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en crated cored MODERN FLANGE DESIGN e et) Foreword: ‘American Spiral Pipe Works woe organized at the fst of the entuty to produce spiral riveted pla. This unique product was ‘widely used in water supply systems fr city aqueduct, surface Imining and penstocke inthe country and overseas. A serious problem developed with this pipe when flanged joins were re fuired A hat ime the anges wore made of cast ron and wore Sten broken during shipment and fabrication. o- Hall Taylor and his staf solved this problem by developing processes and equip ment to manutacture a superior, vitally unbreakable product tho forged ange, Then und 8 new name, Taylor Forge and Pipe ‘Werks, the company pressed on Yo" Become a leader in flange manufacturing. Thay did not stop with tha, but lopped theie achievement by developing analytical lange design formulas for industry and Code toe, Professor E. 0. Watere of Yale University speaeaded this ‘work and joined Mi. Taylor oeo-author he technical papers which Ted into the Taylor Forge. publleation Mode Flange Deeign. Industry immediately accepted this comenient system of flange design and used it worldwide “Tie up-dated vorsion of Modern Flange Design carries on the tration vith a skill blend of dat, graphics, and text, We sine Ccerely hope that his issue will prove tobe the most useful fal Table of Contents Foreword ‘i Introduction Side-step Designing Part A Designs. INTEGRAL * LOOSE + CATIONAL WELONGNECK FLANGE DESIGN! |» SLIP-ON FLANGES : . RING FLANGES BUND FLANGES REVERSE FLANGES. SLOTTED FLANGES UNUSUAL SHAPES, EXAMPLE? WELDINGNEGK FLANGE DESIGN, FullFace Design. EXAMPLE ® SUP ON FLANGE DESGNFLATFAGED, Face and Gasket FACTORS my. 0 Lead and Moment. HARD AND SUPT GASKETS Botts AREA Seacne Stress FLANGES SOLTS : ‘Technical Data. TABLE OF CONTENTS. TABLES AND GRAPHS BLANK FORMS, ‘Symbols and Definitions. Bibliography, Appendix! —F.V. FL: VL Program Listing +++. Appendix il — Bolt Terque Chart a Regional Offices 1846 7 19 20 a 21 Ba e787 Introduction ‘Bulletin 602 was fist published In 1998 by Taylor Forge and Pipe Works as Modern Flange. Design Rha sinea became for the design of bolted fanges—now cal Flanges by the CaseO These are defines a having geskats holy within the ctcle enclosed by the Bot holes and no point of contact beyond this circle» Part Aru Hit theanaiyeis to con ‘Sidraton ofthe flange moment that result rom + boltlosd + gasket Toad + ace pressure load “hydrostatic end load ‘Te analytical espect ofthis bulletin covering Part [A Flangos a based on paper number FSP-59-4 “qrmulas for Stresses In Boed Flanged Connec: ‘ions? This paper considered the etact of ta ered huba and bull on an eater work by EO. Waters and J Hall Tylor "The Strongly of Pipe Flanges® These two papers sil form tho tech- ical baso of tho Code rules for flange design, Later, the authors published the derivation ofthe tiang2 formulas i a Booklet tiled, "Development fof General Formulas for Bolted Fianges”™ ‘This coventh_ edition covers code. revislone Avough the wintr 78 addenda, includes revised sign formula for rovers flanges, hee a rl fence-nly paragraph with dosign sheet for full face designs. ace bibiography and a comput ‘rogram isting for F, V1 ,, Vy, ahape factors for hubbed angen ‘The PVRC Subcommittee on Bolted Flanged Con- nections and the ASME Subgroup on Openings cooperatively doveloped design methods Tor tat face flanges in metao-metal contact. Rules for analyzing identical pars of such langes were st published in Mandatory Appendbe Il ofthe 197% Eaton ofthe Code, These rule give a methed of ‘analy that saiatea al conatons of equi, Drovids for compatiblity of rotation and wanele: fon’ betwoen elements (hub and lange), and ‘ecaunte forthe radial etfect of pressure acting ‘n tha pipe, hub and lango. Tha tangee designed by thse rics wore identified ao "Part 8” to ie- Uinguish thom trom “Part A” ange, The theory used as the basis for the rules inthe Code Yor identical Part 8 flange pe was ex tended on a consistent basi 1 aloo cov Identea! nanges. Because euch laborious, a simpler method sua Doth identical and nonidentical pare wae devel oped and published ne ASME Code Case 1828 “A Simpiied Method for Analyzing Flat Face Flanges wih Melal-To-Metal Contact Outlde the Bolt Cicl." The Caso was approved by Council January 8,197, afer tho ules for Part B lenges ‘hed bon iransterod from Mandatory Appendix it {0 Nonmandatory Appendix Y inthe Summer 77 Code Aadonds. ‘Te simpler rules of Cade Case 1828 resulted rom osigning Tor tangential contact between the tanger at her cuttde lamar. Also many ofthe sssumplions and chars that apply equal to Pa ‘Ror Part anges wore used, It is beyond the scope of thie Bulletin to cover ‘he design of fat face anges in metato-metal ‘contact, however, the work leading up tothe Case 1s fully documented inthe open technical Itere= tre. For forther information rater to biography ems 6 through 12. PART A FLANGES: GASKET COMPLETELY INWARD FROM BOLT HOLES —NO OTHER CONTACT. © ye. Sa he mata nny mean o eee a=) Sidestep Designing ‘Any flange design work cots time and effort, end Teads one to ack, “ls there a way I can sidestep esigning?” ‘The anewer for Pat A Flanges is yoo—two ways. One way isto consider thet the Code recognizoe tho proper use of existing Mange dimensional standards, These are fly prepared and ready to be specified within the limits of telescope and rating. The Code incorporates ANSI BIB "Steet Pipe Flanges » . ,® API 605 "Large Diame ‘carbon Stoo! Fangos",* and ANSI B11 "Cast Iron Flanges. Not included, but designed por {Code rola aro industry Standards Class0s 75, 175, fand 250° and MSS-SPA4 "Pipo Line Flanges." Note thatthe 8165 ratings above ambient do not ‘apply to tho large clametor MSS-SP44 Manges a thay ar intended fr oe with thin-wal high itd svength line pipe. Those should be checkod for Coda applications; sizes ovr 36” in Classes 300 and greater wre designed using highor than Code ‘lowed stogs level Flanges grater than 24” size that ate requited ‘atch valves often must use ANSI BYE cast ion Simension. Tis may mean adjustments in mate- fal, boltng, and facing. All euch changes affect ‘he’ eating, and require Code Inspector approval He wil often ask for supporting calculations OPTIMUM INFORMATION INPUT. ‘The othor way to. sldostep the task of designing Ie to call on TAYLOR FORGE for help. When asign calculations must bo done, and no standard {s found to satis all roquiromonts, wo wil ia 2 custom designed flange. This work le part of the ‘quote and includes price and delivery, but full ‘dimensional deals are held. pending an order. Inthe case where only a design calculation Is ‘equited, th can bo furnished for a nominal charge that depends on the complenty of the problem and engineering/computer time raqured. For any Part A design calculation, the folowing formation is essential: + type oftlange + shel or pipe dimensi + design preseure and temperature + Mange metei and tis information le very help: * governing code ‘media contained {chal pipe matedal * bolt nd gssket materia + facing tite—itapocod + corresion slowance—it required Ifthe design mates exiting equipment, give com plete dota of facing, ering, and 0D. 1S A TRUE ECONOMY — IT SAVES QUESTIONS, GUESSES, AND GOOFS. ‘You may sidestep Code Case 1628 Flange Desion caleuaton by using aur desgn/compiter sor ‘The calculation work for Code Case 1828 re- quires much more effort than Part A because the i968 behave diferent. One flange f Inf foncea strongly by te other since they are In Contact outside the Bot crcl; accordingly, cle Gated stresses are meaningful only when the Interaction le considered In the analy. At sult, whon wa are requested to bid ona custom Jb and perform calculations, itis essential that Information on both flanges of the pair be pro- vided. We requir a aktch of he assembly show Ing all dimensions which are known or must be hala Include flange types, shell or pipe lmen- sons foreach flange, mata, ype and sizeof (Geoket, design pressure and tomperatue. Ifthe flanges are to be tested separately, or exomplo with’ @ Bind cover, this information should be provided 1 check adequacy of he fanges for hie CODE CASE 1825 FLANGE PAIRS ARE DESIGNED FOR OD TANGENTIAL CONTACT. Part A Designs “Trroe typee of tlanges designed by the rules of Part A are defined ‘and iustrated by the Code In Paragraph UA-48 and Figure UA. ‘Soe page 7, Fig. Flange Types. The fist type le INTEGRAL gral which means the hub and tlange are one contiuous stuc- {ee ether a manufactured from the original ratertal or made £0 Dy ful ponoration wolds. Examples are shown in Figure 1a thru 1a ‘th loads and dimensions nooded fr designing. Examine hub etal ‘arotuly fs dined in tha Code asthe hub thickness atthe smal ‘end, but for calculation purposes it equals the wal thickness of the ltlached pipe. Then the hub length i exons tothe point where the slope of the hub meets the OD of the pipe. Thus, gy In the design formulas may be diferent from g, a8 defined, and h srter or longer ‘than the hub length 2a manufactured, Note that B = Flange 1D= Pipe ID Use Design Shoot A, page 36, Loose Looe types ether have no altaciment to the pipe as in Figure to, fap Joi, or have a nomintegral structure as shown in Figures TY ‘and 1gforsip-on flanges. Threaded and socketweid re alo classe {5 loose flanges. Lap joints and thveaded flanges trarter loads 10 tho pipe ator near te face, ther hube act independent ofthe pips. “The hubs of spon and socket-welds ecualy interact with the pipe but this is disregarded inthe anaysia. See par. UAS2 In the code ‘The hubs have no minimum limit on k org but vals of g, < 1.56. and h< g, ar net ecorwmended. I'he Rubin too smal to mast thoes limits, i's best to design per Figure 1é as an integral type. (Hub thickness = grt fy at the base, and fa he op) Noto that B= 10 of lange—not pipe 1. Use Sheet B or C, pages 96 and 37. OPTIONAL Optional types are constructed in such a way that flange and pipe fact a unit—slilar to integral anges, Optional would normaly ‘be designed the same way as integral flanges but when: as 5/8" Big. < 900 = 0 pai Tomporatuo < T00"F ‘The designer may choose the simplor approach and design a6 a loose ype, and thus the term “optional flange” This classification |s'a convenience not a necessity, because a flange caleuation fe one either as integral of lose. Fee ate For those who are beginning designers, example 1, page "2land the following instructions point the way fr, WELDING NECK FLANGES: Welding Nock Flange calculation. Theis ayplaldosion problem: i shows the formulas and the sequonce of thei Ute. Ite the most tequeally spectid material ‘and facing: AST A105 carbon steel lange, ASTM A 198 Grade 7 bolls, 1/16" thick asbestos composton gasket, land a raised face. The Tat step ls to choose material for tango, bole, and gasket.” Then select facing type, facing diameter, snd gaskel width Locate the gaskot ‘ere i wll no interfere with ore of bots. this de Isnotepulated in the jb specication, lo for general ‘uldance on material capably, facing options, and gas- Kt width In he standaras menioned earlier Nox computethe oss, requied olingaes an com plete bloc From Table 1, page 28, choose bot size, in multiples of four, in numbor approximatoly equal to te flange bore Focstarting hub dimensions sang g,~ 2g. iesuggesto, FRE por the bot size, and h based on 8:7 minimum hub Slope ne raquired bythe Code tis good practice to draw the flange soction fl seal, chock the bolt spacing and proportion the hub so tht f= 1, and make adjustments botoreealulsting the momant in block 5. Fillo block using Table 2, page 29 end the FV, ond ‘raphe. Block 7 Yolows aorta tl chosan. Uso an “educated” guoss from e simlar design or ian = 072 Calculate the etraseas In Block 8 and 9, If ealulsted stresses are greater than those alowed, Increase thick ness or adjust hub size unl the stresses ar stislactoy. Welding Necks are designed the same way a¢ wold ing noek flanges ut the hub ie always straight. This ‘causes the following terme to be constant for each design: nee awley=t fat = 09009 V=o5s01 Use Design Sheet A, page 35 SLIP-ON FLANGES Slip-on Flanges also folow the same procodures 36 wolaing neck flanges except fis omitted, F, and V, are Usod Instead of Fr and V. The hub may be straight or tapered and trial ~ 2x pipe wal thickness. The flange 1D a not equal to the pipe OD; allowance la noedod to compensate forthe nominal pipe OD and regulates. Use Design Sheet 8, page 26 RING FLANGES: Ring Flanges In thi manual ae hubless. They may be loose type o slip-on doeloned ab loose type. Use al the data and procedures of blacks | through ain awl ing neck flange. I block 6, only K and ¥ apply. Since ‘ere sno hub or hub factors, te tangential tess the Cnty one tobe esiulated using blocks 2 & @ “The calculated flange thickness is the ge Use Design Shoot C, page 37 of BLIND FLANGES ind Flanges in thls manual are eieula an ited to thoco show in the Code in Figure UG-24 sketches () land (k) Use the load dats ‘iven in block 1 though 5 land dimensions—exeept thickness from the matching Mange _ {SE 1) Operating condtion «= oY SSP + BOW 1a, 2) Gasket seating contons «= @ BUTE Use tho greater thicknoes When the bind has a grooved facing, ¢ under the groove rust atleast equal that roquired for gasket vesting, Use Shoet D, page 27 REVERSE FLANGES Reverse Flanges have the hub at the 0.0. as shown in Figure 2. For eperaing coiitions Fs and iy are nag tive, and may be positive oF negative. Aad the mo- ments algebraically, then uso tho absolute value | in il subsequent ealeuatons. Use B to caleulate K, and Ato find he ‘fourth stess equation tangential stress at, has been added for bon design conditions. The wil often Be the controling stress, Use sheet & page 38, SLOTTED FLANGES Sloted Flanges — Tho stfect of bolt holes on flange Gesign not considerod in Part rules, but some anges require T-bolts with radlally slated Role. Tes allows the bot to wing out ofthe way of a caver for qUick ‘pening. The slot destroy the contouly f the cuter Doundery and te interrupted fibers can no longer con- tubute tothe rng action. Substitute the clameter of the circle tangent to follow tne appropri Figures, Use Design Shoot A page 35, UNUSUAL SHAPES ‘Unusual Shapes — Bolted connections must sometimes be fit into tight spaces where the usual geometry cannot be applied. In this caso, flanges may be made square ‘or oval with circular bores and are treated ae inscribed Gircular flanges. Bot loads and moments, a well aS Stresses, are calculated ae for other Nanges, Using & bat circle passing through the contore ofthe outermost bolt holes. Simlar assumptions aren ordor fr ovale shaped and twe-boltfangos departing not too greatly ‘om the etreular. For sath types, the bat spacing should be checked snd an allowance made for maltibution Of the moment. The spacing factor canbe less than fs Fequired for eicular flanges since the metal avaliable Intho comers tonds to spread the bolt oad and oven out Special care is needed when the effective (highly Stressed) part of the huis interrupted. This may occu With channel anges on heat exchangers wher large hozale openings are located in a partion of the hub. Here's a case where the moment i introduced uniformly but cannot be absorbed evenly. Ireased moment oF local eeieforeement can help compensate for this con ‘The Code rules fr lange design provides an alterna ing hubs stresses for small diameter Inside dlametar ls leas then 20 mes the hub thickness (204, By may be used for I Inthe formula for longtudnal hub tess, 8, Calculate B28 follows: B+, for loose hubbed flanges and integral flanges whore the poit corresponding t g/t and hh tals blow the = 1 line. See the valuos off chart, page 34 2B, = B+ gy for Ilogral flanges whero 2 1 ‘This option snot shown on sheels A & B—it is quoted hore for raterence. See the Code paragraph UA. cee cower 2 evs ce [3 ronan F810 £600 x the |347 OD x he THK ASB. cme. [eee D[wicme = paced 4 [te foment 72. S00 [ne war 97978 HE [esr D0 20797 * Yonteene 2a0d72 3s aa 2586 Satta t= OaF RRS twiigt = ADA AL 332 oo3g = ieee elt ii- Tal Ca ee ee ner Pioeartonniarinta vise weptra sae paveierer me rer mane ie ra corr nae wets pee Pere ee eer enn eit on entra ot Soren eee ich arson : eee ey ger ee) are ee rete Meat att holes cause no sigiicant the ios eee eer ge eae ter oe en at ea ee nr Parca ere ee Rinne cre tins Fizk Puce Liebe 7A sHeee Didomeree Benn. -FZ0 | atte ty [73000 orantsta 00 ine | 7000 [wu Tesco, APSE = 27. 7gae r 17390. 3 [mews 77929 [esata nna (L537 [east tue 208 aos | tealtagpetoe 67994 Tike mp mL ode BO 257 ope 229. a0 a =357 ee ; i 3 Fog r= ae ES iz ot RRC EE __-_-~-_-_-_-E=-_-_=-=_=_-==™™ Face and Gasket Figures to the right plcure a variety of flange focing styles Used in industry. Specific recommendations for facing gasket Combinations aro not within the scope of tls manual, But pres- ‘bre, lomporatore, thermal shock, cycle operation, and the ‘id handled should be considered. The various flange stand ards give valuable suggetion In this area, along wih dimen- sional data | ‘Two general categories are shown. The fst seals by bot force squeezing the gasket and this includes rlsod face, tongue and | toove, ing type joint, male and femal, and lap jomt. The ‘Tongue face ean be made with a small nubbin for extra gasket Grp without bol eas penalty. The nubbin syle leo reduce TONGUE & GROOVE and is used with meal clad gate, Gasket materials used nti tt eategory Inclide the various Sheet stocks of rubber, cork and asbétee composition, ‘metalllc-olastomer mixes as the spiral wound, and solid metal I ‘ngs made aft washers ot tigre ot forme - RAISED FACE RING TYPE JOINT ‘The other category is called sel-anerlzing or pressure actu ated This means that nel sealing ls achleved by tho gasket? facing geometry without significant ott load, and the gasket soatng force ncraases with prossure. Ovings made of elastomer {| ‘Materials aroused moat fen in ths elie seal. Calculations for flanges esing such gaskets oten omit Qeaket loads and gasket = seating stresses, War, and W, a8 bsing neg small. | Metalic sti-enegizing seals, not shown, are deta ring, double one, lens Joint, metalic Ostings, API FAC and BX ring Tonts. [Al of these require very fine surface fishes, ight tolerances, MALES FEMALE land meticulous are in atsombling, LAP YOINT oRING FAGTORS mine ‘The polon of sesiingaccale gait lca hasbeen # Baplinhn cto ne bolt Pocus Comoe, CREE ea a tadited anertional peers Fotecrnh ‘mening sp! $ihetieomeran ooh NE tt ued van tn Pe, ms a ‘hanna pnenca any ence econ tod pot ma : Se rice Gone eee bane in : Se va acs vl hn ce sor deed mar bette meno eta br Sat aa et wou ea taal pte and pope ome! ora 9210 ae im te Rubee ca oe ete int enchant ween ee teped i wit Cte show akage us hype wel tore th al Sacig tn ate pea eto Eunpote flea he compre aes fe gua ote Sr Tact or usenet: ee rot snr bem robe eye rune fora uty rome esc igh age tennant 1s ec week Peel ae nok Sous et whinge miane uses ewe bluse a Seune Ton coon te cos pete ba © rere neste whup Fre ways cer ree loa tone Meee eT Gem eeat he tok ead erin Te ite or aso tats se ed ‘gasket reaction over an anlar aroa 28 wido onthe same G. Sealing {hoor requires that the load 28-Gmp be resstod bythe gaskot when the internal pressure equale P But the gasket also resets the tot load, Wn Whon proseure PIs applied oad »/4 GP ls romeved and 2beGimB remalne ae tha theoretical load required to hold & ght join at. Factor mls delved tom m’ and has an added safety margin. Nether ‘mory valves have theoretical standing and those now in Use ero Based on practical experience and some formal experimentation. ‘They havea drectelfect on flange design and have been cscussed {or years without reaching tied values that could be mede mandatory. Many variables are involved, and much ime is requlred to make @ single test [At tho present tie, lskage eitela le getting @ “hard look" and ‘esearch programs re understudy by the Pressure Vessel Research Commit to determing ifm and y values can be aot up In relation to specified leak rates. For example, a joint that helé for one minute ihout the escape of one drop of water was considered “ight “This oqual a leak rate of 10° ce. por second and would not Be emer tein rn anno eo me Corresponding 1o 6 drope pot our, woul be acceptable fo liquids, ile 10 would be necessary for heavy gas and 10° for lethal sub- ‘stances. This concept may lea to multiple istngs of gasket factors fora given materiawith a diferent love of mand » valves asigned ad ; ; Tein é Had Leos Reece ined ©) Tre cate ean n na of wo st oad ys. Theis Seatac entries mate iad in gst Thala nase son nih cot ree 9 song tne fae. Te maar ening ous operas by Westy and ae ISaarRpara ace ne toa eng bane he ora “Ther load system relates to internal pressure and has four forces: the hydrostatic end force Hig —pressure fore on he lange face Hy — the total gacket load requlred to maintain seal W —the bot load “The Ist toe forces work to separate the flange pall. They are balanced by the fourth, W, which holds tho assembly together. This Is lustrated In Figur 6. ‘The hydrostatic end force Hp comes to the flange from the closed nd ofthe pipe sytem fo which iis welded, The end force reaches the lange trough the bu, and pulls othe ing portion o he flange mith otis large end tit ea tapered hub. “The fuid preseure force Hy aets directly on the face of th flange vere It is expaced. Fora gasket eovoring tho ene ralsed 1208 In Figure 6, Hr would equal tro, but as a conservatve allowance, Teskage is essumed to be poste a far as G. The H fore acts on ‘ici hallway betwoon B&G. “The gasket lood, H,=2beGnP where gas factor m relatos the Teauted gasket stra at design proseureP f0 that design pressure. For example, an m factor of 3 means thatthe reslual gasket stress {at P mnt bo at Yast SP forthe joint tobe tight. In order to calculate the moment acting on a lange, the forces are multiplied by the appropriate lever arm which are measured tom the polnt of force application Io the bot ciel, The forces and the lever am Indicted in Figur 6 are for an integral lange. “Tho gasket reaction load is ganraly assumed 1o dacraaso ae ntoral presture fs applied. The actual change I affected by flango rotation bolt stretch, andthe gaskets ability Yo resist and recover om com> prostion. Bolt loads frequently change too, forthe same reason. They most be retightensd, especialy when gasket relaxation or creep occurs [All ofthese variables may be explained by the folowing ustraion {eta pair of tanges be represented by two stool bare placed side by fide a in Figure 7, page 20; they are separated by blocks, as shown, Which represent the gaekel, end forces W at the ones of the bars Tepresen the bolt loads, which are balanced by opposite reactions atthe blocks, Under the action ofthe "bolt loads" the bars are pulled together at their nd, the amount of deflation can be calculated by formulae in engineering handbooks. Consider now two cases HARD GASKETS: Hard Gaskets. The blocks are completely rigid, snd the bars detec. Beloreinterel pressure ie apolied, the bolt oad balances the gasket reaction, nd pulls the ends ofthe Bore towards each other eo that ‘hol separation reduced a the bole ate tightened. For acantlover, tho ones ofeach bar would defect a aistance proportional to Wi, but due to slight rotation athe bars pot about the blocks, this Is increased to (W073) (1+1. 4/). Theretore, in the intial bote-up, the nuts are wrenches down unti the rod ends are brought closet together by wice this amount, proportional to (Wh/3) (2-+Sh/h). "Now, whon pressure is apptod tothe bars betwoen the blocks, equal inamount to Pr, ana tending to sproad te bars apart the "bolt W may be kept constant but the. "gasket load on the biocks Is reduced; this may continuo unt in the caso of areal lange joint, Teakage occurs. In any event, under the most fevrable conations P may be increased unt nour lustraive examplo, the precsure on 1blocks fs completly relieved, and Pl, = 2. Atthis po, caleutar tion ofthe deflection of the end of each bar incieates that is mare ‘han betere, the otal reduction of space between the bars now being proportional to (W173) (2+ Suft, + 0.6 (ll) *)- In other werd, In order to maintain ‘ul bot losd while intarmal pressure Is apple, the elective bot lengths must be shorisned by wrenching down the ute fil forher SOFTGASKETS: Soft Gaskets. The bars ae infexble, nd remain straight and parallel uring all changes of loading. During boltup the blocks are com pressed a small distance andthe rod ends are pulled together the sme amt; the "bol lad" = W. Then when pressure Pl, is applied ‘etwoen the blocks, ho “gasket load” can only be roleved by leting ‘he blocks return thelr riginal thickness; tis means that the bars Imust be separated by the same amount, from end to ond, and the Bott lngtns increased to avo stresing the alt beyond the orginal value of W. ‘Thee itstralons represent two extremes, between which an end- lees varity of conditions can occur eee Bi jolts AREA ‘Area, Tho minimum total bot aroa required (An) equals the larger Of Waal Sor Worl So here 8 temperature and S, at ambient. Uso A. to solect bot ez bor. Thiele easly dono for mest flange designe, but thin anges et low pressure may require excess bolt ea because: 4) Bol sizes <1/2" are sally overstressed,avold using thom shen possible 2) The eumber of bolts shouldbe specified in mutipies of four to gulde fieup and aignmnt. 8) Bolts must be close ancugh to hold the sel. SPACING ‘Spacing. When a very fow bolts wil satiety tho God but give boft spacing o wi hat leakage may occur, adjust tho design by increas- ing te Mange trckness, increasing the number of bolts, or both ‘This will lp tho flange seal the gasket—oven between bots, The Dest baling practice a fo combine emaliest practical size wth ri ‘mum spacing o caty the lad {In 1050, ving Roberts complated a detailed study ofthe Interaction cot bots, gasket end Manges Investigating the gasket factor mand the volation of belt spacing to leakage, he recognized at gasket lastly alstibutes the load betwoen bolts. Ho sizo dorved a bolt Spacing curve in terme of ange thickness, indieting a§ percent oss Df gasket pressure half way between boli, Mr, Raber's work leads to a formula for “normal” bolt spacing when a workable gasketto- flange compression ratio Sie used, Normal bol spacing = 8, where ‘= compression of oaskot/compression of flange, or Fy (gasket thickness) (lange area}/E, (lange thicknose) (gacket area). ).By= modulus of slastity of flange and gasket, rspectivoly. 2s the uncertaln factor in ths formula, but gasket manufacturers of miscellaneous material ables might be data sourees. ‘The formula for maximum bolt spacing, also recognizes the Impor tance of gasket compression by using m. Maximum bolt spacing = 22 + 61/ (m + 0.) N assumes proper load dstibution when bolt spacing = 2a + t. Minimum Blt spacing is controled by tho roquir- Imonts of nut ane wrench clsrance-s0e Table, page 28 epoca ‘ule and wronchos are used to permit very clos the flange Section may be eriouly dillad away, and the weakening affect ‘Wil not bo exposed by Part A analysis, discussed pp. 15. Neg NN a PRS ttn eR ot etc iat o ry r £ 5 o FLANGES Example 1, Page 12 shows the stosses computed for Part A'langes. Each stvene must be equal or Tees than the Code allowable excep forthe longl- {tcinal nub tres which may reach 1.5 he allow= table. Ths is poritlod because Sy ea bending ‘tose. The formula gives a maximum value whieh ‘only exists one inside an eusice suttaces ofthe ‘hub, and decreases to zor0 at a point hall way between. If @ sight overstass in tho hub causes Yielding the load shite to the cng portion of the ange. the ring also eubjected primariy to bend ing and thus able fo absorb the additonal load 80 that a new equim within sate limits estab> Tahed. When focalizedyelding extonds tothe point hero tho flange and hub cease to act elastically ‘as an itooral svucture, the lange takes a perma rent set of “dishes” and the Joint usually cannot be dinssombled and remade la a3 fer. Thief key to occur when an hha atin stright hub because bending sess and iroct presture sresses must be caMied at the same time. if there Is cyte loading, fatigue, or ‘Operation at hightemperature in the creep range, ‘vith the stress above the yield point over a consid- ‘rable portion of th hud tho use of S= 15 allow ble shouldbe reviewed, tis reasonable to expect that stress concentrations Flghor in magaitud could be withstood before tho flange ceases to act sastcly but at the time ‘methods for setting this rial level accurately aro ‘ery laborious. These limitations apply to dice Imalrials having elongalons of 15% ar more (in 2") ‘nd yield points of 80% to 70% of the umato toneloetength. High strength materials may have Yield point very close to the ullimate tone ‘rengih or no observable ye pont, end with such Imaterilsthebigher hub tess should only bese, ‘ster careful corsieration ‘Tho existence of localized stresses, stress concon- lwaions, and siscontnaty stresses of a rlatvaly high or in all pressure cqulpment is wellknown. amples ate sess concentrations around branch connections, sioner ringe or flat head ttachments. Te Code Committees and the Pressure Vessel Research Comittee are cur- Fenty studying such effects in an eat to ave at {2 bottor mathod of evaluating ete tins fr design. {Rig not kal that any simple answer wl be found The charactr ofthe tens and the area over which ‘toxste most be evaluated in aditon tothe capac: ityot te adjacent structure to cary increased oad ‘The Code accounts fr localized stresses By Using componcating factors in tho design formulas for stress, In flange design, the mest obvious example of eee concentration occurs with hubbed flanges at ‘tho comer where the outside surface of the AUD meets the back face ofthe flange. Inogral anges. provide for this wih a tilt radius that fe required {abe 025 g, minimum —but never less than 0788 Inches. BOLTS ‘Te allowable bolt stresses lite Inthe Code may som to be too coneervatve, but they wore very ‘cerotully selected by the Commiltess. Particular Teterence was made to stresses in lange bolting It woo recognized tat bolts are offen stressed fave the tabuloted values, and that relaxation ‘curs in many service applications due to creep in ‘he gasket flange or bot materia. Appendix Sof the Cade distinguishes botwoon the ‘esign value of bol tress and that which might ‘ctualy be needed for both design and test con- ‘ane. The Ina tightening ofthe bolts prior to hratosatic teat may be the most severe load that thoy wl receive tls sometimes thought that bots Stressed 1 times the elowate wil pase te ost, bth isnot necessary ru, Ae internal pressure le appli. ange rotation and gasket properties may actualy ower Belton. To offeet his, the bots ide, of tnd to relax toils original lates, the gasket wil ‘recover large paft of ls orignal thickness, and the toe tightened bolts may be loaded beyond the ‘design valve. Bolt capacity for higher iia loading le desirable and experiance boars this out Code ailowable bot stesoe also account for se Vere torsion ang bending during service. The actual Tension achieved in each bol ie nover exact} un form whether by nand wrenching wih plain oF torque wrenches, power driven Impact wrenches, or hydraule bot tonsioner. Tats show that man= {al tightening develope bolt sivesses as high 25 '45.000/ apa. Ths indicates why a potent prob- fem exists when bots i" and lose ae spect. Allowable bot stoxs i elated to bolt tomperature ‘and inunineulates piping the bolts are cooler than the contained modiom. It is suggested that the bghersttosses permiled at lower temperature Be ‘voided unieesrelnbe test data i avalabo and ‘peclictions.pormit heir use. Seo ANS! B31.3, Paragraph 20121 eral] eee ano nar Paatencs) penn teams Seen wed Peary NAC aaa VALUES OF V[LIA-51.3] GRAPH VALUES OFF, (UA-S1.4]GRAPH ANY sta avae Toa Anata era) pean atena ee eN eow een Te uae Nooo peer e ese ee tee esos paged anette oreo patra WC oto sae) perry ae NS peewee ants pe ee Ree ee loa Ere eRe) cor ® n K=AB “The values of TZ ¥, and U ln Table 2 have been Computed using Poissons ratio= 03 and cover 4100" K 600. The increments of K are chosen to provide caleulaton aceuracy that is consistent with formulas ofthe Code, Values of 7,2, Y, and U {ve stad wit tree of four elgnifeant ures, and the difference Between svccoeshe tabulations is tot greater than 1% inthe range 1-100 © K = 5.00 Unear interpolation is adequate for values of ZY tnd U whan 1000 = K< 1.020 where T is almost When K ranges les than 1.020, the values of Z, ¥, land U change rapidly andthe Interpolation Form should be used a6 follows: saa Tas below; Y= (1~ 490 where Kt; = 03, \When K fs beyond the scope of Table 2 oF a mate Fal witha stferent Poisson's rato i roqulred, Calculate 7, 2, ¥ and U according tothe flowing formulas, These sre equal to those inthe Code Figure UA™~ 31.1 when Polson’ ratio U =O. ratte) ea) ye tree) BY er agose LE Oo OF 1) Ee z iyi asus uaa GASKET MATERIALS AND CONTACT FACINGS? Gasket Facts Fr Operating Cents Mima Don Seating Stes nay shea) Sb REE 8 &] 5 |E 805) BEES nc, one Pig nu etd Rotter TABLE yaya Asker MOTH when bo 5 Kein te te VEe ken be > Kin 2 ene var GATOR 2 camer SYMBOLS & DEFINITIONS Part Aisa typeof flange having the gaskot wholly ‘nithin the crete of the alt holes and no contact Beyond that ecto Pert Bis atypeco ange with metal-to-mtal contact ‘outside the Bolt ele, identical pars only Code Case 1828 Flanges: Type with meta-to-metal contact outide the Bot clfle having Idetieal omental pair, & designed by the simplified rules of co 1028 ‘A. = oultide diameter of flange. For slotted flanges the dlameter of the cele tangent to the inner 0dge of the ‘Ay = actual otal cross-sectional are of bolts at oot of thread or section of fest dlameter ‘under sre, in total roqulred bolt cros-section at nominal bot diameter, in pha — stress formula fact, re+1 n= alpha 5 — stress formula factr, a 1+ 8ea=9) e Ba {or reverse flanges Inelde diameter of fangs, in. Whon B is less then 20, ts opionl forthe decigner to substitute By for B Inthe Code formula for longitudinal hub stress Sx B, = Bet for loose hubbed flanges and so {or inigral Mangos when F< 2B gs for intogral anges when f=1 fectve gasket or jolnt-contact-sutace 25 = effective gasket or joint-contact-surtace proseure width, in. sie gasket seating with, In 3 shape factor, for integral flanges Uh for lone fang g Ug or v : ee eas ftangos ¢ = Ua eB 4, = Bolthole a 4 = delta — stress formula tactor = #4 = radial distance from C10 A in. = hub shape factor; for integral flanges = Fh for oose flanges e= Ful hy hub shape factor for integral anges hub shape factor for loose flanges 1 = hub stesscorrection factor for integral flanges, when the chart reading ves values <1 use 1 G = diameter atiocaton ot in Except ag noted In sketch eof Figure 1, Gig detined 9 follows: ‘When by < 5 in = mean diameter of gasket contact face Whon by > Me In, @ ot oss {te = thickness of hub at small end, in 184 = thickness of hub at back of mange, i y= gamma—stress formula factor=a7, fT for reverse flanges, HL = total hydrostatic end force = 2/4 GP, os. Hy = hydrostatie end force on area inside of flange = +/4 BP, tos. Ho = gasket load, operating Fle © gasket load, sating = W, Ibs. 1H, = toa joint conset-suttace compression load Be GmP = Wag Hy te Hy = diterence between total hydrostatic ond force and the hydrostatic end for an ares Inside of lange =~ Hb = hub tenath, in hp = rata distance rom Co the citcle.on which Hi ots, he = racial datance trom G to © (C—O), = tactor= Bean = radial estance trom Co the crete on which Hip acts i ‘AB, A/B' for rovers flangos FT A. = lambda — stress formula factor=7 +8 U my = M,{B—untt load, operating, My/B" for Ug = verse anges, Ibe me = Mo/B—unit loa, seating, Me/B’ for o> y, ‘vetse Manges, bs. G My = component of moment due 19 Hy=Hyho, inempounde ‘Ma. = total moment acting on tho flange, seating ‘Whe, ineh-pounds = component of moment due to He, operating The, ine pounds ae total moment acting upon the flange, for yy ‘operating conditions, inch-pounds me Mz = component of moment due to Hr= Hy m= gosket factor Ye N= width, used to determine the basic gasket 7 ‘eating width by, based upon the possible ‘Contact width of the gasket, in 2 n= number of bolt y= Nu—Poleson's ratio = 0 for stoa! P= design pressure ps R= radial cetance fom bot ciel to point of Intersection of hub and back of flange for Integra and hubbed anges, n- Se = allowable bolt stress at atmospheric tom: perature, ps allowable bolt stress at design temp, psi ilowable design stese for material of Tange, nozzle neck, vessel oF pipe wal, a atmesphorie temperate, psi Sq = calculate longitudinal stress In hub, pst Sp = caleulated radia eves in Mange, pst S, = calculated tengentat stress in lange, pst T= Kéactor 1, = Ketactor tor reverse lant 1 = flange hikes, in 1. = pipe wal thickness, in Ketactor _Kactor for reverse flanges ‘hub shape factor for integral lange hub shape factor for loose flanges width used to determine the basic gasket Seating width by, based upon the contact ‘wath Between tho flange facing. and the (ket (eve Table UA), in ftange design bolt toad for operating or seating condtions, a8 may apply, Ibs. ‘equled bolt load, operating condos, bs. min, req’ bolt oad for gasket seating, te K K:$aetor or rovers gasket or joint contact-suface unit seating ‘oa, ps Ketsctor BIBLIOGRAPHY 10, 2. “4. 16. 1. 18, 18 a Pressure Vessel, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Soc- ion Vil, Division, Appendix 2 Waters, 0., Wesstom, DB, Rossheim, D. Band Wiliams, F.S. G, "Foumulas for Strsaoe In Bolted Flanged Connections,” ‘Trane. ASME, Volume 0, 1087, Pages 161-108. Waters, E, 0, and Taylor, J. H, "The Strength of Pipe Fangs Mechanical Engineering, Volume 49, Mid-May 1927, Pages 53t- 542, Waters, E.©., Rossheim, DB, Wesstrom, D. B. and Willams, FS. G,, Development of General Formulas fr Bolted Flanges, Taylor Forge and Pipe Works, Chicago, tina, 1849 “Taylor Forge Catalog 571 ‘Schneider, RW, “Fat Face Flanges with Metato Metal Contact Beyond the Bolt Circe," Journal of Engngorig for Power, Tans. ‘ASME, Series A, Vol 60, No. Jan. 1968, pp. 82.08, Waters, E. 0. and Schneider, R W.,"Aisymeti, Norden Flat Face Flanges it Motao-Ntal Contact Beyond the Bol Circle" Journal of Engineering for Industry, Trans. ASME, Series B, Vol. 81, No.3, Aug. 1968, pp. 615.622 Waters, 0, “Detvation of Code Form (WRC Bulletin No, 168, Oo. 197 ‘Schneider, A, W. and Waters, E,0., "Some Considerations Rex garding the Anaiyis of Part 8 Code Flanges 1974," ASME Paper No, T5:UPL45, 1975 Sehnoider, R. W. and Waters, €. 0. “The Background of ASME Code Case 1828: A Simpied Method of Analyzing Par Flanges" Trans, ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol 100, No 2, May 1978, pp. 215-210, Schneier, FW. and Water, . 0., "The Application of ASME Code Case 1826," Trans. ASME, Journal of Pressure Vessel “Technology, Vel 101, No.1, February 1979, pp. 87-34 A Simplled Method for Analyzing Fiat Face Flanges with Motal- fo-Motel Contact Outside the Golf Ciclo, ASME Code Care 1828, for Part 8 Flanges’ ‘Stee! Pipe Flangce and Flanged Fittings, ANSI Standard B16. Lange Diametor Carbon Stee Flanges, API Standard 0S. Pipe Line Flanges, MSS-SP4. Cast ron Flanges and Flanged Fitings, ANSI Standard 816.1 Kent, G. A. “Selecting Gaskets for Flanged Joints,” Chemica! Engineering, May 27, 1978, Faut, HD, and Leon, . F. "Report of Gasket Factor Tost, [WRC Builotin 238, December 1977 Spectication for Waleed Equipment 6A, American Petroleum Rosshelm,D.B. and Mark, A.B C."Gaskst-Loading Constants, Mechanical Engineering, Septomber, 1043, pp. 647-648. Roberts, L “Gaskets and Bolted Joints,” Journal of Applied Mochanics, Tans. ASME Vo. 17, June, 1950, pp. 109-178 APPENDIX! ‘Computer Program Listing That Calculates F,¥, 1, FV This program was wien by EC. Rodabaugh of Battle Momerial Institute and hia permission to roprint is gratctlly acknowledge, ‘The program is based on formulae developed in roterence (4. Minor eatoril changes nave been made to publi he ting in this ‘manual. The program waa adapted to Tun on a 370/145 under OS. PLCULATE FLANGE FACTORS, Fy Vs SHALL—Fy €-SUs-Ly AND vSUB=L DET(O1,D12 013,021 ,022¢023,031 »032,033) = Didspeesp33 + Dizezae31 + 0138038021 2 =(O3ts022013 + 03280234011 + D33*D 124021) 50° READ {541 yEND=100) 60s Hg T FORMAT (210.5) _GLG0= 61/60; HHO = H/soRTIBsGO) 10 CONTINUE A= GIO 1. B= 43.6508 A= aLonay B= KApPr PRINT 2, iGO, HHO 2 FORMAT (9H G1/60*, 1P1E10.5,8H _H/O®, 7 rear a3 > Aee3, ‘Olisi+/3++ A/Ize Dige5./42. + 17-*A/ 336. Did=1./210. + 87360. Dias 11s/560, + 59-¥A75000 + 11 -43.¥ ANB Dise1./90- + 5.*A7T0OB. = (1srAV8¥378 Dioel./120, + 17.9475000, + 1678 Fee | D22=215./2T72. + S1s*A/1232, + (6077. + 2250087 The ¥,653,#A/73920. + (1-/2. ¥ 338A/IO D25=295/3780, + 3.8A/T06, - (Le/2a + 330KA/144 + B1.442/280 Tt 1983/1201 7 8 |J__casepz5 D26=31./6048- + 1763,44/665200. + (16/2. + 68A/T. + Lssaaz/2is + 5.48 Tae-o26 ‘cai=031 2 (033=1./2925. + T1-#h/300300- + (8-735. » 18.A735. 1+ 156.942 7 305," 62883/55.) / 8 33 jo1./831600. ¢ 937.44/1663200. + (14/35. + 6.44/35. T+ [1#h2/10. + 3-843/10) 7 8 caesdie D35=197. 7415800. + 103.8A7392040. — I1s/E5. VO.#NIIS Bt 17,442/100-* 29/100) 7B 35-035 036=233./831600. + 97.84 /556600. + (14/35. + 3.48/35. Tr ag/lay + 264837105: 7 B 105036 DETI = DETTOIT;DI2yDIS+O21 022,023,051 032,033) DALAAO = DETEDIL OZ sO13 +021 +22 4023 021 032,033T baisezs ‘DALAL = DEV (O11 y01zsB13+021+D2Z,023, 031,032,033 Dul=cle bat=c2e DaLecae ‘DALBGO = GETUOIT 012,013 sD 2140224023 071,092,033) pred a Dal=e2t baizeat Diz=e1+ 2=¢24 baa=e34 DAZRAO = DET( 011,012,013. 031,0324033! o1z*c15 acces ee | Daa=¢35 DAZAAL = DET(D11,042,013,021,022,023,0314032,033) Diz=cle a 1401140124013 1324033, |—__ougecxe baa-tee ‘DA3AAO = DETCOLI,U1Z,015, 021 +022+023,031 038,033) ——————————E—_————— eee oO 2325 DASAAL > DETADIL 012,013 021 +22 +0234 031 1032033) |___bagecyg Das=eze D33=c36 ‘A388. = DET{EIL 012,013, 021,022+023+031 10325039) AiageDa1aag/OETL AURI=DALAAL /DETL ‘A180=081880/0871 ‘AZAO=DA2RKO/OETE A2e =DAzRAL/OETL B280=DA2080/0€TL A3A0=Da3440/0ETL ‘A3a1=0A 3841 /DETL 43802043880 /0E TL |-c-aaave COMPLE TES-DETEPATNATION OF ATsAz, aND AS IW TERMS OF AAT, AAD,SBO | CLIsOLL -(B/4.194.25 Bige-5.712e = AIAG + AZAD = (B74. )#*.25@RIAD chz=012, SESscte7 Ios = AVEO + AQSO = (874.78. ESRRIBO c13-013. Dale 18760 88S caizo2i neeeis/conaneaenareieiaa 0 Deas Oe c23=02 Dake (87a 180.75 3103 G25 300R72s + UE 74s) 94 THAIN 322032 Basel sds + (87es1R.TSRALEO 33-033. BERT = GETCOIT C1201 DPE sD2z +023 +031, 0324033) AL = Le/tge e ALAL = A2AL + (0/4.199.25 & ALAL [oi AS 2°" (o/e.ven.75 # ALL bl = aL Dal = a2 a Ost = As cs, DET(D12 01240134021 50224023 403140324033) Din err baa = cai ——_——— ost = Cat DL? = AL 22 = a2 baz a DAG = DEFUDIT 125013 +021 4D22 5023 1031032 +033) =) ol ‘2 = (22 [ici Dis = AL 23 = a2, 33 = AS 89. DET(O1 10124013 02140224023 403140324033) Des = ves7verT et ‘DBO-= DB/DETL PRINT 54 0C5,_0a0, ppg 5 FORMAT {1PSEL3.5/7) AL = ALADeOad + A1AL ¢ a1goso30. A= -RenOwOAD + RAAT + -AZHOCORT 3 = aSnowoa0 + A3Ai + A3u0%080 THETR = SAL -3.#A2/0s = 83/5. + DAO/4, 41,742 + DBO/I2, PLE (L./2eh/o)0Al + Cla leeel1e8A/84.)400_ (16/700 #A/105.1¥03, TUT 129.4726 003,4A78V90AU — U14/40- ¥ RITZ} = Ue/60e * as130.—« e088) Ee sPLIUa/s. 73148625 © (1,FA 8s 7 BD VE THEA (12. 13/0)08, 25 4 (Len ee3) 5 = DAD? (hea? Cc WOSE Hus FLANGE; AAO = 080 = 0 ‘O80=0. bab=Da0 ‘AL = ALADWOAO + ATAT + ALBO#DEO AZ = AgAgwoAG + AZAL + aznoeO90 A5=-ASAOWDAD + A941 + ASBOSDBO THETA 2 =A] ~3,682/2. ~A3/5. ¢ DAO/4. + Le/ee + DBO/12— PL = (is/2-07ocT#AL ¥ U1-/estLTe#h/ 018A + 1-/T0-*A/ 1051803 1 -C7g/i20reAssbsd.8A/B) OOD La/40, © A/T.) (Le/60. + eT 7aTaDRE 2 Aria, S mia }ee.25 9 (atayens 7 Vos THETA / (12.73/88 25" (1-#A)#83) PRIME Sy Fy Ve FS, Fle VL TFORMAT (3H FS, IPLELO.5)59 Vey TELO.Sy LTH SMALU-Fey 110.5, 711M F-Sub-L=, 1e10.5, PLM —V=suaeb=y 1E10.3¢7771 ‘60 10 50 Too CALL EXIT END APPENDIX BOLT TORQUE CHART ‘The torque values above are suggested only duo to the many variables ‘hat affect actual reels, These loads are based on the Ws of hey ‘lkgraphitelbricant and the tread formes shown. efficiency of non- lubricated bolts may drop 60%. More accurate bolt tension fs Cal culated as fellows: Divige total elongation by the bolt length, and ‘multiply the result by E, the modulus of elasticity. Got inti taken ‘midnut to mid-ut, oF an egulvalont distance. Carel! micrometer rmossurements are requir MODERN FLANGE DESIGN Bulletin 502 Ce ete

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