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One way to make your MATLAB programs run faster is to vectorize the algorithms you use
in constructing the programs. Where other programming languages might use for loops or DO
loops, MATLAB can use vector or matrix operations. A simple example involves creating a
table of logarithms:

x = .01;
for k = 1:1001
y(k) = log10(x);
x = x + .01;

A vectorized version of the same code is

x = .01:.01:10;
y = log10(x);

For more complicated code, vectorization options are not always so obvious.

Advanced Example of Vectorizing

repmat is an example of a function that takes advantage of vectorization. It accepts three

input arguments: an array A, a row dimension M, and a column dimension N.

repmat creates an output array that contains the elements of array A, replicated and "tiled" in
an M-by-N arrangement:

A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];

B = repmat(A,2,3);
B =
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6
1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3
4 5 6 4 5 6 4 5 6

repmat uses vectorization to create the indices that place elements in the output array:

function B = repmat(A, M, N)

% Step 1 Get row and column sizes

[m,n] = size(A);

% Step 2 Generate vectors of indices from 1 to row/column size

mind = (1:m)';
nind = (1:n)';

% Step 3 Create index matrices from vectors above

mind = mind(:,ones(1, M));
nind = nind(:,ones(1, N));

% Step 4 Create output array

B = A(mind,nind);
Step 1, above, obtains the row and column sizes of the input array.

Step 2 creates two column vectors. mind contains the integers from 1 through the row size of
A. The nind variable contains the integers from 1 through the column size of A.

Step 3 uses a MATLAB vectorization trick to replicate a single column of data through any
number of columns. The code is

B = A(:,ones(1,nCols))

where nCols is the desired number of columns in the resulting matrix.

Step 4 uses array indexing to create the output array. Each element of the row index array,
mind, is paired with each element of the column index array, nind, using the following

1. The first element of mind, the row index, is paired with each element of nind.
MATLAB moves through the nind matrix in a columnwise fashion, so mind(1,1)
goes with nind(1,1), and then nind(2,1), and so on. The result fills the first row of
the output array.
2. Moving columnwise through mind, each element is paired with the elements of nind
as above. Each complete pass through the nind matrix fills one row of the output

Use the Vectorized property to specify whether to compute custom regressors using
vectorized form during estimation. If you know that your regressor formulas can be
vectorized, set Vectorized to 1 to achieve better performance. To better understand
vectorization, consider the custom regressor function handle z=@(x,y)x^2*y. x and y are
vectors and each variable is evaluated over a time grid. Therefore, z must be evaluated for
each (xi,yi) pair, and the results are concatenated to produce a z vector:

for k = 1:length(x)
z(k) = x(k)^2*y(k)

The above expression is a nonvectorized computation and tends to be slow. Specifying a

Vectorized computation uses MATLAB vectorization rules to evaluate the regressor
expression using matrices instead of the FOR-loop and results in faster computation:

% ".*" indicates element-wise operation


internalmark = input('\nEnter Internal Marks =' );

externalmark = input('\nEnter External Marks =' );

%result string;

if(internalmark >= 22.5) && (internalmark <=50)


elseif (internalmark > 50)

fprintf('Internal Marks cannot more 50\n');





final = internalmark + externalmark;

fprintf('Total Marks=%0.2f',final);

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