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Learning from Ulam

. .
Fig. 1. K. Kuratowski posed the following
problem to his calculus class: Over a non-
negative, decreasing function on the posi-
tive part of the real line, construct a step
function with steps of equal depth. Prove
that the area of the shaded regions between
the two functions is finite. Ulam's solution
was to move each shaded region into the
first column, the area of which is finite.

alized Bernstein's Theorem." That short sistent study may reveal that beauty. He veloped logic, Cantor invented and de-
paper solves a problem posed by Kura- would agree only that his opinion was not veloped set theory, and Zerrnelo gave ax-
towski. It belongs to the theory of jigsaw easy to interpret correctly. In the end I ioms for Cantor's set theory. Soon it be-
puzzles (also called the theory of equiva- am sure that there is wisdom in what he came clear that all modem mathematics
lence by finite decomposition) and is one said, if only because he discovered sev- can be smoothly developed within set the-
of the earliest applications of graphs in eral facts that are fundamental to mod- ory. Gradually it also became apparent
set theory. It appears in the 1974 vol- em mathematical culture, and I can hardly that there is a whole hierarchy of larger
ume Stanislaw Ularn: Sets, Numbers, and imagine discoveries of that nature in the and larger set theories, and one of the best
Universes, which contains more than half areas he was criticizing. ways to classify them is to see how large
of Ulam's hundred or so then-published are the infinite cardinal numbers that can
papers. We can learn a lot from that vol- be shown to exist in those theories. (By
ume. I will try to describe some of what I Measurable Cardinals a famous definition of Cantor, two sets A
have learned, but first let me record some I will now try to tell you about one of and B , finite or infinite, have the same
memories from our numerous conversa- Ulam's important discoveries. It pertains cardinal number if and only if there ex-
tions over the years. to the foundations of mathematics and to ists a one-to-one function mapping A onto
Ulam liked to consider amusing objects the theory of large cardinal numbers. To B). One might think that very large cardi-
and processes. It didn't matter to him give it the proper perspective, let me re- nal numbers are rather exotic and abstract
whether or not they were real or imagi- call that Euclid was the first to organize objects whose existence is not of great
nary, but they had to be intrinsically inter- the mathematics of his time into an ax- mathematical interest. But by a famous
esting, not just tools. Consequently most iomatic theory. That means he started theorem Godel proved in 1931 (the so-
of his work has a directness similar to from certain basic principles called ax- called second incompleteness theorem), it
the directness of an observation of na- ioms that he accepted without proof, and follows that the larger the cardinal num-
ture. That distinguishes his work from the from them he obtained by pure deduction ber whose existence can be proven in a
majority of mathematical papers, which all the mathematical knowledge of his given set theory, the more theorems can
elaborate existing theories. In fact, in his time. The system of Euclid became the be proved in that theory, even theorems
later life he became quite critical of such accepted definition of mathematics until pertaining to such elementary operations
mathematical investigations, which he re- the time of Newton and Leibnitz. Af- as the addition and multiplication of inte-
garded as too abstruse or unimaginative. ter the discovery of calculus, it became gers. This fact was not yet known at the
He would even remark that the study of apparent that the development of math- time Ulam made his discovery. His mo-
specific subjects, such as advanced chap- ematics within the system of Euclid is tivation was different-he was attracted
ters of algebra, algebraic topology, or very unwieldy, and the system had to be by the mystery of the very large cardinal
analysis, was motivated by the history of abandoned. For a few centuries mathe- numbers for its own sake. Let me try to
mathematics rather than by the interest or matics was in a sense unruly. Axiomatic explain his theorem.
notoriety of their problems. I would reply organization returned to it around the turn The smallest infinite cardinal number
that mathematics is also an art, motivated of this century with the discoveries of is called No (aleph zero). It is the cardi-
by its internal beauty, and that only per- Frege, Cantor, and Zermelo. Frege de- nality of the set of integers. Clearly No

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987

Learning from Ulam

has the following property: If we mul- the Ai's are disjoint. countably additive measure satisfying Cl ,
tiply less than No cardinal numbers each Ulam considered special measures that C2, C3. and CA is called an Ulam cardi-
of which is less than Ho, then the prod- satisfy some additional conditions: nal. Again, we can ask whether any Ulam
uct is also less than No. Well, of course, cardinals exist. Ulam's famous theorem
this tells only that the product of finitely is that if such a cardinal does exist, then
many integers is finite. Thus we can say C I : /^(A)= 0 whenever A consists of just it is strongly inaccessible. This result im-
that No is inaccessible by products. This one element of X; plies that if we consider two set theories,
property is also called strong inaccessibil- one in which we assume the existence of
ity: Uo is strongly inaccessible. Are there Cz: p(X) = 1 (that is, the measure of the uncountable strongly inaccessible cardi-
any cardinal numbers larger than No (such whole space is 1); and nals and the second in which we assume
cardinals are called uncountable) that are the existence of Ulam cardinals, then the
also strongly inaccessible? It turns out CT,:0 is the set of all subsets of X. second theory is at least as strong as the
that this problem cannot be solved. The first. Today we know many interesting
axioms of set theory do not imply the theorems that follow from postulating the
existence of such cardinals, and one can Measures that satisfy Co, C l , C2, and existence of Ulam cardinals. In partic-
only postulate their existence as an ax- CT,are called universal measures. Read- ular, thirty years after Ulam's paper on
iom, which is what Felix Hausdorff did. ers familiar with Lebesgue's measure may measurable cardinals. William Hanf and
Indeed, a set theory in which we accept recall that it is not a universal measure Alfred Tarski proved that the least un-
this axiom is stronger (in the sense that it since the collection f2 on which it is de- countable strongly inaccessible cardinal
gives rise to more theorems of arithmetic) fined is not the set of all subsets of [0,1]. is smaller than the least Ulam cardinal.
than the original set theory of Cantor and On the other hand, Lebesgue's measure is Thus a set theory in which Ulam cardi-
Zermelo. invariant under translations, whereas the nals exist is strictly stronger than one in
To explain the work of Ulam we need set X is just an abstract set without any which only uncountable strongly inacces-
the concept of a measure. For a set of transformations upon which p could be sible cardinals exist. Many more results
points on the plane, area is a measure, and assumed to be invariant. Even in this ab- of this sort have been discovered since.
for a set of points in three-dimensional stract setting it is very difficult to con- The theory of large cardinals has become
space, volume is a measure. In general struct a universal measure. For example, very rich, but Ulam's paper remains one
given any set X, a measure is a function if X is countable, no such measure exists of its keystones.
p that attaches to subsets of X some non- since condition Ci plus countable addi-
negative numbers in such a way that the tivity forces p,(X) to equal 0, contrary to
Ergodic Theory and Topology
following condition is satisfied: 2.
Ulam proved two fundamental results Between 1929 and 1938 Ulam pub-
about universal measures. The first tells lished about twenty papers. What dis-
Co: If A and B are disjoint subsets of X , that no universal measure exists for many tinguishes those from the papers of other
then u(A U B) = p(A) + p(B). uncountable sets. In particular, for many members of the Polish school before 1939
consecutive cardinals larger than No (for was his interest in topological groups, es-
example, N1,N2,. . . , No;, . .), sets pecially the groups of homeomorphisms
There are many variants of the concept of those cardinalities do not have univer- of spheres.
of measure. The version that is the most sal measures. A homeomorphism of a space X is a
important for mathematical analysis says To explain Ulam's second result, we transformation of X onto itself that is one-
that p(A) must be defined for all subsets A restrict the concept of universal measure to-one and continuous and whose inverse
of X that are in a collection fl of subsets still further by adding the following con- is also continuous. Of course such trans-
such that 0 is closed under countable dition: formations constitute a group under com-
unions and complementations. That is, position. It is not obvious how to intro-
if A; G fl for i = 1 , 2 , . . ., then the union duce a natural topology or even metriza-
of the A;'s is in 0, UF1 A; E 0, and if C4: p(A) = 0 or p(A) = 1 for all subsets tion into such a group. The following
A, E 0 , then its complement, or X -A,, A of X . formula was often proposed (for exam-
is in fl. Moreover the measure p must ple, it appears in Banach's classic book
be countably additive; that is, if A; E 0 , Thkorie des Operations Linkaires): The
then p (\J^ A;) = ^(A;), provided The cardinal number of a set that has a distance between two homeomorphisms f

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987

Learning from Ulam

and g of a compact space X, Dist(f ,g), applied the rotation many times, the wa- EFFECT OF AN ERGODIC
is given by ter would never have been mixed. Are TRANSFORMATION
there any volume-preserving homeomor-
Dist(f,g) = max dist(f ( x ) , ~ ( x ) ) + phisms that do mix? Such transforma- Fig. 2. If h is an ergodic transformation,
x EX
tions, which are called ergodic, or met- every surface S separating the water is de-
a x dist (f -'(x),g-'(x)) , rically transitive, must exist if the er- flected by h from its original position.
.Â¥ ex
godic hypothesis of statistical mechan-
where dist denotes the distance in X . ics is correct. However, the existence
The surprising property of this formula of such transformations had remained an
is that it converts the space of homeo- open question since the work of Poincark
morphisms of X into a complete met- and G. D. Birkhoff. Oxtoby and Ularn, in
ric space. In other words, if a sequence their paper entitled "Measure-Preserving
of homeomorphisms satisfies the condi- Homeomorphisms and Metrical Transitiv-
tion of Cauchy, then it has a limit that ity," showed not only that such home-
is a homeomorphism. The fact that the omorphisms exist but also that the set
space of homeomorphisms can be treated of ergodic homeomorphisms is comea-
as a complete metric space is very im- ger, that is, large in the sense of cat-
portant because for such spaces there ex- egory. More precisely, any homeomor-
ist very natural definitions of largeness or phism of that comeager set has the prop-
smallness of subsets. The small ones are erty that its application to any proper part
called meager (or of the first category) of our glass of water deflects its bound-
and the large ones comeager (or com- ary (Fig. 2). Thus the homeomorphism
plements of meager). These topological mixes the water in the sense that no part
concepts were invented by Baire. Sev- returns to its initial position. The Oxtoby-
eral brilliant applications of these notions Ulam theorem remains one of the high
were made by Banach and Mazur. A very points of the mathematical theory con-
famous one was made by John C. Oxtoby cerning ergodic properties of dynamical
and Ulam around 1941. Let me try to de- systems. The introduction to their paper,
scribe it here. excerpted on the following page, explains
Take a glass of water, gently stir its the connection to the ergodic hypothesis.
contents, and let the water stop moving. (These excerpts may be better understood
Each particle of water has an initial and after reading "The Ergodic Hypothesis:
final position. The operation has thus A Complicated Problem of Mathematics
defined a transformation of the interior and Physics," as well as the section enti-
of the glass into itself. Since water is tled Problem 2. Geometry, Invariant Mea-
viscous, this transformation is continuous sures, and Dynamical Systems in the arti-
and its inverse is also continuous. So we cle "Probability and Nonlinear Systems,"
have here a homeomorphism. Moreover, all in this issue.)
since water is incompressible, the home- We must caution, however, that appli-
omorphism is volume-preserving. Home- cation of mathematical theorems to the
omorphisms with that property constitute real world is sometimes a delicate prob-
a complete subspace of the space of all lem. As you know, a sequence of heads
homeomorphisms. If our transformation and tails obtained by consecutive tosses
had been a simple rotation, then the alti- of a fair coin has the property that the iting frequency of heads in this sequence
tudes of the particles of water and their frequency of heads converges to 112 as is 112. Unfortunately, in another sense,
distances from the central axis of the glass the number of tosses becomes large. One namely that of category, almost all se-
would not have changed. Many parts of can say (and prove in precise mathemat- quences (namely a comeager set) do not
the water would have remained invari- ical terms) that if we choose a sequence have any limiting value for the frequency
ant; that is, such parts would have been at random from the space of all such se- of heads! So the very sense in which
mapped into themselves. Even if we had quences, then, with probability 1, the lim- almost all volume-preserving homeomor-

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987

Learning from Ulam

phisms of a cube are ergodic suggests the tells the following: For every continu- Topics in Biology and
physically false result that almost all se- ous mapping of the spherical surface into Some Applications of Computers
quences of heads and tails lack a well- the plane, there exist antipodes that are
defined frequency of heads. Can we then mapped into the same point on the plane. I began to collaborate with Stan Ulam
trust the theorem of Ulam and Oxtoby This theorem is equivalent to the follow- in 1969 when he invited me to the Uni-
as an expression of the truth of the er- ing statement. Given three bodies (say versity of Colorado in Boulder. We spoke
godic hypothesis in physics? Stan and I ham, cheese, and bread), one can find a frequently about the problems of the orga-
often discussed this question. We thought single plane that divides each body into nization and function of the human brain
that the answer is yes, but what is really two parts of equal volume. (Each body and the structure of memory. He pre-
needed is a new theorem in which almost may consist of disjoint pieces, as does the sented his ideas on this subject in the
all, in the sense of category, is replaced bread in a sandwich, and the bodies may talk "Reflections on the Brain's Attempts
by some other more reliable sense. (I overlap, as shown in Fig. 3a.) Another to Understand Itself," which is posthu-
have outlined an idea of such a new the- equivalent statement is that at any time mously published in this issue.
orem or conjecture in two papers in Jour- antipodal points can be found on the earth We also talked often about the problem
nal of Symbolic Logic, one in volume 46 where the temperature and the barometric of accumulation of mutations in a given
(198 1) and the other in volume 5 1 (1986), pressure are the same (Fig. 3b). species. As a result of our discussions I
but I do not know how to prove it.
Ularn and J6sef Schreier obtained an- ('
other interesting result about the group of ' IMPLICATIONS OF THE
homeomorphisms of a spherical surface. BORSUK-ULAM THEOREM
They proved that there exist two special
homeomorphisms such that every home- Fig. 3. You can divide the volumes of any
omorphism in the group can be approx- three bodies in half with a single plane
imated with arbitrary accuracy (relative , (not shown) even when the bodies inter-
to the distance defined above) by appro- sect. (b) You can always find antipodes
priate iterative compositions of those two on the earth with the same pressure and
homeomorphisms and their inverses. . temperature.
Kuratowski and Ulam proved an ex- t
tension of the theorem of Fubini to the
context of Baire's category that is often
very useful.
An interesting feature of Ulam's work
followed from his great ability to col-
laborate with others. Almost all of his
papers are co-authored with other math-
ematicians or physicists. He had many
ideas, and he was very successful in stir-
ring the imagination and enthusiasm of
others. His most important collaborators
were J6sef Schreier, John C. Oxtoby, and
C. J. Everett. He invented a large number
of original problems, some of which were
solved by other mathematicians and even
became famous theorems. One such con-
jecture was proved by K. Borsuk and is
known today as the theorem on antipodes
(the two points at the opposite ends of a
diameter of a sphere are called antipodes
of each other). It is sometimes called
the ham-and-cheese sandwich theorem. It

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987 Ill

Leamine from Ulam

tricd Transitivity" tern,

n the study of dynamical systems one tions, and showed that if we neglect sets

I is led naturally to the consideration of

measure-preserving transformations.
A Hamiltonian system of I n differen-
of measure zero, the interchange of time-
and space-averages is permissible if and
only if the flow in the phase space is met-
rically transitive. A transformation or a
tial equations induces in the phase
of the system a measure-preserving flow, flow is said to be metrically transitive if
that is, a one-parameter group of trans- there do not exist two disjoint invariant
formations that leave invariant the In- sets both having positive measure. Thus
dimensional measure. . . .If the differ- the effect of the ergodic theorem was to
ential equations are sufficiently regular replace the ergodic hypothesis by the hy- cause it involved a topalogic
the flow will have corresponding prop- pothesis of metrical transitivity.
erties of continuity and differentiability. Nevertheless, in spite of the simplifica-
Thus the study of one-parameter contin- tion introduced by the ergodic theorem, arbitrarily close to all
uous groups of measure-preserving auto- the problem of deciding whether partic-
morphisms of finite dimensional spaces ular systems are metrically transitive or
has an immediate bearing on dynamics not has proved to be very difficult. . .
and the theory of differential equations. ...The known examples of metrically
In statistical mechanics one is espe- transitive continuous flows are all in man-
cially interested in time-averaging prop- ifolds, indeed in manifolds of restrict
m. In the classical theory topological type, either toruses or m m -
folds of direction elements o
of negative curvature. An
problem in ergodic theory
existence question-can a metrically tran-
sitive continuous flow exist in an arbitrary
manifold, or in any q x ~ ethat is not a
manifold? In the present paper we shall
obtain a complete answer to this ques-
on the topological level, for
ise conditions un- ion three or more. It
only condition that
d is a trivially nec-
c theorem of Birichoff. This estab- essary kind of connectedness. In
dm, there exists a metrically tra
continuous flow in

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987

Learning from Ulam

proposed to study the "genealogical dis- ple cases of "wars" between growing pop- well-developed mathematics. Few math-
tance" d ( a ,b) between two individuals a ulations of crystals or cells. Nowadays ematicians have the intelligence or the
and b, which is defined as follows. Count many such processes are being investi- courage that Ulam had to think about im-
the number of ancestors of a that are not gated; Conway's "game of life" is a popu- portant problems irrespective of whether
ancestors of b, and add to it the number lar example. It is hoped that this approach their solutions are in sight. But this is the
of ancestors of h that are not ancestors will help us to understand certain quali- only course that can lead to outstanding
of a . Assume that the size of the popu- tative features of natural evolution. For achievements.
lation is constant in time, that mating is example, one can replace the complicated
random, and that a and b belong to the rules of chemistry governing real life by Further Reading
same generation. Ularn soon discovered simpler rules and, through numerical sim-
W. A. Beyer, J. Mycielski, and G.-C. Rota, editors.
by experimenting on a computer that un- ulation, watch the ways in which the pat- 1974. Stanislaw Ularn: Sets, Numbers, and Uni-
der those conditions the expected value terns (objects) yielded by these rules grow verses. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
of d ( a , b) is twice the size of the popu- and compete in complicated and surpris-
A collection of declassified Los Alamos technical
lation. Later Joseph Kahane and Robert ing ways. (In my own work I am try- reports by Ulam and his collaborators is to be pub-
Man- proved this conjecture (Journal of ing to explain human thought and leam- lished soon by University of California Press.
Combinatorial Theory, Series A, volume ing, which we so often discussed together,
Frank R. Drake. 1974. Set Theory: An Introduction
13 (1972)). The smallness of this ex- by applying local rules of interaction that to Large Cardinals. Amsterdam: North-Holland
pected distance suggests that all profitable may define interesting processes. It is al- Publishing Company.
mutations are soon present in all individ- ready known that the computations going
Jan Mycielski. 1985. Can mathematics explain
uals of subsequent generations. on in the cerebral cortex are local in some natural intelligence? Los Alamos National Lab-
Ulam liked to invent problems that sense.) oratory report LA-10492-MS. Also in Physica D
could-be studied by means of electronic I have tried to give you glimpses of 22(1986): 366-375.
computers. He was the first to realize that certain works of Stan Ulam. Of course, Jan Mycielski and S. Swierczkowski. A model of
computers are ideal tools for watching the in this short article I have discussed only the neocortex. Los Alamos National Laboratory
evolution of patterns governed by simple those that seem to me the most important report. To be published.
laws. He proposed many experiments of or with which I was the most familiar.
this type, the most famous of which is re- Every creative mathematician must al-
ported in the paper of Ferrni, Pasta, and low his imagination to flow in a free
Ulam on dynamical evolution governed way. I think that Ulam did this more
by nonlinear laws. Later he invented var- than others. He was drawn to work upon
ious simple rules to produce crystal-like problems that suggested essentially new
growths in space. He also observed sim- ideas and avoided the attractive pull of

Jan Mycielski was born in Poland in 1932. After

receiving his Ph.D. from the University of Wroclaw,
he worked at the Institute of Mathematics of the Pol-
ish Academy of Science. In 1969 he immigrated to
the United States and obtained a professorship at the
University of Colorado, a position he has retained
to the present. He has held visiting positions at the
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Case
Western Reserve University, and the University of
California, Berkeley. His research has resulted in
over one hundred papers pertaining to mathemati-
cal logic, set theory, game theory, geometry, alge-
bra, and learning systems. He is a member of the
American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical
Association of America, the Association for Sym-
bolic Logic, and the Polish Mathematical Society.

Los Alamos Science Special Issue 1987

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