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MARCH 8, 2011

The regular meeting of the City of Carlisle was held this evening, March 8, 2011 in Town Hall with Mayor
Tim Humphries presiding. The meeting was opened at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call: Mr. Scott Boschert, yes; Mayor Tim Humphries, yes; Mr. Johnson, yes; Mr. James Lickliter, yes;
Mrs. Jennifer Long, yes; Mr. Randy Winkler, yes. Absent was Mr. Bryan Green.

Mr. Johnson made a motion to excuse Mr. Green due to being out of town. Seconded by Mr. Lickliter.

Roll call: Mr. Boschert, yes; Mayor Humphries, yes; Mr. Johnson, yes; Mr. Lickliter, yes; Mrs. Long, yes;
Mr. Winkler, yes.

The minutes of February 22, 2011 were presented to Council for approval. Mr. Lickliter made a motion
to approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Mr. Johnson.

Roll call: Mayor Humphries, yes; Mr. Johnson, yes; Mr. Lickliter, yes; Mrs. Long, yes; Mr. Winkler, yes;
Mr. Boschert, yes.

Public Forum
Sheriff Larry Simms of Warren County Sheriff’s Department gave a review of his office for 2010.
Sheriff Simms stated their service calls had decreased in 2010. Investigation calls increased by 15 cases.
There were five bank robberies. The number of Foreclosures remained the same as in 2009. Sheriff
Simms stated they have a total of 3 canine were requested in 38 cases for chasing bad guys and
receiving 20 arrests. Still working on the jail renovations. Home Land Security, has started using camera
on cars which take pictures of license plates, this is only for investigation purposes only.

Council Reports:

Mrs. Long - nothing to report

Mr. Winkler – nothing to report

Mr. Lickliter – commented that the Planning Commission met on Thursday, March 3rd to approve the
Timber Ridge, Section Five Timber, which will have 14 lots to develop. The Planning Commission gave
their approval.

Mr. Johnson asked if a citizen wanted to come and get a permit, what is the process they would go
through. Mrs. Callahan stated the first person they would see would be Flo, she would set the individual
up with the proper paper work and if there were any issues regarding a building permit Flo would put
them in contact with the right person . Mr. Johnson stated so they go through this process and they
have applied for and received the permit, what happens to the paper work at that point. Mrs. Estes
commented that she keeps a copy and the resident gets a copy. Mr. Johnson asked what the retention
period is on that form. Flo stated they are kept permanently but before her time Warren County kept
the records so some of our files do not have anything in them. Mr. Johnson asked if this was a public
record. Mrs. Callahan stated yes.

Mr. Lickliter asked if he were to come down and ask to see Chad’s paper work, is this something that
you would show him? Mrs. Estes stated this is a public record, yes.

Mr. Boschert asked if it’s kept electronically or just on file. Mrs. Estes stated right now on file, we’re
hoping to get some of them on the zone pro software. This is a slow process since Mr. Wallace and I are
the only people working on the system. Mrs. Callahan stated we were trying to scan new applications
into the system if possible.

Mr. Johnson asked if we’re doing this today forward or going back and doing past. Mrs. Callahan stated
today forward.

Mr. Boschert commented that he would like to see a more detailed report not only on Property
Maintenance but on Streets, Fire and Police. So that we have more details on what happens regarding
how many runs, how many post cards were sent out, how many citations were issued and how many
violations were found. Would like this placed in the council packets.

Mr. Boschert questioned if the City received their salt that was ordered. Mrs. Callahan stated we
received the first load but still waiting on the second load which is 200 tons. When this load arrives will
pay back City of Franklin the 8 loads of salt they so graciously gave to us. Mrs. Callahan stated that
next year we’re hoping to have a few more options.

Mr. Boschert stated he had a person’s business card who could guarantee salt delivery. Mr. Boschert
stated he would get the card to Mrs. Callahan. Mrs. Callahan stated we do partner with Franklin
Township and this all goes out for bid, we would make sure this person is added to the bid list for next

Mr. Boschert asked if the lights were functioning at the Heritage Apts. Now. Mrs. Callahan stated they
were functioning. Mrs. Callahan stated apparently with us discussing with the contractor about the
Maintenance bond that has urged him to talk with this subcontractor and as of today the lights have
been working for the last week. Mr. Boschert questioned if we have paid them in full. Mrs. Callahan
stated we have paid the general contractor in full because we have the Maintenance Bond to fall back
on. We have a year from the date the project ended to use the Maintenance Bond. If we have trouble
with any part of the project, we can pull the bond and choose who we want to fix the problem and
then we use that money to pay them.

Mr. Boschert stated he was asked to participate on the “Facility Advisor Team” with the school system.
There are five groups which they ask different questions. The Facility Advisor Team consist of 25
members, business owners, school teachers, non administrator, civics. The objectives at the end is to
come up with a Master Plan for new schools whether we want to build or renovate the schools. There
will be five total meetings then a public forum on April 11th. Mr. Boschert stated there has been a lot
going on. We have had the Park Master Plan, Comprehensive Plan and now the School Master Plan.

Mr. Boschert stated there is a donation tube at the Ameristop for batteries for the Fire Department.
Mrs. Callahan stated this is something the Auxiliary is doing. Mr. Boschert stated it doesn’t say anything
indicating what it’s for. Mr. Boschert stated the first question he was asked, “ Did we not just pass a
levy for the Fire Department.” There is no information about this item. Mrs. Callahan stated she would
speak with the Fire Chief either to pull or mark this correctly. Mr. Boschert stated he thought it might
be for smoke detectors . Mrs. Callahan stated yes that is what it is for. Mr. Boschert stated this would be
something to put in the reports.

Mr. Winkler questioned the fire hydrant that is out of service and has been for quite some time on
Business Parkway. Mr. Winkler questioned if this is something we repair in house. Mrs. Callahan stated
the hydrant that is in question does have other hydrants around it that are in working condition. This is
one of the hydrants that was on the recall list last year. This will be replaced in the spring. Mrs.
Callahan stated the company would be working on the ones that were recalled and any others not
working, Mr. Casson repairs in house.

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Humphries questioned how soon will the council meetings be on the website. Mrs. Callahan
stated we are still working on this, soon she hoped.

Mayor Humphries stated the last meeting did not play. There was just a blue screen, it’s a glitch at the
school where the DVD player is not starting when it should.

Mayor stated the Historical Society will be holding an event on March 19th at Chautauqua at 7PM with
two live music groups performing from the local area. Community Blood Bank will be holding a blood
drive on March28th from 3:30-6:30pm, due to the amount of information that has been going out they
have doubled in the last year. Mayor stated for residents to mark their calendars for April 11, 2011 for
the Facility Advisory public forum at 7PM at the high school.

Mayor Humphries reminded everyone of the time change this Sunday, also remember to replace your
batteries in the smoke detectors and check your fire extension, if you don ‘t own one please go out and
purchase one.

Mayor Humphries indicated that it would be nice for home owners to have their addresses more visible
for 1st responders to find. JEMS and Franklin Township charges $15 for a two sided sign. Mayor asked if
this is something that would be profitable for us to try and do. Mrs. Callahan stated she would check
into this and speak with the Police and Fire Chiefs to see if it would be of interest to do in town.
Mayor questioned the status of the Law Director, Mrs. Callahan stated she had a panel meeting planned
since mid-February, but not everyone could attend. Mr. Winkler questioned if this is something we
should be discussing since the Law Director is named in the lawsuit. Mrs. Callahan stated no. Mayor
Humphries commented it’s a position in the Town . Mayor stated he is having people question him and
he is trying to get an answer for those who pay taxes and vote and sit at home and watch TV.

Manager’s Report

The Steering Committee for the Comprehensive Plan had such a good turnout at their first public forum
meeting they would like to have a second public forum. This is scheduled for March 21, at 7p.m. at the
High School. All comments from the last meeting are included in our goal statements which are on the
website. If you are not able to attend the meeting , we will accept comments by email. The Market
Analysis will be completed by then and the person who did the work will be there to present and talk
about his findings. A market analysis basically exams what products and services are leaving the city
and how we may be able to capture these products and services and keep them in town. The analysis
can also tell us how to spend our resources better by knowing what businesses to attract.

Mayor Humphries asked if Mrs. Callahan could explain what is happening with the Phase 10 project.
Mrs. Callahan stated the trees that are in the right of way that have been taken down this year are a
particular kind of tree that is only allowed to be taken out prior to April 1 and after October 31st, so
we’re in the prime removal time; had we waited until 2012 when the project is to start, this would
have put the project back a year. This is something that council approved in the 2011 budget last year.
Right now with our work agreement with the residents, it is their wood and how they want to dispose of
it. The city will give the residents a couple of weeks and then we will go in and remove the leftovers
ourselves . The trees on the south side of SR123 was part of the Duke Energy Project “Dangerous Tree
Project” . There were four trees that Duke Energy took out.

Mr. Lickliter asked if the reduction in state funding would affect us at all. Mrs. Callahan stated we have
two funding sources for Phase 10. One is Federal money which was in place when she was hired:
“Surface Transportation Program.” The United Stated Congress just did an extension for STP which is
good. OPWC is the other funding source. It has been very crucial that the two funding sources align in
the same construction year.. The city was lucky to get OPWC money of $278,000 to coincide with the
federal money scheduled to be distributed in 2012. Late last week, OPWC was not included in the
State Budget HB114. Mrs. Callahan stated she sent a letter to Representative Beck indicating the
importance of OPWC moneys be included in HB114. Mrs. Callahan stated she received notification that
the OPWC funds were added as of today and that the house would be voting on this bill on Thursday.

Mr. Johnson asked if they don’t pass the HB14 and don’t appropriate the funds. How is that going to
affect us? Mr. Johnson questioned if we have money to start? Mrs. Callahan stated that we need to
wait and see what they are going to do. We’re expending city monies now, depends on how much we
can cut back and not use the $200,000 OPWC funds. We are going to expend our matching share and
the federal share which is around $815,000. This will be something council will have to address for the
next budget year if OPWC funds are cut. We’ll know in a couple of weeks if the Governor’s Budget
passes and hopefully OPWC monies are in there.

Mayor Humphries asked if there were any conceptual drawings of the corridor and what it will look like.
Mrs. Callahan stated that to her knowledge, a conceptual drawing for phase X was not part of the
project. A conceptual drawing could be a possibility but council would have to pay extra for that. Mrs.
Callahan stated once we get through the appraisals and if the city had any money available, we could
always request a conceptual plan but that would be up to council.


Discussion: This is the first part of a three part series. This is resolving the necessity for street lighting
and the assessments are 75% of operational costs and the city pays 25%. We had no capital this past
year. This will be strictly for operations. This resolution is on for the first reading and will be on the next
agenda for the second reading.


Discussion: This ordinance is a reduction of $19,250 for phase IV, V, and VII of SR123 reconstruction
project. The money is taken out of the Eagle Ridge TIF Fund.



Mr. Winkler made a motion to suspend the rules requiring three readings by title only and declaring an
emergency. Seconded by Mrs. Long.

Roll call: Mr. Mr. Johnson, yes; Mr. Lickliter, yes; Mrs. Long, yes; Mr. Winkler, yes; Mr. Boschert, yes;
Mayor Humphries, yes.

Discussion: There are two parts. The first part is asking to appropriate an additional $5,000 out of the
Park Fund to enable us to have all of the items on the play equipment rending and the new walking
path. The second part is asking for $10,000 to replenish the stock of sewer and water meters. This was
overlooked during budget hearings.
Mr. Lickliter informed council of an additional 14 lots that were approved through the Planning

Mr. Johnson made a motion to adopt, seconded by Mrs. Long.

Roll call: Mr. Johnson, yes; Mr. Lickliter, yes; Mrs. Long, yes; Mr. Winkler, yes; Mr. Boschert, yes; Mayor
Humphries, yes.

Ordinance passed of this day will be entered into Ordinance Record Book as 7-11.

Mayor requested a five minute break and will go into the work session.

There being no further business Mr. Winkler made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Mr. Boschert.

Roll call: Mr. Boschert, yes; Mr. Johnson, yes; Mayor Humphries, yes; Mr. Lickliter, yes; Mrs. Long, yes;
Mr. Winkler, yes.

Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Date ___________________


Attest: __________________________
Clerk of Council

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