk

Shipping : 685G
S-Rank Value: 980G


Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch, Ice Cream,
Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt

Obtained By : Cafe -> Butter

Shipping : 1160G
S-Rank Value: 1620G

--==Steamed Cake==--

Ingredients : Butter, Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +42 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch, Ice Cream,
Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt

Obtained By : Cafe -> Butter

Shipping : 1160G
S-Rank Value: 1620G
--==Chocolate Cake==--

Ingredients : Butter, Chocolate, Egg, Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +50 Stamina Points
+18 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch, Ice Cream,
Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt

Obtained By : Cafe -> Chocolate

Shipping : 1370G
S-Rank Value: 1920G

--==Buckwheat Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Buckwheat Flour

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Buckwheat Flour

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G

--==Roasted Rice Cake==--

Ingredients : Rice Cake

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Butter, Oil

Obtained By : Diner -> Rice Cake

Shipping : 250G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Soybean Rice Cake==--

Ingredients : Rice Cake, Soybean Flour

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Soybean Flour

Shipping : 1070G
S-Rank Value: 1500G

--==Green Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Rice Cake, Green Weed

Nutrition : +36 Stamina Points
+16 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Green Weed

Shipping : 250G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Bamboo Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Rice Cake

Nutrition : +22 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: Matsutake Mushroom, Oil, Shiitake Mushroom

Obtained By : Diner -> Rice Cake

Shipping : 250G
S-Rank Value: 360G

--==Fruit Dumpling==--

Ingredients : Sweet Rice Flour

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch, Ice Cream,
Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt

Obtained By : Diner -> Sweet Rice Flour

Shipping : 1115G
S-Rank Value: 1560G

--==Chocolate Fondue==--

Ingredients : Bread, Chocolate

Nutrition : +28 Stamina Points
+12 Fullness Points

Alternations: All Jams

Apple, Banana, Corn Flakes, Grape, Grape Punch, Ice Cream,
Orange, Peach, Pineapple, Strawberry, Yogurt
Obtained By : Diner -> Chocolate
Shipping : 85G
S-Rank Value: 120G

[8.07] Other Recipes

--==Cooked Rice==--

Ingredients : Rice
Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Starter Recipe

Shipping : 900G
S-Rank Value: 1260G


Ingredients : Wheat Flour

Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Starter Recipe

Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Strawberry Jam==--

Ingredients : Strawberry
Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Strawberry

Shipping : 215G
S-Rank Value: 300G

--==Apple Jam==--

Ingredients : Apple
Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points
Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Apple

Shipping : 515G
S-Rank Value: 720G

--==Grape Jam==--

Ingredients : Grape
Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Grape

Shipping : 945G
S-Rank Value: 1320G


Ingredients : Orange
Nutrition : +8 Stamina Points
+8 Fullness Points

Alternations: Grape Punch

Obtained By : Diner -> Orange

Shipping : 945G
S-Rank Value: 1320G


Ingredients : Tomato
Nutrition : +6 Stamina Points
+1 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Tomato

Shipping : 300G
S-Rank Value: 420G


Ingredients : Cooked Rice, Soybeans

Nutrition : +6 Stamina Points
+1 Fullness Points

Alternations: None
Obtained By : Diner -> Soybeans
Shipping : 815G
S-Rank Value: 1140G

--==Elli Leaves==--

Ingredients : Bodigizer XL, Failed Dish, Hungerizer XL

Nutrition : +140 Stamina Points
+098 Fullness Points

Alternations: Any Wild Grass

Obtained By : Diner -> Failed Dish

Shipping : 4505G
S-Rank Value: 6300G

--==Relax Tea Leaf==--

Ingredients : Green Weed, Indigo Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Yellow
Nutrition : +4 Stamina Points
+6 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Green Weed

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G


Ingredients : Black Grass, Orange Grass, Red Magic Flower

Nutrition : +70 Stamina Points
+08 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Red Magic Flower

Shipping : 1370G
S-Rank Value: 1920G

--==Bodigizer XL==--

Ingredients : Blue Grass, Bodigizer

Nutrition : +140 Stamina Points
+008 Fullness Points

Alternations: None
Obtained By : Diner -> Bodigizer
Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G


Ingredients : Orange Grass, Red Magic Flower, White Grass

Nutrition : +08 Stamina Points
+42 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Red Magic Flower

Shipping : 1930G
S-Rank Value: 2700G

--==Hungerizer XL==--

Ingredients : Green Grass, Hungerizer

Nutrition : +08 Stamina Points
+84 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Hungerizer

Shipping : 2445G
S-Rank Value: 3420G


Ingredients : Egg, Oil

Nutrition : +1 Stamina Points
+1 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Egg

Shipping : 430G
S-Rank Value: 600G


Ingredients : Milk
Nutrition : +1 Stamina Points
+1 Fullness Points

Alternations: None
Obtained By : Diner -> Milk
Shipping : 860G
S-Rank Value: 1200G


Ingredients : Milk
Nutrition : +4 Stamina Points
+4 Fullness Points

Alternations: None

Obtained By : Diner -> Milk

Shipping : 645G
S-Rank Value: 900G

[9.01] Makers

When you have a maker shed, you can commission Gannon to make some makers for
you. You will need a certain amount of money and adamantite, that can be
gathered from the mine, to make the maker. The cost is all listed above, but
in this section, I'll tell you what they actually do.

--==Mayonnaise Maker==--

At the cost of 20,000G and 10 Adamantite, you can have the mayo maker. This
will convert all your eggs that you place into the machine into mayonnaise,
which effectively doubles the value of your eggs.

--==Butter Maker==--

At the same price of 20,000G and 10 Adamantite, you can purchase the butter
maker. This will convert all your milk into butter, and that will double
the value of the milk you put in.

--==Yogurt Maker==--

At the standard price of 20,000G and 10 Adamantite, you can commission the
yogurt maker. This will turn all the milk into yogurt, which will pretty much
improve the price by about 50%.

--==Cheese Maker==--

Buyable at the normal price of 20,000G and 10 Adamantite, you can install the
Cheese maker, which will turn all your milk from your cows into cheese. This
is the best maker for milk, since it will triple the value of the milk.

--==Yarn Maker==--

The final maker that can be purchased at the wonderful price of 20,000G and
10 Adamantite, Gannon can deliver, with packaging and handling costs, the Yarn
Maker, which will turn all the Wool that you deliver into Yarn, which triples
the value of the wool used.
--==Seed Maker==--

At the expensive price of 50,000G and 10 Adamantite, you can purchase the
seed maker. This is a strange machine. You need to feed it any crop that you
grow, fruit or mushrooms, and that will produce the seed form of the crop.
This is best used on mushrooms, since those seeds are quite expensive and
take a fair while to unlock.


At the high price of 100,000G and 20 Adamantite, you can own the Thresher.
This is important if you have grain crops, since it will turn the raw harvest
into something that is more edible. It turns Raw Rice, Raw Wheat, Raw Soybeans
and Raw Buckwheat into Rice, Wheat, Soybeans and Buckwheat respectively.
This will boost the value of the harvested crop.

--==Flour Mill==--

At the princely price of 100,000G and 20 Adamantite, you can operate the Flour
Mill. This is needed if you have the Thresher, since it will turn the Rice,
Wheat, Soybeans and Buckwheat into the edible Rice Flour, Wheat Flour, Soybean
Flour and Buckwheat Flour. In most cases, this flour will be more valuable
than the threshed product, but check, just to be sure.

--==Rank Maker/Quality Improver==--

This machine is the most expensive machine that you can purchase, at the
price of 5,000,000G (5 Million!) and 100 Adamantite. What it does is that you
put in an item, and wait. What it does is slowly improve the quality of the
item, until it reaches S rank.

Given that there are 5 ranks, D, C, B, A and S, it will improve the quality
of an item by a rank per season. That is, it will most the quality of the
item after 30 days by a single rank. So, if you want to go from D to S, it
will take pretty much 4 seasons, which is a year.

[10.01] Spring Events

Birthday List

The following main characters have their birthdays in Spring. Give them a
present as a celebration!

Vaughn - Spring 03
Julia - Spring 06
Harvest Goddess - Spring 08
Mirabelle - Spring 11
Pierre - Spring 13
Chen - Spring 17
Chelsea - Spring 20
Gannon - Spring 27


Note that nearly all the events, both in this season and other seasons, will
require access to the Meadow area. You need Gannon to build a bridge to the
meadow before any events can occur.

New Years Day - Spring 01

This will take place at the meadow between 10am and 6pm. During this festival,
you can talk to Taro and you will have the opportunity to use your hammer to
make some rice cakes. However, if you have yellow wonderfuls, you don't seem
to do any extra damage. Imagine the show of strength when you break the

In the end, you will get to eat some Rice Cakes, which will boost your Stamina
Bar when you head back to work at 6pm, back at your own house. You can eat
them too fast, which will lead to choking, which seems to be more or less a
random occurance. Don't worry, it is just a comedic routine, not an event
that says "hey look, that guy sucks because he can't eat rice cakes."

When you leave the meadow, you will arrive at home, at 6pm, with a stack of
10 S-Rank Rice Cakes in your Rucksack.

Goddess Festival - Spring 07/08

To start this festival, you need to have Nathan and Alisa unlocked, and the
Church unlocked. Then, during Winter, you need to talk and visit him, and
they will have a nice chat, and then decide it would be a good idea to have
a Festival during the birthday of the Goddess.

Now, the normal festival is on the 8th, which is the Goddess' birthday, and
head to the meadow between 10am and 6pm, and all you do is take part in a
small dance ceremony, and then had back to work.

The second part is that you get a date. You can date anyone that is on the
Green Heart level with you (marriage candidate), but you cannot date the
Witch Princess and Shea for this festival. You need to invite them on the

The next morning, they will wait at the front door until you finish all
your farm work, which is rather nice, but maybe they could lend a hand?
After all, I still need to feed the chickens, milk and brush the cows,
sheer the sheep, feed the dog and horse, water the plants, pluck the
weeds, chop the wood and stones, and ship the items. Anyway, you need to
finish by 6pm, or else you lose 10,000 Friendship Points. Then you go to
the festival, have a dance, and back to work.

Spring Thanksgiving - Spring 14

This is a gender based event, which makes it harder to plan.

If you are a guy, you can give any girl a gift (though they need to receive
your gift in the first place anyway), which is either Chocolate or Chocolate
Cookies, and you get an extra friendship boost for it. That is about all you
can do for a guy.

If you are a girl, then it is a nice day. You will get a lot of male visitors
at the door, but you need to keep heading in and outside your house at the
given times for someone to give you a give.
If you have the guy at a relationship level of Yellow, Orange or Red, then you
will get Chocolate Cookies from the guy. If the relationship level is below
that, then you get rewarded with Chocolate. Not too shabby. The times are
below. You need to be at Purple heart or above for this to happen though.

6:00am to 8:00am - Elliot

8:01am to 10:00am - Vaughn
10:01am to 12:00pm - Denny
12:01pm to 2:00pm - Pierre
2:01pm to 4:00pm - Shea
4:01pm to 6:00pm - Mark

If you are a girl and are already married, your husband will give you some
nice Chocolate Cookies, which will be in your rucksack.

Sheep Festival - Spring 19

When you head outside on the 18th of Spring, Mirabelle will approach you and
ask if you have any sheep you wish to enter in the Sheep Festival on the next
day. Your sheep need to be fully grown, not pregnant, and have all its wool,
which is not sheered. You don't need to feed it for that day, but it will be
back the next day.

Anyway, on the 19th, you can head to the Meadow between the time of 10am and
6pm, for the contest. The automatic victory point is at 8 hearts, which
isn't all that hard to be quite honest. If you are the winner, you get a nice
wonderful stone.

You can also view the event if you do not have any sheep, which require two
boy farmers on your island or you do not have any eligible sheep to enter in
the contest.

Cooking Festival - Spring 24

The cooking festival is a two part festival. The first part is where you head
to the meadow between the hours of 10am to 12pm. You need to talk to Pierre
and tell him what type of entry you will be making. There are several types of
entries. You have Salad, Soup/Drink, Appetizer, Main Course and Dessert. Pick
one, one that you have a good recipe and ingredients for.

The dish you should make should have as many ingredients as possible. The
more ingredients you have, the better chance you have of winning. Also add as
many of the alterations and additional ingredients as you can, that would
increase the value of the dish. It is up to you what you make, but you should
choose a decent dish that you have ingredients for.

Anyway, you will be teleported to your kitchen after you make your choice, to
cook a dish. Head back, and present your dish to Pierre. It needs to be
presented by 6pm. He will judge your submission, and if you get a GOOD from
him, you have a good chance to win. If you get a ..., don't bother, you aren't
going to win.

At the end, he will pronounce the name of the winner, and if that is you, you
get a Wonderful Stone. This is definitely a lot harder to win than previous
games since there is the ranking system against you.

Spring Crop Festival - Spring 29

Felicia, the daughter of Taro, will visit your house on the 28th to remind you
that there will be a crop festival on the 29th. She will also remind you the
crop that you are to bring that season. It is also on your calendar should you

The first five years are set in stone in what they are.

1st - Turnip
2nd - Potato
3rd - Cucumber
4th - Strawberry
5th - Cabbage

Beyond that, it is utterly random in what is chosen as the crop that is to be


If you want to win, you need to have a crop that is at least A rank, the
higher the better, S-Rank definitely guarantees you a win, though that is
quite hard to achieve. You need to bring that crop between 10am and 6pm to
the Meadow for judging.

Should you win, you will get a Wonderful stone for your victory.

[10.02] Summer Events

Birthday List

Popuri - Summer 03
Cliff - Summer 06
Eliza - Summer 12
Regis - Summer 17
Elliot - Summer 21
Natalie - Summer 28
Charlie - Summer 30

Event List

Chicken Festival - Summer 07

Another animal festival, Mirabelle will head to your farm on the 6th and ask
if you want to enter a chicken in the festival on the next day. There is no
pre-condition that you need to enter the chicken, except it needs to be
fully grown. You don't need to enter one, and you can watch, so it is your

On the 7th, head to the Meadow between 10am to 6pm. If you entered your
chicken, if you want to win, you need to have at least 8 hearts, since
Popuri from Mineral Town seems to always have a winner.

If you are the winner, you will get a Wonderful Stone.

Mining Festival - Summer 15

The mining festival is one where you need to enter either ore or a jem
that you have found in the mine. Again, this is held in the Meadow and
is set between the standard hours of 10am and 6pm.

Have your entry at the ready and give it to Regis. He is the host of the
festival. This festival is different in terms of how you win. You need
to have at least 8.5 bars of Quality on the item filled. Nothing else
will actually matter, the Freshness and the Size of the entry doesn't
matter, only the quality.

Should you win, you will get a Wonderful Stone for your effort.

Horse Festival - Summer 23

Another animal judging festival, again, Mirabelle will ask you if you want
to enter a Horse in the festival, but if you don't want to or you don't have
a horse, you can just watch. This is done on the 22nd of course.

Anyway, it is again hosted on the next day, will be held between 10am to 6pm
where you will be judged. It isn't a horse race, so there is no betting, which
is rather sad. You will win if you have about 8 hearts if your horse, so it
isn't too hard if you have the right amount of hearts.

Again, for your victory, you get a Wonderful Stone.

Fireworks - Summer 25

This is a fireworks festival, which is held between 6pm and 10pm at the
Meadow and held by Gannon and Chen. You need to have unlocked all the main
characters for this event to be available.

To start the display, you can either talk to Gannon OR you can talk to your
marriage candidate at the event, and ask the to watch the fireworks with
you. You need at least a blue heart to ask any of them on the date and the
Witch Princess, along with Shea, don't turn up to the event

If you are married, you don't get any choice, you have to go with your
husband or wife. Sucks to be married eh?

Summer Crop Festival - Summer 29

Felicia, the daughter of Taro, will visit your house on the 28th to remind you
that there will be a crop festival on the 29th. She will also remind you the
crop that you are to bring that season. It is also on your calendar should you

The first five years are set in stone in what they are.

1st - Tomato
2nd - Corn
3rd - Pumpkin
4th - Pineapple
5th - Onion

Beyond that, it is utterly random in what is chosen as the crop that is to be


If you want to win, you need to have a crop that is at least A rank, the
higher the better, S-Rank definitely guarantees you a win, though that is
quite hard to achieve. You need to bring that crop between 10am and 6pm to
the Meadow for judging.

Should you win, you will get a Wonderful stone for your victory.

[10.03] Fall Events

Birthday List

Lanna - Fall 02
Nathan - Fall 04
Felicia - Fall 09
Karen - Fall 15
Doctor - Fall 19
Wada - Fall 20
Denny - Fall 26

Events List

Harvest Festival - Fall 08

The harvest festival is one of the most fun festivals. All you need to do is
to bring an item, that you can eat, to the Meadow between the standard
operating hours of 10am and 6pm. I'd advise you to bring it either close to
6pm or when you are out of Stamina, you'll see why later.

Anyway, bring along something, and nearly all items you bring, the better the
ingredients, the better, will result in a positive increase in relationship
with you and all involved in the festival.

After you add the ingredients, you get a try out of the MASSIVE POT. I don't
think that all those people could eat that much stew. Where are the leftovers,
in the river? Anyway, if you want to be a complete asshole, you can toss in a
poisonous Toadstool and poison everyone, suffering a relationship drop with
everyone involved.

Of course, the Witch Princess will be pleased, but you will only get a
relationship boost with her after 5 festivals, which makes me wonder why they
haven't banned you from it.

At the end of the festival, you warp to your farm, with a completely full
Stamina and Fullness bar.

Cow Festival - Fall 16

On the 15th, Mirabelle will ask you if you want to enter a cow in the
Cow Festival where you can win a Wonderful Stone, as usual. Of course, you
don't need to enter, whether you just don't want to or you don't have a cow,
you can just watch.

It takes place at the usual place, the Meadow between 10am and 6pm as usual,
You can win if you have at least 8 hearts with your cow, since there is always
some tough competition.

Rice Festival - Fall 24

The Rice Festival will only be held if you have shipped Rice or Raw Rice
between the days of Spring 01 and Fall 20. If you have grown it during the
first few days of Spring, then no problems. If you didn't ship any rice
between those times, well you don't get a festival.

At this festival, you will get a stack of a certain item, the item depends
on how much rice you have shipped.

< 1000 = Riceballs

1000 to 2000 = Curry Rice
> 2000 = Tofu Sushi

Of course, that doesn't stack upon last year. To achieve a lot of rice
shipped, you need to have multipliers on your sickle, enough to make sure
that you get more rice than actually grown.

Fall Crop Festival - Fall 28

Felicia, the daughter of Taro, will visit your house on the 27th to remind you
that there will be a crop festival on the 28th. She will also remind you the
crop that you are to bring that season. It is also on your calendar should you

The first five years are set in stone in what they are.

1st - Eggplant
2nd - Sweet Potato
3rd - Bell Pepper
4th - Carrot
5th - Spinach

Beyond that, it is utterly random in what is chosen as the crop that is to be


If you want to win, you need to have a crop that is at least A rank, the
higher the better, S-Rank definitely guarantees you a win, though that is
quite hard to achieve. You need to bring that crop between 10am and 6pm to
the Meadow for judging.

Should you win, you will get a Wonderful stone for your victory.

Pumpkin Festival - Fall 30

Essentially Halloween, this is where you need to give children some sweet
candy to make them go off and get on a sugar high. Anyway, they will walk
to your door and look for a gift. The times are below.

6:00 am to 8:00 am - Charlie

8:01 am to 10:00 am - Eliza
10:01 am to 12:00 pm - Popuri

All the visitors will demand something sweet. Chocolate is the cheapest
solution, but any dessert recipe from the menu will do. You need to
deliver on site, you cannot run off to purchase some off Chen and hope
the kid doesn't notice.

If you are married and have a kid that can crawl or walk, then they will
have made you some nice candy if you turn up between the hours of 2pm and
6pm at home. If they aren't at that stage, then you don't get anything
at all.

[10.04] Winter Events

Birthday List

Shea - Winter 02
Taro - Winter 03
Sabrina - Winter 12
Aliza - Winter 17
Mark - Winter 27
Witch Princess - Winter 29

Event List

Snow Festival - Winter 04

The Snow Festival is held between 10am and 6pm at the Meadow. This is where
you can just talk to everyone, but if you have at least 5 hearts in terms
of relationship with anyone, you can ask them to make a snowman with you.
As such, you need all the main characters unlocked, except the Mineral
Towners and your child.

You will raise relationship with everyone you talk to, but if they accept
your invitation to make a snowman, then you get a much larger boost to your
relationship with them. The amount of people who accept determines the size
of your snowman.

1 - 5 = Small Snowman
6 - 10 = Medium Snowman
> 10 = Large Snowman

Dog Festival - Winter 10

The final animal festival, these are seriously getting boring to write about
since they are all the same. Rock up at the meadow at the 10 to 6 deadline
and enter an animal. If you get at least 8 hearts in terms of relationship
with the dog, then you get the Wonderful Stone that proves you won.

Winter Thanksgiving - Winter 14

Another thanksgiving festival. This time, if you are a guy, you get the
gifts. If you have at least a purple heart, you will get a gift from a
girl. If the heart is Orange, Yellow or Red, then instead of the Chocolate
that you would normally get, you would get some Chocolate Cookies. I am
not sure if they are double choc or not though. And don't worry, the Witch
Princess didn't poison the chocolate. The times for delivery are below.

6:00am to 8:00am - Natalie

8:01am to 10:00am - Julia
10:01am to 12:00pm - Lanna
12:01pm to 2:00pm - Sabrina
2:01pm to 4:00pm - Witch Princess
4:01pm to 6:00pm - Chelsea

If you are a girl, then if the guys are accepting of your gifts, you should
give them chocolate for the extra relationship boost. You can also give
chocolate cookies, but it does time some effort to actually make the cookies
to give.

If you are a guy and are married, then you get a nice treat. Your wife will
bake you some cookies. Nice.

Fishing Festival - Winter 20

You need Denny and Lanna before you can start this festival, but once you
do have them, you can participate in this. All you need to do is to bring a
size to the Meadow at the usual time of 10 to 6.

To win, you need either a Medium or Large Size. With the Medium fish, you
need a size ranking of 10, at S-Rank. However, with the large size, all you
need is 8.5 size ranking to win. Size is what matters, no matter what.
Small size cannot win the festival, S Rank or not.

Of course, you win a Wonderful for winning this.

Starry Night - Winter 23/24

This is another planned event again. If you have a marriage candidate, you
can ask them out to dinner on the next day. You can only pick a single
person, as you do.

Between 6 and 10 that evening on the next day, you head to the persons
house and you have dinner with them and their family if there is a family.
With Mark, Chelsea and the Witch Princess, they will head to your house
instead and ask you to join them, bit different there. Vaughn is harder
to ask since he needs to be in town on the 23rd in order to ask him.

You will increase your relationship with all involved, whoever it is you
deem is necessary to involve in your love life.

If you are married, then head to your home between 2pm and 6pm and you will
celebrate the Starry Night with your family.
New Years Eve - Winter 30

This is where you head to the Meadow between 6pm and 10pm, and you head
there to eat some Buckwheat noodles. You can talk to all the other people
to raise your relationship with them, as you do.

You will end this festival when you wake up on the next morning, which is
New Years Day, with a whole bunch of Buckwheat Flour, all S Rank, in your

[10.05] Other Events

These are all the other events that can occur, that will give a boost in the
Farm Degree, but are not set for a date. Unlike the previous installment,
you don't have thousands of events, just a set few.

Activate the Goddess Festival

You need to be in Winter, have unlocked all the main villagers except your
Child and Mineral Towners, and visit the church between 3pm and 6pm. When you
head inside the church, several villagers will talk about a festival about
the Harvest Goddess, and thats about it.

Wada's Friendship Tower

When you go to Wada'a place, there is a nice tower, blocked by a statue. To

remove it, you need to have about 8 Friendship hearts with Wada and be in
the 3rd year in the game at least.

Meet the requirements and you will have friendship with Wada and he will
unlock the tower for you. There, inside the tower, the Harvest Sprite
Manfred will give you an item for free. It will always be food but what
it is, is utterly random. It can be a food crop, ingredient or dish. Save
and reload to get what you want. Though this is a daily event.

Of course, this does have benefits, bypassing the unlock requirements for
seeds if you have a seed maker and crop that you want to grow.

Unlocking the Rice Paddy

All you need to do is to have a Yellow Wonderful Stone and equip it to your
Hammer and Charlie will take you to the north western corner of the farm
and unlock your rice paddy. All this is explained in the relevant section.

House Expansions

When you have completed certain tasks, you can upgrade the houses of the
Villagers. Some are just changes, but some are quite important for the
function of the game.

Gannon - Upgrade house to Medium Size, Eliza on Island

Sean / Inn - Have at least 20 Sub-Villagers
Taro - Ship at least 2000 items
Nathan - Raise friendship to 30000 Points with Nathan / 5.5 Hearts
Chen - Spend 1 Million G at his store
Mirabelle - Purchase the Milker, Bell, Clippers and Brush
Regis - Have all the miner Sub-Villagers
Vanessa / Hotel - Have at least 30 Sub-Villagers
Luke / Diner - Have at least 25 Sub-Villagers
Madelynn / Cafe - Have at least 20 Sub-Villagers

Renaming the Island

This is a hard event to get. You need to have a full 10 Hearts with all the
main Villagers, all the marriage candidates for BOTH SIDES (male and female)
unlocked, and your Farm Degree title needs to be above Ranch Duke.

When that is met, you need to toss an item into the Goddess Pond on a sunny
or clear day (sun shining on weather panel) and that will allow you to rename
the island from Sunny Island to something utterly different.

[11.01] Friends

Raising relationships with other villagers will be important because that

will unlock events and the more hearts they have with you, the better they
will treat you.

There is a single way to see how people are treating you. You need to go to
the assets page and tap the villager screen. There are 2 colour of hearts,
there is green, which will mean you cannot marry them, whilst red means that
you can marry them.

When you scroll down the page, if you see a picture, that means that they
are one of the main villagers, or a mineral towner. If they do not have a
single picture next to their name, that means that they are sub-villagers.
This is important so you can determine how to raise their heart levels as
well as how important they are.

There are no ways to measure exactly how many friendship points you have, so
all you can do is to guess the level between how many hearts they have and
how many they need for the next level. Below is the list for both the main and
sub villagers.

Main Villagers

0 Hearts - 0 Friend Points

1 Heart - 1 to 6553 Friend Points
2 Hearts - 6554 to 13106 Friend Points
3 Hearts - 13107 to 19659 Friend Points
4 Hearts - 19660 to 26212 Friend Points
5 Hearts - 26213 to 32765 Friend Points
6 Hearts - 32766 to 39318 Friend Points
7 Hearts - 39319 to 45871 Friend Points
8 Hearts - 45872 to 52424 Friend Points
9 Hearts - 52425 to 58977 Friend Points
10 Hearts - 58978 to 65535 Friend Points
Sub Villagers

0 Hearts - 0 Friend Points

1 Hearts - 1 to 25 Friend Points
2 Hearts - 26 to 50 Friend Points
3 Hearts - 51 to 75 Friend Points
4 Hearts - 76 to 100 Friend Points
5 Hearts - 101 to 125 Friend Points
6 Hearts - 126 to 150 Friend Points
7 Hearts - 151 to 175 Friend Points
8 Hearts - 176 to 200 Friend Points
9 Hearts - 201 to 225 Friend Points
10 Hearts - 226 to 250 Friend Points

Of course, talking to people daily will get more points, regardless of who
you talk to, but it is impossible to determine how many points talking will
get because it is not determined when you talk to them. Talking to them during
a festival will net more points than a daily chit chat. Also, participation
in festivals will net more points.

The best way to make points would be to give gifts. You can only give gifts
after talking to them for 3 to 5 days straight, since they will not be
initially receptive of your gifts. If they don't accept your gifts, talk to
them for 5 days continiously, and then they should be receptive.

There are many levels of gifts for villagers, only two for the sub-villagers.
Gifts have a lot more points than talking. Below is how much you will get.

Main Villagers

Special - 800 Friendship Points

Loves - 500 Friendship Points
Really Likes - 300 Friendship Points
Likes - 100 Friendship Points

Dislikes - -500 Friendship Points

Hates - -800 Friendship Points
HORROR - -5000 Friendship Points

Sub Villagers

Likes - 3 Friendship Points

Dislikes - -5 Friendship Points

Of course, if you don't talk to people for 30 days, they leave, but there is a
section for that as well.

[11.02] Marriage

Marriage is relatively important if you want to complete the game, and there
are a series of steps that you need to go through in order to get to the
married stage. There are 6 people you can marry for each gender.
Female -> Denny, Elliot, Mark, Pierre, Shea, Vaughn
Male -> Chelsea, Julia, Lanna, Natalie, Sabrina, Witch Princess

You need to get them through the heart levels. The heart levels have certain
events that are associated with them. There are yellow, blue and purple heart
events, orange is a special one. There are 7 heart stages, just so you know,
and it is obtained just like obtaining Friendship Points from the normal

7 Levels

Black -> Purple -> Blue -> Green -> Yellow -> Orange -> Red

Now, besides needing the red heart and the events, which you pretty much
cannot miss, you need a few other requirements, which for some unknown
reason you need to have completed before you can get married.

* You need a bed for your wife/husband, for 10,000G at Chen's Store
* Unlocked the Church for your Island
* Have your house at the large size
* All main characters except the Mineral Towners

When all that is said and done, you need to purchase a Blue Feather from
Chen and present it to your spouse to be, and then you get married. It can
be purchased at the orange level, but it can only be used on the red level
due to some unknown reason.

When the blue feather is given, you head to your home and the marriage
planning is going to be under way. After a week, you will get your
ceremony. If that happens to fall upon a festival, or before the festival,
in which someone informs you of the festival, then it will be bumped to
after the festival. Festival overrules all weddings.

Now, at the ceremony, you go through a bit of dialogue, talk, finish the
dialogue, credits roll, and thats it. After finish rolling all the boring
credits, in which you can do your homework, brew some tea, swear at the
nearest passenger on whatever mode of public transport you are on, etc,
you warp back to the house, and your spouse will ask you for the nickname you
want to be called by. I suggest a swear word, just to get a divorce.


You can only have a single child. After 30 days, after the wedding of course,
you will have the female partner, either yourself or your wife, will have some
morning sickness and 60 days after that, you will have a kid. It is random
what gender it is though.

[11.03] Rival Marriages

Your rivals will have marriages as well, either before or even after you
are married. They, just like real life, you want to have someone before they
get taken.

Rival will have heart events as well. The black events will take place in
the first year, the blue event will start to take place in the second year,
the green event takes place from the third year onwards and the fourth and
final event takes place from the fourth year onwards. That means you have 4
years to poach a wife off someone before your rival can.

For the events to occur, there is a complicated process of heart requirements.

Well, the amount of hearts your rivals need is at or below the requirements
that you normally require. That means they need at or less than black, blue,
green and then orange.

Now, if you get married, none of this matters, everyone goes and gets
married, so you don't need to worry about the above paragraph of nothingless.

For your rivals to get married, it needs to be a week after their orange
heart event. Also, it has to be AFTER a festival if it falls on a festival,
and it will take place the next day if it isn't sunny.


Of course, your rivals will do the deed and they will have children as
well, but they will be sub-villagers. After their marriage, visit them
after 30 days and they will be with the doctor, who will say that the female
spouse has a child, and 60 days, out pops the baby.

The scene for the original visit is:

Elliot + Julia - Mirabelle's Store

Vaughn + Sabrina - Regis' House
Denny + Lanna - Lanna'a House
Pierre + Natalie - Pierre's House

When the time comes for the birth, the family will head off to Mineral Town
for 30 days with the Doctor, so they won't be at home for the birth. They
will be back, baby in tow, after 30 days.

[11.04] Moving Off

People will move off the island if you ignore them, that is, not talk to
them for 30 days straight. A main villager will talk to you the next morning
and tell you that they are leaving, while the sub-villager just disappears.

However, on your residents page, you will be able to see who is actually
away. There will be a nice ABSENT marker next to their portrait, or lack there

Sometimes, there is another pre-condition that has to be met before they

will move off the island. This condition will overall the amount of time
you will need before they disappear, so if you ignore a villager for 90 days,
they will still be there as long as you don't breach the pre-condition.

To get the villager back, you need to meet a certain condition. However, you
can only met the condition AFTER 30 days. There is no point in doing what you
see is the condition is, only after 30 days do you efforts count. For
example, if the condition is to ship 50 fish, the fish you ship will only
count after the 30 days the villager has been away.

Mineral Towners are different. They are seasonal visitors, they will return
back to your island when their time is right.

The List

The list of people who can move out is below. These are all the people who
can move out, their conditions to move out, and their conditions to move
back to your island.

Main Villagers



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Do not give the Harvest Goddess a gift for a Season


* Give a gift to the Harvest Goddess



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Ship at least 100 items



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Do not ship a single fish, whatever size, for a season


* Ship at least 50 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Do not ship a single fish, whatever size, for a season


* Ship at least 50 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Ship at least 100 items



* Leaves alongside with Alisa


* Returns alongside Alisa



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Do not cook a single recipe for a season


* Cook at least a single recipe



* Leaves alongside with Sabrina


* Returns alongside Sabrina



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Do not ship a single item from the mines for a season


* Ship at least 10 items, any items, from the mines




* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 fish in a season


* Ship at least 5 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 10 fish in a season


* Ship at least 10 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 15 fish in a season


* Ship at least 15 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 20 fish in a season


* Ship at least 20 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 25 fish in a season

* Ship at least 25 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 30 fish in a season


* Ship at least 30 fish, regardless of size



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 35 fish in a season


* Ship at least 35 fish, regardless of size

Boy Farmers



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Have no Chicken Feed


* Have 1 Chicken Feed or more



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Have no Fodder


* Have 1 Fodder or more


* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 Mayonnaise in a season


* Ship 5 Mayonnaise



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 Cheese in a season


* Ship 5 Cheese



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 Yogurt in a season


* Ship 5 Yogurt



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 Butter in a season


* Ship 5 Butter



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 Yarn in a season


* Ship 5 Yarn



* Leaves alongside Thelma


* Returns alongside Thelma



* Leaves alongside Robin


* Returns alongside Robin

Girl Farmers



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 of any crop for a season


* Ship at least 5 crops, of any kind



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 25 of any crop for a season


* Ship at least 25 crops, of any kind



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 50 of any crop for a season

* Ship at least 50 crops, of any kind



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 tree fruit in a year


* Ship 5 tree fruit



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 10 tree fruit in a year


* Ship 10 tree fruit



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 15 tree fruit in a year


* Ship 15 tree fruit



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 50 grain crops in a year


* Ship 50 grain crops



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 5 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 5 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 10 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 10 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 15 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 15 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 20 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 20 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 25 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 25 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 30 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 30 ore and jewels



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Ship less than 35 ore and jewels in a season


* Ship 35 ore and jewels

Old Men



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Participate in less than 4 festivals in a year


* Participate in at least 6 festivals in a year

Old Women



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Participate in less than 3 festivals in a year


* Participate in at least 5 festivals in a year

Young Men



* Leaves alongside Lanna


* Returns alongside Lanna



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns

Young Women



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Give less than 5 Gifts to any villager


* Give more than 5 Gifts to any villager in a season



* Ignore for 30 Days


* Automatically Returns



* Leaves alongside Pierre


* Returns alongside Pierre



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Participate in less than 2 festivals in a year


* Participate in at least 3 festivals in a year



* Ignore for 30 Days

* Cook less than 5 recipes in a season


* Cook at least 20 recipes


* Ignore for 30 Days
* Cook less than 20 recipes in a season


* Cook at least 50 recipes

[12.01] Aliza

Aliza is a nun that lives inside the Church, worshipping the Harvest Goddess.
Although she looks like she is a marriage candidate, she actually isn't, since
she is a nun.

Birthday - Winter 17

Moves In - Unlock the Forest. Toss favourable item into Goddess Pond for 3
days continiously to unlock the church.


Monday - Saturday

* From 6am to 10am, next to Goddess Pond

* After 10am, inside the church

Monday - Saturday (Raining)

* All Day inside Church


* From 6am to 10am, next to Goddess Pond

* From 10am to 3pm, inside Chen's Store
* After 3pm, inside Church



Ice Cream


All Chocolate Recipes

All Fruit Recipes
All Steamed Recipes
All Dumpling Recipes
All Jams
All Desserts
All Juices and Smoothies

--==Really Likes==--
All Appetizers
All Main Courses
All Salads
All Tree Fruits
Strawberry, Pineapple, Edamame, Buckwheat, Raw Buckwheat, Yam,
All Diamonds, Pink Diamonds


All Other Gems and Ores

All Building Materials
All Fishing Treasure
All Junk
Wool, Yarn


Any Dish with Curry in it

Curry Powder


Ultimate Curry

[12.02] Charlie

Charlie is a small kid in charge of the Wonderful System. He is with his

dad Chen or Eliza outside. He also creates some accessories as well, which
are rather nice.

Birthday - Spring 30

Moves In - Spring 2, First Year


Saturday - Thursday

* From 6am to 9am, inside Chen's Store

* From 9am to 2pm, at the Beach
* After 2pm, inside Chen's Store

Friday (Sunny, without Eliza)

* From 6am to 3pm, inside Chen's Store

* From 3pm to 7pm, outside Chen's Store
* After 7pm, inside Chen's Store

Friday (Sunny, with Eliza)

* From 6am to 10am, inside Chen's Store

* From 10am to 4pm, inside Gannon's Store
* After 4pm, inside Chen's Store

Friday (Not Sunny, with Eliza)

* From 6am to 2pm, inside Chen's Store

* From 2pm to 9pm, inside Gannon's Store
* After 9pm, inside Chen's Store

Friday (Not Sunny, without Eliza)

* All Day inside Chen's Store



Dry Curry


All Curry Dishes

Dumpling Dishes (Yam, Sweet Yam, Fruit, Buckwheat)
Soybean and Strawberry Rice Cake
Red Flower Mix Natto
Chocolate and Baked Banana
Chocolate Fondue
Pineapple Pie

--==Really Likes==--

All Mined Treasure

All Tree Fruit
Strawberry, Pineapple, Edamame
Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil, Lithograph
All Greenhouse Suns
All Nattos
All Desserts
All Juices
All Dishes which require Rice
All Dumpling Dishes


All Fishing Items (except the Treasure)

All Buildling Material
All Animal Feed
Junk Ore, Weeds, Yarn
Turnip, Tomato, Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot, Onion
All Salads
All Bodigizers and Hungerizers
Braised Potato, Carpaccio, Steamed Turnip, Failed Dish, Soy Milk,
Fried Rice Noodles, Dried Bean Curd, Grape Punch, Stuffed Cabbage
Soup (Onion, Herb, Corn, Pumpkin)


Pumpkin, Spinach, Toadstool, Bell Pepper

All Tofu Dishes

All Dishes including hated/disliked vegetables



[12.03] Chelsea

The opposite of the male rancher, who you must be playing as in order to
unlock her. She attempts to be a rancher, with no rival to marriage.

Birthday - Spring 20

Moves In - All Areas Unlocked, Unlock all Main Villagers, Hotel expanded


All Week

* Inside Hotel all day


--==Really Likes==--

Literally Everything, including weeds

Heart Events

Note that this needs to follow the above requirements, such as the year
requirement, as mentioned in the Marriage section above.

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather only
* Purple Heart or above
* Head into Farm House

As you walk into your house, Chelsea will follow you and ask you all sort of
questions about your farm. You have two choices.
* Okay

You show her around the farm, and she will take some pointers on how your
farm works, and finds your farm rather impressive.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Not Right Now

She seems displeased and is sorry that she has disturbed you.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny and Clear Weather only
* Blue Heart or above
* Head into Farm House

Chelsea will visit your farm and ask how you actually make money from your
farm and how it works. Seems interesting.

* Secret

Again, she is sorry that she has disturbed you and she will take her leave.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Welcome

You will show her around and show her how the shipping box works and how the
goods disappear and money suddenly appears in your wallet. Chelsea mentions
that she has a similar box as well, which means she didn't need to carry all
the goods to town to sell. She thanks you and takes her leave.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm to 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather only
* Blue Heart or above
* Walk from West Town to East Town

Chelsea bumps into you on the street and she ask if you want to join her on
her trip to the Forest. Your Choice

* Yes

You head to the Forest with Chelsea and you stop at the Goddess Pond. She
wonders how mysterious it is, well the Pond is anyway, she doesn't know
about the Goddess. She is happy you joined her, and you finish back at home.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Busy

Well, she is sad that you don't want to join her, and off she goes.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 3pm and 5pm

* Sunny and Clear Weather only
* Yellow Heart or above
* Head into Hotel (East Town)

She will see you and ask you what you are doing today. She will ask you
what you do on your days off, and there are three options. Just pick the
right one.

* Fishing

Wrong, you shouldn't be fishing.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Read Books

Again, wrong answer.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Don't Have Days Off

Right answer. She is happy you work hard on your farm every day, and she wants
to follow your example, closely.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete
--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny and Clear Weather only
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Head into Hotel (East Town)

Chelsea has a question for you, and there are three answer, two are wrong. She
will ask what your image of the ideal farm will be.

* Delicious Crops

Wrong Answer

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Friendly Animals

Again, it is the wrong answer

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Everyone Talks About It

That is the right answer. Sure, Crops and Animals are nice, but having a good
image is the best idea.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny and Clear Weather only
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Walk inside your House

Chelsea will again stalk you into your house and ask you weather or not you
have completed all your farm work. She wants to ask you if you want to go
somewhere, that is, she wants to ask you out on a date.

* I Have Time

You will be at the Meadow, which seems exciting. She seems interested and
she will have a game of tag with you, which seems real fun. After that fun
run, you end up at your house again.
+ Increase Friendship Points
-> Heart Events Complete

* No Time

That isn't very nice, she is asking you ask.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* All Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Pass Out (No Stamina)

There is no choice in this event. You pass out with no stamina, and see
found you on the road. Its all fine and dandy that you work hard and all
but you need to make sure that you don't collapse every five seconds.

She also says that such collapses will neglect your crops and your animals
and that isn't good. She recommends that you get something to eat. She
also wants you to rest for the rest of the day, and she leaves so you
can sleep.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Cannot be Tuesday and Saturday
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Sunny, Clear and Cloudy Weather
* Orange Heart or Above
* At Taro's Store

In Taro's House, in the Kitchen, Felicia is teaching Chelsea to cook for

some reason. Chelsea finds that cooking is actually quite hard, and Taro
sees you and welcomes you.

That scares the crap out of the other two, and Felicia is glad you are
here. Taro explains that Chelsea has taken cooking lessons because some
farmer, I wonder who. She says that it isn't for that farmer. They all
sit down and eat.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete
[12.04] Chen

Chen is the store owner on your island. You need to be his friend to get a
horse off him. He is shut on Friday in order to restock his store with the
newest goodies, though that never seems to lead to anything if you are the
farmer. Where is my roast coffee dammit?

Birthday - Spring 17

Moves In - Spring 02, First Year


Saturday - Thursday

* All Day inside Chen's Store

Friday (No Rain)

* From 3pm to 7pm, outside his Store

* After 7pm, Inside his store

Friday (Rain)

* After 3pm, inside his store





Any Curry Dish

Soups (Herb, Corn, Spaghetti, Egg, Miso)
All Drinks (without any Juice)
Tempura Dishes
Gratin, Stew, Cheese Fondue, Natto, Chop Suey, Fried Thick Noodles,
Boiled Tofu, Dried Bean Curd, Risotto, Stuffed Cabbage, Edamame

--==Really Likes==--

Rice Cake, Buckwheat, Raw Buckwheat

All Appetizers
All Main Course
Rest of Juices
Other Recipes
All Desserts

Elli Leaves


All Wild Grasses

All Fishing Items


Rubber Boot

[12.05] Cliff

Cliff is the first Mineral Towner on this list. He ends up married to Ann,
the daughter of the owner of the Inn back in Mineral Town, you know, the

Mineral Towners all appear after you have the expanded Hotel as well as
unlocking all 7 Harvest Sprites. They move in on the 1st or 2nd of each
season, they stay for a season, leave, and return 2 seasons later.

Birthday - Summer 6

Moves In - Expanded Hotel, All 7 Sprites, 1st/2nd of Season


Monday - Saturday (Sunny Weather)

* Until 12pm, inside the Hotel

* From 12pm to 5pm, at the Meadow
* From 5pm to 9pm, in the Forest
* After 9pm, inside the Hotel

Monday - Saturday (Rainy Weather)

* Inside Hotel All Day

Monday - Saturday (Rainy Weather with Church)

* Until 12pm, inside the Hotel

* From 12pm to 9pm, inside the Church
* After 9pm, inside the Hotel

Sunday (Sunny Weather)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 6pm, at the Meadow
* From 6pm to 10pm, inside the Hotel
* After 10pm, inside the Hotel

Sunday (Rainy Weather)

* Inside Hotel All Day



Finest Curry


All Buckwheat Items

All Curry Dishes
All Tempura Dishes
All Rice Dishes
Savoury Pancake, Boiled Spinach, Omelet, Sponge Cake, Stew, Cheese Fondue,
Mountain Stew, Miso Eggplant, Pizza, Miso Soup, Mixed Smoothies, Fried Egg,
Grilled Fish

--==Really Likes==--

All Crops
All Edible Animal Items

All Recipes EXCEPT:

All Bodigizers and Hungerizers (including XL)
Buckwheat Chips and Ball
All Fruit Dishes
All Herb Dishes
All Dishes including animal products (milk, eggs, fish)


All Mining Items

All Wild Grass
All Building Material
All Animal Feed
Wool, Yarn, Butter, Sweet Rice Flour, Herb Dishes, Failed Dish
Elli Leaves, Hungerizers + Bodigizers (XL as well), Buckwheat Chips and Ball.
Porridge, Gratin, Risotto


All Fishing Items (Non-Fish)

Curry Powder, Oil
Wheat Flour
Stone, Stick, Gold Lumber, Weeds, Toadstool


Fish Bones
[12.06] Denny

Denny is a fisherman, with his bird Kuu, looking for large fish. Every day
possible he will be out fishing, except for those rainy days. He will be
the rival for the male farmer for Lanna

Birthday - Fall 26

Moves In - After you catch any 50 items whilst fishing, East Town Unlocked


All Week (No Diner)

* From 9am to 1pm, at his house

* From 1pm to 8pm, at the Beach
* After 8pm, at his house

All Week (With Diner)

* From 9am to 1pm, at his house

* From 1pm to 6pm, at the Beach
* From 6pm to 10pm, at the Diner
* After 10pm, at his house

All Week (Raining)

* Until 10am, at his house

* From 10am to 12pm, at the Beach
* From 12pm to 7pm, at Chen's Store
* After 7pm, at his house





Fish (S, M, L)

Any fish based recipe

--==Really Likes==--

All Curries
All Nattos
Noodles Dishes
Rice Dishes

Turnip, Cabbage, Cucumber, Buckwheat, Raw Buckwheat, Pepper, Spinach, Edamame

Curry Powder


Any Fishing Item (Non-Fish)

Any Building Material
Any Animal Feed


Any Mining Item


Junk Ore

Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 9am to 1pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* Inside Denny's House

Denny has just returns from his fishing trip, and he will see that you see
all the crap lying around on the floor. He says that being a fisherman is
quite tough, and if he falls out of the boat, he has to fight off sharks.
He claims that he even fought a few.

* Really?

He seems happy that you believe him, and he seems happy that you seemed to
have cared about him.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Nice Joke

He wasn't really joking, and he shows the shark tooth that proves he fought
off some sharks.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 9am to 1pm, in Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather

* 6am to 10am, in Rainy Weather
* 7pm to 11pm, in Rainy Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Denny's House

You enter and you see Denny staring at a painting of a fish on the wall. He
says that it is the biggest fish he has ever caught, but you seem not to
believe that such a big fish exists.

* What kind of fish? -> I'll Help

He seems happy that will help him to catch the fish that he has been
dreaming after.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Shark?

He doesn't seem happy to see you say it is a shark, because it isn't. He is

not happy you do not have the fish knowledge he thought you had.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 9am to 1pm, in Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather

* 6am to 10am, in Rainy Weather
* 7pm to 11pm, in Rainy Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Denny's House

Denny is happy to see that you are taking an interest in fishing, however,
since you are a female, you aren't allowed to ride on a boat because it is
a long forbidden rule.

* Its a Rule, Obey It

He is glad that you understand that a woman cannot be on a boat and to make
up for it, he will talk to you about his fishing adventures.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3


Since he is a fisherman, he cannot break the laws because he might get put
in Harvest Moon jail or whatever exists.
- Decrease Friendship Points
-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6pm to 10pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Cannot be Sunday, Monday or Wednesday
* Lanna must be on the island
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Diner

When you head inside the Diner, Denny asks you to join him on the table. You
see that there is a lot of food, and Denny tells you that he has ordered
everything possible, to see if he could eat it all. Lanna comes over and is
surprised that one person could do it. Denny says he can.

* FAT!

Denny doesn't seem to like your supportive comment.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* DO IT!

Denny thinks it is a good idea that the both of you do it and you both go and
pig out. Lanna isn't too happy.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 1pm to 8pm

* Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* At the Beach

Denny keeps going on about how crap the weather is today. He got up early
this morning to go out to sea, but didn't. After his parents accident with
their boat, he is scared about going out. After depressing everyone with a
cold weather system, he says sorry.

* Don't Overwork

He cracks up at such a comment and he is rather happy now.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* I'm Fine

Well, that doesn't make him feel any better, does it?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* 1pm to 7pm, Saturday to Thursday

* Not Friday
* Rain, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* At Chen's Store

Denny is at the store talking to Chen, talking about how Chen doesn't store
any fish at his store. Chen says that while it is a good idea, he needs the
storage since fish go off real quick.

Denny then says that you could just cook the fish and that could be stored
for a while as well as sold. Denny says that is the idea since Chen stocks a
lot of fishing bait (which you don't get), and then, Chen notices that you
are there. I find it interesting Charlie doesn't go, HEY MAN!

They ask you, what is your favourite recipe.

* Sashimi

Hurray! Great answer.

+ Increase Friendship Points with Chen and Denny

-> Heart Events Complete

* Grilled Fish

Another good answer, it involves fish.

+ Increase Friendship Points with Chen and Denny

-> Heart Events Complete

* Don't Like Fish

WHAT. Are you suicidal or what?

- Decrease Friendship Points with Chen and Denny

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 7pm to 11pm

* Rainy, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Well, this is where you see Denny next to the garbage bin next to his house
and he is extremely disappointed, he spent all day fishing and all he
caught was the rubber boot.

Then, there is the awkward silence which always appears at such a moment, and
he says you don't tell anyone. Denny tells you to keep it a secret, you agree
and he walks away embarrassed.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 9am to 1pm

* Any Weather
* Hurricane or Blizzard must occur day before
* All Areas are unlocked
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or above
* West Town to Beach

Well, the Storm yesterday has crippled the shack that Denny lives in. The
storm has left a hole in his roof, but the problem is, he is a fisherman,
he cannot repair the hole with some bait. You need a carpenter.

Just at that time, Gannon shows up and asks you weather the farm took any
damage. After all, you give him the most money. Your house is fine, so you
decide to help Gannon fix up Denny's place. He seems rather happy for your
help, and you all start work.

When the repairs are done, Gannon will say that it will hold until he can
get his replacement parts from wherever he orders them from. He thanks both
of you, but is happy with you since you took the time off to help.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 6pm to 10pm

* Any Weather
* Denny at Black Heart
* Inside Diner

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* 6am to 8am, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather

* 10am to 12pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 2pm to 4pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 10pm to 11pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 6am to 10am, Rainy, Drizzle or Snow Weather
* 7pm to 11pm, Rainy, Drizzle or Snow Weather
* Year 2+
* Denny at Blue or Lower Heart
* Lanna's House

--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 6pm to 10pm, Any Weather

* Year 3+
* Denny at Green or Lower Heart
* Inside the Diner

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 1pm to 6pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Year 4+
* Denny at Orange or Lower Heart
* West Town to Beach

[12.07] Eliza

Eliza is the daughter of Gannon, though she arrives a lot later than he
does. Compared to the giant beast that he looks like, she is the complete
opposite. She normally plays with Charlie, and piss off Pierre, since he
doesn't seem to look like an adult, rather, a kid.

Birthday - Summer 12

Moves In - When you upgrade your house for the first time


Monday - Thursday, Saturday (Not Rainy)

* Until 9am, inside Gannon's Store

* From 9am to 1pm, at the Beach
* From 1pm to 4pm, in West Town
* After 4pm, inside Gannon's Store

Saturday - Thursday (Rainy)

* Inside Gannon's Store All Day

Friday (Not Rainy)

* Until 9am, at the Beach

* From 9am to 6pm, inside Gannon's Store
* From 6pm to 8pm, in West Town
* After 8pm, inside Gannon's Store

Friday (Rainy)

* Until 3pm, inside Chen's Store

* After 3pm, inside Gannon's Store

Sunday (Not Rainy, with Diner)

* Until 3pm, inside Gannon's Store

* From 3pm to 9pm, in West Town
* After 9pm, inside Gannon's Store

Sunday (Rainy, with Diner)

* Until 8am, inside Gannon's Store

* From 8am to 10am, at the Beach
* From 10am to 1pm, in East Town
* From 1pm to 4pm, inside Gannon's Store
* From 4pm to 8pm, inside the Diner
* After 8pm, inside Gannon's Store





All Flowers, Chocolate, Diamond, Pink Diamond

All Desserts

--==Really Likes==--

All Gems
All Curries
Soup (Onion, Spaghetti, Egg, Herb)
Salad (Onion, Tomato, Herb, Spaghetti)
Dishes involving Rice
Fish Dishes
Fast Food Type dishes (French Fries, Pizza, Spaghetti, etc)


All Wild Grass, Building Material, Animal Feed

Toadstool and Edamame
All Tofu Dishes
All Natto Dishes
All Gizers (XL as well)
Rice Soup, Okara, Boiled Spinach, Porriage, Boiled Pumpkin, Sashimi,
Egg Over Rice, Soy Milk, Miso Eggplant, Seaweed Paste, Chop Suey,
Grilled Fish, Fried Rice Noodles, Dried Bean Curd, Grape Punch


Yarn, Pickled Turnip, Pickled Cucumbers, Natto, Tofu Steak, Failed Dish,
Buckwheat Chips, Boiled Fish



[12.08] Elliot

The grandson of Taro, he helps take care of the island, but constantly argues
with his sister Natalie. He is the rival for the male farmer to Julia. He is
one of the people in charge of the islands exports and imports.

Birthday - Summer 21

Moves In - At the Start


Wednesday to Monday (Sunny)

* Until 10am, inside Taro's House

* From 10am to 5pm, outside Taro's House
* After 5pm, inside Taro's House

Wednesday to Monday (Raining with Cafe)

* Until 10am, inside Taro's House

* From 10am to 2pm, inside the Cafe
* From 2pm to 7pm, outside the Cafe
* After 7pm, inside Taro's House

Wednesday to Monday (Raining without Cafe)

* Until 12pm, inside Taro's House

* From 12pm to 7pm, ourside Taro's House
* After 7pm, inside Taro's House

Tuesday (Raining)

* Until 10am, inside Taro's House

* From 10am to 3pm, inside Mirabelle's Store
* After 3pm, inside Taro's House

Tuesday (Without Forest)

* Until 9am, inside Taro's House

* From 9am to 3pm, in East Town
* From 3pm to 9pm, in West Town
* After 9pm, inside Taro's House

Tuesday (With Forest)

* Until 8am, inside Taro's House

* From 8am to 1pm, in the Forest
* From 1pm to 7pm, outside Taro's House
* After 7pm, inside Taro's House



Stir-Fried Veggies


Potato, Corn
Corn Soup, Cornflakes, Popcorn, Roasted Corn, Mashed Potatoes, Salad,
Baked Yam, Mix Natto, Vegetable Juice, Tomato Juice, Mountain Stew, Chop Suey

--==Really Likes==--

All Vegetables
Chocolate, Bread, Rice Cake, Bread Crumbs, Pirate Treasure

All Cakes
All Rice Dishes
All Soups
All Nattos
Most Vegetable Based Dishes


All Junk
All Flour

Insalata di Caprese, Mushroom Rice, Gratin, Doria, Dinner Roll,

Fruit Smoothie, Lassi, Risotto, Grape Punch, Pizza

All Wild Grass

Milk Products
Oil, Golden Lumber, Toadstool



Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 5pm to 11pm

* Elliot inside Taro's House
* Ship at least 200 items during the current season
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* Taro's House

Elliot will welcome you to his house, and he is currently working. However,
being the weakling he is, he decides to ask for your help, for some strange
reason, since his work makes him rather happy.

* Help

Elliot accepts your offer, or his request, and taro asks if all the crates
are ready. All of you head to the beach, since there is a ship arriving. After
all the work, Taro ninjas you and thanks you for your help, and back you go.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Don't Help

Elliot doesn't seem too happy for your words towards him, and off you go.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 8pm to 11pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Not Tuesday
* Blue Heart or Above
* Taro's House
You will see Elliot inside the building, looking spaced out. You wake him
out by scaring the living crap out of him, and he tells you that he is not
happy since he is older than his sister Natalie, yet she bullies the crap
out of him. No Respect.

As all this is going on, his sister walks in and manages to hear him say
that Natalie is mean, and wishes she was more like you. Behind? Anyway,
she then asks what you two were talking about, scaring Elliot again. He
says work. You say?

* Yea, Work

Well, either she really doesn't care or she is tone deaf, and off she goes.
Elliot seems happy you covered him.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Well Actually...

You don't back up the story and all hell breaks loose. She storms off, calling
Elliot names, and he questions your motives.

- Decrease Friendship Points with Elliot, Taro, Natalie, Felicia

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 6am to 8am

* Any Weather
* Not Tuesday
* Blue Heart or Above
* Taro's House

Everyone sans Natalie is home, trying to convince Elliot to drink milk. As you
can see from his gift list, Milk isn't exactly high on the list. He says that
he might drink it if it were in a different form, but they don't believe him.
Personally, if it were me, I'd ship it for money.

* Milk is Healthy -> Makes You Healthy

Well, he agrees to you and decides to drink it.

+ Increase Friendship Points with Elliot, Taro and Felicia

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Milk is Healthy -> Don't Drink It

Well, that isn't such a smart idea when they want the opposite out of you.

- Decrease Friendship Points with Elliot, Taro and Felicia

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

* Won't Grow Taller

Ouch! Snap! Crackle! Pop! How tall is he anyway?

- Decrease Friendship Points with Elliot, Taro and Felicia

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 9am to 1pm

* Rainy, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Not Tuesday
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Cafe

Elliot sees you walking into the Cafe, and tells you that Taro has been
asking questions out of you. How many turnips you eat a day, etc.

* Not His Business

That isn't very nice. It was Taro who decided you be the rancher for the

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Always Helpful -> Stroll

Why do they not believe you? Why is that?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Working Late

He seems impressed that you work so late, so he should work late as well.
What the hell is this, a massive contest of who can work the latest. I'll
trump him, Start at 6am, finish at 3am, wake at 6am.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Any Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your House

Elliot sneaks up behind you when you head to your farmhouse and asks you
for some help to stand up to his little sister. Wow, that is hard. Anyway,
you have three options.

* Polite Response

That seems to hit the mark.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Mature Response

Yeah, make him sound like a bigger man, when he really doesn't seem that
much taller...

+ BIG Increase in Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Insult

That doesn't seem to help at all does it?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* I'm Busy

No you're not, don't lie to me.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* Any Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Taro's House

When you enter the building, Taro seems to be telling Elliot something about
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. Then he manages to end up with
killing two birds with one stone. Elliot seems confused.

* Be Quiet

Felicia decides to interject and tell the old vegetable (Taro is a vegetable)
that he has mixed it up. Elliot spots you and asks why you didn't interject.
- Decrease Friendship Points with Elliot and Taro
-> Heart Events Complete


You decide to interject and correct Taro. Well done, you have some guts, to
say the least.

+ Increase Friendship Points with Elliot and Taro

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--

* Between 6am and 10pm

* Between 5pm and 11pm
* Clear, Cloudy or Sunny Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* East Town to West Town

It seems that Natalie is telling off her brother because apparently, he gave
the wrong receipt to a merchant (probably Chen). and however much you try to
cheer him up, he is depressed and walks away.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 8am to 1pm

* Only on Tuesday
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Unlocked all Areas
* Eliza on Island
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Higher
* West Town to Forest

It seems that Elliot is protecting Eliza from a wild dog that seems to want
a little bite. Eliza tells you to go scare it off, so you bring out your
axe and decide to chop it in half, or not. Anyway, Eliza thanks Elliot for
protecting her, then she praises you, and well, its all well and good.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Heart Event==--

* Between 6am to 10pm
* Any Weather
* Elliot at Black Heart Level
* Mirabelle's Store

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 7pm and 10pm

* Year 2+
* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Not Tuesday
* Elliot at Blue or Lower Heart
* Inside Taro's House

--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 3pm to 5pm

* Year 3+
* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Elliot at Green or Lower Heart
* East Town to West Town
* Taro's House

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 6am and 11pm

* Any Weather
* Year 4+
* Elliot at Orange or Lower Heart
* Mirabelle's Store

[12.09] Felicia

The daughter of Taro, the Master Rancher, and mother to Elliot and Natalie.
She has to put up with them, and the grumpy old man Taro. She also handles the
island's shipping business as well as having a nice chat with the other mother
on the island, Mirabelle.

Birthday - Fall 9

Moves In - At the Start


Sunday - Monday, Wednesday - Friday (Sunny)

* Until 10am, outside Taro's House
* After 10am, inside Taro's House

Sunday - Monday, Wednesday - Friday (Rainy)

* Until 1pm, inside Taro's House

* From 1pm to 4pm, inside Chen's Store
* After 4pm, inside Taro's House

Saturday (Raining)

* Inside Taro's House all day

Saturday (With Cafe)

* Until 11am, inside Taro's House

* Between 11am to 3pm, next to Water Well in East Town
* Between 3pm to 7pm, inside the Cafe
* After 7pm, inside Taro's House

Saturday (Without Cafe)

* Until 1pm, at the Beach

* From 1pm to 5pm, in East Town, next to Water Well
* After 5pm, inside Taro's House


* Not on Island





Wool, Yarn, Buckwheat, Raw Buckwheat

Apple Pie, Omelet, Omelet Rice, Spaghetti, Steamed Egg Custard, Fried Egg,
Buckwheat Dumplings, Buckwheat Noodles, Chocolate Cake, Stir-Fried Veggies,
Tempura Soba

--==Really Likes==--

Turnips, Cucumber, Cabbage, Strawberry, Spinach, Egg, Yam, Pineapple, Corn,

Yogurt, Cheese, Mayonnaise, Matsutake Mushroom
All Flowers
All Gems

All Tofu Dishes

Strawberry (Milk, Rice Cake, Jam)
All Rice Dishes
Alls Soup Dishes
All Salad Dishes
Cake (Sponge, Cake, Cheese, Steamed
All Fish Dishes
Braised Potato, Okara, Savoury Pancake, Sushi, Boiled Spinach, Gazpacho,
Insalata di Caprese, Pumpkin Pudding, Finest Curry, Ultimate Curry, Carpaccio,
Rainbow Curry, Gratin, Pot Stickers, Croquette, Stew, Sashimi, Pancake, Stew,
Chinese Dumpling, Tempura, Soy Milk, Miso Eggplant, French Fries, Pudding,
Chop Suey, Pineapple Pie, Fruit Sandwich, Fruit Dumpling, Popcorn, Lassi,
Mashed Potato, Toasted Rice Balls, Baked Banana, Grilled Fish,
Grilled Eggplant, Vegetable Juice and Smoothie, Boiled Egg, Stuffed Cabbage,
Grape Punch, Dried Bean Curd


All Wild Grass

All Building Material
All Fishing Items (sans Fish)
All Animal Feed

All Nattos
All Gizers
Pickled Cucumbers and Turnips
Buckwheat Chips


Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish, Fishing Jump

All Greenhouse Suns
All Ore and Building Gems

Risotto, Failed Dish, Natto, Porridge


Rice Soup

[12.10] Gannon

Gannon is the carpenter, and a brute by the look of things. He will set up
store quickly and only he can be the carpenter. He has a daughter called
Eliza as well.

Birthday - Spring 27

Moves In - Spring 11, Year One


Monday - Saturday
* Until 4pm, at his Store
* From 4pm until 9pm, behind his Store
* After 9pm, at his Store

Sunday (Sunny, No Diner)

* Until 4pm, at his Store

* From 4pm until 9pm, behind his Store
* After 9pm, at his Store

Sunday (Sunny, Diner)

* Until 8am, at his Store

* From 8am to 10am, at the Beach
* From 10am to 1pm, in East Town
* From 1pm to 4pm, at his Store
* From 4pm to 8pm, in the Diner
* After 8pm, at his Store

Sunday - Saturday (Raining)

* All Day, inside his Store



Tempura Rice


Lumber, Material Stone and Gold Lumber


--==Really Likes==--

All Buckwheat Items, Stick, Butter, Rice Cake

All Recipes EXCEPT:

Spa-Boiled Egg, Hungerizer +XL, Bodigizer +XL, Carrot Juice, Green Dumpling,
Cooked Rice, Foiled Mushroom, Buckwheat Chips, Buckwheat Ball, Failed Dish,
Soy Milk, Bread, Toast, Grape Juice, Candied Potato, Dried Bean Curd,
Grape Punch, Grilled Mushroom, Relax Tea Leaves


All Animal Feed

Bottle and Lithograph

Dried Bean Curd, Soy Milk, Failed Dish


All Fishing Items (sans Fish)

All Greenhouse Suns
All Mining Items


Pink Diamond

[12.11] Harvest Goddess

The same Harvest Goddess in all the other Harvest Moon games, she is found
in the pond that is next to the Church. She is the one that is worshipped, and
unlike religion on Earth, she is actually visible. Simply toss an item into
the pond and that summons her. And you can't marry her this time round.

Birthday - Spring 8

Moves In - Unlock the Forest, toss an item into the pond


All Week

* Inside her pond, all day






--==Really Likes==--

All Grown Crops

All Flowers
Milk, Eggs

Carrot Juice, Strawberry Rice Cake, Relax Tea Leaves, Steamed Egg Custard


All Grain Crops

All Threshed Grain Crops
All Milled Grain Crops
Sweet Rice Flour, Bread Crumbs, Rice Cake
All Mining Items
All Building Material
All Animal Feed
Chocolate, Curry Powder, Oil, Seaweed, Butter

All Recipes EXCEPT: Grilled Mushrooms, Fried Egg


Fish Bones, Fish Fossil, Pirate Treasure, Bottle, Golden Lumber, Empty Can


Rubber Boot

[12.12] Julia

Julia is the assistant to her mother's store, an animal store. She loves all
animals, which makes her hating dead fish that you seem to catch. You'd think
that she would end up with Vaughn, the animal supplier, and another animal
lover, but you'd be wrong. She ends up with Elliot, who will be the rival
for the male.

Birthday - Spring 6

Moves In - Spring 12, Year One


Sunday - Friday (Sunny)

* Until 3pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

* From 3pm to 7pm, outside Mirabelle's Store
* From 7pm to 10pm, inside Taro's House
* After 10pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

Sunday - Friday (Rainy, Cafe)

* Until 9am, inside Mirabelle's Store

* From 9am to 4pm, inside the Cafe
* After 4pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

Sunday - Friday (Rainy, No Cafe)

* Until 3pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

* From 3pm to 7pm, outside Mirabelle's Store
* After 7pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

Saturday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside Mirabelle's Store

Saturday (Unlocked East Town)

* Until 1pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

* From 1pm to 3pm, in East Town
* From 3pm to 9pm, on the Beach
* After 9pm, inside Mirabelle's Store

Saturday (Unlocked Forest)

* Until 10am, inside Mirabelle's Store

* From 10am to 7pm, in the Forest
* After 7pm, inside Mirabelle's Store





Milk, Eggs, Wool, Mayonnaise, Butter, Cheese, Matsutake Mushroom

Tofu Skin, Soy Milk, Spa-Boiled Egg

--==Really Loves==--

All Flowers
Amethyst, Emerald, Agate, Ruby, Topaz, Peridot. Fluorite
Animal Feed

All Recipes except Fish Recipes


Greenhouse Suns
Edamame, Toadstool, Green Pepper, Red Grass


All Fishing Items

Fish Meuniere, Fish Natto, Boiled Fish, Grilled Fish, Marinated Fish,
Sushi, Sashimi, Carpaccio, Fish Sticks, Failed Dish


Large Fish

Heart Events
--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 6am and 3pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* West Town to Forest

You enter the forest to see Julia feeding a wild dog, and when you decide
to enter, it sees you as a plaything. Julia then asks you if you think that
if animals are important or not.

* Think So

She is happy you like animals because she likes them too. I also like eating

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Don't Think So

You manage to scare the dog off with that answer, and Julia decides to leave
you. Lets go fishing!

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6am and 11pm

* Any Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Mirabelle's Store

You enter the store to see Julia hiding next to the bookshelf, stashing
something there, probably magic mushrooms. Why else like Matsutake mushrooms?
Surprised she is, hmmmmm. Hide something she is not.

* Why Surprised? -> Keep Silent

She is hiding money in the bookshelf to purchase a gift for her mother. She
comes in and asks some questions, so she thinks you are strange since you
don't have a reason. Julia is happy that you kept silent.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Why Surprised? -> Don't Hide

She thinks you don't understand her. And that makes her rather annoyed. Soon,
Mirabelle enters, and Julia escorts you out. Why to go.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Organising the Bookshelf?

She does appear embarrassed that she was trying to hide something, and when
Mirabelle comes in, she thinks you are both strange. Anyway, she walks off
and Julia thanks you for not revealing her secret. Her secret drug addiction,
or not.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 3pm and 7pm

* Not Saturday
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* East Town to West Town

You enter West Town to see that Julia has run out of the house. She tells
you that sher is looking for an animal that has just escaped. She needs you
help to find it.

* Search

You two join forces to search for the missing chicken. It doesn't make it a
hard chase and you return the KFC in making back to Julia

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Don't Search

You don't want to look for delicious KFC? What is wrong with you? Anyway,
Julia sees it behind the store, and off she goes.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6am and 10am

* Between 10pm and 11pm
* Not Friday
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Chen's Store

Julia and Natalie is inside Chen's store, doing some shopping for Julia's
Mom when they come across an item that Julia think is good, except that the
price tag is rather high, and Natalie doesn't think that is a good idea.
Seeing that you are now in the area, you are asked for comments.

* Natalie's Item

Well, that doesn't seem to please Julia all that much, since you are trying
to date her, not Natalie. Bigamy isn't actually allowed in this game you
know. Anyway, she says thanks and off she goes.

+ Increase Friendship Points for Natalie only

-> Heart Events Complete

* Julia's Item

Surprise, Surprise, Natalie also likes that idea as well. Hypocrite. Julia
takes the item and thanks you for helping her make the decision. I don't get
it, it wasn't like you were paying.

+ Increase Friendship Points for Julia and Natalie

-> Heart Events Complete

* Anything

You don't seem to get it, it has to be one of the other, and now you've
blown it.

- Decrease Friendship Points for Julia and Natalie

-> Heart Events Compelte

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 4pm and 7pm

* Drizzle, Snow or Rainy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Mirabelle's Store

You enter the store to hear a story from Julia that she is now going to bed
early and waking up earlier. Mirabelle thinks that is absolutely bollocks,
and she is, your Farmer doesn't need sleep at all, she doesn't either. They
can't seem to agree on something as pointless as this.

* Agree with Julia

Seems like a good idea, but that is picking one side over the other.

+ Increase Friendship Points for Julia

- Decrease Friendship Points for Mirabelle
-> Heart Events Complete

* Reason?

Well the reason, according to Julia is that sleeping too late will damage the
body, and Mirabelle laughs herself silly. She thinks that her daughter is
stupid (I could make blonde jokes till the cows come home), but she laughs it
off as nonsense, and Julia agrees to stop her plan.

+ Increase Friendship Points for Julia and Mirabelle

-> Heart Events Complete

* Just Worried

Well, Julia and Mirabelle don't resolve their argument or their spat, and it
goes on. Nice work genius.

- Decrease Friendship Points for Julia and Mirabelle

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Your Farm House

Julia comes knocking and asks you to head to the beach for a jog.

* Let's Go -> Write Letter

You suggest that she writes a letter to her long lost friends to tell
them about her progress on the island, which she is always busy on.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Let's Go -> Eat Cake

At least you made laugh a little. But my question is, if you don't have
the Cafe, where the hell are you going to get the cake from. Are you
going to bake one for her?

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* I'm Busy
Sure you are wise guy, too bad no one believes you.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* On Wednesday or Thursday
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Own at least 1 Chicken, Sheep and Cow
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Farm to West Town

Julia meets up with you as you leave the farm, ninja style. She talks
to you that she heard Vaughn say that there is a wild animial in the
forest. She wonders if your livestock are fine, so assure her that
is it.

Anyway, she just stands there, and as the stereotypical guy, you have
absolutely no idea what the hell is going on, awkward silence, and
more silences later, she gives up and leaves. You obviously haven't

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Have all 7 Harvest Sprites
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Julia is at the beach, and she is staring into the distance. She knows you
are there, and she asks about the farm. Go ask her about a hair cut. She
is surprised, and asks to repeat, but just say that she let her hair grow.

Well, after that, she seems happy since it took such a long time to notice,
so we all go and have some tea. What? Anyway, thats it.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Heart Event==--

* Between 6am to 10pm
* Any Weather
* Julia at Black Heart Level
* Mirabelle's Store

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 7pm and 10pm

* Year 2+
* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Not Tuesday
* Julia at Blue or Lower Heart
* Inside Taro's House

--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 3pm to 5pm

* Year 3+
* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Julia at Green or Lower Heart
* East Town to West Town
* Taro's House

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 6am and 11pm

* Any Weather
* Year 4+
* Julia at Orange or Lower Heart
* Mirabelle's Store

[12.13] Karen

Another Mineral Towner, she is the wine drinker that is the siter-in-law to
Popuri, since she is married to Rick, you know, the crazy chicken guy with the
glasses. Anyway, she comes and goes, as the other Mineral Towners, and she
is always with Popuri. She visits a season after Trent, but before Cliff.

Birthday - Fall 15

Moves In - Expand Island Hotel, Unlock all 7 Sprites


Saturday - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (Sunny)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel
* From 8am to 10am, in the Forest
* From 10am to 2pm, at the Mountain
* From 2pm to 5pm, at the Beach
* From 5pm to 8pm, in the Jungle
* After 8pm, inside th Hotel

Saturday - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (Rainy)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 4pm, inside the Cafe
* After 4pm, inside the Hotel

Monday (Sunny)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel

* From 8am to 1pm, inside Chen's Store
* From 1pm to 5pm, at the Meadow
* After 5pm, inside the Hotel

Wednesday (Sunny)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 2pm, at the Diner
* From 2pm to 6pm, at the Meadow
* After 6pm, inside the Hotel

Friday (Sunny)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 3pm, at the Meadow
* From 3pm to 8pm, at the Hotel
* From 8pm to 10pm, at the Beach
* After 10pm, at the Hotel

Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Hotel





Edamame, Cheese, Matsutake, Diamond, Pink Diamond

All Nattos
Boiled Fish, Pot Sticker, Chinese Dumpling, French Fries, Popcorn, Risotto,
Grape Punch, Grilled Eggplant, Tempura Rice, Tempura, Cold Tofu

--==Really Likes==--
All Crops
All Flowers

All Tofu Dishes

Seaweed Dishes
Fish Dishes
Fried Dishes
Vegetable Dishes


All Wild Grass

Apple, Fluorite, Agate, Chocolate, Buckwheat Flour

All Desserts
All Chocolate Dishes
Steamed and Baked Dishes
Juice and Jams (except Grapes)


All Fishing Junk

All Mining Ore, Building Gems
Building Material
Animal Feed


Elli Leaves

[12.14] Lanna

Lanna is a famous pop star, or rather, one hit wonder, who has escaped the
glamour of stardom to hide on the island for the peace and quiet that the
island offers. She loves her desserts and fishing.

She is the rival to Denny. Honesty, if you are playing as the Male Farmer,
who the hell wouldn't want to date a pop star and whatever happens after
that, the baby making.

Birthday - Fall 02

Moves In - Unlock East Town, Catch more than 70 items fishing


All Week (Without Diner)

* Until 9am, at the Beach

* From 9am to 12pm, inside her House
* From 12pm to 4pm, in East Town
* From 4pm to 6pm, inside her house
* From 6pm to 8pm, in West Town
* After 8am, inside her house

All Week (With Diner)

* Until 8am, inside her House

* From 8am to 10am, at the Beach
* From 10am to 12pm, inside her House
* From 12pm to 2pm, in East Town
* From 2pm to 4pm, inside her House
* From 4pm to 6pm, in West Town
* From 6pm to 10pm, inside the Diner
* After 10am, inside her House

All Week (Raining)

* Until 10am, inside her House

* From 10am to 3pm, inside Chen's Store
* From 3pm to 7pm, in East Town
* After 7pm, inside her House



Yam Pudding


Chocolate, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish

All Desserts
Fish Recipes

--=Really Likes==--

Expensive Gems
All Fruit

All Tofu Dishes

All Fruit Dishes
All Juices and Smoothies
All Milks


All Ore and Some Gems

Greenhouse Suns
Fishing Junk

All Animal Feed

All Building Material
All Natto Dishes

Failed Dish


Fish Bone

Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 9am to 12pm, 4 pm to 6pm, 8pm to 11pm, without Diner

* Between 6am to 8am, 10am to 12pm, 2pm to 4pm, with Diner
* Sunny or Clear Weather Only
* Purple Heart or Above
* Inside Lanna's House

Lanna is inside her house, choosing what to wear. She sees you and says
that now she is on the island, she doesn't have to deal with clothing and
the mobs of fans. Although she likes this life, sometimes, she wants to
go back.

* Do Whats Right

Thats right, do what you want to.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* That's Selfish

Well, she was asking for some sympathy, not for you're remarks.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6pm and 8pm without Diner

* Between 4pm and 6pm with Diner
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Unlocked Forest
* Blue Heart or Above
* Forest to West Town
As you head into West Town, you will see Lanna give a nice concert to
Elliot and Natalie. They don't seem to like it all that much, with the
word unique being a very mild word for the singing. She decides to ask
you for some comments, time to rumble.

* Sure -> Practice

She seems to think that practice makes it better, not that her singing
is completely terrible. Thats nice of you.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Sure -> Tone-Deaf

Ouch, that wasn't a very nice thing to say at all, you completely stupid
farmer. Who would have said that?

- Decrease Friendship Points to Natalie, Elliot and Lanna

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Too Busy

Busy doing what exactly?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 4pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Regis is on Island
* Blue Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

You walk into East Town to see Regis making fun of Lanna, since she is a pop
idol, who for some reason likes to fish. She walks off, taking you with her,
and comments that a lot of people seem to comment that idols do fishing is
quite strange. She asks for comments.

* You Like Fishing?

She takes it as she shouldn't care about what everyone else says, she can do
what she wants.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Why Should You Care?

What? Of course she would care, she is a famous idol, what people think about
her is key to her success...

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your House

Lanna walks into your house to discuss something. You want to listen? Well,
its about making a comeback, she wants to talk to other people to inform
them, but she isn't that brave in terms of asking people.

* Yes -> Easy Task

Well, she needs your help, so you take her to Taro's House, get her ready
and you send her inside, and she becomes confident, and goes in. After
that, she thanks you.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Yes -> Don't Do

What help is it if you listen but don't help?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Trouble

Are you really that last to help a pop star out. Imagine the rewards...

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* From 6pm to 11pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Enter the Diner

As you enter the Diner, Lanna invites you to her table, though she doesn't
offically own it. Anyway, she likes your clothes, even though you've never
washed them, or even changed them. She asks you if you like her clothes.

* Really Cool

You like her clothes so much, she offers to make you a matching set...

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Nice Joke

Except she wasn't joking at all. Boy are you screwed.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Enter your Farm House

Lanna enters you house and asks you if you want to go fishing with her.

* Go!

Well, you both head to the beach, and you start to catch something really
big. A Rubber Boot. You keep catching more and more junk, and the joke
really is on you. Anyway, she had a good time with you...

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Busy

Like hell you are. You had 6 hours to do some work, don't tell me you
didn't do it.

- Decrease Friendship Ponits

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 6pm to 8pm without Diner

* Between 4pm to 6pm with Diner
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* East Town to West Town
You enter the area to see another Elliot vs Natalie fight, and this time,
as usual, Natalie ends up as the winner. Anyway, she is reminded of her
own little sister. You don't seem to end up comforting her, and off she
runs off into her own little world.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm to 4pm, without Diner

* Between 12pm to 2pm, with Diner
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* All 7 Harvest Sprites
* Eliza on Island
* Orange Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

Lanna is fishing in near the bridge, and Eliza scares her. She drops the
fishing rod and down the rod floats while they just stare at it. You run
down, and with your superhuman speed and agility, you grab the rod and
return the rod.

Anyway, she mentions that the rod was a present from her sister, and it
is as such, important. She is happy, and makes sure Eliza isn't unhappy
for nearly loosing a valuable keepsake.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 6pm to 10pm

* Any Weather
* Lanna at Black Heart
* Inside Diner

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* 6am to 8am, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather

* 10am to 12pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 2pm to 4pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 10pm to 11pm, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* 6am to 10am, Rainy, Drizzle or Snow Weather
* 7pm to 11pm, Rainy, Drizzle or Snow Weather
* Year 2+
* Lanna at Blue or Lower Heart
* Lanna's House

--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 6pm to 10pm, Any Weather

* Year 3+
* Lanna at Green or Lower Heart
* Inside the Diner

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 1pm to 6pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Year 4+
* Lanna at Orange or Lower Heart
* West Town to Beach

[12.15] Mark

Mark is the male farmer, and like Chelsea, all he wants to do is to become a
good farmer. However, since he doesn't have a farm, he observes you as you
are a farmer with land to farm. Here will be in the Hotel, and for a change,
you don't have a rival to him.

Birthday - Winter 27

Moves In - Unlock All Areas, Unlock all Main Villagers, Expanded Hotel


All Week

* All Day, inside the Hotel


--==Really Likes==--

Literally everything, weeds included.

Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--

* Between 12pm and 5pm
* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* Inside your Farm House

When you head into your house, Mark follows and asks you about your tools
and how you make them work. He is also interested in ranching.

* Sure

You teach Mark how to use a hoe, and how hard is that, till the damn soil.
Smack ground. Anyway, he does it, is happy, and hands the hoe back, and
off he goes.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Busy

He understands that you're not busy and pushing him away.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside the Hotel

Mark decides that since you are here, which he is glad for, he wants to
have a competition since you are also a farmer. He wants a strength
competition with you. As such, you would head to the meadow and push
heavy rocks. Should you accept, Gannon would help move the rocks in place
and first over the line wins.

* Accept -> Moderate

You don't push that hard, so Mark wins and has a good gloat over it. I
don't think he is up for an arm wrestle.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Accept -> Push Hard

You push so hard, the rock goes flying. Well, at least you win, even
though Gannon doesn't want you to win, nor does Mark.

- Decrease Friendship Points with Mark and Gannon

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Accept -> Push Light

Were you even trying. People aren't happy when you deliberately and
obviously let someone else win.

- Decrease Friendship Points with Mark and Gannon

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Busy

Come on, a competition where you push rocks, how often does that

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Farm to West Town

As you leave your farm, you bump into Mark, who happens to ask you whether
you need some help with your farmwork. He wonders if you can help.

* Sure

Well, actually, there doesn't appear to be any sort of farmwork that needs
to be done, even though I need someone to chop the wood, smash the large
rocks and such.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* No

Well, he goes off and cries in pity, since you ignored his request.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Hotel

Mark is bored inside the hotel and wonders if you have any nice stories to
talk to him about.

* Storytime

Well, all you do is to talk about how there was a shipwreck and you ended up
on the island. He can't believe that you were one of the 5 people who managed
to wish ashore on this island.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* No Time

Busy? Well, maybe another time?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Have a Dog
* Dog inside your Farm House
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Farm House

Mark heads inside the farm house and sees that you have a dog, and asks you
if you want to let him play with the dog.

* Sure -> Go Ahead

You let him play with the dog, and isn't happy that since he is in the Hotel,
he can't have a dog. Well, since you let him come over more often, he gets
more time with Fido.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Sure -> Don't Come Over

That wasn't very nice. You could have saved time playing with the dog with
something more fun, like farmwork.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete
* Dog Bites

Really. He didn't bite me.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your Farm House

Mark comes along and wonders if you are too busy to have some time off.

* Lets Go

You head to the beach and have a race around the beach, to see who is the
fastest. It's a tie, but he is surprised you so damn fast.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Busy

How many times can you say that you are busy?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Witch Princess on Island
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your Farm House

The Witch runs into the house and puts a spell on you, making you super,
super strong, but at the cost of not being able to speak. Except you don't
get to deny her spell.

Anyway, Mark comes in, asks if there is something wrong. No. Can he have
a chat, and asks about how to water some crops. Wait, you can't talk and
he wonders if he has pissed you off. And off he goes.

Then the Witch comes back and takes the spell off. She doesn't understand
why you are annoyed though.
- Decrease Friendship Points
-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Sunny Weather
* Unlocked All Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Taro's House

Mark is inside Taro's house, asking for some tips to become a better farmer.
Taro likes the attitude of Mark, and gives him a book of tips and tricks
that he wrote when he was young. He explains to Taro saying he wants to
help you since you are always tired so learning would make him useful.

At the end, Taro tells Mark to read the magic book, and you leave without
anyone noticing you, somehow.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

[12.16] Mirabelle

Mirabelle is the owner of the Animal Store, and mother of Julia. He takes
care for all animals, and sells you animals, as well as feed and other nice
items for your animals. Though she is the biggest lady out of all of the
ladies on the island.

Birthday - Spring 11

Moves In - Spring 12, Year One


Sunday - Friday (Sunny)

* Until 7pm, inside the Store

* From 7pm to 10pm, in West Town
* After 10pm, inside the Store

Sunday - Friday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Store

Saturday (Without Cafe)

* Until 1pm, at the Beach

* From 1pm to 5pm, in West Town
* After 5pm, inside the Store

Saturday (Cafe)
* Until 11am, inside the Store
* From 11am to 3pm, in East Town
* From 3pm to 7pm, inside the Cafe
* After 7pm, inside the Store

Saturday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Store





All Gems

--==Really Likes==--

All Flowers
All Building Materials
All Animal Products, Processed Animal Products

Spa-Boiled Egg


All Fishing Items

All Mining Ore
All Building Gems

Failed Dish
All Gizers


All Wild Grass, Toadstool

All Nattos
All Curries
All Dishes with Wild Grass
All Dishes with Weeds



[12.17] Natalie

Natalie is the granddaughter of Taro and daughter of Felicia, and she is the
Ice Queen of the game. She is rough on everyone, even playing pranks on Taro
when she wants to, but she eventually melts all that ice around her icy
heart as you being to date her. Your rival will be Pierre for her.

Birthday - Summer 28

Moves In - At Start


Tuesday - Sunday (Raining)

* All Day, inside Taro's House

Tuesday - Sunday (Sunny)

* Until 10am, inside Taro's House

* From 10am to 5pm, outside Taro's House
* After 5pm, inside Taro's House

Monday (East Town Unlocked)

* Until 9am, inside Taro's House

* From 9am to 3pm, in East Town
* From 3pm to 8pm, in West Town
* After 8pm, inside Taro's House

Monday (Forest Unlocked)

* Until 8am, inside Taro's House

* From 8am to 1pm, on the Mountain
* From 1pm to 7pm, on the Mountain Summer
* After 7pm, inside Taro's House

Monday (Raining)

* Until 10am, inside Taro's House

* From 10am to 3pm
* In West Town without Diner
* Diner if you have Diner
* Inside Pierre's House (Seen Black Rival Event)
* After 3pm, inside Taro's House



Fruit Sandwich


All Fruit (Apple, Peach, Orange, Banana, Strawberry, Pineapple, GrapE)

All Dishes involving Fruit

--==Really Loves==--

All Flowers

All Dishes involving Tofu

All Desserts


All Mining Items

All Animal Feed
All Fishing Items
All Building Material



Matsutake Mushroom

All Mushroom Dishes

All Natto Dishes



Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 5pm and 11pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Not Monday or Tuesday
* Ship 200 Items this Season
* Purple Heart or Above
* Inside Taro's House

You head inside Taro's house and Natalie greets you and sees that you are
there, probably looking for her mother. Anyway, she needs your help in
counting the items in the shipping bin and she has enjoyed your visit.

* Help

You help her and make a tally. Later on, Felicia comes in and sees you two
together and tells Elliot and Taro. Anyway, Natalie thanks you for your
+ Increase Friendship Points
-> Blue Heart Event 1

* No Worries for the Visit

She thanks you for coming over, and hopes all goes well.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6am and 11am, 5pm and 11pm

* Any Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Taro's House

Well, Natalie and Elliot are arguing again, and this time it is over how
you want to organise the shipping. Natalie wants it fast, Elliot says it
will make mistakes. Well, since you are there, you are going to be making
the decision.

* Natalie's Way

Can't have one over the other

+ Increase Friendship Points to Natalie

- Decrease Friendship Points to Elliot
-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Elliot's Way

Again, can't have one over the other

+ Increase Friendship Points to Elliot

- Decrease Friendship Points to Natalie
-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Both Correct -> Any Answer Set

That can't be right.

- Decrease Friendship Points to Natalie, Taro, Elliot and Felicia

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Both Correct -> Answer 1 and 4

That is the correct answer, according to Taro anyway. They both understand.
+ Increase Friendship Points to Natalie, Taro, Elliot and Felicia
-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Unlocked Forest
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Farm House

Natalie was going to head up to the mountain and wonders if you want to come
with. If you go, she hates the cold air.

* Let's Go -> Think So Too

You really agree with her. Now she is happy.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Joke Around

She was actually serious, and you're being sarcastic. Wrong time.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

* Busy

What is with you, always busy.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6am and 10am, if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy

* Between 6am and 11pm, if Rainy, Snowy or Drizzle
* Pierre on Island
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Diner

Natalie is in the Diner and she has made a new sandwich, which she will
require a tester for. You seem like a nice guinea pig.

* Eat! -> Yummy

You decide to say that it is delicious and while you have said this, and
she is beaming with delight, Pierre, the gourmet decides to have a taste
as well. He has a taste, and says, well, it is unusual. Then, he has
forgot he left a pot on the stove and quickly runs out of the Diner to turn
it off.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Eat! -> Bad

That wasn't very nice. It should be yummy, even if you faint...

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Busy

BS that you are busy at this time. And you aren't full either, total rubbish.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 1pm to 7pm

* Monday Only
* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather only
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Mountain to Mountain Summit

Natalie is at the summit, thinking, and not planning suicide. Whats wrong?

* Stomach Ache?

What kind of crap reasoning is that. Are you stupid, or just plain stupid
for choosing this stupid answer.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Worried?

Apparently, she was thinking about you, and how you settled the dispute with
her brother. She used to think she was always right, the other always wrong,
but now she has seen the light, and thinks that she would change. Now she
is happy.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete
--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* Sunny, Clear, Snowy or Cloudy Weather
* Winter Only
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Forest

Natalie sees you in the forest and wonders why you aren't doing your farm work
and why aren't you. Anyway, she mentions that she prefers Winter over Summer
and people don't walk outside. Why? Hey, I like Winter over Summer too...

* Not Strange

She just mentioned the opposite. What is wrong with you. Tone Deaf?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Why Not -> Don't Agree

Why didn't you agree, you're trying to date her, not annoy her.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Why Not -> Right

Well, since you agree, it is time for a challenge. Snow eating.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 3pm and 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Natalie is at the beach, and she sees a UFO and tells you to have a look and
wonders if you believe her. She doesn't have a cloud of doubt, but asks if you
believe her, and since you are a slow person to realise what happens, she gets
tried of waiting for your response, and off she goes.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 6am and 11pm

* Rainy, Snowy or Drizzle Weather
* Unlock all Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* Inside Taro's House

As you enter the house, Taro yells to his granddaughter that you have arrived
and to make things worse, for her anyway, he mentions to you that you have all
she has been thinking about. And off he runs, and breaks the world record for
the 100m. I guess Taro has got back as his granddaughter.

Anyway, she just goes red and blames her grandfather for jumping to
conclusions without any evidence.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Clear, Cloudy or Snowy Weather
* Natalie at Black or Lower Heart
* Mountain to Forest

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 6am to 10am, 7pm to 11pm in Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather

* Between 6am to 11pm in Snowy, Drizzle or Rainy Weather
* Year 2+
* Natalie at Blue or Lower Heart
* Pierre's House

--==Green Rival Events==--


* Between 10am to 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 3+
* Natalie at Green or Lower Heart
* Farm to West Town

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 6am to 10am, 7pm to 11pm in Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather

* Between 6am to 11pm in Snowy, Drizzle or Rainy Weather
* Year 4+
* Natalie at Orange or Lower Heart
* Pierre's House

[12.18] Nathan

Nathan is the priest on the island, and he is with his assistant Aliza. If
you manage to build up a big friendship with him, the Church expands. He does
have a rather big head though, knowledge or just hot air?

Birthday - Fall 04

Moves In - Unlock Forest, Toss an Item into Pond daily for 3 days


Sunday - Saturday (Sunny)

* Until 6pm, inside the Church

* From 6pm to 10pm, next to the Goddess Pond
* After 10pm, inside the Church

Sunday - Saturday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Church



French Toast



All Bread Dishes

--==Really Likes==--

Buckwheat (Raw as well), Edamame, Rice Cake, All Fish

All Recipes EXCEPT: Natto, Grape Drinks, Grilled Mushroom, Gizers, Failed Dish
Relax Tea Leaves, Spa-Boiled Egg

All Fishing Items
All Animal Feed
All Building Material


All Greenhouse Suns

All Mining Items


Pink Diamond

[12.19] Pierre

Pierre is the gourmet on the island, and is always in search of finer

ingredients and new recipes. Since he spends outside looking for new
ingredients, he spends less time at home than normal characters. The Rival
for Pierre is Natalie.

Birthday - Spring 13

Moves In - Medium Size House, At Least 5 Recipes


Tuesday - Sunday (Sunny, No Forest)

* Until 11am, inside his House

* From 11am to 3pm, at the Beach
* From 3pm to 9pm, inside Chen's Store
* After 9pm, insidde his House

Tuesday - Sunday (Sunny, Forest)

* Until 10am, inside his House

* From 10am to 4pm, in the Forest
* From 4pm to 7pm, in East Town
* After 7pm, inside his House

Tuesday - Sunday (Sunny, Jungle)

* Until 8am, inside his House

* From 8am to 5pm, in the Jungle
* After 5pm, inside his House

Monday (Sunny)

* Until 10am, inside his House

* From 10am to 1pm, in East Town
* From 1pm to 5pm, inside the Cafe
* From 5pm to 9pm, inside the Diner
* After 9pm, inside his House

All Week (Rainy)

* All Day, inside his House



Finest Curry


All Recipes EXCEPT: All Gizers, Grape and Carrot Juice, Grilled Mushrooms,
Spa-Boiled Egg, Relax Tea Leaves and Failed Dish

--==Really Likes==--

All Crops
All Fruit
All Grain Crops + Threshed Product + Flour Product
All Mushrooms
All Animal Products + Maker Products (sans Wool)
All Fish
Chocolate, Curry Powder, Oil

Spa-Boiled Egg, Relax Tea Leaves, Grilled Mushrooms, Carrot and Grape Juice


All Flowers
All Mining Items
All Fishing Items (sans Fish)
All Greenhouse Suns
All Animal Feed
Wool, Yarn

All Gizers


Fodder and Failed Dish



Heart Events
--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 6am to 10am

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Eliza on the Island
* Purple Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

Charlie and Eliza are outside his house, bothering him until he walks outside.
They propose that they play, with Eliza as the mother, Charlie as the father
and Pierre as the child. What? Well he does look a bit too young. He looks
like he is in a difficult situation, and needs extracting.

* Help

Pierre is in trouble and you explain to the kids that today isn't a good day
since he is busy. They are disappointed and decide to leave. Pierre thanks you
for saving him, since he doesn't want to be the child.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Watch

Pierre is more and more distressed until he just tells the children he is too
busy and walks off. He just doesn't want to be the child.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Pierre is at the beach, counting the waves. He is training to be a gourmet,

and he also needs to climb a cliff with bare hands and a knife, cram his mouth
with food, blindfolded, to develop a sense of taste, and order everything at
a restaurant for the first time.

* Thats A Lot

He is happy you are going to help him with training, and you will be the
guinea pig for good and bad ingredients. Whilst he starts counting waves, you
walk off.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1
* Meaning?

You don't see what that training has to do with anything, and he asks you to
leave while he continues counting waves.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 6pm and 9pm

* Only Monday
* All Weather
* Denny and Lanna on Island
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside the Diner

Lanna and Denny are arguing over something or another, and Lanna notices you
and asks you to help. While she asks you, Denny asks Pierre about his good and
bad ingredients, whilst you and Lanna sneak behind him. With his ninja sense,
he senses you. The whole debate is about what is under Pierre's Hat. He
want to reveal it, the other two do. What to do?

* Stop Lanna

You move Lanna away from Pierre, and she will vow to see what is under the

+ Increase Friendship Points to Pierre and Denny

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Support Lanna

Well, no matter how much you support her, Denny joins up with Pierre and you
both lose.

- Decrease Friendship Points to Pierre and Denny

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 6am and 8am, 5pm to 11pm if Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Between 6am and 11pm, Rainy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your Farm House

When you enter the house, your phone rings. What? Anyway, it is the Gourmet,
the fat guy, from Mineral Town, looking for Pierre. You have the only phone,
so you rush over and get him. Anyway, that have a talk, and it looks like
the Apprentice is about to get the final test.

* Simple

Pierre doesn't believe that it would be simple, but anything is possible on

this island.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Easy Pass

It isn't that easy, and the word is, it is rare for someone to pass. Whoops.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Forest

Pierre is in the forest searching for ingredients, and tells you that he is
looking for the Takaran Pepe, a recipe from Harvest Moon DS. He doesn't know
what it looks like at all, but he will keep searching.

* Help

You both decide to look for it, but neither of you have any luck, and he
suggests that it isn't on this island. He thanks you for your time.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Doubt

Unless you are the holder of secret information, he doesn't believe you and
continues his search.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Rainy, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Know Chop Suey Recipe
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Pierre's House

Since it is raining, Pierre is researching recipes whilst he is indoors. He

asks if you know how to make Chop Suey, and he wants to make is now.

* My Pleasure -> Cabbage

He is happy you know the answer, and he cooks up the recipe, and asks you
to write a good review for him.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* My Pleasure -> Turnip or Onion

That isn't in the recipe, or can't you remember?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Go Home and Sleep

Again, what is with this lazy option. You have a chance, and you don't use

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 11am to 3pm

* Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Only Saturday
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

You find Pierre with Mirabelle and Felicia, and they hear that Pierre is
still looking for ingredients. He doesn't have any luck, and Mirabelle
offers him some candy. He doesn't appear to be too happy, since they treat
him like a kid.

He realises that you are behind him, and is embarrassed that you had to
witness all of that. He walks off, and Felicia and Mirabelle comment on
how cute he looks.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 7pm and 11pm

* Any Weather
* Unlock all Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* Inside Pierre's House

Pierre will warn you that is isn't good to overwork, and he decides to cook
some food for you, even if you resist. After he makes it, it explains that it
is in a Gourmet's nature to make delicious food, and you will have a complete
Fullness Bar at the end of this event.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Clear, Cloudy or Snowy Weather
* Natalie at Black or Lower Heart
* Mountain to Forest

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 6am to 10am, 7pm to 11pm in Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather

* Between 6am to 11pm in Snowy, Drizzle or Rainy Weather
* Year 2+
* Natalie at Blue or Lower Heart
* Pierre's House

--==Green Rival Events==--


* Between 10am to 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 3+
* Natalie at Green or Lower Heart
* Farm to West Town

--==Orange Rival Event==--

* Between 6am to 10am, 7pm to 11pm in Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Between 6am to 11pm in Snowy, Drizzle or Rainy Weather
* Year 4+
* Natalie at Orange or Lower Heart
* Pierre's House

[12.20] Popuri

Another Mineral Towner, she is always with Karen, her sister in law. She
still loves her chickens, and even competes in the Chicken Festival. They,
as in she and Karen, will appear a season after Trent, a season before Cliff,

Birthday - Summer 3

Moves In - Unlock all Sprites, Expand Hotel


Saturday - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (Sunny)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel

* From 8am to 10am, in the Forest
* From 10am to 2pm, at the Mountain
* From 2pm to 5pm, at the Beach
* From 5pm to 8pm, in the Jungle
* After 8pm, inside th Hotel

Saturday - Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday (Rainy)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 4pm, inside the Cafe
* After 4pm, inside the Hotel

Monday (Sunny)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel

* From 8am to 1pm, inside Mirabelle's Store
* From 1pm to 5pm, at the Meadow
* After 5pm, inside the Hotel

Wednesday (Sunny)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 2pm, at the Diner
* From 2pm to 6pm, at the Meadow
* After 6pm, inside the Hotel

Friday (Sunny)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 3pm, at the Meadow
* From 3pm to 8pm, at the Hotel
* From 8pm to 10pm, at the Beach
* After 10pm, at the Hotel
Monday, Wednesday, Friday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Hotel



Omelet Rice


Egg, Apple, Chocolate, Strawberry, Diamond, Pink Diamond

All Strawberry Dishes

All Egg Dishes
All Chocolate Dishes
All Apple Dishes

--==Really Likes==--

Peach, Pineapple, Milk, Yogurt, Wheat Flour, Bread Crumbs

All Flowers

All Recipes involving Peaches, Milk and Pineapples

All Fried Foods
All Desserts


All Ores
All Building Gems

Herb Dishes
Vegetable Juice and Smoothies
Tomato Juices
Turnip Dishes
Seaweed Paste, Miso Eggplant


All Building Materials

All Fishing Items
All Wild Grass

All Gizers
All Nattos
Failed Dish, Grilled Eggplant

Grape Punch

[12.21] Regis

Regis is the owner of a massive mining company, and owner of a very large
mansion, which can be made even bigger. He is the father of Sabrina as well.

Birthday - Summer 17

Moves In - Unlock Forest, Ship at least 20 items from the mine


Sunday - Saturday (Sunny)

* Until 5pm, inside his House

* From 5pm to 8pm, outside the Mine

Sunday - Saturday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside his House



Pink Diamond


Diamond, Mythril, Adamantite, Orichalc, Alexandrite

--==Really Likes==--

Rest of Mining Items


All Animal Feed

All Building Materials


All Fishing Items

Eggs, Mayonnaise
Sticks, Weeds and Stone

All Egg Dishes


Junk Ore

[12.22] Sabrina

The daughter of Regis, she appears to have some artistic talent and spends
her time doing the paperwork for Regis' company, and in her tree time, spends
all the time looking for inspiration. The rival for her hand in marriage is

Birthday - Winter 12

Moves In - Unlock Forest, Ship at least 20 items from the mine


Sunday - Saturday (Sunny)

* Until 12pm, at Regis' House

* From 12pm to 3pm, at the Beach
* After 3pm, at Regis' House

Sunday - Saturday (Rainy)

* All Day, at Regis' House



Pink Diamond


All Gems

All Natto Recipes

Cooked Tofu Dishes

--==Really Likes==--

All Ores and Gems

All Greenhouse Suns
All Flowers

Tofu Dishes
Soybean Based Dishes
Cake, Stew, Sushi, Cheese Fondue, Sushi over Rice, Chocolate Cake, Natto,
Matsutake Rice

Edamame, Curry Powder

Curry Rice, Bread, Noodles and Bun


Diamond, Alexandrite, Junk Ore

All Curries


Rainbow Curry

Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm to 3pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Spring, Summer or Fall Season
* Purple Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Sabrina is at the beach, looking for inspiration for her drawing. She wants
to have a drawing that will brighten her room.

* Hobby?

She is modest about all her work in the house, and she seems to enjoy talking
about art.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* See the Ocean

After a little talk, there is an awkward silence, and she complains she isn't
good on small talk. Bit awkward.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--

* Between 3pm and 5pm
* Any Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Regis' House

You enter the house, but Sabrina isn't finished with her work.

* Sorry to Disturb

Thats okay, maybe next time?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Need Help?

That would be nice. She gets you started on some math and accounting, and
it seems that you can't get the hang of it. She tells you that at least the
work is done.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 3pm to 5pm if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather

* Between 12pm to 5pm if Rainy, Snowy or Drizzle Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Regis' House

Sabrina is about to leave as you enter. What do you need?

* Going Where -> Certainly

You join her on her walk to Chen's Store. She was to pick up an item but
it hasn't arrived yet, and she is sorry for the error. Anyway, she thanks
you for joining her.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Going Where -> Work

You don't want to help anybody do you. Its just a little walk.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

* Hang Out

Well, she is quite busy actually

- Decrease Friendship Points
-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 3pm to 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

You see Sabrina at the door to her mansion. Apparently, she just doesn't
want to eat the meal on offer, Curry Rice.

* Everyone Hates Something

Of course they do, but how to overcome that fear I wonder.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Try It

You take her to the Diner, and order the Curry Rice. Of course, it doesn't
end up a pretty sight, and she runs back to the Mansion, explaining that
she just can't do it.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Passing By

You miss the chance for some free friendship points. What are you, mental?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 3pm and 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Farm House

Sabrina comes over to your house, and wonders if you have any free time to
spend with her.

* Go
You head for a walk, and examine the nice water well outside the store. Then
you head to the beach next to the boulder, where she tells you that it has
some seaweed on it.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Busy

Again, what is always with this option.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm to 3pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Sabrina bumps into you at the beach and asks if you remember the first time
you met, because she can't remember your name the time you met.

* Happens -> Of Course

Why would you mention that she has a gloomy personality? That isn't very
nice to someone you are dating.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Happens -> Not Necessary

Thats nice, that you said something nice about her. She blushes after

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Depressed

You really were depressed that she didn't remember your name. Hell, if that
where true, everyone would be clinically depressed.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--

* Between 3pm to 5pm
* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside your Farm House

Sabrina arrives and takes you over to her place for tea. Anyway, she asks
if you are just friends, which you agree, which depresses her since she
doesn't have the guts to make a move and blames herself for not being able
to have a love relationship with anyone.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 3pm to 5pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

As you head into East Town, you see Sabrina outside, and she is glad to
see you and invites you over for tea.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 5pm and 8pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Wednesday or Thursday
* 14 Days since Sabrina or Vaughn unlocked
* Sabrina at Black Heart or Lower
* West Town to East Town

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 9am to 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 2+
* Sabrina at Blue Heart or Lower
* West Town to Beach
--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* Any Weather
* Year 3+
* Sabrina at Green Heart or Lower
* Inside Regis' House

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 4+
* Sabrina at Orange Heart or Lower
* Mountain to Forest

[12.23] Shea

Shea is a cave man, or whatever you want to call him, and is very careful
between the balance of man and nature. He does however, speak in broken
english, due to his lack of communication with the outside world. There is
no rival for him, but you cannot see the heart meter with him.

Birthday - Winter 2

Moves In - Unlock the Jungle


Sunday - Saturday (Clear)

* Until 8am, inside Wada's House

* From 8am to 1pm, in the Jungle
* From 1pm to 4pm, inside Wada's House
* From 4pm to 8pm, in the Jungle
* After 8pm, inside Wada's House

Sunday - Saturday (Rainy)

* Until 12pm, inside Wada's House

* From 12pm to 4pm, in the Jungle
* After 4pm, inside Wada's House



Large Fish

All Fish
All Wild Grass
All Mushrooms

Grilled and Foiled Mushrooms

--==Really Likes==--

All Crops
All Fruit

Carrot Juice, Spa-Boiled Egg


All Flowers


All Mining Items

All Fishing Items
All Animal Food
All Building Material


Empty Can

Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* Any Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* East Town to Jungle

Shea sees you and will force you to learn how to hunt. Since there is really
no animal to hunt, he decides to give you a spear, which you don't keep and
teach you to catch fish, since they don't fight back. They eat everything and
don't waste anything. But he asks you, did you understand that all?

* Yes

Well, he tells you that you have now joined their warrior group, of two
people, and hopes you will become a great warrior.
+ Increase Friendship Points
-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Explain Again

What, you need more explaining on how to catch a fish?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 8am to 8pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* East Town to Jungle

Shea sees that you are admiring the nice tower on their land, and he explains
the story of the tower, where it fall out of the key to a tribe, a tribe that
was hopeless at hunting, and given to them by their god, Soon, food started
to grow around the tower, and thats the story of why the tower is so valued.
There is a good basis for the food though, read about the tower about in its
relevant section. Anyway, he asks if you believe this.

* Exciting

Yes, it truly is exciting. That makes him happy.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Again?

Well, he supposes that it might be hard to understand if you are a newcomer

on the block.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm to 4pm if Rainy Weather

* Between 6am to 8am, 1pm to 4pm, 8pm to 11pm if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Wada's House

Shea really wants you to understand how to hunt animals, since you didn't get
it the first time. Outside you go, but there appears to be nothing that you
can chow down upon, not even fish that are normally in the river. That is

* Another Day

Shea knows that Wada would be angry if he came back empty handed, so he
decides to make you learn about hunting another day, a better day.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

* I'm Hungry

Well he is too, but that doesn't help since there isn't any food.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 8am to 8pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Esat Town to Jungle

As you head into the Jungle, Wada and Shea have a debate about who is the
stronger one of them. Shea insists that he is, and offers you to bring
someone who is stronger than him to have a contest.

And you bring in Gannon of course. They have a fight, and Gannon wins and
walks off, since it was wasting his time. Shea is crushed that he lost.

* Gannon Isn't Human

Sure he is, but that doesn't help him since he just lost pretty badly.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Big World

Shea doesn't realise how big the world is, and he does so now. He then
trains to become the strongest.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--

* Between 8am to 1pm, 4pm to 8pm if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Between 12pm to 4pm if Rainy, Snowy or Drizzle
* Witch Princess on Island
* Yellow Heart or Above
* East Town to Jungle

Wada apparently floated down the river and Shea wants to find out who was

* ???

Well, that doesn't help with the investigation.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Witch Princess?

Well, you go to see the Witch, and she says that it wasn't her, so don't
blame her. She has a spell casting session and finds that it was person
that Wada probably knew. As he leaves, she says that who it was, was

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 7pm to 11pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* House Upgrade Once at Least
* Yellow Heart or Above
* East Town to Jungle

Shea is surprised that you are in the jungle so late, and offers to take
you home.

* Take Me Home

As he heads to your house, he sees Pierre's house, and sees how nice the
smell is from the house. Pierre is often in the Jungle looking for
ingredients, but this is the first time he sees the house. After that, he
moves onto your house, to see how big it is.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* I'm Fine

No you're not, its late and its scary!!!

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 6am to 8am, 1pm to 4pm, 8pm to 11pm if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy
* Between 12pm to 4pm if Rainy
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Wada's House

Shea is looking at his hunting gear, and is disappointed you don't learn
about hunting. You grow your food, he hunts it. He doesn't understand

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 6am to 8am, 1pm to 4pm, 8pm to 11pm if Sunny, Clear or Cloudy
* Between 12pm to 4pm if Rainy
* Unlocked all Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* East Town to Jungle

Shea is unhappy since Wada kicked Shea outside since they were both really
hungry, and Shea ate Wada's food, which isn't a good idea. Anyway, he is
outside, and you encourage him to head back inside and say sorry.

Wada takes it in his stride and accepts the apology, and Shea thanks you
for your help.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

[12.24] Taro

Taro is the old Ranch King, similar to the previous ranchers from the Harvest
Farm Games. You should visit him every day, since is he able to predict the
weather. I prefer the old system of the Television, it was more entertaining
as well as on everyday, since Taro cannot be accessed for the weather report
when there is a festival.

Birthday - Winter 3

Moves In - At Start

All Week

* Inside his House ALL DAY



Elli Leaves


All Crops
All Grain Crops + Threshed Product + Flour Product
All Fruit
All Animal Products
All Building Materials
All Mining Items
All Greenhouse Suns

All Tofu Dishes

All Natto Dishes
All Gizers
Rice Dishes

--==Really Likes==--

All Wild Grass

All Mushrooms
All Gems
All Fish

Grilled and Foiled Mushroom, Tofu Steak, Strawberry Rice Cake


Empty Can, Rubber Boot, Fish Bones, Bottle, Lithograph, Toadstool

Failed Dish


Stone, Junk Ore, Stick



[12.25] Trent
Trent is a doctor, a Mineral Towner, and is married to his employee back in MT
which is Elli. He is also the doctor whenever there is a birth either for
yourself or your rivals.

Birthday - Fall 19

Moves In - Expand Hotel, Unlock All Sprites


Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday (Clear)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel

* From 8am to 2pm, in the Forest
* From 2pm to 5pm, in the Mountain
* From 5pm to 8pm, in the Jungle
* After 8pm, inside the Hotel

Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday (Rainy)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 4pm, in the Cafe
* After 4pm, inside the Hotel

Tuesday (Clear)

* Until 8am, inside the Hotel

* From 8am to 1pm, in Chen's Store
* From 1pm to 7pm, in the Forest
* After 7pm, inside the Hotel

Thursday (Clear)

* Until 11am, inside the Hotel

* From 11am to 5pm, inside the Diner
* From 5pm to 8pm, at the Beach
* After 8pm, inside the Hotel

Tuesday, Thursday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Hotel





All Wild Grass

Magic Flowers
All Fish
Edamame, Yogurt
All Healthy Dishes

--==Really Likes==--

All Crops
All Animal Products

All Soy Dishes

All Salads
All Vegetable Healthy Dishes


All Mining Items

All Fatty Dishes

Failed Dishes


All Fishing Items

Pizza, Mashed Potatoes, Popcorn


French Fries

[12.26] Vaughn

Vaughn is a quiet, lonely livestock dealer and he is the supplier for

Mirabelle's store. He is only here on Wednesdays and Thursday, which is the
most limited timeslot for any of the main characters. He doesn't seem to
talk a lot, and when he does, he is rather terse.

But look on the bright side, if you marry him, he stays on the island
permanently. If Julia were the Cowgirl, he is the total Cowboy. Your Rival
will be Sabrina.

Birthday - Spring 3

Moves In - Appears Spring 16, Year One


Wednesday (Without Diner)

* Until 9am, inside the Animal Store

* From 9am to 12pm, at the Beach
* From 12pm to 5pm, in West Town
* After 5pm, inside the Animal Store
Wednesday (With Diner)

* Until 9am, inside the Animal Store

* From 9am to 5pm, at the Beach
* From 5pm to 9pm, in the Diner
* After 9pm, inside the Animal Store

Wednesday (Rainy)

* All Day, inside the Animal Store

Thursday (Without Forest)

* Until 10am, inside the Animal Store

* From 10am to 2pm, in West town
* From 2pm to 6pm, in East Town
* After 6pm, at the Beach

Thursday (With Forest)

* Until 10am, inside the Animal Store

* From 10am to 6pm, in the Forest
* After 6pm, at the Beach

Thursday (Rainy)

* Until 6pm, inside the Animal Store

* After 6pm, at the Beach





Milk, All Mushrooms

Hot Milk, Grape Punch, Grilled Mushrooms

--==Really Likes==--

Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil

All Animal Feed
All Animal Products and Processed Products

All Mushroom Dishes

All Animal Product Dishes
All Gizers
All Bread Dishes
All Jams

All Flowers
All Crops
All Mining Items
All Fishing Items

All Fish Dishes

All Grain Crop Dishes
All Single Vegetable Dishes


All Wild Grasses

All Fishing Junk

All Nattos
Failed Dish
All Carrot Dishes



Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 9am to 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Denny on Island
* Vaughn DOES NOT HAVE to be on island currently
* Purple Heart or Above
* West Town to East Town

You see Vaughn on the path, but he appears ot have lost something and
is searching for it. He sees you, and tells you what he has lost is none
of your business. In that time, Denny walks by and asks whats up. He
is looking for something, and tells him off. Off Denny goes.

* I'll Look

He trusts you to keep quiet and you help him search for the box, which you
find and give to him.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Your Attitude
He wasn't rude at all, you're just caring about him.

- Decrease Friendship Point

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 9am to 12pm without Diner

* Between 9am to 5pm with Diner
* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Vaughn notes that you are always talking to him, whilst he normally only
talks, when necessary, to customers. He makes a very serious face, and tells
him that your care is not his concern.

* Smile More -> I'd Like to See You

He blushes, which is surprising, and then returns to the cool face that he
always has, and he'll keep it in mind. He thanks you for the chat and
walks off.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Smile More -> People Won't Like You

That isn't his concern that people don't like him, does it?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Don't Worry

Isn't that defeating the purpose of the conversation. The whole point is to
understand what people think about him.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 6am to 9pm, 5pm to 11pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear and Cloudy Weather
with Diner
* Between 6am to 11pm, Wednesday, Sunny, Clear and Cloudy Weather, without
* Between 6am to 6pm, Wednesday and Thursday, Rainy, Snowy or Drizzle Weather
* Blue Heart or above
* Beach to West Town

Vaughn, for some reason, is looking through the garbage bin next to Chen's
store, and he is not happy how there is a lot of items in the bin that
can still be used. He asks if you do the same on your farm.

* No

He is happy you don't throw this stuff away. Charlie, poor kid, walks out
and Vaughn hammers him for throwing away usable items. He then walks off
after the pounding, leaving a very confused kid behind.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Throw Away

That wasn't the right answer, as you can easily guess.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 10am to 6pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Thursdays Only
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Mountain to Forest

Vaughn is at the forest playing with some wild dogs and you come up next to
them, rather scared. Vaughn assures you not to worry, and he is there to
feed them. What do you do.

* Play with Dog

Vaughn is happy that you decide to play with the wild dogs. Well, look on
the bright side, if they are here, they aren't at your farm killing your

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Take Them Away

Vaughn isn't happy you don't love animals, because he does. Off he goes.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete
--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 6am to 9am in Meadow on Wednesday

* Between 6am to 10am in Meadow on Thursday
* Yellow Heart or Above
* East Town to Meadow

You see Vaughn in the Meadow, who is on a day off. Vaughn says he likes the
island better, since there is more space, whereas the city is more boxy to

* Live In City

He just said he hated the city. Why would you annoy him like that?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Like It Here

For some reason, that means you like having him around the island. That
somehow leads to a long chat and off he goes.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 5pm and 9pm

* Any Weather
* Wednesday
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside the Diner

Vaughn happens to be inside the diner, and Julia is pestering him to each
some Carrots, which is his most hated vegetable, ever. That happens to be
the HORROR gift to him. He has them, and Julia keeps trying to convert him
to eating the Carrot.

Then, Julia decides to ask for your opinion,

* Eat Them Vaughn

Yeah, eat them. But then he thought you were on his side. Whoops. Friendly

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Eat Fish Julia!

Julia is now faced with her most hated food, and off she goes, and thinks
it isn't necessary for Vaughn to eat carrots. He is a cowboy, not a damn

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 9am to 12pm on Wednesday, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather, no Diner

* Between 9am to 5pm on Wednesday, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather, with Diner
* Between 6pm to 11pm on Thursday, Sunny, Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Denny on Island
* Yellow Heart or Above
* West Town to Beach

Vaughn and Denny are having a chat, talking about their parents, or lack
there of. There seems to be a lot of people on the island, yet Vaughn seems
to be alone all the time.

Denny suddenly sees you and is panicked that you might have overheard the
conversation, whilst Vaughn leaves. Denny mentions that he is quite concerned
about how lonely Vaughn is.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 9am to 3pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Unlocked all Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Orange Heart or Above
* Mirabelle's Store

Mirabelle and Julia are concerned because a Sheep has arrived on the island
and is rather sick. She gets you to get Vaughn, since he might know the cause.
You find him at the beach and bring him over.

Vaughn looks at it and sees it as seasick, and Julia is amazed that Vaughn
could see the problem just looking at it. Vaughn is taken back by their thanks
and even you agree, which makes Vaughn happy.

+ Increase Friendship Ponits

-> Heart Events Complete

Rival Heart Events

--==Black Rival Event==--


* Between 5pm and 8pm

* Sunny or Clear Weather
* Wednesday or Thursday
* 14 Days since Sabrina or Vaughn unlocked
* Vaughn at Black Heart or Lower
* West Town to East Town

--==Blue Rival Event==--


* Between 9am to 5pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 2+
* Vaughn at Blue Heart or Lower
* West Town to Beach

--==Green Rival Event==--


* Between 6am to 11pm

* Any Weather
* Year 3+
* Vaughn at Green Heart or Lower
* Inside Regis' House

--==Orange Rival Event==--


* Between 10am to 4pm

* Sunny, Cloudy or Clear Weather
* Year 4+
* Vaughn at Orange Heart or Lower
* Mountain to Forest

[12.27] Wada

Wada is a wild man that you will find in the Jungle. He protects the tower on
his land and does so as his tribe, which doesn't seem to exist, has done. You
will get access to the tower if you are good friends with him, read the
relevant section for more info.

Birthday - Fall 20

Moves In - Unlock the Jungle

All Week

* Inside all Day in his Hut



Grilled Fish


Small Fish, Medium Fish, Large Fish

--==Really Likes==--

ANY Crop, which includes vegetables and grain crops.

Grain Crops in their threshed and flour forms

Foiled Mushroom, Grilled Mushroom, Cooked Rice, Sashimi, Carrot Juice


Any cooking recipe that does not include those 5 listed above


Any Mining Item

Any Animal Feed
Any Greenhouse Sun
Any Building Material
Any Fishing Item (except fish)
Weeds, Toadstool


Rubber Boot

[12.28] Witch Princess

The rival of the Harvest Goddess, the Witch Princess is the evil one, yet
she doesn't seem that evil. With all that power, I'd shrink everyone and make
them toadstools. She has those red eyes, and all those teddy bears. She can
be a marriage candidate, with no rival.

Birthday - Winter 29

Moves In - Unlock the Forest

All Week

* Inside her Hut all day



Rainbow Curry


Red Grass, Toadstool, Golden Number, Ultimate Curry, Finest Curry

--==Really Likes==--

All Wild Grass

All Mining Items
All Greenhouse Suns
All Curries
All Gizers


Failed Dish


All Animal Food, Boot

Peach Juice



Heart Events

--==Purple Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Cloudy, Rain, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Purple Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

Quiz time, and she has some questions for you. For simplicity, just choose
the numbers below, or not.
* Answers 2, 3, 6 and 8

You hate the Harvest Goddess, and she is happy, of course

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 1

* Any Other Answer Set

You like her? DIE!

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Blue Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Cloudy, Rain, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

The Witch is doing a little spring cleaning and she wants you to help her
look for a potion because last time she did it herself, a problem happened.
Great timing, you are volunteered for a job. The question is, will you
remember the spell she told you.

* Help -> Answer Correctly

Answer is White, Blue, Red and Purple.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 1

* Help -> Answer Incorrectly

Anything that isn't the same as above is going to be wrong.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

* Don't Help

That's not very nice is it?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 2

--==Blue Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Cloudy, Rain, Drizzle or Snowy Weather
* Blue Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

Another quiz. You stuffed up the last one to get to this point, so you
have another chance to redeem yourself. This time, its about witches.

* Answers 1, 4, 5, 7

Correct, Bingo! Witches are cool.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 3

* Any Other Answer Set

Witches aren't cool. You're in trouble now.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Yellow Heart Event 4

--==Yellow Heart Event 1==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

You walk into her house, and she tells you that she saw the Goddess in her
dream. So, she heads to the pond and yells at her to appear. Goddess says
long time, no see, and Witch says otherwise.

They have a nice long argument, and they go on and on, and in the end, they
both ask you to decide who is right. There is no way this can end well, can

* Think

You can think and think, and the two realise that you have no idea what the
hell is going on. The Goddess says bye and disappears into her pond.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Escape!


- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 2==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Rain or Drizzle Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

Well, she is happy that it is raining. She now decides to turn you into a frog
for her amusement.

* Go Home

What fun is in that?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Sunny Weather

Didn't she say that she likes rainy weather. I thought you were trying to
marry her, not piss her off.

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete


Why so serious? It was only a joke. Personally, I don't believe that.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 3==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear or Cloudy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

The Witch needs you to help her with a magic spell that just doesn't want
to work for her. You going to help or not?

* I'm Busy

You're so busy that you have time to visit her?

- Decrease Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

* Sure

Well, off you go to help her. She makes you stand in front of the teddy
bear and what she does is switch places. Oops. She changes you back of
course. Though it would be fun to be a farmer whilst being a teddy bear.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

--==Yellow Heart Event 4==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Clear, Sunny or Cloudy Weather
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

The Witch takes you outside and makes you help her search for a special blue
grass. You cannot see the grass in between all the other wild grass but
somehow, the Witch sees it next to your foot. She forgot that humans can't
see the grass for some reason. When she leaves you, she questions herself
what the difference is between a human and witch. Actually, quite a lot.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Orange Heart Event

--==Orange Heart Event==--


* Between 12pm and 5pm

* Cloudy, Drizzle, Snowy or Rainy Weather
* Built all Bridges, Visited all Areas
* Seen Yellow Heart Event 4
* Yellow Heart or Above
* Inside Witch's House

The Witch is in trouble. She has called for a cleaning spell but it doesn't
seem to be working. No Magic? That can't be!

After all that time, she realises that she cast the wrong spell and all is
well and good. We all have a good laugh, and that is the end of that.

+ Increase Friendship Points

-> Heart Events Complete

[12.29] Your Child

Well, what more is to say about your child. First of all, you need to be
married and you need the baby bed, that you can purchase from Chen. You get
the pregnancy screen as mentioned in the Marriage section, but what happens
after that?

You have the baby born, but after that, for 2 years, it will not move, it will
stay in its bed, you cannot give it any gifts, nor take it out. After the
two years have past, it will magically start to walk, since it is it's second

For the kid's birthday, you can head home at 6pm, and the celebration will
rock and roll. Yet, like everyone else, the child will not accept gifts when
he/she starts crawling until you talk for them for 3 days straight.

2 years after they can start to crawl, they will start to walk instead. But
other than that, they don't do much more than that.




* Child must be Crawling

* Head from West Town to Ranch
* Between 3pm to 10pm

As you head from the Main Town towards the Ranch, you will see your child
at the entrance. Now that is strange. You will take the child back inside
the house, and your significant other will not be pleased at all. They
have been looking for the child, but they obviously couldn't look hard
enough, especially at the entrance.

Your husband/wife screams at the child, but you are the calm voice in this
relationship. They realise it isn't a bad idea for the child to visit you,
but they will ensure that this doesn't happen again.


There are two sets of gifts, since there is a chance of a male and female





All Flowers, Grapes, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil

Ice Cream, Apple Pie, Strawberry Milk, Cake, Cookies, Omelet Rice, Sandwich,
Cheesecake, Chocolate Cookies, Rice Cake, Chocolate Cake, Donuts, Pizza,
Grape Juice, Fruit Juice and Latte, Pineapple Juice, Fruit Sandwich, Hot Milk,
Hotcakes, Steamed Cake and Bun, Mixed Latte
--==Really Likes==--

Magic Flowers, Valuable Mining Material, Animal Produce, Mushrooms, Chocolate

Rest of Desserts
All Drinks
All Jams
Food including Oil


All Gems
Fishing Materials
All Buckwheat Items

All Curry Recipes

Fish Dishes
Vegetable Based Dishes
Tempura Dishes


All Foragable Items

Curry Powder, Oil
All Animal Feed
Fall Crops

Stamina Foods (Gizers, Elli Leaves)

Boiled and Baked Dishes


Failed Dish



Strawberry Milk


All Flowers, Grapes, Pirate Treasure, Fish Fossil

Ice Cream, Apple Pie, Strawberry Milk, Cake, Cookies, Omelet Rice, Sandwich,
Cheesecake, Chocolate Cookies, Rice Cake, Chocolate Cake, Donuts, Pizza,
Grape Juice, Fruit Juice and Latte, Pineapple Juice, Fruit Sandwich, Hot Milk,
Hotcakes, Steamed Cake and Bun, Mixed Latte

--==Really Likes==--
Magic Flowers, Gems, Animal Products, Strawberry, Pineapple, Apple
All Fruit Based Recipes
Spa-Boiled Egg, Cream Croquette, Buckwheat Dumpling, Candied Potatoes,
Omelet Rice, Chinese Bun, Toast, French Fries, Hot Chocolate, Popcorn,
Matsutake Rice, Vegetable Juice


Mining Items except Gems

Curry Recipes
Tempura Recipes
Vegetable Based Recipes


All Wild Grass

All Fishing Items
All Building Materials
All Animal Feed

Stamina Foods (Gizers, Elli Leaves)

Natto Recipes
Pumpkin Soup, Carrot Juice, Porridge, Herb Salad, Tofu Steak, Mashed Potatoes



[13.01] Anglers

The anglers requirements for a fish is like so. A fish for a season means
a fish in which it is possible to catch in a season. That didn't make sense
did it? Well, what that means is that if you have a fish, that can be caught
in both spring and summer, that counts as both a spring and summer fish. That
one fish counts as two. If you don't get it then, it isn't really my problem

Location fish is the same deal. If the fish can be caught in both the pond
and the ocean, it counts as a fish for both.


Location : Next to River in West Town until 6pm

Likes : Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Fodder, Junk Ore, Small Fish, Potato,
Red Grass

Dislikes : Blue Grass, Egg, Milk, Mushroom, Tomato, Toy Flower, Turnip

Unlocked : Catch 100 Spring Fish

Location : Next to River in East Town until 6pm
Inside Inn in West Town after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Corn, Egg, Milk, Small Fish, Blue Grass, Orange Grass, Fodder,

Dislikes : Carrot, Corn, Tomato, Turnip, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Green Grass,
Purple Grass

Unlocked : Catch 100 Summer Fish


Location : Next to River in West Town after 6pm

Likes : Eggplant, Carrot, Corn, Milk, Fodder, Yellow Grass, Small Fish, Potato

Dislikes : Junk Ore, Red Grass, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Moondrop Flower,
Turnip, Tomato, Any Mushroom

Unlocked : Catch 100 Fall Fish


Location : Inside the Inn (if expanded) until 6pm

In front of Inn after 6pm

Likes : Egg, Small Fish, Potato, Yellow Grass, Empty Can, Milk, Orange Grass,

Dislikes : Turnip, Tomato, Corn, Eggplant, Junk Ore, Fodder, Blue Grass, Green

Unlocked : Catch 100 Winter Fish


Location : South of Church until 3pm

Inside the Inn (if expanded) after 3pm

Likes : Carrot, Tomato, Eggplant, Pinkcat Flower, Toy Flower, Purple Grass,
Egg, Small Fish

Dislikes : Mushroom, Milk, Green Grass, Milk, Turnip, Fodder, Potato, Corn

Unlocked : Catch 100 River Fish


Location : South of Church after 9pm

Likes : Carrots, Eggplant, Tomato, Corn, Turnip, Small Fish, Milk, Fish Bones
Dislikes : Potato, Junk Ore, Fodder, Green Grass, Empty Can, Blue Grass,
Lumber, Bird Food

Unlocked : Catch 100 Pond Fish


Location : Around the Seaweed Rock at the Beach after 6pm

Likes : Carrot, Peach, Tomato, Potato, Red Grass, Junk Ore, Milk, Small Fish

Dislikes : Apple, Eggplant, Turnip, Corn, Yellow Grass, Green Grass,

Blue Grass, Fish Bones

Unlocked : Catch 100 Ocean Fish

[13.02] Boy Farmers


Location : In the Forest until 9am

Inside the Inn after 9am until 12pm
On the Mountain Path after 12pm
In the Inn after 6pm

Likes : Tomatoes, Egg, Milk, Carrot, Toy Flower, Junk Ore, Weeds, Small Fish

Dislikes : Eggplant, Corn, Potato, Apple, Peach, Fodder, Red Grass,

Green Grass

Unlocked : Have at least 4 Chickens


Location : On the Mountain Path after 6pm until 9pm

In the Forest after 9pm

Likes : Eggplant, Turnip, Potato, Weeds, Purple Grass, Milk, Pinkcat Flower,

Dislikes : Tomato, Carrot, Apple, Corn, Fodder, Blue Grass, Toy Flower

Unlocked : Have at least 4 Cows/Sheep


Location : On the Mountain Path until 12pm

In the Forest from 12pm to 6pm
Inside the Inn after 6pm

Likes : Fodder, Turnip, Pinkcat Flower, Red Magic Flower, Milk, Blue Grass,
Weeds, Small Fish
Dislikes : Carrot, Potato, Shiitake Mushroom, Toy Flower, Moondrop Flower,
Orange Grass, Purple Flower

Unlocked : Use the Mayonnaise Maker at least 100 times


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm

In the forest from 6pm to 9pm
On the Mountain path after 9pm

Likes : Eggs, Peach, Apple, Moondrop Flower, Weed, Junk Ore, Medium Fish,
Red Magic Flower

Dislikes : Blue Magic Flower, Toy Flower, Green Grass, Blue Grass, Corn,
Milk, Carrot, Corn, Small Fish

Unlocked : Use the Cheese Maker at least 100 times


Location : On the Mountain Path until 12pm

Inside the Inn after 12pm

Likes : Carrot, Toy Flower, Tomato, Shiitake, Red Grass, Yellow Grass,
Small Fish, Weeds

Dislikes : Turnip, Eggplant, Corn, Potato, Junk Ore, Bird Feed, Green Grass,
Blue Grass

Unlocked : Use the Yogurt Maker at least 100 times


Location : Mountain Top until 3pm

In the Forest from 3pm to 6pm

Likes : Turnip, Pinkcat Flower, Shiitake, Tomato, Blue Grass, Stones,

Red Grass, Green Grass

Dislikes : Apple, Eggplant, Peach, Eggs, Fodder, Junk Ore, Milk, Weeds,
Small Fish

Unlocked : Use the Butter Maker at least 100 times


Location : Inside the Inn until 12pm

Mountain Path from 12pm to 6pm
Inside the Inn from 6pm to 9pm
In the Forest after 9pm
Likes : Corn, Tomato, Eggplant, Fodder, Potato, Blue Grass, Yellow Grass,
Junk Ore

Dislikes : Peach, Milk, Shiitake, Turnip, Pinkcat Flower, Weeds, Toy Flower

Unlocked : Use the Yarn Maker at least 100 times

[13.03] Children

All children are somehow female, but only two will move out.


Location : Regis' House

Likes : Tomato, Turnip, Eggplant, Carrot, Weed, Green Grass, Moondrop Flower,
Blue Grass

Dislikes : Potato, Corn, Egg, Fodder, Milk, Small Grass, Junk Ore, Red Grass

Unlocked : After Vaughn and Sabrina have a baby


Location : Mirabelle's Store

Likes : Carrot, Eggplant, Milk, Potato, Turnip, Corn, Fish Bone, Lumber,
Green Grass

Dislikes : Bird Feed, Empty Can, Weed, Junk Ore, Blue Grass, Fodder, Turnip,
Red Grass

Unlocked : After Elliot and Julia have a baby


Location : Lanna's House

Likes : Apple, Eggplant, Carrot, Red Grass, Potato, Toy Flower, Milk, Weeds

Dislikes : Tomato, Egg, Corn, Turnip, Yellow Grass, Green Grass, Junk Ore,
Purple Grass

Unlocked : After Denny and Lanna have a baby


Location : Pierre's House

Likes : Shiitake Mushroom, Carrot, Tomato, Fodder, Eggplant, Blue Grass,

Moondrop Flower

Dislikes : Turnip, Weeds, Junk Ore, Corn, Potato, Fish Bones, Green Grass,
Red Grass

Unlocked : After Pierre and Natalie have a baby


Location : Left Room in the Inn (if expanded)

Likes : Carrot, Turnip, Fodder, Toy Flower, Egg, Weeds, Blue Grass, Eggplant

Dislikes : Corn, Milk, Turnip, Junk Ore, Peach, Red Grass, Yellow Grass,
Green Grass

Unlocked : When the Inn expands (20 Sub-Villagers)


Location : Inside the Hotel

Likes : Apple, Corn, Eggplant, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Yellow Grass,
Red Grass, Peach

Dislikes : Turnip, Potato, Milk, Junk Ore, Weeds, Orange Grass, Carrot,
Shiitake Mushroom

Unlocked : When Hotel is built


Location : Inside the Inn, at Reception

Likes : Peaches, Tomato, Corn, Milk, Fodder, Potato, Weeds, Junk Ore

Dislikes : Carrot, Turnip, Egg, Red Grass, Green Grass, Blue Grass,
Fish, Apple

Unlocked : When Inn is built

[13.04] Girl Farmers


Location : Mountain Summer until 6pm

Inside the Inn after 6pm

Likes : Potato, Shiitake Mushroom, Pinkcat Flower, Junk Ore, Eggplant, Weeds,

Dislikes : Tomato, Carrot, Corn, Fodder, Toy Flower, Milk, Lumber, Eggs

Unlocked : Ship at least 100 Spring Crops


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm

In the Forest from 6pm to 9pm

Likes : Turnip, Tomato, Eggs, Moondrop Flower, Carrot, Toy Flower,

Purple Grass, Weeds

Dislikes : Apples, Shiitake, Eggplant, Fodder, Junk Ore, Green Grass,

Orange Grass, Blue Magic Flower

Unlocked : Ship at least 100 Summer Crops


Location : In the Forest until 12pm

In the Inn after 12pm

Likes : Potato, Fodder, Carrot, Eggs, Milk, Junk Ore, Blue Grass, Red Grass

Dislikes : Tomato, Turnip, Weeds, Yellow Grass, Blue Grass, Pinkcat Flower,
Bird Feed, Empty Can

Unlocked : Ship at least 100 Fall Crops


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm (if expanded)

Behind Mirabelle's Store after 6pm

Likes : Corn, Tomato, Fodder, Milk, Shiitake, Toy Flower, Green Grass,
Junk Ore

Dislikes : Potato, Toadstools, Eggs, Turnip, Weeds, Pinkcat Flower,

Moondrop Flower, Red Grass

Unlocked : Ship at least 5 Oranges, Bananas and Peaches


Location : Next to Bridge to Jungle in East Town until 6pm

Inside the Inn after 6pm

Likes : Peach, Eggplant, Milk, Carrot, Junk Ore, Fodder, Weeds, Small Fish

Dislikes : Tomato, Turnip, Corn, Potato, Yellow Grass, Pet Food, Bird Feed

Unlocked : Ship at least 10 Oranges, Bananas and Peaches


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm (if expanded)

In front of Mirabelle's Store after 6pm
Likes : Corn, Milk, Fodder, Junk Ore, Eggplant, Yellow Grass, Green Grass,

Dislikes : Carrot, Turnip, Material Stone, Stone, Red Grass, Blue Grass,
Orange Grass

Unlocked : Ship at least 5 Grapes and Apples


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm

In the Forest from 6pm to 9pm

Likes : Carrot, Corn, Eggplant, Eggs, Red Grass, Toy Flower, Medium Fish, Milk

Dislikes : Potato, Turnip, Corn, Junk Ore, Small Fish, Blue Grass,
Purple Grass, Weeds

Unlocked : Ship at least 100 Rice

[13.05] Harvest Sprites

Note that these guys never leave the island. NEVER!


Location : Inside the Hut in your Farm

Likes : None

Dislikes : None

Unlocked : At Start


Location : Southern Path in Forest

Likes : Milk, Potato, Cucumber, Tomato, Material Stone, Lumber, Egg,

Moondrop Flower

Dislikes : Carrot, Corn, Turnip, Eggplant, Blue Grass, Fodder, Shiitake

Unlocked : Unlock the Forest


Location : In the Mountain, above mine entry

Likes : Shiitake, Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Junk Ore, Blue Grass,
Tomato, Green Grass, Fodder
Dislikes : Egg, Toadstool, Eggplant, Milk, Punkcat Flower, Yellow Grass,
Lumber, Carrot

Unlocked : Unlock the Forest


Location : Mountain Summit Top

Likes : Carrot, Fodder, Milk, Blue Grass, Green Grass, Egg, Junk Ore, Fish

Dislikes : Corn, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Toy Flower, Lumber, Tomato,

Unlocked : Unlock the Forest


Location : North East Corner of East Town

Likes : Yellow Grass, Toy Flower, Moondrop Flower, Red Grass, Tomato, Egg,
Eggplant, Wool

Dislikes : Corn, Carrot, Turnip, Milk, Fodder, Small Fish, Peach

Unlocked : Unlock East Town


Location : North East Corner of Meadow

Likes : Carrot, Potato, Turnip, Blue Grass, Orange Grass, Green Grass, Fish,

Dislikes : Corn, Cucumber, Milk, Egg, Tomato, Material Stone, Fodder,

Bird Feed

Unlocked : Unlock the Meadow


Location : Inside the Tower in the Jungle

Likes : Tomato, Moondrop Flower, Pinkcat Flower, Egg, Turnip, Potato, Corn,
Purple Grass

Dislikes : Green Grass, Yellow Grass, Toy Flower, Lumber, Bird Feed,
Red Grass, Egg, Carrot

Unlocked : After you take down the Statue, read the section on Wada's Tower

[13.06] Miners
You need Sabrina and Regis to be on the island, because they seem to be the
workers of them, seeing they won't appear until the forementioned are here.


Location : Inside Mine until 6pm

Inside Diner after 6pm

Likes : Apple, Peach, Tomato, Eggplant, Milk, Weeds, Blue Grass, Fodder

Dislikes : Corn, Junk Ore, Fish, Potato, Carrot, Green Grass, Yellow Grass,

Unlocked : Have Diner, Reach Level 5 in Mine


Location : Inside Mine until 6pm

Inside Diner after 6pm

Likes : Carrot, Eggplant, Egg, Milk, Fodder, Pinkcat Flower, Blue Grass,

Dislikes : Tomato, Turnip, Potaot, Toy Flower, Red Grass, Junk Ore,
Purple Grass, Orange Grass

Unlocked : Have Diner, Reach Level 25 in Mine


Location : Inside Mine until 6pm

Inside Cafe after 6pm

Likes : Tomato, Peach, Toy Flower, Potato, Yellow Grass, Green Grass, Stone,

Dislikes : Carrot, Turnip, Milk, Corn, Apple, Junk Ore, Red Grass, Fodder

Unlocked : Have Cafe, Reach Level 50 in Mine


Location : Inside Mine until 6pm

Inside Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Potato, Weeds, Turnip, Blue Grass, Corn, Eggs, Fodder, Red Grass

Dislikes : Apple, Milk, Tomato, Purple Grass, Green Grass, Junk Ore, Lumber,
Bird Feed

Unlocked : Reach Level 75 in Mine


Location : Inside the Mine until 6pm

Inside the Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Pineapple, Cucumber, Pumpkin, Potato, Fodder, Green Grass, Spinach,

Red Grass

Dislikes : Carrot, Milk, Tomato, Weeds, Junk Ore, Blue Grass, Yellow Grass,
Purple Grass

Unlocked : Reach Level 100 in Mine


Location : Inside the Mine until 6pm

Likes : Tomato, Egg, Potato, Yellow Grass, Milk, Pink Diamond, Weeds,
Toy Flower

Dislikes : Eggplant, Corn, Carrot, Fodder, Red Grass, Junk Ore, Purple Grass,
Bird Feed

Unlocked : Reach Level 120 in Mine


Location : Inside the Mine until 6pm

Inside the Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Potato, Apple, Milk, Fodder, Weeds, Purple Grass, Carrot

Dislikes : Tomato, Fish, Eggs, Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Peach,

Blue Magic Flower, Bird Feed

Unlocked : Reach Level 150 in Mine

[13.07] Old Men


Location : Inside the Inn

Likes : Tomato, Turnip, Egg, Milk, Fodder, Apple, Red Grass, Blue Grass

Dislikes : Eggplant, Potato, Carrot, Green Grass, Orange Grass, Medium Fish,
Weeds, Corn

Unlocked : Unlock the Meadow


Location : Inside the Diner

Likes : Potato, Shiitake, Carrot, Fodder, Turnip, Yellow Grass, Red Grass,

Dislikes : Corn, Eggplant, Milk, Eggs, Tomato, Green Grass, Lumber, Bird Feed

Unlocked : Unlock the Diner


Location : In the Jungle until 6pm

Likes : Potato, Turnip, Carrot, Moondrop Flower, Green Grass, Purple Grass,
Blue Grass

Dislikes : Tomato, Eggplant, Egg, Corn, Shiitake, Junk Ore, Orange Grass,

Unlocked : Unlock the Jungle


Location : Outside Chen's Shop after 6pm

Likes : Eggplant, Shiitake, Corn, Carrot, Junk Ore, Red Grass, Blue Grass,
Orange Grass

Dislikes : Tomato, Milk, Pinkcat Flower, Moondrop Flower, Fodder, Weeds,

Medium Fish, Purple Fish

Unlocked : Upgrade West Town Main Road


Location : Next to Water Well, East Town until 6pm

Likes : Carrot, Turnip, Eggplant, Shiitake, Junk Ore, Milk, Eggs, Tomato

Dislikes : Corn, Potato, Weeds, Blue Grass, Fodder, Small Fish, Toadstool,
Red Grass

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Pierre's/Inn


Location : Same as Knox, after 6pm

Likes : Tomato, Turnip, Corn, Weeds, Eggplant, Milk, Small Fish, Junk Ore

Dislikes : Carrot, Fodder, Potato, Toy Flower, Toadstool, Blue Grass,

Medium Fish, Yellow Grass

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Meadow


Location : In the Meadow until 6pm

In the Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Corn, Tomato, Eggplant, Weeds, Junk Ore, Shiitake, Small Fish,
Orange Grass

Dislikes : Turnip, Eggs, Potato, Milk, Moondrop Flower, Material Stone,

Bird Feed, Large Fish

Unlocked : Participate in 5+ Festivals in Meadow

[13.08] Old Women


Location : Inside the Cafe

Likes : None

Dislikes : None

Unlocked : Have at least 10 Sub Villagers


Location : Inside the Cafe

Likes : Carrot, Tomato, Corn, Weeds, Fodder, Small Fish, Blue Grass, Junk Ore

Dislikes : Shiitake, Toy Flower, Milk, Eggplant, Green Grass, Medium Fish,
Large Fish, Pet Food

Unlocked : Unlock the Cafe


Location : In the Forest between 9am to 3pm

Likes : Shiitake, Junk Ore, Red Grass, Purple Grass, Orange Grass,
Medium Fish, Red Magic Flower, Milk

Dislikes : Carrot, Tomato, Corn, Egg, Toadstool, Small Fish, Green Grass,
Blue Grass

Unlocked : Unlock the Forest


Location : In Front of Chen's after 6pm

Likes : Potato, Tomato, Turnip, Carrot, Milk, Egg, Junk Ore, Weeds

Dislikes : Eggplant, Blue Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Green Grass,
Medium Fish, Corn, Large Fish

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Meadow


Location : Inside the Inn until 6pm (if expanded)

Next to Well in East Town after 6pm

Likes : Tomato, Apple, Fodder, Carrot, Junk Ore, Green Grass, Orange Grass,
Blue Grass

Dislikes : Turnip, Eggplant, Corn, Yellow Grass, Milk, Weeds, Egg, Potato,

Unlocked : Upgrade Road at Inn


Location : Inside Inn

Likes : Carrot, Potato, Shiitake, Eggplant, Junk Ore, Weeds, Medium Fish,

Dislikes : Moondrop Flower, Corn, Toy Flower, Purple Grass, Tomato, Pet Food,
Orange Grass, Red Grass

Unlocked : Have at least 10 Sub-Villagers


Location : In the Meadow after 6pm

Likes : Corn, Carrot, Shiitake, Milk, Small Fish, Weeds, Red Grass,
Orange Grass, Tomato

Dislikes : Eggplant, Turnip, Fodder, Junk Ore, Potato, Yellow Grass,

Purple Grass, Blue Grass

Unlocked : Win at least 5 Festivals at the Meadow

[13.09] Young Men


Location : Inside the Diner

Likes : None
Dislikes : None

Unlocked : Have at least 10 Sub-Villagers


Location : Inside the Hotel

Likes : Turnip, Tomato, Corn, Shiitake, Toy Flower, Weeds, Blue Grass,
Junk Ore

Dislikes : Eggplant, Carrot, Fodder, Milk, Potato, Medium Fish, Red Grass,
Yellow Grass

Unlocked : Have at least 15 Sub-Villagers


Location : Southwest of Diner after 6pm

Likes : Eggplant, Red Grass, Egg, Green Grass, Junk Ore, Lumber, Small Fish,

Dislikes : Tomato, Turnip, Corn, Fodder, Toadstool, Milk, Weeds, Potato

Unlocked : Have Lanna on Island


Location : Outside Chen's Store until 6pm

Inside Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Carrot, Eggs, Turnip, Blue Grass, Potato, Red Grass, Orange Grass,
Green Grass

Dislikes : Corn, Tomato, Weeds, Milk, Eggplant, Fodder, Bird Feed, Large Fish

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Ranch


Location : Road Between Pierre's and Lanna's after 6pm

Likes : Tomato, Eggplant, Milk, Pinkcat Flower, Toy Flower, Lumber, Egg,

Dislikes : Potato, Turnip, Fodder, Weeds, Corn, Blue Grass, Orange Grass,
Red Grass

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Regis

Location : Southwest of Diner until 6pm

Likes : Carrot, Corn, Small Fish, Medium Fish, Toy Flower, Milk, Turnip,

Dislikes : Eggplant, Large Fish, Lumber, Red Grass, Weeds, Junk Ore, Fodder,

Unlocked : Upgrade Road to Diner


Location : Inside Hotel, Bottom Left Room

Likes : Eggplant, Milk, Junk Ore, Fodder, Egg, Red Grass, Orange Grass, Weeds

Dislikes : Tomato, Turnip, Carrot, Potato, Corn, Blue Grass, Green Grass,
Yellow Grass

Unlocked : Expand the Island Hotel (30+ Sub-Villagers)

[13.10] Young Women


Location : Inside the Church

Likes : Potato, Turnip, Tomato, Eggplant, Corn, Milk, Fish, Carrot

Dislikes : Weeds, Yellow Grass, Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Green Grass,
Blue Grass, Fodder, Junk Ore

Unlocked : Unlock the Church


Location : Inside the Hotel

Likes : Turnip, Potato, Eggplant, Milk, Weeds, Junk Ore, Eggs, Fodder

Dislikes : Moondrop Flower, Red Magic Flower, Blue Magic Flower, Green Grass,
Yellow Grass, Bird Feed, Pet Food, Toadstool

Unlocked : Unlock the Hotel


Location : Inside the Inn, Reception

Likes : Carrot, Corn, Fodder, Eggplant, Egg, Milk, Junk Ore, Yellow Grass,
Dislikes : Blue Magic Flower, Red Magic Flower, Blue Grass, Green Grass,
Bird Food, Pet Food, Toadstool, Lumber

Unlocked : Unlock the Inn


Location : South of Pierre's House after 6pm

Likes : Eggplant, Tomato, Corn, Carrot, Weeds, Milk, Red Grass, Junk Ore

Dislikes : Orange Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass, Bird Food, Pet Food,
Lumber, Pinkcat Flower, Moondrop Flower

Unlocked : Have Pierre on Island


Location : Next to Ben in Meadow until 6pm

Inside Inn after 6pm (if expanded)

Likes : Corn, Turnip, Potato, Eggplant, Fish, Milk, Carrot, Tomato

Dislikes : Junk Ore, Weeds, Yellow Grass, Purple Grass, Blue Grass,
Lumber, Toadstool, Fodder

Unlocked : Win the Cooking Festival once


Location : Inside Inn (if expanded)

Likes : Carrot, Potato, Tomato, Milk, Junk Ore, Fodder, Weeds, Eggplant

Dislikes : Moondrop Flower, Toy Flower, Red Magic Flower, Purple Grass,
Blue Grass, Blue Magic Flower, Bird Feed, Pet Food

Unlocked : Have at least 10 Recipes


Location : Inside Inn (if expanded)

Likes : Potato, Tomato, Eggplant, Turnip, Fodder, Junk Ore, Corn, Carrot,

Dislikes : Red Grass, Yellow Grass, Purple Grass, Weeds, Fish Bones,
Toy Flower, Bird Feed, Toadstool

Unlocked : Have at least 20 Recipes


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