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Golden Grove

Profit and Loss


2010 2011 2012

Salary & Benefits $ 9,085,800.88 $ 9,994,380.97 $ 9,812,664.96
Equipment Costs $ 4,323,150.00 $ 4,755,465.00 $ 4,669,002.00
Admin Costs $ 590,331.00 $ 649,364.10 $ 637,557.48
Bldg & Maint Costs $ 3,174,193.00 $ 3,491,612.30 $ 3,428,128.44
Totals $ 17,173,474.88 $ 18,890,822.37 $ 18,547,352.88

Income Tax $ 10,554,456.63 $ 11,398,813.16 $ 11,187,724.02
Property Tax $ 3,562,803.00 $ 3,847,827.24 $ 3,776,571.18
Sales Tax $ 3,562,803.00 $ 3,847,827.24 $ 3,776,571.18
Federal Grants $ 2,856,773.70 $ 3,085,315.60 $ 3,028,180.12
Totals $ 20,536,836.33 $ 22,179,783.23 $ 21,769,046.51

Balance $ 3,363,361.44 $ 3,288,960.86 $ 3,221,693.63

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Golden Grove

Building and
Salary & Benefits Equipment Costs Maintenance Total
Quarter 1 $ 2,038,604.59 $ 1,259,409.00 $ 178,904.00 $ 720,666.00 $ 4,197,583.59
Quarter 2 $ 2,196,450.47 $ 1,057,237.00 $ 159,430.00 $ 777,720.00 $ 4,190,837.47
Quarter 3 $ 2,401,168.05 $ 1,038,420.00 $ 130,235.00 $ 846,700.00 $ 4,416,523.05
Quarter 4 $ 2,449,577.77 $ 968,084.00 $ 121,762.00 $ 829,107.00 $ 4,368,530.77
Total $ 9,085,800.88 $ 4,323,150.00 $ 590,331.00 $ 3,174,193.00 $ 17,173,474.88

Golden Grove
Projected 2011

Projected cost increase 10%

Administration Building and

Salary & Benefits Equipment Costs Costs Maintenance Total
Quarter 1 $ 2,242,465.05 $ 1,385,349.90 $ 196,794.40 $ 792,732.60 $ 4,617,341.95
Quarter 2 $ 2,416,095.51 $ 1,162,960.70 $ 175,373.00 $ 855,492.00 $ 4,609,921.21
Quarter 3 $ 2,641,284.86 $ 1,142,262.00 $ 143,258.50 $ 931,370.00 $ 4,858,175.36
Quarter 4 $ 2,694,535.55 $ 1,064,892.40 $ 133,938.20 $ 912,017.70 $ 4,805,383.85
10% Increase Total $ 9,994,380.97 $ 4,755,465.00 $ 649,364.10 $ 3,491,612.30 $ 18,890,822.37

Golden Grove
Projected 2012

Projected cost increase 8%

Building and
Salary & Benefits Equipment Costs Administration Maintenance Total
Quarter 1 $ 2,201,692.96 $ 1,360,161.72 $ 193,216.32 $ 778,319.28 $ 4,533,390.28
Quarter 2 $ 2,372,166.50 $ 1,141,815.96 $ 172,184.40 $ 839,937.60 $ 4,526,104.46
Quarter 3 $ 2,593,261.50 $ 1,121,493.60 $ 140,653.80 $ 914,436.00 $ 4,769,844.90
Quarter 4 $ 2,645,544.00 $ 1,045,530.72 $ 131,502.96 $ 895,435.56 $ 4,718,013.24

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8% Increase Total $ 9,812,664.96 $ 4,669,002.00 $ 637,557.48 $ 3,428,128.44 $ 18,547,352.88

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Golden Grove

Income Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Federal Grants Total

Quarter 1 $ 1,834,744.13 $ 1,133,468.10 $ 1,133,468.10 $ 648,599.40 $ 4,750,279.73
Quarter 2 $ 2,720,140.21 $ 845,471.70 $ 845,471.70 $ 699,948.00 $ 5,111,031.61
Quarter 3 $ 2,970,779.72 $ 815,364.00 $ 815,364.00 $ 762,030.00 $ 5,363,537.72
Quarter 4 $ 3,028,792.56 $ 768,499.20 $ 768,499.20 $ 746,196.30 $ 5,311,987.26
Current Total $ 10,554,456.63 $ 3,562,803.00 $ 3,562,803.00 $ 2,856,773.70 $ 20,536,836.33

Golden Grove
Projected 2011

Projected income increase 8%

Income Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Federal Grants Total

Quarter 1 $ 1,981,523.66 $ 1,224,145.55 $ 1,224,145.55 $ 700,487.35 $ 5,130,302.11
Quarter 2 $ 2,937,751.43 $ 913,109.44 $ 913,109.44 $ 755,943.84 $ 5,519,914.14
Quarter 3 $ 3,208,442.10 $ 880,593.12 $ 880,593.12 $ 822,992.40 $ 5,792,620.74
Quarter 4 $ 3,271,095.97 $ 829,979.14 $ 829,979.14 $ 805,892.00 $ 5,736,946.24
10% Increase Total $ 11,398,813.16 $ 3,847,827.24 $ 3,847,827.24 $ 3,085,315.60 $ 22,179,783.23

Golden Grove
Projected 2012

Projected income increase 6%

Income Tax Property Tax Sales Tax Federal Grants Total

Quarter 1 $ 1,944,828.78 $ 1,201,476.19 $ 1,201,476.19 $ 687,515.36 $ 5,035,296.51
Quarter 2 $ 2,883,348.62 $ 896,200.00 $ 896,200.00 $ 741,944.88 $ 5,417,693.51
Quarter 3 $ 3,149,026.51 $ 864,285.84 $ 864,285.84 $ 807,751.80 $ 5,685,349.99
Quarter 4 $ 3,210,520.11 $ 814,609.15 $ 814,609.15 $ 790,968.08 $ 5,630,706.50
8% Increase Total $ 11,187,724.02 $ 3,776,571.18 $ 3,776,571.18 $ 3,028,180.12 $ 21,769,046.51

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Golden Grove
2010 Salaries and Benefits

1st Quarter
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Totals
Hourly Employees 150,549.00 165,603.90 215,285.07 147,827.00 679,264.97
Salary Employees 235,764.00 259,340.40 337,142.52 213,487.00 1,045,733.92
Benefits 70,629.20 77,802.12 101,132.28 64,042.10 313,605.70
Payroll and Benefits Total $ 456,942.20 $ 502,746.42 $ 653,559.87 $ 425,356.10 $ 2,038,604.59

2nd Quarter
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Totals 2nd Quarter Assumptions
Hourly Employees 165,603.90 182,164.29 236,813.58 162,609.70 747,191.47 Hourly salary increase 10%
Salary Employees 247,552.20 272,307.42 353,999.65 224,161.35 1,098,020.62 Salary increase 5%
Benefits 79,104.70 87,138.37 113,268.15 71,727.15 351,238.38 Benefits increase 12%
Payroll and Benefits Total $ 492,260.80 $ 541,610.08 $ 704,081.38 $ 458,498.20 $ 2,196,450.47

First Half Total $ 4,235,055.06

3rd Quarter
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Totals 3rd Quarter Assumptions
Hourly Employees 185,476.37 204,024.00 265,231.21 182,122.86 836,854.44 Hourly salary increase 12%
Salary Employees 262,405.33 288,645.87 375,239.62 237,611.03 1,163,901.85 Salary increase 6%
Benefits 90,179.36 99,337.75 129,125.70 81,768.95 400,411.76 Benefits increase 14%
Payroll and Benefits Total $ 538,061.06 $ 592,007.62 $ 769,596.53 $ 501,502.85 $ 2,401,168.05

4th Quarter
Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Totals 4th Quarter Assumptions
Hourly Employees 187,331.13 206,064.24 267,883.52 183,944.09 845,222.99 Hourly salary increase 1%
Salary Employees 262,405.33 288,645.87 375,239.62 237,611.03 1,163,901.85 Salary increase 0%
Benefits 99,197.30 109,271.52 142,038.26 89,945.85 440,452.93 Benefits increase 10%
Payroll and Benefits Total $ 548,933.76 $ 603,981.63 $ 785,161.41 $ 511,500.97 $ 2,449,577.77

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Yearly Total $ 9,085,800.88

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Golden Grove
Equipment Costs

Fixed Equipment Variable Total Equipment

Costs Equipment Costs Costs
Quarter 1 $ 1,197,355.00 $ 62,054.00 $ 1,259,409.00
Quarter 2 998,325.00 58,912.00 1,057,237.00
Quarter 3 972,190.00 66,230.00 1,038,420.00
Quarter 4 910,986.00 57,098.00 968,084.00
Total $ 4,078,856.00 $ 244,294.00 $ 4,323,150.00

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Golden Grove
Administrative Costs

Variable Admin
Fixed Admin Costs Costs Total Admin Costs
Quarter 1 $ 177,654.00 $ 1,250.00 $ 178,904.00
Quarter 2 158,076.00 1,354.00 159,430.00
Quarter 3 129,045.00 1,190.00 130,235.00
Quarter 4 120,765.00 997.00 121,762.00
Total $ 585,540.00 $ 4,791.00 $ 590,331.00

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Golden Grove
Building and Maintenance Costs

Fixed Bldg/Maint Variable Total Bldg/Maint

Costs Bldg/Maint Costs Costs
Quarter 1 $ 698,009.00 $ 22,657.00 $ 720,666.00
Quarter 2 756,734.00 20,986.00 777,720.00
Quarter 3 827,635.00 19,065.00 846,700.00
Quarter 4 807,654.00 21,453.00 829,107.00
Total $ 3,090,032.00 $ 84,161.00 $ 3,174,193.00

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Golden Grove
2010 Benefit Expenses

Coverage Costs Per Hour Coverage Averages Coverage Totals

Healthcare $ 7.09 Healthcare $ 3,223.18 Healthcare $ 228,845.70
Dental $ 1.37 Dental $ 501.69 Dental $ 35,620.00
Eye $ 1.89 Eye $ 692.11 Eye $ 49,140.00
Total $ 4,416.98 Total $ 313,605.70
Eligibility Threshold 468
Emp. w/ coverage 65

Hours Per Healthcare Dental and Eye Healthcare Dental Coverage Eye Coverage Total Coverage
Personnel Job Classification Quarter Eligible Eligible Coverage Paid Paid Paid Costs
Black Hourly 250 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Bonn Hourly 250 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Bishop Hourly 468.75 Y N $ 3,323.44 $ - $ - $ 3,323.44
Hill Hourly 493.75 Y N $ 3,500.69 $ - $ - $ 3,500.69
Franks Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Queen Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Williams Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Zanten Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Smith Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Franks Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Stanton Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Johns Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Chung Hourly 250 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Hinds Hourly 472.5 Y N $ 3,350.03 $ - $ - $ 3,350.03
Tully Hourly 250 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Lambs Hourly 491.25 Y N $ 3,482.96 $ - $ - $ 3,482.96
East Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Kelly Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Waters Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Millers Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00

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Ditters Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Opals Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Bockers Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Tully Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Withers Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Willson Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Yetts Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Paul Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Billard Hourly 468.75 Y N $ 3,323.44 $ - $ - $ 3,323.44
Limons Hourly 474.75 Y N $ 3,365.98 $ - $ - $ 3,365.98
Zodners Hourly 468.75 Y N $ 3,323.44 $ - $ - $ 3,323.44
Reemie Hourly 470 Y N $ 3,332.30 $ - $ - $ 3,332.30
Hastings Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Gillard Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Sanders Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Garland Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Jefferson Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Franklin Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Dormette Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Dunes Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
George Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Kitts Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Williams Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
East Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Brock Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Brooks Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Bowman Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Otterson Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Castings Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Millers Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Anderson Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Stams Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Thompson Hourly 500 Y N $ 3,545.00 $ - $ - $ 3,545.00

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Clinton Hourly 468.75 Y N $ 3,323.44 $ - $ - $ 3,323.44
Pope Hourly 375 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Frankers Hourly 385.75 N N $ - $ - $ - $ -
Emmit Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Bands Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Cilacaste Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Willard Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Adams Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Moyer Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Schultz Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Quintz Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Washington Hourly 500 Y N $ 3,545.00 $ - $ - $ 3,545.00
Ross Hourly 500 Y N $ 3,545.00 $ - $ - $ 3,545.00
Ditters Hourly 500 Y N $ 3,545.00 $ - $ - $ 3,545.00
Ankerbrant Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Johnson Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Villie Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00
Nouse Salary 500 Y Y $ 3,545.00 $ 685.00 $ 945.00 $ 5,175.00

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Proposed Benefits

Coverage Costs Per Hour Coverage Averages Coverage Totals

Healthcare $ 7.09 Healthcare $ 2,989.01 Healthcare
Dental $ 1.37 Dental $ 501.69 Dental
Eye $ 1.89 Eye $ 692.11 Eye
Total $ 4,182.81 Total
Proposed Threshold 472
Emp. w/ coverage 60
Current Benefits
Coverage Costs Per Hour Coverage Averages Coverage Totals
Healthcare $ 7.09 Healthcare $ 3,223.18 Healthcare
Dental $ 1.37 Dental $ 501.69 Dental
Eye $ 1.89 Eye $ 692.11 Eye
Total $ 4,416.98 Total
Eligibility Threshold 468
Emp. w/ coverage 65

Coverage Costs Per Hour Coverage Averages Coverage Totals
Emp. Losing coverage 5 Healthcare $ 234.17 Healthcare
Dental $ - Dental
Eye $ - Eye
Total $ 234.17 Total

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Proposed Benefits

Coverage Totals
$ 212,219.65
$ 35,620.00
$ 49,140.00
$ 296,979.65

Current Benefits
Coverage Totals
$ 228,845.70
$ 35,620.00
$ 49,140.00
$ 313,605.70

Coverage Totals
$ 16,626.05
$ -
$ -
$ 16,626.05

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

Amount Borrowed $ 8,000,000.00
# of Months 60
Current Yearly Rate 7.75%

# of payments
Payment Amount $161,255.68 12 24 36 48 60 72 84
7.75% $694,983.04 $360,906.85 $249,769.31 $194,365.94 $161,255.68 $139,291.39 $123,695.62
8.00% $695,907.43 $361,818.33 $250,690.92 $195,303.38 $162,211.15 $140,265.92 $124,689.72
8.25% $696,832.51 $362,731.18 $251,614.59 $196,243.54 $163,170.01 $141,244.49 $125,688.47
8.50% $697,758.26 $363,645.40 $252,540.30 $197,186.43 $164,132.25 $142,227.08 $126,691.88
8.75% $698,684.70 $364,560.98 $253,468.06 $198,132.03 $165,097.86 $143,213.68 $127,699.94

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

2010-12 Balances





2010 2011 2012

55237870.xlsx Finance Options Roopjot Singh

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