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The Times Leader


GAS PRICES In speech at Pa. wind turbine plant, president says America needs to move toward independence from foreign oil

Obama: Pump pain will continue drugs are

taking toll

Associated Press
the promise of energy independ-
ence, President Barack Obama
cautioned Wednesday that it’s go-
ing to be tough to transition from Use of substances including
America’s oil-dependent econo-
bath salts is sending
my and acknowledged there’s lit-
tle he can do to thousands to the ER.
lower gas pric-
es over the
short term. By JIM SALTER and JIM SUHR
“I’m just go- Associated Press
ing to be hon- INDIANOLA, Iowa — Syn-
est with you. thetic substances that mimic
There’s not marijuana, cocaine and other il-
Obama much we can do legal drugs are making users
next week or across the nation seriously ill,
two weeks from now,” the presi- causing seizures and hallucina-
dent told workers at a wind tur- tions and even killing some peo-
bine plant. It’s a theme Obama’s ple.
struck before as he tries to show The products are often pack-
voters he’s attuned to a top eco- aged as incense or
nomic concern with gas prices bath salts and can
pushing toward $4 a gallon. be obtained for as
Obama said he wants to move little as $10 at
toward “a future where America many head shops.
is less dependent on foreign oil, As more people
more reliant on clean energy pro- experiment with
duced by workers like you.” That them, the results
will happen by reducing oil im- are becoming evi- IN-
ports, tapping domestic energy dent at hospitals: SIDE: West
sources and shifting the nation to a sharp spike in Pittston
renewable and less polluting the number of us- joins effort
to ban bath
sources of energy, such as wind, ers who show up salts, page
the president says. He has set a with problems 2A.
goal of reducing oil imports by AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER ranging from la-
Gas prices hit $3.75 for a gallon of regular, topping the national average of $3.70, Wednesday at this gas station in Wilkes-Barre. Pres- bored breathing
See GAS, Page 12A ident Obama said Wednesday there’s not much than can be done about the high prices in the short run. and rapid heartbeats to extreme
paranoia and delusions. The
symptoms can persist for days.

Inspired to help the poor

At the request of The Associ-
ated Press, the American Asso-
ciation of Poison Control Cen-
ters analyzed nationwide fig-
ures on calls related to synthetic
Brothers, W-B natives, are successes, humanitarians drugs. The findings showed an
alarming increase in the num-
By BILL O’BOYLE tives of Wilkes-Barre’s Rolling man who made millions in titani- ber of people seeking medical Mill Hill section, also will bring um. He is married with children attention.
WILKES-BARRE -- Two broth- their story to King’s College next and lives in California. At least 2,700 people have
ers now in their 80s – one a self- week in a special program – Monsignor John Esseff said his fallen ill since January, com-
made millionaire and the other a “Charting Our Future by Recall- spouse is the Church and his chil- pared with fewer than 3,200
respected priest who has devoted ing Our Past.” dren are all around the world. He cases in all of 2010. At that pace,
most of his life to ministering to George Esseff, a successful en- worked with the late Mother Te- medical emergencies related to
the poor – have authored a mem- trepreneur, and John Esseff are 18 resa. synthetic drugs could go up
oir detailing their humanitarian months apart. They grew up in George has divested himself of nearly fivefold by the end of the
S. JOHN WILKIN/THE TIMES LEADER efforts to inspire others to take on Wilkes-Barre and went on to lead most of his wealth – his airplane, year.
Kathleen McLaughlin Coslett, left, and Ellen Franco stand at a similar projects. distinguished lives.
display of ‘Brothers & Fathers’ in Barnes & Noble Bookstore. George and John Esseff, na- George is a retired business- See ESSEFF, Page 7A See SYNTHETICS, Page 10A

Planned Back Mtn. pipeline, Pierantoni cites experience, work ethic

Terin Conklin

metering station explained

Cloudy, showers.
High 54, Low 37.
Details, Page 12B
Age: 52
By SARAH HITE is planned. WILKES-BARRE – If Fred Pie- Education: Wilkes University, The gathering line will tap rantoni had to describe himself, degree in political science; Temple
WILKES-BARRE – Repre- into the Williams-owned Tran- he’d say he’s a workhorse with in- University School of Law
sentatives from Williams Mid- sco pipeline, which provides valuable experience as a magist- Law experience: Former Luzerne
stream Operations, a subsidi- “100 percent of Back Mountain erial district judge. County assistant district attorney;
ary of Williams Gas Co., un- residents’ gas” if their provider Pierantoni, 52, of former civil litigator at Rosenn,
Jenkins & Greenwald; private
veiled detailed plans is UGI, said Ryan Sav- Dupont, told The attorney since 1984; district judge
Wednesday to construct age, general manager of Times Leader en- since 1992.
a pipeline and metering Midstream Operations dorsement board he Community affiliations: District
station in Dallas Town- in the Appalachian Ba- has handled at least 14-W Lions International, Hugh-
ship. sin. 70,000 cases as a estown Lions Club, Holy Mother of
At a conference with Savage said the natu- district judge in Pittston for near- Sorrows Church, Irem Temple
Shriner, UNICO, Dupont Polish
Times Leader staffers, ral gas coming from sev- ly two decades, and 28 years of
American Citizens Club, St. John’s
the Tulsa, Okla.-based eral wells will meet at civil matters in his private prac- Lodge 233, advisory board mem-
company said applica- the Springville Gather- tice. ber NEPA Veterans Multicare
tions have been filed in the ing Line, which will also pass “(Becoming a county judge) is Alliance, Wyoming Valley Drug and CLARK VAN ORDEN/THE TIMES LEADER
township to construct a 33- through the Lathrop Compres- a natural transition,” Pierantoni Alcohol, Greater Pittston Anti- Fred Pierantoni is a candidate
mile pipeline from Springville sor Station in Tunkhannock said. “I feel I have the legal and ju- Drug Coalition, Greater Wyoming for judge in Luzerne County. He
Township in Susquehanna Township. dicial experience … and given the Valley Crime Clinic said he supports individual
Family: Wife, the former Donna
County to a site off Hilde- He said the facility was cen- opportunity, I could serve all resi- calendars for county judges to
McLarney; sons, Freddie and Matt;
brandt Road in Dallas Town- parents, Fred and Betty (Wozniak) handle cases from the begin-
ship, where a metering station See STATION, Page 12A
6 09815 10011 See PIERANTONI, Page 12A ning to end.

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WVW OKs Dismissal of ‘sexting’ suit sought DETAILS

$15M in Wyoming County wants suit filed by a female identified as

“N.N.,” does not state a valid
The district was dismissed
from the case last year after it
committed a crime.
In his motion to dismiss, Do-

filed by former Tunkhannock DAILY NUMBER 5-0-4
cause of action against the agreed to pay a $33,000 settle- nohue says appellate courts
Area student tossed. county or law enforcement offi- ment without admitting wrong- have held that school officials BIG FOUR 9-4-8-9
cials who took part in the in- doing. need only show that a search QUINTO 3-0-3-6-3
vestigation. The suit alleges former conducted on school property TREASURE HUNT

for project The suit, filed in May 2010 Wyoming County District At- was “reasonable” to protect the
by attorney Vic Walczak of the torney George Skumanick and interests of the school. They do
SCRANTON – An attorney American Civil Liberties Detective David Ide violated not have to show the search NIGHTLY DRAWING
for Wyoming County has filed a Union, stems from a 2009 in- the girl’s right to privacy when was based on the belief a stu- DAILY NUMBER 4-7-6
Bond from stimulus part of court motion seeking the dis- vestigation of “sexting” – they viewed and printed a dent had committed a crime.
BIG FOUR 2-2-3-6
missal of a lawsuit filed by a which refers to the transmis- semi-nude photo of her that In this case, Tunkhannock
plan to renovate and expand QUINTO 0-5-1-9-2
former Tunkhannock Area stu- sion of sexually explicit photos was stored on her cell phone. Area was in the midst of in-
State Street school. dent who alleged her rights via the Internet or cell phones Walczak also contends the vestigating the improper trans- CASH FIVE
were violated when police con- – at the Tunkhannock Area girl was subjected to unlawful mission of explicit photos by 20-25-28-31-42
fiscated her cell phone as part School District. search and seizure because students, which meets the “rea- POWERBALL
By JERRY LYNOTT of a “sexting” investigation. The suit originally named Skumanick and Ide searched sonableness” test, Donohue Attorney Michael Donohue the school district and several her phone without having prob- says. Because of that it cannot
KINGSTON - The Wyoming of Scranton claims the lawsuit, school officials as defendants. able cause to believe she had be held liable, he says. POWERBALL 15
Valley West School Board on POWER PLAY 2
Wednesday approved borrowing

W-B mayor hopefuls deny backing calls

more than half of the $28 million HARRISBURG – No player
for the renovation and expansion matched all five winning
of the State Street school. numbers drawn in Wednes-
At a special meeting, the board day’s “Pennsylvania Cash 5”
voted 8-0 to fund the project with game so the jackpot will be
a $15 million bond that is part of The phone survey has been None of the par- my supporters that they have re- “Nothing could be further worth $800,000.
the The American Recovery and ticipants The ceived phone calls from some- from the truth,” Raup said. Lottery officials said 132
asking city residents which players matched four num-
Reinvestment Act of 2009, or fed- Times Leader talk- body asking negative questions She said she has received rec-
eral stimulus package. candidate they support. ed to Wednesday about me. I don’t know who is ognition, praise and awards from bers and won $291 each and
Joseph Rodriguez, finance that participated in doing it.” the state police, governor’s of- 4,783 players matched three
manager, said the board could the survey could tell where the Raup said she didn’t commis- fice, the district attorney’s office numbers and won $13.50
not pass up participating in the By BILL O’BOYLE calls came from or what the sion the survey either. and local law enforcement offi- each.
Qualified School Construction name of the company was. “I know it wasn’t Nick Punko cers regarding her cooperation
Bond program available to other WILKES-BARRE – Tele- “They didn’t say where they that did the survey,” Raup said. and information that has lead to
schools in the state. phones have been ringing in city were from,” said Liza DeWitt of In a letter to the editor in the arrest and conviction of
“It’s a zero-interest bond,” he homes from callers somewhere Parsons. “They asked me which Wednesday’s Times Leader, many individuals.
said after the meeting. in Florida asking about the Dem- candidate I was supporting and I Raup said “it is a desperate, base- DeWitt said the survey
The resolution placed the max- ocratic candidates running for told them (Raup).” less allegation from an opponent seemed to favor Leighton.
imum amount of the bond princi- mayor. DeWitt, Sharon Katsock, also who is funding this survey.” “It seemed to be a campaign OBITUARIES
pal at $18,461,538 and said it Two of the three candidates – of Parsons, and Julie Kopec of Raup, coordinator of the city’s thing for the mayor,” DeWitt
would pay for the costs of “plan- Mayor Tom Leighton and Char- North End said they are all sup- Crime Watch organization, has said. “Somebody’s commission- Bell, Diane
ning, designing, constructing, lotte Raup – said they had noth- porting Raup, and each partici- been at odds with Leighton in re- ing the survey.” Cragle, Arthur
furnishing and/or equipping of ing to do with the survey. The pated in the telephone survey. cent years. Katsock said the caller’s num- Gabel, Mark
capital projects” of the district, as third Democrat in the race – All three said negative ques- The main issue had been ber came up “unknown” on her
well as paying for the “costs and Nick Punko of Lloyd’s Lane – did tions were asked about Raup and Leighton’s refusal to assign a po- caller ID.
Gwynn, Joan
expenses relating to the is- not return messages left on his Leighton, and they agreed there lice officer as a liaison to Crime Kopec said her caller didn’t Hubbard, Charles
suance” of the note. cell phone. seemed to be more negative Watch and attend meetings. seem to push for either candi- Jones, Robin
“We hope to see the bids back David Yonki, author of the on- questions about Raup. Leighton did appoint an officer date. Kaminski, Zita
at the end of May,” said Rodri- line LuLac Political Letter, said Leighton said he had nothing to the position this year. “They said they were doing an Konicki, Helen
guez, adding construction will his wife, Mary Ann, did take the to do with the survey. Raup said the survey implies independent survey,” Kopec
start in June. survey and through conversa- “I did not,” he answered when she has “interfered with police said. “They weren’t really trying
Kosloski, Laura
The district will borrow anoth- tion she was able to learn that asked if he commissioned the work and hindered police inves- to sell one candidate or the oth- Malenovitch, Robert
er $13 million to complete the the questioner was in Florida. survey. “I’ve been told by some of tigations.” er.” O’Connor, Kimberly
funding and that will be a tax-ex- Peterson, Joseph
empt bond, said Rodriguez. How Smith, Michelina

West Pittston eyes

all the borrowing will affect dis- Thomas, Bruce Jr.
trict taxpayers is not known at
this time, he said.
Wonsavage, Peter
The district is in the process of Page 2A, 8A

ban on bath salts

preparing its budget, which must
be submitted by June 30. This
year is especially difficult be-
cause under Gov. Tom Corbett’s
proposed budget, the district is Borough preparing law on bled a vote on
losing $2 million in state funding, bids for improve-
sale, possession of WHO TO CONTACT
Rodriguez said. ment of Susque-
Attorney Brian Koscelansky of synthetic drugs. hanna Avenue. Missed Paper ........................829-5000
Stevens & Lee, the bond counsel The borough Obituaries ..............................829-7224
for the district, said still to be de- received five Advertising...............................829-7101
termined are the annual pay- By AMANDA MYRKALO bids, ranging Classified Ads.........................829-7130
ments and how long it will take to Times Leader Correspondent from the low of $86,941 from Newsroom ..............................829-7242
pay back the note. WEST PITTSTON – Bor- Popple Construction Inc., to Vice President/Executive Editor
A preliminary payment sched- ough council Tuesday night $179,370 from Smith Black- Joe Butkiewicz ...............................970-7249
ule showed approximately $2.3 asked the borough solicitor to topping Inc. Asst. Managing Editor
Anne Woelfel...................................970-7232
million a year, but that will be prepare an ordinance banning Council will discuss award- TIMES LEADER FILE PHOTO
lowered once it’s determined the sale and possession of bath ing a contract for the work at a Matthew Hrabousky, 35, of Plymouth, seen at an earlier court Editorial Page Editor
Mark Jones .....................................970-7305
how many other schools partici- salts and synthetic drugs in later date, after borough engi- appearance, on Wednesday was sentenced for sexual assault.
pate in the program, said Kosce- West Pittston. neer Jeremy Nelson confirms Features Editor

Man gets 25 to 30 years in

Sandra Snyder................................970-7383
lansky. Likewise whether the dis- Solicitor Mark Bufalino will numbers and accuracy.
Director, Interactive and New Media
trict opts to pay off the debt in 14 start the process, which in- The project will include re-
Nick DeLorenzo ..............................970-7152
or 17 years also depends upon the cludes preparing an ordinance paving, curbing and new inlets

sexual assault of young girls

Photo Editor
final tally of participating and reviewing it at a public for portions of the street. The Clark Van Orden ..............................970-7175
schools, he said. meeting. Council expects it to work is possible through a
Community News .........................970-7245
be completed in about five $110,000 grant only Susque-
weeks. hanna Avenue is eligible for By SHEENA DELAZIO pleading guilty and should have E-MAIL

POLICE BLOTTER Council President Brian based upon the Census from received a15-to-30-year sentence. News tips:
Community News:
Thornton said the ordinance, 10 years ago. WILKES-BARRE – A Ply- Cometa called psychologist
proposed by Councilman Pete It was also announced street mouth man charged with sexual- William F. Anzalone Jr., who said
WILKES-BARRE – A man Musinski, can be reviewed, de- cleaning on streets with no ly assaulting two girls was sen- the father of five suffers from post
was arraigned Wednesday on pending on state and federal sewer construction, and lawn tenced Wednesday to 25 to 50 traumatic stress disorder, severe
charges he threatened his sister decisions, at a later date. waste pickup on all streets, years in state prison. depression and pedophilia.
and officers with a bow and Musinski’s key point in the start next week. Mayor Wil- Matthew Hrabousky, 35, of A state Sexual Offenders As-
Charl R. Denton, 49, of Reese
ordinance is to specifically
state sale and possession in
liam Goldsworthy urged the
public to “please observe no
New Street, was sentenced on 12
related charges stemming from
sessment Board member, Paula
Brust, testified Hrabousky meets
Street, was charged with two the ban if the federal govern- parking signs for street clean- the assaults that occurred over a the criteria of a sexually violent TRUST
counts each of aggravated as- ment does not. ing. They will start to be en- number of years. predator, and he was deemed so
sault, simple assault and terror- In other action, council ta- forced next week.” “Sitting before you is a mon- by Mundy. The Times Leader strives to
istic threats. He was arraigned ster,” Assistant District Attorney Hrabousky must register his correct errors, clarify stories
in Wilkes-Barre Central Court Jenny Roberts told Luzerne address under Megan’s Law for and update them promptly.
and jailed at the Luzerne County
Correctional Facility for lack of
Bruce R. Thomas Jr. County Senior Judge Hugh Mun-
dy. “(Hrabousky) committed one
his entire life and also received
two years probation upon his re-
Corrections will appear in this
spot. If you have information
$20,000 bail. April 5, 2011 of the most horrific acts … other lease from prison. to help us correct an inaccu-
According to the criminal than homicide.” According to court papers, two racy or cover an issue more

complaint: ruce R. Thomas Jr., 85, of Fol- Prosecutors say Hrabousky be- teenage girls separately told in- thoroughly, call the newsroom
som, N.J., formerly of Pennsau- at 829-7242.
Police were summoned to ken, N.J., for over 70 years, passed
gan assaulting the girls when vestigators in July that Hrabous-
Denton’s residence late Tuesday away Tuesday, April 5, 2011. He they were 5 and 6 years old until ky began sexually assaulting
afternoon to investigate a do- was the beloved son of the late the time they were teenagers. them when they were between 5
mestic disturbance involving his Bruce R. and Ruth Thomas; dear The older girl is now 15, Roberts and 8 years old. The assaults con-
sister, Coleen Drazba, who told father of Daria (Louis III) DeStefa- said. tinued through the years until the
no of Folsom, N.J.; loving grandfa-
a 911 call-taker that Denton ther of Louis IV and Alexandra; Hrabousky pleaded guilty in girls became teenagers.
+(ISSN No. 0896-4084)
threatened to shoot an arrow at and dear brother of Elinor (Shel- December to two counts of child Hrabousky initially denied he USPS 499-710
police officers if they showed up. don) Kocher of Plymouth. pornography, one count of aggra- sexually assaulted the girls, but
As officers took cover around Bruce was a born in Plymouth. vated indecent assault of a child, later admitted he did. He claimed Issue No. 2011-097
He was an avid bowler and golfer,
the residence, Denton walked former member and club cham- one count of incest, three counts he suffered a nervous breakdown Advertising
out the front door holding emp- pion at Pennsauken Country Club, of involuntary deviate sexual in- when a relationship with a wom-
ty beer cans. After he was in a World War II Army Air Force vet- tercourse and five counts of inde- an ended in 2000, according to Jim McCabe – 829-5000
custody, Drazba told police her eran, a retired employee of the cent assault. court records.
Budd Co., and especially enjoyed Published daily by:
brother threatened her with a spending time with his grandchil-
ment will be held at 11 a.m. Satur- Mundy said that he intended to Police said in the criminal com-
sword and threatened to shoot day in Fern Knoll Cemetery, Mid- make sure Hrabousky would not plaint that Hrabousky said he Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company
dren. land Drive, Dallas. 15 N. Main St.
her with an arrow, the complaint Relatives and friends of the In lieu of flowers, donations may
have a chance to commit similar sexually assaulted the one girl be- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
says. family are kindly invited to be made to the Alzheimer’s Associ- crimes for an extended period of cause the child’s appearance re- Periodicals postage paid at
Police said in the complaint attend his visitation from 10 to 11 ation, 3 Eves Drive, Ste. 310, Marl- time. minded him of his ex-girlfriend. Wilkes-Barre, PA and additional mailing offices
a.m. Friday at the Funeral Home of ton, NJ 08053. Info and guestbook
Postmaster: Send address changes
they found a bow and arrow and Inglesby & Sons, 2426 Cove Road, “The crimes are heinous,” Police said Hrabousky per- to Times Leader, 15 N. Main St.,
a sword in the residence. can be viewed at www.inglesbyfu- Mundy said. formed acts on the girls through- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
Pennsauken, NJ 08109, followed
A preliminary hearing is by funeral service at 11 a.m. Inter- Hrabousky’s attorney, Thomas out the years on several occa- Delivery Monday–Sunday $3.50 per week
Mailed Subscriptions Monday–Sunday
scheduled on April 12 in Central Cometa, argued his client took re- sions, and the acts stopped when $4.35 per week in PA
Court. More Obituaries, Page 8A sponsibility for his actions by one of the girls told her mother. $4.75 per week outside PA


OSTERHOUT FREE LIBRARY Sara Hansen says she wants to relocate back to her native state I N B R I E F

Library director headed to N.J.


Ruling goes against Powell

A federal judge has ruled an insur-
ance company no longer has to defend
attorney Robert Powell in the “kids for
cash” lawsuits that have been filed
against him and others.
By ANDREW M. SEDER board voted 9-4, with members at risk. reland Club vote, said that he was “quite
U.S. District Judge A. Richard Capu-
one abstention, to ap- On Wednesday, Hansen said she was fond” of Hansen and the work she has to on March 31 ruled that the Alea
WILKES-BARRE – Three years after prove a plan proposed disappointed with the project, but it was done in the three years since she arrived London insurance company has no
its last search for an executive director, by the neighboring not her reason for leaving. from the Lakewood Branch of the Ocean obligation to defend
the Osterhout Free Library has begun Westmoreland Club. “It had nothing to do with it,” Hansen County Library System in Red Bank, N.J. Powell or pay any
another one. The plan called for the said. Christopher Kelly, the library’s devel- damages that may be
Sara D. Hansen, 39, has taken a job as removal of three trees Her leaving was not expected but un- opment director, has been tabbed to fill awarded against him
director of the Old Bridge Public Library Hansen and laying brick- derstood by some board members. the directorship on an interim basis until based on an exclusion
in Old Bridge, N.J. shaped concrete pav- Lillian Cohen, one of the four board a successor for Hansen is found. within the policy for
She said it came down to her wanting ers over a 50-by-100-foot grassy area be- members who voted against the plan, Kelly said the new hire will also wear knowing or intention-
to relocate her family back to New Jer- tween the two South Franklin Street said she was sorry to see Hansen go but two other hats – administrator of the Lu- al acts.
sey, where she grew up and where she buildings. Work has since been complet- understood her decision. She said that zerne County Library System, which has Powell is among
still has family. Her husband and two ed. while the timing of the resignation 10 libraries, and director of the library numerous defendants Powell
children, a 13-year-old daughter and an Hansen spoke out against the plan, might be viewed with a skeptical eye, it district that includes those10 plus the li- who remain in several
8-year-old son, are still living in Moun- saying at the time, “I feel we need more was family, not the board’s vote, that brary in White Haven. federal lawsuits that were filed on
tain Top while she’s living with family in grass on the lawn.” She said children’s drove her to make her decision. Cohen said she hopes a new hire will behalf of hundreds of juveniles who
New Jersey and coming to Luzerne programs rely on the lawn and having “The timing just happened to be that,” be made by September. alleged they were wrongly incarcerated
County on the weekends. the children walking elsewhere to find a Cohen said. “It was not the lawn.” Messages left with several other in juvenile detention facilities, includ-
Hansen handed in her resignation on lawn large enough to hold activities in The Rev. Daniel C. Gunn, the lone board members were not immediately ing the PA Child Care and Western PA
Feb. 15, just minutes after the library’s the city would put the youth and staff board member to abstain in the Westmo- returned on Wednesday. Child Care centers that were once
co-owned by Powell.
Specific allegations in each of the

Area woman
S O C I A L S E C U R I T Y A D M I N I S T R AT I O N suits vary, but each allege Powell con-
spired with former judges Mark Ciava-
rella and Michael Conahan to increase
the number of juveniles who were

charged with
incarcerated and thus the profits at
Powell’s centers.
The decision is one of several rulings
that have been issued in favor of insur-

heroin sale
ance companies that have sought to
deny coverage to Powell and real estate
developer who built the centers, Rob-
ert Mericle, who is also a defendant in
Renee Andrea Morinelli, 49, of the cases.
Kingston, was free on bail on similar SCRANTON
charges, authorities say.
Toole case lawyers to meet
U.S. District Judge Richard P. Cona-
boy has scheduled a conference with
attorneys involved in the Michael Toole
KINGSTON – A woman free on bail on case to discuss the media’s request to
charges she sold heroin earlier this year release letters written
was arrested Tuesday on similar allega- on behalf of Toole.
tions. Conaboy directed
Renee Andrea Morinelli, 49, of Schuyl- attorneys to appear in
er Avenue, Kingston, was arraigned by his chambers at 2:30
District Judge Paul Roberts after she al- p.m. today to discuss
legedly delivered heroin during a con- a motion filed by
trolled drug buy investigation by King- attorney Michael
ston police and the state Office of Attor- Genello on behalf of Toole
ney General’s Luzerne County Drug Task WNEP-TV.
Force. Genello wrote to Conaboy in March
Authorities allege AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER seeking the disclosure of 156 letters
Morinelli delivered her- The American Federation of Government Employees held an informational picket outside the Social Security build- that were received relating to Toole’s
oin on Saturday. ing in Plains Township on Wednesday. Wendy Seeman and Maxwell Graham attended with about 20 people. sentencing on Friday on a corruption
Morinelli was charge.

Possible shutdown protested

charged with two The Times Leader, through its at-
counts of possession torney, Ralph Kates, filed a motion on
with intent to deliver a Wednesday seeking to intervene in the
controlled substance case.
Morinelli and one count each of Toole’s attorney, Frank Nocito, has
possession of a con- objected to the release of the letters,
trolled substance, criminal use of commu- Union workers at Plains Twp. office arguing they contain private, family
nication facility and possession of drug information. Nocito on Wednesday
say budget dispute will lead to filed court papers that ask, should
She was jailed at the Luzerne County furloughs if issues not resolved. Conaboy determine the letters are
Correctional Facility for lack of $50,000 public information, to allow the de-
bail. fense to review them first and submit
Morinelli had been free on $20,000 un- By STEVEN FONDO suggestions for redactions.
secured bail on similar charges filed by the Times Leader Correspondent
same authorities in February. PLAINS TWP. – Local Social Securi- WASHINGTON, D.C.
In those cases, authorities arranged to
buy heroin from Morinelli and agreed to
ty Administration workers rallied
Wednesday to call attention to the im- Marino joins Kidney Caucus
meet her in the parking lot at the Wyom- pending government shutdown. U.S. Reps. Jim McDermott and Jesse
ing Valley Mall on Jan. 26. She also deliv- Chanting “A.F.G.E. under attack. Jackson Jr. welcomed Rep. Tom Mari-
ered heroin at an undisclosed location in What are we going to no to the Congressional Kidney Cau-
Wilkes-Barre on Feb.1, according to arrest “We have do? Fight back!,” cus.
records. members of the The bipartisan Kidney Caucus pro-
Morinelli was being watched by author- well over American Federa- vides a forum for discussion on quality
ities when she allegedly sold heroin out- 1,000 peo- tion of Government of care and life issues
side a shopping area in Wilkes-Barre and Employees held an and acts as a resource
again on Saturday, arrest records say. ple work- informational picket on the scope and
When Morinelli was under surveillance ing here.” near their Plains impact of kidney
on Feb. 24, authorities spotted a Dodge Township offices be- AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER disease, as well as
Kevin Sibilo
Avenger parked nearby and a passenger, Union official
cause of concerns Social Security workers hold signs expressing their views on the budget serving as a source of
identified as Michael Chance, get out and about members fac- impasse on Wednesday. information on kid-
walk into her apartment. The driver, who ing job furloughs if ney-related public
was not charged, traveled around the Congress cannot come to a budget will be affected, but during the last resolve a budget impasse with the Clin- policy initiatives. Marino
block so as not to raise neighbors’ suspi- agreement by Friday. shutdown, both essential and non-es- ton administration. “As a two-time
cion. “We wanted to stress the fact that the sential workers were furloughed.” “We have well over 1,000 people survivor of kidney cancer, I am excited
He parked in front of Morinelli’s apart- government shutdown will affect jobs The government temporarily shut working here. What you hear about on about the opportunity to serve as a
ment and picked up Chance, who was in- locally,” said union official Kevin Sib- down in 1995, when the Newt Gin- co-chair of the Congressional Kidney
side the apartment for about two minutes, ilo. “We don’t know how many people grich-led House Republicans failed to See PICKET, Page 6A Caucus,” said Marino, R-Lycoming
arrest records say. Township. “By sharing my personal
Authorities followed the vehicle to experiences with other members of

Duryea woman charged in series of crashes

Wyoming Avenue and Market Street, Congress, we will increase the aware-
where it stopped. A search of the vehicle ness and understanding of the circum-
turned up 10 heroin packets, which stances that face millions of Americans
Chance allegedly purchased from Mori- who suffer from kidney disease.”
nelli inside her apartment, according to By EDWARD LEWIS Road and East Main Street on Facility for lack of $10,000
arrest records. Police allege Sept. 23. bail. PLAINS TWP.
Morinelli’s apartment is in a school
Cassie Madeira PLAINS TWP. – A woman
who pleaded guilty last Friday
O’Boyle was charged by
township police with four
According to the criminal
complaint: County SPCA seeks grant
Under state law, anyone convicted of O’Boyle crashed to driving with a suspended counts of accidents involving Police allege O’Boyle sped The SPCA of Luzerne County is
selling illegal drugs within 1,000 feet of a into a culvert license was charged Wednes- damage to attended vehicle, away after crashing into a ve- vying for a chance to win the ASPCA
school faces a mandatory two-year prison day in a series of crashes, in- three counts of accidents in- hicle at Route 315 and Jumper Pro Challenge 2011, with a grand prize
and sprayed
sentence. cluding a hit-and-run that volving injury, and one count Road. She traveled onto East of a $100,000 grant.
Morinelli previously served a two-year rocks onto 16 sprayed rocks onto 16 SUVs for each of driving under the in- Mountain Boulevard, the The agency needs votes, which can
state prison sentence from June 2006 to SUVs for sale in sale at an auto dealer. fluence of a controlled sub- North Cross Valley Express- be cast at http://challenge.aspca-
June 2008, according to the state Depart- Cassie Madeira O’Boyle, 31, stance, driving with a suspend- way to Washington Street, and
ment of Corrections, on burglary and drug
the lot at of Duryea, was arraigned by ed license, receiving stolen returned to the area, crashing The grant would allow the local
convictions in Luzerne County Court. Coccia Ford District Judge Diana Malast in property and five traffic vio- into a culvert and spraying shelter to do more for the animals and
A preliminary hearing is scheduled on Lincoln Mercury. the crashes at state Route 315 lations. She was jailed at the community of Luzerne County.
April 13 before Roberts. where it intersects Jumper Luzerne County Correctional See CRASH, Page 6A Winners will be announced Nov. 30.


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Gadhafi to Obama: End airstrikes

◆I N B R I E F

Libyan leader asks president in a U.S. and allied demands that Gadhafi’s
forces pull back and cease attacks.
letter to right a wrong; wishes him
Rebels and pro-government forces
good luck in his run for re-election. waged nearly stalemate battles in Libya,
while a former U.S. lawmaker made an
unendorsed private trip to Tripoli to try
By MATTHEW LEE to convince Gadhafi to step down. An
Associated Press Obama administration envoy contin-
WASHINGTON — Libyan leader ued meeting with Libyan opposition fig-
Moammar Gadhafi appealed directly to ures in the rebel-held city of Benghazi,
President Barack Obama on Wednes- with no decision on whether to increase
day to end what Gadhafi called "an un- U.S. help for the rebels seeking Gadha-
just war," and he wished Obama good fi’s ouster.
luck in his bid for re-election next year. The letter was sent to the State De-
“You are a man who has enough cour- partment and forwarded immediately
age to annul a wrong and mistaken ac- to the White House.
AP PHOTO tion,” Gadhafi wrote in a rambling, Gadhafi implored Obama to stop the
Honoring a fallen comrade three-page letter to Obama obtained by NATO-led air campaign, which he
A police officer helps carry the coffin The Associated Press on Wednesday. “I called an "unjust war against a small
of Northern Ireland police officer am sure that you are able to shoulder people of a developing country." AP PHOTO
Ronan Kerr from the Church of Im- the responsibility for that.” “To serving world peace ... Friendship A Libyan rebel fighter looks out from a damaged building Wednesday at the
maculate Conception in Beragh, The White House confirmed the let- between our peoples ... and for the sake western gate of Ajdabiya, Libya.
Northern Ireland, on Wednesday. Kerr ter, but top officials shrugged it off. of economic, and security cooperation
was killed Saturday in a car bomb "I don’t think there is any mystery against terror, you are in a position to der the responsibility for that.” the details of the letter.
attack at his home in Omagh. about what is expected from Mr. Gad- keep Nato (NATO) off the Libyan affair Neither White House press secretary Gadhafi told Obama that a democrat-
hafi at this time," Secretary of State Hill- for good,” Gadhafi wrote in the letter. Jay Carney nor State Department ic society could not be built through the
ary Rodham Clinton said, repeating “I am sure that you are able to shoul- spokesman Mark Toner would discuss use of missiles and aircraft.

Leaders blast Quran burning

P resident Barack Obama and Afghan
President Hamid Karzai have de-
cried the Quran burning by a Florida Averting blasts Japan’s new focus Wireless
signal a
minister last month and condemned
the riot that ensued and left seven U.N.
workers dead in the city of Mazar-i- Nitrogen injected into nuke reactors

GPS mess
to prevent blasts as cooling water
In a teleconference Wednesday, the
two leaders said the attack was an creates hydrogen build-up.
affront to human decency and dignity.
During the one one-hour call, Obama
also welcomed Karzai’s announcement By MARI YAMAGUCHI New broadband network’s
Associated Press
last month that his nation’s security signal may cause havoc with
forces would begin taking over from TOKYO — After notching a rare victo-
the U.S.-led coalition in seven parts of ry by stopping highly radioactive water existing GPS systems.
the country. Such Afghan lead is a first from flowing into the Pacific on Wednes-
step toward his goal of having Afghan day, workers at Japan’s flooded nuclear
police and soldiers in charge by the end power complex turned to their next task: By JOELLE TESSLER
injecting nitrogen to prevent more hydro- AP Technology Writer
of 2014 so foreign combat troops can
gen explosions. WASHINGTON — A new, ul-
go home.
Nuclear officials said there was no im- tra-fast wireless Internet network
mediate threat of explosions like the is threatening to overpower GPS
three that rocked the Fukushima Dai-ichi signals across the U.S. and inter-
Fox gives Beck the boot plant not long after a
massive tsunami hit on
fere with everything from air-
Glenn Beck’s talk show is being “We are March 11, but their
planes to police cars to consumer
navigation devices.
dropped by the Fox News Channel currently plans are a reminder of The problem stems from a re-
after sinking in the ratings and suf- how much work re-
fering financially due to an advertiser
consulting mains to stabilize the cent government decision to let a
Virginia company called Light-
boycott. with ex- complex.
Squared build a nationwide
Workers are racing to
Fox and Beck’s company, Mercury
Radio Arts, said Wednesday they will
perts so cool the plant’s reac- broadband network using air-
waves next to those used for
stay in business creating other projects that we tors, which have been
GPS. Manufacturers of GPS
overheating since pow-
for Fox television and digital, starting can come er was knocked out by equipment warn that strong sig-
with some documentaries Beck is nals from the planned network
preparing. up with a the 9.0-magnitude
could jam existing systems.
earthquake and tsuna-
Beck was a quick burn on Fox News clear safe- mi that killed as many A technical fix could cost bil-
Channel. Almost immediately after
joining the network in January 2009,
ty stan- as 25,000 people and lions and there’s no agreement on
destroyed hundreds of who should pay. Government of-
he doubled the ratings at his afternoon dard.” miles of coastline. ficials pledge to block Light-
time slot. Unable to restore Squared from turning on its net-
Yukio Edano
He was popular with Tea Party activ- Chief Cabinet normal cooling sys- work as scheduled this year un-
ists and drew thousands of people to Secretary tems because water has AP PHOTO less they receive assurances that
the National Mall in Washington last damaged them and ra- A woman is screened for radiation at a makeshift inspection center Wednesday GPS systems will still work.
August for a "restoring honor" rally. dioactivity has made within the zone in Japan where residents have been told to stay indoors. The stakes are high not only for
conditions dangerous, workers have re- the GPS industry and its users,
ORLANDO, FLA. sorted to pumping water into the reac- necessary measure to avoid danger, might start being affected as the crisis but also for those who would use
tors and letting it gush wherever it can.
Pedophile author sentenced Superheated fuel rods can pull explo-
sive hydrogen from cooling water, so now
spokesman Hidehiko Nishiyama said.
The injection could release radioactive
drags on.
“I would imagine residents in areas fac-
LightSquared’s network. In ap-
proving it, the Federal Communi-
The author of a controversial pe- vapor into the environment, but resi- ing a possibility for long-term exposure cations Commission seeks to
that more water is going into the reac-
dophile’s guide who was arrested by dents within 12 miles of the plant have are extremely worried,” Chief Cabinet boost wireless competition and
tors, the concern is that hydrogen levels
Polk County, Fla., detectives last year are rising. been evacuated. Secretary Yukio Edano said. “We are cur- bring faster and cheaper Internet
was sentenced to two years probation Technicians began pumping nitrogen The government said Wednesday it rently consulting with experts so that we connections to all Americans —
Wednesday for distributing obscene into an area around one of the plant’s six might consider expanding that zone, can come up with a clear safety stan- even in remote areas.
material, the State Attorney’s Office reactors Thursday to counteract the hy- though not because of the nitrogen injec- dard.” LightSquared and the FCC
confirmed. drogen, said Makoto Watanabe, a spokes- tion. An expansion might not necessarily Edano did not say how far the zone both insist the new network can
Phillip R. Greaves II, of Pueblo, Co- man for Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial mean the radiation that has been spew- might be expanded or how many people co-exist with GPS systems. But
lo., pleaded no-contest to the charge. Safety Agency. They want to prevent hy- ing into the air and water from the plant might be affected. Tens of thousands device makers fear GPS signals
He was also ordered to continue men- drogen explosions that could spew radi- is getting worse. The effects of radiation have been living in shelters since the tsu- will suffer the way a radio station
tal health counseling. ation and damage the reactors. are determined by both the strength of nami, either because they lost their can get drowned out by a stron-
Greaves authored “The Pedophile’s The nitrogen pumping also has risks, the dose and the length of exposure, so homes or are in the evacuation zone or ger broadcast in a nearby chan-
Guide to Love and Pleasure: A Child- but the nuclear agency approved it as a the concern is that people farther away both. nel.
Lover’s Code of Conduct,” a book that
was sold on until last
year, when the company stopped sell-
ing the item after national outrage.

Ivory Coast leader’s home hit
The Associated Press and destroyed his arms depots on
Penmanship boy inspires ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — Heavy
arms fire rang out Wednesday near the
Monday. On Tuesday, his soldiers
were seen abandoning their posts
A 10-year-old boy who earned a spot home of the country’s strongman who across the city, some rushing inside a
in a national penmanship contest de- remained holed up in a subterranean church to tear off their uniforms and
spite being born without hands and bunker, as forces backing his rival as- dump their weapons before discreetly
lower arms is in a league of his own. saulted the residence to try to force exiting in civilian clothes.
Nicholas Maxim, a fifth-grader at him out, diplomats and witnesses A spokeswoman for Ouattara said
Readfield Elementary School who said. earlier on France-24 television that the
writes by holding a pencil between his Forces protecting Laurent Gbagbo forces would eventually succeed in
arms, impressed judges at a national appeared to rally Wednesday night, forcing out the leader who has refused
penmanship contest enough that they pushing back the armed group fight- to cede power after losing a November
created a new category for students ing to install democratically elected election.
with disabilities. Maxim received the president Alassane Ouattara. “At the current moment they have
first Nicholas Maxim Special Award for AP PHOTO Gbagbo has suffered debilitating not yet captured Gbagbo but it will
Excellent Penmanship this week at a Soldiers loyal to Alassane Ouattara wait at a checkpoint at one of the princi- losses in the past two days. United happen soon,” Affoussy Bamba said by
school assembly. pal entrances to Abidjan, Ivory Coast, on Wednesday. Nations Mi-24 helicopters attacked telephone from Abidjan.
Judges who sifted through 200,000
handwriting entries in the annual con-
test run by Columbus, Ohio-based Look in THE TIMES LEADER for today’s valuable inserts from these advertisers:
schoolbook publisher Zaner-Bloser said
the new category would inspire others.
Maxim, who said he likes writing
and illustrating comic strips, didn’t
know his paper had even been sub-
mitted to the contest, so Monday’s
school assembly in his honor came as a
Some inserts, at the advertisers’ request, only appear in selected neighborhoods. If you would like to receive an insert that you do not currently receive, please call the advertiser.


Former prisoners of war honored


Mock trial win was

close shave -- literally
They were recognized both for
their sacrifice and for fruitful
lives they led afterward.
As promised, coach shaves half of everyone,” said co-captain
Lina Bader, 18, of Mountain Top.
his beard when team makes
By MATT HUGHES Carlisle and the team’s captains a national competition. said they set winning the state
WILKES-BARRE – They tem- contest as their goal at the start of
porarily lost their freedom pro- the year, and the team spent six to
tecting ours, and Wednesday, By MATT HUGHES eight hours a week preparing for
their sacrifice was honored. trials. Attending last year’s na-
The Department of Veterans KINGSTON – In a few weeks, a tional contest, held in Philadel-
Affairs Medical Center on group of local students will stand phia, as spectators, and participa-
Wednesday paid respect to a before a judge and argue their ting in an elite invitational tour-
group of area veterans imprison- case in the trial of their lives. nament in New York City earlier
ed during foreign Don’t worry; it’s a good thing. in the school year also helped
wars during a For- The Wyoming Seminary mock ready them for the state bout, but
mer POW Recog- trial team will represent the state team members said that, as in a
nition Luncheon in the National High School real trial, there are elements you
at the Quality Inn Mock Trial Competition in Phoe- can’t anticipate.
To see Suites & Confer- nix, Ariz., May 4-8. “At every single trial,
video, visit ence Center. The team earned the something happened
www.times “For those of us chance to compete in that we didn’t expect,” who never en- the national tourna- co-captain Dustin Maga-
dured that ordeal, ment in March by win- ziner, 18, of Cherry Hill,
we can only con- S. JOHN WILKIN PHOTOS/THE TIMES LEADER ning, for the first time in N.J.
jure up mental images of what it Veteran Anthony Leptuck and his wife, Betty, arrive at the POW Recognition Luncheon at the Qual- school history, the Penn- A little added incen-
must have been like,” keynote ity Inn Suites & Conference Center on Wednesday afternoon. sylvania Bar Associ- tive didn’t hurt. Before
speaker Lt. Col. Robert L. Hem- ation’s Statewide High Adam Carlisle last year’s competition,
phill said, “but these guys lived enemy destroy what potential School Mock Trial Com- Before Carlisle told the stu-
through it. ... Whether they they had within them,” VA petition. dents he would shave his
were imprisoned for a few weeks Chaplain the Very Rev. Joseph “The immediate bushy black Grizzly
or a few years, there was no end Martin said in his invocation. thing was how sur- Adams beard if they
in sight.” Hemphill, a Vietnam War vet- prised they looked,” won. The team lost in
The lun- eran and author, teacher coach Adam the semi-finals that year,
cheon, attend- “For those of us who said the official Carlisle said. “Watching but he made good on his
ed by about 20 Ex-POW Recog- them the whole year, promise this time
former POWs never endured that or- nition Day is you could see in the around, allowing the
and their deal, we can only con- April 9, com- back of their minds they Adam Carlisle team to clip a commem-
guests, com- memorating the were wondering, ‘Can After orative lock after the
memorated jure up mental images April 9, 1942, we win?’ To see them contest.
not only the of what it must have surrender of Fil- win the whole thing was just awe- “It was a lot of fun,” Carlisle
pain they en- ipino and Allied some.” said. “My wife, in particular, is
dured for their
been like, but these forces to the Ja- In mock trial, teams are given happy about it.”
country, but guys lived through it ... panese at Ba- fictitious situations and asked to No matter how they fare how-
also the lives
the former
Whether they were im- taan in the Phi-
lippines. The Former prisoner of war Fred Searles salutes the flag at the POW
write and argue cases, applying ever, the students said they have
real-life statutes and case law. learned skills from mock trial, in-
prisoners built prisoned for a few more than Recognition Luncheon at the Quality Inn Suites & Conference Competitors typically present cluding confidence and the value
from the ashes weeks or a few years 75,000 soldiers, Center on Wednesday afternoon. and argue their cases before a real of teamwork.
of their war- including more judge and are evaluated by a jury “It’s a completely different
time experi- …” than 11,000 near starvation and several Henry Levandoski, of Duryea, of attorneys. form of public speaking,” said co-
ence. Lt. Col. Robert L. Hemphill Americans, tak- bouts of dysentery and malaria, spent more than a year as a pris- Three attorneys, parents of captain Renata O’Donnell, 17, of
“We salute keynote speaker en prisoner and witnessing atrocities. oner of the German army after team members, advise the squad, Wilkes-Barre. “I still don’t like
those here were forced to When he returned to America his Army Air Corps B-17 bomber but students write cases them- standing up and making announ-
who have trek about 61 weighing only 79 pounds, Shol- was shot down on March 4, selves. Eleven students will travel cements at assemblies, but I can
tasted the bitter drought of im- miles in what would become tis said, he went to the store and 1944. He said the event brought to Arizona for the national con- scream at people in a courtroom.
prisonment and the humiliation known as the Bataan Death bought a can of everything on back memories of both life as a test, but captains said all 20 team It builds your confidence in a lot
of capture; those who, in their March, an atrocity that by some the shelf, never wanting to go POW and the friends that sur- members will help craft the case of areas where you wouldn’t real-
continuing journeys, though estimates claimed the lives of hungry again. vived the ordeal with him, but they present. ly have the opportunity to build in
wounded by their experience, roughly two in seven. “It still hurts,” he said have since passed on. “It’s a huge creative effort on be- high school.”
have carved out for themselves Among the survivors was Ge- Wednesday, but added that he is “I made it through it; I lived,”
meaningful and productive lives, orge Sholtis, 93, of Dalton. Shol- happy that others remember the Levandoski said. “I feel sorry for
not allowing the trauma of im- tis spent 3½ years as a POW af- sacrifices he and other POWs the guys that didn’t, and they
prisonment at the hands of an ter the march, suffering through made. were quite a few.”

of our household budget. This
government freeze will be diffi-
cult to my family.”
“Obama needs to stand up for
Continued from Page 3A
what he believes,” said worker
the national news is happening Thomas Romanelli.
right here. Everyone knows “The Republicans are wrong,
someone who works here; a but they have the courage to
friend or neighbor,” Sibilo said. stand up for their beliefs.”
Donna Doman of Larksville “There are a lot of single par-
said, “I’m here to protect our jobs. ents here who live paycheck to
I want the public to be aware of paycheck,” added Doman. PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER
what we do for them. We’re hard- “I just want to tell our represen- Wyoming Seminary mock trial team captains, from left, are
working people. tatives in Washington not to do Dustin Magaziner, Renata O’Donnell, and Lina Bader.
AIMEE DILGER/THE TIMES LEADER We have bills to pay like every- this.”
Social Security workers picket Wednesday in Plains Township. one else. My income is 50 percent


garage in Avoca. O’Boyle was charged with four counts of accidents involving dam-
age to attended vehicle, three counts of accidents involving in- Thru July 31st
told police she was pregnant Call Early for Appointment & Prices
and taking methadone and pre- jury, and one count each of driving under the influence of a con-
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Continued from Page 3A trolled substance, driving with a suspended license, receiving
scription medications, the com- Offer Expires 7/31/11 • Regular Prices Effective 8/1/11
rocks onto 16 SUVs for sale in
the lot at Coccia Ford Lincoln
plaint says.
O’Boyle refused to submit to
stolen property and five traffic violations. She was jailed at the C.W. SCHULTZ
Luzerne County Correctional Facility for lack of $10,000 bail.
Mercury on East Main Street. a blood test at the hospital. & SON INC.
O’Boyle continued to the in-
tersection at Route 315 and
In unrelated cases, O’Boyle
pleaded guilty to accidents in- ship police said O’Boyle crashed Aug. 5, 2010, according to arrest 822-8158
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crashed into three vehicles stop- volving damage, driving with a into a vehicle on North River and court records.

ped for a red traffic signal, po- suspended license, receiving Street while she was talking on She is scheduled to be sen- PA001864
lice allege. stolen property and being a ha- a cell phone on March 18, 2010. tenced on May 27.

Police alleged the license bitual offender in Luzerne Pittston police charged A preliminary hearing on the
plate on O’Boyle’s vehicle was County Court on April 1. O’Boyle with driving a vehicle latest charges is scheduled on
stolen from a car at a repair In those separate cases, town- with a stolen license plate on April 12 before Malast.
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ESSEFF ❏ Msgr. John Esseff has been a

priest of the Diocese of Scranton
for more than 50 years, having

Continued from Page 1A spent most of his life ministering to

the poor. He worked closely with Australian Veterinarian Reveals...

How to Get Rid

boat, four homes and millions of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and
dollars – to create the Esseff served as director of Pope John
Foundation that helps the poor Paul’s Pontifical Mission in Beirut.
❏ George Esseff was working as a
chemist and metallurgist when he

of Your Dog’s
While in Lebanon, Monsignor pioneered and patented several
Grandfather’s influence John Esseff, left, and his broth- processes with titanium, changing
They credit their grandfather, er, George Esseff, pose with the course of his life. A successful
“a huckster” they called him, for Ellen Franco, author of ‘Broth- entrepreneur, George founded the
instilling in them their dedication ers & Fathers,’ which details Esseff Foundation to help the poor,

Aching Joints
to humanity. the brothers’ lives. homeless and sick. George has
been married for more than 50
The Esseffs took time recently years, and is a father, grandfather
to be interviewed via teleconfe- Tokyo to being locked in a Soviet and great grandfather — and his
rence. They talked about their jail.” brother’s closest collaborator.

in Just 7-Days!
lives. And they talked of Wilkes- John Esseff, 82, worked with ❏ Ellen Franco has spent more than
Barre – a “booming town back Mother Teresa of Calcutta, and 40 years teaching on the elemen-
then,” the monsignor said. George, 81, built a fortune by se- tary, high school and college levels.
A mother of five with 12 grand-
“Wilkes-Barre grounded us in curing patents for processing tita-
children, Ellen accompanied the
real living,” John Esseff said. nium. Esseff brothers in Pennsylvania,
He said George was born in “We are very similar,” Monsig-
Australian dog remedy gives new life
California and Lebanon as they
1929. nor Esseff said. “George married retraced the last 80 years, captur-
“I tell him he caused the stock and had children. The Church is ing their shared life story.
market crash,” John quipped.
Both said Wilkes-Barre helped
my spouse and my children, in a
spiritual sense, are all over the M E E T T H E E S S E F F S
to dogs plagued by joint discomfort!
mold their character.
The Esseff brothers appear to
Monsignor John Esseff and his
brother, George Esseff, will offer
Veterinarians and pet lovers rejoice!
have traveled different paths. Foundation at work
their recollections on growing up
According to the information George has joined his brother in Wilkes-Barre and how that
By Alyssa Hanwex
provided, George became a suc- in helping those in need. He es- experience shaped their lives. Health & Science Freelancer
cessful scientist, entrepreneur tablished the Esseff Foundation They will be joined by Ellen Franco,
and philanthropist with a wife, in 1979 in honor of his late grand- author of the book about the Melbourne: Heidi, a 8-year old
children and grandchildren; John father – also named George Es- Esseffs – “Brothers & Fathers.” Shepherd mix, was in bad shape.
became a priest whose life has seff. The event, hosted by Kathy She was dragging her hind legs
McLaughlin Coslett, is set for April when she walked. And every day it
been spent mostly with the poor. To fund the foundation, George 13, at 7 p.m. in the Burke Audi- seemed harder and harder for her to
But on their separate journeys, divested himself of most of his torium, McGowan Hall, on the get around. It was tough to watch…
the brothers remained inter- wealth. He did keep enough for campus of King’s College. Admis-
twined, and their lives – both him and his wife, Rosemary, to sion is free. Heidi was in such obvious discom-
rooted in faith – have been devot- live on, and he took care of his To reserve a seat, call 972-1133, or fort; the vet was convinced the dog’s
ed to helping those in need. children. visit days were numbered. But then a mir-
With the help of Ellen Franco, “My grandfather was a huck- acle happened.
the Esseffs have put their lives in ster who had a horse and wagon,” T H E F O U N D AT I O N Her owner read about DGP, an
book form. “Brothers & Fathers” George Esseff said. “He collected Australian joint discovery for dogs;
Esseff Foundation: It funnels
details the experiences of these rags, scrap and metal and he sold and decided to give it a try. The
resources and provides assistance
two men, from their beginnings vegetables in the summer. He was to house and feed the poor and to package arrived in just a few short
on Prospect Street and later a tremendous example to us.” provide medical care; hospital days, what happened next was
Moyallen Street. The Esseffs pub- According to the foundation’s equipment and pharmaceuticals; astonishing…
licly will discuss the book and website, the foundation is non-po- financial aid for students, uni-
versities, and religious organiza-

their lives April 13 at King’s Col- litical and dedicated to relieving
tions; and many other projects
lege. the sufferings of the poor, both
worldwide. In less than a week,
The brochure announcing here in the United States and
their appearance states: “Their around the world. George Esseff
Address: Esseff Foundation,
3801 Weatherly Circle
Heidi began moving
shared life story takes us from runs the foundation, and he said Westlake Village, CA 91361 freely, happily going “
John’s survival of a plane crash that upon his death, his son will Phone: (818) 889-5716
while working with the poor in take over. E-mail: George@Esseff-Founda- for walks and even
South America to the violence of The Esseffs, a Lebanese family,
chasing birds again!
Beirut, where he witnessed kid- remembered their grandfather’s PET OWNERS REJOICE!
napping and murder while serv- store where he sold produce. He would take him every Friday to
ing as the director of Pope John kept two jars – one for the family’s deliver groceries to people in “She’s got her old spirit back! I’m extremely Brandy: 7-year old St. Bernard
Paul’s mission there. Meanwhile, money and the other for the poor. need. grateful. DGP turned my dog’s life around!”
Before DGP: Joint discomfort: limp-
George was blazing trails in the ti- “Tuesdays were for the poor,” “At his funeral, many people If It Helps Million-Dollar Racehorses, ing, low energy.
tanium industry and building an the monsignor said. “Even if it came that we didn’t know,” Ge- Why Not Your Dog’s Aching Joints?
empire that stretched from the was the busiest day, Tuesday’s orge said. “They would tell us
The discovery of DGP began in After DGP: “In a very short time
U.S. to Japan to Europe, leading money went to the poor.” that if it weren’t for our grandfa- Melbourne, Australia; where a well known he stopped limping, was energetic
him from business meetings in George said his grandfather ther, they would have starved.” veterinarian, Dr. Kim McKellar, had an idea. and happy. Not only was he back
Since he had overwhelming success with a to his old self, he seemed more like
formula for racehorses with joint problems; his puppy-self… DGP has been a
he thought, why not dogs? miracle!”

We're Showing
And since so many dogs experience dan- Tess: 12-year old Pembroke Corgi
gerous side effects with conventional drugs,
McKellar knew he was on to something big. Before DGP: Severe discomfort;
He asked scientists and herbalists to tweak reduced mobility; stiff legs,

Off Mom In A
the racehorse joint formula and make it withdrawn from family,
suitable for dogs.
After DGP: “Tess moves more eas-
Dr. McKellar decided to test it on his own ily…she smiles now! Her eyes are

Whole New Light!

dog, Samson, a 13-year old black lab. The brighter…and spends more time
dog was in constant agony. He didn’t move close to family members. Her activ-
very much… and would let out a loud yelp ity level has increased and she just
every time he tried to get up off the floor.
seems up for more play.”
It was heartbreaking. So McKellar began
Run Mom's photo for Mother's Day with a new look, giving his first “patient”, Samson, the new Ben: 6-year old Golden Retriever
formula. It worked!
including bigger photos! Samson’s Joint
Before DGP: Difficulty getting up.
Spent most time lying down.
Problems Vanish!
After DGP: “Ben gets up with ease…
Within just a few days, Samson showed
stunning improvement. And in less than two
and puts weight on his back legs…
weeks McKellar said he was like “a young dog he even runs; he swoops around the
again!” Samson rejoined the family, started backyard and gallops up the steps. Ben
is much more playful, is smiling and
going on walks again, even bouncing and
wagging his tail!
Dr. McKellar was
ecstatic. Not only was he Special Opportunity
able to save his own dog, Test the Joint Health of Your Dog for Our Readers
but he could now help Take the Dog Symptom Quiz
millions of other dogs If your dog is suffer-
live life without joint Does your dog Yes No ing with joint problems,
problems too. you really need to order
1. Limp or appear stiff? DGP right now. That’s
This miracle joint pain why the distributor has
2. Move slower than normal?

formula, called DGP, is decided to give you an
a custom blend of na- 3. Weigh more than 35lbs? extra bottle of DGP (ask

Extra-large photo tive Australian herbs and operator for details on
other joint soothing ingre- 4. Have trouble getting up from the ground? how you can get a FREE
Basic photo
Mom gets a flower! dients. DGP helps keep
dog’s joints more flexible 5. Have trouble climbing stairs or
bottle with your order).
MS0446 307 A 04 10MAR11
IN And if you’re one of the
307 A
04 10
MS0446Mohegan Sun Arena
so they can move freely jumping into the car?
Sun ts
n Presen
Presen EY
first 100 callers who or-
All featured moms will receive a LIVE
SUNSUN again. 6. Spend the day quietly hidden away & ders our Best Offer, you
free Begonia from Ketler Florist WED MAY 11202011
Y 11
Rapid Joint Relief! withdrawn? can also receive 2 FREE
and Greenhouses, 1205 S. gifts.
“Keeping your dog’s
Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, as Mom could win tickets! joints pain free and flex-
7. Show a change in behavior (perhaps
grouchier)? The DGP Risk-Free
well as be entered to win luxury ible is the key” said Dr. Guarantee
box tickets to see Barney Live in Photos will publish in The Times Leader's McKellar. DGP can help 8. Tire easily? If for any reason you’re
Concert at Mohegan Sun Arena People section on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 8, relieve the bone-on-
9. Have a history of injury? not absolutely thrilled
on Wednesday, May 11. 2011. Send your photo to arrive by April 28th. bone scraping that can with DGP, or if your dog
make your dog miser- 10. Have bones that snap, crack or pop isn’t more active, more
able. Nearly everyone when walking? flexible and happy as a
Drop off or return this completed form with your photo and payment to: The Times Leader, Mother's Day Photos, 15 N. who’s tried it agrees. puppy... simply return it
Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope to have your photo returned or pick it up 11. Appear restless or have trouble
at our office after May 10th. On the back of the photo, please print your mother's name, the names of everyone in the In about 7-days, dog within 90 days. You’ll be
photo as they appear from left to right and your mailing address. All entries must include phone number. owners report seeing a refunded the full product
significant increase in 12. Whine or cry out if touched or cost. No risk, no hassles,
Name ________________________________________________Phone ______________________________ no questions asked. (But
their dog’s happiness, massaged?
Address ______________________________________________________________________________ playfulness and en- you can keep the free gifts
City _________________________________________________State ______ Zip ________________ ergy levels. Even more If you answered YES to any one of for yourself).
impressive... your dog these questions, DGP can help! IMPORTANT: You must
❏ YES! I want the $25 photo. ❏ YES! I want the $35 photo. may be running, jump- call within the next 10
I’ve enclosed my check for: $______ NUMBER ing, and doing things it days to take advantage of
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PETER F. WONSAVAGE, 71, of Zita Teckla Kaminski Diane W. Bell Laura M. Kosloski
North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre,
died Sunday, April 3, 2011, at Hos- April 6, 2011 April 5, 2011 April 5, 2011
pice Care of VNA, Heritage House,
Wilkes-Barre. Born in Plains
Township, he was a son of the late Z itastonTeckla Kaminski, 82, of King-
Township, died Wednes- D iane W. Bell, 58, a resident of
Pittston, died Tuesday, April 5, L aura M. Kosloski, of Kingston,
died Tuesday, April 5, 2011, in
day, April 6, 2011, at her home on 2011, in Geisinger Wyoming Valley Hospice Care of VNA, Heritage
Peter and Mamie Roskey Wonsav-
Bunker Hill in Kingston Township. Medical Center, Plains Township, House, Wilkes-Barre.
age. Peter was a graduate of Sacred
Born in Luzerne on August 3, 1928, after a long and courageous battle She was born in Pringle, a daugh-
Heart High School and served in
Zita was a daughter of Andrew and with cancer. ter of the late Anthony and Laura Kal-
the U.S. Army. Surviving are his
Della Novak of Luzerne. Mrs. Bell was born in Albany, ish Kearney. She was self employed
aunt; sister, Denise; cousins, Betty
Chupka, Ceil Laskowski, Barbara She graduated from Luzerne N.Y., a daughter of the late Paul and as a hairdresser, operating Laura’s
Evans, and Rosalie Rudolph; and High School in 1947 and married Ruth Steinmetz Pickett and was a Beauty Shop from her home address
friend Mary Ann Kudey. Theodore (Ted) Kaminski on May graduate of Albany High School. for many years. She was a former
Funeral Services will be held 6, 1950. She and Ted lived on Penn She received an academic scholar- member of the Wilkes-Barre Polka
at 9:30 a.m. Friday from the Yeo- Street in Kingston until the flood of ship to the Fashion Institute of Pals. She was a member of the former
sock Funeral Home, 40 S. Main St., 1972, after which the family moved Technology, New York City, N.Y., St. Hedwig’s Church, and currently a
Plains Township, with a Mass of and graduated with honors in 1974. member of St. Ignatius Church, King-
to Atherholt Drive in Kingston
Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in Ss. She had worked in the New York ston.
Township. She was a parishioner at
Peter & Paul Church, Plains Town- City area in textile design. Most re- Laura was preceded in death by
St. Hedwig’s Church in Kingston for Pa., and his wife, Beth, of Hunlock Diane was also the proud aunt of
ship. Friends may call from 8:30 to cently, she was employed by the her husband, Adam; brothers, Frank,
many years and later became a Creek, and their children, Kyle, Ka- Robert, John, Susie, Dana, Ian,
9:30 a.m. Friday. Memorial dona- Bank of America in the trade servic- Ted, Walter, and Edward Kearney;
member of the Polish National tie, Casey, and Carrie; as well as Scott, Kyle, Steven, Todd, Lisa and
tions may be made to Ss. Peter & es department. and sisters, Sophie Correia and
Church in Edwardsville. She daughter Kristen Kaminski and her Chad.
Paul Church, 13 Hudson Road, She was a member of St. Peter’s Mildred Supulski.
worked at the Sea Isle Dress Factory husband, John Englehart, of Eu- We would like Diane to be re-
Plains Township. Lutheran Church, Hughestown. She is survived by her son, Robert
in Wilkes-Barre and the Lori Char- gene, Ore., and son, Steven Kamin- membered for her bold personality,
In addition to her parents, Diane Kosloski, Luzerne; grandson, Paul
les Dress Factory in Luzerne. ski, and his wife, Annet, of Trucks- her independence, her love for her
was preceded in death by her cher- Kosloski, Luzerne; and nieces and ne-
MICHELINA M. SMITH, 63, of Zita was preceded in death by her ville, and their children Melissa, friends and more than anything
ished grandson, Logan Daniel Sand- phews.
George Avenue, Parsons section of husband, Theodore; her sister, Elea- Madison, and Makenna. else, her courage and love for her Funeral will be at 9:30 a.m. Friday
Wilkes-Barre, died Tuesday, April nor (Novak) Gnatt of Edison, N.J.; ers.
Zita was a woman of faith and Surviving are her loving husband family. from the Kopicki Funeral Home, 263
5, 2011, at the Wilkes-Barre Gener- and her sister-in-law, Dolores (Ka- lived her life with strength, love, hu- Funeral will be held at 11 a.m. Zerbey Ave., Kingston, with Mass of
al Hospital. minski) Rozanski of Hunlock of 25 years, James Bell, at home; her
mility and courage. She was a loving beloved sons, Brett Lochner and his Saturday from the H. Merritt Christian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Igna-
Funeral arrangements are Creek. mother and grandmother and her Hughes Funeral Home Inc., 211 Lu- tius Church. Friends may call from
pending from the Yeosock Funeral She is survived by her daughter wife, Jennifer, Glens Falls, N.Y.;
indomitable spirit and lively sense James Bell IV and Zachary Aaron zerne Ave., West Pittston, with Vic- 8:30 a.m. until time of service Friday
Home, 40 S. Main St., Plains Town- Patricia Kennedy and husband Jo- of humor will be greatly missed by ar John Haldeman officiating. Inter- at the funeral home. Interment will
ship. seph, of Hackettstown, N.J., and Bell, both at home; her devoted sis-
her family and friends. ters, Mrs. Carol Crisalli and her hus- ment will be private and at the con- be in the St. Hedwig’s Cemetery,
their children, Matthew and An- The funeral will be held at 10 Larksville.
band, John, East Meadow, Long Is- venience of the family. Friends may
JOSEPH J. PETERSON, 68, of drew; daughter Ruth Kaminski and
a.m. Saturday from the Kopicki Fu- land, N.Y., and Mrs. Linda Clemmer call from 5 to 9 p.m. Friday and prior
Cold Spring, N.Y., died Wednes- her husband, John Garrett, of Eu-
neral Home, 263 Zerbey Ave., King- and her husband, Jay, Berne, N.Y. to the funeral service on Saturday.
day, March 2, 2011, at his resi- gene, Ore., and their children, Thea
ston. Interment will be at Mt. Olivet
dence. Born in Scranton on De-
cember 30, 1942, he was a son of
and Sean; daughter Nancy Kamin-
ski of Dallas and her son, Michael
Cemetery in Carverton. Friends
may call at the Kopicki Funeral
the late Henry and Helen Peterson. Masalski; son Ted Kaminski and his
He was a retired production super- Home from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday. BUFALINO – Margaret, funeral 9
visor with CBS Television in Man-
daughter, Danielle, of Lock Haven,
Robert M. ‘Butch’ Malenovitch a.m. Saturday from Graziano
hattan, N.Y., and an area resident Funeral Home, Inc., Pittston Town-
since 1995. Surviving are two April 6, 2011 ship. Mass of Christian Burial 9:30
daughters, Tamara Peterson of a.m. at St. Rocco’s R.C. Church.
Newburgh, N.Y., and Melanie Phil-
lips of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio; one
Mark William Gabel R obert M. “Butch” Malenovitch,
81, of Wilkes-Barre, passed away
Calling hours at the funeral home
5 to 8 p.m. Friday.
grandchild; sister, Ann Zablocki, April 3, 2011 Wednesday, April 6, 2011, in the De- FLEMING – Atty. Robert Lewis,
and her husband, Bernie; and ne- partment of Veterans Affairs Medi- calling hours 2 to 4 p.m. Friday at
phew, Michael Zablocki.
Private cremation took place
at Ferncliff Crematory in Harts-
M ark William Gabel, 43, of Lake
Silkworth, passed away Sun-
cal Center, Plains Township, follow-
ing an illness.
the Richard H. Disque Funeral
Home, Dallas. The funeral will
dale, N.Y. A memorial service to day, April 3, 2011. Mr. Gabel was Born in Plains Township on Octo- immediately follow at the funeral
celebrate Joseph’s life will be at 11 born October 12, 1967, in Wilkes- ber 5, 1929, he was a son of the late home
a.m. May 7 at the Chapel of Our La- Barre, and was the only son of Ted J. Gustin and Pauline Falchek Maleno- GRASSO – Helen, funeral 10 a.m.
dy, Cold Springs. Arrangements and Edith DeWeese Gabel of Lake vitch. He was a graduate of Plains today from the S.J. Grontkowski
are by The Clinton Funeral Home, Silkworth. Memorial High School, class of Funeral Home, 530 W. Main St.,
Cold Springs. Memorial donations Mark was a 1985 graduate of 1947, and was a decorated U.S. Ar- Plymouth. Mass of Christian Burial
may be made to The Back Moun- Lake-Lehman High School. He fur- my veteran of the Korean War. 10:30 a.m. in All Saints Parish,
tain Memorial Library, 96 Hunts- thered his education by attending Butch worked as a machine oper- Plymouth.
ville Road, Dallas, PA 18612. Penn State’s Pennsylvania College IDE – Anna Mae, funeral 3 p.m. today
ator for International Harvester,
from the Richard H. Disque Funeral
of Technology in Williamsport, Pa., New Jersey; Atlas Chain and Cable, “Whitey” and his wife, Alison, at Home Inc., 672 Memorial Highway,
HELEN (STADNIK) KONICKI, earning a degree in automotive me- West Pittston; and had retired from home; daughter Susan Kalnoskas Dallas. Friends may call 1 p.m. until
of Pittston Township, passed away chanics in 1987. He also received an King’s College, where he had time of service.
and her husband, Patrick, Alachua,
Tuesday, April 5, 2011, at the Mer- Occupational Competency Teach- worked in the maintenance depart- KILLINO – Benjamin, funeral Friday
Fla.; six grandchildren; a brother,
cy Hospice, Scranton. She was ing Certificate through Temple Uni- Jennifer Gabel of Nashville, Tenn.; ment. at 9:30 a.m. from the Victor M.
Donald, Pittston; and sisters, Barba-
born April 18, 1924, in Dupont. versity in 2005. as well as his uncle and aunt, Wil- He was a member of the former Ferri Funeral Home, 522 Fallon St.,
ra Vogel and husband Henry, Roch-
Services are pending from the Mark was a loyal and dedicated liam and Lorena DeWeese of Long St. Joseph Church, Hudson, and a Old Forge. Mass of Christian Burial
ester, N.Y.; Janet Phillips, Plains
Graziano Funeral Home Inc., Pitt- employee of Rider’s World in Pond. current member of Ss. Peter & Paul at 10 a.m. in St. Mary of the As-
Township; and Mary Barber and her
ston Township. Wilkes-Barre for the last 10 years as A memorial service will be held Church, Plains Township. Butch sumption Church at Prince of
husband, John, from Dallas.
the Service Manager. He was also an at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Cross Creek loved to fish, hunt, play darts and Peace Parish, West Grace and
Mr. Malenovitch’s funeral
avid motocross rider, competing in Community Church, 370 Carverton shoot pool. He was an avid baseball Lawrence streets, Old Forge.
ROBIN NESBITT JONES, 39, of will be conducted at 9 a.m. Friends may call 5 to 8 p.m. today.
amateur races at Evansville Moto- Road, Trucksville, with Pastor Da- fan and had formerly played on the
New Hancock Street, Wilkes- Saturday from the Mark V. Yanaitis KLIMEK – Joseph, funeral 9 a.m.
cross Park in Berwick, Pa., until the vid Martin officiating. Bristol Meyers Fast-Pitch Softball
Barre, died Tuesday, April 5, 2011, Funeral Home, 55 Stark St., Plains Friday from the Kizis-Lokuta Funer-
time of his death. Over the years, he In lieu of flowers, the family re- Team, Linden, N.J.
at her home. Born September 14, He was preceded in death by his Township. A Mass of Christian Buri- al Home, 134 Church St., Pittston.
had several first place finishes at quests that memorial donations be
1971, in Wilkes-Barre, she was a al will be at 9:30 a.m. in Ss. Peter & Mass of Christian Burial at 9:30
Evansville Park as well as at other made to the Back Mountain Youth beloved wife of 54 years, the former
daughter of Joan and the late Paul Church, Plains Township. In- a.m. at St. John the Evangelist
James Nesbitt. Robin was a gradu- local tracks. Football and Cheerleading Associ- Elizabeth (Betty) Markowski, who
He was preceded in death by his passed away August 8, 2007. terment will follow in Mount Olivet Church, William Street, Pittston.
ate of Coughlin High School. Sur- ation, PO Box 269, Dallas, PA 18612; Friends may call 4 to 8 p.m. today
paternal grandmother, Severa A. Butch is survived by sons, Mi- Cemetery, Carverton. Friends may
viving, in addition to her mother, or The Gabel Children Fund, which at the funeral home.
Mociun Gabel. chael R., Plains Township; Law- call at the funeral home from 5 to 8
are her husband, Christopher; has been set up for Mark’s minor NOVAK - Ruthann, viewing services
daughter, Amber Rose; and moth- Surviving, in addition to his par- rence P., at home; and Matthew M. p.m. Friday.
children through the Wachovia 6 to 8 p.m. today at the Jendr-
er and father-in-law, Janet and ents, are his wife, the former Koren Wells Fargo Bank, 30 Memorial zejewski Funeral Home, 21 N.
Frank Jones of Wilkes-Barre. A. Strickland; he was a loving father Highway, Dallas, PA 18612. Meade St., Wilkes-Barre.
Celebration of Robin’s Life to his children, Zachary Thomas Arrangements are by the Curtis O’CONNOR – Kimberly, memorial
will be held at 7 p.m. Friday at and Victoria Grace, all at home; sis- L. Swanson Funeral Home Inc., cor- service 3 p.m. Saturday in the
McLaughlin’s Family Funeral Ser-
vice, 142 S. Washington St.,
ters, Lynn Bice and her husband, ner of routes 29 and 118, Pikes Charles Ronald Joan C. Gwynn Jennings-Calvey Funeral and
Wilkes-Barre. Visitation will be
Michael, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Creek.
Hubbard April 4, 2011 Cremation Services Inc., 111 Colburn
Ave., Clarks Summit. The family
held at McLaughlin’s from 6 to 7 Joan C.
p.m. Friday. Permanent messages April 4, 2011 will receive relatives and friends
Gwynn, 65, Saturday 1 p.m. until time of ser-
and memories can be shared with Charles Ro- of City
Robin’s family at www.celebrate-
Kimberly Lynn O’Connor nald Hubbard, Heights
PHILBIN – Susan, funeral 9:30 a.m.
62, of Tecum- Apartments, Friday from Kiesinger Funeral
March 24, 2011 seh, Mich., Wilkes-Barre, Services Inc., 255 McAlpine St.,
ARTHUR G. “ART” CRAGLE, passed away passed away Duryea. Mass of Christian Burial at
of Dorrance Township, passed Kimberly boundaries. She had an enormous suddenly Mon- Monday, 10 a.m. at St. Mary’s Church Avoca.
away unexpectedly Sunday, April Lynn (Bush) heart and her decision to give the gift day, April 4, April 4, 2011, Friends may call 4 to 8 p.m. today.
3, 2011, at the Hershey Medical O’Connor, 49, of life to those in need is living proof 2011, at Mont- at Little Flower Manor, Wilkes- PINENO – Jennie, funeral 9 a.m.
Center. Born in Nanticoke on July of Lincroft, of her tenderness and compassion. Barre. today from the Anthony Recupero
gomery General Hospital in Olney,
18, 1952, he was a son of the late N.J., and for- Through the New Jersey Sharing She was born February 17, Funeral Home, 406 Susquehanna
Md. 1946, in Wilkes-Barre, a daugh-
George and Ruth Cragle of Slocum merly of Clarks Network, Kim has given life to others Born May 5, 1948, in Washing- Ave., West Pittston. Mass of Chris-
Township. He attended Crest- Summit, died and many fortunate lives have been ter of the late Lee and Marga- tian Burial at 9:30 a.m. today in St.
ton, D.C., he lived much of his life ret Sickler Andrews. Joan at-
wood High School and was the suddenly blessed through her ultimate com- Anthony of Padua Church, Exeter.
owner of Art Cragle Trucking. Art in Pennsylvania while working for tended GAR Memorial High
Thursday, mitment to the organ donor program. REHN – William, funeral 10 a.m. today
also worked for PennDOT plowing Keebler Co. He is survived by his School. She was a member of from Kniffen O’Malley Funeral
March 24, at Jersey Shore Univer- Kimberly is survived by her hus-
snow. He enjoyed hunting, work- four children, Jenny Knutsson St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church Home Inc., 465 S. Main St., Wilkes-
sity Medical Center in Neptune, band, Mark F. O’Connor, and her in Wilkes-Barre.
ing in the woods, going to the casi- (Jim), Winnipeg, Canada; Ronald Barre.
N.J. three children, Brittany Anne O’Con- Joan was preceded in death
no and his dogs, Chancy, Roxy and Hubbard, Ypsilanti, Mich.; Wendy ROGOWSKI – Linda, funeral 8 p.m.
She is survived by her husband nor, Clarks Summit, a student at The by a brother, Lee Andrews; and
Beagly. Surviving are his wife, the Hubbard, Plains Township; and today from Nat & Gawlas Funeral
of 24 years, Mark F. O’Connor. University of Scranton; Sean Des- a sister, Wilma Fairchild.
former Darleen Thomas Cragle, at George Hubbard (Jen), Tecumseh, Home, 89 Park Ave., Wilkes-Barre.
Born September 11, 1961, in An- mond O’Connor, Troy, N.Y., a student Surviving are children,
home; a son, Matthew Cragle, out Mich. Friends may call 6 to 8 p.m. today
of town; step-sons, Adam and napolis, Md., she was the daughter at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Wayne Gwynn, Wilkes-Barre;
He was a devoted and proud before the service.
Scott Makarewicz, at home; his Roberta L. Bush, Clarks Summit, Emily Brooke O’Connor, Lincroft, Rhonda Shimko, Wilkes-Barre;
grandfather of eight grandchil- SROMOSKI – Mary Ann, Mass of
brother, Luther Cragle, Slocum; and the late Dr. Richard D. Bush. N.J., a student at Thompson Middle Barbara Derhammer and her Christian Burial 9:30 a.m. Friday in
dren. Also surviving are his two husband, Richard, Tomah,
and many aunts and cousins. Kim was a 1979 graduate of Abing- School; mother, Roberta L. Bush, St. Leo’s/ Holy Rosary Church,
ton Heights, Clarks Summit, and Clarks Summit; sisters, Dorothy K. sisters, Cherry Edlen, Pensacola, Wis.; and David Gwynn,
Private services were held at Manhattan Street, Ashley. There
1984 graduate Wilkes University, Keene and husband Terry, Mechan- Fla., and Cindy McFall, Brooke- Wilkes-Barre; eight grandchil-
the convenience of the family and are no public calling hours.
were under the direction of the Wilkes-Barre. Kim resided in Lin- icsburg; Donna S. Wyatt and husband ville, Md.; and one brother, Ed- dren; one great-granddaughter;
WALSH – Marion, funeral 9:15 a.m.
McCune Funeral Service Inc., croft, N.J., for the past 24 years. Gordon, Atlanta; and Jacqueline R. ward Hubbard, Sykesville, Md. sister, Renee Modzelewski,
Friday from the Anthony Recupero
Mountain Top. Kim was a proud wife, loving Bush Holcomb and husband Frank, Charles (“Chuck,” “The Fudge,” Wilkes-Barre; brothers, Ri-
Funeral Home, 406 Susquehanna
“Elf,” “Charlie the Charmer”) tou- chard Andrews, Kingston; Ro-
mother and homemaker. She was a Clarks Summit; numerous nieces, ne- Ave., West Pittston. Mass of Chris-
ched many lives and will be greatly nald Andrews, Wilkes-Barre;
OBITUARY POLICY vibrant woman who always put her phews, aunts, uncles and cousins;
David Andrews, Wilkes-Barre;
tian Burial at 10 a.m. in St. Maria
family and friends first. Kim was and her lifelong best friend, Karen missed. Goretti Church. Friends may call 4
The Times Leader publish- Francis Andrews, Nuangola;
an accomplished teacher, flight at- (K.K.) McIlhenny Cummins. Memorial services will be held to 8 p.m. today at the funeral
es free obituaries, which and Merle Andrews, Wilkes-
tendant and published writer. A memorial service will be held at at 2 p.m. Sunday from the Donald home. The St. Maria Goretti Be-
have a 27-line limit, and paid Barre; as well as nieces and
Her children were her proudest 3 p.m. Saturday in the Jennings-Cal- B. Thompson Funeral Home, 31 E reavement Group will recite the
obituaries, which can run nephews.
achievements. Her life was fo- vey Funeral and Cremation Services Main St., Middletown, Md. The Private Funeral Services Rosary Friday at 9:30 a.m. at the
with a photograph. A funeral
cused on her children, and she told Inc., 111 Colburn Ave., Clarks Sum- Rev. Gary Scarborough, pastor of will be held at the convenience church.
home representative can call
everyone she encountered how mit, with services by the Rev. Judy Ashton Baptist church, will offici- of the family from the Nat & YACKOSKI – Ann, Requiem Service
the obituary desk at (570) 10:30 a.m. today in Holy Resurrec-
829-7224, send a fax to (570) proud she was of her family. Kim Wanck, pastor Clarks Summit United ate. Inurnment will be made in Gawlas Funeral Home, 89 Park
Christ Reformed UCC Cemetery. Ave., Wilkes-Barre, with the tion Orthodox Cathedral, 591 N.
829-5537 or e-mail to tlo- never missed an event that in- Methodist Church. The family will
In lieu of flowers, memorial con- Rev. Daniel C. Gunn, Rector of Main St., Wilkes-Barre. There will If you volved her children, and she most receive relatives and friends Satur-
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church be no calling hours.
fax or e-mail, please call to enjoyed time with her family and day from 1 p.m. until time of service. tributions may be made to Ashton
friends at the beach and family The family requests in lieu of flow- Baptist Church, 17826 New Hamp- in Wilkes-Barre, officiating.
confirm. Obituaries must be More Obituaries, Page 2A
gatherings. ers, donations be made to the Mi- shire Ave., Ashton, MD 20861. There will be no calling hours.
submitted by 9 p.m. Sunday
Online guestbook is available at Online condolences may be
through Thursday and 7:30 Kim was the sparkle at family chael J. Fox Foundation for Parkin-
p.m. Friday and Saturday. events and would create enjoy- son’s Research, Church Street Sta- www.DBThompsonfuneralhome- sent to www.natandgawlasfu-
G en etti’s
Obituaries must be sent by a ment and laughter for everyone. tion, P.O. Box 780, New York, NY
Everyone who knew Kim was tou- 10008-0780; or the Alzheimer’s Asso-
.com. A fterFu nera lLu ncheons
funeral home or crematory,
Sta rting a t$7.95 p erp erson
or must name who is hand-
ling arrangements, with
ched by her vibrant spirit because ciation, 125 Half Mile Rd., Ste. 200,
she always had a smile on her face. Red Bank, NJ 07701; or 57 N. Franklin B A&G B E
H otelBerea vem entR a tes
address and phone number. She had a strong faith and was de- St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701.
We discourage handwritten
notices; they incur a $15
voted to God, and she always For more information or direc-
found ways to do good for others tions or to send an online condo-
typing fee. around her.
Kim’s generosity knew no .com.
lence, visit www.jenningscalvey-
8 2 9 -5 9 2 3 • 6 7 5 -3 0 0 4 825.6477


Pa. House GOP wants more natural gas buses, trucks Teen in Pa.
The plan use state money to House Republican lawmakers. "We can’t just drive our buses going for the equivalent of $1.39 gy Corp., an Oklahoma City-
encourage conversion of
public and private fleets.
"We must not only extract the gas over to a truck stop to fuel up on
here in Pennsylvania, we must diesel there."
per gallon at a fueling station in
Oklahoma last week, said David J.
based company that is one of the
largest players in the Marcellus death gets
41⁄2 years
use the gas here in Pennsylvania." Compressed natural gas was Spigelmyer of Chesapeake Ener- Shale.
The package is similar to one
introduced by House Republicans
Associated Press
in the last two-year legislative ses-
sion. However, those bills didn’t OLD MAN WINTER’S STILL AROUND The Associated Press
HARRISBURG — With the gain traction in the then-Demo- WILKES-BARRE —
state House of Representatives
now under GOP control, Repub-
cratic-controlled chamber amid a
debate over whether to impose a J amie
walks to a
A Shenandoah teenager
who testified against
lican lawmakers said Wednesday new tax on Pennsylvania’s boom- two others convicted of
they are renewing their push for a ing natural gas industry. friend’s federal charges in the
package of bills designed to take House Majority Whip Stan Say- house fatal beating of an ille-
advantage of Pennsylvania’s lor, R-York, said he hopes to get through a gal immigrant will
booming natural gas drilling in- floor votes on the bills later this spend 41⁄2 years in pris-
dustry by getting more natural- year, perhaps in the fall after the
steady on.
gas powered buses and trucks on- Legislature is finished with bud- snowfall Nineteen-year-old Co-
to the state’s roads. get negotiations. Wednesday lin Walsh was ordered
The plan would move $47.5 As an example for natural gas- in Corry, Wednesday to report to
million in state money into tax powered vehicles, Saylor and oth- Pa., in Erie federal prison on May 6.
credits, grants and loans aimed at ers pointed to the Centre Area County. Outside the Max Ro-
encouraging transit au- Transportation Authority in Winter senn Federal Cour-
thorities, school districts, State College. The author- thouse, Walsh told the
weather has
local governments and ity’s 61 fixed-route buses all Pottsville Republican
private businesses to con- run on compressed natural been slow and Herald he would
vert their fleets to natural gas, according to the author- to loosen its become “a better per-
gas-powered vehicles. It ity’s 2009-10 fiscal year re- grip on the son.”
also would eventually re- port. state’s Walsh pleaded guilty
quire transit authorities in CATA’s general manager, northwest to a civil rights viola-
Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and Al- Hugh Mose, said Wednesday that corner. Rain tion in the 2008 beating
lentown to buy strictly natural- he believes the authority has death 25-year-old Luis
and snow
gas powered vehicles by the year saved money since 1996, when it Ramirez in Shenan-
2027 and provide tax credits to began shifting its fleet to natural fell on the doah.
encourage the construction of gas, while getting the satisfaction area He also testified
natural gas fueling stations along of improving air quality. Natural- Wednesday against two other teens
most of Pennsylvania’s interstate gas powered buses are not as pep- and winter at a pair of trials.
highways. py as buses that use diesel and weather Brandon Piekarsky
Supporters say using more of they are more complicated me- advisory and Derrick Donchak
the homegrown gas from the Mar- chanically, which may frighten off was in ef- were acquitted of the
cellus Shale formation will mean other transit agencies, Mose said. most serious state
fuel savings, cleaner air and free- CATA’s natural-gas fueling sta-
fect charges against them by
dom from Middle East oil. tion is the only one in the area, through an all-white jury before
"If we are going to make the and Mose said he worries about early today. being convicted of civil
most of Marcellus Shale, we have something happening to the sta- rights violations in a
to look beyond drilling," said Lt. tion or a disruption in natural gas federal trial.
Gov. Jim Cawley, who spoke at a supply. Both were sentenced
Capitol news conference with "It’s not like diesel," he said. AP PHOTO to nine years in prison.

Pennsylvania decides to seek high-speed rail funding originally bound for Florida
Money sought to speed up the celed a high-speed rail project train would drop to 70 minutes for more than $3 billion in fed- magnetic levitation train line yet to be done — and $750,000
that had won $2.4 billion in from 90 minutes, and travel eral high-speed rail money, in- between Pittsburgh Interna- from the federal government to
travel of passenger trains
federal aid. time on the regular trains cluding $490 million for the tional Airport and downtown help study the feasibility of ex-
between Harrisburg and Philly. The deadline to apply was would drop to 85 minutes from Keystone Corridor East, $400 Pittsburgh. panding Amtrak’s intercity
Monday. 105 minutes, Waters said. million to restore passenger It won nearly $26 million to passenger rail service between
Two dozen states, plus Wash- A record 1.27 million passen- rail service between Scranton remove three vehicle-crossing Harrisburg and Pittsburgh,
By MARC LEVY ington, D.C., and Amtrak, have gers used the Keystone Corri- and Hoboken, N.J., and $2.3 points on the Keystone Corri- called the Keystone Corridor
Associated Press asked for a piece of it. dor East service during the billion to design and build a dor East stretch — that work is West.
HARRISBURG — Florida’s PennDOT wants to use $248 2009-10 fiscal year, Waters
loss could be Pennsylvania’s million of that money to cut said.
gain. travel times by 20 minutes on President Barack Obama
The Pennsylvania Depart- Amtrak’s Keystone Corridor wants to create a national net-
ment of Transportation is seek-
ing more federal money origi-
East service, between Philadel-
phia and Harrisburg, by up-
work of high-speed trains in an
effort to make fast trains acces-
nally set aside for Florida so
that it can speed up the travel
grading five switches, or inter-
connections, that were made
sible to 80 percent of Ameri-
cans within 25 years. $1,200,000 JURY VERDICT IN
of passenger trains between
Harrisburg and Philadelphia,
agency spokeswoman Erin Wa-
for slower trains, Waters said.
That would raise the top
speed of the line to 125 miles
However, Pennsylvania’s re-
cord of winning large sums of
money for high-speed rail from
ters said Wednesday. per hour, up from 110 miles per the Obama administration isn’t A Lackawanna County jury has awarded $1,200,000
The money became available hour currently. very good. to the family of a man who, while being treated for
when Florida’s governor can- Travel time on the express In 2009, PennDOT applied alcoholism, left the Marworth Treatment Center and
was later found dead in the woods near the facility1.

Are You Receiving the Service You Deserve? The case was tried by Attorney Joseph P. Lenahan of
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Butler Eyecare 34 S. Main St., Wilkes-Barre During the course of the almost 3 week trial, numerous expert witnesses, including a

822-8727 Marworth witness brought in from Harvard University testified. Lenahan said he has
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The jury was obviously deeply committed to their duty and my client's family and I cannot

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Attorney Lenahan said he is pleased with the $1,200,000 verdict, "My client was never

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ers assume that the products are National Conference of State Leg- green leaves. Many of the packag-

safe because they are available in islatures compiled for the AP. es are displayed behind the coun-
stores, even though they are typ- Most others, including Pennsylva- ter as a safeguard against shoplift-
ically labeled “not for human con- nia, have legislation pending. ing.
sumption.” At least nine states have banned Contrary to DEA claims that
Continued from Page 1A
“These products are in an un- substances found in bath salts, the product is most popular
“Many of the users describe ex- regulated, unlicensed industry,” and 25, again including Pennsyl- among teens and college-age cus-
treme paranoia,” said Dr. Mark Boggs said. “No one knows the vania, have laws in the works. tomers, co-owner Kathy Fiedler
Ryan, director of the Louisiana strength of the ingredients. You Lawmakers know they’re fight- said two-thirds of her buyers are
Poison Center. “The recurring don’t know what you’re taking.” ing an uphill battle. middle-aged.
theme is monsters, demons and In addition to the DEA’s recent- “These chemists are pretty so- “I even have grandmothers
aliens. A lot of them had suicidal ly adopted ban, a federal law al- phisticated and creative and are coming in,” said Fiedler, 56.
thoughts.” lows for prosecution of “ana- going to stay one step ahead of us, If Iowa lawmakers adopt a ban,
The chemicals are suspected in logue” drugs that mimic the ef- I’m afraid,” said Kentucky state she said, they risk opening the
at least nine U.S. deaths since last fects of illegal substances. Rep. John Tilley, a Democrat who door to shady backroom chemists
year, including that of Mike Roz- But authorities acknowledge sponsored his state’s ban on drug- crafting far more dangerous
ga’s 18-year-old son, David, an ath- the challenge of stopping the infused bath salts. things.
lete and band standout from Indi- drugs’ spread. DEA experts are Some head shop owners see all Reports of misuse are wide-
anola. evaluating as many as 50 new syn- the alarm as an overreaction. spread.
The young man got high last thetics. In Des Moines, Iowa, near In Kentucky, authorities say a
June on a marijuana look-alike “The possibilities are endless,” Drake University, the Day Dreams young woman driving on a high-
product called “K2” and com- Boggs said. “There’s probably shop has found the synthetic mari- way after using bath salts became
plained to a friend “that he felt like hundreds of formulations out juana “Spice” to be a proven mon- convinced her 2-year-old was a de-
he was in hell,” his father said. there.” ey-maker. Along with incense, hip- mon. She allegedly stopped the AP FILE PHOTO
Though the teen had never suf- At least 20 states have banned pie clothing and drug parapherna- car and dropped the child on his Containers of bath salts, a synthetic cocaine, sit on a counter at
fered from depression, he went chemicals found in fake marijua- lia, the store has sold thousands of head. He survived and was taken Hemp’s Above in Mechanicsburg, Pa.
home, found a shotgun and killed na, according to a report from the packets of the crumbly, brownish- from his mother’s custody.

Seniors – Do You
“These kids weren’t looking for
anything bad to happen,” Mike
Feel Off
Rozga said. “The truth is they
didn’t know what they had gotten
themselves into.”
Know what’s Balance?
Call before youdig.
Are you in too much pain to walk, or are
The recent surge in activity has you afraid to walk because you have a
not gone unnoticed by author- history of falling?
ities. The Drug Enforcement Ad- If you have fallen or have a fear of falling that is preventing
ministration recently used emer- you from doing things you enjoy, our therapy program
gency powers to outlaw five chem- offers a breakthrough Infrared Light Therapy that in
conjuction with our comprehensive plan of car, has been
icals found in synthetic pot, plac- clinically proven on thousands of patients to improve bal-
ing them in the same category as ance and reduce falls. Don’t let falls or a fear of
heroin and cocaine. falling prevent you from living your life.
Call us today to see if our
But manufacturers are quick to treatment program is right for you!
adapt, often cranking out new for- PERSONAL CARE HOME
mulas that are only a single mole- HEALTH SERVICES, INC.
cule apart from the illegal ones. 239 Schuyler Avenue, Kingston • 287-4800
Recreational drugs created in
the laboratory have been around W E A R E A G H P P ROV I D E R
at least since the middle of the
20th century, when LSD was first
studied. But these latest examples
emerged only a few years ago,
starting in Europe.
The products were typically
made in China, India and other
Asian nations and soon arrived in
Britain and Germany, according
to DEA spokesman Rusty Payne.
In the United States, fake mari-
juana was last year’s big seller,
marketed under brands such as
“K2” or “Spice.” This year, the
trend is “bath salts” with names
like “Purple Wave” and “Bliss.”
Besides being cheap and easily
obtained, they do not show up in
common drug tests.
Synthetic marijuana typically
involves dried plant material
sprayed with one of several chem- It’s the law: NORTH AMERICAN
ical compounds, most of which
were created by a Clemson Uni-
versity scientist for research pur-
Call 8-1-1 three days in advance of any
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pounds were never tested on hu- landscaping, safeguard yourself from hazards related 1000 DUNHAM DR.
mans. to damaging underground pipelines. It’s simple! One call DUNMORE, PA
It’s packaged to look like pot,
gets all of your utility lines marked to help protect you (570) 346-2453
and users typically smoke it, but from injury and costly property damage. Safe digging
experts say the high is more com- is no accident. Always call 8-1-1 before you dig.
parable to cocaine or LSD.
The bath salts are not water-
softening products at all but crys-
tallized chemicals that are snort-
ed, swallowed or smoked. They


contain two powerful stimulants:
methylenedioxypyrovalerone (or

Fantasy edding
MDPV) and mephedrone, which
mimic cocaine, LSD and metham-
So far in 2011, poison control
centers have received nearly 1,300
calls about synthetic pot, com-
pared with 2,874 calls for all of last
year, according to the poison con-
trol center data.
Poison calls for bath salts rose
at an even greater rate. The cen-
ters took 301 calls in all of 2010,
but had more than 1,400 for the
first three months of 2011. Most of


the calls came from doctors and
nurses reporting patients in emer-
gency rooms.
“The problem is really explod-
ing here,” said Dr. Elizabeth
Scharman, director of the West
Enter now and you could have a chance to win all
Virginia Poison Center. Her state of these wedding needs from the sponsors below:
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said late last month. A law ban-
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“They cut back on the halluci- Private Bachelorette Party
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the blood pressure. It can take from Gertrude Hawk whitening
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large doses. It can take repeated
doses,” Scharman said.
In some patients, symptoms
can last for days.
To qualify your wedding date must be between July 31, 2011and December 31, 2012. Must be 21 years of age or older to enter.
“One described it as like being
on cocaine, but 10 times worse,”
said Anna Rouse Dulaney of the

DEA agent Gary Boggs said us-




Restore trust,
release letters
HE VISCERAL reac- dent who totally trusts his gov-
tion is: Of course let- ernment official is akin to trying
ters written in support to scoop clear drinking water
of leniency for former from the Susquehanna River.
Luzerne County judge Michael Unequivocally, the question
Toole should be public. The rea- of making these letters public is
son is as obvious as a dope slap far more nuanced than a Three
from Moe Howard: “It’s about Stooges shtick. There are legiti-
public trust, you stooge!” mate questions of privacy of
We’re sure such is the re- writers who are not public offi-
sponse in many quar- cials. There are
ters when corruption- The goal must be concerns about
weary residents read to restore public wholly private
about an effort to matters men-
have a federal judge trust, and that tioned in the let-
release letters written cannot happen if ters gaining public
in support of leniency these letters are exposure without
for the disgraced ju- reason. And there
kept completely
rist. Such letters have might be issues of
become common- private. medical privacy.
place as each suc- But the goal
ceeding public official must be to restore
has faced sentencing during the public trust, and that cannot
past two years. happen if these letters are kept
The letters, we are told, cite completely private. If, for exam-
exemplary duty by the felon ple, public officials have written
over decades. They recount some of these letters, the public
pristine public service with only should know. If the letters do

Doing the Curly Shuffle in southern Luzerne County

this one moral lapse. They paint not contain clearly private infor-
pictures of a person generous to mation, why should they be
charities and devoted to family, withheld?
an official who did everything There has to be a balance that
right until this one errant deci- can be reached here – redact NEWS ITEM: Hazleton Rossi realizes he can rent the same space for
sion. some letters, withhold some
We are told that’s what they names, release those that are
say; we’re just not allowed to see from public officials, say. We
police might move to for-
mer bank building.
Interesting. Join me as I
MARK GUYDISH almost $16,000 less per year. Meanwhile,
that former bank that costs $700,000 is still
them. And there’s the rub. urge U.S. District Judge Richard set the Wayback machine COMMENTARY Which brings us to the latest news. The
The reason these letters P. Conaboy – who presides in for 1995 … county wants to give that old bank building
should be public, at least to Toole’s case – as well as other Joe Zola wins the district mer federal building, Luzerne County moves to Hazleton, and the city wants to house the
some extent, is that Toole and federal judges to start finding justice seat that hears cases in a room in all its offices out of the structure. Zola police department in it. Actually, the county
his ilk shattered public trust in that compromise. Hazleton City Hall. Zola keeps a promise moves, too. Lackawanna College moves in, wants the city to take the building and for-
public institutions. Luzerne Because if they want to re- made during the campaign and moves the and since then there have been no reports of get about $290,000 the county owes Hazle-
County residents are battered store public trust, they must court to a roomier former federal building mold-related illness; but that’s mold news. ton for the Hazleton Broad Street Exchange,
by betrayal. Looking for a resi- show they trust the public. on Broad Street. It has a real courtroom, it Zola and the displaced county offices which the county took over to prevent it
has parking, it’s downtown, it’s perfect, he move to a building that the county rented from going on the auction block for back
tells us. Luzerne County joins him, creating from Leonard Rossi, who happens to co-own taxes, which would have left the county with
QUOTE OF THE DAY a southern annex with county offices in the some properties with Joe Zola’s son. Rossi a big unpaid county loan that had been used
same building. bought the building for $150,000, and rents to create the Broad Street Exchange from a
“I’m not running as a gay Mike Marsicano, meanwhile, has won the it for $78,504 per year. former department store, and …
candidate. Yes, I am a candidate election as Hazleton mayor, and he quickly Coincidentally, a company co-owned by a But trying to trace the history of that
spends thousands on no-bid work convert- former county planning commissioner buys boondoggle would make the Wayback ma-
who happens to be gay, but my ing the former district justice office to an old bank building in Hazleton the same chine – and most human brains – implode.
platform is centered around swanky police quarters with custom-made year for $330,000. The question now is this: If Hazleton
wood lockers. A law and order proponent, Reset the Wayback to 2007. Looking for a police move from what used to be the dis-
accountability and keeping tax Marsicano insists the cops deserve the up- new southern county annex, county com- trict magistrate’s office to the former bank
rates low so people can stay in their homes.” grade. missioners decide to rent that $330,000 building, what happens to the empty space
Coincidentally, a company owned by building for $2.58 million over 10 years. The in City Hall?
Casey Evans Zola’s brother gets a $7,208 contract to public howls, and commissioners instead The answer is obvious: Move Zola’s offices
The candidate for the Luzerne County Council argued sexual orientation remodel his new digs, while a close friend of decide to buy it outright for $700,000 – back into the same space.
should not be a factor in the election. Marsicano gets the contract to create the more than twice what the owner paid for it Unsatisfying? Sure.
new cop shop in City Hall. But of course, two years earlier. But at least that way, this circle of stupid-
they were the best qualified with the lowest Reset the Wayback to 2010. New commis- ity closes.
OTHER OPINION: CALORIE COUNTS cost proposals, right? sioners are in charge and they decide they’re
Let’s reset the Wayback to 2005. Citing paying Rossi too much rent for Zola’s office, Mark Guydish can be reached at 829-7161 or via

Theater popcorn alleged fears of unhealthy mold in the for- so they start looking around. Suddenly, email:


It’s time to take action stuck with a house that has zero value. I

HE MOVIE theater in- cluded 280,000 establish- SEND US YOUR OPINION fear for our future, for our grandchildren.
I consider this an emergency situation
dustry made a scene -- ments, but not movie theaters.
to put it mildly -- when So unless FDA reverses course,
it looked as if the U.S. consumers might not know
on gas drilling issues Letters to the editor must include the
writer’s name, address and daytime
that calls for quick action, and I strongly
believe that eight months is long enough.

t every level of government, the will of phone number for verification. Letters Michelle T. Boice
Food and Drug Administration that, depending on the theater the people apparently continues to be should be no more than 250 words. We Harveys Lake
might make theaters chain, a large tub of ignored! Harveys Lake is no exception; reserve the right to edit and limit writers
list calorie counts in Foods as popcorn has 910 to
Writer urges awareness
borough council continues to ignore the to one published letter every 30 days.
the tubs of popcorn unhealthy as 1,200 calories. pleas of residents to do everything possible • E-mail:
they sell at exorbitant movie theater Unbuttered. to protect us from the impact of Marcellus • Fax: 570-829-5537
As part of the Affor- popcorn are as
There’s a rueful
joke that perennial
Shale natural gas drilling.
Following eight months of pleading and
• Mail: Mail Bag, The Times Leader, 15
N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 1871 1 of child abuse, neglect
dable Care Act, estab- funny as a heart dieters tell them-

packed meetings, including a town hall have not seen any mention about April
lishments with more attack. selves: calories meeting called by the people to have the being designated National Child Abuse
than 20 locations -- don’t count, they ordinance explained by Ben Price of the the Huntsville and Ceasetown reservoirs Prevention Month.
restaurants, conve- say, if you eat stand- Community Environment Legal Defense that supply water to the Greater Wyoming This is a time to create awareness about
nience stores, groceries, even ing up, or if you drink a diet so- Fund, council unanimously voted down Valley, because it is the same watershed. child abuse and neglect and to encourage
the only ordinance that can protect our You’d certainly think there would be far- people to be the voice for young victims.
vending machines -- will have da with candy. Or now, appar-
community. reaching support for this approach. Last Mother’s Day, a Virginia boy named
to tell consumers the calorie ently, if you watch a movie with
Council’s answer is to zone it. Zoning As we stall on any meaningful action, Ethan Stacy, who was on a court-ordered
counts of what they are buying. your popcorn. overwhelming evidence mounts of damage
applies only to surface lands and will sim- visit with his mother in Utah, succumbed
The sticker shock might per- Of course, the problems ply tell the gas industry where in our com- to our environment: our water and air to days of alleged beatings at the hands of
suade Americans to buy posed by foods as unhealthy as munity it can drill. You cannot zone the supplies. We cannot afford to stall. his mother’s boyfriend. She supposedly
healthier foods, and restau- movie theater popcorn are as horizontal fracking below the surface, Our governor opposes any new regu- stood by and allowed this alleged torture
rants to offer better choices. funny as a heart attack. which goes in any direction for thousands lations on this industry, as well as a sever- of her 4-year-old son.
Last week, the FDA released of feet. ance tax. Our governor’s dream is to be the If someone had heard Ethan’s screams
Philadelphia Daily News
its labeling proposal that in- I also presented council with the initial Texas of the gas industry. and called 911, Ethan might be going to
paperwork in December to look into hav- My dream is to continue to enjoy clean Easter egg hunts this month rather than
EDITORIAL BOARD ing our area declared an exceptional value water and fresh air, but I might as well being in heaven.
RICHARD L. CONNOR MARK E. JONES watershed. I asked at the January meeting believe in Santa Claus and the Easter Bun- Please, if you suspect abuse or neglect,
Editor and Publisher Editorial Page Editor if any action was taken in regard to this ny. make the call and save a life.
JOSEPH BUTKIEWICZ PRASHANT SHITUT approach and got nothing but a blank Our council fears being sued by the gas Paulette Bent
Vice President/Executive Editor President/Wilkes-Barre Publishing Co. stare. This designation also could protect industry, while I fear being poisoned and Dallas




GAS Progress seen as Obama

Continued from Page 1A

one-third by 2025.
meets with lawmakers
But the president said it won’t By DAVID ESPO
happen overnight and if any poli- AP Special Correspondent
tician says it’s easy, “they’re not WASHINGTON — Time
telling the truth.” growing short, Congress’ lead-
“Gas prices? They’re going to ers reported making headway
still fluctuate Wednesday in talks to cut spend-
until we can ing and avert a partial govern-
“If you’re start making ment shutdown that the White
complain- these broader
changes, and
House warned would hit U.S.
combat troops abroad and tax-
ing about that’s going to payer refunds from the IRS at
the price take a couple of home.
years to have President Barack Obama
of gas and serious effect,” checked in separately by phone
you’re only Obama said. with House Speaker John
Obama nee- Boehner, R-Ohio, and Senate
getting 8 dled one ques- Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-
miles a tioner who Nev., then invited the two men AP PHOTO
asked about to the White House for an eve- President Obama speaks in
gallon, you gas prices, now

Prices for premium gas have risen above $4 a gallon at this gas station in Wilkes-Barre. Nationally, ning meeting. Fairless Hills, Pa., Wednesday.
know. You averaging close the price of gas is pinching consumers. White House spokesman Jay
might want to lon
$3.70 a gal-
nation- its kind to set up shop in the U.S. lon, according to AAA and other launching his re-election bid. He
Carney said Obama decided to
call the session after concluding
vote today on a one-week stop-
gap bill to keep the government
to think wide, and sug- Back in Washington, negotia- sources. Obama’s visit to Gamesa is facing a key constituency that not enough progress had been open while cutting $12 billion in
about a gested that the tions continued on a budget deal was his fourth energy event since at times has scolded him for not made during the day, and the spending and providing the Pen-
gentleman con- to avert a government shutdown March 11. He’s scheduled a fifth being attentive enough to certain president blamed business as tagon with enough money to
trade-in.” sider getting Friday and Obama urged law- for Friday in Indianapolis. issues, such as double-digit black usual in the nation’s capital poli- stay open until the Sept. 30 end
President rid of his gas- makers to get it done. The presi- Obama argues that shifting to unemployment, but continues to tics for the deadlock that threat- of the budget year.
Obama guzzling vehi- dent said he wants to cut spend- cleaner and domestic energy hold him in high regard. ened disruptions beginning Fri- “I think this is the responsible
cle. ing, but not at the expense of cut- sources will help create jobs and Obama deflects such criticism day at midnight. thing to do for the U.S. Con-
“If you’re ting priorities like energy and boost U.S. competitiveness. by arguing that his polices to ex- “I do not want to see Washing- gress, and I would hope the Sen-
complaining education. Education is another item on ton politics stand in the way of ate can pass it and the president
pand the economy, create jobs
about the price of gas and you’re As fuel prices rise because of Obama’s competitiveness agen- America’s progress,” he said in can sign it into law,” he said.
and improve the education sys-
only getting 8 miles a gallon, you growing demand worldwide and da. That issue was to be the focus Fairless Hills, Pa. He also criticized Obama,
tem, among other goals, will help
know,” Obama said laughingly. political unrest in oil-producing of a speech he was giving later Democratic officials suggest- though saying he likes the com-
“You might want to think about a nations in North Africa and the Wednesday to the Rev. Al Sharp- the country as a whole, blacks in- ed their side had agreed to con- mander in chief personally.
trade-in.” Middle East, drivers are feeling ton’s civil rights group in New cluded. sider additional cuts in the pre- “The president isn’t leading,"
The president spoke at a town pinched at the pump. Republi- York City. Obama’s appearance Ninety-five percent of blacks vious 24 hours. But any move- Boehner said. "He didn’t lead on
hall meeting at Gamesa Technol- cans blame Obama and his poli- keeps a promise he made to the who voted, opted for Obama in ment took place in secret, while last year’s budget, and he’s not
ogy Corp., a Spanish company cies and he, in turn, is striving to National Action Network when 2008. A Gallup poll released last the public maneuvering was on leading on this year’s budget."
that makes giant turbines that show the public that he gets it. he spoke there as a presidential week showed his job approval public display. A few hours later, Reid said
use wind to generate electricity. Gasoline prices rose another 2 candidate in 2007. Obama among blacks holding at 84 per- Determined to avoid political Democrats kept offering con-
According to the White House, it cents Tuesday to a new national pledged to return, win or lose. cent, about the same as six blame if a shutdown occurs, cessions, and Republicans re-
is the first overseas company of average of just over $3.68 a gal- He returns just two days after months earlier. Boehner said the House would jected them.

W H AT ’ S N E X T
A planning commission meeting is
scheduled for 7 p.m. April 12 for
Continued from Page 1A Williams’ pipeline project. A zoning Continued from Page 1A
board hearing will be advertised
trally located between the well site for May 16 for the metering facility.
dents (of Luzerne County) in a capable manner.”
and the interstate pipeline to avoid Both will be held at the Dallas Pierantoni said he didn’t run for county judge in 2009
building future compressor stations Township Municipal Building. because he was seeking re-election as a district judge.
in the event more gathering lines He decided to run this year, he said, because he felt it’s
need to be constructed. the “right time,” because the county judiciary is at a
The metering facility planned did not anticipate a problem with crossroads and voters have a heavy task in electing six
will feature a metering building, a its location near the Dallas schools, new judges.
100-foot communications tower, he said people always have ques- If elected, Pierantoni said, he would urge citizens to
two 3,000-gallon tanks of the odor- tions and the company has been come to the courthouse to watch court proceedings,
ant mercaptan, various pipes and proactive in providing accurate in- since most are open to the public.
valves and condensate tanks to col- formation to the community. Pierantoni would promote settlements in the hun-
lect mostly water from the natural dreds of civil cases that are on backlog or schedule a trial
gas. Pipeline safety promptly, and have open meetings to discuss how to ex-
The Springville line will tap into pedite criminal matters.
Location controversy Pierantoni said he sup-
the Transco pipeline, which was
ports individual calendars
“(Becoming a
The proposed 2-acre metering originally constructed in 1958.
site has been the center of contro- Michael Dickinson, manager of for county judges to handle county judge) is a
versy, as it is about 1,800 feet from operations and technical services, cases from the beginning to natural transition.
the Dallas School District campus. said a third-party company will per- end, and all judges should be
Chief Gathering LLC also sub- form what is called a “hot tap,” es- able to handle any area of I feel I have the
mitted plans to build a metering sta- sentially welding the two lines to- law so that the court is more legal and judicial
tion about 500 feet from the Wil- gether while keeping pipeline pres- effective.
liams site. A zoning board hearing sure controlled. The longtime district experience … and
held Monday for Chief’s special ex- Transco pipeline spokesman judge said he became inter- given the oppor-
ceptions application drew hun- Chris Stockton, who was not at the ested in the law at an early
dreds into the Dallas Middle School conference, said many sections of age and forged a path to law tunity, I could
auditorium. the interstate pipeline may have school by attending Wilkes serve all residents
University first, where he
was the school’s radio per- (of Luzerne Coun-
Savage said the site was chosen been replaced over the years, but
for the Williams project based on a age isn’t the most important factor
few key factors, including land ac- in pipeline safety. sonality, “Frantic Fred,” for a ty) in a capable
number of years.
quisition, distance from the well “Steel doesn’t age,” he said. “If
Pierantoni said he expects
site and the lay of the land itself. you pull a piece of pipe from the
He said the site off Hildebrandt ground installed in 1950s, (and) if it to spend approximately Fred Pierantoni
Road is the shortest distance from has the right coating, you can’t tell $100,000 in the primaries
the Springville well site, the compa- the difference. What we want to do and is using mostly his own
ny was able to acquire pipeline ease- make sure that the systems we have savings and will accept contributions from anyone will-
ments in the area and its path, in place prevent the pipe from cor- ing to support his ability.
which weaves through wetlands roding.” The endorsement board also discussed with Pieranto-
and mountains, was optimal in ni an article that appeared in a local newspaper regard-
terms of population and terrain. Emergency response ing his father’s service as a constable in Pittston city.
“Yeah, it could have been 50 miles The metering facility will be Pierantoni said his father, Fred, has been a part-time
to the west, but that means you’re monitored remotely 24/7 by a gas elected constable for 30 years and is not a member of his
building another 50 miles of pipe- control group in Tulsa, Okla. Dick- staff, even though his office distributes his pay.
line over there (and) it’s more than inson added his office in Tunkhan- extensively with local emergency don’t tell anyone about it other than Pierantoni said his father is the only certified consta-
$1 million a mile of pipeline,” said nock will have access to the data responders in the area. He said 911 dispatch center and the local ble who serves his district, although other constables do
Savage. “What you do is, you try to from the metering station and will emergency preparedness is key, and emergency responders and our su- work within the district when needed.
figure out where you can build one have the ability to shut down oper- the company will conduct yearly pervisor of the facility,” he said. The elder Pierantoni is not paid from the district
of these meter sites, where you can ations of the pipeline remotely tabletop drills and on-location “We’ll call up employees on a Friday judge’s office, but from money garnered when papers
acquire the property, where it works should any pre-determined alarm- mock drills every three of four years morning and say, ‘All right, guys, are served.
with on the pipeline, so that’s an in- ing pressure or temperature levels with local emergency personnel. this is a mock drill – it’s not real, but Pierantoni said his father has never had to appear be-
tegral process we go through.” be reached. “We come up with a crazy scena- you respond like it’s real. Here’s the fore him for a hearing, but if he had to, he would recuse
He said that while the company Savage added the company works rio, as crazy as we can make it, and situation. Go.’ ” himself.

Air it out… NEWS: PHOTOS:

THE visceral reaction is that letters Esseff brothers POWs gather
written supporting leniency for for-
mer Luzerne County judge Michael
reflect on life for tribute
Toole should be public. The reason is and times lunch
like a dope slap from Moe Howard…





S C R A N T O N / W I L K E S - B A R R E YA N K E E S : O P E N I N G D AY AHL

SEASON STARTS TONIGHT Tonight’s Game: SWB Yankees at Lehigh Valley

Radio Coverage: The Game-1340-AM, 1400-
Where: Coca-Cola Park, Allentown Keep on eye on: Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
First pitch: 7:05 p.m. catcher Jesus Montero. Expected by some
Pitching Matchup: Yankees’ David Phelps (4-2, to start the season in New York as the Yan-
3.07 in ’10) vs. IronPigs’ Vance Worley (1-3, 3.77 in kees backup catcher, Montero hit .289 with
’10) 21 home runs last year for SWB.


Wilkes-Barre/Scranton’s John Hynes won

the Louis A.R. Pieri Award on Wednesday.

bring home
Coach John Hynes and goaltender Brad
Thiessen were both honored Wednesday.

There are privileges that come with being a
Optional practices, days off and best stall in
the locker room to name a
First reported at
Penguins captain Ryan 3:06
Craig added another one p.m.
to the list after Wednes-
day’s practice at Coal
Street – providing a scout-
ing report of your coach. UP NEXT
PETE G. WILCOX/THE TIMES LEADER With eight seasons of
Hershey Bears
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre catcher Jesus Montero gives interviews in the clubhouse during Tuesday’s media day at PNC Field in Moosic. Montero, considered pro hockey under his belt, at WBS
to be the Yankees’ top prospect, was nearly traded to Seattle for pitcher Cliff Lee last season before the Mariners pulled out and dealt Lee to Texas. Craig is fully qualified to Penguins
give his assessment of roo- 7:05 p.m.,

Make it here, you’ll make it someplace else

kie head coach John Friday
“During the nine months that I’ve been
around John Hynes, the things that come to
They say they’re way out through trades. But Newman admits a byproduct mind are honesty, competitiveness, passion,
in the business of
developing prospec-
PAUL SOKOLOSKI There are a couple ways to look
at that.
The New York Yankees never
of the system’s philosophy is to
create bargaining chips to trade
away for established big-league
work ethic and he’s a pretty smart guy with X’s
and O’s,” Craig said. “Those aspects have really
put him in that upper echelon of young coach-
But just whose OPINION seem to see opportunity for their talent. es.”
prospects are the Arizona’s pitching staff. youth. Or their young stars are so “Guys who can help us make
Scranton/Wilkes- Mark Melancon can now be coveted, other organizations can’t trades,” Newman said. “That’s all See PENGUINS, Page 7B
Barre Yankees de- found warming up in the Houston wait to get their uniforms on them. part of the job.”
veloping? Astros bullpen. And Austin Jackson Either way, that’s certainly not Oh, the Yankees will tell you
Over the past two years, it fulfilled all his promise and made the intention. they’re doing a great job promoting MLB
seems the Triple-A Yankees have it to the majors as a starting cen- “Our first priority is to sign and players.
sent as many players to the big ter fielder. For the Detroit Tigers. develop (minor league) players for Their current starting pitchers
leagues to play for other teams as They were all on Scranton/ the Yankees and to help us win Phil Hughes and Ivan Nova came
their own team. Wilkes-Barre’s 2009 opening-day championships,” said Mark New- through Scranton/Wilkes-Barre on
Where’s Juan Miranda? He’s tak- roster, bright prospects on the man, New York’s senior vice presi- their way to New York. So did
ing his swings with the Arizona doorstep of making it to the parent dent of baseball operations, who relievers Joba Chamberlain and
Diamondbacks now. New York Yankees. Until the door runs the Yankees minor league
Ian Kennedy? Right with him on opened and they were shown the system. See SOKOLOSKI, Page 7B

INSIDE TODAY: Special SWB Yankees preview section


Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard (right)

Tournament opens today

racked up four hits, including a home run
and two doubles, and two RBI to beat the
Mets Wednesday in Philadelphia.

with Mickelson favored Howard powers

AP Golf Writer
way of putting players at ease with its
sheer beauty, when the Masters is
AUGUSTA, Ga. — On the far end of more about azaleas and jasmine and
Phils past Mets
the course Wednesday, near the only enjoying a special place than trying to By ROB MAADDI
palm tree at Augusta National, Lee win a green jacket. AP Sports Writer
Westwood rolled long putts across the That figures to change on Thursday. PHILADELPHIA — Ryan
fourth green as he practiced “The Masters has a fear fac- Howard tied a career high
alone on a quiet afternoon tor, and that’s the best thing with four hits and fell a triple
before the Masters. THE about this golf course,” three- short of the cycle, Ben Fran-
Spotting two familiar
faces in the crowd, he looked Today
time champion Nick Faldo
said Wednesday.
cisco also homered and the
Philadelphia Phillies beat 10
over with a grin and said, 3 p.m., ESPN Phil Mickelson will try to the New York Mets 10-7
“Lost? Bar closed? Friday join some exclusive clubs Wednesday night after wast-
Through the pines and
dogwoods, down a steep
3 p.m., ESPN
when he tees off in the open-
ing round as the clear favorite
ing a 7-0 lead.
Placido Polanco had three METS
3:30 p.m., CBS
slope toward the 16th green, Sunday in the first major of the year. hits and three RBIs, includ-
players stopped on the edge 2 p.m., CBS Never has Lefty had so much ing a go-ahead single in the
of the 16th green to the fans’ at stake at one tournament. fifth, helping the four-time
delight and tried skipping He can go to No. 1 in the NL East champions over-
shots across the pond and onto the world for the first time in his career. He come a rough start by Joe
green. On what might be the only day can join Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods Blanton to improve to 4-1.
of booing, Graeme McDowell got an and Arnold Palmer as the only players Angel Pagan hit a two-run
earful when his shot sank before it got with at least four green jackets. And he homer for the Mets, who got a second straight
halfway across the water. can become only the fourth player to poor outing from Mike Pelfrey.
It sure didn’t feel like the day before win the Masters in consecutive years. AP PHOTO Antonio Bastardo (1-0) pitched 1 2-3 in-
the first major of the year. Tiger Woods hits out of a bunker on the 11th hole during a practice round for
But then, Augusta National has a See MASTERS, Page 4B the Masters golf tournament on Wednesday in Augusta, Ga. See PHILLIES, Page 7B


SPORTS IN BRIEF Thursday, April 7 Magic U-12/U-13 girls soccer team
H.S. BASEBALL By ROXY ROXBOROUGH Pace Setter Athletic Club of North- will be holding tryouts for the
(4:15 p.m.)
LOCAL Wyoming Area at Dallas eastern Pa. is forming a series of upcoming spring session. The
Wyoming Valley West at Berwick BOXING REPORT: In the WBO welterweight title fight on May 7 in Las Vegas, spring and summer basketball team is based out of Mountain Top
Holy Redeemer at Crestwood Nevada, Manny Pacquiao is -$800 vs. at Shane Mosley +$550.
FOOTBALL Pittston Area at Coughlin leagues. The variety of leagues will and players must be born after
Hazleton Area at Nanticoke operate throughout May, June, August 1, 1997. Call 570-762-4487

Ex-PSU star Robinson

(4:15 p.m.) Favorite Odds Underdog Favorite Points Underdog July and August. Each league will for more information.
Wyoming Area at Dallas
American League BULLS 4 Celtics
feature both a girls and a boys Nanticoke American Legion Base-

will speak at benefit

Wyoming Valley West at Berwick
Holy Redeemer at Crestwood division. Grade levels will include a ball will hold sign-ups from 6 p.m.
Red Sox ( 8.5 ) INDIANS Blazers 3.5 JAZZ
Pittston Area at Coughlin fifth and sixth grade league, a to 7:30 p.m. Sunday at the Honey
Hazleton Area at Nanticoke BLUE JAYS ( 8.0 ) A’s NHL
H.S. BOYS seventh and eighth grade league Pot field in Nanticoke. Any in-
Former Penn State quarter- VOLLEYBALL YANKEES ( 9.5 ) Twins Favorite Odds Underdog
and a varsity league. Teams will terested player ages 13 through 18,
back Michael Robinson will be (5:45 p.m.)
Hazleton Area at Holy Redeemer
WHITE SOX ( 8.5 ) Rays RANGERS -$220/ Thrashers feature parish clubs, school teams, residing in the Nanticoke area and
the principal speaker at a Help- North Pocono at Pittston Area ORIOLES ( 9.5 ) Tigers community teams and individually Hanover area are eligible to partic-
Meyers at West Side Tech Canadiens -$130/ SENATORS
ing Hands Society benefit din- Coughlin at Wyoming Valley West National League +$110
sponsored teams. For further ipate. The registration fee is $75
Hanover Are at Delaware Valley information and applications per individual or $100 per family.
ner at 6 p.m. on April 17 at H.S. BOYS
REDS ( 8.5 ) Astros STARS -$280/ Avalanche
please contact the Pace Setters at Players must register to try out.
Isabella’s Restaurant in Wilkes- (4:15 p.m.)
TENNIS Rockies ( 8.5 ) PIRATES
347-7018 or pacesetterbasket- For more information, call Joe at
Braves ( 8.0 ) BREWERS CANUCKS -$230/ Wild
Barre. Hazleton Area at Wyoming Area
Holy Redeemer at Tunkhannock +$190 814-1430.
In 2005, Robinson led Penn MMI at Pittston Area
PHILLIES ( 7.5 ) Mets
Home Teams in Capital Letters
West Side Soccer Club will hold
Berwick at Crestwood MARLINS ( 7.5 ) Nationals GOLF registration for the fall season
State to a 12-1 season and a Dallas at Coughlin
from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday at the
Meyers at Wyoming Valley West
victory in the 2006 Orange Bowl GAR at Wyoming Seminary Misericordia University Athletics Plymouth Borough Building, Shaw-
his senior season. Robinson was H.S. GIRLS
Department 21st Annual Arnie nee Avenue, Plymouth. Ages 3
named the Big Ten Offensive (4:15 p.m. unless noted) B A S K E T B A L L B A S E B A L L Garinger Memorial Golf Tourna- through 17 are welcome (players
Player of the Year, winning the
Hanover Area at North Pocono ment, May 23 at Mountain Laurel must be 3 by Aug. 1, 2011, in order
Pittston Area at Wyoming Seminary
GAR at MMI Prep National Basketball International League Golf Club in White Haven. Entry fee to register). The registration fee is
Chicago Tribune Silver Football Wyoming Area at Tunkhannock Association All Times EDT is $125 for the captain-and-crew $30 and includes a new three
as the Big Ten’s MVP and be- Honesdale at Delaware Valley, 4:30 p.m.
COLLEGE GOLF All Times EDT North Division event and includes golf, dinner and piece uniform. There is also a $10
W L Pct. GB
coming the first Nittany Lion to King’s at Blue Jay Classic, 12 p.m. EASTERN CONFERENCE
Buffalo (Mets) ............................. 0 0 .000 — prizes. Registration begins at 10 fundraiser to be paid in advance.
COLLEGE SOFTBALL Atlantic Division
throw three touchdown passes King’s at Lycoming, 3 p.m. W L Pct GB Lehigh Valley (Phillies).............. 0 0 .000 — a.m. with an 11 a.m. shotgun start. Call Matthew at 779-7785 for more
y-Boston ....................... 54 23 .701 — Pawtucket (Red Sox) ................. 0 0 .000 — The field is limited to 120 players. information.
in three separate games during COLLEGE MENS
x-New York................... 40 38 .513 141⁄2 Rochester (Twins)...................... 0 0 .000 — Call 674-6374 for more informa-
x-Philadelphia .............. 40 39 .506 15
the same season since 1982. He Baptist Bible at Misericordia, 4 p.m. New Jersey .................. 24 54 .308 301⁄2
(Yankees) .................................... 0 0 .000 — tion. UPCOMING EVENTS
was also named Academic All- Friday, April 8 Toronto ......................... 21 57 .269 331⁄2
Syracuse (Nationals) ................. 0 0 .000 — Northeast Pennsylvania Chapter of
Southeast Division
Big Ten three times. H.S. BASEBALL
W L Pct GB
South Division the Executive Women’s Golf JCC Bowling Award Night will be
(4:15 p.m.) W L Pct. GB
After graduating with two Hazleton Area at Pittston Area
y-Miami........................... 54 24 .692 —
Charlotte (White Sox) ................ 0 0 .000 —
Association free one-hour golf held at 6:30 p.m. May 31 at 6:30
x-Orlando ....................... 50 29 .633 41⁄2
Wyoming Seminary at MMI x-Atlanta ......................... 44 34 .564 10 Durham (Rays) ........................... 0 0 .000 — lessons, every Sunday in May at pm at the JCC campsite. The
degrees, Robinson was drafted West Side CTC at Meyers
GAR at Northwest
Charlotte ........................ 32 46 .410 22 Gwinnett (Braves) ...................... 0 0 .000 — Blue Ridge Golf Club in Mountain dinner is being directed by Lynda
Washington.................... 21 57 .269 33
in the fourth round of the 2006 Lake-Lehman at Hanover Area Norfolk (Orioles) ......................... 0 0 .000 — Top. Join as a new member of the Newirth, women’s bowling presi-
H.S. SOFTBALL Central Division West Division
NFL Draft by San Francisco (4:15 p.m.) W L Pct GB W L Pct. GB Northeast Chapter and receive dent, and Hal Levine, men’s bowl-
y-Chicago ..................... 57 20 .740 — four one-hour beginner golf les- ing president. The Julia Lieberman
where he was converted into a Pittston Area at Hazleton Area
SWyoming Seminary at MMI x-Indiana ....................... 36 43 .456 22 Columbus (Indians).................... 0 0 .000 —
Milwaukee..................... 32 46 .410 251⁄2 Indianapolis (Pirates) ................. 0 0 .000 — sons. Sign up by emailing come- and Max Tepper Memorial bowling
running back. He currently West Side CTC at Meyers
GAR at Northwest Detroit ........................... 27 51 .346 301⁄2 Louisville (Reds)......................... 0 0 .000 — or call 570- awards will be presented that
Cleveland...................... 17 61 .218 401⁄2
plays for the Seattle Seahawks. Lake-Lehman at Hanover Area Toledo (Tigers) ........................... 0 0 .000 —
Wednesday's Games 498-1510. EWGA membership is evening for service to the women’s
Off the field, Robinson spends (4:15 p.m.) Southwest Division No games scheduled $125 per year. and men’s bowling association. For
Meyers at Nanticoke W L Pct GB Thursday's Games more information, please contact
his time mentoring young ath- H.S. GIRLS y-San Antonio .............. 59 19 .756 — Norfolk at Charlotte, 11:15 a.m.
letes to not only excel on the SOCCER x-Dallas......................... 53 24 .688 51⁄2 Syracuse at Buffalo, 3:05 p.m. MEETINGS Rick Evans, JCC executive director
North Pocono at Wyoming Seminary, 4:15 p.m. x-New Orleans ............. 45 33 .577 14 Toledo at Louisville, 6:35 p.m. at 824-4646.
field but to also become strong, H.S. BOYS
Memphis ....................... 44
Houston ........................ 41 38
34 .564
Durham at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m.
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre at Lehigh Valley, 7:05 p.m. Exeter Little League will meet at 3 JCC Samuel Harrison Memorial
educated men. He runs a foot- TENNIS
Coughlin at Wyoming Seminary, 4:15 p.m. Northwest Division Rochester at Pawtucket, 7:05 p.m.
Columbus at Indianapolis, 7:05 p.m.
p.m. Sunday at the Little League Slo-Pitch Softball League is now
W L Pct GB
ball camp each summer for his COLLEGE BASEBALL
Eastern at King’s, 3:30 p.m. y-Oklahoma City.......... 52 26 .667 — Friday's Games field. taking registrations. The league is
Excel 2 Excellence Foundation. Misericordia at Manhattanville, TBA x-Denver ....................... 47 30 .610 41⁄2 Syracuse at Buffalo, 5:05 p.m. Hanover Area Boys Basketball open to anyone in eighth grade
x-Portland ..................... 45 33 .577 7 Toledo at Louisville, 6:35 p.m.
Wilkes at FDU-Florham, 3:30 p.m. Rochester at Pawtucket, 7:05 p.m. Boosters will be having a meeting and up. Cost of the league is $50
The camp offers football train- Saturday, April 9
Utah............................... 37
Minnesota..................... 17
351⁄2 Scranton/Wilkes-Barre at Lehigh Valley, 7:05 p.m. at 7 p.m. Monday at Major League payable at the front desk of the
ing and includes two “class COLLEGE BASEBALL Pacific Division
Durham at Gwinnett, 7:05 p.m.
Norfolk at Charlotte, 7:15 p.m. Sports Bar in Sugar Notch. Nomi- JCC. The season runs from June 5
W L Pct GB
days” where the high school King’s at Eastern, 12 p.m.
FDU-Florham at Wilkes, 1 p.m. y-L.A. Lakers................ 55 22 .714 —
Columbus at Indianapolis, 7:15 p.m. nations for officers for the coming through Aug. 14 at Miner Park in
aged attendees receive educa- Manhattanville at Misericordia, 12 p.m. Phoenix......................... 38 40 .487 171⁄2 year will be accepted. Wilkes-Barre. Games start at 10
Golden State ................ 34 44 .436 211⁄2
tion on public speaking, resume (1 p.m.)
COLLEGE SOFTBALL L.A. Clippers................. 31 48 .392 25 H O C K E Y Heights Baseball will meet Saturday a.m.
Sacramento.................. 23 54 .299 32 at Stanton Lanes. The board will Pittston Little League will have field
writing and encourages them to King’s at Misericordia
DeSales at Wilkes x-clinched playoff spot
National Hockey League meet at 5 p.m. and the general cleanup at 11 a.m. Saturday. Parents
y-clinched division
embrace higher education. COLLEGE MENS
Tuesday's Games All Times EDT meeting will be at 5:45 p.m. All of players from T-ball and coach-
Helping Hands is a non-profit (1 p.m.)
San Antonio 97, Atlanta 90
Cleveland 99, Charlotte 89
EASTERN CONFERENCE coaches should attend. pitch divisions are strongly urged
DeSales at King’s Atlantic Division Kingston/Forty Fort Little League to attend this cleanup since the
organization serving special Alvernia at Misericordia
New Jersey 107, Minnesota 105
Orlando 78, Milwaukee 72 GP W L OT Pts GF GA
x-Philadelphia............. 80 46 23 11 103 249 215 will meet at 7 p.m. Monday at the focus will be on these fields. For
needs children and their fam- COLLEGE WOMENS
Washington 107, Detroit 105
x-Pittsburgh ................ 80 47 25 8 102 229 194 Kingston Recreation Center. In- more information, call Kim at
Boston 99, Philadelphia 82
ilies by providing educational King’s at Arcadia, 1 p.m. New York 131, Toronto 118
N.Y. Rangers .............. 80 43 32 5 91 228 193
New Jersey ................. 80 37 38 5 79 169 202 terested members are encouraged 883-5640 or Ken at 883-1294.
Wilkes at Eastern, 1:30 p.m. Chicago 97, Phoenix 94
and therapeutic services. Locat- Misericordia at Alvernia, TBA L.A. Clippers 82, Memphis 81
N.Y. Islanders ............. 80 30 38 12 72 222 253
Northeast Division
to attend. River Street 3-Mile Run and Walk
Sacramento 104, Houston 101 Luzerne County Federation of will be held at 10:30 a.m. May 15.
ed in Hazleton, it services Lu- COLLEGE TENNIS
King’s at Manhattanville, 1 p.m. Oklahoma City 101, Denver 94 GP W L OT Pts GF GA
zerne, Carbon and Schuylkill Wilkes at FDU-Florham, 11 a.m. Golden State 108, Portland 87 y-Boston ...................... 80 45 24 11 101 241 191 Sportsmen will meet at 7:30 p.m. The registration fee before May 1 is
Utah 86, L.A. Lakers 85 x-Montreal ................... 80 43 30 7 93 210 205
Misericordia at Eastern, 1:30 p.m. Buffalo ......................... 80 41 29 10 92 236 222 Monday at the American Legion $15; after May 1 or on race day $17.
Counties. Sunday, April 10 Wednesday's Games Toronto ........................ 81 37 33 11 85 217 247 Post 609. Club delegates are Pre-registration race packets may
Orlando 111, Charlotte 102, OT Ottawa.......................... 80 31 39 10 72 188 245
A silent auction will be held COLLEGE SOFTBALL Indiana 136, Washington 112 Southeast Division urged to attend and interested be picked up starting at 9 a.m.
New York 97, Philadelphia 92
by PAC SIGNATURES, includ- Marywood at Wilkes, 1 p.m.
COLLEGE GOLF Cleveland 104, Toronto 96 GP W L OT Pts GF GA sportsmen are cordially invited. Race-day registration will be held
y-Washington ............. 81 48 22 11 107 224 196
ing autographed jerseys by John King’s at Glenmaura Tournament Detroit 116, New Jersey 109
x-Tampa Bay ............... 80 44 25 11 99 237 236 West Side United Soccer Club will at the JCC beginning at 9 a.m.
Phoenix 108, Minnesota 98
COLLEGE MENS Carolina ....................... 80 39 30 11 89 228 232 meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday the Registration closes 10 minutes
Cappelletti, Kerry Collins, Rash- TENNIS
New Orleans 101, Houston 93
Oklahoma City 112, L.A. Clippers 108
Atlanta.......................... 79 33 34 12 78 217 258
Plymouth Borough Building. All prior to the race start. Please
Florida.......................... 80 29 39 12 70 192 225
ard Medenhall and LeSean King’s at Marywood, 11 a.m. Milwaukee 90, Miami 85
Sacramento at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE interested parents are encouraged make checks payable to Jewish
McCoy; a hand written, signed Denver at Dallas, 8:30 p.m. Central Division to participate in the meeting. Call Community Center. Mail pre-entry
letter display by Al Capone; a P O C O N O L.A. Lakers at Golden State, 10:30 p.m.
Thursday's Games y-Detroit....................... 80 46 24 10 102 255 234 Matthew at 574-7699 for more fee and official entry form to: Bill
Lance Armstrong autographed D O W N S Boston at Chicago, 8 p.m. Nashville...................... 80 43 26 11 97 215 191
Chicago ....................... 79 42 28 9 93 247 216
information. Buzza, Recreation Director; JCC,
Portland at Utah, 10:30 p.m.
St. Louis ...................... 80 37 33 10 84 235 230 REGISTRATIONS/TRYOUTS 60 S. River St., Wilkes Barre, PA,
LiveStrong display and a one Results Columbus.................... 80 34 33 13 81 210 249 18702. For more information, call
week stay at the Disney World Wednesday Apr 06, 2011
T E N N I S Northwest Division
Back Mountain Youth Soccer Asso- 824-4646.
Runaway Beach Club Resort. First - $8,000 Pace 1:56.2
5-Bring Them Home (An McCarthy) 5.00 3.20 2.60 ATP World Tour
z-Vancouver................ 80 52 19 9 113 254 183
Calgary ........................ 80 40 29 11 91 242 233
ciation will hold registration for
Tickets are $100 and are limit- 4-Wishfullartist (Ro Hammer) 5.00 4.40 Minnesota ................... 79 37 34 8 82 198 224 the fall 2011 intramural soccer
U.S. Men's Clay Court Championships
7-Carolstern (Je Dauplaise) 5.80 Colorado...................... 79 29 42 8 66 219 278 season from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. April
ed to 75 people. To reserve your EXACTA (5-4) $28.00 Wednesday Edmonton.................... 79 25 43 11 61 188 256
30 at the Dallas Middle School Bulletin Board items will not be
TRIFECTA (5-4-7) $121.60 Houston Pacific Division
seat today, call Joell Martinelli, SUPERFECTA (5-4-7-8) $1,027.00 Singles GP W L OT Pts GF GA Cafeteria. Age groups U-6 through accepted over the telephone. Items
Director of Marketing & Fun- Second - $4,500 Pace 1:57.0
1-Gangsta Lady (Lu Porfilio) 11.00 5.00 3.40
Second Round
Teymuraz Gabashvili, Russia, def. Grigor Dimitrov
y-San Jose .................. 79 47 23 9 103 240 202
Phoenix ....................... 79 42 25 12 96 224 217 U-18 will be accepted. Eligible may be faxed to 831-7319, emailed to
draising at the Helping Hands 8-Eve Freeluck (Br Simpson) 6.60 4.80 (8), Bulgaria, 7-6 (4), 6-3. Los Angeles ................ 79 45 28 6 96 214 191 players must be at least 5 years of, dropped
5-Serenade For Sonia (Th Jackson) 7.60 Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, def. Igor Kunitsyn, Russia, Anaheim ...................... 79 44 30 5 93 228 231
Society at 570.455.4958 or email EXACTA (1-8) $50.00 6-4, 6-1. Dallas........................... 79 40 28 11 91 217 224 age by July 31, 2011. New players off at The Times Leader or mailed to
TRIFECTA (1-8-5) $679.20 Ryan Sweeting, United States, def. Sam Querrey NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime must show proof of age. All players The Times Leader, c/o Sports, 15 N.
jmartinelli@helpinghandssocie- SUPERFECTA (1-8-5-4) $1,414.80 (2), United States, 3-6, 7-6 (5), 6-3. loss.
must register. Online registration
DAILY DOUBLE (5-1) $24.40 x-clinched playoff spot Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-0250. Third - $9,000 Trot 1:58.0
y-clinched division
5-Double Up Hanover (Jo Campbell) 4.20 3.40 2.80 z-clinched conference
Bob and Mike Bryan (1), United States, def. Santia- Tuesday's Games
3-Love U Overandover (Mi Simons) 4.80 4.40 go Gonzalez, Mexico, and Ricardo Mello, Brazil,
4-Petrossian (Da Ingraham) 17.00 6-3, 6-4.
Washington 3, Toronto 2, SO
Buffalo 4, Tampa Bay 2 American Hockey League N A S C A R
EXACTA (5-3) $18.40 Eric Butorac, United States, and Jean-Julien Rojer
TRIFECTA (5-3-4) $158.00 Pittsburgh 4, New Jersey 2 All Times EDT
(2), Netherlands Antilles, def. Carlos Berlocq, Ar- Montreal 2, Chicago 1, OT Sprint Cup Series
SUPERFECTA (5-3-4-1) $1,938.80
W H A T ’ S O N T V Fourth - $8,500 Pace 1:55.0
gentina, and Teymuraz Gabashvili, Russia, 7-6 (5),
Ottawa 5, Philadelphia 2 EASTERN CONFERENCE
St. Louis 3, Colorado 1 Atlantic Division
5-Mysteriosa Hanover (Ma Kakaley) 8.40 4.40 2.80 Grand Prix Hassan II Feb. 12 — x-Budweiser Shootout, Daytona Beach,
Nashville 6, Atlanta 3 GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA
GOLF 3-Hope Lane Hanover (Ja Bartlett) 3.40 3.00
7-Grngrasanhitimes (An McCarthy) 6.80 Wednesday Dallas 3, Columbus 0 x-Portland ............. 77 46 23 6 2 100 272 229 Fla. (Kurt Busch)
Casablanca, Morocco Edmonton 2, Vancouver 0 x-Manchester ....... 78 43 25 4 6 96 249 205 Feb. 17 — x-Gatorade Duel 1, Daytona Beach, Fla.
3 p.m. EXACTA (5-3) $24.80 Connecticut .......... 77 39 30 2 6 86 211 212 (Kurt Busch)
ESPN — Exhibition, Masters Par 3 Contest, at Au- TRIFECTA (5-3-7) $175.00 Singles Wednesday's Games
Boston 3, N.Y. Islanders 2 Worcester ............. 78 36 29 4 9 85 207 237 Feb. 17 — x-Gatorade Duel 2, Daytona Beach, Fla.
gusta, Ga. SUPERFECTA (5-3-7-6) $839.00 Second Round Providence ........... 77 35 36 3 3 76 198 244 (Jeff Burton)
Fifth - $13,000 Trot 1:57.4 Pablo Andujar, Spain, def. Jeremy Chardy (6), New Jersey 4, Toronto 2
MAJOR LEAGUE 7-Freedom Ridge (Mi Simons) 5.40 2.80 3.00 France, 7-6 (6), 6-1. Washington 5, Florida 2
Springfield ............ 77 33 39 2 3 71 223 249
Bridgeport ............. 77 28 38 4 7 67 209 256
Feb. 20 — Daytona 500, Daytona Beach, Fla. (Tre-
vor Bayne)
Carolina 3, Detroit 0
BASEBALL 1-A Fortune’s Legacy (Th Jackson) 5.60 4.00 Pere Riba, Spain, def. Andrey Golubev (4), Ka-
zakhstan, 0-6, 6-1, 7-5. St. Louis at Chicago, (n) East Division Feb. 27 — Subway Fresh Fit 500, Avondale, Ariz.
3-Dc’s Piggy Bank (Vi Ginsburg) 3.20 GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA (Jeff Gordon)
2:10 p.m. EXACTA (7-1) $62.00 Andrey Kuznetsov, Russia, def. Marcos Baghdatis Edmonton at Calgary, (n)
San Jose at Anaheim, (n) y-Wilkes-Barre/ March 6 — Kobalt Tools 400, Las Vegas (Carl Ed-
WGN — Arizona at Chicago Cubs TRIFECTA (7-1-3) $224.00 (2), Cyprus, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. wards)
7 p.m. SUPERFECTA (7-1-3-9) $2,082.40 Victor Hanescu (8), Romania, def. Michael Berrer, Phoenix at Los Angeles, (n) Scranton................ 77 56 20 0 1 113 252 177
x-Hershey ............. 77 45 24 3 5 98 250 205 March 20 — Jeff Byrd 500, Bristol, Tenn. (Kyle
ESPN2 — Minnesota at N.Y. Yankees PICK 3 (5-5-7) $82.40 Germany, 6-4, 7-6 (4). Thursday's Games Busch)
Atlanta at N.Y. Rangers, 7 p.m. x-Charlotte............ 78 42 27 2 7 93 257 240
Sixth - $13,000 Trot 1:55.4 Doubles March 27 — Auto Club 400, Fontana, Calif. (Kevin
NATIONAL BASKETBALL 3-Fort Benning (An Napolitano) 23.80 9.00 4.60 First Round Montreal at Ottawa, 7 p.m. x-Norfolk ............... 77 38 25 8 6 90 252 217
x-Binghamton....... 78 41 29 3 5 90 250 217 Harvick)
Colorado at Dallas, 8:30 p.m.
LEAGUE 6-Bad Boy Billy (An McCarthy) 7.80 5.00 Christopher Kas, Germany, and Alexander Peya,
Minnesota at Vancouver, 10 p.m.
Syracuse............... 77 32 38 3 4 71 203 241 April 3 — Goody’s Fast Relief 500, Martinsville, Va.
2-Sunland Dakota (Jo Campbell) 2.80 Austria, def. Simon Aspelin, Sweden, and Julian Adirondack ........... 77 30 37 4 6 70 192 239 (Kevin Harvick)
8 p.m. EXACTA (3-6) $155.40 Knowle, Austria, 4-4, reitred. Friday's Games Albany.................... 77 32 40 1 4 69 212 270 April 9 — Samsung Mobile 500, Fort Worth, Texas
ESPN — Milwaukee at Miami TRIFECTA (3-6-2) $418.00 Paul Hanley, Australia, and Bruno Soares (2), Bra- Pittsburgh at N.Y. Islanders, 7 p.m. WESTERN CONFERENCE April 17 — Aaron’s 499, Talladega, Ala.
10:30 p.m. SUPERFECTA (3-6-2-ALL) $651.20 zil, def. Leos Friedl, Czech Republic, and Rogier Chicago at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. April 30 — Crown Royal 400, Richmond, Va.
Philadelphia at Buffalo, 7:30 p.m. North Division
ESPN — L.A. Lakers at Golden State Scratched: Whosgoinwhosstayin Wassen, Netherlands, 6-4, 6-4. May 7 — Showtime Southern 500, Darlington, S.C.
Fabio Fognini, Italy, and Pere Riba, Spain, def. Re- Carolina at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA May 15 — Dover (Del.) 400
NATIONAL HOCKEY Seventh - $9,000 Pace 1:55.2 x-Manitoba ............ 78 43 28 1 6 93 216 201
1-Bittersweet Champ (An McCarthy) 30.00 5.60 da El Amrani and Anas Fattar, Morocco, 6-3, 6-1. Florida at Tampa Bay, 7:30 p.m. May 21 — x-Sprint Showdown, Concord, N.C.
Columbus at Nashville, 8 p.m. x-Hamilton............. 78 42 27 2 7 93 217 189
LEAGUE 6.00 Quarterfinals
Dallas at Colorado, 9 p.m. x-Lake Erie............ 77 42 27 3 5 92 213 198 May 21 — x-All-Star Challenge, Concord, N.C.
May 29 — Coca-Cola 600, Concord, N.C.
6-Skymeadow Joseph (Ma Kakaley) 3.40 5.00 Robert Lindstedt, Sweden, and Horia Tecau (1), Abbotsford ............ 77 37 30 4 6 84 180 203
8 p.m. 2-Cheyenne Umberto (Jo Campbell) 3.40 Romania, def. Michael Kohlmann, Germany, and Minnesota at Edmonton, 9 p.m. Grand Rapids........ 77 36 31 2 8 82 224 240 June 5 — Kansas Speedway 400, Kansas City,
VERSUS — St. Louis at Chicago EXACTA (1-6) $110.80 Santiago Ventura, Spain, 6-4, 6-4. San Jose at Phoenix, 10 p.m. Toronto .................. 78 35 32 1 10 81 216 214 Kan.
TRIFECTA (1-6-2) $528.80 Los Angeles at Anaheim, 10 p.m. Rochester.............. 77 31 37 5 4 71 207 251 June 12 — Pocono 500, Long Pond, Pa.
SUPERFECTA (1-6-2-3) $598.20 WTA Tour NHL Leaders West Division June 19 — Heluva Good! Sour Cream Dips 400,
Scratched: The Invisible Pan, Gotta Love Him Through games of Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Brooklyn, Mich.
Family Circle Cup GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA June 26 — Toyota/Savemart 350, Sonoma, Calif.
Eighth - $13,000 Pace 1:53.2 Wednesday Goal Scoring x-Milwaukee.......... 77 42 21 6 8 98 216 187
8-Thunderfist (Ty Buter) 28.20 10.60 4.20 July 2 — Coke Zero 400, Daytona Beach, Fla.
T R A N S A C T I O N S 6-Allamerican Idol (Jo Pavia Jr) 3.80 3.00
Charleston, S.C. Name Team........................................................GP G
Corey Perry Anaheim ....................................... 7947
x-Houston.............. 79 45 28 1 5 96 234 209
Texas ..................... 77 40 27 4 6 90 210 205 July 9 — Kentucky 400, Sparta, Ky.
3-Sheer Brilliance (Jo Campbell) 2.40 Singles Steven Stamkos Tampa Bay............................ 8044 Peoria .................... 78 41 29 3 5 90 215 212 July 17 — LENOX Industrial Tools 301, Loudon,
Second Round Oklahoma City...... 77 38 28 2 9 87 233 226 N.H.
BASEBALL EXACTA (8-6) $157.00
TRIFECTA (8-6-3) $481.80 Nadia Petrova (7), Russia, def. Edina Gallovits-
Daniel Sedin Vancouver ................................... 8041
Jarome Iginla Calgary ...................................... 8039 Chicago ................. 77 38 29 4 6 86 249 249 July 31 — Brickyard 400, Indianapolis
National League SUPERFECTA (8-6-3-ALL) $320.60 Hall, Romania, 6-1, 6-1. San Antonio .......... 77 39 31 4 3 85 222 233 Aug. 7 — Pennsylvania 500, Long Pond, Pa.
Ryan Kesler Vancouver.................................... 8037 Aug. 14 — Helluva Good! Sour Cream Dips at the
COLORADO ROCKIES Placed RHP Ubaldo Jime- Ninth - $13,000 Pace 1:53.3 Daniela Hantuchova (10), Slovakia, def. Evgeniya Patrick Marleau San Jose................................. 7937 Rockford................ 77 35 33 4 5 79 203 237
nez on the 15-day DL, retroactive to April 2. Re- Rodina, Russia, 6-0, 6-1. x-Clinched Playoff Berth Glen, Watkins Glen, N.Y.
7-Southwind Swallow (An McCarthy) 4.40 2.20 Jeff Carter Philadelphia.................................... 7836 Aug. 21 — CARFAX 400, Brooklyn, Mich.
called RHP Grag Reynolds from Colorado Springs 3.00 Caroline Wozniacki (1), Denmark, def. Irina Falco- Bobby Ryan Anaheim ....................................... 7934 y-Clinched Divisional Title
(PCL). ni, United States, 6-1, 6-1. NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win, one point Aug. 27 — Irwin Tools 500, Bristol, Tenn.
8-Lr Dancing Dream (Pa Berry) 5.00 4.00 Patrick Sharp Chicago ...................................... 7134 Sept. 4 — Labor Day Classic 500, Hampton, Ga.
LOS ANGELES DODGERS—Activated 3B Casey 4-Imperial Flower (Ma Kakaley) 14.60 Sam Stosur (2), Australia, def. Patricia Mayr- for an overtime or shootout loss.
Achleitner, Germany, 6-1, 6-2. Eric Staal Carolina ............................................ 7833 Sept. 10 — One Last Race to Make the Chase 400,
Blake from the 15-day DL. Optioned INF Ivan De Je- EXACTA (7-8) $58.80 Danny Briere Philadelphia ............................... 7532 Wednesday's Games
sus to Albuquerque (PCL). Anna Tatishvili, Georgia, def. Maria Kirilenko (9), Portland 6, Manchester 5, OT Richmond, Va.
TRIFECTA (7-8-4) $1,119.40 Sidney Crosby Pittsburgh ................................ 4132 Sept. 18 — 400, Joliet, Ill.
SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS—Activated RHP Brian SUPERFECTA (7-8-4-ALL) $1,467.60 Russia, 5-7, 7-5, 6-3. Adirondack 4, Albany 1
Barbora Zahlavova Strycova (15), Czech Republic, Rick Nash Columbus ........................................ 7532 Sept. 25 — SYLVANIA 300, Loudon, N.H.
Wilson. Placed RHP Santiago Casillo on the 15-day PICK 4 (3-1-8-7 (3 Out of 4)) $232.80 Lake Erie 3, Toronto 2
def. Anastasia Rodionova, Australia, 6-3, 1-6, 6-3. Logan Couture San Jose.................................. 7631 Binghamton 2, Norfolk 1 Oct. 2 — AAA 400, Dover, Del.
DL, retroactive to April 1. Tenth - $16,000 Trot 1:56.0 Michael Grabner NY Islanders ........................ 7331
Elena Vesnina, Russia, def. Bethanie Mattek- Grand Rapids 2, Milwaukee 1 Oct. 9 — Kansas 400, Kansas City, Kan.
American Association 5-My Leap Of Faith (Jo Campbell) 4.40 3.00 2.60 Matt Moulson NY Islanders .............................. 7931 Oct. 15 — Bank of America 500, Concord, N.C.
WICHITA WINGNUTS — Signed UT Tommy Fitz- Sands (14), United States, 6-4, 7-6 (6). Peoria 3, Texas 2
4-Trotslikethewind (An McCarthy) 5.80 5.60 Jelena Jankovic (3), Serbia, def. Tamira Paszek, Alex Ovechkin Washington.............................. 7731 Oct. 23 — Talladega 500, Talladega, Ala.
gerald and INF Evan Button. 6-Luvyabutleave (Th Jackson) 9.00 Jonathan Toews Chicago ................................. 7731 Thursday's Games Oct. 30 — TUMS Fast Relief 500, Martinsville, Va.
Austria, 6-2, 6-3. Norfolk at Syracuse, 7 p.m.
Atlantic League EXACTA (5-4) $40.20 Thomas Vanek Buffalo ..................................... 7931 Nov. 6 — AAA Texas 500, Fort Worth, Texas
LONG ISLAND DUCKS — Signed RHP Ruddy Lu- TRIFECTA (5-4-6) $731.80 Doubles Friday's Games
David Backes St Louis...................................... 8030 Nov. 13 — Kobalt Tools 500, Avondale, Ariz.
go and LHP Heath Phillips. SUPERFECTA (5-4-6-ALL) $605.80 First Round Abbotsford at Grand Rapids, 7 p.m. Nov. 20 — Ford 400, Homestead, Fla.
Kveta Peschke, Czech Republic, and Katarina Sre- Phil Kessel Toronto........................................... 8030
Eleventh - $13,000 Pace 1:54.0 Connecticut at Bridgeport, 7 p.m.
BASKETBALL 2-Cheyenne Knight (La Stalbaum) 9.60 4.20 4.60 botnik (1), Slovenia, def. Vera Dushevina, Russia, Nikolai Kulemin Toronto ................................... 8030
Milan Lucic Boston ............................................ 7630 Worcester at Charlotte, 7 p.m.
x-non-points race
2011 Driver Standings
5-Lislea Moran (Br Simpson) 10.00 4.80 and Tatiana Poutchek, Belarus, 6-1, 6-1. Adirondack at Manchester, 7 p.m.
National Basketball Association Julia Goerges, Germany, and Nadia Petrova, Rus- Brenden Morrow Dallas.................................... 7930 Through April 3
WASHINGTON WIZARDS—Signed F Larry 7-Waylon Hanover (Ma Kakaley) 5.40 Portland at Providence, 7:05 p.m.
sia, def. Alisa Kleybanova, Russia, and Yan Zi, Chi- Martin St. Louis Tampa Bay ............................. 8030 Hershey at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton, 7:05 p.m. 1. Kyle Busch, 219.
Owens. Re-signed F Othyus Jeffers. Waived G/F EXACTA (2-5) $67.00 Drew Stafford Buffalo ....................................... 6030 2. Carl Edwards, 214.
TRIFECTA (2-5-7) $1,464.20 na, 2-6, 6-4, 10-3. Albany at Springfield, 7:30 p.m.
Cartier Martin. Raquel Kops-Jones and Abigail Spears, United Assists 3. Jimmie Johnson, 207.
SUPERFECTA (2-5-7-ALL) $2,639.40 Binghamton at Rochester, 7:35 p.m.
HOCKEY Scratched: Bar B’s Apache Cam States, def. Maria Kondratieva, Russia, and Sophie
Lefevre, France, 7-6 (5), 6-7 (5), 10-7.
Name Team........................................................GP A
Henrik Sedin Vancouver .................................. 8073
Texas at Milwaukee, 8 p.m. 4. Kurt Busch, 205.
5. Kevin Harvick, 204.
Twelfth - $15,000 Pace 1:54.0 Oklahoma City at San Antonio, 8 p.m.
National Hockey League Andalucia Tennis Experience Martin St. Louis Tampa Bay ............................. 8065 Chicago at Peoria, 8:05 p.m. 6. Ryan Newman, 203.
CHICAGO BLACK HAWKS—Recalled F Ben 4-Soggy Soggy (Ma Kakaley) 11.40 3.80 3.20 7. Juan Pablo Montoya, 201.
6-Royal Fortune (An McCarthy) 7.20 7.40 Wednesday Daniel Sedin Vancouver ................................... 8059 Lake Erie at Rockford, 8:05 p.m.
Smith from Rockford (AHL). Henrik Zetterberg Detroit ................................. 7956 Hamilton at Manitoba, 8:30 p.m. 8. Dale Earnhardt Jr., 199.
OTTAWA SENATORS — Reassigned D Andre Be- 1-Cammi Place (La Stalbaum) 3.60 Marbella, Spain 9. Matt Kenseth, 195.
EXACTA (4-6) $85.20 Ryan Getzlaf Anaheim...................................... 6452
noit, D David Hale, D Patrick Wiercioch, F Erik Con- Singles 10. Mark Martin, 181.
TRIFECTA (4-6-1) $458.00 Alex Ovechkin Washington.............................. 7751
dra and F Roman Wick to Binghamton (AHL). First Round Claude Giroux Philadelphia ............................. 8050 11. Tony Stewart, 180.
SUPERFECTA (4-6-1-ALL) $552.60
Leighton from Adirondack (AHL). PICK 3 (5-2-ALL) $23.60
Anabel Medina Garrigues, Spain, def. Iveta Bene-
sova, Czech Republic, 6-0, 6-2.
Mike Ribeiro Dallas........................................... 7950 B O X I N G 12. Jeff Gordon, 170.
13. Paul Menard, 170.
PICK 3 (5-ALL-4) $23.60 David Krejci Boston .......................................... 7249
Victoria Azarenka (1), Belarus, def. Arantxa Parra 14. A J Allmendinger, 168.
COLLEGE PICK 3 (ALL-2-4) $23.60 Santonja, Spain, 6-2, 6-3.
Anze Kopitar Los Angeles ............................... 7548
Teemu Selanne Anaheim ................................ 7048 Fight Schedule 15. Kasey Kahne, 163.
BYU—Signed men’s basketball coach Dave Rose Thirteenth - $6,000 Pace 1:56.4 Second Round 16. Clint Bowyer, 158.
4-Broadway Jake (Pa Berry) 5.60 3.40 3.20 Joe Thornton San Jose .................................... 7748 National TV in parentheses 17. Martin Truex Jr., 151.
to a five-year contract. Klara Zakopalova (6), Czech Republic, def. Lubomir Visnovsky Anaheim ........................... 7848
EASTERN MICHIGAN — Fired men’s basketball 1-Sammy Savannah (An McCarthy) 7.80 12.00 Lourdes Dominguez Lino, Spain, 7-6 (3), 1-6, 7-6 April 8 18. David Ragan, 147.
2-Buzzd On Sudzz (Ma Kakaley) 6.20 Keith Yandle Phoenix ....................................... 7948 At Hyogo, Japan, Hozumi Hasegawa vs. Johnny 19. Denny Hamlin, 145.
coach Charles Ramsey. (0). Nicklas Lidstrom Detroit ................................... 7946
IOWA STATE—Released G Anthony Odunsi from EXACTA (4-1) $62.60 Sara Errani (8), Itlay, def. Kristina Barrois, Germa- Gonzalez, 12, for Hasegawa’s WBC featherweight 20. Greg Biffle, 142.
TRIFECTA (4-1-2) $443.60 ny, 6-1, 6-2. Joe Pavelski San Jose ..................................... 7146 title; Toshiaki Nishioka vs. Mauricio Munoz, 12, for 21. Bobby Labonte, 138.
the men’s basketball team. Corey Perry Anaheim ....................................... 7946
MONTANA STATE—Released G Casey Trujeque SUPERFECTA (4-1-2-ALL) $505.00 Dinara Safina, Russia, def. Tsvetana Pironkova (5), Nishioka’s WBC junior featherweight title; Takahiro 22. Marcos Ambrose, 136.
Fourteenth - $8,500 Pace 1:55.2 Bulgaria, 6-3, 6-4. Brad Richards Dallas........................................ 6946 Ao vs. Humberto Gutierrez, 12, for Ao’s WBC junior 23. Jamie McMurray, 135.
from the men’s basketball team. Nicklas Backstrom Washington....................... 7545
NEVADA—Released G Derrel Connor and F Mar- 5-Delightful Syd (Ma Kakaley) 36.80 14.00 4.80 Svetlana Kuznetsova (2), Russia, def. Agnes Sza- lightweight title. 24. Brian Vickers, 132.
ko Cukic from the men’s basketball team. 3-Gordyyy’s Pet (Jo Campbell) 3.60 3.00 vay, Hungary, 6-7 (2), 6-1, 6-2. Steven Stamkos Tampa Bay............................ 8045 At Montreal (ESPN2), David Lemieux vs. Marco 25. Brad Keselowski, 132.
WYOMING—Named Scott Duncan men’s associ- 7-Linden Beauty (Br Simpson) 2.60 Doubles Alex Tanguay Calgary....................................... 7744 Antonio Rubio, 12, WBC middleweight title elimina- 26. David Reutimann, 129.
ate basketball head coach and Jeremy Shyatt men’s EXACTA (5-3) $176.60 Jonathan Toews Chicago ................................. 7744 tor; Adonis Stevenson vs. Derek Edwards, 10, su- 27. Joey Logano, 124.
First Round Patrick Kane Chicago........................................ 7043
assistant basketball coach. TRIFECTA (5-3-7) $492.60 Maria Elena Camerin, Italy, and SorananCirstea,
per middleweights; Arash Usmanee vs. Aldo Val- 28. Jeff Burton, 123.
SUPERFECTA (5-3-7-ALL) $436.80 Brian Rafalski Detroit ........................................ 6043 tierra, 10, super featherweights. 29. David Gilliland, 112.
Romania, def. Alberta Brianti, Italy, and Aurelie Ve- Loui Eriksson Dallas ......................................... 7642
LATE DOUBLE (4-5) $149.00 dy, France, 6-1, 6-4.
30. Regan Smith, 105.
Total Handle-$322,072 Jarome Iginla Calgary ...................................... 8042 31. Robby Gordon, 90.
Tomas Kaberle TOR-BOS............................... 7942



Winless Rays fall S TA N D I N G S
East Division
San Francisco
Giants 8,
Padres 4
r h bi
San Diego
ab r h bi
Prado lf
Brewers 5, Braves 4
h bi
1 0
Weeks 2b
ab r h bi
3 2 1 0

to Harren, Angels
Fremn 1b 4 0 0 0 Gomez cf 3 1 1 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Torres cf 3 1 1 0 Venale rf 4 0 0 0 C.Jones 3b 4 1 2 1 Braun lf 3 0 0 0
Baltimore........................................... 4 1 .800 — — 4-1 L-1 1-1 3-0 FSnchz 2b 3 2 1 0 Bartlett ss 3 0 0 0 McCnn c 4 1 3 0 Fielder 1b 4 2 3 3
Toronto ............................................. 4 1 .800 — — 4-1 W-2 4-1 0-0 Huff rf-lf 5 2 3 3 AlGnzlz ss 1 1 1 0 Uggla 2b 4 0 0 0 McGeh 3b 4 0 0 0
New York.......................................... 3 2 .600 1 1 3-2 L-1 3-2 0-0 Posey c 5 1 3 4 OHudsn 2b 3 1 1 0 Heywrd rf 3 1 1 3 Almont rf 2 0 0 0
Boston............................................... 0 5 .000 4 4 0-5 L-5 0-0 0-5 PSndvl 3b 5 0 3 1 Hawpe 1b 4 1 1 0 AlGnzlz ss 4 0 1 0 Kotsay ph-rf 2 0 2 1
Tampa Bay ....................................... 0 5 .000 4 4 0-5 L-5 0-5 0-0 Burrell lf 3 0 0 0 Ludwck lf 4 0 0 0 MaYng cf 3 0 0 0 Axford p 0 0 0 0
Central Division Schrhlt rf 2 0 0 0 Headly 3b 4 0 2 2 Minor p 1 0 0 0 YBtncr ss 4 0 2 1
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away Belt 1b 5 1 2 0 Maybin cf 2 0 0 0 CMrtnz p 0 0 0 0 Nieves c 3 0 1 0
Kansas City ...................................... 4 2 .667 — — 4-2 L-1 4-2 0-0 Tejada ss 4 1 0 0 Luebke p 0 0 0 0 Hicks ph 1 0 0 0 Estrad p 2 0 0 0
Chicago ............................................ 3 2 .600 1
⁄2 1 3-2 W-1 0-0 3-2 Linccm p 2 0 0 0 Frieri p 0 0 0 0 OFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Reed ph 1 0 0 0
Cleveland.......................................... 3 2 .600 1
⁄2 1 3-2 W-3 3-2 0-0 Romo p 0 0 0 0 Deduno p 0 0 0 0 Moylan p 0 0 0 0 Brddck p 0 0 0 0
Detroit ............................................... 2 3 .400 11⁄2 2 2-3 W-1 0-0 2-3 Denorfi Hinske ph 1 0 0 0 Loe p 0 0 0 0
Minnesota......................................... 2 3 .400 11⁄2 2 2-3 W-1 0-0 2-3 BrWlsn p 0 0 0 0 ph-cf 1 0 0 0 Morgan
Affeldt p 0 0 0 0 Hundly c 3 1 1 1 ph-rf 1 0 1 0
The Associated Press are 6-0 for the first time since W L
West Division
Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
RRmrz p 0 0 0 0 Qualls p 0 0 0 0 Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 32 511 5
Cantu ph 1 0 1 0
ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — 1996, when they set a team Texas .............................................. 6 0 1.000 — — 6-0 W-6 6-0 0-0 Stauffr p 1 0 0 0 Atlanta ................................ 100 003 000 — 4
Los Angeles ................................... 3 3 .500 3 11⁄2 3-3 W-2 0-0 3-3 Neshek p 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee.......................... 200 120 00x — 5
The winless Tampa Bay Rays record by winning their first Seattle............................................. 2 4 .333 4 21⁄2 2-4 L-4 0-0 2-4 CHuntr cf 1 0 0 0 DP—Atlanta 3. LOB—Atlanta 5, Milwaukee 8.
Oakland .......................................... 1 4 .200 41⁄2 3 1-4 L-2 1-2 0-2 RJhnsn 2B—Prado (3), C.Jones (3), Y.Betancourt (2).
lost again Wednesday when seven games. Texas has a day NATIONAL LEAGUE ph-c 2 0 0 0 HR—Heyward (2). S—Minor.
Dan Haren and the Los Angeles off Thursday before starting its East Division Totals 37 813 8 Totals 34 4 7 3
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away San Francisco.................... 300 014 000 — 8
Angels shut down the AL East first road trip of the season Philadelphia ..................................... 4 1 .800 — — 4-1 W-1 4-1 0-0 San Diego .......................... 001 000 003 — 4
Minor L,0-1 .............. 41⁄3
C.Martinez ............... 12⁄3
Florida............................................... 3 2 .600 1 1
⁄2 3-2 W-2 3-2 0-0 E—Tejada (2), Stauffer (1), Headley (1). DP—San
champions 5-1. Friday in Baltimore. New York.......................................... 3 2 .600 1 1
⁄2 3-2 L-1 0-0 3-2 Diego 3. LOB—San Francisco 9, San Diego 5.
O’Flaherty ................
Moylan ......................
Atlanta............................................... 3 3 .500 11⁄2 1 3-3 L-2 0-0 3-3
The Rays fell to 0-5. In four of Washington ...................................... 1 4 .200 3 2 ⁄2
1-4 L-3 1-2 0-2
2B—Torres (2), Huff 2 (3), O.Hudson (1), Headley 2
(2). 3B—F.Sanchez (1). HR—Posey (1), Hundley
Estrada W,1-0 ......... 6 8 4 4 1 4
those games, they finished with Tigers 7, Orioles 3 Central Division (1). S—Lincecum 2. Braddock H,1 .......... 1 0 0 0 0 0
W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away IP H R ER BB SO Loe H,2..................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
exactly one run and four hits. BALTIMORE — Alex Avila Cincinnati........................................ 5 0 1.000 — — 5-0 W-5 5-0 0-0 San Francisco Axford S,1-2 ............ 1 0 0 0 1 1
Pittsburgh....................................... 4 2 .667 11⁄2 — 4-2 W-1 0-0 4-2 Lincecum W,1-1...... 7 3 1 1 0 13 O’Flaherty pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.
Rookie Jeremy Hellickson homered and had a career-high Chicago .......................................... 3 3 .500 21⁄2 1 3-3 L-1 3-3 0-0 Romo ........................ 1 0 0 0 0 1 PB—McCann.
Milwaukee ...................................... 2 4 .333 31⁄2 2 2-4 W-2 2-1 0-3 Br.Wilson ................. 2⁄3 2 3 3 1 1 Umpires—Home, Bill Miller;First, Phil Cuzzi;Se-
(0-1) lost despite striking out five RBIs to back an effective St. Louis ......................................... 2 4 .333 31⁄2 2 2-4 L-1 2-4 0-0 Affeldt ....................... 0 2 0 0 1 0 cond, James Hoye;Third, Alan Porter.
R.Ramirez S,1-1 ..... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
10 in 5 2-3 innings. pitching performance by Justin Houston .......................................... 0 5 .000 5 31⁄2 0-5 L-5 0-0 0-5
San Diego
T—2:36. A—23,420 (41,900).
West Division
Tampa Bay designated hitter Verlander, and the Detroit W L Pct GB WCGB L10 Str Home Away
Stauffer L,0-1........... 42⁄3
Neshek ..................... 2⁄3
1 Reds 12, Astros 4
Colorado........................................... 3 1 .750 — — 3-1 W-3 3-1 0-0
Manny Ramirez, who has one Tigers ended the Baltimore San Diego......................................... 3 2 .600 1
⁄2 1
⁄2 3-2 L-1 1-1 2-1
Luebke ..................... 1⁄3
Frieri ......................... 11⁄3
2 Houston Cincinnati
Los Angeles ..................................... 3 3 .500 1 1 3-3 L-2 3-1 0-2 ab r h bi ab r h bi
hit in 17 at-bats this season, was Orioles’ unbeaten run with a Arizona ............................................. 2 3 .400 11⁄2 11⁄2 2-3 W-1 0-0 2-3
Qualls .......................
0 Bourn cf 3 1 1 0 Stubbs cf 5 1 1 1
out of the starting lineup. He victory. San Francisco .................................. 2 4 .333 2 2 2-4 W-1 0-0 2-4 Affeldt pitched to 3 batters in the 9th. Bourgs cf
AngSnc ss
0 0
1 0
Phillips 2b
Corder p
4 3 3 1
0 0 0 0
Umpires—Home, Tim McClelland;First, Ted Bar-
flied out as a pinch-hitter in the Miguel Cabrera and Victor AMERICAN LEAGUE
Tuesday's Games
Tuesday's Games
rett;Second, Brian Runge;Third, Marvin Hudson. Pence rf
Ca.Lee lf
0 0
0 0
Votto 1b
Rolen 3b
4 2 2 1
4 1 1 3
T—3:00. A—24,368 (42,691).
eighth inning and will miss Martinez also connected for L.A. Angels 5, Tampa Bay 3 Chicago Cubs 6, Arizona 5 Hall 2b 4 0 1 0 Bray p
0 0 0 0
Cleveland 3, Boston 1 San Diego 3, San Francisco 1
Thursday’s game at the Chica- the Tigers, who became the Minnesota 5, N.Y. Yankees 4, 10 innings N.Y. Mets 7, Philadelphia 1 Wallac 1b 3 1 0 1 ph-2b 1 0 1 1
Toronto 7, Oakland 6, 10 innings Cincinnati 8, Houston 2 CJhnsn 3b 4 0 1 2 Bruce rf 5 2 2 1
go White Sox while tending to first team this season to score Texas 3, Seattle 2 Florida 3, Washington 2, 10 innings Diamondbacks 6, Towles c 4 0 1 1 Heisey lf 4 1 0 1
Figuero p 3 0 2 0 RHrndz c 5 0 1 0
a personal matter. more than one run against Kansas City 7, Chicago White Sox 6, 12 innings
Wednesday's Games
Milwaukee 1, Atlanta 0
St. Louis 3, Pittsburgh 2 Cubs 4 Abad p 0 0 0 0 Janish ss 5 1 3 2
Rays left fielder Johnny Da- Baltimore. L.A. Angels 5, Tampa Bay 1
Texas 7, Seattle 3
Colorado 3, L.A. Dodgers 0
Wednesday's Games
Arizona Chicago Melncn p
MDwns ph
0 0 0 0 Volquez p
1 0 0 0 Ondrsk p
2 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
ab r h bi ab r h bi
mon replaced Ramirez as the Chicago White Sox 10, Kansas City 7, 12 innings Pittsburgh 3, St. Louis 1 Blmqst ss 5 2 2 1 Fukdm rf 3 0 2 0 DelRsr p 0 0 0 0 Cairo ph
Chpmn p
1 1 0 0
0 0 0 0
Cleveland 8, Boston 4 Arizona 6, Chicago Cubs 4
DH. Damon went 0 for 4 with a Blue Jays 5, Athletics 3 Detroit 7, Baltimore 3 Colorado 7, L.A. Dodgers 5
CYoung cf
KJhnsn 2b
2 2
1 1
SCastro ss
Byrd cf
4 1 0 0
4 1 2 0 JFrncs
Minnesota at New York, ppd., rain San Francisco 8, San Diego 4 J.Upton rf 4 0 0 0 ArRmr 3b 3 1 1 2 ph-3b 1 0 0 0
strikeout, and is 1 for 15 this TORONTO — Travis Snider Toronto 5, Oakland 3 Philadelphia 10, N.Y. Mets 7 Monter c 4 1 2 1 Colvin 1b 4 0 0 1 Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 41121411
year. hit a three-run home run, Yunel Thursday's Games
Boston (Lester 0-0) at Cleveland (Carmona 0-1),
Cincinnati 12, Houston 4
Florida 7, Washington 4
Mora 3b
Mirand 1b
1 0
0 0
ASorin lf
Soto c
4 1 1 1
4 0 0 0
Houston ........................... 400 000 000 — 4
Cincinnati ......................... 015 004 02x — 12
Escobar had three hits before 12:05 p.m.
Oakland (Cahill 0-0) at Toronto (R.Romero 1-0),
Milwaukee 5, Atlanta 4
Thursday's Games
GParra lf
Galrrg p
3 0
0 0
DeWitt 2b
Dmpstr p
3 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
E—Figueroa (1), Ang.Sanchez 2 (3), Towles (1),
C.Johnson (1). DP—Houston 2, Cincinnati 1.
White Sox 10, Royals 7 leaving with an injury and the 12:37 p.m. Houston (Myers 0-0) at Cincinnati (LeCure 0-0), JGutrrz p 0 0 0 0 Barney ph 1 0 0 0 LOB—Houston 8, Cincinnati 8. 2B—Bourn (2), Phil-
Minnesota (Liriano 0-1) at N.Y. Yankees (A.Burnett 12:35 p.m. Nady ph 1 0 1 0 Grabow p 0 0 0 0 lips (1), Votto (2), Rolen (2). SB—Bourn (1), Ang-
KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Car- Toronto Blue Jays beat the 1-0), 1:05 p.m. Colorado (Rogers 0-0) at Pittsburgh (Maholm 0-0), Putz p 0 0 0 0 Mateo p 0 0 0 0 .Sanchez (1), Bruce (2), Heisey (1), Janish (1).
Tampa Bay (Price 0-1) at Chicago White Sox 1:35 p.m. JeBakr ph 1 0 0 0 IP H R ER BB SO
los Quentin and the Chicago Oakland Athletics. (E.Jackson 1-0), 2:10 p.m. Atlanta (Hanson 0-1) at Milwaukee (Marcum 0-1), Totals 39 612 5 Totals 32 4 6 4 Houston
Arizona ............................... 002 030 010 — 6
White Sox pulled off a two-out Jesse Litsch pitched 6 1-3 for Detroit (Penny 0-1) at Baltimore (Tillman 0-0), 7:05
1:40 p.m.
N.Y. Mets (Niese 0-0) at Philadelphia (Halladay Chicago.............................. 000 200 110 — 4
Figueroa L,0-1......... 51⁄3 11 10
Abad ......................... 1⁄3 1 0
rally in the ninth inning off his first win since July 20 and Friday's Games
N.Y. Yankees at Boston, 2:05 p.m.
0-0), 3:05 p.m.
Washington (Lannan 1-0) at Florida (Jo.Johnson
E—A.Soriano (1), Soto (1), DeWitt (1). LOB—Arizo-
na 6, Chicago 5. 2B—C.Young (2), K.Johnson (2),
Melancon ................. 11⁄3
Del Rosario.............. 1
Kansas City closer Joakim Jon Rauch got two outs for his Kansas City at Detroit, 3:05 p.m. 1-0), 7:10 p.m. G.Parra (2). 3B—C.Young (1). HR—Montero (2), Cincinnati
Volquez W,1-0 ........ 5 5 4 4 5 8
Oakland at Minnesota, 4:10 p.m. Friday's Games Ar.Ramirez (1), A.Soriano (3). SB—Bloomquist (5).
Soria, then Brent Morel hit a first save as the Blue Jays won Texas at Baltimore, 7:05 p.m. Washington at N.Y. Mets, 4:10 p.m. S—Dempster. Ondrusek H,1 .......... 1 1 0 0 0 2
Tampa Bay at Chicago White Sox, 8:10 p.m. St. Louis at San Francisco, 4:35 p.m. IP H R ER BB SO Chapman ................. 1 1 0 0 1 0
go-ahead single in the 12th that for the eighth time in 11 games Toronto at L.A. Angels, 10:05 p.m. Colorado at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m. Arizona Bray........................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
Galarraga W,1-0 ..... 7 5 4 4 2 5 Cordero .................... 1 0 0 0 0 1
beat the Royals 10-7 Wednes- against the Athletics. Cleveland at Seattle, 10:10 p.m. Florida at Houston, 7:05 p.m.
Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:35 p.m. J.Gutierrez H,1........ 1 1 0 0 1 1 Balk—Volquez.
Umpires—Home, Tim Welke;First, Jim Reynolds-
day. Chicago Cubs at Milwaukee, 8:10 p.m.
Cincinnati at Arizona, 9:40 p.m.
Putz S,2-2 ................
1 0 0 0 0 1
;Second, Mike DiMuro;Third, Andy Fletcher.
The surprising Royals were Indians 8, Red Sox 4 L.A. Dodgers at San Diego, 10:05 p.m. Dempster L,0-2 ....... 7 10 5 4 0 6 T—3:12. A—17,719 (42,319).
Grabow..................... 1 2 1 1 0 2
in position to improve to 5-1 CLEVELAND — Asdrubal Mateo ........................ 1
Grabow pitched to 2 batters in the 9th.
0 0 0 0 0
after Soria retired the first two Cabrera had four RBIs, Shin- Galarraga pitched to 1 batter in the 8th.
batters in the ninth with a 6-3 Soo Choo hit a two-run homer A L B O X E S SF—Pierre. Umpires—Home, Eric Cooper;First, Mark Carlson-
;Second, Tim Timmons;Third, Jeff Kellogg.
BATTING—Quentin, Chicago, .500;YEscobar, To-
ronto, .474;Callaspo, Los Angeles,
IP H R ER BB SO .450;HKendrick, Los Angeles, .417;Boesch, De-
T—2:26. A—32,272 (41,159).
lead. But Alex Rios and Paul and the Cleveland Indians kept Tigers 7, Orioles 3
Buehrle..................... 5 8 5 5 2 2
troit, .400;Abreu, Los Angeles, .391;Lind, Toronto,
Konerko hit RBI singles and the built-to-win Boston Red Detroit Baltimore Humber .................... 2 1 0 0 1 0 RBI—Quentin, Chicago, 10;Teixeira, New York,
ab r h bi ab r h bi Ohman...................... 1 1 1 0 1 0
Quentin’s two-run double Sox winless on Wednesday AJcksn cf 5 0 0 0 BRorts 2b 3 1 0 0 Thornton BS,1-1 ..... 2 2 1 1 1 1
Pirates 3,
10;BRoberts, Baltimore, 8;Konerko, Chicago,
7;Avila, Detroit, 6;MiCabrera, Detroit, 6;NCruz,
Rhyms 2b 4 0 0 0 Markks rf 3 1 0 0 Sale W,1-0 ............... 2 1 0 0 0 2
capped a four-run comeback for night with a victory that drop- Ordonz rf 4 0 2 0 D.Lee 1b 4 1 1 2 Kansas City Cardinals 1 Texas, 6;Posada, New York, 6;Snider, Toronto, 6.
HOME RUNS—NCruz, Texas, 4;Teixeira, New
Francis...................... 62⁄3 8 2 2 1 4
a 7-6 edge. ped one of baseball’s big spend- C.Wells pr-rf
MiCarr 1b
1 0 0 0 Guerrr dh
4 1 2 1 Wieters c
4 0 2 1
4 0 0 0 Collins....................... 1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh St. Louis York, 4;MiCabrera, Detroit, 3;HKendrick, Los An-
Tejeda H,1 ............... 1 2 1 1 0 0 ab r h bi ab r h bi geles, 3;Kinsler, Texas, 3;Posada, New York, 3;13
ers to 0-5. VMrtnz dh
Boesch lf
5 2 3 1 AdJons cf
3 1 0 0 MrRynl 3b
3 0 0 0
3 0 0 0 Soria BS,1-2 ............ 1 4 4 4 1 0 Tabata lf 4 0 1 0 Theriot ss 3 0 0 0 tied at 2.
Rangers 7, Mariners 3 From Cambridge to Cape Raburn lf 2 1 1 0 Pie lf 3 0 1 0 Jeffress..................... 1 0 0 0 1 2 Walker 2b 5 1 2 1 Rasms cf 4 0 0 0
JhPerlt ss 3 1 0 0 Hardy ss 3 0 0 0 O’Sullivan L,0-1....... 2 3 3 3 1 0 McCtch cf
Overay 1b
4 1 2 0 Pujols 1b
5 1 2 1 Brkmn rf
4 0 1 0
4 1 1 0
ARLINGTON, Texas — Cod, the panic buttons are Avila c 4 1 3 5 Umpires—Home, Jerry Layne;First, Bob Davidson-
;Second, Hunter Wendelstedt;Third, Brian Knight. Alvarez 3b 5 0 2 0 Craig lf 4 0 1 0
Inge 3b 4 0 1 0 BATTING—Howard, Philadelphia, .524; Hundley,
Mitch Moreland hit a tiebreak- glowing. Totals 39 712 7 Totals 30 3 4 3 T—3:41. A—13,360 (37,903). Doumit c
GJones rf
3 0 1 1 Schmkr 2b
3 0 1 0 YMolin c
4 0 2 0
3 0 1 1 San Diego, .500; Montero, Arizona, .474; Polanco,
Detroit................................. 020 220 010 — 7 Philadelphia, .450; Phillips, Cincinnati, .450; Jan-
ing double off Cy Young winner The Red Sox are off to their Baltimore ............................ 000 201 000 — 3 Rangers 7, Mariners 3
Diaz ph
Meek p
1 0 0 0 Descals 3b
0 0 0 0 Carpntr p
4 0 1 0
2 0 0 0 ish, Cincinnati, .444; Iannetta, Colorado, .417.
RBI—Howard, Philadelphia, 8; Walker, Pittsburgh,
Felix Hernandez and the Texas worst start in 15 years and look E—B.Roberts (1), Bergesen (1). DP—Baltimore 1. Seattle Texas Hanrhn p
JRdrgz ss
0 0 0 0 Boggs p
3 0 0 0 Tallet p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 8; JBuck, Florida, 7; Headley, San Diego, 7; Huff,
LOB—Detroit 8, Baltimore 2. 2B—V.Martinez (1), ab r h bi ab r h bi
Rangers remained unbeaten, nothing like the team many Raburn (2), Avila (1), Inge (3). HR—Mi.Cabrera (3), ISuzuki rf 2 0 0 0 Kinsler 2b 3 0 0 1 Bowker ph 0 0 0 0 Freese ph 1 0 0 0 San Francisco, 7; Rolen, Cincinnati, 7; IDavis, New
York, 6.
V.Martinez (2), Avila (1), D.Lee (1). SB—Avila (1), Cedeno ss 0 0 0 0 Miller p 0 0 0 0
defeating the Seattle Mariners. forecast to be the last one B.Roberts (1).
Figgins 3b
Bradly lf
4 0 0 0 Andrus ss
4 1 1 0 Hamltn cf
4 0 0 1
3 0 1 0 Correia p 3 0 0 0 Motte p 0 0 0 0 HOME RUNS—ASoriano, Chicago, 3; Weeks, Mil-
waukee, 3; 12 tied at 2.
IP H R ER BB SO Pearce ph-rf 1 0 0 0
The AL champion Rangers standing in October. Detroit
Cust dh
Smoak 1b
4 1 2 1 ABeltre 3b
4 0 0 0 MiYong dh
4 1 1 0
4 1 1 0 Totals 37 311 3 Totals 33 1 7 1
Verlander W,1-0...... 8 4 3 3 2 9 JWilson 2b 1 0 0 0 N.Cruz rf 4 1 1 2 Pittsburgh .......................... 000 110 001 — 3
Benoit ....................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
LRdrgz 2b
Ryan ss
3 1 1 0 DvMrp lf
3 0 1 1 Torreal c
4 2 2 0
4 1 2 0
St. Louis ............................. 000 000 001 — 1
E—Pujols (1). DP—Pittsburgh 1. LOB—Pittsburgh
T U E S D AY ’ S
Bergesen L,0-1 ....... 32⁄3 5 4 2 2 2 MSndrs cf 4 0 0 1 Morlnd 1b 3 1 1 1 11, St. Louis 7. 2B—McCutchen (2), Overbay (2), L A T E B O X E S
N AT I O N A L L E A G U E R O U N D U P Rupe .........................
M.Gonzalez ............. 11⁄3
3 3
Moore c 3 0 1 0 Alvarez (1), Doumit (1), Berkman (2), Y.Molina (1),
Olivo c 0 0 0 0 Descalso (1). HR—Walker (2). SB—Tabata (2),
Gregg ....................... 1 2 0 0 0 1 Totals 32 3 6 3 Totals 33 7 9 5 Craig (2). S—Doumit. Cardinals 3, Pirates 2

Pittsburgh sparkles
Umpires—Home, Jim Joyce;First, Ron Kulpa;Se- IP H R ER BB SO
cond, Jim Wolf;Third, Derryl Cousins. Seattle ................................ 010 011 000 — 3 Pittsburgh St. Louis
Texas.................................. 030 000 13x — 7 Pittsburgh ab r h bi ab r h bi
T—2:51. A—12,451 (45,438). Correia W,2-0.......... 7 5 0 0 2 3
E—J.Wilson 2 (2), League (1), Andrus (1). DP— Tabata lf 4 1 1 0 Theriot ss 2 2 1 0
Seattle 2, Texas 1. LOB—Seattle 5, Texas 5. Meek H,2.................. 1 0 0 0 0 1 Walker 2b 4 0 0 0 Rasms cf 3 0 2 0
Hanrahan S,4-4 ....... 1 2 1 1 0 0
Blue Jays 5, Athletics 3 2B—Bradley (3), L.Rodriguez (1), Moore (1),
St. Louis
McCtch cf 3 0 2 0 Pujols 1b 2 0 1 2
N.Cruz (1), Moreland (2). SB—J.Wilson (3), Dav- Overay 1b 3 1 2 2 Brkmn rf 4 1 1 0
Oakland Toronto Carpenter L,0-1....... 6 8 2 1 0 6

on road, defeats Cards

.Murphy (1). SF—Ryan. Alvarez 3b 4 0 0 0 Craig lf 4 0 2 1
ab r h bi ab r h bi IP H R ER BB SO Boggs ....................... 2⁄3 0 0 0 1 0 Diaz rf 2 0 0 0 Miller p 0 0 0 0
Crisp cf 4 1 1 0 RDavis cf 4 0 1 0 Seattle Tallet......................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 0 GJones ph-rf 2 0 0 0 YMolin c 0 0 0 0
Barton 1b 3 1 1 1 YEscor ss 3 1 3 0 F.Hernandez L,1-1.. 7 6 4 2 3 6 Miller ......................... 1⁄3 1 0 0 0 0 Jarmll c 3 0 1 0 Freese 3b 2 0 0 0
DeJess rf 4 1 1 0 JMcDnl ss 1 1 1 0 Ray............................ 1⁄3 2 2 2 0 0 Motte......................... 12⁄3 2 1 1 1 0 Cedeno ss 3 0 1 0 Batista p 0 0 0 0
Wlngh lf 4 0 0 0 Lind 1b 4 0 2 1 League ..................... 2⁄3 1 1 0 0 1 HBP—by Boggs (McCutchen). Doumit ph 1 0 1 0 Jay lf 1 0 0 0
Matsui dh 4 0 1 2 A.Hill 2b 4 0 1 1 Texas Umpires—Home, Paul Nauert;First, Doug Eddings- JRdrgz pr 0 0 0 0 Schmkr 2b 3 0 0 0
KSuzuk c 3 0 0 0 JRiver rf 3 1 0 0 C.Wilson W,1-0 ....... 7 6 3 2 2 2 ;Second, Dana DeMuth;Third, Kerwin Danley. JMcDnl p 1 0 0 0 Laird c 4 0 0 0
M.Ellis 2b 4 0 0 0 Encrnc 3b 4 1 1 0 Rhodes H,3.............. 1 0 0 0 0 0 T—2:50. A—34,965 (43,975). Karstns p 0 0 0 0 Frnkln p 0 0 0 0
AnLRc 3b-ss 3 0 1 0 Snider lf 3 1 1 3 O’Day........................ 1 0 0 0 0 0 Bowker ph 1 0 0 0 McCllln p 2 0 0 0
Pnngtn ss 2 0 1 0 Arencii c 3 0 1 0 Umpires—Home, Alfonso Marquez;First, Ed Hick- Olson p 0 0 0 0 Descals 3b 1 0 0 0
The Associated Press Wilson, activated from the Kzmnff ph-3b 1 0 0 0 McCoy dh
Totals 32 3 6 3 Totals
3 0 0 0
32 511 5
ox;Second, Ed Rapuano;Third, Brian O’Nora. Resop p 0 0 0 0
T—2:36. A—25,049 (49,170). Pearce ph 1 0 0 0
ST. LOUIS — Kevin Correia 15-day disabled list before the Oakland.............................. 000 210 000 — 3 Marlins 7, Totals 32 2 8 2 Totals 28 3 7 3
and two relievers combined to game, pitched the ninth in a Toronto............................... 100 300 01x — 5
Indians 8, Red Sox 4 Nationals 4 Pittsburgh .......................... 200 000 000 — 2
DP—Oakland 1. LOB—Oakland 4, Toronto 4. St. Louis ............................. 000 110 10x — 3
Washington Florida
slow St. Louis, Neil Walker hit non-save situation, allowing 2B—DeJesus (1), Matsui (2), Lind 2 (2). 3B—Crisp
(2), Y.Escobar (2). HR—Snider (1). CS—Penning-
Boston Cleveland ab r h bi ab r h bi DP—Pittsburgh 2, St. Louis 1. LOB—Pittsburgh 7,
ab r h bi ab r h bi Dsmnd ss 5 0 4 2 Coghln cf 5 3 4 0 St. Louis 8. 2B—Tabata (1), Berkman (1). HR—
his second home run and the three runs on two infield sin- ton (1), R.Davis (1).
Ellsury cf 5 0 0 1 Brantly cf 4 2 1 1 Werth rf 3 0 0 0 Infante 2b 4 0 1 1 Overbay (1). SB—Jaramillo (1). CS—McCutchen
Crwfrd lf 4 1 2 0 ACarer ss 5 1 2 4 (1). S—Ja.McDonald. SF—Pujols.
surprising Pittsburgh Pirates gles and a walk. Oakland Pedroia 2b 3 0 0 0 Choo rf 4 1 1 2
Zmrmn 3b
AdLRc 1b
0 1
0 0
HRmrz ss
GSnchz 1b
3 1 1 1
2 1 0 1 IP H R ER BB SO
Braden L,0-1............ 7 10 5 5 1 3 AdGnzl 1b 3 1 2 2 CSantn c 4 0 1 0 Pittsburgh
beat the Cardinals 3-1 Wednes- Ziegler ...................... 1 1 0 0 0 1 Youkils 3b 4 0 0 0 Hafner dh 3 0 1 0
Morse lf
Ankiel cf
0 0
1 0
Morrsn lf
J.Buck c
2 1 0 0
4 0 2 3 Ja.McDonald ........... 42⁄3 4 2 2 4 4
Reds 12, Astros 4 Toronto
day. Litsch W,1-0 ............ 61⁄3 6 3 3 2 7
Ortiz dh
J.Drew rf
4 1 1 0 OCarer 2b
3 1 1 0 T.Buck lf
3 0 0 0
3 1 0 0
Espinos 2b 4 1 1 0 DMrph 3b 4 0 0 0 Karstens................... 11⁄3
Olson L,0-1 .............. 1⁄3
Rzepczynski H,1 ..... 2 0 0 0 0 3 Coffey p 0 0 0 0 Bonifac rf 4 0 1 0
The Pirates won their second CINCINNATI — Brandon Rauch S,1-1............. 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
Camrn ph-rf
Varitek c
1 0 0 0 LaPort 1b
2 0 0 0 Hannhn 3b
3 2 2 1
2 1 0 0
Slaten p 0 0 0 0 Volstad p 0 0 0 0 Resop ....................... 12⁄3
St. Louis
1 0 0 0 1
IRdrgz c 4 2 0 1 Cousins ph 1 0 0 0
road series of the season, now Phillips and Paul Janish had Braden pitched to 2 batters in the 8th.
Lowrie ph
Sltlmch c
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
LHrndz p 0 0 0 0 Sanchs p 0 0 0 0 McClellan .................
Batista W,1-0 ........... 12⁄3
6 6
L.Nix ph 1 0 0 0 Dobbs ph 1 1 1 0
having taken two of three from three hits apiece, and the Cin- Umpires—Home, Lance Barksdale;First, Fieldin
Culbreth;Second, Adrian Johnson;Third, Gary Ce-
Scutaro ss 4 0 1 1 Gaudin p 0 0 0 0 Mujica p 0 0 0 0 Miller H,1.................. 1⁄3 0 0 0 1 1
Totals 34 4 7 4 Totals 31 8 8 8 Cora 2b 1 0 0 0 Hensly p 0 0 0 0 Franklin S,1-2 .......... 1 1 0 0 0 2
St. Louis and the Chicago cinnati Reds overcame a four- derstrom. Boston ................................ 020 000 200 — 4 Helms ph 1 0 0 0 WP—Karstens.
T—2:18. A—11,684 (49,260).
Cubs. Last year, Pittsburgh was run deficit and remained the Cleveland ........................... 210 004 01x — 8
Totals 31 4 6 4 Totals
LNunez p 0 0 0 0
31 710 6
Rockies 3, Dodgers 0
DP—Boston 1. LOB—Boston 7, Cleveland 6.
a majors-worst 17-64 on the NL’s only unbeaten team with a Angels 5, Rays 1
2B—Ad.Gonzalez (2). HR—Ad.Gonzalez (1), Washington ....................... 030 100 000 — 4 Los Angeles
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
A.Cabrera (1), Choo (1), LaPorta (1). SB—Crawford Florida ................................ 000 042 01x — 7
road on the way to a 57-105 victory over the winless Hous- Los Angeles Tampa Bay 2 (2). E—Desmond (1), H.Ramirez (2). DP—Washington
Furcal ss
Gwynn lf
0 0
1 0
Fowler cf
Splrghs rf
4 1 1 0
4 0 0 0
IP H R ER BB SO 1, Florida 1. LOB—Washington 8, Florida 10.
record overall. ton Astros. MIzturs dh
h bi
2 0
Jaso c
ab r h bi
3 0 0 0 Boston 2B—Desmond 2 (2), Coghlan 3 (4), H.Ramirez (2).
Ethier rf
Kemp cf
1 0
0 0
CGnzlz lf
Tlwtzk ss
3 0 0 0
3 1 1 1
Matsuzaka L,0-1...... 5 6 3 3 3 2
Ryan Doumit drove in his The Reds are 5-0 for the first HKndrc 2b
Abreu lf
1 0
MRmrz ph
1 1
Shppch c
1 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 D.Reyes ................... 0 0 3 3 1 0
3B—J.Buck (1). CS—Infante (1). S—L.Hernandez
2, Volstad. SF—Zimmerman, G.Sanchez.
Loney 1b 4 0 1 0 JoLopz 2b 3 0 1 1
Wheeler.................... 1 1 1 1 0 0 Uribe 3b 4 0 0 0 Helton 1b 3 0 1 0
first run of the year and Lyle time since 1990, when they Bourjos cf 0 0 0 0
Damon dh 4 0 0 0
Wakefield ................. 2 1 1 1 0 2 Washington
IP H R ER BB SO Barajs c 3 0 1 0 Wggntn 3b 3 0 1 0
TrHntr rf 5 0 1 1
Zobrist 2b 4 0 0 0 Carroll 2b 3 0 1 0 RBtncr p 0 0 0 0
Overbay had two hits and an won their last World Series V.Wells cf-lf 5 1 0 0
DJhnsn 1b 4 0 0 0 Cleveland
Talbot ....................... 41⁄3 5 2 2 3 7
L.Hernandez ............ 5 6 4 4 5 1 Kershw p 1 0 0 0 Street p 0 0 0 0
Callasp 3b 4 1 2 1
BUpton cf 3 1 1 1 Gaudin L,0-1............ 2 3 2 1 1 4 Miles ph 1 0 0 0 Iannett c 3 1 1 1
RBI for the Pirates, who won championship. Trumo 1b 4 1 3 1
Joyce rf 3 0 0 0 Durbin....................... 1⁄3
R.Perez W,1-0 ........ 11⁄3
Coffey ....................... 2⁄3 1 1 1 2 0 MacDgl p 0 0 0 0 Chacin p 1 0 0 0
Mathis c 4 0 2 1
FLopez 3b 3 0 0 0 Slaten........................ 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
consecutive road series for the B.Wood ss 4 0 0 0
Brignc ss 3 0 1 0 Herrmann .................
Sipp H,3 ...................
Hwksw p 0 0 0 0 ph-3b
1 0 0 0
first time since Aug. 20-26, Marlins 7, Nationals 4 Totals 37 512 5 Totals
Fuld lf 3 0 2 0
31 1 4 1 Pestano .................... 1 0 0 0 0 0
Volstad .....................
Sanches W,1-0........
1 Totals 30 0 5 0 Totals 28 3 6 3
D.Reyes pitched to 3 batters in the 6th. Mujica H,1................ 1 0 0 0 0 2 Los Angeles....................... 000 000 000 — 0
2007, at Colorado and Hous- MIAMI — John Buck hit a Los Angeles....................... 100 101 011 — 5 HBP—by D.Reyes (T.Buck, LaPorta), by Matsuza- Hensley H,2 ............. 1 1 0 0 0 0 Colorado ............................ 000 111 00x — 3
Tampa Bay......................... 000 010 000 — 1 ka (O.Cabrera), by Talbot (Pedroia).
ton. bases-loaded triple and the E—F.Lopez (1). DP—Tampa Bay 1. LOB—Los An-
L.Nunez S,1-1 ......... 1 1
Umpires—Home, Tim Tschida;First, Jeff Nelson-
0 0 1 2 DP—Colorado 1. LOB—Los Angeles 6, Colorado
4. 2B—Gwynn (1), Fowler (2). HR—Tulowitzki (1),
geles 9, Tampa Bay 3. 2B—Abreu (1), Mathis 2 (3),
Florida Marlins came from Fuld (1). HR—Callaspo (2), B.Upton (2). SB—
;Second, D.J. Reyburn;Third, Bill Welke. Iannetta (1). S—Kershaw, Chacin.
Diamondbacks 6, Cubs 4 behind to win for the second Abreu (2), Trumbo (1), Fuld (1). N L B O X E S T—3:11. A—13,825 (38,560).
Los Angeles
IP H R ER BB SO Kershaw L,1-1 ......... 6 6 3 3 1 8
CHICAGO — Chris Young night in a row, this time erasing Los Angeles
Haren W,1-0 ............ 72⁄3 4 1 1 0 6 Phillies 10, Mets 7 MacDougal .............. 1 0 0 0 0 0
Hawksworth ............. 1 0 0 0 1 0
drove in two runs, scored twice a four-run deficit to beat the Jepsen H,2 .............. 1⁄3
Walden ..................... 1
New York Philadelphia Rockies 7, Colorado
ab r h bi ab r h bi Chacin W,1-0 .......... 7 5 0 0 2 4
and made a pair of nice catches Washington Nationals. Tampa Bay JosRys ss 5 1 2 0 Victorn cf 5 2 2 1 Dodgers 5 R.Betancourt H,2 .... 1 0 0 0 0 2
Hellickson L,0-1 ...... 52⁄3 6 3 3 2 10 Harris lf 4 1 1 0 Polanc 3b 5 1 3 3 Street S,2-2 ............. 1 0 0 0 0 1
in center field as the Arizona Buck, who hit a grand slam A.Russell.................. 1⁄3 1 0 0 0 1 DWrght 3b 5 1 1 1 Rollins ss 4 0 0 0
Los Angeles
ab r h bi
ab r h bi
C.Ramos .................. 1 0 0 0 1 1 Beltran rf 3 2 1 1 Howard 1b 4 2 4 2 Royals 7, White Sox 6
Diamondbacks beat the Chica- on opening day, missed another Jo.Peralta................. 2⁄3 2 1 0 0 2 Pagan cf 5 2 2 2 Ibanez lf 5 1 2 1
Furcal ss
Blake 3b
4 1 1 0 Fowler cf
3 1 2 1 S.Smith rf
5 0 0 0
4 1 1 0 Chicago Kansas City
McGee...................... 1⁄3 0 0 0 0 1
go Cubs. by inches in the fifth and set- Sonnanstine............. 1 3 1 1 1 0
I.Davis 1b
Emaus 2b
2 2
2 0
BFrncs rf
Orr 2b
4 2 1 1
3 2 2 0
Guerrir p 0 0 0 0 CGnzlz lf 3 3 2 1 ab r h bi ab r h bi
Umpires—Home, Gerry Davis;First, Sam Hol- Gimenz ph 1 0 0 0 Tlwtzk ss 4 2 2 2 Pierre lf 6 1 1 0 Aviles 3b 5 0 0 0
Arizona ended its eight-game tled for a triple that tied the brook;Second, Greg Gibson;Third, Todd Tichenor.
Thole c
Pelfrey p
0 0
0 0
Bastrd p
Mayrry ph
0 0 0 0
1 0 1 0
Ethier rf 4 0 1 1 Helton 1b 3 1 1 3 Bckhm 2b 6 1 3 1 MeCarr cf 6 1 3 3
Kemp cf 3 1 1 0 JoLopz 2b 4 0 1 1 A.Dunn dh 4 1 0 0 Gordon lf 5 2 3 2
losing streak against the Cubs. game. Chris Coghlan had three T—2:50. A—11,836 (34,078). TBchlz p
DnMrp ph
0 0
1 1
JRomr p
Madson p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
Loney 1b 4 1 1 1 Stewart 3b 4 0 0 0 Lillirdg pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Butler dh 4 1 2 2
Uribe 2b-3b 4 0 0 1 Iannett c 3 0 1 0 Konerk 1b 5 1 1 3 Kaaihu 1b 4 0 0 0
doubles and a single and scored Boyer p 0 0 0 0 Gload ph 1 0 0 0 Paul lf 2 0 1 0 Hamml p 1 0 0 0 Rios cf 6 0 2 0 Francr rf 5 0 2 0
Beato p 0 0 0 0 Contrrs p 0 0 0 0
Rockies 7, Dodgers 5 three times for the Marlins, and Duda ph 1 0 0 0 Schndr c 4 0 0 0
Thams ph-lf
Barajs c
2 0 0 0 Splrghs ph
4 1 2 1 FMorls p
1 0 1 0
0 0 0 0
Quentin rf
Przyns c
5 1 1 0 AEscor ss
5 0 1 0 Treanr c
5 1 1 0
4 1 0 0
FRdrgz p 0 0 0 0 Ruiz c 0 0 0 0
DENVER — Todd Helton Omar Infante put them ahead White Sox 10, Royals 7 Blanton p 1 0 1 2
Blngsly p
Miles ph
1 0 0 0 Lndstr p
1 0 0 0 Wggntn ph
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
AlRmrz ss
Morel 3b
4 1 1 1 Getz 2b
5 0 1 0
5 1 2 0
Valdez 2b 2 0 0 0
and Troy Tulowitzki homered to stay with an RBI single in Chicago
ab r h bi
Kansas City
ab r h bi Totals 37 712 7 Totals 39101610
Hwksw p
Jansen p
0 0 0 0 Street p
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 Totals 46 611 5 Totals 43 713 7
Chicago.................... 400 002 000 000 — 6
in leading the Colorado Rock- the sixth. Pierre dh
Bckhm 2b
6 1 3 2 Aviles 3b
5 1 0 0 MeCarr cf
7 0 0 1
6 1 2 0
New York ......................... 000 250 000 — 7 Carroll ph-2b 2 0 1 0 Kansas City ............. 220 000 020 001 — 7
Philadelphia .................... 214 021 00x — 10 Totals 35 510 5 Totals 33 7 9 7 One out when winning run scored.
ies past the Los Angeles Dodg- Rios cf 6 1 2 1 Gordon lf 5 1 2 1 E—Pelfrey (1), Schneider (1). DP—New York 1, Los Angeles....................... 013 000 010 — 5 E—Aviles (3). DP—Chicago 2. LOB—Chicago 8,
Konerk 1b 5 0 2 1 Butler dh 3 0 2 1
ers for a two-game sweep. Brewers 5, Braves 4 Lillirdg pr-lf 1 1 0 0 Dyson pr-dh 0 1 0 0
Philadelphia 2. LOB—New York 7, Philadelphia 9.
2B—Jos.Reyes (2), I.Davis (3), Victorino (1), Ho-
Colorado ............................ 203 200 00x — 7 Kansas City 6. 2B—Gordon 2 (4). 3B—Pierre (1),
Quentin rf 6 2 4 3 Kaaihu 1b 6 0 1 1 E—Blake (1), Fowler (1). DP—Colorado 2. LOB— Al.Ramirez (1). HR—Konerko (1), Gordon (1), But-
ward 2 (3). 3B—Victorino (1). HR—Pagan (1), Ho-
MILWAUKEE — Prince AlRmrz ss 6 1 3 0 Francr rf 5 1 1 0 ward (2), B.Francisco (2). SB—Jos.Reyes (2), Iba-
Los Angeles 7, Colorado 6. 2B—Kemp (3), S.Smith
(3), C.Gonzalez (2). 3B—Blake (1). HR—Loney (1),
ler (2). SB—Pierre (1), Francoeur (2), A.Escobar
(2), Treanor (1). CS—Lillibridge (1), Morel (1). S—
Giants 8, Padres 4 Fielder drove in his first three Milledg lf
3 0 0 0 AEscor ss 6 1 2 1 nez (1). S—Blanton. Barajas (1), Tulowitzki (2), Helton (1). S—Hammel. Aviles.
SAN DIEGO — Tim Lince- runs this season and scored two ph-lf-1b
RCastr c
2 0 0 0 B.Pena c
3 1 2 1 Getz 2b
6 1 2 1
5 1 1 0
New York
Pelfrey ...................... 2 8 7 6 1 1
Los Angeles Chicago
Billingsley L,1-1....... 3 6 5 5 3 3 Floyd......................... 7 7 4 4 2 5
cum struck out 13 and held the more to lead the Milwaukee Przyns ph-c
Morel 3b
1 1 0 0
6 1 2 2
T.Buchholz............... 2 3 0 0 0 5 Hawksworth ............. 1 2 2 2 0 0 Sale BS,1-1 ............. 2⁄3 2 2 2 0 1
Boyer L,0-1 .............. 2 5 3 3 1 1 Jansen ...................... 2 1 0 0 0 2 Crain ......................... 11⁄3 1 0 0 0 0
San Diego Padres to one run Brewers over the Atlanta Totals 50101810 Totals 49 713 6 Beato......................... 1 0 0 0 0 0 Guerrier .................... 2 0 0 0 0 2 Santos ...................... 2 1 0 0 1 2
Chicago.................. 000 000 214 003 — 10 F.Rodriguez............. 1 0 0 0 1 2 Colorado T.Pena L,0-1............ 1⁄3 2 1 1 0 0
and three hits in seven innings Braves 5-4 on Wednesday night. Kansas City ........... 200 300 011 000 — 7 Philadelphia Hammel W,1-0 ........ 5 6 4 4 3 2 Kansas City
Blanton ..................... 41⁄3 10 7 7 2 6
to lead the San Francisco Gi- Fielder had been hitless in 11 E—Konerko (1), Teahen (1), Al.Ramirez (1), Morel
(3). DP—Chicago 2, Kansas City 1. LOB—Chicago Bastardo W,1-0 ....... 12⁄3 1 0 0 0 2
F.Morales H,1..........
Lindstrom H,1..........
Hochevar .................
Crow .........................
J.Romero H,1 .......... 1 1 0 0 0 0
ants to a win. at-bats when he singled in two 10, Kansas City 12. 2B—Pierre (1), Quentin 2 (5),
Me.Cabrera (1), Gordon (5), Ka’aihue (2), A.Esco- Madson H,1 ............. 1 0 0 0 0 1
Street S,3-3 .............
HBP—by Hammel (Blake). WP—Hammel.
1 2 0 0 0 2 Soria .........................
Tejeda ......................
Lincecum left with an 8-1 runs with the bases loaded in bar (1). HR—Quentin (2), R.Castro (1). SB—Pierre Contreras S,1-1 ...... 1 0
Pelfrey pitched to 4 batters in the 3rd.
0 0 1 1 Umpires—Home, Gary Darling;First, Bruce Dreck- Texeira ..................... 11⁄3 2 0 0 1 0
(2), Dyson (3), Getz (2). S—Pierzynski, Dyson. man;Second, Paul Emmel;Third, Rob Drake. Jeffress W,1-0 ......... 2⁄3 0 0 0 0 0
lead after seven. Closer Brian the first against Mike Minor. HBP—by Blanton (Beltran). T—3:04. A—22,595 (50,490). HBP—by Hochevar (A.Dunn).



sweeps Dallas
Comets senior picks
The Times Leader staff
Ryan Evans recorded seven
service points and 14 kills as
St. Francis for college
Lake-Lehman earned a 3-0 By VAN ROSE consecutive
sweep of rival Dallas on years.
Wednesday in a Wyoming Valley Crestwood volleyball stand- Last season,
Conference boys volleyball out Kayla Jeckell has made a the 5-foot-10
match. Game scores were 25-18, verbal commitment to attend Jeckell posted
25-16, 25-16. St. Francis University, a Divi- 217 kills, 43
Steve Simko added nine ser- sion I school located in Loretto, blocks, 130
vice points, eight digs and five Pa. Jeckell service points
kills for the Black Knights, Jeckell said Wednesday she and 66 aces.
while Brent Oliver had 29 as- will receive a partial athletic She capped off her high school
sists, six kills and five blocks. scholarship to St. Francis, career with 675 kills, 157 blocks,
Aaron Weir led Dallas with 11 where she will major in elemen- 311 digs 416 service points.
kills as Kevin Hine had 11 assists tary education and psychology. “Coach Mullen made me feel
and 18 digs. David Muller had “Actually, when I went down very comfortable at the school,”
21 digs. to visit the school, it was an Jeckell said. “The team gradu-
amazing experience,” Jeckell ates three seniors, so I will have
Abington Heights 3, Wyoming said. “I was really impressed a chance to play as a freshman.”
Area 1 with the coach, Charles Mullen. The Red Flash play in the
Abington Heights won by He’s the type of coach I was look- Northeast Conference, and fin-
scores of 25-15, 25-15, 23-25, ing for. He knows how to push a ished 9-20 last season.
25-12. The Comets were led by team and get the best out of his “I love the atmosphere of the
Andy McLane (7 kills, 1 block, 7 players.” school, as well as the campus,”
digs, 4 points), Eric Wasser (17 College-bound volleyball Jeckell said. “The town is beau-
assists, 11 points, 3 aces, 5 digs) players can sign a binding letter tiful and very rural. It’s a country
and Drew Shumaker (4 kills, 6 of intent beginning on April 13. school at the top of a mountain.
points, 5 digs). Jeckell, 17, earned all-state It’s gorgeous.”
Wyoming Area’s Tony Ri- honors as a senior at Crestwood. She is the daughter of the
chards had six kills, 10 points She led the Comets to a 13-3 reg- daughter of Jeanne Jeckell and
and two aces. Chris Evans and ular season record and a runner- Joe Kubiski, of Mountain Top.
Zach Lanunziata had four kills. up finish to Holy Redeemer in Jeckell is currently playing
the District 2 Class 3A playoffs. AAU volleyball for the Emerald
Holy Redeemer 3, Meyers 0 Jeckell was named the WVC Isle Elite team, based in Scran-
Danny Kopicki had six kills, Player of the Year by The Times ton. The squad that will partici-
four service points and four Leader, and made The Times pate in a Northeast qualifier this
assists as the Royals defeated Leader’s all-star team for three month in Baltimore.
Meyers. Scores were 25-12,
25-20, 25-14.

Mike Vamos added 11 service
points and three kills while Nick T E E T I M E S
Saracino had 13 service points DON CAREY/THE TIMES LEADER At Augusta National Golf Club
and three aces in the victory for Wyoming Valley West’s Kelsey Keefer (right) boots a ball through the rain before Delaware Valley’s Augusta, Ga.
Continued from Page 1B All Times EDT
Holy Redeemer. Anna Chamberlin (10) can get in front of it. Keefer scored a goal for the Spartans in a 3-3 tie. a-amateur
To show how much he’s

Late WVW goal salvages tie

7:45 a.m.-10:52 a.m. — Jonathan Byrd, Ross
Tunkhannock 3, Berwick 1 ready, Mickelson poured in 18 Fisher, Sean O’Hair
7:56 a.m.-11:03 a.m. — Sandy Lyle, Alexander
Cliff Kingston had 10 kills as birdies last weekend to win the Cejka, a-David Chung
8:07 a.m.-11:14 a.m. — Jerry Kelly, Camilo Ville-
the Tigers defeated Berwick by Houston Open. And when he ar- gas, Jeff Overton
8:18 a.m.-11:25 a.m. — Ben Crenshaw, Brandt
scores of 25-14, 25-9, 23-25, rived at the Masters, one of the Snedeker, Kevin Na
8:29 a.m.-11:36 a.m. — Mark O’Meara, Anders
25-12. first visits he made was to a back Hansen, Heath Slocum
8:40 a.m.-11:47 a.m. — Dustin Johnson, Adam
Al Kristunas added six kills By JOHN ERZAR 15-yard shot over the head of from the Lehman game,” Davitt specialist. Scott, Nick Watney
and seven blocks while James Valley West keeper Lily Shemo said. “Our enthusiasm was up, “This week is the one week 8:51 a.m.-12:09 p.m. — Vijay Singh, Tim Clark,
Aaron Baddeley
Hawk had eight kills, four KINGSTON — The good and under the crossbar for a 3-2 we were working more as a where I swing the absolute har- 9:02 a.m.-12:20 p.m. — Gregory Havret, Carl Pet-
tersson, Ryan Palmer
blocks and five aces. Randy thing about those newfangled lead with just over five minutes team and a lot tighter in the dest,” Mickelson said. “I’ve been 9:13 a.m.-12:31 p.m. — Martin Laird, Mark Wilson,
Bo Van Pelt
Howell finished with 30 assists. synthetic surface fields is that left in regulation. midfield. Basically, we were all working out for it. I saw a back 9:24 a.m.-12:42 p.m. — Rory McIlroy, Rickie Fow-
ler, Jason Day
weather isn’t always a deterrent “It’s disappointing because accountable for our actions out specialist just to make sure that 9:35 a.m.-12:53 p.m. — Mike Weir, Hiroyuki Fuj-
Crestwood 3, Nanticoke 0 to playing sports such as soc- we didn’t play well,” DelVal there.” my back hangs in there. It feels ita, Retief Goosen
9:57 a.m.-1:04 p.m. — Padraig Harrington, Ryo
Delaware Valley.................................... 0 3 0 0 — 3
Pat Henry posted 12 service cer. coach Donnel Leiva-Vazquez Wyoming Valley West ......................... 0 3 0 0 — 3
terrific, but I’ve been working Ishikawa, Bill Haas
10:08 a.m.-1:15 p.m. — Larry Mize, Rory Sabbati-
points and 10 kills for the Come- The bad thing about those said. “You go down 2-nil to a Second half: 1. WVW, Kaleigh Reynolds (Kelcie
Hromisin), 48th min; 2. WVW, Kelsey Keefer, 51st;
on it for some time to make sure ni, a-Jin Jeong
10:19 a.m.-1:26 p.m. — Martin Kaymer, Lee West-
ts, who won by scores of 25-18, newfangled synthetic surface team that obviously has some 3. DV, Anna Chamberlin, , 62nd; 4. DV, Kyrsten it’s strong enough to withstand wood, Matt Kuchar
Brockmann, 64th; 5. DV, Brockmann, 75th; 6. 10:30 a.m.-1:37 p.m. — Hunter Mahan, Ernie Els,
25-13, 25-12. fields is that weather isn’t al- offensive threats, then you start WVW, Reynolds, 77th. the rotational speed that I’m go- Francesco Molinari
Shots: DV 17, WVW 22; Saves: DV 12 (Taryn 10:41 a.m.-1:48 p.m. — Tiger Woods, Graeme
Jake Prohaska had 17 kills and ways a deterrent to playing to worry a little bit. Ficken), WVW 13 (Lily Shemo); Corners: DV 2, ing to be trying to apply this McDowell, Robert Allenby
WVW 2. 10:52 a.m.-1:59 p.m. — Arjun Atwal, Sergio Gar-
three blocks for Crestwood, and sports such as soccer. “But the one good thing, one week. Because it’s a big advan- cia, Robert Karlsson
Nick Banos had 29 assists. Like Wednesday afternoon of our captains, Kalie Mackey, tage if you can move it out 11:03 a.m.-7:45 a.m. — Charl Schwartzel, Stuart
North Pocono 0, Appleby, Charley Hoffman
For Nanticoke, Cael Evans when Wyoming Valley West she raised the team after every there.” 11:14 a.m.-7:56 a.m. — Ian Woosnam, D.A.
Pittston Area 0 Points, Ben Crane
produced 10 kills and four and Delaware Valley played 100 (Valley West) goal. She picked Woods, no longer the betting 11:25 a.m.-8:07 a.m. — Craig Stadler, Kevin
blocks. John Peitrzyk had seven minutes in a steady rain and up the ball, sprinting to half Neither team could score in favorite at Augusta for the first
Streelman, a-Nathan Smith
11:36 a.m.-8:18 a.m. — Peter Hanson, Kyung-Tae
aces, two kills, 13 assists and 37-degree temperatures and field and said, ‘Girls, let’s get 100 minutes, including 20 min- time since 1999, is more con-
Kim, Ryan Moore
11:47 a.m.-8:29 a.m. — Angel Cabrera, Ian Poul-
two blocks. solved nothing. going again.’ Because without utes of overtime, and settled cerned with a shorter club — ter, David Toms
12:09 p.m.-8:40 a.m. — Trevor Immelman, Lucas
Instead, the two contenders that, I think we might have for a tie. his putter. It has kept him from Glover, a-Hideki Matsuyama
12:20 p.m.-8:51 a.m. — Zach Johnson, Yong-Eun
BOYS TRACK for the Division 1-B crown been down three or four goals.” Pittston Area keeper Jordan winning the Masters twice in Yang, Miguel Angel Jimenez
Tunkhannock 110, Coughlin 40 settled for a 3-3 overtime tie at Being up by one didn’t last Cumbo made 15 saves, while the last four years, and kept him
12:31 p.m.-9:02 a.m. — Jose Maria Olazabal, Da-
vis Love III, a-Lion Kim
Gavin Colley took first in Spartan Stadium in their long for DelVal (2-0-2). Rey- North Pocono keeper Meghan from contending since his re-
12:42 p.m.-9:13 a.m. — Tom Watson, Ricky
Barnes, Jason Bohn
three events (100, 400, 200) to Wyoming Valley Conference nolds struck again with barely Utter recorded nine. turn to golf a year ago.
12:53 p.m.-9:24 a.m. — Fred Couples, Luke Do-
nald, Steve Stricker
lead Tunkhannock to a home girls soccer game. four minutes left in regulation, The scoreless tie was the Even so, they remain the two 1:04 p.m.-9:35 a.m. — Anthony Kim, Henrik Sten-
son, Steve Marino
victory over Coughlin. The “We have the turf, there’s no splitting two defenders in the second in the WVC this week. dominant forces. 1:15 p.m.-9:57 a.m. — Bubba Watson, Paul
Casey, Edoardo Molinari
Tigers’ Ben Robinson placed mud, it’s not thundering or penalty area to score. Delaware Valley and Lake- “The Masters will always 1:26 p.m.-10:08 a.m. — Stewart Cink, Jim Furyk,

first in the 3,200 and the 1,600. lightning out,” Valley West Chamberlin nearly ended Lehman played to a deadlock start with Tiger and Phil,” said
Yuta Ikeda
1:37 p.m.-10:19 a.m. — Justin Rose, K.J. Choi,
Coughlin was led by Mickey coach Mike Davitt said. “So overtime quickly, but just mis- on Monday. Robert Allenby, who will play
Louis Oosthuizen
1:48 p.m.-10:30 a.m. — Phil Mickelson, Geoff
North Pocono........................................ 0 0 0 0 — 0 Ogilvy, a-Peter Uihlein
Moorhead’s first-place finishes why not play?” sed on a short breakaway 24 Pittston Area.......................................... 0 0 0 0 — 0 with Woods the first two 1:59 p.m.-10:41 a.m. — Jhonattan Vegas, Gary
Shots: NP 19, PA 15; Saves: NP 9 (Meghan Utter), Woodland, Alvaro Quiros
in the 110 hurdles and the 300 “Why not” seemed to be the seconds in. Keeper Taryn Fick- PA 15 (Jordan Cumbo); Corners: NP 4, PA 7. rounds. “Their record here and
hurdles. Connor Flaherty took credo for Valley West (1-1-1) en made two nice saves, one on the way they play Augusta make
down the top spot in the high after Kaleigh Reynolds and a short hop and another on a Postponements them the two to beat.”
jump. Kelsey Keefer scored less than dive, to turn away Valley West. Four games were postponed The difference this year: They are other guys who will do the
3200 RELAY -- 1. TUN, (Siegel, Robinson,
Nole, Damiani), 8:44; 2. COU; 110 HURDLES -- 1.
three minutes apart for a 2-0 Despite coming away with a Wednesday: Coughlin at Holy have some company. same.”
COU, Moorehead, 16:06; 2. COU, McDonald; 3. lead with about 30 minutes tie, the Spartans’ offense woke Redeemer; Meyers at Tunk- PGA champion Martin Kaym- The names he mentioned all
TUN, Proulx; TRIPLE JUMP -- 1. TUN, Atkins,
40’7.75”; 2. TUN, King; 3. COU, Keen; 100 -- 1. remaining. up from a 182-minute scoreless hannock; MMI Prep at Wyom- er is No. 1 in the world and will had one trait — they hit the ball
TUN, G. Colley, 11.2; 2. COU, Monroe; 3. TUN, That turned into “Why” a bit drought that included a 6-0 loss ing Area; and Nanticoke at try to win his second straight high and long, always a good
Baldwin; 1600 -- 1. TUN, Robinson, 4:53; 2. TUN,
Novak; 3. TUN, C. Ayers; SHOT PUT -- 1. TUN, later. DelVal’s Anna Chamberlin to Lake-Lehman. Reynolds’ Lake-Lehman. major. He considers the favorite combination at Augusta. But
Greene, 38’5”; 2. TUN, Houser; 3. COU, Evans;
400 -- 1. TUN, G. Colley, 56.6; 2. TUN, Barber; 3.
scored in the 62nd minute and goal came on a nice pass from Only the Nanticoke at Lake- to be Luke Donald, who beat with a forecast for sunshine the
TUN, Nole; 400 RELAY -- 1. TUN, 46:00; 2. COU; Kyrsten Brockmann connected Kelcie Hromisin, while Keefer Lehman game has been resche- Kaymer in the Match Play rest of the week, which will
300 HURDLES -- 1. COU, Moorehead, 46.7; 2.
TUN, Proulx; 3. TUN, Ide; POLE VAULT -- 1. TUN,
on a grounder two minutes drilled a 20-yard from the right duled. It will be played at 7 Championship earlier this year. make the course fast and firm
Karnopp, 10’6”; 2. COU, Straight; 3. COU, later to knot the score 2-2. side inside the opposite post. p.m. today. Then there’s Westwood, who and shorter than its 7,435 yards,
Szesoka; DISCUS -- 1. TUN, Houser, 4:53; 2.
COU, Cinti; 3. COU, Phillips; LONG JUMP -- 1. Then Brockmann chipped a “We worked on a few things has been no worse than third in there has been more talk about
TUN, J. Colley, 18’5.5”; 2. TUN, Auriemma; 3. four of the last five majors. the short game than usual this
TUN, Atkins; 800 -- 1. TUN, Damiani, 2:03; 2. TUN,
Siegel; 3. COU, Moorehead; 200 -- 1. TUN, G. Throw in the likes of Dustin week.
Colley, 25.6; 2. TUN, Thomas; 3. COU, McDonald;
3200 -- 1. TUN, Robinson, 11:00; 2. TUN, Novak;
LOCAL COLLEGE ROUNDUP Johnson, Nick Watney, Rory “You don’t have to be a big hit-
3. TUN, C. Ayers; JAVELIN -- 1. TUN, Coolbaugh, McIlroy and Paul Casey, and the ter to win here,” Mickelson said.

King’s lacrosse teams knock off Misericordia

113.9; 2. COU, Moorehead; 3. TUN, Kitchnefsky;
1600 RELAY -- 1. TUN, 3:44; 2. COU; HIGH
smallest field of any major sud- “If you’re short game isn’t sharp,
JUMP -- 1. COU, Flaherty, 5’8”; 2. COU, McDo- denly has a long list of conten- you really need to strike it ex-
nald; 3. COU, Moorehead
ders. ceptionally well. I don’t know if
GIRLS TRACK Some of that is a new gener- it’s really possible, because the
Tunkhannock 79, Coughlin 53
The Times Leader staff with three goals and an assist.sixth, getting a two-run single ation arriving. Some of that is penalty for a slight miss-hit is in
DALLAS — King’s goalie from Jenn Harnischfeger and a Woods no longer standing in an area where you have be on
Amelia Ayers won the 800 and Widener 17, Wilkes 2
Kevin Conzola came through Brittany Baynes RBI single. their way. your short game. So anybody —
the 1600 and Anna Nole placed
with two big saves in the final Wilkes lost to Widener on The Lady Monarchs took “In the past, a lot of guys used whether you are long or short
first in the long jump and the
minute to preserve an 8-7 win Wednesday after surrendering a control in the second game, up a lot of energy thinking about — if you’re on your short game,
high jump as Tunkhannock
for the Monarchs over Miser- 16-0 run to the Pride. highlighted by a three-run Tiger and what he’s doing. Now you have a good chance.”
defeated Coughlin.
icordia on Wednesday in a Gabby Ford scored first for home run from Baynes. Har- they’re doing their own thing Faldo mentioned Donald,
Shelley Black finished first in
MAC men’s lacrosse game. the Colonels while Keri Meer- nischfeger led King’s with two and thinking about what they’re who is one of a half-dozen play-
the triple jump, the 100, and the
Lenny Fox scored a career- holz added Wilkes’ second goal hits. needing to do,” Faldo said. ers who can go to No. 1 with a
300 hurdles for Coughlin.
3200 RELAY -- 1. TUN 12:21; 2. COU; 3. COU. high four goals to lead King’s, with eight minutes to play in “There’s genuinely 20 guys who win this week. Donald is at No.
110 HURDLES -- 1. COU Hayward 16.4; 2. TUN while Pat Bonnot added a pair. the second half. MEN’S GOLF could win this. I’m hoping we 4, and along with his win at the
Swenson; 3. COU Erolick. TRIPLE JUMP -- 1.
COU Black 35’10; 2. TUN Nole; 3. COU Williams. Lee Blair, Patrick McTague Wilkes competes in tri-meet have a dozen guys coming down Match Play, he has finished out
100 -- 1.COU Black 12.3; 2. TUN Distasio; 3. TUN and J.R. Lauri each scored SOFTBALL Matt Kachurak shot a match- the back nine Sunday with a of the top 10 only twice over the
Hunt. 1600 -- 1. TUN Ayers 5:59; 2. TUN Wooften;
3. TUN Frear. SHOT PUT -- 1. TUN Alguire 25’10 twice for the Cougars. King’s splits twinbill low 72 as the Colonels finished shot.” last seven months.
½; 2. TUN maro; 3. TUN Stevens. 400 -- 1. COU
Walker 67.6; 2. COU Swoniewski; 3. TUN Dy-
King’s lost the first game of a third. Scranton won with a What had been considered a “I’ve never felt more confi-
mond. 400 RELAY -- 1. TUN 53.5. 300 HURDLES WOMEN’S LACROSSE Freedom Conference double- team score of 322, followed by wide open Masters became dent coming in here,” Donald
-- 1. COU Black 4:36; 2. COU Frolide; 3. TUN King’s 15, Misericordia 7
Swenson. POLE VAULT -- 1. no event. DISCUS -- header against FDU-Florham FDU-Florham (332) and Wilkes slightly more narrow with Mick- said. “I’ve prepared well. I’ve
1. TUN Steven 78.1; 2. COU Mondulick; 3. COU Sarah O’Doherty scored six 6-5 before winning the second (338). elson’s win last week in Hous- been very diligent in what I
Kennedy. LONG JUMP -- 1. TUN Nole 14’1 ¼; 2.
COU Truman; 3. COU Castellano. 800 -- 1. TUN goals to lift the Lady Monarchs game 9-1. Bobby Hillibush shot a 76 ton. And while Woods has gone need to do. I’ve been hitting a lot
Ayers 2:43; 2. Tun Dymond; 3. TUN Williams. 200
-- 1. TUN Distasio 27.6; 2. COU Hayward; 3. TUN
past Misericordia. Chelsea In the first game, the Mon- while Kaleb Smith had a 94 for 17 months without a win, Nick- of chips. Now I’ve just got to do
Hunt. 3200 -- 1. TUN Wooten 13:28; 2. TUN Prulx; Manes added four goals while archs were down 6-2 late but the Colonels. Matt Turano laus won’t rule him out. it.”
3. TUN Frear. JAVELIN -- 1. no event. 1600
RELAY -- 1. COU 42.6. HIGH JUMP -- 1. TUN
Catherine McMahon had two. rallied to pull within a run. finished with a 96 while Ryan “They both are going to play As always, that’s always the
Nole 4’8; 2. COU Twyman; 3. COU Hayward. Krista Shenk led the Cougars King’s scored three runs in the McKeown had a 102. well,” Nicklaus said. “But there hard part at the Masters.



WVC still hoping for clouds to break

Weather has limited season’s first two weeks
For The Times Leader
“This has been the hardest season so far. triple jump with a leap of
Like other spring sports, We haven’t had ideal conditions, but “If you could have a whole
Northeastern Pennsylvania’s team of Darrell Crawford,
cocktail of unseasonable we’ve found creative ways to make do.” you wouldn’t need a lot of
weather has impeded the Harlan Tabron coaching,” GAR coach Aus-
start of the Wyoming Valley Meyers coach tin Peoples said. “His work
Conference track and field ethic is phenomenal. He has
season. his priorities right on track.”
Several teams, particularly girls and three boys – from Hazleton Area will again vie Northwest returns two
ones with cinder tracks, last season. for the Division I title. In state qualifiers on the girls’
have struggled to practice Leading the pack is 2010, they finished in a side. Hurdler Nikki Black
outdoors. Coughlin senior hurdler three-way tie for first place. and thrower Hannah Dalmas
“This has been the hardest Shelley Black, who returns In their quest for their share both qualified for the Rang-
season so far,” Meyers coach to Wilkes-Barre Memorial of a conference champion- ers in 2010.
Harlan Tabron said. “We Stadium this year in hopes ship, according to Dallas Tunkhannock owns a pair
haven’t had ideal conditions, of defending her PIAA titles coach Ed Radzinski, the of state qualifiers in seniors
but we’ve found creative in the 100- and 300-meter Comets gave the Mountain- Reece Ayers and Gavin Col-
ways to make do.” hurdles. eers their first loss in seven ley. Colley’s 400 relay team
Through the first two Black is the returning years. broke a district record last
weeks of the regular season, PIAA Track Athlete of the Crestwood has a pair of year, and Ayers placed 14th
only six of 16 meets have Year and an indoor track distance runners in Hannah in the two-mile race.
been held, and most teams All-American. On Feb. 5, the Coffin and Kirstin Schafer Meyers’ Maddie Lavery
have seen limited exposure future Penn State hurdler with potential to compete seeks to reclaim her district
this spring. finished in third place – one with Dallas freshman Regan championship in the shot
“We have maybe been out hundredth of a second out Rome. Schafer, along with put for a young Mohawks
five times all month,” said of first – in the 60 hurdles sprinter Jess Newak, are squad.
Wyoming Area coach Joe at the New Balance Grand returning state qualifiers for “Madison is a great kid
Pizano. “We can’t throw Prix in New York. the Comets. that really learned her craft
because there’s snow. There “She’s a talent. She’s one This season, District 2 quickly and is getting better
was no scrimmage for the of those kids that when you earned a second automatic and better every day,” Ta-
new kids to see how a meet go into coaching, you hope qualifier for state in 2A, bron said. “Having won dis-
is run. you come across,” Coughlin according to Lake-Lehman tricts in the shot last year,
“I think that’s why all the coach Paul McGrane said. coach John Sobocinski. expectations are high, but
kids aren’t as focused.” “What she does off the track GAR junior Darrell Craw- she’s such a low-key individ- PETE G. WILCOX FILE PHOTO/THE TIMES LEADER
The Wyoming Valley Con- matches what she does on ford hopes to return to Ship- ual those high expectations Dallas’ Regan Rome begins her first varsity track season after an
ference returns nine individ- it. She’s the whole deal.” pensburg after claiming a aren’t accompanied by pres- impressive fall during cross country season. Rome is one of sever-
ual state qualifiers – six Dallas, Crestwood and fourth-place medal in the sure.” al standouts who will shape the WVC schedule and beyond.

T E A M - B Y-T E A M C A P S U L E S
Division I nak; Girls- Christina Glenn pions. We’re looking to be in cord to over .500 this year.” dist 2010 boys: 0-7, eighth place
Berwick Who to watch: Boys- Matt the hunt again. The league is McFarlane’s outlook: “Our 2010 girls: 1-6, seventh place
State classification: 3A Sandroski, sprints; Paul Chia- much improved, but I expect Division II girls team has a good balance Head coach: Tony Fleury
2010 boys record: 5-2, second ramonte, sprints; Zach Dubas, Crestwood and Dallas to re- GAR between distance runners. Who to watch: Boys- Joe
place sprints; Girls- Hannah Coffin, peat as champions.” State classification: 2A There’s a lot of quick sprint- Badowski, throws; Nick Weron,
2010 girls record: 3-4, fifth distance; Jess Newak, ulility; 2010 boys: 1-6, seventh place ers. Our boys sprinters should distance; Andrew Blank, mid-
place Kirstin Schafer, distance; Alex Pittston Area 2010 girls: 0-7, eighth place do very well in the league and distance; Brian Zannetti,
Head coach: Bob Calarco Mack, relays State classification: 3A Head coach: Austin Peoples hopefully make some noise at sprints; Paul Zannetti, sprints;
Who to watch: Boys- Tony Reznak’s outlook: “We are in 2010 boys: 4-3, tied third Who to watch: Boys- Darrell districts.” Chris Holt, vault. Girls- Connie
Goodson, sprints/jumps; Matt rebuilding mode this year. Our place Crawford, jumps; Chistophrer Medura, distance.
Hoch, mid-dist; Mike Mel- numbers are up but we have 2010 girls: 4-3, fourth place Santiago, mid-dist; Shakir Lake-Lehman Fleury’s outlook: “It’s a build-
chiorre, hurdles; Sean Ridall, mostly young, inexperienced Head coach: Boys- Jason Soto, throws; Lucas Benton, State classification: 2A ing year. I’m glad to see our
sprints/jumps; Terry Moore, guys. Our primary focus will Mills; Girls- Joseph Struckus sprints; Girls- Teah Blades, 2010 boys: 2-5, sixth place team is growing in size. We
mid-dist; Christian Whitebread, be the fundamentals, and we Who to watch: Boys- Dave Jasmine Johnson, Quieterra 2010 girls: 5-2, tied second have a lot of potential on the
throws; Jake Cardoni, throws; will use the season to prepare McLean, dist; Cody Rydzy, Gross, Quianna Gross, Quin- Head coach: John Sobocinski girls team. We’re small in
Gavin Harter, throws; Jake for districts. I expect Matt jumps; Tyler Roman, jumps; niea Gross. Who to watch: Boys- Jake numbers, but it’s very promis-
Morrison, throws; Brendon Sandroski to have a standout Matt Erfman, vault; John Poli, Peoples’ outlook: “We only Bevan, dist;/jumps Jay Daw- ing.”
Cope, sprints/jumps; Ed Curtin, season. I think Tunkhannock throws. Girls- Rachel Scanlon, have 11 girls. I am just hoping sey, jumps; Kevin Bohan, dist;
vault; Adam Brobst, dist; Tay- will once again be the team to Bianca Bolton, Madeline Dwo- that they stay together. We’re Brent Hizny, throws; Jon Ellen- Northwest
lor McHenry, dist Girls- Crysta beat and Dallas and Hazleton rak, Samantha Horchos, Allie trying to get as many invita- berger, sprints. Girls- Nicole State classification: 2A
Hmelak, jumps/sprints; Ashley should contend as usual.” Overman, Kaitlynn Kuchta, tionals in as we can to get the Snyder, hurdles/jumps/sprints; 2010 boys: 5-1-1, tied second
Stewart, hurdles; Alley Beaver, Glenn’s outlook: “We lost Olivia Lanza, Catherine Lom- kids ready for districts. I land- Michelle Lipski, distance; 2010 girls: 5-2, tied second
mid-dist; Jessica Rehrig, hur- some pretty strong athletes to bardo, Kristen Lombardo. ed three of them to get their Amanda Mathers, sprints/ Head coach: Roy Philips
dles; Rachel Stout, vault; Allie graduation. We have some feet wet and get them ma- jumps; Amelia Jenkins, Who To watch: Boys- Paul
Palermo, dist; Abby Bull, dist; upperclassmen that are con- Tunkhannock ture.” sprints/jumps; Shoshana Ma- Ascenzi, hurdles; Mike Kenne-
Emily Leighow, dist; Gina Mon- sistently exceptional. Hopeful- State classification: 3A honey, sprints. dy, mid-dist; Ryan Scardigli,
tecalvo, dist; Katie Scopelliti, ly, we could improve as the 2010 boys: 7-0, first place Hanover Area Sobocinski’s outlook: “It sprints; Jeff Nelson, dist; Tony
dist season wears on.” 2010 girls: 2-5, sixth place State classification: 2A seems as though our girls Politz, sprints/jumps; Mike
Calarco’s outlook: “Our girls Head coach: Boys- Randy 2010 boys: 5-2, fourth place depth is going to an issue. It Lewis, dist; Girls- Nikki Black,
lost a lot through graduation, Dallas White; Girls- Kristy Buchman 2010 girls: 4-3, tied fourth will be difficult winning meets hurdles/sprints; Caitlin Bonk,
so our challenge is going to State classification: 3A Who to watch: Boys- Reece place because of uncontested hurdles; Kyla Hennigan,
be to find athletes who can 2010 boys: 3-4, sixth place Ayers, Gavin Colley, Tom Da- Head coach: Al Weston points. We’re not as strong as sprints/jumps; Kayla Mazon-
replace all of those points. We 2010 girls: 6-1, tied first place miani, Ben Robinson, Jake Who to watch: Boys- Tony a team, but we have some key, throws; Hannah Dalmar,
are encouraged by our num- Head coaches: Ed Radzinski Siegel, David Novak, Ryan Dennis, throws; Martin Steve, kids that will make some javelin; Amanda Jimcosky,
bers and the girls’ great work and Matt Samuel Karnopp, Nikolas Atkins, Alex throws; Jamie Jayne, throws; noise at districts. Nicole Snyd- jumps
ethic. Our boys team is led by Who to watch: Boys- Jess Nole, Mike Baldwin, Michael Dan Tomko, throws; Josh Ca- er qualified for states as a Philips’ outlook: “We lost a
a very athletic and energetic Adams, Frank Ferlenda, Alex Thomas, Owen Houser. Girls- brera, sprints; Carl Daubert, sophomore two years ago. It’s lot of state qualifiers on the
group of seniors. Our numbers Zubko, Chris Ehret, Jason Destiny Distasio, sprints/vault; sprints; Nick Wolsieffer, sort of the same for our boys. boys side. We lost individuals
are very good so we should a Simonovich, Ryan Kozloski, Anna Nole, jumps; Gabby Al- sprints; Bernie Gavlick, dist; Right now, we’re sort of re- but we have a lot of senior
lot more depth, particularly in Jon Weaver, Dan Morgan, F.J. guire, Amanda Hunt, Amelia Forest Hawkins, dist; Jeremy building. We’re trying to put distance runners to keep com-
the field events this year. We Constantino, Drew Harding. Ayers, Erica Swenson, Mariah Osko, dist; Parrish Bennett, together a nice lineup that petitive. We have a lot of
should be a very competitive Girls- Lindsay Danko, Kirby Stevens, Katie Proulx, Stepha- Ethan Hoolick, Dave Redmond, could really do some great depth. There’s a lot of seniors,
team in the conference this Szalkowski, Katie Kravitz, Sara nie Dymond, Kim Maro. Matt Williams, Ryan Josefow- things. I have some high and we have a lot of talent
year.” Flaherty, Taylor Millington, icz. Girls- Chelsie Cormier, hopes for our distance team.” that will carry us onto states.”
Alexis Arnold, Regan Rome, Wyoming Valley West throws; Jessica Curtis, throws;
Coughlin Stephanie Dosniak, Cierra State classification: 3A Raisha Piper, sprints; Amanda Meyers Wyoming
State classification: 3A Plesnar, Tanner Englehart, Liz 2010 boys: 1-6, seventh place Keegan, sprints; Amy Viti, dist; State classification: 2A Area
2010 boys: 0-7, eighth place Kravitz, Megan Gilhooley, Katie 2010 girls: 0-7, eighth place Olivia Jendrzejewski, jumps; 2010 boys: 3-4, fifth place State classification: 3A
2010 girls: 1-6, seventh place Dawlas; Taylor Culver, vault. Head coach: Boys- Anthony Holly Saraka, Kyra Maldanado, 2010 girls: 2-5, sixth place 2010 boys: 6-1, first place
Head coach: Paul McGrane Radzinski’s outlook: “For the Dicton; Girls- Jim Orrson Michelle Kaminski, Brexy Pena. Head coach: Harlan Tabron 2010 girls: 4-3, tied fourth
Who to watch: Boys- Mickey girls, we have a good nucleus Who to watch: Boys- William Weston’s outlook: “On the Who to watch: Boys- Casey Head coach: Joe Pizano
Moorhead, mid-dist; Majahid of veterans that mix well with Butkiewicz, mid-dist; TaShawn girls side, depth is somewhat Moran, distance; Robert Wait- Who to watch: Boys- Mark
Chesson, sprints; Cory Keen, the underclassmen. They real- Bunch, sprints; Rahjae Dixon, of a concern. We have some ers, hurdles; Chris Beauvoir, Basta, jumps; Ahmad Bouie,
jumps; Zack Evans, sprints; ize that they have a pretty sprints; Beron Williams, mid- quality athletes. We’re looking jumps; Jesper Bjorkman, sprints; Eric Eramo, vault/
Jerry Ryan, mid-dist; Mujahit good chance of contending for dist; Steve Matello, vault/hur- for some new kids to fill throws; Matt Snyder, distance; hurdles; Chris Hromek, dist/
Chessent, sprints’ and Connor a title. The boys’ team is very dles; Girls- Alex Plant, dist; holes. However, the ladies John Snyder, Alex Ziegler. mid-dist; Justin Langdon,
Flaherty, high jump. Girls- young in sprints, jumps and Amy Paddock, dist; Julia Mer- have been working hard and Girls- Tess Sauer, mid-distance; sprints; Mitch Payne, throws;
Shelley Black, hurdles; Dannah hurdles. One of our strengths icle, dist; Jillian Puhalla, are looking forward to a great Troy Lynn Lewis, mid-distance; Cory Popovich, sprints/jumps,
Hayward, hurdles; Unique is distance running.” jumps; Tessa Narrins, hurdles; season. The boys team Cathy Quinones, hurdles; Mad- Larry Popovich, jumps/hur-
Twyman, hurdles/relays; Cor- Hilari Norris, jumps; Melissa doesn’t seem to have a depth die Lavery, discus/shot; Sarah dles/prints; Stan Timinski,
rine Walker, sprints; Katie Hazleton Area Klass, throws; Emily Tyler, dist; problem. However, the weath- Moses, mid-distance; Kristin throws. Girls- Melissa Cruz,
Sypniewski, sprints/relays; and State classification: 3A Maura Anistranski, mid-dist; er has prevented us from Sheetz, long distance; Kylee distance; Sidney Engleman,
Noelle Mondulick, throws. 2010 boys: 4-3, tied third Steph Blannard, vaults; Logan having quality practices. We McGrane, vaults; Florence throws; Michelle Golden, dist;
McGrane’s outlook: “Our hur- place Stanislow, throws; Abby Lewis, have been working hard also Kwok, distance Kaitlyn Maguire, throws; Sara
dlers are the best tandem on 2010 girls: 6-1, tied first place jumps. but we don’t want to run fast Tabron’s outlook: “We’re go- Radzwilka, dist; Samantha
the district level, if not the Head coach: Boys- Lou Gun- Dicton’s outlook: “We lost our on these cold days.” ing to improve on last year’s Shiner, jumps/dist; Jenna Skri-
state. We’re deep in hurdles derman; Girls- Mark Otterbine first meet. Our boys will be three wins season on the boys nak, throws; Rachel Taylor,
and jumps. Our boys team Who to watch: Boys- Cruz competitive this year. We went Holy Redeemer side. We lost some key ath- throws; Nicole Ditkus, throws;
should be much improved Finnicum, sprints; Justin Woz- from having 60 athletes to State classification: 2A letes but the core of our team Gaby Alberigi, throws.
with some of the younger nicki, jumps; Chris Tombasco, doubling that in two years. We 2010 boys: 5-1-1, tied second still remains. This year’s girls Pizano’s outlook: “We have a
guys we have coming up.” dist; Girls- Emily Appleman, have a lot of kids that are 2010 girls: 7-0, first place team is strong but are return- lot of young kids and our goal
throws; Julia Franzosa, throws; new to track and field this Head coach: Garfield McFar- ing a number of quality ath- is to get our kids to states.
Crestwood Josie Bachman, mid-dist; Bria year.” lane letes. The girls are relentless We have good mid-distance
State classification: 3A Edwards, dist; Ali Petsuck, dist; Orrson’s outlook: “The girls Who to watch: Boys- Kenny competitors and hope to add runners. We have good throw-
2010 boys: 4-3, tied third Katelyn Fornataro, hurdles/ team is coming off two bad Lambert, dist; A.J. Limongelli, one more win to this year’s ers too. In general, we have a
place jumps; Alyssa Sitch, hurdles/ seasons and this year are dist; Seth Tarselli, sprints; total.” lot of new faces out there.
2010 girls: 6-1, tied first place jumps; Lauren Smith, jumps. coming back strong in num- David Gawlas, sprints. Girls- We’re getting a lot of first-
Head coach: Boys- Bill Rez- Otterbine’s outlook: “Last bers and talent. They will be Mary Frank, dist; Rachel So- Nanticoke year athletes to come out for
year, our girls were tri-cham- looking to improve their re- winski, dist; Marissa Durako, State classification: 2A the team.”



scores 30th;
Knicks defeat 76ers, take over 6th place
The Associated Press (groin). The Thunder won the first

Devils win PHILADELPHIA — Carmelo

Anthony had 31 points and 11
rebounds, Amare Stoudemire
scored 18 points and the New
Pistons 116, Nets 109
Richard Hamilton scored 25
division crown for the franchise
since 2005, when they were
known as the Seattle Super-
Sonics, but only after fending
The Associated Press York Knicks beat the Philadel- points and Rodney Stuckey off a late charge from the Clip-
NEWARK, N.J. — Ilya Ko- phia 76ers 97-92 to move into added 22 to lead the Detroit pers.
valchuk scored his 30th goal and sixth place in the Eastern Con- Pistons to a win over the New
added an assist to lead the New ference. Jersey Nets. Hornets 101, Rockets 93
Jersey Devils to a 4-2 victory Toney Douglas bailed out the Brook Lopez scored a career- NEW ORLEANS — Chris
over the Toronto Maple Leafs Knicks after they blew a 19- high 39 points for New Jersey, Paul had 28 points and 10 as-
on Wednesday night. point lead and trailed by one which was without star Deron sists, and the New Orleans
Mattias Tedenby, Henrik late in the fourth. Douglas hit Williams. The point guard was Hornets clinched a playoff spot
Tallinder and Patrik Elias also the go-ahead 3-pointer with 1:47 out with an injured right wrist. with a victory over the Houston
scored for the Devils in the left for a 90-88 advantage, then Lopez nearly made up for his Rockets.
game that matched two teams made two free throws with 42 absence, but the Nets settled for Trevor Ariza, acquired by the
that made desperate second-half seconds left for a four-point outside shots against Detroit’s Hornets from Houston in an
playoff runs only to fall short. lead. zone defense late in the game. offseason trade, scored 19 for a
Martin Brodeur had 22 saves Andre Iguodala pulled the second straight game and tied a
but had to sweat out the final Sixers within one with his first AP PHOTO Bucks 90, Heat 85 season high with six steals.
minutes after Toronto got third- 3-pointer of the game. Anthony Knicks forward Carmelo Anthony (7) pulls in a rebound over the MIAMI — John Salmons
period goals from Phil Kessel delivered with a big-time 3- 76ers’ Spencer Hawes in the first half of Wednesday’s game in scored 17 points, Luc Richard Spurs 124, Kings 92
and Tyler Bozak to make it pointer and pounded his chest Philadelphia. New York moved ahead of the Sixers for sixth place. Mbah a Moute added 14 points SAN ANTONIO — Manu
close. in celebration with a 95-91 lead. and 12 rebounds, and even Ginobili scored 25 points and
playoff spot for the first time who have four games left in while being officially eliminated the San Antonio Spurs moved
Hurricanes 3, Red Wings 0 Magic 111, Bobcats 102 since 2006 with a victory their disappointing season. from postseason contention the to the brink of the No. 1 seed in
RALEIGH, N.C. — Cam Ward CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Gil- against the Washington Wiz- DeMar DeRozan added 19 Milwaukee Bucks beat the Mia- the Western Conference playoffs
made 42 saves for his second bert Arenas scored 25 points, ards. points, while Reggie Evans had mi Heat. with a victory over the Sacra-
shutout in a month, and the and the Orlando Magic over- The Pacers needed a win and a season-high 15 points and The loss knocked Miami mento Kings.
Carolina Hurricanes beat the came Quentin Richardson’s a Charlotte loss to Orlando to grabbed 13 rebounds. Sonny (54-24) a half-game back of The Spurs improved their
Detroit Red Wings to remain ejection and Dwight Howard’s clinch a spot in the postseason. Weems finished with 17 points. Boston in the race for the No. 2 NBA-best record to 60-19 and
alive for a playoff spot. 18th technical foul to beat Char- As the Pacers’ game ended, the seed in the Eastern Conference. can clinch home-court advan-
Jeff Skinner and Derek Joslin lotte in overtime and eliminate Orlando-Charlotte game was in Suns 108, Timberwolves 98 Carlos Delfino’s 3-pointer tage throughout the West play-
scored in the second period the Bobcats from playoff con- overtime, and the Conseco MINNEAPOLIS — Marcin with 24 seconds left helped seal offs with their next victory or
before Erik Cole scored in the tention. Fieldhouse staff put the game Gortat scored 20 points and it for the Bucks, who got 14 loss by the Los Angeles Lakers.
third. The Hurricanes have won Jameer Nelson atoned for two on the Jumbotron. Many fans grabbed 16 rebounds and Aaron points from Corey Maggette.
seven of nine to move to 89 turnovers in the closing seconds stayed to cheer to the Magic on Brooks added 19 points to lead Milwaukee was eliminated from Nuggets 104, Mavericks 96
points and remain in the hunt of regulation by hitting a jumper to a 111-102 win. the Phoenix Suns to a victory playoff contention during the DALLAS — J.R. Smith broke
for just their second postseason and banking in a 3-pointer in that gave the Minnesota Tim- game, thanks to Indiana’s win a tie in the final minutes with a
berth since they won the 2006 Orlando’s 12-2 run to open the Cavaliers 104, Raptors 96 berwolves the worst record in over Washington. layup and immediately followed
Stanley Cup. extra period. Brandon Bass TORONTO — J.J. Hickson the NBA. with a jumper, lifting the Den-
They need some help to get added 19 points for the Magic, scored 28 points to lead the Minnesota has now lost 11 Thunder 112, Clippers 108 ver Nuggets to a victory over
there, with the clearest path who secured their fourth con- Cleveland Cavaliers to a victory consecutive games and 22 of its OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin the struggling and short-handed
requiring them to win both of secutive 50-win season. over the Toronto Raptors in a past 26. Durant scored 29 points, Rus- Dallas Mavericks.
their final two games while the game between teams playing Michael Beasley scored 24 sell Westbrook added 26 and Smith scored 23 points, seven
New York Rangers, eighth with Pacers 136, Wizards 112 out the story lines on similar points and grabbed 11 rebounds the Oklahoma City Thunder after Dallas tied it at 94 with
91 points, lose one of their last INDIANAPOLIS — Danny seasons. for the Timberwolves, who were clinched the Northwest Divi- 2:51 left. Kenyon Martin added
two. Granger scored 25 points, and Jerryd Bayless scored 28 playing again without the in- sion title by beating the Los 18 as the Nuggets won for the
Eric Staal added three assists the Indiana Pacers clinched a points for the Raptors (21-57), jured All-Star Kevin Love Angeles Clippers. seventh time in eight games.
to help Carolina beat Detroit for
the first time since 2006.
Jimmy Howard made 29 saves
for the Central Division cham-
pion Red Wings, who lost star
left winger Henrik Zetterberg to
a lower-body injury.

Capitals 5, Panthers 2
ington Capitals’ power play is
hitting its stride just in time for
the playoffs, with Mike Knuble
and Jason Chimera both scoring
with the man advantage in a
victory over the Florida Pan-
The win was the Capitals’
fourth straight and put them on
the brink of clinching the top
seed in the Eastern Conference
for the second year in a row.
Washington can drop out of first
place only if it loses in regu-
lation to Florida on Saturday
and if the Philadelphia Flyers
win their last two games.

Bruins 3, Islanders 2
BOSTON — Dennis Seiden-
berg and Gregory Campbell
scored in a 78-second span in
the second period and the Bos-
ton Bruins within two points of
the second playoff spot in the
Eastern Conference with a victo-
ry over the New York Islanders.
The Bruins, who have
clinched the Northeast Division
title, have 101 points. The Phila-
delphia Flyers, the Atlantic
Division leaders who were idle
Wednesday, have 103. Both
teams have two regular-season
games left.

Blackhawks 4, Blues 3
CHICAGO — Jonathan
Toews scored on a low shot
from the left circle at 3:19 of
overtime to give Chicago a
victory over the St. Louis Blues
and move the Blackhawks with-
in two points of a clinching a
playoff spot in the Western
Toews beat Ty Conklin on the
short side after taking a long
lead pass from Duncan Keith
and racing in with Blues defen-
seman Carlo Colaiacovo in close

8 to 12


“The sky is the limit. His dedication, work ethic Penguins to the top-ranked de- Cliff Lee to a $120 million con-

fense in the AHL. tract in the offseason. All the talk
and passion for the game are going to take him as The 2010-11 First Team AHL was of the Four Aces — Lee, Roy
far as he wants to go. … I feel that way about All-Star was twice named the Ree- Halladay, Roy Oswalt and Cole
bok/AHL Goaltender of the Hamels. Blanton was expected to
Continued from Page 1B John Hynes. He’s a young, bright mind.” Month this season – sharing the
Continued from Page 1B
be traded to shed payroll, and he
And they have also landed Ryan Craig honor in October 2010 with Pen- nings of scoreless relief to earn even joked about it when he
Hynes the AHL’s top honor Penguins captain guins teammate John Curry – and the win. Jose Contreras worked showed up the first day of spring
among his peers. On Wednesday, was the Reebok/AHL Player of the ninth for his first save. training and sat at a podium with
Hynes was named as the recipient the Week for the week ending Feb. After the Mets scored five in the other four starters for a news
of the Louis A.R. Pieri Award for 13. He was also voted the starting the fifth to tie it at 7, the Phillies conference.
outstanding coach, as voted by And it’s fair to say that the Pen- play and continue to move for- Eastern Conference goaltender at answered in the bottom half Blanton has decent credentials
coaches and members of the guins’ players are happy to have ward,” he said. “That’s what you the 2011 AHL All-Star Classic but against Blaine Boyer (0-1). Shane himself. He’s won 16 games in a
media in each of the league’s 30 ci- the opportunity to play for Hynes. love as a coach and a teacher – missed the event due to injury. Victorino hit a two-out double season, been an opening-day
ties. Before the season began, Craig continue to develop, get better Thiessen is a contender to add and Polanco followed with a sink- starter, is 2-0 in the postseason
Considering that Hynes has said, Hynes took a critical first and play this year as long as we another award to his list – the Les ing liner to right. Carlos Beltran, and owns a World Series ring.
guided the Penguins to a 56-20-0-1 step in his first season as a head can.” Cunningham Award for most val- a three-time Gold Glove winner But he pitched like a No. 5
record – one of the best in AHL coach – he got the players to be- Still, Craig offered up one more uable player, which will be an- in center field making the switch starter in his season debut.
history, tying the franchise mark lieve in him. assessment in his “scouting re- nounced on Friday. to right this season, made a div- Trailing 7-0, New York started
for points in a season with113 – all “From day one he came in and port” of Hynes and just how far he The Penguins could also claim ing attempt but the ball fell in for to chip away in the fourth when
while overcoming a rash of call- he was honest with us,” the Pen- will go as a head coach. the Harry “Hap” Holmes Award a single. Victorino scored to put Pagan hit a two-run shot to left-
ups and injuries, the award an- guins captain said. “There was no “The sky is the limit. His dedi- for outstanding team goaltend- Philadelphia up 8-7. center.
nouncement wasn’t a surprise to cutting corners. We all knew what cation, work ethic and passion for ing, which will be announced on After Jimmy Rollins walked, The Mets then chased Blanton
his players. was expected of us.” the game are going to take him as Sunday. Howard reached on an infield sin- in the fifth. Blanton struck out
“No one deserves it as much as And the players knew if they far as he wants to go,” Craig said. gle up the middle that bounced pinch-hitter Daniel Murphy to
him,” defenseman Robert Bortuz- achieved success, Hynes was will- “When you say that about a hock- Penguins sign two to ATOs off Boyer and trickled away. Po- start the inning, but allowed the
zo said. “He set the foundation for ing to reward them for it. Several ey player it means they have tal- The Penguins signed center lanco came around to score from next seven batters to reach.
us at the start of the season, he’s times this season after the Pen- ent and drive and the future is Andy Bathgate and defenseman second to make it 9-7. Jose Reyes doubled and Willie
always the first one here and the guins reeled off big wins, Hynes kind of up to them. I feel that way Reid McNeill to amateur tryout Francisco connected off Boyer Harris walked. David Wright and
last to leave, and there’s not one gave his players an extra day off or about John Hynes. He’s a young, deals on Wednesday. in the sixth. He hit two drives Beltran followed with RBIs sin-
detail that he doesn’t focus on. an optional practice. bright mind.” Bathgate, 20, joins the Pen- Tuesday night that were knocked gles.
“When you do all that, you’ll do And when Hynes wants to get guins upon completion of his down by a stiff wind and caught After Pagan singled to load the
good things as a coach.” the pulse of the team, he is quick Thiessen named top goalie fourth season with the Belleville on the warning track. This shot bases, Ike Davis ripped a two-run
Hynes said the award is a “huge to turn to leaders such as Craig, Goaltender Brad Thiessen add- Bulls (OHL), where he finished landed several rows back in left. double to get the Mets within a
honor” considering all the great Andrew Hutchinson and Tim ed to his list of season awards on second on the team in goals (25) Howard finished 4 for 4 with run. Blanton left after walking
coaches in the AHL. But Hynes Wallace to get their opinion of Monday when he won the Aldege and led the squad in assists (35) two doubles, a homer, a walk and Brad Emaus to load the bases.
was quick to point out that he things. “Baz” Bastien Memorial Award as and points (60). two RBIs. Usually a slow starter, Bastardo came in and struck out
couldn’t have achieved the honor “He knows when to push and the AHL’s outstanding goalten- McNeill,18, finished his second he’s batting .524 ( 11 for 21) in five Josh Thole. But Murphy singled
without help. when to back off,” Craig said. “He der, as voted by coaches, players season with his hometown Lon- games. to left to tie it at 7. Reyes flied out
“When anyone gets an individ- really believes in us and his pas- and members of the media in each don Knights (OHL). The 6-foot-3, Pelfrey, who lost the season to left to end the inning.
ual award in a team sport they sion is for us to do well.” of the league’s 30 cities. 191-pound defenseman has to- opener at Florida, lasted just two- The Phillies jumped on Pelfrey
have to be surrounded by great The Penguins have piled up nu- Thiessen has posted a spar- taled 11 points (four goals, seven plus innings, allowing seven runs for a pair in the first. Victorino tri-
people that help them be able to merous awards and records as the kling record of 34-7-1in 44 appear- assists), 102 penalty minutes and — six earned — and eight hits. pled to right-center and scored
have success,” Hynes said. “It’s a regular season wins down. Hynes ances and ranks first in the AHL a plus-10 rating in 115 games over Blanton, the forgotten man in on Polanco’s sharp groundout to
tribute to the organization, the said the accolades are great, but with his franchise-record 34 wins, the two seasons. Philadelphia’s star-studded rota- second.
communication between coach- the team is focused on something second with a 1.93 goals-against Also, Brandon DeFazio was re- tion, gave up seven runs and 10 Howard drove a two-out dou-
ing staffs and management and else. average, ninth with a .922 save leased from his ATO and rejoined hits in 4 1-3 innings. ble to deep left-center and scored
the players we have the opportu- “It’s more about how we’re go- percentage and tied for first with Wheeling, while Ryan Schnell Blanton became an after- when Raul Ibanez lined a single
nity to coach.” ing to practice, how we’re going to seven shutouts while helping the was recalled from the Nailers. thought after the team signed to left.


pect right now who’s back
with Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
after being snubbed for a SPORTING GOODS MORNING GOLF LEAGUE
backup catching job with the
Continued from Page 1B

David Robertson.
parent Yankees this spring.
Good luck to them trying to
Extended Hours - Trout Season
N F F M O G L
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ton/Wilkes-Barre making it to
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Paul Sokoloski is a Times Leader Reg. Hours: M-F 8:30-6:00 • Sat 8:30-4:00 • Sun 10:00-2:00
you can count them with one
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him at 970-7109 or email him at 1757 Sans Souci Parkway, Hanover Township P C
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The Yankees would rather

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their up-and-coming star Jack- Regency Classic
son. Wood Stoves
“It’s a business. Things hap-
pen all the time,” said Jack-
son, who immediately replaced
Granderson as the starting
center fielder for the Tigers.
“You’ve just got to move on.”
The chances of moving up
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to Scranton/Wilkes-Barre
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Defense rests; Case nears end

By RONALD BLUM counts, Bonds will face just four knowingly receiving steroids to tell the jury his side of the sto-
AP Sports Writer charges when the jury starts de- from Anderson, denied getting ry, signaling the defense thinks
SAN FRANCISCO — Barry liberations in a court house less human growth hormone from the government has failed to
Bonds’ confident defense team than two miles from the ballpark Anderson and said he only al- prove its charges beyond a rea-
rested its case Wednesday with- where he set records for the Gi- lowed himself to be injected by sonable doubt.
out calling a single witness, just ants. A decision could come as doctors. The final count accuses Just one witness, former
minutes after a federal judge ac- early as Friday. Bonds of obstruction of justice. Bonds’ personal shopper Kathy
cepted the government’s request Faced with a defense motion On the 11th day of the trial, the Hoskins, gave eyewitness testi-
to dismiss one of the five counts that Illston was prepared to defense presentation lasted mony that corroborated any of
against the home run king. grant, prosecutors dropped the about the time it took Bonds to the charges. She said she once
Prosecutors called 25 witness- count accusing Bonds of lying to circle the bases after one of his re- saw Anderson inject Bonds near
es to the stand over 21⁄2 weeks, but a grand jury in 2003 when he said cord 762 home runs. Lawyer the belly button but didn’t identi-
the defense needed just one min- prior to that season he never took Cristina Arguedas read the jury fy the substance.
ute to present its side. The jury of anything other than vitamins one answer from the grand jury With Anderson in jail for refus-
eight women and four men barely from trainer Greg Anderson. The testimony of former Bonds’ girl- ing to testify, prosecutors had to
had time to get settled in the defense said the government pre- friend Kimberly Bell in which rely on witnesses who put Bonds
courtroom before being told to sented no evidence that Bonds Bell said she wrote her own diary. near Anderson and needles,
return Thursday morning for was given steroids known as That conflicts with Bell’s trial tes- along with evidence that Ander-
closing arguments. “The Clear” and “The Cream,” timony, in which she said ghost son was supplying players with
“We are expecting that you will before 2003. Bonds testified in writer Aphrodite Jones collabo- performance-enhancing drugs.
get this case for decision tomor- front of the grand jury that Ander- rated on the diary. If Bonds is convicted, he could
AP PHOTO row,” U.S. District Judge Susan son told him the substances were Defense lawyer Allen Ruby had be sentenced to up to 10 years in
Former baseball player Barry Bonds, left, hugs an unidentified Illston said to them. “Tomorrow flaxseed oil and arthritic balm. said Tuesday he might call up to prison on each count. However,
supporter as he leaves a federal courthouse during his perjury will be the last day.” The remaining counts charge six witnesses, including Bonds. federal guidelines suggest a total
trial on Wednesday in San Francisco. Once indicted on as many as 15 Bonds with lying when he denied But Bonds never took the stand sentence of 15 to 21 months.

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Ruling on lockout won’t come soon; Judge asks for talks to resume
By DAVE CAMPBELL first round — call it the first quar- was accomplished other than the good faith. The NFL’s contention were a fully formed labor entity. continue to do all these things.”’
AP Sports Writer ter — between the NFL and the formal launch of the legal proc- is that the union’s decertification DeMaurice Smith, the head of James Quinn, an attorney for
ST. PAUL, Minn. — As she players in their legal fight over ess. was a tactical maneuver and that the NFLPA, attended the hear- the players, dismissed the accu-
wrapped up the five-hour hearing the future of the $9 billion busi- David Boies, a lawyer for the it has the legal right to keep play- ing, and the players, lawyers and sation that the decertification
on the legality of the NFL lock- ness and the 2011 season. NFL, argued that the court ers from working. union officials arrived and de- was a sham, pointing to unani-
out, the federal judge overseeing Teams of attorneys from both shouldn’t have jurisdiction while Boies claimed players are still parted together in a bus. mous participation in a player
the case said she’d take “a couple sides, officials from the now-dis- the National Labor Relations acting like a union, that the NFL “They’re financing this law- vote to approve the move.
of weeks” to rule on the players’ solved union, several NFL play- Board is considering an unfair la- Players’ Association is funding suit,” Boies said. “They’re saying, “It’s not some kind of tactic. It’s
request to return to work. ers and dozens of reporters bor charge filed by the league the litigation and has set up other ’We’re no longer a collective bar- the law,” Quinn said. “It’s what
U.S. District Judge Susan Ri- crowded the courtroom, but little that players didn’t negotiate in services for the players as if it gaining agent, but we’re going to we’re allowed to do.”
chard Nelson, however, urged the
two sides not to wait that long.
“It seems to me both sides are
at risk, and now is a good time to
come back to the table,” Nelson
said, noting her willingness to fa-
cilitate the resumption of talks to-
ward a new collective bargaining
agreement that would put pro
football back on track.
Owners and players failed to re-
ach that goal last month, leading
to the decertification of the
union, the lockout of the players
and the antitrust lawsuit against
the owners filed here by the play-
But the two sides don’t agree
on much these days.
Attorneys for the players said
they’re open to talking again.
Lawyers for the league hedged on
their eagerness to take Nelson up
on her offer, by saying the owners
prefer to be back at the bargain-
ing table.
The injunction request — a
plea to the judge that the lockout
be immediately lifted on the
grounds that their careers are be-
ing irreparably harmed — was
the sole purpose of Wednesday’s
The court appearance was the


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Job market momentum? Initial claims for Spring shopping Rite Aid earnings
Investors are looking for the unemployment benefits March sales reports from Rite Aid has already warned that its sales fell during its fiscal fourth quar-
government’s latest unem- many of the nation’s big- ter in part because it closed 66 stores. The nation’s third-largest drug

388k 385k
ployment report to continue gest retailers are expect- store chain was also hurt by the weak economy and the cost of launching
a streak of good news ed to show whether a customer loyalty program. Investors will be more focused on the future:
about the job market. Last estimate higher gas prices are Rite Aid will give its forecast for the next year.

week, the government said stopping consumers from RAD $1.06 4Q ’10 4Q ’11
the unemployment rate fell spending on other items. $1.50
to a two-year low of 8.8 per- Financial analysts expect Operating
cent in March. Today, the to see sales rising for a 1.20 EPS
Labor Department is ninth straight month. But
expected to say that fewer a chilly spring as well as
-$0.24 -$0.24
people applied for unem- Week ending Week ending the rising cost of gas $1.44
ployment benefits last March 25 April 1 could mean the gains ’10 ’11 Price-earnings ratio: not applicable
0.60 based on past 12 months’ results
week. Source: AP reports are small. Source: FactSet





Scranton/W-B foreclosures hit new high

12,426.75 2,799.82 1,335.54
+32.85 +8.63 +2.91

By ANDREW M. SEDER 3.16, marking the first time loans 90 days delinquent or considered at high risk for fore- higher than the state rate of since the recession began in more -- an indicator of potential closure. 2.55 percent.
Foreclosure actions in the 2008 that mortgaged homes future foreclosures -- has in- The region evaluated by Co- The region falls between the
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre region topped the 3 percent foreclo- creased in the region to 6.93 reLogic includes Lackawanna, national and state 90-day delin-
I N B R I E F hit a new high in January, ris- sure mark. Not only did Janu- percent compared to 6.77 per- Luzerne and Wyoming coun- quent rates, too. The national
ing to 3.32 percent of all mort- ary repeat that milestone, but cent in December and 6.92 per- ties rate is 7.87 percent, and the
NYC firm buys Iron City gaged properties.
The numbers were released
the rate increased by .16 points.
The rising rate shows no sign
cent the prior January.
That means that the owners
Foreclosure activity in the
Scranton/Wilkes-Barre region
state rate is 5.68 percent.
Only one part of the tri-coun-
A New York City private equity firm of reversing when the number of more than one out of every is lower than the national fore-
Wednesday by CoreLogic, a re- of mortgage delinquencies in 20 mortgaged homes in the re- closure rate which was 3.63 ty area had a mortgage foreclo-
has bought Pittsburgh’s Iron City Brew- al estate data and analytics sure rate below .8 percent, and
ing Co. the region is taken into ac- gion is at least 90 days delin- percent for January, represent-
company based in Santa Ana, count. quent in making a payment. ing a .31 percentage point dif- that was an area of Wyoming
Uni-World Capital LP bought the Calif. According to the report, the County between Falls and Lake
Properties whose owners miss ference. But the region is more
company’s Iron City and IC Light la- In December, the rate was mortgage delinquency rate for three monthly payments are than one percentage point Winola.
bels, some lesser brands and the com-
pany’s other assets for an undisclosed
price from another investment group

Slow start
that had bought the brewery out of
bankruptcy in 2007.
The brewing company is still head-

for spring
quartered in Pittsburgh, even though it
shut down its 150-year-old city brewery
and now contracts to have its beers
brewed at the former Rolling Rock

sales seen
brewery in Latrobe. Iron City has strug-
gled since the company was first sold
at bankruptcy auction for $31 million in
Metro joblessness falls AP Retail Writer
NEW YORK — A late Easter,
Unemployment rates are falling in lingering cold weather and rising
most metro areas across the country, gas prices are squeezing discre-
suggesting that hiring is widespread tionary spending this spring, ac-
and not limited to a few healthy re- cording to data being released
gions. Wednesday.
The Labor Department says more Figures from MasterCard Advi-
than three-quarters of the nation’s 372 sors’ SpendingPulse show sales
largest metro areas reported lower growth slowed in some catego-
unemployment rates in February than ries last month. But consumers
the previous month. That’s the most to spent more on clothing — and
report a decline since September. most other items from electron-
More than 300 cities have seen their ics to luxury goods — than they
unemployment rates decline in the past did in March 2010.
year, the best showing since the reces- SpendingPulse tracks spend-
sion ended in June 2009. ing across all payments.
And more than 280 metro areas AP PHOTO
Growth in online sales, still
reported job gains in the past year, also Dish Network Corp. said Wednesday it won the auction for Blockbuster Inc. with a bid valued at $228 million in cash. less than 10 percent of all retail
the most since the recession ended. Dish has so far been mum about specific plans for Blockbuster. sales, accelerated last month as
Nationwide, private employers add- shoppers tried to save on gas, ac-

Dish deal may preserve Blockbuster

ed more than 200,000 jobs in both cording to Michael McNamara,
February and March, the best two- vice president of research and
month pace since 2006. The local data analysis for SpendingPulse.
is one month behind the national fig- Online spending in all catego-
ures. ries rose 16.1 percent, compared
By MAE ANDERSON nouncement, the company highlighted Acquiring Blockbuster will make with lower rates in January and
Borders to move its HQ AP Retail Writer
NEW YORK — Dish Network Corp.’s
the 1,700 stores that will remain and
"multiple methods of delivery."
Dish a more viable competitor in
streaming video online. It’s doing so at a
February and a 15.9 percent in-
crease in March 2010.
Borders, a fixture in Ann Arbor, agreement to buy Blockbuster Inc.’s as- Dish spokeswoman Francie Bauer price easily affordable for Dish, which “March wasn’t too bad; the mo-
Mich., since opening its first store sets out of bankruptcy could keep the said the Englewood, Colo.-based com- had nearly $3 billion in cash as of Dec. mentum is continuing,” McNam-
there in 1971, is planning to move its movie-rental chain and its blue-and- pany would not comment further since 31. ara said. “But gas prices could
headquarters out of the city to find gold logo from disappearing. the deal must receive bankruptcy court Dish also recently picked up satellite have a bigger effect (on spend-
cheaper space. But whether the No. 3 pay TV compa- approval. provider DBSD North America. ing) if they continue to rise.”
Spokeswoman Mary Davis says the ny can use Blockbuster’s brand, stores A hearing for that approval is set for “Ergen continues to look for dis- Separately, selected major re-
company is looking at ways to move its and streaming-video capabilities to cre- today. Dish expects the deal to close in tressed assets selling at bargain prices,” tailers are to report today on reve-
headquarters from Ann Arbor to anoth- ate services more relevant to the age of the second quarter. said RBC Capital Markets analyst Ryan nue at their stores open at least a
er space in metropolitan Detroit in an Netflix and Hulu remains to be seen. Satellite TV providers have been los- Vineyard. Blockbuster “could transform year. Analysts expect merchants
effort to cut costs. The bookseller is Dish, headed by billionaire Charles ing new subscribers as cheaper alterna- Dish into a much more viable online collectively to report a decline for
trying to reorganize its business in Ergen, won a two-day bankruptcy auc- tives like Hulu and Netflix become competitor than it is now.” March from a year earlier, the
Chapter 11 bankruptcy. tion for Blockbuster that stretched into more popular. Dish beat out billionaire investor Carl first drop since August 2009.
Borders filed for bankruptcy protec- the early hours of Wednesday with a bid Ergen has in past calls with analysts Icahn and a group of debt holders for the An important factor in the ex-
tion in February. valued at $228 million in cash. praised Netflix, which offers unlimited Dallas movie-rental chain, which filed pected drop is that Easter falls on
It is closing about 226 stores nation- Dish has so far been mum about spe- streaming video at a monthly price for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in April 24 this year, so sales won’t
wide. cific plans for Blockbuster, but in its an- along with a DVD-by-mail service. September. get a boost from holiday-related
spending until this month.
Prius sales over 1 million
The Toyota Prius hybrid, once
viewed as a science experiment for
environmentalists, has become a main-
stream vehicle in the United States,
Verizon 4G network is coming to a phone near you -- soon
VERIZON HAS re- that are already
with the company selling more than a
million of the cars nationwide.
cently confirmed
that it will be rolling TECH TALK available. Yes, you
can do it now, but it
Toyota announced Wednesday that it out its new 4G LTE can be a challenge,
had passed the million sales milestone, network in Wilkes- and the video qual-
helped by brisk sales recently as U.S. Barre by the end of ity can be some-
gasoline prices continued to rise to- the year. Since 4G WHAT’S OUT THERE? what lacking. Not
ward $4 per gallon. smartphones and a anymore.
The Prius, which is powered by both bevy of devices including the newest Current Verizon Wireless devices with 4G And if your phone can act as a
a gasoline engine and an electric mo- smartphones, aircards and the Moto- capability and their retail price: mobile hotspot – that is provide wire-
tor, gets an estimated 51 miles per Motorola Xoom -- $599.99
rola Xoom Tablet are already avail- HTC Thunderbolt Smartphone -- $249 less Internet access to other devices
gallon city and 48 highway. able locally, you may already be Verizon Wireless 4G Modem --$99 around it -- well, I won’t say I recom- And there’s one other additional
equipped to take advantage when the LG 4G Modem -- $99 mend doing this, but you might be benefit. Verizon 4G devices will be
day arrives. Pantech 4G Modem -- $49.99 able to kiss that hardwired Internet compatible with most 4G European
Trust me, it will make a difference. connection goodbye. networks, so there will be no need to
If you remember the day you got I confess that I’m surprised that the rent a phone when you go overseas.
that DSL or cable modem installed, notice that you’re not on a WiFi net- area will see 4G this early in the Just purchase an international plan
then you’ll be able to understand. work. game. Some more populous metro and go.
$3.69 $3.48 $2.84
The big difference is speed -- and You may have noticed that most areas will be waiting in the wings If you use your smart reader app to
lots of it. new devices have a front-facing cam- while we reap the benefits of 21st- scan the QR Code in this story, you’ll
$4.06 Yes, browsing the Internet will be era – that’s not just for those Face- century technology. I suspect that be taken to Verizon Wireless.
07/17/08 faster, to be sure. But streaming vid- book vanity shots. Video calling will this is one of the benefits of being
eo on that tablet? Transferring files become very practical; if not directly situated in the corridor between two Nick DeLorenzo is director of Interactive
or accessing your office computer on allowed by Verizon’s network, then of the nation’s largest cities, but I’ll and New Media for The Times Leader. Write
that 4G aircard? You might not even certainly via a whole bevy of apps take it. him at


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p +2.91 NASDAQ
p +8.63 DOW
p +32.85 6-MO T-BILLS
q -.01 10-YR T-NOTE
p +.06 GOLD
Stocks of Local Interest
+5.90 EURO
p +.0116 CRUDE OIL
p +.49

1,360 S&P 500 2,840 Nasdaq composite 52-WEEK YTD 52-WEEK YTD
1,320 Close: 1,335.54 2,760 Close: 2,799.82 HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG HIGH LOW NAME TKR DIV LAST CHG %CHG
Change: 2.91 (0.2%) Change: 8.63 (0.3%) 95.00 64.13 AirProd APD 2.32 92.49 +.27 +1.7 96.15 72.03 M&T Bk MTB 2.80 89.79 +1.10 +3.1
1,280 10 DAYS 2,680 10 DAYS 28.55 19.41 AmWtrWks AWK .88 28.72 +.30 +13.6 80.94 65.31 McDnlds MCD 2.44 76.72 +.12 -.1
51.50 35.00 Amerigas APU 2.82 47.87 +.06 -1.9 25.96 19.27 NBT Bcp NBTB .80 23.22 +.27 -3.9
23.79 16.52 AquaAm WTR .62 23.03 +.09 +2.4 8.70 3.64 NexstarB NXST ... 8.47 -.18 +41.4
1,350 2,900 38.02 24.22 ArchDan ADM .64 36.56 -.46 +21.5
279.94 171.65 AutoZone AZO ... 276.59 -.05 +1.5 70.45 49.43 PNC PNC .40 63.77 +.76 +5.0
2,800 19.86 10.91 BkofAm BAC .04 13.72 +.25 +2.8 28.80 23.75 PPL Corp PPL 1.40 25.57 +.01 -2.8
32.65 23.78 BkNYMel BK .52 30.29 -.11 +.3 15.43 11.98 PennMill PMIC ... 14.08 -.13 +6.4
1,300 18.63 6.08 BonTon BONT .20 15.14 -.02 +19.6 17.35 10.03 PenRE PEI .60 14.07 -.07 -3.2
2,700 45.00 29.12 CIGNA CI .04 43.84 +.08 +19.6 68.11 60.32 PepsiCo PEP 1.92 65.75 +.17 +.6
37.82 26.84 CVS Care CVS .50 35.76 +.76 +2.8 66.02 42.94 PhilipMor PM 2.56 65.81 +.26 +12.4
1,250 2,600 67.79 49.47 CocaCola KO 1.88 67.63 +.16 +2.8 66.95 39.37 ProctGam PG 1.93 61.76 +.09 -4.0
25.91 16.30 Comcast CMCSA .45 24.83 -.33 +13.5
28.95 21.33 CmtyBkSy CBU .96 24.82 +.43 -10.6 67.52 48.56 Prudentl PRU 1.15 64.32 +1.17 +9.6
2,500 42.50 25.63 CmtyHlt CYH ... 40.81 +.33 +9.2 15.73 9.85 SLM Cp SLM ... 15.47 ... +22.9
1,200 37.19 25.61 CoreMark CORE ... 34.80 +.20 -2.2 54.50 32.41 SLM pfB SLMpB 4.63 54.25 +.25 +23.8
2,400 16.00 4.97 Entercom ETM ... 11.63 +.12 +.4 29.24 20.00 SoUnCo SUG .60 28.63 -.02 +18.9
19.80 7.71 FairchldS FCS ... 18.60 -.18 +19.2 17.47 7.06 Supvalu SVU .35 8.94 +.01 -7.2
9.84 6.96 FrontierCm FTR .75 8.07 +.01 -17.1 51.11 39.56 TJX TJX .76 51.55 +.58 +16.1
1,150 2,300 18.71 13.09 Genpact G .18 15.56 +.80 +2.4
O N D J F M O N D J F M 15.84 9.60 HarteHnk HHS .32 11.97 +.04 -6.3
33.48 24.30 UGI Corp UGI 1.00 33.08 -.09 +4.7
50.77 40.00 Heinz HNZ 1.80 49.30 +.20 -.3 38.95 25.79 VerizonCm VZ 1.95 37.85 -.04 +5.8
55.40 42.94 Hershey HSY 1.38 55.67 +.35 +18.1 57.90 47.77 WalMart WMT 1.46 52.98 +.24 -1.8

StocksRecap DOW
s s
32.67 27.49
28.54 19.35


DOW Util.
Combined Stocks
Vol. (in mil.) 4,051 1,968 NYSE Comp. 8530.66 8484.39 8508.23 +19.84 +0.23% s s s +6.83% Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD Name Last Chg %YTD
Pvs. Volume 3,779 1,906 AMEX Index 2453.68 2429.93 2433.82 -9.68 -0.40% s s s +10.21% ABB Ltd 24.33 +.04 +8.4 ChesEng 33.68 -.13 +30.0 GoldmanS 161.89 +2.98 -3.7 McGrwH 39.58 +.40 +8.7 PrinFncl 32.07 +.38 -1.5 SwisherH n 8.05 +.48 +69.5
Advanced 1730 1522 AEP Ind 30.21 -.40 +16.4 Chevron 108.66 -.67 +19.1 Goodyear 15.20 -.12 +28.3 MedcoHlth 56.25 +.08 -8.2 PrUShS&P 20.59 -.13 -13.3 Symantec 18.38 +.04 +9.8
NASDAQ 2815.55 2786.80 2799.82 +8.63 +0.31% s s s +5.54% AES Corp 13.23 +.32 +8.6 Chicos 15.27 +.28 +26.9 Google 574.18 +5.09 -3.3 Medtrnic 39.45 +.43 +6.4 ProUltQQQ 89.38 +.43 +9.8 Synovus 2.59 +.12 -1.9
Declined 1285 1095 S&P 500 1339.38 1331.09 1335.54 +2.91 +0.22% s s s +6.19% AFLAC 54.75 +.38 -3.0 Chimera 4.01 -.01 -2.4 Gramrcy 4.16 -.02 +80.1 MelcoCrwn 8.24 -.10 +29.6 PrUShQQQ rs51.30 -.28 -11.8 Sysco 28.70 +.19 -2.4
New Highs 300 211 Wilshire 5000 14268.51 14168.15 14216.49 +23.42 +0.17% s s s +6.41% AGL Res 40.49 +.18 +12.9 ChinaIntEn 2.39 +.25 -67.4 GranTrra g 7.80 -.27 -3.1 Merck 33.35 +.19 -7.5 ProUltSP 54.11 +.31 +12.6 TCW Strat 5.41 +.01 +3.6
New Lows 9 19 AK Steel 16.34 -.20 -.2 ChurchDwt 80.14 +.79 +16.1 GrtBasG g 2.80 +.07 -5.4 Meritage 24.61 +.01 +10.9 ProUShL20 38.38 +1.11 +3.6 TE Connect33.58 -.69 -5.1
Russell 2000 859.08 850.53 854.17 +0.86 +0.10% s s s +9.00% AMR 6.20 -.03 -20.4 CIBER 6.86 +.25 +46.6 GtPanSilv g 3.96 -.16 +40.9 Mesab 40.21 -1.61 +4.5 ProUSSP50015.57 -.13 -19.8 TECO 18.97 +.07 +6.6
ASM Intl 40.36 -.29 +15.3 CienaCorp 26.65 +.10 +26.6 GreenMtC s64.89 -1.36 +97.5 MetLife 45.50 +.52 +2.4 ProgrssEn 47.20 +.41 +8.6 THQ 4.69 +.11 -22.6

AT&T Inc 30.47 +.20 +3.7 Cisco 18.07 +.85 -10.7 Greif A 66.56 -.14 +7.5 MetroPCS 16.47 -.04 +30.4 ProgsvCp 21.46 +.30 +8.0 TaiwSemi 12.77 +.31 +1.8
The first quarter reminded investors that a rally in the stock AbtLab 50.68 +.69 +5.8
AberFitc 67.59 +2.02 +17.3
Citigrp 4.59
CitrixSys 73.18
+.12 -3.0
-2.47 +7.0
GpoTMM 2.50
GpTelevisa 24.06
... 0.0
-.65 -7.2
MicronT 11.24 +.23 +40.1
Microsoft 26.15 +.37 -6.3
ProLogis 16.15 +.04 +11.8
ProUSR2K rs40.63 -.18 -19.1
Talbots 6.03
TalismE g 24.05
+.06 -29.2
-.44 +8.4
market can easily turn into volatility that sends prices AcadiaRlt 19.11 +.17 +4.8
Accenture 54.68 -.25 +12.8
CleanEngy 17.28
Clearwire h 5.94
+.30 +24.9
+.04 +15.3
HCA Hld n 33.30
HSBC 53.90
-.72 +7.4
+1.19 +5.6
MdsxWatr 19.29 +.13 +5.1
MdwGold g 2.15 +.03+156.0
ProvFnH 8.38 -.01 +15.8
Prudentl 64.32 +1.17 +9.6
Target 50.96 +.22 -15.3
TastyBak 1.91 -.01 -69.9
swinging. The S&P 500 rose 7 percent through Feb. 18. It

from 1Q
AcmePkt 72.02 -1.58 +35.5 CliffsNRs 99.96 -1.08 +28.1 Hallibrtn 48.41 -1.32 +18.6 MitsuUFJ 4.40 -.11 -18.7 PSEG 31.56 +.75 -.8 TeckRes g 58.45 +.01 -5.5
ActionSemi 2.45 ... +14.0 Clorox 70.39 +.70 +11.2 HanJS 14.26 +.02 -5.6 MobileTel s 21.32 +.24 +2.2 PubStrg 110.77 -.42 +9.2 Teleflex 58.80 ... +9.3
then fell 6 percent through March 16 before recovering and ActivsBliz 11.35 +.38 -8.8 CloudPeak 21.32 -.29 -8.2 HarleyD 40.42 -1.33 +16.6 Molycorp n 62.06 -3.43 +24.4 PudaCoal 9.80 -.97 -31.2 TelefEsp s 25.85 +.21 +13.3
AdamsEx 11.41 +.01 +6.2 Coach 52.44 -.65 -5.2 HarmonyG 15.51 +.23 +23.7 Monsanto 69.16 -4.16 -.7 PulteGrp 7.59 +.16 +.9 TelMexL 18.89 +.19 +17.0
ending the quarter with a 6 percent gain. Three market AdobeSy 34.24 +.06 +11.2 Coeur 36.13 -.58 +32.2 HarrisCorp 51.40 +.77 +13.5 Moog A 46.30 +.56 +16.3 PPrIT 6.57 +.02 +4.6 Tellabs 5.36 +.13 -20.9
AdvBattery 2.48 +.41 -35.6 ColgPal 81.53 +.69 +1.4 Harsco 36.49 +.09 +28.8 Moog B 46.14 +.29 +15.9 Qihoo360 n 27.98 -1.28 -17.7 TempleInld 23.74 -.24 +11.8
analysts say there are lessons for investors from the quarter: AMD 8.43 +.32 +3.1 ColumLabs 4.03 +.06 +77.5 HartfdFn 27.97 +.71 +5.6 MorgStan 27.76 +.58 +2.0 Qlogic 18.32 +.40 +7.6 TmpDrgn 32.31 +.25 +5.1
Aeropostl 25.91 +.88 +5.2 Comc spcl 23.34 -.31 +12.7 HawaiiEl 25.47 +.23 +11.8 Mosaic 80.69 -1.87 +5.7 Qualcom 53.54 +.96 +8.2 TenetHlth 7.54 -.04 +12.7
Agilent 45.29 -.05 +9.3 Comerica 37.41 +.42 -11.4 HltMgmt 10.80 -.34 +13.2 MotrlaMo n 24.45 +.67 -16.0 QntmDSS 2.73 -.02 -26.6 Tenneco 42.32 -1.11 +2.8
AkamaiT 37.24 +.17 -20.9 CmtyHlt 40.81 +.33 +9.2 HeclaM 9.51 -.02 -15.5 MurphO 75.46 +.42 +1.2 QstDiag 58.47 +.49 +8.3 Teradyn 18.50 +.10 +31.8
Quincy Krosby Market Strategist, Prudential Financial AlcatelLuc 5.80 -.13 +95.9
Alcoa 18.13 +.08 +17.8
ConAgra 23.89
ConnWtrSv 26.17
+.07 +5.8
-.41 -6.1
HercOffsh 6.23
Hertz 16.10
-.21 +79.0
+.10 +11.1
Mylan 23.20 -.13 +9.8
NCR Corp 19.09 +.08 +24.2
QuestSft 24.19 -.94 -12.8
Questcor 18.40 +.40 +24.9
Terex 36.01 -2.01 +16.0
Tesoro 27.39 -.84 +47.7
Stocks fell because of unrest in Libya and the earthquake in Japan. Alcon 167.18 +.46 +2.3 ConocPhil 80.43 +.11 +18.1 Hess 84.81 -1.54 +10.8 NV Energy 15.22 +.14 +8.3 QksilvRes 13.80 -.41 -6.4 TevaPhrm 50.77 -.04 -2.6
AlignTech 21.26 +.12 +8.8 ConsolEngy50.97 -1.57 +4.6 HewlettP 41.18 +.89 -2.2 NXP Sem n 33.26 +1.27 +58.9 Quidel 12.20 +.26 -15.6 TexInst 34.86 +.17 +7.3
By March 16, the S&P 500 had given up all of its gains for the year. Allergan 74.59 +1.12 +8.6 ConEd 51.22 +.28 +3.3 HomeDp 37.50 -.10 +7.0 NYSE Eur 39.81 +.83 +32.8 RCM 5.21 +.03 +12.5 Textron 28.02 -.09 +18.5
But traders focused again on the U.S. economy and stocks AlliBInco 7.65 -.01 -3.5 ConsolWtr 10.71 +.02 +16.8 HonwllIntl 58.85 -.20 +10.7 Nabors 29.99 -.57 +27.8 RF MicD 6.35 +.01 -13.6 ThermoFis 55.53 +.61 +.3
AlliantEgy 39.66 +.38 +7.9 ConstellA 20.38 -.22 -8.0 Hospira 56.04 -.51 +.6 NasdOMX 28.83 +.83 +21.5 RPM 24.40 -.34 +10.4 3M Co 93.82 +.43 +8.7
recovered their losses in just over a week – even as the problems AldIrish rs 4.27 +.18 -3.0 CooperTire 25.34 -.57 +7.5 HostHotls 17.00 +.09 -4.9 NBkGreece 1.82 +.10 +8.3 RadianGrp 6.90 +.23 -14.5 THorton g 46.25 -.27 +12.2
Allstate 31.65 +.04 -.7 CorinthC 4.73 +.16 -9.2 HudsCity 10.02 +.41 -21.4 NatFuGas 74.95 -.45 +14.2 RadientPh .43 -.01 -57.2
overseas continued. Krosby says investors should take a deep AlphaNRs 58.02 -2.39 -3.3 CornPdts 52.10 -.34 +13.3 HumGen 27.61 -.01 +15.6 NatGrid 48.48 +.20 +9.2 RadioShk 15.97 +.26 -13.6
TimeWarn 36.24 +.30 +12.7
TollBros 20.06 +.24 +5.6
breath when they read dramatic headlines, and leave their money AlteraCp lf 43.50 +.92 +22.3 Corning 20.39 -.01 +5.5 HuntBnk 6.86 +.13 -.1 NOilVarco 78.57 -1.91 +16.8 Raytheon 51.23 +.66 +11.5 TorDBk g 88.96 +.56 +21.3
Altria 26.28 +.17 +6.7 Cosan Ltd 13.06 -.29 -4.1 Huntsmn 18.11 +.54 +16.0 NatSemi 24.06 ... +74.9 RedHat 45.17 -1.21 -1.1
where it is: “There’s always something to worry about.” Amarin 8.43 +.62 +2.8 Covidien 52.72 +.31 +15.5 Hydrognc 6.08 -.35 +61.7 NetApp 46.70 +.65 -15.0 RegionsFn 7.42 +.23 +6.0
Total SA 61.69 -.19 +15.4
Toyota 77.35 -.28 -1.6
Amazon 182.76 -2.53 +1.5 CredSuiss 44.08 +1.41 +9.1 Hyperdyn 4.52 -.17 -8.9 Netflix 239.97 -4.26 +36.6 ReneSola 9.91 +.04 +13.4 TrCda g 41.14 -.05 +8.1
Ameren 28.77 +.37 +2.1 Cree Inc 46.44 +1.50 -29.5 IAMGld g 23.04 +.14 +29.4 NewAmHi 10.43 +.03 +4.7 RepFBcp 2.91 +.07 +19.3
AMovilL 59.00 +.21 +2.9 Crossh g rs 1.18 +.12 -53.2 INGPrRTr 6.08 -.01 +6.9 Transocn 80.55 -.44 +15.9
NwGold g 11.41 -.22 +16.9 RepubSvc 30.29 +.36 +1.4 Travelers 59.94 +.81 +7.6
Adam Bold Founder, The Mutual Fund Store AMovilA 58.90 +.82 +3.0
AmAxle 12.56 +.21 -2.3
CrownHold 38.40
Crystallx g .13
-.17 +15.0
-.03 -58.6
iShGold s 14.27
iSAstla 27.30
+.04 +2.7
+.43 +7.3
NJ Rscs 43.79 +.31 +1.6
NY CmtyB 17.45 +.02 -7.4
RschMotn 55.71 +1.31 -4.2
Revlon 16.21 +.04 +64.7
Travelzoo 77.88 -2.98 +88.2
ACapAgy 28.63 -.16 -.4 CubistPh 30.29 +1.28 +41.5 iShBraz 78.66 -.85 +1.6 TrimbleN 50.69 -.75 +26.9
Volatile periods are the best times to be a stock picker. When the AmCapLtd 10.18 -.08 +34.7 Curis 4.22 +.53+113.1 iSCan 34.21 +.01 +10.4
NY Times 9.53 -.14 -2.8 ReynAm s 35.85 -.23 +9.9 TrinaSolar 29.81 +1.14 +27.3
Newcastle 5.88 -.05 -12.2 RioTinto s 72.97 +.66 +1.8 TriQuint 12.49 +.44 +6.8
market falls sharply as it did in March, some companies become AEP 35.57 +.27 -1.1 CybrOpt 8.92 ... +4.4 iShEMU 39.84 +.53 +13.0 NewmtM 56.45 -.53 -8.1 RiteAid 1.06 -.01 +20.0 TycoIntl 47.25 +.10 +14.0
AmExp 46.28 +1.04 +7.8 CypSharp 12.35 +.02 -4.3 iSh HK 19.59 +.12 +3.5 NewsCpA 17.56 -.21 +20.6 Riverbed s 33.89 -.40 -3.6
good long-term buys. If you don’t have the time to research stocks, AmIntlGrp 34.86 -.12 -27.8 DCT Indl 5.50 +.01 +3.6 iShJapn 9.87 -.09 -9.5 NewsCpB 18.65 -.14 +13.6 RylCarb 40.63 +.12 -13.6
Tyson 19.30 +.40 +12.1
UBS AG 18.44 +.42 +12.0
consider an actively managed fund. These funds are better at AmSupr 14.47 -10.41 -49.4 DNP Selct 9.55 -.01 +4.5 iSh Kor 65.69 +.18 +7.4 Nexen g 24.89 -.19 +8.7 RoyDShllA 74.18 +.44 +11.1 UDR 24.33 -.09 +3.4
AmTower 50.90 +.16 -1.4 DR Horton 11.49 +.23 -3.7 iSTaiwn 15.43 +.30 -1.2 NextEraEn 56.57 +.26 +8.8 RoyaleEn 5.21 +.14+132.6
buying a stock when it’s about to shoot higher – and selling once it AmWtrWks 28.72 +.30 +13.6 DTE 49.64 +.15 +9.5 iSh UK 18.56 +.15 +6.9 NiSource 19.27 +.01 +9.4 SpdrDJIA 124.17 +.52 +7.4
US Airwy 8.40 -.05 -16.1
Ameriprise 61.52 -.50 +6.9 Darden 48.07 -.04 +3.5 iShSilver 38.62 +.28 +28.0 US Gold 9.39 -.13 +16.4
has peaked. Bold says that given what’s going on in market now, AmeriBrgn 40.57 -.01 +18.9 DeanFds 10.32 +.14 +16.7 iShAsiaexJ 64.86 ... +1.8
NikeB 78.67 +.74 -7.9 SpdrGold 142.38 +.33 +2.6 USEC 4.48 +.01 -25.6
NobleCorp 45.00 -1.05 +25.8 SP Mid 181.67 +.19 +10.3
these funds are a better choice than index funds. Ametek s 44.62 +.38 +13.7 Deere 97.01 -1.20 +16.8 iShChina25 46.07 +.07 +6.9 NokiaCp 9.02 +.25 -12.6 S&P500ETF133.66 +.42 +6.3
UniSrcEn 37.04 +.21 +3.3
Amgen 54.03 -.04 -1.6 Dell Inc 14.78 +.35 +9.1 iSSP500 134.09 +.44 +6.2 UnilevNV 31.91 +.31 +1.6
Nordstrm 45.90 +.24 +8.3 SpdrHome 18.39 +.12 +5.8 Unisys 31.15 +.32 +20.3
Anadarko 82.38 -.10 +8.2 DeltaAir 9.59 -.11 -23.9 iShEMkts 50.04 +.27 +5.0 NA Pall g 6.70 -.04 -3.5 SpdrKbwBk 26.43 +.40 +2.0
AnalogDev 39.28 +.90 +4.3 DeltaPtr h .90 +.01 +17.8 iShB20 T 90.54 -1.38 -3.8 UtdContl 21.23 -.52 -10.9
NoestUt 34.89 +.13 +9.4 SpdrRetl 52.11 +.14 +7.8 UPS B 74.47 +.32 +2.6
AnglogldA 50.54 +.22 +2.7 DenburyR 24.34 -.52 +27.5 iS Eafe 61.08 +.50 +4.9
Christian Hviid Annaly 17.51 +.05 -2.3 Dndreon 38.78 +.13 +11.1 iSR1KV 69.29 +.17 +6.8
NthnO&G 24.16 -1.48 -11.2
NthgtM g 2.76 +.02 -13.8
SpdrOGEx 64.07 -.90 +21.5
SpdrMetM 75.34 -1.14 +9.5
UtdRentals 33.81 -.28 +48.6
Anworth 7.28 ... +4.0 DenisnM g 2.53 +.04 -26.0 iSR1KG 60.90 +.06 +6.4 US Bancrp 26.90 +.39 -.3
Chief Market Strategist, Genworth Financial Asset Management A123 Sys 5.90 -.12 -38.2 DeutschBk 60.34 +.83 +15.9 iShR2K 85.38 +.19 +9.1
NorthropG 62.36 +.15 +6.1 SPX Cp 80.63 +.25 +12.8
US NGs rs 10.85 -.23 -9.5
NwstNG 45.87 -.09 -1.3 Safeway 23.83 -.11 +6.0
ApolloGrp 41.54 +.61 +5.2 DevelDiv 13.94 +.03 -1.1 iShREst 59.51 -.08 +6.3 US OilFd 43.37 +.27 +11.2
Investors were initially concerned about the impact the earthquake NovaGld g 13.60 -.19 -4.7 StJoe 27.09 +.46 +24.0
USSteel 54.58 -.06 -6.6
Apple Inc 338.04 -.85 +4.8 DevonE 90.86 -.16 +15.7 ITT Corp 59.77 -.38 +14.7 Novartis 55.12 +.24 -6.5 StJude 52.98 +.40 +23.9
and tsunami could have on U.S. companies. But news March 17 of a ApldMatl 15.75 +.22 +12.1 Diageo 78.44 +.27 +5.5 Informat 51.36 -1.03 +16.6 Novell 5.96 -.01 +.7 Saks 11.97 +.16 +11.9
UtdhlthGp 44.96 -.13 +24.5
Arbitron 39.44 +.30 -5.0 Diebold 35.70 +.34 +11.4 InglesMkts 19.52 +.37 +1.7 UnumGrp 26.70 +.27 +10.2
rise in manufacturing in the mid-Atlantic states reminded investors that ArcelorMit 37.48 +.64 -1.7 DirecTV A 46.60 -.32 +16.7 InspPhar 4.96 -.01 -41.0
NuSkin 30.57 +1.81 +1.0 Salesforce 131.43 -2.18 -.4
UrbanOut 31.28 +.60 -12.7
Nucor 47.64 +.18 +8.7 SamsO&G 3.92 -.07+197.0
U.S. companies are doing well. Financial analysts were already ArchCoal 34.30 -.87 -2.2 DrSCBr rs 33.63 -.22 -28.2 Intel 19.95 +.24 -5.1 NustarEn 67.97 +.13 -2.2 SanDisk 47.55 -.09 -4.6 Vale SA 33.60 -.67 -2.8
AriadP 8.26 -.10 +62.0 DirFnBr rs 38.10 -1.22 -19.4 IBM 164.04 +.05 +11.8 Vale SA pf 29.96 -.37 -.9
predicting strong first-quarter earnings. They’re now forecasting that ArmHld 28.87 +.17 +39.1 DrxFBull s 31.86 +.93 +14.4 Intl Coal 10.84 -.36 +40.1
NuvFloat 12.45 +.09 +5.4 SandRdge 12.88 -.09 +76.0
ValeantPh 52.37 -1.59 +85.1
NvMAd 13.20 -.08 +.9 Sanofi rt 2.42 -.01 +3.0
companies in the S&P 500 rose an average 12 percent. Investors ArubaNet 30.34 -1.41 +45.3 DirxSCBull 91.85 +.61 +26.8 IntlGame 16.98 +.58 -4.0 NvPA 13.21 +.04 -.9 SaraLee 18.19 +.16 +3.9 ValenceT h 1.56 -.04 -7.1
AstraZen 47.88 +.42 +3.7 Discover 24.42 -.18 +31.8 IntPap 30.34 -.34 +11.4 Nvidia 17.46 -.12 +13.4 Satcon h 3.50 -.09 -22.2 ValeroE 29.82 -.68 +29.0
shouldn’t ignore international disasters, but if they invest in strong Atmel 13.27 -.12 +7.7 DishNetwk 24.32 +.01 +23.7 Interpublic 12.41 -.15 +16.9 OcciPet 101.04 -1.69 +3.0 SaulCntr 44.29 +.03 -6.5 ValpeyFsh 3.24 -.08 -4.4
companies, those events will have less of an impact. ATMOS 34.37 -.09 +10.2 Disney 42.27 -.16 +12.7 Intersil 13.31 +.17 -12.8 Oclaro rs 11.72 +.83 -10.9 Schlmbrg 91.94 -.93 +10.1 ValVis A 6.03 +.61 -1.3
AutoData 52.77 +.98 +14.0 DomRescs 45.03 +.26 +5.4 Intuit 53.66 +.17 +8.8 OfficeDpt 4.34 -.02 -19.6 SchoolSp 14.16 +.05 +1.7 VangEmg 50.30 +.23 +4.5
AvalRare n 8.69 -.31 +39.3 DotHillSy 2.98 +.26 +70.3 Invesco 25.75 ... +7.0 OfficeMax 13.78 +.28 -22.1 Schwab 18.72 +.05 +9.4 VeriFone 53.77 -2.00 +39.4
Francesca Levy, Elizabeth Gramling • AP AvanirPhm 4.05 +.07 -.8 Dover 66.40 -.18 +13.6 IronMtn 33.52 +.77 +34.0 VertxPh 46.42 -.32 +32.5
OilSvHT 162.20 -3.37 +15.4 SeagateT 14.76 +.09 -1.8
AveryD 42.61 +.13 +.6 DowChm 38.49 -.17 +12.7 ItauUnibH 24.08 -.10 +.8 Oilsands g .47 -.01 +11.9 SearsHldgs 79.93 -.01 +8.4 VestinRMII 1.55 +.02 +6.9
Avon 27.91 +.52 -4.0 DryShips 4.96 +.24 -9.7 JAlexandr 6.12 +.02 +16.6 ViacomA 53.92 -.13 +17.6
Mutual Funds BB&T Cp 27.41 +.11 +4.3
BHP BillLt 99.58 +1.19 +7.2
DuPont 56.02
DukeEngy 18.56
-.04 +12.3
+.15 +4.2
J&J Snack 48.38
JA Solar 6.94
-.02 +.3
+.23 +.3
OnSmcnd 9.81 -.12 -.7
OpenTable105.71 -3.92 +50.0
OplinkC 20.53 +.77 +11.2
SemiHTr 35.06 +.44 +7.8
SempraEn 54.10 +.36 +3.1
Sequenom 6.93 +.29 -13.8
ViacomB 47.36
VirgnMda h 27.70
-.14 +19.6
+.01 +1.7
BJs Whls 49.18 -.29 +2.7 Dycom 17.29 -.16 +17.2 JDS Uniph 19.58 +.43 +35.2 VirnetX 25.88 -1.62 +74.3
YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD YTD Opnext 2.58 +.32 +46.6 ServiceCp 11.58 +.06 +40.4
BP PLC 46.86 +.13 +6.1 eBay 31.85 +.01 +14.4 JPMorgCh 47.64 +1.06 +12.3 Visa 76.00 +.38 +8.0
OptimerPh 12.99 -.81 +14.9 ShawGrp 35.16 -.17 +2.7
Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn Name NAV Chg %Rtn BP Pru 120.66 -2.34 -4.6 EMC Cp 26.09 +.16 +13.9 JpnSmCap 8.39 -.15 -6.5 Vivus 6.69 +.14 -28.6
Oracle 33.58 -.34 +7.3 SiderNac s 16.98 -.20 +1.9
Baidu s 137.25 -4.40 +42.2 ENI 50.41 +.14 +15.2 JetBlue 6.21 +.06 -6.1 Vodafone 29.30 +.37 +10.8
Alliance Bernstein Income 13.27 -.01 +1.4 Income A m 2.27 +.01 +6.3 TotRetA m 14.63 +.02 +4.3 Schwab InfPrtI 10.53 -.06 +1.9 OrchidCell 2.76 +.75 +39.4 Siemens 140.46 +3.09 +13.0
BakrHu 71.22 -1.78 +24.6 Eastgrp 44.07 +.19 +4.1 JohnJn 59.66 -.14 -3.5 Vonage 4.56 -.18+103.6
BalShrB m 14.73 +.03 +6.4 IntlStk 37.27 +.22 +4.4 Income C m 2.29 +.01 +6.1 ValueA m 24.39 +.10 +7.2 1000Inv d 39.78 +.07 +7.0 InflaPro 13.16 -.08 +1.8 OwensIll 30.27 +.09 -1.4 Slcnware 6.47 +.18 +8.7
BallardPw 2.35 -.02 +56.7 EKodak 3.45 +.05 -35.6 JohnsnCtl 41.36 -.02 +8.3 Vornado 88.59 +.22 +6.3
CoreOppA m 12.62 ... +9.6 Stock 114.91 +.33 +7.0 IncomeAdv 2.26 +.01 +6.4 ValueI 24.50 +.11 +7.3 S&P500Sel d 20.89 +.06 +6.7 PDL Bio 6.29 +.09 +1.0 SilvWhtn g 45.74 -.20 +17.2
InstIdxI 122.23 +.32 +6.7 BallyTech 38.19 +.18 -9.5 ElPasoCp 17.71 -.23 +28.7 JnprNtwk 38.83 -.55 +5.2 WalMart 52.98 +.24 -1.8
American Beacon Dreyfus NY TF A m 11.04 -.02 -0.3 MainStay Scout PECO pfA 71.37 -1.18 +2.0 SilvrcpM g 15.53 -.17 +21.0
InstPlus 122.23 +.31 +6.8 BcoBrades 20.89 -.09 +3.0 Elan 7.59 +.44 +32.5 KB Home 11.84 +.15 -12.2 Walgrn 41.22 +.11 +5.8
LgCpVlInv 19.77 +.12 +6.7 EmgLead ... ... +8.8 US Gov A m 6.68 -.01 +0.1 HiYldCorA m 5.99 +.01 +3.5 Interntl d 34.00 +.20 +5.0 BcoSantSA 12.12 +.40 +13.8 PG&E Cp 45.07 +.59 -5.8 Sina 110.97 -2.59 +61.2
EldorGld g 17.38 +.44 -6.4 KV PhmA 4.47 -.13 +75.3 WalterEn 138.72 -2.04 +8.5
LgCpVlIs 20.82 +.13 +6.8 TechGrA f 33.29 -.08 +2.5 FrankTemp-Mutual InstTStPl 30.50 +.06 +7.3 BcoSBrasil 11.94 -.01 -12.2 ElectArts 20.25 +.22 +23.6 Kaydon 39.64 -.03 -2.7 PICO Hld 29.95 +.10 -5.8 SiriusXM 1.84 +.07 +12.9
Manning & Napier Selected PMC Sra 7.27 +.05 -15.4 SkywksSol 28.73 -2.15 +.3 WsteMInc 38.24 +.50 +3.7
American Cent Eaton Vance Beacon Z 13.10 +.07 +6.4 WrldOppA 9.18 +.06 +6.6 AmerShS b 43.82 +.14 +5.7 IntlExpIn d 17.23 +.08 +3.4 BkHawaii 48.18 +.84 +2.1 EmersonEl 58.56 -.38 +2.4 Kellogg 54.26 +.31 +6.2 WeathfIntl 21.79 -.67 -4.4
Discov A m 30.71 +.15 +5.2 BkIrelnd 2.40 +.09 -9.4 EnbrEPtrs 66.01 +.03 +5.8 Keycorp 8.98 +.12 +1.5 PMI Grp 2.63 +.01 -20.3 SmithfF 23.35 -.69 +13.2
EqIncInv 7.51 +.03 +4.5 HiIncOppA m 4.48 +.01 +4.4 Matthews Asian American D 43.82 +.13 +5.8 IntlGr d 20.42 +.11 +5.6 PPG 96.41 +.06 +14.7 Smucker 73.41 +.31 +11.8 WebMD 50.85 -1.90 -.4
GrowthInv 27.46 ... +6.3 HiIncOppB m 4.48 ... +3.9 Discov Z 31.10 +.16 +5.3 PacTiger d 23.90 +.25 +2.0 Sequoia BkAtl A h .97 +.08 -15.7 EnCana g 34.32 -.28 +17.9 KilroyR 39.25 -.21 +7.6 WellPoint 68.85 -.63 +21.1
QuestZ 18.58 +.08 +5.0 IntlGrAdm d 64.98 +.34 +5.6 PPL Corp 25.57 +.01 -2.8 SnapOn 61.44 -.12 +8.6
IncGroA m 25.57 +.08 +6.9 LrgCpValA m 18.96 +.08 +4.3 Sequoia 145.23 -.34 +12.3 Barclay 19.36 +.63 +17.2 EndvSilv g 11.61 +.45 +58.2 KimbClk 65.73 +.35 +4.3 WellsFargo 32.40 +.41 +4.5
Shares A m 21.93 +.09 +6.3 Merger IntlStkIdxAdm d27.66+.19 +5.0 Bar iPVix rs 28.18 -.11 -25.1 Energen 62.66 -.42 +29.8 Kimco 17.99 +.07 -.3 Pacholder 8.74 +.06 +3.4 94.48 -2.01 +48.8
UltraInv 24.11 -.01 +6.4 NatlMuniA m 8.66 ... -1.3 Merger m 16.19 ... +2.6 T Rowe Price PallCorp 58.88 +.28 +18.8 SouthnCo 38.67 +.41 +1.2 WellsF wt 11.47 +.13 +3.5
American Funds NatlMuniB m 8.66 ... -1.5 Shares Z 22.11 +.09 +6.3 IntlStkIdxI d 110.66 +.77 +5.0 BarnesNob 9.58 +.35 -32.3 Energizer 72.99 +1.30 +.1 KindME 74.00 -.06 +5.3 WendyArby 5.14 +.03 +11.3
Metropolitan West BlChpGr 40.34 -.04 +5.8 BarrickG 54.18 -.10 +1.9 EngyConv 2.09 +.01 -54.6 Kinross g 16.39 +.16 -13.6 PanASlv 39.19 -.87 -4.9 SthnCopper40.24 -.25 -17.4
AMCAPA m 19.97 +.05 +6.1 PAMuniA m 8.48 ... +0.4 FrankTemp-Templeton CapApprec 21.35 +.02 +5.1 IntlVal d 33.33 +.19 +3.6 PatriotCoal 26.33 -.48 +35.9 SwstAirl 12.15 -.05 -6.4 WernerEnt 26.49 -.39 +17.2
Fgn A m 7.62 +.06 +9.2 TotRetBdI 10.39 -.01 +1.4 Baxter 53.78 +.13 +6.2 EngyTsfr 52.91 +.52 +2.1 KodiakO g 6.50 -.23 -1.5
BalA m 18.74 +.01 +5.1 FMI DivGrow 24.41 +.07 +7.0 LTGradeAd 9.16 -.09 -0.4 Paychex 32.12 +.15 +3.9 SwstnEngy 41.40 -.99 +10.6 WestellT 3.86 +.33 +18.0
GlBond A m 13.92 +.05 +3.6 TotRtBd b 10.39 -.01 +1.3 BedBath 49.39 +.49 +.5 Entergy 67.22 +.48 -5.1 Kohls 54.28 -.27 -.1
BondA m 12.16 -.01 +0.6 LgCap 16.52 +.04 +5.8 DivrSmCap d 17.78 -.07 +12.4 LTInvGr 9.16 -.09 -0.5 PeabdyE 69.56 -2.67 +8.7 SpectraEn 27.10 -.22 +8.4 WDigital 37.67 +.64 +11.1
CapIncBuA m 51.66 +.28 +4.5 GlBond C m 13.94 +.05 +3.4 Morgan Stanley Instl BerkHa A 122942 -158 +2.1 EntPrPt 43.47 +.19 +4.5 KrispKrm 5.29 -.04 -24.2 WstnRefin 18.71 -.37 +76.8
FPA EmMktStk d 36.61 +.19 +3.8 LifeCon 16.79 +.01 +3.1 BerkH B 81.99 -.05 +2.3 EnzoBio 4.17 ... -21.0 Kroger 23.97 +.18 +7.2 PennVaRs 27.56 -.06 -2.7 SprintNex 4.64 +.09 +9.7
CapWldBdA m20.61 +.02 +1.8 GlBondAdv 13.88 +.05 +3.6 IntlEqI d 14.23 +.07 +4.6 WstnUnion 20.99 +.31 +13.0
Cres d 28.23 +.07 +5.4 EqIndex d 35.99 +.09 +6.7 BestBuy 29.75 +1.11 -13.2 EricsnTel 13.04 +.10 +13.1 Kulicke 9.18 +.08 +27.5 Penney 36.94 +.19 +14.3 SP Matls 40.57 -.34 +5.6
CpWldGrIA m 37.51 +.29 +5.5 Growth A m 19.27 +.10 +8.3 MdCpGrI 41.11 -.10 +10.1 LifeGro 23.28 +.06 +5.5 WstptInn g 27.21 +1.61 +46.9
NewInc m 10.85 ... +1.0 EqtyInc 25.25 +.10 +7.0 BigLots 43.65 -.39 +43.3 Exelon 40.94 +.19 -1.7 L-1 Ident 11.71 -.05 -1.7 PeopUtdF 13.10 +.25 -6.5 SP HlthC 33.40 +.07 +6.0
EurPacGrA m 43.58 +.32 +5.3 World A m 15.93 +.08 +7.3 Natixis FinSer 15.06 +.19 +6.3 LifeMod 20.40 +.03 +4.2 PepcoHold 18.86 +.06 +3.3 SP CnSt 30.30 +.14 +3.4 WetSeal 4.38 +.03 +18.4
Fairholme Funds BioRadA 123.74 -.36 +19.2 Expedia 22.48 -.24 -10.4 LDK Solar 12.03 +.15 +18.9
FnInvA m 39.35 +.05 +7.6 Franklin Templeton InvBndY 12.29 +.01 +2.6 GrowStk 33.86 -.06 +5.3 MidCapGr 20.72 -.08 +9.1 PeregrineP 2.60 -.06 +13.0 SP Consum39.45 -.07 +5.5 Weyerh 24.12 -.52 +27.4
Fairhome d 35.09 +.26 -1.4 BioLase 5.81 +.97+235.3 ExpScrip s 56.47 -.42 +4.5 LECG h .20 +.05 -85.5
GrthAmA m 32.26 +.02 +6.0 FndAllA m 11.19 +.05 +7.0 StratIncA m 15.25 +.03 +4.5 HealthSci 34.50 -.12 +13.9 Petrohawk 24.31 -.24 +33.2 SP Engy 79.44 -.84 +16.4 WholeFd 63.76 -1.92 +26.0
HiIncA m 11.55 +.01 +4.3 Federated StratIncC m 15.33 +.03 +4.3 MidCp 22.16 -.02 +9.1 Blackstone 19.00 +.06 +34.3 ExxonMbl 85.18 -.24 +16.5 LSI Corp 6.69 +.03 +11.7
KaufmanR m 5.71 +.02 +3.8 GE HiYield d 6.95 +.01 +4.4 PetrbrsA 35.58 -.23 +4.1 SPDR Fncl 16.69 +.19 +4.6 WmsCos 30.68 -.24 +24.1
IncAmerA m 17.37 +.05 +6.0 MidCpAdml 100.61 -.08 +9.2 BlockHR 17.52 -.27 +47.1 F5 Netwks 94.39 +1.04 -27.5 LancastrC 61.39 -.74 +7.3
S&SProg 42.86 +.06 +6.5 Neuberger Berman IntlBnd d 10.07 +.02 +1.9 Petrobras 40.48 -.25 +7.0 SP Inds 37.93 +.04 +8.8 Windstrm 12.64 -.11 -9.3
IntBdAmA m 13.36 -.01 +0.1 Fidelity Boeing 73.72 +.49 +13.0 Fastenal 68.61 +1.87 +14.5 LVSands 44.86 +.02 -2.4
GMO GenesisIs 50.77 -.14 +10.5 IntlDisc d 45.39 +.22 +3.4 MidCpIst 22.22 -.02 +9.2 PetRes 30.86 -.17 +14.2 SP Tech 26.07 +.19 +3.5 WiscEn s 30.48 -.05 +3.6
IntlGrInA m 33.09 +.22 +6.5 AstMgr20 x 12.99 -.03 +2.0 BostonSci 7.23 +.17 -4.5 FifthThird 14.07 +.18 -4.2 LennarA 18.32 ... -2.3
EmgMktsVI d 15.77 +.13 +8.0 GenesisTr 52.58 -.15 +10.4 IntlGrInc d 14.17 +.10 +6.5 MidCpSgl 31.75 -.02 +9.2 BrigExp 35.66 -1.69 +30.9 Pfizer 20.29 -.16 +15.9 SP Util 32.20 +.23 +2.7 WT India 25.41 -.10 -3.7
InvCoAmA m 29.52 +.15 +5.3 AstMgr50 x 15.97 -.03 +3.9 Finisar 26.30 +2.16 -11.4 LeucNatl 37.59 -.68 +28.8
IntItVlIV 23.08 +.15 +5.7 SmCpGrInv 19.82 -.14 +10.9 IntlStk d 14.84 +.10 +4.3 Morg 19.17 -.01 +6.3 BrMySq 27.19 +.32 +2.7 FMajSilv g 25.38 -.23 +74.8 Level3 1.47 +.02 +50.0 PhilipMor 65.81 +.26 +12.4 StanBlkDk 75.46 +.05 +12.8 Worthgtn 21.44 -.14 +16.5
MutualA m 26.65 +.11 +5.9 Bal x 19.02 -.06 +4.7 XL Grp 24.75 -.28 +13.4
QuIII 20.92 +.07 +4.6 Oakmark IntlStkAd m 14.78 +.09 +4.2 Broadcom 39.95 +1.50 -8.3 FstNiagara 13.82 +.14 -1.1 LibtyMIntA 16.66 +.02 +5.6 PimcoHiI 14.03 +.04 +10.4 Staples 20.60 +.16 -9.5
NewEconA m 26.80 +.09 +5.8 BlChGrow 48.13 -.08 +6.1 MuHYAdml 9.96 -.01 -0.1 XcelEngy 24.20 +.14 +2.8
QuVI 20.92 +.07 +4.6 EqIncI 29.26 -.01 +5.5 LatinAm d 56.61 -.38 -0.2 BrcdeCm 5.89 +.11 +11.3 FirstEngy 37.28 +.51 +.7 LifeTech 53.66 +.88 -3.3 PimcoMuni 13.47 +.17 +6.8 StarScient 4.40 -.31+125.6
NewPerspA m30.18 +.12 +5.5 Canada d 63.47 -.24 +9.1 MuInt 13.20 ... +0.5 XenoPort 6.38 -.36 -25.1
Goldman Sachs Intl I d 20.11 +.11 +3.6 MediaTele 55.76 -.07 +7.8 BrkfldPrp 18.55 +.43 +5.8 Flextrn 7.29 +.08 -7.1 LillyEli 35.72 +.71 +1.9 PinWst 43.23 +.33 +4.3 Starbucks 36.39 -.01 +13.3
NwWrldA m 56.26 +.35 +3.1 CapApr 26.61 -.10 +5.0 Xerox 10.85 +.01 -5.8
HiYieldIs d 7.44 +.01 +4.1 Oakmark I d 43.98 +.15 +6.5 MidCapVa 25.35 +.07 +6.9 MuIntAdml 13.20 ... +0.5 Brunswick 25.69 +.08 +37.1 Fonar 1.84 +.02 +41.5 LimelghtN 7.11 +.10 +22.4 PitnyBw 25.63 -.03 +6.0 StateStr 46.37 +.58 +.1
SmCpWldA m40.80 +.18 +5.0 CapInc d 9.86 ... +5.9 Xilinx 32.11 +.28 +10.8
MidCapVaA m38.24 +.07 +6.5 Old Westbury MidCpGr 64.26 -.08 +9.8 MuLTAdml 10.56 -.01 +0.1 Buckeye 63.23 -.77 -5.4 FootLockr 20.51 +.11 +4.5 Limited 35.23 +.74 +14.6 PlainsEx 36.91 -.31 +14.8 StlDynam 19.45 -.15 +6.3
TaxEBdAmA m11.70 -.01 +0.1 Contra 71.32 +.03 +5.4 Yahoo 17.05 -.06 +2.5
MidCpVaIs 38.55 +.07 +6.6 GlbSmMdCp 16.45 +.04 +6.3 NewAmGro 35.51 +.03 +7.6 CA Inc 24.21 +.35 -.9 FordM 15.73 -.06 -6.3 LincNat 30.63 +.30 +10.1 PlumCrk 43.74 -.23 +16.8 Stryker 60.26 -.26 +12.2
USGovSecA m13.78 -.04 -0.4 DiscEq 24.37 +.09 +8.2 MuLtdAdml 10.98 ... +0.5 Yamana g 12.98 +.02 +1.4
NewAsia d 19.54 +.18 +1.9 CB REllis 27.68 -.47 +35.2 FortuneBr 63.19 -.24 +4.9 LinearTch 33.81 +.20 -2.3 Polycom 48.47 -.10 +24.3 SubPpne 55.97 -.33 -.2
WAMutInvA m29.01 +.07 +7.2 DivGrow 30.61 +.05 +7.7 Harbor Oppenheimer MuShtAdml 15.86 ... +0.4
NewEra 57.61 -.53 +10.4 CBS B 24.51 -.52 +28.7 FMCG s 56.25 -.36 -6.3 LizClaib 5.69 +.12 -20.5 Popular 3.12 +.05 -.6 Suncor gs 44.53 -.71 +16.3 YingliGrn 12.88 +.42 +30.4
Artio Global DivrIntl d 31.70 +.23 +5.1 Bond 12.16 +.01 +1.3 CapApA m 45.61 +.01 +4.7
NewHoriz 37.34 -.13 +11.5 PrecMtls d 27.94 +.45 +4.7 CH Engy 52.28 +.44 +6.9 FDelMnt 26.92 +.11 +7.9 LloydBkg 4.01 +.15 -2.4 Potash s 60.00 -1.12 +16.3 Sunoco 45.67 -.72 +13.3 YumBrnds 50.10 +.14 +2.1
IntlEqI 31.53 +.23 +4.6 EmgMkt d 27.53 +.20 +4.5 CapApInst 38.37 -.10 +4.5 CapApB m 40.20 +.01 +4.4
NewIncome 9.44 -.02 +0.4 Prmcp d 69.35 -.04 +5.4 CMS Eng 19.63 +.21 +5.5 FrontierCm 8.07 +.01 -17.1 LockhdM 81.49 +.38 +16.6 Power-One 8.29 -.30 -18.7 SunriseSen 10.15 -.05 +86.2 Zimmer 60.70 +.32 +13.1
IntlEqIII 13.04 +.10 +4.7 EqInc x 47.63 +.08 +7.9 IntlInstl d 64.63 +.59 +6.7 DevMktA m 37.19 +.14 +2.0
R2015 12.47 +.02 +4.9 CNO Fincl 7.97 +.21 +17.6 FrontierOil 30.25 -1.39 +68.0 Logitech 14.84 +.38 -20.0 PS Agri 34.31 -.23 +6.1 Suntech 9.62 +.31 +20.1 ZollMed 46.49 -1.02 +24.9
EqInc II x 19.64 +.04 +7.9 IntlInv m 63.98 +.58 +6.6 DevMktY 36.81 +.14 +2.1 PrmcpAdml d 71.97 -.04 +5.4
Artisan ExpMulNat d 23.11 +.02 +6.0 R2025 12.73 +.02 +5.7 CSS Inds 19.58 +.19 -5.0 FuelCell 1.98 -.07 -14.3 LaPac 9.84 -.50 +4.0 PwShs QQQ57.26 +.14 +5.1 SunTrst 29.88 +.67 +1.3 Zweig 3.47 ... +3.6
Hartford GlobA m 64.52 +.28 +6.9 PrmcpCorI d 14.51 -.01 +5.4
Intl d 23.04 +.17 +6.2 FF2015 11.82 +.01 +4.2 R2035 13.00 +.02 +6.3 CSX 77.90 +.25 +20.6 FultonFncl 11.51 +.26 +11.3 Lowes 26.67 -.11 +6.3 Praxair 103.13 +.11 +8.0 Supvalu 8.94 +.01 -7.2 ZweigTl 3.48 +.01 -2.2
AdvHLSIA 20.25 +.03 +4.8 GoldMinA m 50.60 +.23 +1.5
IntlVal d 28.02 +.07 +3.4 FF2035 12.17 +.03 +6.1 Rtmt2010 16.01 +.02 +4.4 REITIdx d 19.46 ... +6.6 CablvsnNY 33.73 -1.14 -.3 GMX Rs 6.09 -.16 +10.3 lululemn g 92.08 -1.41 +34.6
CapAprA m 35.97 +.10 +3.9 IntlBondA m 6.59 +.02 +1.5
MdCpVal 22.65 +.05 +12.8 Rtmt2020 17.31 +.02 +5.3 REITIdxAd d 83.04 +.02 +6.6 CalaStrTR 9.78 ... +5.6 GSI Cmmrc 29.20 -.02 +25.7 LyonBas A 41.61 +.27 +21.0
MidCap 36.27 -.18 +7.9
SmCapVal 18.60 +.02 +10.4
Fidelity x
8.51 +.02
34.68 +.01
FltRtHiIn d 9.89 ...
CapAprI 36.00 +.10 +3.9
CpApHLSIA 44.97 +.16 +6.2
IntlBondY 6.58 +.01 +1.4
MainStrA m 33.59 +.15 +3.7
RocMuniA m 14.58 -.03 -2.9
18.32 +.03
18.51 +.03
STBond 10.49 -.01 0.0 Cameco g 30.46 -.41 -24.6
Cameron 55.30 -1.43 +9.0
GabDvInc 16.77
GabelliET 6.22
+.05 +9.2
-.02 +9.7
MEMC 12.47
MFA Fncl 8.17
+.02 +10.7
-.01 +.1
Foreign Exchange & Metals
DvGrHLSIA 20.93 +.10 +7.3 ShTmBond 4.84 ... +0.4 STBondAdm 10.49 -.01 +0.1
Baron Free2010 14.14 ... +4.0 RochNtlMu m 6.45 ... -0.9 CampSp 33.60 +.38 -3.3 Gafisa SA 14.05 -.21 -3.3 MMT 6.77 -.01 -1.9
TRBdHLSIA 11.00 -.01 +1.0 SmCpStk 38.00 -.05 +10.4 STBondSgl 10.49 -.01 +0.1
Asset b 59.81 -.17 +8.2 Free2020 14.45 +.02 +4.8 StrIncA m 4.36 +.01 +3.3 CapOne 52.15 +.48 +22.5 GameStop 23.90 +.32 +4.5 MGM Rsts 13.44 +.11 -9.5 CURRENCY CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
Growth b 56.46 -.39 +10.2 Hussman SmCpVal d 39.43 +.12 +9.1 STCor 10.72 ... +0.7 CapitlSrce 7.16 +.13 +.8 GamGld g 10.19 +.07 +24.4 Macys 25.19 +.59 -.4
Free2025 12.13 +.02 +5.3 PIMCO USD per British Pound 1.6332 +.0049 +.30% 1.5896 1.5277
SmCap b 26.43 ... +11.1 StratGrth d 11.97 -.01 -2.6 SpecGrow 18.87 +.04 +6.6 CapsteadM 13.12 +.26 +4.2 Gannett 15.20 -.33 +.7 MadCatz g 2.19 -.14+114.7
Free2030 14.54 +.03 +5.6 AllAssetI 12.47 ... +4.0 STFedAdml 10.73 ... +0.1
Bernstein GNMA 11.41 -.01 +0.4 INVESCO SpecInc 12.53 ... +2.5 CpstnTrb h 2.02 +.01+110.4 Gap 23.06 -.04 +4.6 Manitowoc 22.48 -.31 +71.5 Canadian Dollar .9593 -.0040 -.42% 1.0099 1.0001
CharterA m 17.23 +.05 +6.6 AllAuthIn 10.88 ... +3.6 TaxFHiYld 10.20 -.01 -0.5 STGradeAd 10.72 ... +0.7
DiversMui 14.20 ... +0.4 GovtInc 10.34 -.02 -0.3 Carnival 38.83 +.35 -15.8 GenElec 20.55 +.22 +12.4 Manulife g 17.84 +.17 +3.8
ComstockA m 16.88 +.06 +7.7 ComRlRStI 9.80 ... +8.4 Value 25.22 +.07 +8.1 STsryAdml 10.65 ... -0.1 Caterpillar 111.00 -1.31 +18.5 GenMarit 2.27 +.14 -30.2 MarathonO 52.90 -.53 +42.9 USD per Euro 1.4336 +.0116 +.81% 1.3935 1.3396
IntDur 13.70 -.02 +0.9 GrowCo 90.27 -.40 +8.6 DevLocMktI 11.00 +.05 +4.3
TxMIntl 16.06 +.11 +2.1 GrowInc x 19.37 +.05 +6.1 ConstellB m 21.83 -.07 +4.3 ValueAd b 24.96 +.07 +8.0 SelValu d 20.28 +.07 +8.1 CedarF 19.42 +.05 +28.1 GenMills s 36.47 +.15 +2.5 MktVGold 62.77 +.06 +2.1 Japanese Yen 85.47 +.65 +.76% 82.93 93.87
CpGrA m 14.30 -.10 +6.0 DivIncInst 11.54 +.01 +2.4 CelSci .63 +.01 -23.3 GenMot n 32.87 ... -10.8 MktVRus 42.63 +.03 +12.5
BlackRock HiInc d 9.20 +.01 +4.5 Templeton SmCapIdx 38.29 +.01 +10.2
EqIncomeA m 9.03 +.03 +5.6 HiYldIs 9.49 +.01 +3.9 Celgene 55.80 -.10 -5.6 GenOn En 3.83 +.08 +.5 MktVJrGld 41.58 -.08 +4.2 Mexican Peso 11.7929 -.0239 -.20% 12.4937 12.2470
EqDivA m 18.87 +.06 +7.7 Indepndnc 26.08 -.16 +7.1 InFEqSeS 21.62 +.15 +7.8
GlobEqA m 11.42 +.05 +6.3 InvGrdIns 10.59 -.01 +2.5 SmCpIdAdm 38.34 +.01 +10.2 CellTher rsh .39 -.00 +6.6 Gentex 29.80 -.89 +.8 MarIntA 35.51 +.38 -14.5
EqDivI 18.92 +.06 +7.8 IntBond 10.53 -.01 +0.6 LowDrA m 10.45 ... +1.1 Third Avenue
IntMuniInc d 9.97 ... +0.5 GrowIncA m 20.49 +.11 +6.9 Value d 54.58 +.29 +5.4 SmCpIdIst 38.34 +.01 +10.3 Cemex 9.20 +.03 -10.7 Genworth 13.28 +.08 +1.1 MarshIls 8.13 +.03 +17.5 METALS CLOSE PVS. %CH. 6MO. 1YR.
GlobAlcA m 20.27 +.05 +4.4 LowDrIs 10.45 ... +1.2
IntlDisc d 34.23 +.24 +3.6 PacGrowB m 22.07 +.07 -1.1 SmGthIdx 24.52 -.07 +11.9 CenovusE 39.21 -.67 +18.0 Genzyme 76.38 +.05 +7.3 MarvellT 15.93 +.08 -14.1
GlobAlcC m 18.90 +.05 +4.2 RealRet 11.49 -.06 +2.0 Thornburg Copper 4.36 4.25 +2.48 +16.48 +21.48
InvGrdBd 7.40 -.01 +0.9 TaxESecY 10.26 -.01 0.0 SmGthIst 24.57 -.07 +11.9 CenterPnt 17.71 +.03 +12.7 Gerdau 12.30 -.27 -12.1 MassMCp s15.86 -.26 +3.8
GlobAlcI d 20.37 +.05 +4.5 RealRtnA m 11.49 -.06 +1.8 IntlValA m 29.80 +.15 +6.4
LatinAm d 59.85 -.32 +1.4 Ivy CVtPS 23.48 +.32 +7.4 GileadSci 41.73 -.11 +15.1 MasseyEn 67.59 -2.47 +26.0 Gold 1457.70 1451.80 +0.41 +8.27 +26.50
CGM ShtTermIs 9.90 ... +0.7 IntlValI d 30.45 +.15 +6.5 SmValIdx 17.37 +.06 +8.5
LevCoSt d 31.12 -.09 +9.5 AssetStrA m 25.96 +.13 +6.3 CntryLink 40.64 +.50 -12.0 GlaxoSKln 39.72 +.10 +1.3 Mattel 25.57 +.12 +.6
Focus 33.36 -.36 -4.1
LowPriStk d 41.27 +.13 +7.5 AssetStrC m 25.18 +.12 +6.1
TotRetA m 10.89 ... +1.1 Tweedy Browne Star 19.87 +.01 +4.1 Cephln 77.02 -.35 +24.8 GlimchRt 9.11 +.01 +8.5 McClatchy 3.34 -.16 -28.5 Platinum 1797.80 1796.80 +0.06 +5.32 +4.69
Mutual 28.83 -.22 -2.1 TotRetAdm b 10.89 ... +1.2 GlobVal d 24.48 +.04 +2.8 StratgcEq 20.47 -.04 +11.7 Checkpnt 21.37 -.34 +4.0 GoldFLtd 18.38 +.09 +1.4 McCorm 47.55 -.16 +2.2
Realty 28.34 -.03 +5.8 Magellan 75.66 -.05 +5.6 JPMorgan TotRetC m 10.89 ... +0.9 Silver 39.38 39.17 +0.53 +71.09 +116.57
MidCap d 31.21 -.05 +8.2 CoreBondA m 11.41 -.02 +0.4 VALIC Co I TgtRe2010 23.06 ... +3.4 Cheesecake30.20 +.11 -1.5 Goldcrp g 52.85 +.69 +14.9 McDrmInt s 25.05 -.50 +21.1
Calamos TotRetIs 10.89 ... +1.3 StockIdx 26.46 +.07 +6.7 CheniereEn 8.85 -.44 +60.3 GoldStr g 3.04 -.04 -33.8 McDnlds 76.72 +.12 -.1 Palladium 781.80 790.50 -1.10 +32.59 +52.89
MuniInc d 12.16 -.01 +0.2 CoreBondSelect11.40 -.02 +0.4 TotRetrnD b 10.89 ... +1.2 TgtRe2015 12.90 +.01 +3.9
GrowA m 57.37 -.16 +7.5 NewMktIn d 15.72 +.02 +1.9 Vanguard
HighYldSel d 8.36 +.02 +4.4 TotlRetnP 10.89 ... +1.2 TgtRe2020 23.07 +.04 +4.4
Columbia OTC 59.98 -.06 +9.2 IntmdTFSl 10.73 ... +0.5 500Adml 123.09 +.32 +6.7
AcornA m 31.33 +.05 +7.1
AcornIntZ 42.06 +.11 +2.8
Overseas d 34.11 +.23
Puritan x 18.80 -.07
ShDurBndSel 10.95 ... +0.2
USLCpCrPS 21.69 +.08 +4.9
EqIncInv 28.01 +.16 +6.7
123.08 +.32
25.85 +.03
TgtRe2030 22.84 +.05
TgtRe2035 13.86 +.04
Story Stocks
AcornZ 32.37 +.05 +7.2 RealInv d 27.32 -.01 +6.3 Permanent BalIdxAdm 22.19 ... +4.3
DivrEqInA m 10.78 +.03 +7.1 Series100Index 9.27 +.04 +6.1
Portfolio 47.80 -.02 +4.3 BalIdxIns 22.19 ... +4.4
TgtRe2040 22.77 +.07 +5.9 Technology stocks rose Wednesday after the CEO Materials and energy companies fell. Monsanto
OverseasJ d 51.94 -.14 +2.6 TgtRe2045 14.30 +.04 +5.9
ValRestrZ 53.55 -.04 +6.2 ShTmBond 8.45 -.01 +0.3 PerkinsMCVJ 24.24 +.09 +7.4 Pioneer CAITAdml 10.68 ...
CapOp d 35.02 +.03
+5.4 TgtRetInc 11.48 -.02 +2.3
of Cisco Systems Inc. promised to narrow the Co. fell 5 percent after its earnings forecast for the
DFA SmCapStk d 21.00 +.07 +7.1 TwentyJ 67.38 +.28 +2.5 PioneerA m 43.36 +.15 +6.0
1YrFixInI 10.33 ... +0.2 StratInc 11.23 ... +2.9
John Hancock Principal CapOpAdml d80.90 +.07 +5.4 Tgtet2025 13.23 +.02 +4.8 company's focus. Cisco rose 5 percent, the most year fell below expectations. The Dow rose 0.2
StratRRet x 9.92 -.06 +4.0 CapVal 12.12 +.06 +10.0
10.16 ... +0.1
10.88 ... 0.0 TotalBd 10.73 -.02 +1.0 LifAg1 b 13.09 +.02 +6.6 L/T2020I 12.27 +.01 +5.2
Convrt d 14.11 +.02 +6.0
TotBdAdml 10.51 -.02 0.0 of any stock in the S&P 500 index, after its CEO percent. The S&P 500 rose 2 points. The Nasdaq
LifBa1 b 13.48 +.02 +4.9 SAMConGrB m13.84+.03 +5.5 TotBdInst 10.51 -.02 0.0
EmMkCrEqI 22.95 +.15 +3.6 USBdIdx 11.26 -.02 +0.2
LifGr1 b 13.58 +.02 +5.8 Prudential Investmen
DevMktIdx d 10.54 +.09 +4.8
TotBdMkInv 10.51 -.02 0.0
said that recent missteps were "unacceptable." rose 0.3 percent.
EmMktValI 37.51 +.25 +3.7 Value 74.88 +.16 +9.0 DivGr 15.29 +.07 +6.3
RegBankA m 15.34 +.21 +4.7 2020FocA m 16.79 -.06 +5.7
IntSmCapI 18.29 +.09 +6.3 Fidelity Advisor SovInvA m 16.74 +.05 +6.9 BlendA m 18.38 -.02 +6.8
EmMktIAdm d41.79 +.28
EnergyAdm d139.83-1.02
TotBdMkSig 10.51 -.02 0.0 Monsanto MON La-Z-Boy LZB Abercrombie & Fitch ANF
USCorEq1I 11.89 +.02 +8.3 NewInsA m 20.95 +.01 +5.1 TotIntl d 16.54 +.12 +4.9
TaxFBdA m 9.41 -.01 -0.2 EqOppA m 14.80 +.02 +6.6
USCorEq2I 11.93 +.02 +8.9 NewInsI 21.16 +.01 +5.2
Keeley HiYieldA m 5.63 +.01 +4.2
EnergyInv d 74.46 -.55 +15.6
TotStIAdm 33.72 +.06 +7.3 Close: $69.16 -4.16 or -5.7% Close: $10.92 1.08 or 11.0% Close: $67.59 2.02 or 3.1%
USLgCo 10.54 +.03 +6.8 StratIncA m 12.55 +.01 +2.9 ExplAdml 75.03 -.08 +10.6
USLgValI 22.15 +.06 +10.4 ValStratT m 27.90 +.05 +7.8 SmCapVal m 27.54 -.07 +10.3 IntlEqtyA m 6.54 +.04 +5.7 Explr 80.60 -.08 +10.5 TotStIIns 33.73 +.07 +7.3 Rising corn seed sales lifted the A KeyBanc analyst upgraded the Some analysts raised their price tar-
IntlValA m 21.77 +.12 +5.7
USMicroI 15.09 +.03 +9.6 Fidelity Select Lazard
JenMidCapGrA m29.66-.01 +8.3
ExtdIdAdm 45.28 -.02 +9.7 TotStISig 32.55 +.07 +7.3 agribusiness company’s quarterly furniture maker’s investment rating gets for the retailer that caters to
USSmValI 28.21 +.05 +10.3 EmgMkEqtI d 22.30 +.07 +2.4 ExtdIdIst 45.28 -.01 +9.7
USSmallI 23.53 +.04 +10.2
Gold d 54.38 +.42 +2.4
EmgMktEqO m22.69 +.06 +2.3 JennGrA m 18.84 -.05 +4.4 ExtndIdx 45.25 -.01 +9.7
TotStIdx 33.72 +.07 +7.3 profit, but it didn’t increase its earn- to “Buy” from “Hold,” saying sales teens. They cited a strong 2012 out-
Pharm x 13.22 -.25 +9.3 NaturResA m 61.70 -.52 +8.1 TxMIn d 12.13 +.10 +4.8 ings forecast for the year. trends are improving. look and international prospects.
DWS-Scudder Legg Mason/Western FAWeUSIns d98.80 +.73 +5.3
Fidelity Spartan SmallCoA m 22.36 -.01 +10.1 GNMA 10.68 -.02 +0.3 TxMSCInv d 29.65 +.05 +9.1
EMkFIS d 10.88 +.01 +1.3 ExtMktIdI d 41.66 +.01 +9.1 CrPlBdIns 10.83 -.01 +1.5 UtilityA m 10.97 -.01 +7.7 GNMAAdml 10.68 -.02 +0.3 USValue 11.07 +.03 +9.6
$80 $12 $70
HlthCareS d 26.39 +.01 +8.4 IntlIdxIn d 36.93 +.27 +5.0 MgdMuniA m 14.80 -.03 -0.7 ValueA m 15.93 +.05 +8.1
LAEqS d 53.23 -.43 +0.2 GlbEq 18.99 +.08 +6.3
TotMktIdAg d 39.06 +.07 +7.2 Longleaf Partners Putnam GrowthEq 11.32 -.03 +4.9
ValIdxIns 22.37 +.09 +8.2 75 10 60
Davis TotMktIdI d 39.06 +.08 +7.2 LongPart 30.88 +.08 +9.3 GrowIncA m 14.48 +.06 +7.2 WellsI 22.17 -.01 +3.1
GrowthIdx 33.26 +.02 +5.5
NYVentA m 36.31 +.09 +5.7 USEqIndxAg x47.29 -.07 +6.7 Loomis Sayles GrowIncB m 14.22 +.05 +6.9 GrthIdAdm 33.26 +.02 +5.5 WellsIAdm 53.71 -.02 +3.1 70 8 50
NYVentC m 35.05 +.09 +5.5 USEqIndxI x 47.29 -.07 +6.7 BondI 14.69 +.03 +4.3 IncomeA m 6.81 -.01 +2.3
NYVentY 36.71 +.09 +5.8 GrthIstId 33.26 +.02 +5.5 Welltn 32.47 +.08 +5.1
First Eagle BondR b 14.63 +.02 +4.2 MultiCapGrA m53.91 -.05 +6.5 HYCor d 5.82 ... +4.1 65 6 40
Delaware Invest GlbA m 48.18 +.11 +3.9 Lord Abbett VoyagerA m 24.76 +.08 +4.4 HYCorAdml d 5.82 ... +4.1
WelltnAdm 56.09 +.15 +5.1 J F M A J F M A J F M A
DiverIncA m 9.21 -.01 +1.2 OverseasA m 23.10 +.02 +1.9 AffiliatA m 12.32 +.03 +6.6 Royce HltCrAdml d 55.13 +.08 +7.5 WndsIIAdm 49.12 +.23 +7.8 52-week range 52-week range 52-week range
Dimensional Investme FrankTemp-Franklin BondDebA m 8.05 +.01 +4.7 LowStkSer m 19.92 +.03 +9.1 HlthCare d 130.63 +.18 +7.5 Wndsr 14.50 +.03 +7.3
IntCorEqI 11.87 +.08 +5.7 CA TF A m 6.52 -.01 -1.6 ShDurIncA m 4.59 -.01 +0.9 OpportInv d 13.02 +.04 +7.8 ITBondAdm 11.05 -.03 0.0 WndsrAdml 48.92 +.08 +7.3
$44.61 $76.69 $6.44 $14.93 $29.94 $68.20
IntlSCoI 18.03 +.08 +5.0 Fed TF A m 11.23 -.02 +0.3 ShDurIncC m 4.62 ... +0.7 PAMutInv d 12.89 +.02 +10.6 ITGradeAd 9.80 -.02 +1.0
IntlValuI 19.47 +.16 +6.2 GrowB m 44.96 +.06 +5.0 MFS PremierInv d 22.73 -.04 +11.7 ITIGrade 9.80 -.02 +0.9
WndsrII 27.67 +.13 +7.8 Vol.: 16.6m (3.6x avg.) PE: 33.6 Vol.: 2.2m (3.0x avg.) PE: 21.0 Vol.: 7.5m (2.7x avg.) PE: 40.5
Dodge & Cox Growth A m 46.97 +.06 +5.2 MAInvA m 20.42 +.05 +6.2 TotRetInv d 14.17 +.03 +7.8 ITrsyAdml 11.18 -.04 -0.6 Yacktman Mkt. Cap: $37.12 b Yield: 1.6% Mkt. Cap: $566.37 m Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $5.9 b Yield: 1.0%
Bal 73.85 +.15 +5.7 HY TF A m 9.50 -.01 0.0 MAInvC m 19.72 +.05 +6.0 ValPlSvc m 14.58 +.01 +8.6 InfPrtAdm 25.85 -.15 +1.9 Yacktman d 17.72 +.04 +7.1


NATIONAL FORECAST: A few light rain showers will depart the Northeast this morning; otherwise

high pressure will provide dry weather throughout the East today. More significant weather will be
found in the central Plains as a storm system triggers showers and thunderstorms. Rain and snow
showers showers will be widely scattered throughout much of the West as a broad upper-level trough will be
Cloudy, showers
in place.
37° 53° 57°


47/28 58/43
Partly Rain, Mostly Mostly
sunny, warmer sunny sunny 49/39 52/40 We're having
warm another rather
68° 70° 65° 63° 54/43 61/38 cold and damp
55° 42° 43° 47° morning after
the rain last
night, but at
least there's no
The Poconos 85/69
Syracuse Highs: 49-55. Lows: 34-38. Chance for
79/56 wind and lawns
Today’s high/ are starting to
52/32 light rain and snow in the morning.
Tonight’s low
Albany 81/69 turn green again.
55/30 40/30 81/70 84/73 I think that later
today clearing
Binghamton The Jersey Shore 45/34 will be evident
52/33 Highs: 48-56. Lows: 39-42. Chance for
morning showers mainly to the north.
from north to
City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow
Towanda south and a
Anchorage 32/25/.00 40/30/rs 41/27/sn Myrtle Beach 61/39/.00 73/58/s 74/60/pc crescent moon
Scranton Atlanta 70/39/.00 75/59/s 78/64/c Nashville 72/37/.00 74/60/pc 80/64/pc will adorn the
53/37 The Finger Lakes Baltimore 63/34/.00 66/45/c 51/45/sh New Orleans 73/49/.00 81/71/s 85/70/pc
western sky this
Wilkes-Barre Highs: 47-52. Lows: 25-34. Partly sunny Boston 53/36/.00 45/38/pc 46/34/s Norfolk 64/37/.00 72/52/s 69/52/sh
54/38 Buffalo 37/30/.13 51/34/pc 49/37/sh Oklahoma City 88/57/.00 85/58/pc 84/63/s evening. Friday is
Charlotte 68/31/.00 76/51/s 79/57/c Omaha 65/50/.00 62/45/sh 65/54/s still looking dry,
Pottsville New York City Chicago 59/45/.00 50/41/sh 49/42/pc Orlando 77/52/.00 84/64/s 88/66/pc with rain staying
State College 58/40 52/40 Cleveland 51/35/.01 49/41/pc 48/43/sh Phoenix 80/66/.00 82/55/s 69/50/pc very close by
59/42 Brandywine Valley Dallas 81/54/.00 85/69/pc 89/70/pc Pittsburgh 60/33/.00 60/45/c 60/47/t just to our south.
Reading Denver 57/37/.00 61/38/pc 69/39/s Portland, Ore. 45/41/.12 50/36/sh 54/38/pc
Harrisburg 58/40 Highs: 59-61. Lows: 40-41. Mostly cloudy A shower could
61/42 with a slight chance of showers. Detroit 42/33/.59 49/39/c 48/39/sh St. Louis 79/54/.00 72/58/t 82/62/s
Honolulu 77/68/.00 81/70/r 82/71/r Salt Lake City 53/36/.00 47/32/rs 43/29/rs
sneak in Friday
Philadelphia night. Saturday
60/41 Houston 79/46/.00 81/69/pc 86/71/pc San Antonio 84/51/.00 88/70/pc 90/71/pc
Indianapolis 70/43/.00 68/55/t 73/58/sh San Diego 66/61/.00 61/48/c 54/45/sh is looking mostly
Atlantic City Delmarva/Ocean City Las Vegas 69/64/.00 69/44/pc 54/42/sh San Francisco 58/47/.00 53/43/sh 59/46/pc cloudy and
54/39 Highs: 59-71. Lows: 42-49. Partly cloudy Los Angeles 65/58/.00 61/48/c 56/46/sh Seattle 45/37/.01 49/38/sh 53/41/pc mainly dry, how-
skies. Miami 81/67/.00 84/73/s 86/74/s Tampa 79/52/.00 85/67/s 86/69/pc ever, there may
Milwaukee 49/42/.21 45/38/c 41/38/sh Tucson 83/61/.00 79/53/s 72/48/pc be a late day
Minneapolis 57/39/.00 58/43/c 55/42/pc Washington, DC 64/36/.00 69/48/pc 57/47/sh
shower or one at
ALMANAC Recorded at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Int’l Airport WORLD CITIES night and even
Temperatures Precipitation River Levels, from 12 p.m. yesterday. City Yesterday Today Tomorrow City Yesterday Today Tomorrow early on Sunday.
Yesterday 45/30 Yesterday 0.10” Susquehanna Stage Chg. Fld. Stg Forecasts, graphs After that, tem-
Average 55/35 Month to date 0.86” Wilkes-Barre 16.93 8.91 22.0 and data ©2011 Amsterdam 64/52/.00 61/44/pc 62/46/pc Mexico City 84/52/.00 85/54/s 85/55/pc
Baghdad 79/59/.00 84/64/pc 88/64/pc Montreal 41/30/.00 44/29/s 48/32/pc peratures will
Record High 83 in 1929 Normal month to date 0.60” Towanda 12.67 3.51 21.0 Weather Central, LP
Record Low 18 in 1982 Year to date 11.30” Beijing 64/50/.00 66/42/pc 67/41/s Moscow 48/36/.00 49/40/sh 43/35/rs surge upward
Heating Degree Days* Normal year to date 7.83” Bethlehem 1.64 -0.68 16.0 For more weather Berlin 59/50/.00 59/43/pc 53/42/pc Paris 75/46/.00 74/51/s 66/44/s and soon the
Yesterday 27 Sun and Moon Delaware information go to: Buenos Aires 75/50/.00 81/51/t 75/49/s Rio de Janeiro 88/73/.00 82/70/s 84/71/s forsythia will be
Month to date 131 Sunrise Sunset Port Jervis 5.83 1.18 18.0 Dublin 64/54/.14 64/45/pc 66/46/s Riyadh 93/73/.00 93/72/pc 95/70/s in full bloom.
Year to date 5718 Today 6:37a 7:35p Frankfurt 72/50/.04 68/43/s 60/43/pc Rome 73/50/.00 76/53/pc 76/52/s
Last year to date 5254 Tomorrow 6:36a 7:36p First Full Last New National Weather Service Hong Kong 75/64/.00 75/66/pc 78/68/pc San Juan 87/74/.00 84/72/pc 84/73/pc - Tom Clark
Normal year to date 5579 Moonrise Moonset 607-729-1597 Jerusalem 68/46/.02 66/49/pc 71/52/pc Tokyo 64/43/.00 67/49/pc 66/52/c
*Index of fuel consumption, how far the day’s Today 8:30a 11:53p London 73/54/.00 67/45/pc 66/45/s Warsaw 57/43/.00 61/42/sh 50/39/sh
mean temperature was below 65 degrees.
Tomorrow 9:16a none April 11 April 17 April 24 May 3 Key: s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sn-snow, sf-snow flurries, i-ice.

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McClatchy Newspapers

ide-leg pants, fringe, embroidered tops and maxi-length
skirts — this spring designers have moved from modern-
izing the ’80s to updating the ’70s. • The loose, almost
shapeless tops have merged with the still-strong ladylike look, creating
feminine blouses that forgive yet aren’t easy to forget. And those jute
rope soles of espadrilles are back, but the vibe is more haute than casual.


Top: Platforms are cleaned up and

made elegant. Here, INC Cameo
sandals in bone, $79, Macy’s.
Middle: Cascading earrings echo the dec-
ade’s groovy cool. Here, Juicy Couture pink
chain earrings, $58, Nordstrom.
Bottom: Remember, the ’70s were called
the ’glam decade.’ Here, Santi jeweled
clutch, $228, Nordstrom.
Right: Skirts and dresses have longer lengths,
offering coverage and a romantic whimsy or
an elegant reserve. Botanical crossway dress,
$188, Coclico ’Nilla’ peep-
toe wedges, $329, Vert & Vogue.

Languid length breezes into warm-weather styles AP PHOTOS

contrast,” he says. “I always use edges. ... We want the softer pieces Gap
The Associated Press
NEW YORK — The temperatures
“We’ve done the clothes to tell me what time of to remind us of the change in sea- shows its
are slowly rising to spring-like condi- sharp edges. ... year it is.” sons — it’s a trigger for your mind. sexy
tions around the country, but don’t We want the The looser and more languid We want things that help us feel ca-
expect hemlines to follow. The big look also seems a commentary on refree. I think we miss it.”
trend for the season is longer lengths softer pieces to shoppers’ collective state of mind, The wide-cuff, long-leg pants are
The big
— below-the-knee skirts, maxi dress- remind us of the too. Perhaps they are willing to for many women an easier way to trend for
es and flared-leg trousers. give up the sleek, fitted armor move into this look, says Lisa Ax-
These flowing silhouettes bring change in sea- they wore to do battle with the re- elson, Ann Taylor senior vice presi-
spring is
with them well-deserved freedom sons — it’s a cession. dent of design. longer
from the multiple layers and heavy Retail sales were stronger in Start there, with a skinny, bright-
fabrics that were de rigueur over the trigger for your February than economists expect- ly colored belt and a T-shirt or
course of a storm-filled winter. Con- mind. We want ed, with a 4.2 percent increase, blouse, she advises. Once you’re the-knee
sider the new shapes a breath of and that came off a similar in- used to creating a triangular shape
fresh air, says Patrick Robinson, cre-
things that help crease in January and the best ho- with a pared-down top, you’ll be
ative director for Gap. us feel carefree. I liday season since 2006. ready when it’s bare-leg weather for dresses
“When you come out of such a hard Robinson says consumers had the skirts, pencil or pleated, or and
winter, I think people will be looking
think we miss it.” Tracy Reese’s Spring 2011
collection is modeled been looking for protection but even the maxi. (Imagine the oppo- flared-leg
for soft, easy clothes that you can Patrick Robinson, during Fashion Week in now they’re looking for signs of trousers.
wear only in the spring. ... You want Creative director for Gap New York. optimism. “We’ve done the sharp See LONGER, Page 2C


She is a fan of the pencil

skirt, calling it “almost univer-
sally flattering.”
Kelly Golden, owner of the
upscale Chicago-area bou-
Continued from Page 1C
tique Neapolitan, expects
site effect of a strong-shoul- young women to fully embrace
dered jacket with skinny the maxi, with its bohemian
pants, she says.) vibe, but she thinks the neater,
Marie Claire editor-in-chief mid-calf skirt will do better
Joanna Coles already has her overall. “The ’40s silhouette, a
new printed Prada skirt that suit with a cropped jacket or a
hits her knee, which she’ll pair fitted blouse, is a very ladylike
with a crisp white button- way to do the longer length.”
down, but she thinks anything The ’70s, however, is the
longer takes careful consider- decade to channel right now,
ation and effort. according to Alexandra Wilkis
“There are a lot of maxi Wilson, chief merchandising
dresses, and they’re easy for officer of Gilt Groupe. The
day-to-night dressing, but way to do it — whether you The Derek Lam Spring 2011
Michael Kors models his Spring
they’re hard to wear to the of- opt for long and lean, or loose collection. 2011 collection.
fice if it’s conservative at all,” and ethereal — is to wear it
Coles says. “A calf-length skirt with the confidence of a cool
is on trend, but it’s not as flat- Ali McGraw type. “I think one
tering as knee-length. What should always dress for your
you can’t go wrong with is a body type and style. Don’t em-
bottom that really flatters you. brace something because it’s
AP PHOTOS If wide-leg pants make you on the runway, embrace it be-
Ann Taylor’s Spring 2011 collection shows a trench with black look three times wider than cause it works for you and
wide-leg trouser. you are, don’t wear them.” your life.”

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REUNIONS would like to make reservations,

can contact Suzanne Skrip Haines
at or 920-604-
Main St., Plymouth, to continue
planning for the class reunion to be
A memorial Mass will be celebrated
for living and deceased class mem-
held in July. The committee will bers on Oct. 16 at St. Nicholas
2258, or Jennifer Kravitz Selinsky meet at Happy Pizza on the third Church, South Washington Street,
Coughlin High School at or 570- Tuesday of each month until the Wilkes-Barre, followed by a Dutch-
267-1730. reunion. Information is needed on treat breakfast. Invitations will be
Class of 1948 will meet for a
the following classmates: Marjorie mailed in July. The next planning
Dutch-treat luncheon at noon on
Wednesday at Norm’s Pizza and Jenkins Township High School Bezdziecki, Dorothy Ann Bush,
Jean Ann Byczkowski, Cynthia
meeting will take place at 6 p.m. on
June 22 at Salerno’s, Luzerne. All
Eatery, 275 N. Sherman St., Wilkes- Class of 1961 will hold a reunion Cooper, Diane Davis, Barbara Finn, class members and spouses are
Barre. For reservations call Janet meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday at Carolyn Gluc, Linda Hearing, Elmer invited. Information is needed for
Kosek at 822-3696, Dorothy Pe- Tony’s Pizza, City Line Plaza. All Jones, Evan Kennedy, Elizabeth the following classmates, Carol
troski at 824-7128 or Marie Merritt class members are invited. In- Purnell and Sharan Stevens. For Kirkutis, Jerome Nuss, William
at 824-6476. formation is being sought on the more information, or to provide Pokorny, Charlene Scheblin, John
following class members, Barbara classmate updates, contact Dottie Schutz and Mary Ann Steininger.
G.A.R. Memorial High School Fee, Connie Paczkowski, Geraldine
Segeda, Carol Reddington, Patricia
at 779-3889, John at 287-0582 or Anyone with information, contact Jack at 822-2482 or Charlotte at
Class of 1951 will meet for a lun- Burke, Mary Kaye Judge, David
cheon at 12:30 p.m. on Wednesday Walker, Lorraine Gobish and Jo-
at Andy Perugino’s Restaurant, seph Dziedzic. Anyone with in- Sacred Heart and Plains Dana students learn geography with Earth Dome
258 Charles St., Luzerne. All class- formation, contact Joan at 654- Memorial High Schools West Side Vo-Tech
mates, spouses and friends are 1590 or Students at Dana Elementary Center, Wyoming Valley West
Classes of 1956 are planning a Classes 1985 to 2005 will hold a
invited. To make reservations, call reunion from 3-10 p.m. on Sept. 17 School District, recently discovered geography in a big way using
55th anniversary reunion on Oct. 2
Gil at 824-9425, or Marilyn at
Pittston High School at Apple Tree Terrace. The commit- at Konefal’s Grove. Tickets will be The Earth Dome, a gigantic inflatable balloon. The students were
able to enter the balloon and view the seven continents from in-
Class of 1957 will resume meet- tee will meet at 1 1:30 a.m. on Tues- on sale as follows: 6-9 p.m. Sat-
urday at Ono’s, Kingston; and from side the Earth. They also learned about other geographic and
ings at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday at day at Andy’s Diner, North River
Hanover Area High School Tony’s Pizza, City Line Plaza, Pitt- Street, Plains Township, to discuss 4-6 p.m. on May 7 and 28, June 1 1 environmental issues. Some of the participants in front of The
Earth Dome, from left, first row, are Joshua Santee, John Polachek,
ston. Plans will be made for the arrangements. All classmates are and 25, July 2 and 23, Aug. 6, 20
Class of 1986 will hold its 25th
and 27 and Sept. 3 at Curry Do- Joseph White, Madison Delong, Aleysia Richardson, Emily Feifer
anniversary reunion on July 17 at 55th anniversary reunion to be invited to attend. and Natalie Zasada. Second row: Quaid Braddy; Mr. Novrocki, prin-
held Labor Day weekend 2012. All nuts, Edwardsville. Baskets to be
The Woodlands Inn and Resort.
auctioned will be available for
cipal; Michael Carell, program presenter; and Mr. DeReemer, direc-
Cost is $80 per person which classmates are invited to attend. St. Nicholas High School viewing at these times. T-shirts will
tor of elementary education.
includes everything. A headcount also be available for purchase prior
Class of 1961 will hold its 50th
is due soon. Classmates are also Plymouth High School anniversary reunion on Oct. 15 at to the reunion. For more informa-
being sought. Anyone with in-
Class of 1958 will meet at 7 p.m. The Café, Route 315, Wilkes-Barre. tion contact Jeri at 262-0492. A Holiday Tradition MIDDLE EAST BAKERY
formation on classmates, or who
on April 19 at Happy Pizza, 40 W.
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Nominate A Local Hero

me s Lea
Ti d



About the award: Nomination Form

Do you know a volunteer who yet manage to serve as a role
has touched the lives of others model for others through commu- Mail your nomination by Monday, April 11 at 5p.m. to: Or, submit your essay with the
The Times Leader, Humanitarian, 15 North Main Street, information on this form to:
and has taken on challenges with- nity service and volunteering.
out hesitation? If so, they should The Times Leader’s Humanitar- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
be recognized for their selfless ian Awards provides the opportu- For The Times Leader Humanitarian Awards, I nominate...
efforts. Please recognize a true nity to recognize ordinary people Nominee’s Name: _________________________________________________________
HERO — nominate this special who do extraordinary things. Nominee’s Phone: ________________________________________________________
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Your neighbors, friends and receive an award from The Your Name: ____________________________________________________________
coworkers are all potential Times Leader and be featured Your Phone: ____________________________ __
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To nominate:
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nominating this person for a Humanitarian Award. Mail both the form and your essay On a separate sheet, write, in 200 words NEWSPAPER
to: The Times Leader, Humanitarian Awards, 15 N. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 or less, why you are nominating this person. IN LUZERNE



Caleb M. Jumper Kip Miller

Caleb Michael Jumper, son of
Allison P. Brown Brad and Michelle Jumper,
Kip Miller, son of Heidi and Gary
Miller, Pringle, is celebrating his Penn State Wilkes-Barre students spend break at Grand Canyon
Mountain Top, is celebrating his eighth birthday today, April 7.
Allison Paige Brown, daughter of first birthday today, April 7. Seven students from the Penn State Wilkes-Barre Chapter of Penn State University’s Schreyer Honors
Kip is a grandson of Dan and
Allen and Nicole Brown, Nanticoke, Caleb is a grandson of Pete Duda College recently spent their spring break studying the indigenous people of the west rim of the Grand
Jean Miller, Swoyersville; Linda
is celebrating her fifth birthday and the late Betty Duda, Wilkes- Canyon in Arizona as part of an honors course offered this spring at the university. Led by faculty mem-
Nagy, Edwardsville; and Bob and
today, April 7. Allison is a grand- Barre, and Lynn Jumper and the bers and honor society advisers Joseph Jumpeter, assistant professor of music, and William Bachman,
Joanne Erikson, Bayville, N.J. He
daughter of Frank and Susanne late Richard Jumper, Dallas. He instructor in communications, the group traveled to the Hualapai Indian Reservation. Timothy Hunter, a
is a great-grandson of Margaret
Czapla, Alden, and Albert and is a great-grandson of Dave and Hualapai elder, accompanied the group on its stops to the main information center, Eagle Point, Grand
Nagy, Kingston, and Emily Miller,
Lynn Brown, Nanticoke. She is a Eve Marchesini, West Wyoming, Canyon Sky Walk, Native American Village and Guano Point. Hunter described Hualapai culture, customs,
Swoyersville. Kip has a brother,
great-granddaughter of Albert and and the late Pete and Rose the creation story and contemporary issues facing the tribe in the 21st century. At the reservation, from
Kacy, 4, and a sister, Madelyn, 1.
Myrtle Paige, Nanticoke; Bernard Duda. left: Kyle Casterline, Shickshinny; Bradford Lapsansky, Plains Township; Megan Millo, Dallas; Sara Stepan-
Cywinski, Sheatown; the late ski, Sweet Valley; Timothy Graham, Dallas; Bradley Calaman, Carlisle; Clinton Sorber, Sweet Valley; Gale
Arvilla Cywinski; the late Frank and Bachman; William Bachman; and Jumpeter.
Eleanore Czapla; and the late
Albert and Viola Brown. Allison
has two brothers, Collin, 9, and
Owen, 7, and a sister, Emersyn, 1.

Mallory G. Taney
Ryan P. Kane Mallory Grace Taney, daughter of
Jason and Melissa Taney, Nanti-
coke, is celebrating her sixth
Ryan P. Kane, son of Thomas and
Jacob R. Dezinski Christine Kane, Hanover Town-
ship, is celebrating his eighth
birthday today, April 7. Mallory is
a granddaughter of Harry and
Cindy Williams, Nescopeck, and
Jacob R. Dezinski, son of John and birthday today, April 7. Ryan is a Robert and Darlene Taney, Pond
Janet Dezinski, Exeter, is cele- grandson of Robert and Marcia Hill. She is a great-granddaught-
brating his second birthday today, Novicenskie, Laflin, and the late er of Donald and Helen Taney,
April 7. Jacob is a grandson of Paul and Mary Kane, Exeter. He Pond Hill.
Linda and Steve Sudosky, Plains
Township; Shirley Dezinski and the
is a great-grandson of Anna
Mihalik, Mount Carmel. Ryan has
Misericordia University to celebrate National Library Week with events
late Paul Dezinski Sr., Exeter; and a sister, Emily, 5. The Mary Kintz Bevevino Library at Misericordia University has scheduled a book sale and a slate of
the late John Stempien, Dupont. events to celebrate National Library Week from April 10-16. The theme of the national celebration is ‘Cre-
He has twin brothers, John and ate Your Own Story.’ Throughout the week, multiple events and contests will be held. The library will also
Tyler, 8, and a sister, Tiffany, 12. accept canned goods as payment for library fines. All canned goods that are collected will be donated to
the Back Mountain Food Pantry. Friends of the library can also renew their memberships or new members
can register by April 18 to become eligible for prizes. More information on the library and the week’s
events is available at, or by contacting Colleen Newhart, National Li-
brary Week coordinator, at 570-674-3036 or Library staff members who are
participating in the planning of the events, from left, first row, are Newhart, Joan Yamrick, Gail Wyberski,
Susan Lazur, Martha Stevenson, Jean Dobinick, Beth Spaciano and Peggy Leonhart. Second row: David
Marks, Chris Mahoney, Jennifer Luksa and Sameera Redkar.

Haylie J. Dearmitt
Haylie Jayne Dearmitt, daughter
of Patrick and Amanda Dearmitt,
Oliver B. Larrabee Kingston, is celebrating her
Silvia M. Wardell Oliver Benjamin Larrabee, son of
fourth birthday today, April 7.
Haylie is a granddaughter of
Silvia M. Wardell, daughter of Kim and David Larrabee, Drums, Karen Miller and Christine and
Donna and David Wardell, Free- is celebrating his sixth birthday Wayne Smith, all of Plymouth;
hold, N.J., is celebrating her today, April 7. Oliver is a grand- Clarence Givens, Harding; Pat
sixth birthday today, April 7. son of Leo and Geri Plocicki, and Sheryl Dearmitt, Larksville;
Silvia is a granddaughter of Wanamie, and Kathy Smith, New and Ron and Lynn Miller, Shaver-
Linda and John Wardell, Lu- Albany. He has a sister, Summer town. She has a brother, Austin,
zerne. She has a sister, Cara, 3. Rose, 4. 2.

NAMES AND FACES Moore is the

daughter of Gary
and Kammy
Automotive Service Excellence style
exam included all eight ASE cate-
gories, brakes, suspension and steer-
Bria Moore, an eighth-grade student
at St. Mary’s Assumption School,
recently took part in the Regional
Moore, Laflin.
Mike Parkhurst
ing, electrical, engine repair, engine
performance, heating and air condi- Memorial Talent Show to honor late Gate of Heaven teacher
tioning, automatic transmissions and
National History Day Competition at and Joe Rusinko, The outreach ministry from Gate of Heaven Church, ‘Changing Habits,’ and the Gate of Heaven School
manual transmissions. Parkhurst is a
Penn State Wilkes-Barre. She pre- seniors at Tunk- will present a Memorial Talent Show in memory of teacher Anne Lohin at 3 p.m. on May 1 in the school
technician at Shupp’s Auto Repair
sented an individual performance on hannock Area gymnasium. Lohin was a teacher at Gate of Heaven School and the accompanist for the outreach minis-
Moore and Rusinko is a technician at Tunk-
the debate between a woman’s place High School, won try. Admission is a donation which will be used for a Gate of Heaven scholarship and the ‘Changing Hab-
hannock Auto Mart. Parkhurst also
in the workforce or the home. She the Northampton Community Col- its’ ministry. There will be a variety of talent performing in the show. The deadline for accepting sponsors
won an award from the Pennsylvania
received second place in the region lege Automotive Competition on
Automotive Association for the and participants is today. For more information call the church at 675-2121. Some of the event coordina-
and will advance to the Statewide March 16 in Bethlehem. Both students
highest score on the qualifying exam tors, from left, are Sheila Bonawitz, Lynn Jones, Joan Keating, Jackie Soper, Marcia Matthews, Marilyn
National History Day Competition on earned scholarship offers from NHCC
as part of its competition. O’Connell, Abe Simon, Kippie Morgan and Barbara Edwards.
May 1 1 at Millersville University. based on their performance. The

Children’s birthdays (ages 1-16) will be published free of charge

If your child’s photo and birthday
Photographs and information must name, age and birthday, parents’, We cannot return photos submitted require return because such photos can announcement is on this page, it will
be received two full weeks before your grandparents’ and great-grandparents’ for publication in community news, become damaged, or occasionally lost, automatically be entered into the
child’s birthday. names and their towns of residence, including birthday photos, occasions in the production process. “Happy Birthday Shopping Spree”
To ensure accurate publication, your any siblings and their ages. photos and all publicity photos. Send to: Times Leader Birthdays, 15 drawing for a $50 certificate. One
information must be typed or comput- Don’t forget to include a daytime Please do not submit precious or North Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711- winner will be announced on the first
er-generated. Include your child’s contact phone number. original professional photographs that 0250. of the month on this page.

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IN BRIEF vancement in the areas of home-

land security, government, law
college’s pastry arts manage-
ment, culinary arts and hospital-
enforcement and a Nonprofit ity business management pro-
DALLAS: Misericordia Uni- Management and Fundraising grams will be available as well
versity Admissions Department specialty within the Master of as information on enrollment
will hold an Open House for Organizational Management procedures, tuition and financial
adult learners and transfer stu- degree. aid. Those in attendance will
dents from 4-7 p.m. on April 26 For more information, contact have the opportunity to meet
in the Catherine Evans McGo- the Admissions Office at 570- with faculty members to discuss
wan Room of the Mary Kintz 674-6791, or go online at educational and career opportu-
Bevevino Library. nities. Gourmet food and pastry
New majors and formats demonstrations will be prepared
include the Master of Business NANTICOKE: Luzerne Coun- and served by students in the
Administration (MBA) degree ty Community College will hold pastry arts program.
now fully online and the RN to an information night for its The information night is free
BSN degree also fully online. hospitality and culinary pro- and open to the public. For
The campus is also offering new grams from 5-7 p.m. on Wednes- more information, call the col-
majors in Government, Law and day at the Joseph A. Paglianite lege at 740-0343, 740-0516 or
National Security, which pre- Culinary Institute. 800-377-LCCC, ext. 7343 or
pares students for career ad- Information regarding the 7516.

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Both lectures and hands-on courses were offered. As lasers have
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The Academy of Laser Dentistry is an international professional membership association of dental
practitioners and supporting organizations dedicated to improving the health and well being of
patients through the safe and effective use of laser technology.

Carpenter Dental
1086 Wyoming Avenue, Forty Fort

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$1.00 $1.00 1:25PM, 3:50PM, 6:05PM, 8:25PM, 10:45PM
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News Highlights Expires 4/30/11 BATTLE: LOS ANGLES (DIGITAL) (PG-13) *Source Code - PG13 - 100 Min.
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Love-Ray- King of How I Met How I Met Without a Trace “Lost Without a Trace (CC) King of Love-Ray- My 9 House of
mond Queens Time” (TVPG) (TVPG) Queens mond News Payne
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Family Family Two and Two and The Vampire Diaries Nikita Michael con- PIX News at Ten Jodi Seinfeld Seinfeld
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Rainmak- Speed (R, ‘94) ››› Keanu Reeves. A transit bus is The Killing “Pilot; The Cage” Sarah Linden is Speed (R, ‘94) ››› • Spring Clean-up • Mowing 6:10PM, 7:25PM, 8:40PM, 9:50PM 9:20
AMC er wired to explode if it drops below 50 mph. drawn into a new case. (TV14)
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ARTS Fare” (CC) (TV14) (TV14) Out; One Gram” (N) hunters hunters hunters hunters 7:50PM, 8:45PM, 9:30PM, 10:20PM (2:20), (5:00), 7:40, 10:00
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Free-Au- EWTN The Bishop’s Youth Awards (Live) World Crossing Live-Pas- The World Over Ray- Defending Women of
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LINCOLN LAWYER, THE (DIGITAL) (R) (2:00), (4:40), 7:15, 9:50
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12:45PM, 3:15PM, 5:45PM, 8:15PM, 10:45PM
The E! True Holly- E! News (TVPG) Sex and Sex and Liar Liar (PG-13, ‘97) ›› Jim Carrey. A fast- Chelsea E! News Just Go With It - PG13 - 125 min.
E! wood Story (TV14) the City the City talking lawyer cannot tell a lie. Lately (TVPG) L K IN G F O R RANGO (DIGITAL) (PG)
m 11:40AM, 2:20PM, 4:50PM, 7:20PM, 9:55PM 10:10
P rem iu
(3:00) 2011 Masters Tournament Sports- 2011 Masters Tournament First Round. From Augusta National Golf SportsCenter (N)
ESPN First Round. (N) (Live) Center Club in Augusta, Ga. (Live) (CC) UPCOMING SPECIAL EVENTS
College Hockey: NCAA Tourna- Baseball Tonight (N) College Hockey NCAA Tournament -- Michigan vs. North SportsNation (CC)
ment (Live) (CC) Dakota. (N) (Live) (CC) Q U A L IT Y 11:45AM, 2:10PM (4:45PM) EXCEPT WED (7:20PM)
* MET: Live in HD - Rossini’s Le Comte Ory
Saturday April 9, 2011 at 1PM

Still Still Bruce Almighty (PG-13, ‘03) ›› Jim Carrey, Evan Almighty (PG, ‘07) ›› Steve Carell, The 700 Club (N)
FAM Standing Standing Morgan Freeman. Morgan Freeman, Lauren Graham. (CC) (TVG)
SOURCE CODE (DIGITAL) (PG-13) All Showtimes Include Pre-Feature Content
12:15PM, 2:35PM, 5:00PM, 7:15PM, 9:35PM (Parenthesis Denotes Bargain Matinees)
Best Dish- Minute Iron Chef America Iron Chef America America’s Best Feel Ice Brigade Un- Chopped Avoid the lines: Advance tickets available from
FOOD es Meals “Flay vs. Garces” good foods. (N) wrapped “T ry O u rC o al - Y o u W o n ’t SUCKER PUNCH (DIGITAL) (PG-13) “R” Rating Policy

Special Report With FOX Report With The O’Reilly Factor Hannity (N) On Record, Greta Van The O’Reilly Factor B elie v e T h e D IF F E R E N C E ” 12:35PM, 1:55PM, 3:10PM, 4:35PM, 5:45PM, 7:10PM, Parents and/or Guardians (ages 21 & Older) must accompany
all children under age 17 to an R Rated Feature.
Bret Baier (N) Shepard Smith (N) (CC) Susteren (CC) 8:20PM, 9:45PM, 10:55PM *No passes accepted to these features. **No restricted
Little House on the Little House on the Little House on the Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Golden Golden A ll co al m in ed in H azleto n A rea MET OPERA LUCIA ENCORE discount tickets or passes accepted to these features.
HALL Prairie (CC) (TVG) Prairie (CC) (TVG) Prairie (CC) (TVG) (TVPG) (TVG) (TVG) (TVPG) Girls Girls ***$2.50 Additional Charge for 3D Attractions.***
PA U L C H E R V Y C O A L 6:30PM 4/6 ONLY No passes, rain checks, discount tickets accepted to these features
MonsterQuest (CC) Swamp People Pawn Pawn Swamp People (N) Mounted Mounted MonsterQuest (CC)
Curb/Bloc Yard
Hunters House
Stars Stars (CC) (TVPG)
Selling NY Selling NY Selling NY Selling NY House
in Alaska in Alaska (TVPG)
Hunters House Hunters
7 7 9 -3 7 2 7 NO PASSES
You must be 17 with ID or accompanied by a parent to attend R rated features.
Children under 6 may not attend R rated features after 6pm
825.4444 •
• 3 Hrs. Free Parking At Participating Park & Locks with Theatre Validation
•Free Parking at Midtown Lot Leaving After 8pm and All Day Saturday & Sunday.
H&G k Crashers Int’l Hunters Hunters Int’l Hunters Int’l
Intervention “John C.” Pawn Pawn Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba Reba How I Met How I Met

sm i l e
(CC) (TV14) Stars Stars (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG) (TVPG)
That ’70s That ’70s Silent Li- Silent Li- Teen Mom 2 “Check Up With Dr. Drew” The America’s Best Dance America’s Best Dance
MTV Show Show brary (N) brary cast reflects. (TVPG) Crew Crew
iCarly iCarly iCarly Sponge- My Wife My Wife Hates Hates George George The Nan- The Nan-
NICK (TVG) (TVG) (TVG) Bob and Kids and Kids Chris Chris Lopez Lopez ny ny
Fame “White Light” Fame “Savage South Pacific (‘01) ›› Glenn Close, Harry Connick Jr. A Navy South Pacific (‘01)
OVAT (TVPG) Streets” (TVPG) nurse falls for a plantation owner during World War II. ›› Glenn Close.

NASCAR Racing NASCAR Race Hub Barrett-Jackson Automobile Auction From South Florida Fairgrounds, Barrett-Jackson Auto-
(N) Palm Beach. (N) mobile Auction Because of your smile, you
Jail (CC) Jail (CC) Jail (CC) Jail (CC) Jail (CC) Jail (CC) TNA Wrestling (N) (CC) (TV14)
(TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14) (TV14)
Coal “No Easy Way
Out” (TVPG) make life more beautiful
Star Trek Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (R, ‘03) ››› Sarah Connor Chroni- Sarah Connor Chroni- Chrono Chrono
SYFY Arnold Schwarzenegger, Nick Stahl. (CC) cles cles Crusade Crusade Dr. Gary Nataupsky
Seinfeld Seinfeld King of King of Road Trip (R, ‘00) ›› Seann William Scott, Family Family Conan (N)
TBS (TVPG) (TVPG) Queens Queens Breckin Meyer, D. J. Qualls. (CC) Guy (CC) Guy (CC) Riverside Commons, 575 Pierce St., Suite 201, Kingston
Mister Buddwing (6:15) (‘66) ›› James The Uninvited (‘44) ››› Ray Milland, Ruth Frankenstein (‘31) ›››› Boris Jungle 570-331-8100 •
TCM Garner, Jean Simmons. (CC) Hussey, Gail Russell. (CC) Karloff. (CC) Book
Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of Police Women of Un- Un- Police Women of
TLC Broward County Broward County Broward County Broward County (N) leashed: leashed: Broward County
Law & Order (CC) Bones “The Girl in the NBA Basketball Boston Celtics at Chicago Bulls. From NBA Basketball Portland Trail
TNT (TV14) Mask” (TV14) the United Center in Chicago. (Live) (CC) Blazers at Utah Jazz. (CC)
Code- Total Dra- Johnny Advent. Regular MAD King of King of American American Family Family

name ma Test Time Show (TVPG) the Hill the Hill Dad Dad Guy (CC) Guy (CC)
Bizarre Foods With Conqueror Conqueror Carnivore Carnivore Man v. Man v. Steak Paradise: A Bizarre Foods With
TRVL Andrew Zimmern Food Food Second Helping Andrew Zimmern
Sanford & (:45) Sanford & Son All in the All in the All in the Love-Ray- Love-Ray- Love-Ray- Love-Ray- Roseanne Roseanne
TVLD Son (CC) (TVPG) Family Family Family mond mond mond mond
Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special Law & Order: Special
USA Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit Victims Unit
(5:00) 40 Funniest Rock of Love Girls: Britney Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Saturday Night Live Britney

Fails (TVPG) Now Spears (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) (CC) (TV14) Spears
Charmed “I Dream of Charmed (CC) Amazing Wedding Amazing Wedding Amazing Wedding My Fair Wedding With
WE Phoebe” (TVPG) (TVPG) Cakes (CC) (TVPG) Cakes (CC) (TV14) Cakes (CC) (TVPG) David Tutera
Dharma & Dharma & America’s Funniest WWE Superstars How I Met How I Met WGN News at Nine Scrubs Scrubs
WGN-A Greg Greg Home Videos (CC) (CC) (TVPG) (N) (CC) (TV14) (TV14)
Tarone I.N.N. Viewpoint Sweets bInTune Beaten Chef Lou Crime Local News Classified Topic A
WYLN Show News TV (TVG) Path Strike

Just Wright (6:15) (PG, ‘10) ›› Queen Lati- Mildred Pierce “Part Hop: HBO Cop Out (R, ‘10) › Bruce Willis, Tracy Mor- Real Sex
HBO fah, Common. A physical therapist falls in Three” (CC) (TVMA) gan. Two NYPD detectives must retrieve a Xtra
love with her patient. (CC) valuable baseball card. (CC)
Robin Sex and the City 2 (R, ‘10) ›› Sarah Jessica Parker, Big Love Bill tries to Big Love Bill attempts Big Love Alby’s purifi-
HBO2 Hood Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis. Carrie Bradshaw and the gals win over his con- to stage a meeting. cation of Juniper
(4:00) visit Abu Dhabi. (CC) stituents. (TV14) (TV14) Creek. (CC) (TV14)
S.W.A.T. (6:15) (PG-13, ‘03) ›› Samuel L. I Love You, Beth Cooper (8:15) (PG-13, ‘09) Judge Dredd (R, ‘95) ›› X-Men
MAX Jackson, Colin Farrell. A Los Angeles SWAT › Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack T. Car- Sylvester Stallone, Armand As- Origins
team must protect a criminal. (CC) penter. (CC) sante, Diane Lane. (CC)
Coming to America Get Him to the Greek (R, ‘10) ››› Jonah Basic (R, ‘03) ›› John Travolta, (:45) Passion Cove Feature 08
MMAX (5:00) (R, ‘88) ›››
Hill. An executive must drag a boozy rock
star to Hollywood. (CC)
Connie Nielsen, Samuel L. Jack- (CC) (TVMA)
The Brothers Bloom (PG-13, ‘08) ››
SHO Rachel Weisz. iTV. Con artists pick a quirky
heiress for their last hustle. (CC)
The Cry of the Owl (R, ‘09) ››› The King’s Nurse
Paddy Considine, Julia Stiles. iTV Speech
Premiere. (CC)
Diary-Call Gigolos
Girl (N) (CC)
Austin Powers in Goldmember Cloudy With a Chance of Meat- Race to Witch Mountain (PG,
STARZ (5:45) (PG-13, ‘02) ›› balls (7:20) ››› (CC) ‘09) ›› Dwayne Johnson.
Anger Management (10:40) (PG-
13, ‘03) ›› (CC)
Shadowheart (PG-13, ‘09) Angus Mac- Bandslam (PG, ‘09) ››› Aly Michalka. Nine (PG-13, ‘09) ›› Daniel Day-Lewis,
TMC fadyen. James Connor returns home in 1865 Young members of a rock band prepare for a Marion Cotillard. A famous director endures
to kill Will Tunney. (CC) musical battle. (CC) creative and personal crises. (CC)
T V TA L K role in ‘Soul Surfer.’ (N) cancer; Bill Cosby; rain gear for Each Sunday, we’ll run a photo with the
7 a.m. 56 ‘Morning News with mothers and daughters; Mary
6 a.m. 22 ‘The Daily Buzz’ (TVG)
6 a.m. CNN ‘American Morning’
Webster and Nancy’ and Carol Higgins Clark. (N) person’s name, hometown, branch,nch, rank,
7 a.m. 16 ‘Good Morning America’
(N) Musicians Wynonna and Naomi
8 a.m. 56 ‘Better’ Alex Guarnas- years served and if applicable, the war or
6 a.m. FNC ‘FOX and Friends’ (N) chelli; David Tutera; Heidi Spen-
7 a.m. 3, 22 ‘The Early Show’
Judd; household gadgets; chef
Jamie Oliver. (N) cer; a personal training project battle fought. Submit your 200 dpi digital
AnnaSophia Robb discusses her 7 a.m. 28 ‘Today’ The cost of for children. (N) (TVPG)
photo by uploading it on
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Readers agree: Girl’s promiscuity is no cause for her mother’s pride

Dear Abby: I’m the Dear Abby: I have been a criminal neck stand up when I think about is a father in the house, he needs to
mother of two boys
who are 12 and 13. DEAR ABBY investigator for more than 38 years
and can state with certainty that hav-
a mother who would BRAG about
something like this to family and do
know about his daughter.
In my opinion, that mother wants
The letter from “Ter- ing sex with Naomi is a FELONY in nothing about it. That mother is in her daughter to be popular for all
rified for My Niece in ADVICE most, if not all, states, particularly if desperate need of counseling, and the wrong reasons. Mom sounds like
the Southwest” (Feb. her daughter’s actions are. Pregnancy the boy is over the age of 16. At 14, Naomi is in desperate need of guid- someone who sat on the sidelines in
16) horrified me. can become a harsh reality to a parent this girl is not able to give consent. ance because, obviously, she’s not get- high school and never understood
The aunt who wrote who was blind to the seriousness of What is happening is considered an ting any from her mom. I wonder if that what makes a person popular is
the letter said her sister “bragged” her child’s actions. act of rape, even if it is voluntary. her dad has any idea what’s going on? the ability to carry on an intelligent
about how popular her 14-year-old — Yvette in Rancho Someone needs to intervene NOW — A Mom in Great Falls, Mont. conversation, get good grades, pro-
daughter is because she gives oral sex Santa Margarita, Calif. before some “innocent” boy gets vide community service and so on.
to the boys. charged with a crime. I’ve handled Pity!
I know kids are curious and experi- too many cases where boys have been Dear Abby: This girl’s mother is — Barbara in Kalamazoo, Mich.
Dear Yvette: Thank you for writing.
ment at this age, but it’s disturbing charged with rape when the girl gets abdicating her responsibilities as a
Many readers were equally disturbed
that the mother of this girl doesn’t angry at him for no reason. The wel- parent and indirectly condoning and
by that letter, and a few even ques- To receive a collection of Abby’s most
see that her actions are dangerous fare of all the children is at stake! encouraging her daughter’s promiscu- memorable — and most frequently re-
tioned its authenticity. I spoke to
and can lead to more serious sexual — “Snooper” in Wisconsin ous behavior. The emotional damage quested — poems and essays, send a busi-
the aunt who wrote the letter. She ness-sized, self-addressed envelope, plus
situations. If she were MY niece, I could be irreparable. Naomi is being
verified that she had written it and check or money order for $3.95 ($4.50 in
would speak up and let Mom know used and abused by any young man
everything she said was true. Perhaps Canada) to: Dear Abby’s “Keepers,” P.O. Box
exactly how I felt in hopes that she Dear Abby: This letter literally with whom she is involved. The aunt 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. (Postage
the following responses will serve as
would recognize how inappropriate makes the hair on the back of my should talk to her sister and, if there is included.)
a wake-up call for teens AND parents:


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). You
agenda may not be so easily sold are sensitive to the feelings of
on its own. But when you pig- others; therefore, people open
gyback your plan with one that up around you. What you learn
is already positioned to succeed, because of this may be surpris-
you’ll have a smash hit on your ing or even shocking.
hands. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21).
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). The Prepare for an upcoming meet-
same guidelines that were put in ing as though you are practicing
place to keep order and create for a game. Rehearse what you’ll
safety are now stifling your free- say. Play out different scenarios,
dom and limiting your joy. and try to guess how the other
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You have person will react.
an appropriate command of your CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). You
space. You send all the right sig- take care to make others feel
nals so that others come close comfortable around you. When
when you need them to hear and someone new enters your realm,
see you and stay far away when you’ll immediately initiate a con-
you prefer to be alone. nection. Through your example,
CANCER (June 22-July 22). The you’ll teach good manners to an
initial impression someone made ill-mannered world.
years ago is still affecting the AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You
way you think of this person may start out less confident
today. But something will happen than you could be. A pep talk in
to change all of that. the mirror will be in order. With

GOREN BRIDGE LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). You are

bright and capable — a natural
choice to lead the group. And
a little extra attention to your
image, you’ll come across better
than you thought you could.
WITH OMAR SHARIF & TANNAH HIRSCH yet you may not feel that you PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Your
want the extra responsibility that many responsibilities will require
comes with the role. You’ll find you to be outgoing. Your heart
PREVIOUS DAY’S SOLUTION a way to lead without being the remains light, even as you deliv-
official leader. er a substantial message.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). You’ll TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (April 7).
influence those who see you Your eye-on-the-prize mentality
as serious and knowledgeable. will serve you well. Stay on
To help this image along, move track, and you will soon accom-
more slowly than everyone else. plish what you set out to do. In
Your every gesture will seem to June, you’ll win one prize and
have greater importance. be ready for a change. A new
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Though study, hobby or activity will
you look forward to hav- strike your fancy. Shared adven-
ing downtime when you can ture bonds you with a sweetie in
recharge your energy, you still July. August brings career luck.
have a ways to go. Take short Aquarius and Scorpio people
breaks instead of long ones. adore you. Your lucky numbers
Distractions abound. are: 9, 12, 41, 25 and 3.


For more Sudoku go to



Dear Abby: PO Box 69440, Los Ange-
les, CA 90069

















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tained with service
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3.0, hunter green,
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Monday 03 HYUNDAI ACCENT Light green, 18,000 65K, $10,500.
would like to meet One Owner.
Highest Prices female for friendship White, 4 door, 4cyl. Leather, CD, miles, loaded, 570-706-0921

4:00 pm on
ADOPT: Adoring
Mom, Dad, Big
Brother would like
- movies, walks, etc.
5’8”. 200 lbs.
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66,000 miles
Alloy Wheels
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Call V&G Please Call miles. Great condi- 01 AUDI A8 L body kit. Tinted win-

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The Great American
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A yard or garage sale
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is our greatest wish.
Abundance of love, transportation ACURA ‘07 RDX 01 VW CABRIOLET
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310 Attorney
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Expenses Paid.
*Hotel accommoda- 98 HONDA CIVIC EX,
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77 Pontiac Firebird
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$13,942 Junk
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The Times Leader
and walking dis-
tance from Cincin- 560 Pierce St.
olympic blu, blck
keyless entry, elec-
tronic keyless igni-
Cars &
15 N. Main Street
with any informa-
tion. 570-864-0739
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Estates, DUI
nati Zoo and other
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Kingston, PA
top, 4 speed
tion, & more!
18711 www.wyoming
TRUCKS, 4 X4’s 570-881-2775 Highest
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570-255-5503 570-714-9924 560 Pierce St. Prices
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information or
questions regard-
1/3 of wedding
Call 570-287-9701
for more info.
grey, V6 AWD
couples employ www.wyoming
Spots. Answers to garnet red, V6, 4x4
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ing legal notices
you may call
a personal ARD
GS Coupe. 1 owner, 06 DODGE RAM 1500 CORVETTE

Twp. 570-472-3336 wedding SLT, quad cab, 570-714-9924
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Marti Peznowski
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or 570-829-7130 TRAFFIC interior, all power, 06 CHRYSLER TOWN & Silver beauty, 1

ALL JUNK CARS remote start, moon- COUNTRY TOURING Owner, Museum
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ad call...829-7130 OFFENSES
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possible options
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Power windows, GLS, automatic.

ŠCALL ANYTIME Classified will address ALL FREE AUDI ‘01 A6

V6, 4x4
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seats & locks . V6,
Asking $2,900. Call
Only 2,400 miles.
Your needs. SPORT white, V6, (570) 819-3140 or
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Luzerne Bank, 118
CAR & MACK Buggies transmission, 135k
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4x4 CHEVROLET `05 FORD ‘02
ON THE SPOT Main St., Luzerne,
Pennsylvania, int-
tained, $7900.
Silver, black leather, TAHOE Z71 FOCUS WAGON
Low mileage,
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
EXPERIENCED 570-675-3808
570-301-3602 WANTED
ends to apply to the 3rd seat, AWD Silver birch with www.wyoming
Federal Reserve AGGRESSIVE One owner
grey leather interior,
Board for permis-
sion to purchase Highest Prices REPRESENTATION 76 inch Bull Rider,
Honda 120 motor,
AUDI `02 A4
3.0, V6, AWD
Silver, 4 door, 4x4 3rd row seating,
rear A/C & heat,
570.287.1388 Kirkey seat, 05 FORD EXPLORER
120 Found select assets and 4WD automatic with
Paid!!! automatic, tiptronic XLT, white 4 door
assume the liabili-
ties of a branch, www.MackLaw
new brake system,
A-Main feature wins
transmission. Fully 4x4 traction control, 5.3l
engine, moonroof,
FOUND Border Col- FREE loaded, leather 04 JEEP GRAND
dog, mixed
located at
Dessen Drive, Hazle
REMOVAL Asphalt/Dirt,
Many Extras,
interior. 92,000
miles. Good condi-
Special Edition.
rear DVD player.
Bose stereo + many
560 Pierce St.
Township, Pennsyl- Value $6,000, more options. Imm- Blue, 5 speed
sized. Brindle color. ARE YOU BEING tion. Asking $9,500. Grey, sunroof, 4x4 Kingston, PA manual, CD, Air,
Found in the Pringle vania, of First Call V&G SUED BY A
Sell for $2,999
Call (570) 954-2749
Call (570) 417-3395 04 CHEVY TRAILBLAZ aculate condition.
www.wyoming factory alarm,
Hill area on Satur- Columbia Bank and ER, seafoam
76,000 adult driven
CREDIT CARD power windows &
Trust Company, 232 Anytime miles. $15,600. Call
day March 26th.
AUDI `05 A4
COMPANY?? grn/tan lthr., 4x4 locks. 38K.
Please call to identi- East Street, Bloom- (570) 378-2886 & 570-714-9924
You have a real 04 GMC ENVOY XUV $7,500 negotiable.
fy at sburg, Pennsylvan- 288-8995 chance of winning Turbo, Navy Blue slvr., 4 dr., V6, 4x4 ask for Joanne
Call 570-540-6236
(570) 262-7124 ia. The Federal
& owing nothing if
QUAD MASTER with grey leather 04 DODGE DURANGO
Reserve considers
FOUND, Black &
White dog near
a number of factors
in deciding whether
you are repre-
sented by a good
4x4, auto, 520
miles, winch, heat-
interior, fully
loaded automatic.
LIMITED, Sandstone,
tan leather, 3rd CD AND ALLOYS JEEP `04 GRAND
Hanover Twp./Lee
Park Area on Mon-
to approve the
application, includ-
attorney! Call Atty.
Michael P. Kelly
ed grips. $4,650.
93,000 miles. All
records. Excellent
seat, 4x4
04 DODGE RAM 1500
SLT, quad cab,
Low mileage, 15000
4WD, 6 cylinder
day March 28 ing the record of condition. 4 new
hemi, silver, 4x4 auto. Moonroof.
or email mike@ tires & new miles, automatic,
around 4:30. Please performance of 04 MERCURY Fully powered. New brakes. Asking all-wheel drive, 4
call to identify applicant banks in MOUNTAINEER PREMIUM brakes & tires.
$10,000 or best door, anti-lock
570-417-6785 helping to meet
FOUND, set of keys
local credit needs.
You are invited to BANKRUPTCY KING QUAD offer. Call for info
417-2010 Days
Gold tan leather,
3rd seat, 4x4
brakes, air condi-
tioning, air bags,
power locks, power 560 Pierce St.
94,000 highway
miles. $11,500
(570) 822-6334
on the corner of submit comments in FREE CONSULT 4x4, automatic, 779-4325 Nights
Nanticoke & Coal 620 miles. $3,200. LS, white, V6, 4x4 windows, power Kingston, PA
writing on this appli- 04 KIA SEDONA EX, mirrors, cruise con- www.wyoming
BMW `02 330
St. in Nanticoke on cation to Dede Low Fees (570) 592-8514
Wednesday March green, tan leather, trol, AM/FM radio,
Myers at the Feder- Don't fly with Payment Plan! Maroon with beige
30th. Please call to 7 pass. mini van cassette player, CD 570-714-9924
al Reserve Bank of Colleen Metroka CONVERTIBLE interior. All options.
identify. Philadel-phia, Ten Lee Westwood! 83K miles. Beautiful
04 JEEP GRAND player, keyless
78,000 miles. Still
(570) 332-4739 570-592-4796 Excellent condition, CHEROKEE LAREDO entry, rear de-
Indepen-dence Mall, That would never condition. Newly
FOUND: Large, gray
Phila-delphia, PA
happen with Bankruptcy $595
200 hours. Priced
to sell. $6,500 or
re-done interior
gold, 4 dr., V6, 4x4
froster, rear wind-
shield wiper, tinted
FORD ‘10 under
19106. The com- leather & carpeting.
tabby cat in Inker-
man. Very friendly.
ment period will not Captain Dor- Guaranteed Low Fees
best offer. Call
Keith 570-971-4520
LX, green, 4 door,
entertainment sys.
windows. $17,500.
(570) 954-9333
TAURUS SEL mile servicing. New
tires. KBB Value
end before May 6, rance. We are 570-313-3337 7 pass. minivan AWD, V6 & Alloys $8,500. Asking only
call 570-655-1415. Atty Kurlancheek Call after 9:00 a.m.
2011. The Board’s $21,920
here and ready LINE UP 03 DAKOTA CLUB SXT $7,900. A Must See!
135 Legals/
procedures for pro-
cessing applications to go...The Shiva
825-5252 W-B
DIVORCE No Fault A GREAT DEAL... BMW `04 325i blu, V6, 4x4
03 CHEVY 1500, V8, CHEVROLET `86 (570) 457-0553

Public Notices may be found at 12

C.F.R. Part 262.
Proced-ures for
Shufflers and the
Atty. Kurlancheek IN CLASSIFIED!
X-cab, white, 4x4
LEXUS `98 LS 400
800-324-9748 W-B AINEER PREMIUM, 4x3 manual, 3 over-
NOTICE IS HEREBY processing protest-
GIVEN that Letters ed applications may talked to Ben 409 Autos under white, tan leather, drive, 350 engine
560 Pierce St.
Divorce, Custody, 3rd seat, 4x4 with aluminum
of Administration be found at 12 C.F.R. yesterday. They Support, PFA $5000 02 GMC SONOMA SLS, heads. LT-1 exhaust Kingston, PA Excellent condition,
262.25. To obtain a garage kept, 1
were granted to discussed LRB FREE Consultation. X-cab, slvr, 4x4 system. White with www.wyoming
Jasmine Buzinski in copy of the Federal owner. Must see.
Atty. Josianne 01 DODGE RAM 1500 red pearls. Custom
the Estate of Gerald Reserve Board’s and Harvey... Aboutanos regular cab, 4x4, flames in flake. New 570-714-9924
Low mileage, 90K.
Leather interior. All
procedures, or if Christian should
Albert Buzinski, Wilkes-Barre 5 Speed. Like New!! with cap tires & hubs. 1
deceased, late of you need more power. GPS naviga-
Luzerne County,
information about
how to submit your
have updated his
roster...Big day
56,000 miles, 4.3
New Tires, tinted
windows, sun roof,
98 FORD F-150,
regular cab pick up
owner. 61,000 origi-
nal miles. $8,500 FORD `04 MUSTANG tion, moon roof, cd
changer. Loaded.
Mach I, 40th
Pennsylvania, who comments on the
for A.K. and FREE CONSULTATION cylinder engine,
automatic. Clean.
black leather
interior. Only
green, auto 4x4 (570) 359-3296
Asking $10,000. Call
died January 10, application, contact for all legal matters $2,500. Call V8, Auto, 1,200
Stricker. 57,000 Miles!!!
2011. All persons
indebted to said
Dede Myers, Vice
President and Com-
Attorney Ron Wilson
(570) 829-0549 PRICE REDUCED TO
CHEVY `06 COLORADO miles, all options,
show room condi- LINCOLN `00 LS
Estate are required munity Affairs Offi- Extended cab. Auto. tion. Call for info.
Attorney For more info, 1 owner. Low miles.
to make payment cer, at (215) 574- Power steering, a/c.
call (570) 762-3714 Asking $24,995 V6, All leather. Ask-
and those having 6482. The Federal Keith Hunter 40k miles. 20-22 Serious inquiries ing $5,800. Call
any claims or
demands are to
Reserve will consid-
er your comments
mpg. 2 wheel drive.
$12,600, negotiable.
only. 570-636-3151 (570) 819-3140
(570) 709-5677
present the same and any request for & ASSOCIATES White with
MAZDA `04 3
without delay unto a public meeting or leather interior. Beige. Fully loaded
the Administratrix
in care of the
formal hearing on
the application if
(570) 718-1118
Infiniti sound
system. V-6 Victory Red,
Excellent condition.
Runs great. New FORD `07 MUSTANG Convertible,
55,000 original Hatchback, 92,000
black interior, rotors, new brakes. 63,000 highway
undersigned. they are received in Thursday Night DISABILITY 151k miles. miles 5.0 auto, miles. Excellent
writing by the all bells and Just serviced. miles, silver, runs
Patrick J. Aregood, stop by for Free Consultation. REDUCED! some engine condition. auto,
Reserve Bank on or whistles. 108,000 miles. Ask- great, $11,500.
Esq. Millennium & Contact Atty. Sherry $1,300 upgrades. Garaged sunroof, premium
before the last day $25,000 ing $8,000. (570) negotiable.
1218 South Main St. Friendship Dalessandro or best offer. showcar. $8200 sound and alloy
of the comment 570-706-6489 709-8492 570-479-2482
Wilkes-Barre, Pa. House Benefit 570-823-9006 570-283-8202 (570) 283-8235 wheels. $8,300
18706 period. (570) 864-2337
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 415 Autos-Antique 421 Boats & 439 Motorcycles 442 RVs & Campers 451 Trucks/
& Classic Marinas SUVs/Vans
Opportunity To S Leather Interior, STARCRAFT ‘80 MOUNTAIN AIRE BUICK `05
TOWN CAR LIMITED Own... 450SL Alloys, Moon Roof
Fully loaded. Convertible
Great convertible,
with black top, 6 speed
80K miles, 1 owner, 16’ DEEP V 5th wheel, 2 large
slides, new
46,000 miles,
Triple coated ‘26 FORD
removable hard top,
power windows, AM
manual transmis-
sion, carbon fiber
mint condition, no
rust. Must Sell!
‘90 Evinrude out-
board 70hp with tilt
SABRE 1100 condition, loaded
with accessories. AWD,
Pearlized White. /FM radio with cas- dash, leather interi- & trim— ‘92 EZ black, 13,500 Ford Dually diesel loaded, 1 owner,
condition. MODEL T
Panel Delivery
sette player, CD
player, automatic, 4
or, front & rear
trunk, fast & agile.
570-829-0847 loader trailer. With
‘00 Tracker Series
miles. Windshield,
saddle bag. Excel-
truck with hitch
also available.
18,000 miles. 6
cylinder. New
570-814-4926 or 100 point
new tires. Cham-
pagne exterior; Ital-
offer. Call
or best 560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
MERCEDES-BENZ `88 60lbs foot pedal, 2
downriggers, stor-
lent condition.
$4,500. Call
570-455-6796 inspection, tires
& brakes. Like
(570) 654-2596 Concours quality
restoration. Red
ian red leather inte-
rior inside. Garage
www.wyoming 420 SEL
ages, gallon tanks,
2 fish finders and
(570) 852-9455 PALOMINO ‘07 new, inside & out.
$16,900. Call
with black fend-
ers. Never Driven.
kept, excellent con-
dition. $31,000. Call
SALEEN `02 570-714-9924
Silver with red
leather interior.
more. MUST SEE.
Make Best Offer. KAWASAKI ‘05 YEARLING CAMPER (570) 540-0975

WANTED! 0 miles on 825-6272 Every option. Call 866-320-6368 NINJA 500R. 3300
Pop-Up style,
SE 281 silver
MERCEDES-BENZ `95 Convertible, VW `05 JETTA Garage kept, show- after 5pm. miles. Orange.
Sleeps 8, with
RARE! stove, fridge, sink,
$40,000 room condition. Garage kept. His &
Silver with black outdoor grill &
$7,000. 427 Commercial hers helmets. Must

SL 500
on black, garage
kept, Production
#351. 14,500
interior. Auto. Sun-
roof. All options.
(570) 417-9200
Trucks &
sell. $2400
awning. Great con-
dition. $4,000
(570) 822-6228
Convertible, with Excellent condition. CONVERSION
Equipment 570-825-3711

CARS! 1993 CADILLAC removable hard

top, dark Blue,
miles. Asking
1 owner. 33K miles.
Asking $13,500. Call OLDSMOBILE `68 90’ SUNLINE CAMPER VAN

ALLANTE Serious inquiries 570-693-2129 ‘90 CHEVY C60 KAWASAKI ‘06 Loaded. Low
camel interior, 35 ft. Well kept. On miles. Excellent
CA$H Summer Driving only! Leave Message
13,000 Only, Garage Kept. 570-477-3600 DRASTICALLY BUCKET TRUCK Vulcan Classic
campground on the
Susquehanna River
Original Miles Very Good 415 Autos-Antique REDUCED!! Automatic. Sterling near great fishing.
Black and chrome. 570-674-3901

Exquisite Red with Condition, No This model only utility body, excel-
candy clear coat, Accidents. Classy & Classic produced in 1967 lent condition. New
Fuel injected. 21” Attached 12X22”
windshield. Pas- carpeted room.

black top with
beige leather inte-
Car. Price
Reduced! Low mileage,
& 1968. All
original 45,000
tires & brakes. Too
many features to list
senger backrest.
Floor boards.
Brick heater,
covered by metal
rior. Digital gauge $13,995 42,000 miles, 4 miles, Color $3,200. Call Remainder of war- roof with large
package & option-
al chrome & gold
or trade for
SUV or other.
speed, front wheel
drive, 2 door, anti- COUPE DEVILLE Burgundy, cloth
& vinyl interior,
570-299-0772 ranty. Expires
Feb., 2012. Kept in
breezeway. Shed &
many extras includ- Extended cab,
To place your alloy wheels. Con-
570-388-6669 lock brakes, air con-
ditioning, air bags,
Excellent condition,
$3,000 located in
350 rocket
CHEVROLET ‘89 heated garage! ed. Call for more automatic. Black
with grey leather
engine, 2nd
ad Call Toll Free Beautiful,
MERCEDES-BENZ power locks, power Hazleton.
570-454-1945 or
owner. Fender
C70. 24’ box. Lift
gate, many new
Never damaged.
7,000 miles. Great
(570) 237-7076 interior. Heated
1-800-427-8649 Must Sell! windows, power
skirts, always
parts. $1,900. condition! $6,800 seats. 59,000
`97 SL320
mirrors, cruise con-
trol, AM/FM radio,
garaged. Trophy
winner at shows.
(570)675-7546 570-574-9217
SUNLINE `06 SOLARIS miles. New Michelin
tires. $16,500
MAZDA `04 RX-8 CD player, Mp3 CHEVROLET `68 C10 Serious inquiries
CHEVY ‘08 3500
Travel Trailer. 29’, (570) 477-3297
Hunter Green,
80,000 miles. 1993 CADILLAC
New 350 motor and
new transmission.
only, $7,500.
KAWASAKI mint condition, 1
slide out a/c-heat.
New brakes &
roof, rear defroster,
tinted windows.
HD DUMP TRUCK `08 NINJA Stove, microwave,
fridge, shower
rotors. New
alignment. Two 4 door
(570) 443-7522 Call
$5,000 FIRM
(570) 906-1771 PONTIAC ‘84 2WD, automatic.
Only 12,000 miles.
250 cc, blue, like
new, under 1,000
inside & out. Many
more extras.
Black/Grey. 18,000
new rear tires. Blue-Sapphire
No accidents.
Beautiful condi-
before 9:30 p.m.
CHEVROLET `69 NOVA TRANS AM Vehicle in like
new condition.
miles. Great starter
bike. $2,800 Seri-
Reduced. $15,500.
Call 570-842-6735
miles. Well
equipped. Includes
$8,000 or best
offer. For more
tion. Garage kept
26,000 miles. All
Blue, convertible,
40th Anniversary
SUBARU ‘06 LEGACY SS clone. 350
engine, 290 Horse- EDITION.
1 of 600 made, all
ous inquiries only.
Call 570-331-4777 Say it HERE
On-Star, tow pack-
age, roof rack,
power. 10 bolt posi-
information, call
(570) 332-4213
available options -
fully loaded. 4
Model. 47,000
miles. Minor
SE - CERTIFIED rear. PowerGlide
transmission. Power
available options,
63K miles, V8, auto. FORD ‘99 E350 KAWASAKI `10
in the Classifieds!
running boards,
remote starter,
AWD, automatic extended warranty.
repairs. $7,500
door. Grey leather
or best offer.
moonroof disc brake kit. Over T-roof, $7,995.
interior $14,990 $20,000 invested, Call 570-817-2577
$7,900 Call 973-271-1030 Sport/Touring with (570) 825-7251
sacrifice at $11,000. Triton V8. 2 speed
PONTIAC `68 ABS/traction 22 ft. 3 rear bunks,
3i SPORT From an Exotic, MINIGARAGED
Call 732-397-8030
boom; 92,000miles;
$9999 or best price.
control, showroom
new, 400 miles,
center bathroom,
kitchen, sofa bed. CHEVROLET `06
16,000 miles, black.
3 Year/36,000 mile
warranty. AC,
Private Collection
Call 570-650-0278 Pure silver metallic.
Roof & mirror caps
400 engine. 2
Great condition. Call
570-675-3384 or
metallic blue, 6 year
warranty included.
Air, Fully self con-
tained. Sleeps 6. SILVERADO 1500
570574-7002 $12,000. New tires, fridge 4X4 pickup, extend-
power windows.
ABS. Excellent
in black. Tartan red
cloth / panther black
leather interior.
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA CHEVROLET `79 barrel carburetor.
Yellow with black
roof and white wall 439 Motorcycles
570-331-3674 awning. $4500.
ed cab, 6 1/2 ft.
box, automatic.


condition. www.wyoming Pewter. 48,000
Asking $13,900
(570) 283-1165
Black bonnet
stripes. Automatic.
All Corvette options,
tires. Black interior.
$4,995. Call
HARLEY ‘01 TRAVEL TRAILER 33 ft miles. Excellent
condition. $17,000

Steptronic paddles. (570) 696-3513 Rear queen master Negotiable
MERCEDES-BENZ `01 Silver with leather
interior. Good condi-
Dual moon roofs,
Cockpit chrono SUBARU `05 LEGACY
all original,
Good Year tires,
bedroom, Walk
thru bathroom.
(570) 954-7461

tion. 34,000 miles.
$15,000 Negotiable
(570) 885-5956
package, conven-
ience, cold weather SPORT AWD
new mufflers, just
tuned. 46,000 miles.
$6,500 or best
Electra Glide, Ultra
Classic, many
EXCELLENT Center kitchen +
dinette bed. Front
extra large living
(heated seats) &
chrome acces-
Air, new tires &
Loaded, automatic,
AC, heated leather
Line up a place to live
premium packages.
Dynamic stability
brakes, 31,000
offer 570-262-2845
or 570-239-6969
INCLASSIFIED! sories, 13k miles,
room + sofa bed.
Big View windows.
Metallic Emerald
seats, 4 door. miles, great Doyouneedmorespace? Windshield, Bags, Air, awning, sleeps Perfect condition,
Call 570-388-6535
in classified! control.
condition. $11,995.
570-836-1673 CHEVY `66 BEL AIR A yard or garage sale
Green. Garage
kept, like new
Pipes, White
6, very clean, will 17,000 miles.
Asking $20,000
deliver. Located in
and rear fog lights. 2 door post car, in in classified condition. Includes walls,Garage Kept. Benton, Pa. $4,900. 570-332-3681
Parking distance
control. Harmon- TOYOTA ‘09 good condition for
is the best way
Harley cover. 6K Miles $5,500 215-694-7497
GRAND MARQUIS age. Serious $12,900 (570) 430-0357
Kardon sound sys-
240C SCION XD inquiries only, call tocleanoutyourclosets! 570-718-6769

tem. Chrome line
4Matic, V6 - Gray,
4 door, V8, fully
loaded, moon roof,
interior. Mint condi- Automatic,
for details. $8,500
or best offer. Call You’re in bussiness 570-709-4937
77K highway miles,
Excellent condition,
new tires & brakes.
tion. 17,000 miles.
Must Drive!
traction control,
remote start.
Steve at
with classified! HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘04 800. 7,000 miles.
Must Sell. Like new.

Interior & exterior in
dealer serviced. Sun excellent shape. 2
$21,500 $14,680 PONTIAC 1937 SOFT TAIL DEUCE
$1,700. Please Call


roof, heated seats. 570-341-7822 570-394-9413
owners. Call Fully restored near Radical paint, only
$15,500. Call (570) 822-6334 or
570-288-3916 (570) 970-9351
original. New paint, 200 produced,
new interior, new Rhinehardt pipes,
wiring, custom tint- lots of chrome. Blue
135 Legals/ 135 Legals/ 396 automatic, 400 ed glass, new motor Beautiful bike! smoked wind
Public Notices Public Notices transmission, clean & transmission. Asking $9,500 screen. Great bike,
560 Pierce St. interior, runs good,
MUSTANG ‘02 Kingston, PA
71K, garage kept,
custom paint, Fire
white walls car in
or best offer.
runs great. Helmet
& kevlar
Hawk tires, Krager
wheels, well
excellent condition
in storage for 2
HARLEY DAVIDSON ‘05 $2995. Call for info
(570) 881-5011
PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Red with black top. maintained. years. $14,000 or
that the Dallas Township Board of Supervi-
sors shall convene a public hearing on
6,500 miles. One
Owner. Excellent
best offer. Serious
inquiries ONLY.
Condition. $18,500
Thursday, April 28, 2011, at 7:00P.M. local 65,000 miles, good 570-693-2742 Call 570-574-1923
time at the Dallas Township Municipal 570-760-5833 Orange
condition, keyless
Building, 601 Tunkhannock Highway, Dal-
las, PA 18612. The purpose of the public
entry, cassette/ CHEVY`75 CAMARO TANK ‘07 VISION
Used as a show
bike. Never abused.
7,000 miles. Very
fast. Needs nothing. 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
hearing shall be to consider and solicit NISSAN ‘05 ALTIMA radio + snow tires.
350 V8. Original
owner. Automatic
2007 Tank Motor 480 miles. Excellent
condition. Asking
Blue, never
public input and comment on two pro- Auto, one owner, 570-474-5268 Sports Vision Motor- dropped. Excellent SUNVISOR: Lund
posed Ordinances amending the Dallas Local trade transmission. Rare - cycle. 250 cc, $20,000 or best condition. $4,200
tuxedo silver / black offer. Call 99-06 Chevy/GMC
Township Zoning Ordinance. A summary $11,435 Brand new. 0 miles. Negotiable. fullsize pickup also
of the subject Ordinance and amendments
therein, are as follows:
TOYOTA `06 vinyl top with black
naugahyde interior.
$2,400. For more
information call Tom
570-876-4034 (570) 970-0564 Tahoe, new condi-
tion $125 firm after
Ordinance 1.
AVALON Never damaged.
$6,000. Call
at 570-825-2114
HARLEY DAVIDSON YAMAHA ‘1975 80 3pm 655-3197

New tires, new 570-489-6937 Antique. Very good
The amendments within this Ordinance
are designed to regulate the development,
brakes, Inspected
March 4, AC,
CHRYSLER `49 ‘92Many
CLASSIC condition. Must see.
Low milage. Road
472 Auto Services
production, compression, processing, 560 Pierce St.

Kingston, PA AVPS, Fully title. Asking $1,260
transmission and metering of oil and gas
and related facilities authorized by www.wyoming
loaded, 18,000
mile bumper to WINDSOR Convertible. Runs
Garage kept,
2 tone blue.
Call (570) 825-5810
Leave Message
All Junk
approval of a zoning permit as a condition- great. Excellent
al use in designated zoning districts within
bumper warranty. Silver / gray, 4 door condition. Original
17,600 miles.
Cars &
the Township, including but not limited to,
570-714-9924 90,000 miles.
sedan. 6 cylinder
flathead, fluid drive.
engine. Can be
Lehman area. YAMAHA `04 V-STAR Trucks
supplemental regulations addressing spe-
cial criteria, standards, conditions and NISSAN `06 ALTIMA (570) 881-3712 45,000 original
seen by appoint-
ment. Must Sell
(570) 760-5937 1100 Custom. 5800
miles, light bar, We pick up 822-0995
requirements applicable to defined uses SE, special edition.
miles. Just like new! $9,000 cobra exhaust, Wanted
and activities regulated within the subject
59,000 miles. Auto,
fwd, 4 cyl., original
TOYOTA `10 REDUCED $15,000
Call Jim:
(570) 455-8400
HARLEY DAVIDSON windshield, many
extras, must sell. Highest VITO’S
Ordinance 2.
owner. Fully loaded,
Camry SE. 56,000
miles. Red, alloy
$5,995. Call Prices
The purpose of this Ordinance is to repeal
AM/FM CD changer.
Power driver seat,
wheels, black cloth
interior. Will consid- CORVETTES KARMANN GHIA
Paid In
the following provisions of the Dallas
Township Zoning Ordinance:
anti-theft alarm,
excellent condition
er trade. $14,200
(570) 793-9157 WANTED Restoration Vehicle NIGHTTRAIN YAMAHA `97 VIRAGO CA$H GINO’S
750cc. 8,000 miles,
A. Repeal in its entirety Article 323,
$9,900 1953-1972 Family owned, Dark gray metallic, saddlebags, wind- FREE
TOYOTA `93 MR2 Like New
570-283-1165 Any Condition! garage kept, good new rr tire &
Uses Not Addressed Within Ordinance, shield, back rest,
Courteous, Fast shape. Needs some brakes, many PICKUP
which reads as follows: interior work, new Black & Pearl,
T-top, 5 speed.
Professional Buyer.
Licensed & Bonded seats, needs
extras. $10,900
(570) 592-4982
Excellent Condition.
570-574-1275 Tires
1.8 S, Special carburetor work. Must See. Asking
SECTION 323 USES NOT ADDRESSED Edition, Power power antenna. Only 58,000 miles. $2,499. Call after 4.
$15 & UP!
Whenever, in any district established
steering, brakes,
windows & locks.
New tires. No rust. 1-800-850-3656
Asking $8,000. HARLEY DAVIDSON `01 570-823-9376
Like New
FORD `52
Great condition. serious inquiries Road King 19,000
under this Ordinance, a use is neither 6 CD changer. $5,000 only! 570-343-2296 miles, new tires, lots
specifically permitted nor denied and an Excellent condition, with a Classified Ad.
(570) 708-0269 of extra chrome.
TO JUNK Batteries
application is made by a landowner to the
Zoning Officer for such use, the Zoning
43K. $12,500.
570-881-6897 after 6:00PM COUNTRY SEDAN WANTED: PONTIAC Like New. $12,900.
Call 570-639-1989
Officer shall refer the application to the CUSTOM LINE $20 & UP!
Zoning Hearing Board to hear and decide
such request as a special exception. The NISSAN `08 ALTIMA Volkswagen ‘03 STATION WAGON
V8, automatic, `78 FIREBIRD
Formula 400
or 570-760-1023
Let the Community YAMAHA` 08 R1 BEST PRICES
Carry Out Price
Low mileage, 8 passenger,
Board shall have the authority to permit Berkshire Green, Know!
the use or deny the use in accordance 18000 miles, auto- 3rd seat, good Place your Classified CA$H ON THE $POT,
Originally purchased 288-8995
with the standards governing special matic, front wheel moonroof, 5 speed, condition, 2nd Ad TODAY! Perfect condition. Free Anytime
owner. $9,500. at Bradley-Lawless
exception applications. The proposed use drive, 4 door, anti- loaded,$9750 in Scranton. Car 570-829-7130 3700 miles, new Pickup
may be permitted only if it is determined to lock brakes, air excellent condition, 570-579-3517 570-301-3602 WANTED
was last seen in rear tire, undertail
be similar to and compatible with permit-
ted uses in the district and in no way is in
bags, power locks,
air 570-578-2149
FORD `66
area. Finder’s fee
HARLEY DAVIDSON `03 kit, cover. Price
negotiable $7,900 Say it HERE
Cars & Full Size
Trucks. For prices...
conflict with the general purposes and
intent of this Ordinance. The burden of
mirrors, VOLKSWAGEN `01 GTI Mustang Coupe. paid if car is found
and purchased. Call
100th Anniversary
Edition Deuce. 570-852-9072 in the Classifieds!
Lamoreaux Auto
Parts 477-2562
proof shall be upon the applicant to power seats, all Pearl white, pony Garage kept. 1
demonstrate that the proposed use would
meet the standards and criteria for a spe-
power, cruise con-
trol, GPS/naviga-
interior. Pristine
condition. 26K
miles. $17,000 or
John with any info
(570) 760-3440
owner. 1900 miles.
Tons of chrome. YAMAHA` 09 VSTAR
$38,000 invested. A
cial exception as contained in Section tion system,
1510.2 of this Ordinance and would not be AM/FM radio, CD best offer. 421 Boats & must see. Asking
detrimental to the public health, safety and changer, Mp3 play- (570) 817-6768 $20,000. Call 468 Auto Parts 468 Auto Parts
welfare and/or environmental features and er, keyless entry,
Marinas 570-706-6156 Like New.
characteristics of the site and/or sur- leather interior, LINCOLN `66 Less than 1000
rounding areas. sun/moon roof, miles. White and
rear defroster, new Great running chrome. Garage

B. Repeal the term “Excavation and floor mats, Winter condition. Red with 4 door, kept. $6,300
Frost pearl paint, cloth interior, power

Extraction of Minerals” as conditional use Convertible, 460 (570) 817-8127
in the Conservation District under Article heated seats, side door locks, power cu. engine, 67,000
5, Subsection 501.4. mirror
auto rear view mir-
windows, power
moon roof,
miles, 1 owner
since `69. Teal Fiberglass
442 RVs & Campers $300 and Up
$125 extra if driven,
C. Repeal the term “Excavation and
5 speed, just green / white
Extraction of Minerals” as conditional use ror dimmer, Blue-
serviced, 117k. leather, restorable, boat with
in the General Industrial District under Arti- tooth, phone, nav., trailer. Out-
cle 5, Subsection 508.4. & radio controls
on steering wheel,
Asking $5,300
$2,500 570-287-
5775 / 332-1048 board propul- 5TH WHEEL pulled or pushed in.
sion. Includes: with slideout & sun
A copy of the full text of each the above
summarized Ordinances are on file and
4.5 years remain-
ing on 7 year
100,000 miles Nis- VOLKSWAGEN `04 LINCOLN `88 2 motors 883 cubic inch
room built on. Set
up on permanent
NOBODY Pays More
for public inspection during normal busi-
ness hours at The Times Leader News, 15
san bumper
bumper Premium
61,000 original
“Lark II series”
motor, Paco rigid
frame, extended &
site in Wapwallopen.
Comes with many 570-760-2035
North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, Warranty included, CONVERTIBLE PRICE raked. Low miles. Monday thru Saturday 6 am-9 pm
Blue. AM/FM cas- miles, garage kept, extras. $9,000.
at the Luzerne County Law Library, EXCELLENT CON- REDUCED! $6,000 or best Sunday 8 am - 68 pm
sette. Air. Automat- triple black, leather offer.(973) 271-1030 (570) 829-1419 or
Luzerne County Court House, 200 North DITION Altima
River Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711, and HYBRID 35city/33 ic. Power roof, win- interior, carriage $2,400 (570) 991-2135
at the Dallas Township Municipal Building, highway mpg. dows, locks & roof, factory wire NEGOTIABLE
Harry’s U Pull It
doors. Boot cover wheels, loaded,
601 Tunkhannock Highway, Dallas, PA $18,900.
excellent condition. 570-417-3940
18612. Subject to the payment of a fee 570-371-9001 for top. 22k. Excel-
Call after 5:00 p.m. lent condition. $5,500. Call
equal to the cost of reproduction, any per- Mike 570-237-7660
son wishing to secure a copy of either Garage kept. SPECIAL EDITION Super Lite Fifth
Ordinance, may do so by contacting the
Dallas Township Assistant Secretary,
Selling your
MAZDA `88 RX-7 14’ fiberglass fish-
ing boat, tri-hull
#35 of 50 Made
$10,000 in acces-
Wheel. LCD/DVD
flat screen TV, fire-
570-822-1976 sories including a
Nancy Balutis, at the Dallas Township
Municipal Building (570)674-2007.
Place an ad and
find a new owner. Leave Message
1 owner, garage
(very stable), 25 HP
Tahatsu outboard,
custom made seat.
place, heated mat-
tress, ceiling fan,
Exotic paint set,
Notice is further given that the Dallas
VOLVO `98 V90
kept, 65k original
miles, black with
Full Galvanized
Trailer. Perfect Con-
Alien Spider Candy
Hide-a-Bed sofa,
outside speakers &
Blue. Excellent con-
Township Board of Supervisors shall con-
sider adoption and enactment of the
PONTIAC ‘69 FIREBIRD 400 Wagon. Silver with grey leather interior,
all original & never
dition. Built in fuel
tank. All new in ‘01.
dition. All Documen-
grill, 2 sliders,
aluminum wheels,
gray leather. 120K. tation. 1,400 Asking
above summarized Ordinances at a regu-
lar monthly meeting scheduled for Tues-
CONVERTIBLE Rear Wheel Drive. 6 seen snow. $8,900.
Call 570-237-5119
$25,000 or best
water purifier,
awning, microwave
Call for Details (570) 459-9901
Blue/white top & cylinder. 24 MPG offer. Call
day, May 3, 2011, at 7:30P.M. local time at oven, tinted safety
white interior. highway. Sunroof, Vehicles must be COMPLETE !!
the Dallas Township Municipal Building,
601 Tunkhannock Highway, Dallas, PA
Recent document- CD, good inspec- SEA NYMPH ‘94 glass windows,
Plus Enter to Win $500.00 Cash!!
ed frame-off tion. Recent starter raised panel fridge
18612. Rumble seat, coupe 19’, 4.0 Outboard & many acces-
restoration. Over & battery. Newer motor, good condi-
Good condition. 2004 CRF 100. sories & options. DRAWING TO BE HELD APRIL 30
$31,000 invested. tires. $4,395 or best tion. $6,000 or best
Ms. Nancy Balutis, Call for details Excellent condition. Excellent condition,
will sell $21,500. offer. Call offer. Call
Dallas Township Assistant Secretary (570) 881-7545 $1500 or best offer. $22,500.
570-335-3127 570-822-6785 570-722-4077
Dallas Township 570-498-7702 570-868-6986


Most with ABS, Traction Control, Keyless Entry,
CD, Cruise Control, PL, PM, PW, Rear Defogger,
Side Air Bags, Tilt Wheel, Pwr. Moonroof,
Leather Seats, Pwr. Seat, Pwr. Heated Mirrors


CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Rear
AU1095- Pwr. Leather Heated Front & Rear Seats, ABS, Fog AU9762- 3rd Row Seat, Remote Start, Premium Wheels, Tow Pkg.,
Lights, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, CD, Navigation Sys., Defogger, Tilt Wheel, PL, PW, ABS, Front/Rear AC Seats, Rear Wipers, Running Boards, Pwr.
Remote Start, Premium Wheels, Satellite Radio, Parking Cruise Control, Air Conditioning Adjustable Pedals, Parking Sensors, Heated Mirrors, Bluetooth,
Sensors, Daytime Running Lights, Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel, DVD Player, Satellite Radio, 6 Disc CD, Traction Control, Side
2002 BUICK LESABRE CUSTOM Moonroof, Memory Seat, 2007 HONDA CR-V EX-L AWD Airbags, Rear Defogger, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Fog Lights,
AU1290- ABS, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Moonroof, Pwr. Heated Leather
Tilt Wheel, Cruise Control, Child Proof Door
Homelink Sys., Digital Info AU1229- AM/FM/6 Disc CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Seats, Digital Info, Climate
Locks, PW, Driver & Passenger Airbags, CD Center, Body Side Moldings Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, Control, Memory Seat
Traction Control, Roof Rack, Tilt Wheel, Cruise
2005 CHEVY MALIBU LS 2009 LINCOLN MKZ AWD Control, Leather Heated
Au1467- AM/FM Radio, ABS, Keyless Entry, AU1038- 6 Disc CD, Fog Lights, ABS, Rear Defogger, Tilt, Side Seats, Moonroof, PDL,
Rear Defogger, Traction Control, Tilt Wheel, Airbags, Traction Cont., Pwr. Leather Heated & Cooled Seats,
Cruise Control, PL, PM, Air Conditioning PW, PM, Rear Wipers
Moonroof, Cruise, Memory Seat, Homelink Sys., Dual Zone
Climate Cont., Premium Wheels, Keyless Entry w/Keypad,
AU9795- Cruise, Tilt, PW, PL, Keyless Entry, Rear
Chrome Exhaust Tips, Parking 2008 EXPLORER EDDIE BAUER 4X4 2004 EXPLORER SPORT TRAC XLT 4X4
Defogger, AM/FM/CD, Child Proof Door Locks, Sensors, Digital Info, Satellite AU1482- CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, AU1425- Fog Lights, Keyless Entry,
Radio, Heated Mirrors Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, Traction Control, Tilt, Cruise, Rear Defogger, Pwr. Driver’s Seat,
Driver & Passenger Air Bags, Air Conditioning Cruise Tilt, Running Boards, CD, ABS,
Pwr. Leather Seats, Rear AC, 40K MILES!
AU929- Tilt, Cruise, Keyless Entry, ABS,
60 2009 LINCOLN MKS AWD Running Boards, 3rd Row 2005 CHEVY COLORADO CREW CAB LS 4X4
Fog Lights, Rear Defogger, CD, Rear
All Wheel Drive, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Digital Info Center, Seat, Carpeted Floor AU1329- AM/FM/CD, Tilt Wheel,
Adaptive Cruise Control, Tilt, Moonroof, ABS, Climate Control, Mats, Rear Wipers Pwr. Door Locks, Pwr. Mirrors, Pwr.
Spoiler, Side Airbags, Pwr. Driver’s Seat TO CHOOSE
Fog Lights, Rear Defogger, Touch Screen, Reverse Camera, Side Air Windows, Cruise Control, ABS
2008-2009 FORD Bags, Navigation Sys., Memory Seat, Traction Control, Heated
Premium Wheels, AU1436- Navigation Sys., CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Rear Defogger, Side AU9511 - Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel,
Airbags, Traction Control, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Tow Pkg., Tilt, Pwr. Driver’s Seat, Keyless Entry, Fog
Keyless Entry with Keypad Cruise, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Digital Info, Lights, AM/FM/CD, Bedliner, PL, PW
Most with 6 Disc CD, Cruise, Tilt, Fog Lights, ABS, AC, 45K
Moonroof, Memory Seat, Running Boards,
Driver & Passenger Air Bags, Rear Wipers, Keyless Entry,
Rear Defogger, Heated STARTING AT Rear Wipers, Satellite Radio, 3rd Row Seat,
Pwr. Adjustable Pedals, Parking
Mirrors, Rear Spoiler, AU1165- TRD Off-Road Pkg., SR5, VR-6, Pwr.
Digital Info Center Sensors, Climate Control
Windows, PDL, Pwr. Mirrors, AM/FM/6 Disc
CD, Fog Lamps, Keyless Entry, Tow Pkg., ABS,
2008 FOCUS SES 72
AU1104- Cruise Control, Tilt,
4X4 60 2008 EDGE LIMITED 4X4 TO
FROM Cruise Control, Tilt
AU1324- AM/FM/CD, ABS, Rear MOS. MOS.
AU9907- Climate Control, 6 Disc CD, Heated Mirrors, Remote Trunk Wheel, Bedliner,
Defogger, Keyless Entry, Tilt, Wheel, Rear Defogger, Keyless
Entry, ABS, AM/FM/CD Lid, Rear Wipers, Premium Wheels, Parking Sensors, Pwr. Liftgate, Sliding Rear Window
Satellite Radio, PDL, PW, PM, MP3
Electronic Truck Closer, Chrome Exhaust Tips, Rear Defogger, Fog
2009 TOYOTA COROLLA LE 72 2007 ESCAPE FWD Lights, Keyless Entry with Keypad, Traction Control, ABS, Memory
Seat, Pwr. Leather Heated Seats,
AU1363- AM/FM/CD, Rear Defogger, 49K MILES!
AU1405- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, MOS.

Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, AU1409- Navigator, CD, Moonroof, Tilt, Cruise, Digital Keyless Entry, ABS, Tilt Wheel, Cruise
ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Info Center, Homelink Sys.
Traction Control, Cruise, Tilt Entry, Traction Control, Control, Pwr. Driver’s Seat, Bedliner
Rear Defogger, Pwr.
Driver’s Seat, Leather
AU1451- AM/FM/CD, ABS, Rear MOS. Heated Seats, Digital AU1042- CD, Satellite Radio, Separate Tweeters, Premium 33K
Defogger, Keyless Entry, Tilt, Info, Tilt, Cruise, Parking Sound, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Side Keyless Entry, Tilt Wheel, MILES!
PDL, PW, Cruise, Rear Wipers Sensors, Rear Wipers
Airbags, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Roof Rack, Pwr. Driver’s Cruise Control, PL, PW, PM
SYNC, CD, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, ABS, Rear
AU1383- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, PW,
Seat, Memory Seat, PWr. Leather Heated Seats, Moonroof,
Homelink Sys., Digital Info Center, Cruise, Tilt, Navigation 2010 E-350 XLTs
Defogger, Display, Side Air Bags, Tilt, Cruise, Pwr. Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, Digital Sys., DVD Player, 3rd Row Seat, Rear Wipers, OnStar, Dual
Driver’s Seat, Moonroof, Digital Info Center Info, PDL, Tilt, Cruise, Rear Wipers Zone Climate Control, Premium Wheels, Touch Screen, Most with Air, AM/FM/CD,
Pwr. Liftgate, Pwr. Adjust Pedals, Electronic Trunk Closer Cruise Control, Privacy Glass, TO CHOOSE FROM
AU1105- CD, ABS, Side Airbags, Keyless
MOS. AU9705- CD, ABS, Side Airbags, Fog
Lights, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger,
MOS. 41K ABS, Rear Defogger, Keyless
Entry, PM, PL, PW, Running
Entry w/Keypad, Rear Defogger, Tilt, Cruise,
Digital Info, Pwr. Seat, Heated Mirrors Cruise, Tilt, Roof Rack, Rear Wipers MILES! Boards, Traction Control
AU1322- CD, ABS, Keyless Entry, Tilt, Rear AU1434- AM/FM/CD, ABS, Fog Lights,
Defogger, Side Airbags, Traction Control,
AU1441- 6 Disc CD, Keyless Entry 36K MILES! AU1473- Navigation Sys., Pwr. Leather Heated Seats,
Keyless Entry, Tilt, Cruise, PDL, PW, PM,
w/Keypad, Rear Defogger, Traction CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry with Keypad, Rear
Privacy Glass, Pwr. Driver’s Seat, Cruise,
Control, Digital Info, Moonroof, Defogger, Roof Rack, Climate Control, Digital Info Running Boards, Sliding Rear Window

08-09 MILAN PREMIER Pwr. Leather Seats, Tilt Wheel,

Cruise Control, Heated Mirrors,
Center, Moonroof, Memory Seat,
Tow Pkg., Heated Mirrors, Rear 28K MILES! 08 FORD F-150 XLT SUPERCAB 4X4
All Wheel Drive, 6 Disc CD,
Fog Lights, ABS, Keyless Entry,
AWD Satellite Radio, Rear Spoiler, ABS,
Carbon Fiber Trim, Fog Lights
Wipers, Running Boards, 3rd
Row Seat, Pwr. Adjust Pedals
Most with CD, ABS, Tilt, Keyless Entry w/
Keypad, Cruise, Tow Pkg., Fog Lights, Driver

Rear Defogger, Traction TO CHOOSE & Passenger Air Bags, PL, PW, Pwr. Steering
Control, Side Airbags, Digital
Info, Climate Control, STARTING AT 07-08 EDGE SE/SEL AWD
Satellite Radio, Tilt, Heated Most with Cruise, Tilt, Privacy Glass, Keyless Entry, AU1114- CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, Side Airbags, AU1277 - AM/FM/CD, ABS, Fog Lights, Keyless
Mirrors, Cruise, Some with Traction Control, Rear Defogger, Rear Wipers, CD, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Roof Rack, Rear AC, Moonroof, Pwr. Leather
Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Seat Entry, Traction Control, Steering Wheel
ABS,Side Airbags, Some with Parking Sensors, Heated Heated/Cooled Seats, Memory Seat, Homelink Sys., Dual Zone Climate Controls, Pwr. Driver’s Seat,
2009 CHEVY MALIBU LTZ 30K MILES! Mirrors, 6 Disc CD, Moonroof, Heated Seats, Memory Seat Control, Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel, Navigation Sys., Pwr. Liftgate, Rear
Wipers, Running Boards, 3rd Row Digital Info Center, Tilt Wheel, MILES! 14K
STARTING AT Seat, Touch Screen, Pwr. Adjustable Privacy Glass, Cruise
AU1317 - Leather Seats, CD, Tilt, TO
Keyless Entry, Rear Defogger, PL, CHOOSE Pedals, Heated Mirrors, Electronic Control, Sliding Rear
Cruise, Moonroof, PW, PM, FROM Trunk Closer, Parking Sensors Window, Bedliner

Pwr. Heated Leather Seats, 6 Disc CD, ABS, Keyless Entry
Pwr. Leather Heated Seats, Homelink Sys., Tilt with Keypad, Parking Sensors, Satellite Radio, Electronic AU1045- 6 Disc CD, ABS, Dynamic Stability Fog Lights, Keyless Entry w/Keypad, Rear Defogger, Security
Wheel, Parking Sensors, Rear Wipers, Keyless Trunk, Heated Mirrors, Rear Defogger, Traction Control, Sys., Side Airbags, Traction Control, Tow Pkg., Tilt, Cruise, Moonroof, Pwr. Leather Heat/Cool Front Seats,
Entry with Keypad, ABS, Fog Lights, Cruise, Rear Side Airbags, Tilt, Cruise, Memory Seat, Climate Cont, Digital Info Center, Memory Seat, Homelink Sys., Roof Rack, Rear AC, Video Sys., Touch Screen, 3rd Seat,
Defogger, Side Airbags, Traction Control, Dual Digital Information Center, Homelink System Rear Wipers, Reverse Camera, Running Boards, Navigation Sys., Parking Sensors, Luxury Seats, Custom
Bumper, DVD Player, Electronic Trunk Closer, Chrome
Zone Climate Control, TO CHOOSE Exhaust Tips, Premium Wheels, Pwr. Liftgate,
Heated Mirrors FROM Premim Sound, Body Side Moldings, Carpeted
Floor Mats, Pwr. Adjustable Pedals, Heated Mirrors

Tax and tags extra. “BUY FOR” prices are based on 72 month (*66, 63, 60, 48, and 36 months for selected vehicles) with $2,500 down (cash or trade). Photos of
vehicles are for illustration purposes only. Coccia Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors. No Security Deposit Necessary. See dealer for details.

CALL NOW 823-8888


Overlooking Mohegan Sun

577 East Main St., Plains
Just Minutes from Scranton or W-B VISIT US AT WWW.COCCIACARS.COM

O u r B IG G ES T S AL E
O f The Ye a r!
Tre m e n d ou s S e le c tion Of Loc a lly P re -Ow n e d Ve hic le s .
Sp rin g l
2 4 TH AN N U AL
S a e S AT. AP R IL 9

2011 H on d a
0 DO W N
25 C I
TY/ 36 H W Y

• M odel#FA 1F5BEW
• A uto • A M /FM /C D
• 6 A ir Bags
• Pow er W indow s

1 6 9 /M O .*

2011 H on d a
0 DO W N
23 C I
TY/ 34 H W Y • M odel#C P2F3BEW
• A uto • A ir
• A M /FM /C D • 6 A ir Bags
• PW • PL • C ruis e
O N LY $999.00

2 09/M

$ ***LEAS E 3 6 M O N TH S , 3 6K TH RO UG H AH FC . $0

O ..***
RES IDUAL $13 ,183 .40

2011 H on d a
C R -V L X $
21 C I
TY/ 27 H W Y
• M odel#R E4H 3BEW • 180-hp, D O H C i-V TEC ®
4-c y linder engine • 5-s peed autom atic
trans m is s ion • R ealTim eTM 4W D s y s tem •
V ehic le Stability A s s is tTM (V SA ® ) w ith trac tion
c ontrol• A nti-loc k brak ing s y s tem (A BS) •
D ual-s tage, m ultiple-thres hold front airbags
(SR S) • Front s ide airbags w ith pas s enger-s ide
O c c upant Pos ition D etec tion Sy s tem (O PD S) •

Side c urtain airbags w ith rollov er s ens or • C D
Play er • Pow er W indow s /Loc k s /M irrors • A /C

O .*
* ** LEAS E 3 6 M ON THS , 3 6K THROUG H AHFC .
DELIV ERY . RES IDUAL $14,709.50

2011 H on d a
P IL O T L X $
16 C I
TY/ 22 H W Y
• M odel#Y F4H 2BEW • 250-hp, 3.5-Liter, 24-V alv e SO H C
i-V TEC ® • V -6 Engine V ariable Torque M anagem ent®
• 4 W heelD riv e Sy s tem (V TM -4® ) • A nti-Loc k Brak ing
Sy s tem (A BS) • V ehic le Stability A s s is tTM (V SA ® ) w ith
Trac tion C ontrol• Front and R ear A ir C onditioning • A M /
FM /C D A udio Sy s tem w ith 7 Speak ers Inc luding
Subw oofer 60/40 Split • Flat-Folding, Sliding and
R ec lining 2nd-R ow Benc h Seat • 60/40 Split Flat-Folding
3rd-R ow Benc h Seat • D ual-Stage M ultiple-Thres hold Front
A irbags (SR S) • Front Side A irbags w ith Pas s enger-Side

3 59/M
O c c upant Pos ition D etec tion Sy s tem (O PD S), Three-R ow

Side C urtain A irbags w ith R ollov er Sens or
• Pow er W indow s /Loc k s /M irrors • R em ote Entry Sy s tem

O .****
**** ****LEAS E 3 6 M O N TH S , 3 6K TH RO UG H AH FC . $0
RES IDUAL $17,646.50


0.9% FOR 24-36 M ON THS OR 1.9% FOR 37-60 M ON THS ON A L L N E W 2011 HON DA P IL OT M ODE L S
1.9% FOR 24-36 M ON THS OR 2.9% FOR 37-60 M ON THS ON A L L N E W 2011 HON DA E L E M E N T A N D RIDGE L IN E M ODE L S

1110 WYOMING AVE. • SCRANTON • 1-800-NEXT-HONDA • 570-341-1400
*W ith Ap p roved C red itThrou gh AH F C . All P rices are p lu s Tax an d Tags. Open Monday - Thursday 9-9; Friday & Saturday 9-5
451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 451 Trucks/ 506 Administrative/ 524 Engineering 533 Installation/ 542 Logistics/ 551 Other
SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans SUVs/Vans Clerical Maintenance/ Transportation

Part Time
250 Super Duty Full time, AUTOMOTIVE Drive with the best Apply in person.
1500 with slide-in camper WRANGLER 56,000 miles, Experienced
of the best! Knights Inn 700
6 cyl., 2WD, 6 ft.
bed, 5 speed. Only
new tires, 4 door, 8’
bed. Soft and hard-
all-wheel drive,
Nationally known
architectural prac-
Full time. Day shift.
Come join our great
family of Drivers
310 Route 315
Pittston, PA 18640
top for bed covers., 4 door, air condi- tice seeks a Kenan Advantage 570-654-6020
85,000 miles. Just tioning, all power, Fabri-Kal Corpora- Experienced. Group
inspected. Bedliner, Good condition.
CD player, leather
Secretary/Recep- tion, a major plas- Driver’s license and Tired of sorting
702 Air
toolbox, cap & Sold together or tionist/Office Assis- 566 Sales/Retail/
separately $10,900 interior, tinted tant at its corporate
tics company is PA State Inspection through all the ads Conditioners
4,000 lb. hitch all
(570) 639-5478 windows, custom office in downtown
seeking a full time required. that promise home Business
included. New rear Process Engineer to Call 570-237-6671
drums, brakes &
wheels, $13,000 Wilkes-Barre, PA to weekly runs or Development AIR CONDITIONER
calipers. Excellent
condition. Clean
FORD `01 WINDSTAR Call 570-829-8753
Before 5:00 p.m.
support profession-
al and other admin-
sorry no local runs
available? If what
76,000 miles. Rear TJ, Black with grey capabilities in ther- you really want is to
inside & out. Only istrative staff in all AIR CONDITIONER:
$4,200 Firm
Joe (570) 868-5900
air. Power sliding
doors. Power
interior. 4 cylinder,
5-speed manual SUZUKI `09 day-to-day business
activities. Friendly,
moforming and
extrusion in Hazle- TECHNICIANS be home daily, look
no further. 5000 btu, works
great used only a
adjustable pedals. 2 transmission. CD ton, PA. Demon- Full time. No experi- Driver Qualifications

tone metallic green.
Full tan leather inte-
player, hardtop, full
doors, sound bar.
VITARA166 business casual
work environment,
strated expertise in
technical leader-
ence necessary. Class A CDL ability
few times $60.
Luxury excellent compen- 570-332-8168 or to obtain tank and
rior with 3rd seat. 4” Skyjacker ship, mechanical
sation and benefits hazmat 2 years
SILVERADO Factory CD & cas- horsepower 4 cylin- engineering, team 570-885-0345
sette player. Perfect
Suspension lift with der, 4 mode full time package including building and prob-
recent verifiable 708 Antiques &
Gerrity’s Supermar-
LANDSCAPING Collectibles
steering stabilizer. 4 wheel drive. 1,269 401(k). More infor- tractor-trailer expe-
with Western plow. mechanical condi- Like new BF lem-solving skills kets is now hiring
miles. 4 wheel anti mation about the rience. Safe driving
4WD, Automatic. tion. New brakes, Goodrich 35’s with required. This posi- Full Time Grocery
lock disc brakes. practice and its record. ANTIQUE CEDAR
front & rear. Full
Loaded with Full size spare. Only tion supports Oper- Clerks. Must be
service. $6,500. Leather, heated work on Advantages CHEST: hand paint-
options. Bedliner. 85,000 miles. ations, Quality Con- dependable and self
Call 570-876-1355 seats. Power seats, Home Daily. Com- ed flowers on front,
55,000 miles. $7,300 trol, Product Devel- Full time, must have motivated. Experi-
or 570-504-8540 mirrors, locks & Applicants should petitive pay pack- footed base &
$9,200. Call (570) 301-7221 opment, Customer clean driving record. ence preferred.
evenings. sunroof. 6 cd email a cover letter age. Excellent ben- beautiful carved
(570) 868-6503 Service, Lean Experience a plus. Apply at 801
changer with 8 indicating availability efit packages. Train- trim. Leg needs
Sigma, Kaizen and Call for an appoint- Wyoming Ave,
BLAZER 4 door, 4 FORD `03 F150 JEEP `02 LIBERTY speakers. Cruise &
tilt. Smart pass key-
date, desired salary
and resume by
other activities. ment. 570-472-0472 ing on safe driving
and product han-
West Pittston or
minor repair. $100.
570-654-1581 or
new tires, regularly
serviced, great LARIAT
Blue/grey, new
rebuilt engine with
less entry
$19,000. Call
start. 05/06/2011 to:
LINE UP dling. New and well
maintained equip-
condition. Silver.
AC, 4WD.
Contractor ready warranty, new
tires & brakes,
570-401-3714 com. Send attach-
ments in PDF or MS
degree with mini- A GREAT DEAL... ment, uniforms, and
more! Call Brian
with ladder rack & mum 7 years rele-
174,000 miles tool box, 4x4 diesel, 4,000 miles.
$5,900 or
LINE UP Word formats only.
More information on
vant experience or IN CLASSIFIED! 972-740-8051 to
$6,500 or best under 97K. Great equivalent combina- learn how to get
best offer. A GREAT DEAL... Looking for the right deal
offer. 570-242-7979 condition, $17,000 tion of education started. Apply online
or best offer. 570-814-2125 and experience in on an automobile? @
Selling your 570-925-2845 IN CLASSIFIED! Bohlin Cywinski
Jackson engineering and Turn to classified.
Place an ad and
Understanding of
It’s a showroom in print!
find a new owner. polymer behavior
Interior Design
4x4, automatic,
leather, moon roof, SIENNA XLE 8 West Market and processes. the directions! NES RENTALS, a
leader in a multi-bil-
Old Toys, model kits,
Bikes, dolls, old gun

new tires & brakes, Lockers, V-8. Heat- DVD, leather Street, Suite Experience in
looking for an Mining Items, trains
CHEVY ‘07 well maintained
63,000 miles,
ed leather. All
power. Navigation,
Wilkes-Barre, PA
Process Control,
Lean Manufactur-
lion dollar rental
industry for con- experienced
& Musical Instruments,
Hess. 474-9544
TRAILBLAZER LT Asking $8,750.
Satellite, Blue tooth,
3rd row, More.
18701 ing, and AutoCAD
struction is looking
to make immediate side account

On-Star, Leather. hires for the follow- executive for
69,000 it’s NEPA loca- Pitcher with ruffled


Satellite Radio. highway miles. Competitive salary ing positions in the edge & 3 matching
$17,770 and benefits pack- Part-time, summer PITTSTON, PA tion.
$14,900. Call labor, light mainte- glasses $25. Cop-
age: Health Insur- area: per Tea Kettle $15.
(570) 855-3657 Part time position nance & landscape Qualified indi-
ance, Dental &
Seating capacity for JEEP `06
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
for automobile
Vision, Disability,
401K, Life, AD&D,
positions available.
Start date: May
will operate
vidual will set-
up appoint-

BOOK: Car Care,

7 plus 2 wheel www.wyoming 2011, rate: $11/hour, ments for out-
• Must be able to Tuition Reimburse- Banzai & Baseball
560 Pierce St.
chairs. 140,000
miles. Great condi- WRANGLER
handle multi line
phone system.
ment, Paid Leave.
Drug screening and
construction equip-
ment, delivery
side sales rep-
100 Book. $10 each.
Kingston, PA tion. Asking $7,000. background checks enrolled college stu- with businesses
• Must be neat & trucks, including
www.wyoming For more details, are conditions of dents. Must be 18+ in NEPA. Some DOLL: Grandmoth-
Call 570-589-9181 people oriented. & have valid drivers tractor trailer com- clients are employment. er’s doll very old,
• Evening hours license & reliable binations to pick up existing cus-
Applications cloth body filled with

570-714-9924 and deliver equip-
FORD `97 DIESEL 2 to 3 days per accepted transportation. tomers. COLD looks like shredded
Send resume or let- ment to and from CALLING IS
week, some Monday-Friday wood, material
CHEVY `04 EXPRESS Cummins engine,
8-L. 49,049
Saturdays 8AM-5PM;
or forward resume
ter of interest to:
c/o The Times
customer work
sites, and is able to
REQUIRED! behind one knee
worn through with
Series. 6.0 Litre V8.
miles. 33,000
gross wt. 6,649 TJ, X-Package
475 CAT & 10
speed transmission.
Email letter of to: FABRI-KAL
Corporation, Human
Leader, Box 2490,
15 N. Main St.,
train in safe usage
of the equipment.
H.S. diploma (or
Position is full-
time with health
age, other than that
in good condition,
light wt. $19,500 with only 46,000 $12,000 interest to: Resources Dept. Wilkes-Barre, PA benefits, paid old dress on doll.
Heavy Duty version. 18711-0250. equivalent), the abil- vacation, hourly
Must see! miles. One owner! Attn: M. Murray Asking $100. 570-
Excellent cargo van. FREIGHTLINER ity to lift 70 lbs., and bonus pay.
(570) 829-5886 6 cylinder, 6-speed valleychevrolet601 150 Lions Drive 474-2756 between
85K miles. Excellent
condition. $8,700
manual transmis-
sion. Soft top with
430 Detroit, Super Hazle Township PA
license, satisfactory Please e-mail
8:30am- 9pm.

FORD `99 E250

570-829-4548 or Mountain Top area. driving record, and MILLS BROS: 2
full doors, tinted 10 transmission. Email: Structural repair. resume to
570-417-5991 Asking $15,000. 507 Banking/Real knowledge of feder- prminc14@ albums (4 records),
Wheelchair Van factory windows. hrmail@hazleton. Must have 3 years al motor carrier reg- 1 photo black/white
CHEVY `05 EQUINOX 78,250 miles. Fully CD player, sound experience in top & ulations is required.
bar, 31” all terrain ‘88 FRUEHAUF 45’ Fax: 570-501-0817 framed autograph.
serviced, new bat- Professionals lower rails, roof Two years of com- $100.
LT (premium pack- tires with full size with sides. All Phone: repairs, side sheets
tery, tires & rods. mercial driving
age), 3.4L, 47,000 spear. A MUST SEE! aluminum, spread 570-861-3323 570-825-2494
& dolly legs on
Seats 6 or 3 wheel- axle. $6,500. experience involving
miles. All wheel chairs. Braun Millen- $13,999 E.O.E. reefers and dry the movement of NEON SIGN - Elec-
drive, power moon- nium lift with (570) 301-7221 vans. Excellent trucks and con- Full/Part time Ad tric, Camel sign, 30
roof, windows, locks 2 storage trailers. First Liberty Bank & salary & benefits. sales. High earning
527 Food Services/ years old, $200.
JEEP `07
remote. Walk up 570-814-4790 struction equipment
& seats. Leather door. Front & rear Trust has immediate Must have valid dri- including oversized potential for self 570-829-2411
interior, 6 cd chang- openings for Call-In Hospitality ver’s license & own motivated individual.
VOLVO `08 XC90
A/C. Power locks & loads required.
er, rear folding windows. Excellent Tellers. Candidates tools. Contact Gary Knowledge of safety Commission based. PLATES: Star Trek
seats, keyless entry,
onstar, roof rack,
condition. $9,500.
570-237-6375 4x4, stick shift, soft Fully loaded, moon
roof, leather, heat-
must be available to
travel to different COOKS
Full & Part Time
@ 570-868-0200 procedures for
securing and trans-
E-mail resume to:
Series of 8 Plates,
running boards, top. Red exterior, branch locations from Capt Kirk, to
garage kept. well maintained, ed seats, electric
within Luzerne Mornings/nights/ 538 Janitorial/ porting cargo is also
Sulu. Plus large
locks, excellent essential.
$14,750. garage kept. 11,500 County as various weekends. Experi- Cleaning Enterprise Plate
570-362-1910 miles, one owner. condition. New ence preferred. Showing Entire
staffing needs arise. NES RENTALS
tires, new brakes Apply within 10am - 5:30pm.


AC, CD player,
cruise control. and rotors. 52,000
miles highway
There is no specific
schedule for Call-in Ramada
20 Public Square
CUSTODIAL CLEANING offers competitive
wages, medical/
5 days a week. Call
Crew. All in original
boxes. $100
mileage, Tow package with Tellers. This position Full and Part time dental, vision, tuition (570)474-5159
4 Door Crew Cab $26,500/ best offer. Wilkes-Barre.
cargo carrier. offers a professional
LTZ. 4 wheel drive. 140000 miles,
Excellent condition. 570-779-4325
work environment,
opening in Hanover reimbursement, and Looking for the right deal STAR WARS Ceram-
Excellent condition, automatic, front area. Restroom 401(k).
low mileage. wheel drive, 4 $18,700 570-417-2010 till 5
competitive salary & cleaning and mop- For considera- on an automobile? ic Stein 1997 Series
Ser. Nbr. 96858
Turn to classified.
$35,500. Call door, anti-lock Call 570-822-9680 paid training. Appli- ping. 7am-1pm tion, apply online $25. Star Wars Talk-
cants must possess
brakes, air condi- Monday-Thursday. at our Careers It’s a showroom in print!
LEXUS `04 GX 470
570-655-2689 ing Bank 1995
tioning, air bags, Ford, GMC, basic math skills & Starts at $9.00. center at
Classified’s got Series C3PO &
CHEVY`05TRAILBLAZER power locks,
power windows,
Black with dark
gray leather interior.
starting at $2,295.
have a proven ability
to provide quality
Accepting applica-
tions online at
11pm-7am Sunday-
Thursday- facility
com/careers. the directions! R2D2 $15. 735-0191
power mirrors, Box Truck, Cab & customer service or in and floor cleaning. NES recognizes and TRUCKS. Hess Col-
AM/FM radio, CD
player, rear
DVD player. Fully
loaded. 92,000 Chassis available.
Call U-haul
and cross sell bank
products. Previous
person at
1035 Highway 315.
$11.00/hour DOE.
Both positions
values diversity.
We are an
TELEMARKETING lection. 1990 - 2010.
All new in boxes. 21
miles. Excellent cash handling expe- Our Call Center
defroster, rear 570-822-5536 No Phone Calls require previous EOE/AA/M/F/D/V trucks in all. $400
condition. $19,000 rience is preferred. is expanding
windshield wiper, commercial clean- employer. 570-735-4580
(570) 675-4424 If you are interested Find Your Ideal in Wilkes-Barre.
$5,990 ing background and
457 Wanted to Buy in joining our Bank Employee! Place an Immediate Shopping for a
LEXUS `06 GX 470
(570) 606-4198 ability to meet pre-
Auto Happy Team, please ad and end the employment back- 548 Medical/Health openings for new apartment?
visit any branch day & night shifts.
search! ground check. Not Classified lets
ASKING $9,999 ALL location for an appli-
cation, or you may
ask for an employ-
on bus route.
Apply online only at:
Excellent base
rate + lucrative you compare costs -
without hassle
JUST REDUCED! visit our website at bonus plan.
ment specialist www.sovereigncs.
com EOE- Drug Call 570-825-9402 or worry!
READY FOR THE HOTEL Free Workplace Get moving
WINTER! Don’t pay CAR & EOE M/F/D
with classified!
dealer prices! White
with grey interior.
Visit us at
it just came off the
Cypress Pearl with
Merchant’s Village
(the old Pittston
lot. Four Door, 4
ivory leather interi-
or. Well maintained, WANTED Hiring the following
Part time- Hazleton
Full time. A whole- Wal-Mart)
wheel drive, 84,900 garage kept. All
Highest Prices INCLASSIFIED! Full time position
area. 3 days a
sale distributor We have antiques
miles, new tires,
tow package, anti
service records.
Brand new tires.
Doyouneedmorespace? FRONT OFFICE week- flexible on
days. Hours are 2.5
CENTER requires person for
delivery to retail
galore! Come to
Booth 162!
lock brakes, driver Special Edition.
All options including Paid In Cash!!! A yard or garage sale a night. $8.75 an
We need a courte-
ous, friendly profes-
dealers and general Primitive bakers
and passenger Maroon, Fully warehouse duties. cabinet, plantation
airbags, power loaded. Leather
premium audio
package, rear FREE in classified hour to start.
General office
sional who will be Order pick, stock desk, dry sink,
conscientious in
windows, power seats. TV/DVD,
navigation, sun roof
climate control, REMOVAL is the best way Front desk experi- cleaning in detail. registering and
shelves, and main-
tenance. Clean driv-
Hoosiers. Loads
mirrors, power
locks, rear window plus many other
adjustable suspen- tocleanoutyourclosets! ence preferred, but Apply at: www. helping patients ing record required.
of smalls and tons
of good stuff!
defroster and extras. 3rd seat .
sion, towing pack- Call V&G You’re in bussiness will train. begin and complete Benefits include Consignments
age, rear spoiler, EOE their visit at our paid health insur-
wiper, privacy tint, Only 1,900 Miles.
air conditioner, Brand New.
Lexus bug guard. Anytime with classified! Also hiring Part time Drug Free Workplace Kingston Surgery ance and vacation.
42,750 miles. Center. This position 570-855-7197
cruise control. CD,
keyless entry and
Asking $37,000
(570) 328-0850 $28,950 288-8995 513 Childcare HOUSEKEEPERS 542 Logistics/ is part-time with
flexible hours Mon-
No Phone calls.
Apply in person at
(570) 237-1082 Gallagher Floral
much more.

$10,499. Call
the job training will Coughlin H.S. 1926,
570-332-4999 10 Gallagher Drive
Yellow with black
Full time 4WD, Pearl
Needed for 2 year
old in Duryea. BUS PERSONS be provided. Plains, PA 1928, 1932, 1937,

DODGE `00 RAM leather interior. (Behind M&T Bank) 1940, 1961, 1963,
Front & rear heated
seats. Many chrome
white with like new
leather ivory interi- $ PRICE PAID $ Leave message
with experience. P.M. DISHWASHER
Class A CDL driver
needed. Must have
1942, 1943, 1944,
1949. G.A.R. H.S.
4X4, V8 automatic.
accessories. $28,500
or best offer. Call
or. Silver trim.
Garage kept. Excel- FOR JUNK
required. Must be
clean MVR; doubles
Part time. Dayshift. 1934, 1935, 1936,
1937, 1945, 1946,
(570) 788-9826 or lent condition. flexible during day. SUBMIT RESUME: 1951, 1955, 1956,
New tires & brakes. 84,000 miles, Ask- VEHICLES Call 570-301-8844 Weekends & Weekends. Call HR Dept. 1957, 1961, 1965,
(570) 956-8547
Fully loaded. Lea- ing $10,750 PICKED UP Holidays a must. Todd 570-991-0316 703 Rutter Ave. 1966, 1970, 1980,
Leave Message
ther interior. Many 570-654-3076 or Apply in person. Kingston, PA 18704 1985, 2005, 2006.
570-876-1010 522 Education/
extras. Must see. 570-498-0005 No phone calls.
Fax: 570-287-2434 Meyers H.S. 1935,
Excellent condition. Training Off Route 115 1936, 1937, 1938,
(570) 970-9351 DUMP TRUCK
MITSUBISHI `97 Wilkes-Barre
DENTAL ASSISTANT 1942, 1943, 1944,

Refurbished, rebuilt
1945, 1946, 1960,
engine, transmis-
sion replaced. 15’ CUBE VAN Openings available SHIFT MANAGERS Full Time
X-Ray Certification
610 Business
1974, 1975, 1976,
1977. Kingston H.S.

RAM 1500
Rear-end removed Cab over, 4 cylinder in the Tunkhannock 1938, 1939, 1940,
Looking for a Carpenter Dental
and relubed. Brand diesel engine. Area School District Auntie Anne’s 1944, 1948, 1949.
1086 Wyoming Ave.
Too many extras to
list. Low Mileage.
new 10’ dump. PA
state inspected.
Rebuilt automatic
transmission. Very
for Varsity Football
Assistant Coaches,
Pretzels is
now hiring for:
company you
can retire with?
Forty Fort, PA 18704
Attn:HR Department
BEER DISTRIBUTOR Plymouth H.S. 1930,
1931, 1932, 1933,
$12,900/best offer. License available
$10,000 good rubber. All Freshman Football Or Fax to 714-5184. 1938, 1943, 1944,
570-594-1496 •Shift Managers with option to lease
(570)709-2125 around good Head Coach, and Looking for Or Email to 1959, 1960.
and crew for building or sold
condition inside Freshman Football more home/ CarpenterDental@ Hanover H.S. 1951,
new Wilkes- separately.


‘02 WRANGLER & out. Well
503 Accounting/ Assistant
Head Barre Walmart
family time? 570-954-1284
1952, 1953, 1954,
1960. West Pittston
Miles Ready to work. H.S. Annual 1925,

Only 17k miles.
$6,195 or
best offer BOOKKEEPER
Interested appli-
cants should submit
a letter of interest
•Shift managers
for its Wyoming
Valley and
We offer
top pay and
Healthcare Services FLORAL SHOP
The only shop
1926, 1927, 1928,
1931, 1932, 1959.
Luzerne H.S. 1951,
to Mr. Richard Group at Highland
Fully loaded. Call 570-650-3500 Full charge Book- Steamtown Mall Weekly home Manor Nursing and in the area! 1952, 1956, 1957,
Ask for Carmen Bombick, Director of locations. 1,300 sq/ft retail 1959. Berwick H.S.
Excellent condi- keeper needed. time and much Rehabilitation Center
Human Resources, & 1,300 sq/ft 1952, 1953, 1956,
tion. Factory & Responsibilities more is currently accept-
NISSAN `08 ROGUE 41 Philadelphia Ave., Apply in person
extended war- include A/P, A/R, ing applications for storage 1957, 1958, 1960,
Tunkhannock, PA at either mall
ranty. $17,995
(570) 690-2806
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
SL. AWD, 1 owner,
no accidents. 4
General Ledger,
Financial Statement
18657. All clear-
ances (#114 FBI Fin-
location. For more
part time Dietary
Aides. Apply in per- $63,000
1967, 1968, 1969
,1970. Lehman H.S.
1973, 1974, 1976,
& miscellaneous son Monday - Friday
door hatchback, 6 gerprint, Criminal please call established sales, 1978, 1980. Nanti- office duties. Com- between the hours
Dakota with cap.
cylinder, roof rails,
dark gray, black
interior. Premium
puter experience
check #34, Child
Abuse #151 and TB)
must be secured.
Now Hiring for
and ask for
of 9am-4pm at:
750 Schooley Ave.
all equipment,
coke Area H.S.
1976, 2008. Dallas
experienced Bar- inventory & H.S. 1966, 1967,
recruiting. Exeter, PA 18643
1 owner, garage
kept, very good JEEP ‘06 wheels, new tires,
brakes extra set of
Forward resume by
email to: marquis
Deadline for appli-
cations: April 8, 2011
tenders, Waitstaff,
and Kitchen Help. IMMEDIATE
memberships to
FTD, Tele-Floral &
1968. Bishop Hoban
H.S. 1972, 1973,

condition. Many snows. Premium EOE. Apply in person
extras including lift COMMANDER sound/Bose/blue- or mail to: Marquis
OPENINGS! 1-800-FLOWERS. 1974, 1975. West

596 Mercer Ave. •3-11 PCA Willing to train Side Central
& back seat. 4WD, Only 38K tooth, XM radio. Art & Frame Kingston, PA •EVENING buyer. Owner Catholic H.S. 1965 -
29 MPG gas. Intelligent key entry.


$17,880 122 South Main St. 570-283-2050 RECEPTIONIST retiring after 25 1974, 1980, 1981.
(570) 868-0944 Newly inspected Wilkes-Barre, PA Apply in Person years in business. Westmoreland H.S.
36,900 miles 18701 No Phone Calls Room for 1952, 1953 - 1954
DODGE RAM ‘06 $19,500 TIFFANY COURT potential growth. G.A.R. H.S. 1972,

1500 SLT
(570) 371-7227

506 Administrative/
Clerical IN CLASSIFIED! CLUB IN CLASSIFIED! 700 Northampton St
Kingston, PA CALL 570-542-4520
Pictures available.
1973, 1974, 1975,
1976 Pittston H.S.
1936, 1951, 1954,

Doyouneedmorespace? OPTICAL SALES

Low miles, 560 Pierce St. 1963 Pittston Hospi-
One owner
Kingston, PA
MONTANA OFFICE MANAGER Doyouneedmorespace? in West Hazleton
PARTNER WANTED tal School of Nurs-

A yard or garage sale

www.wyoming is seeking ing, J.O.Y. of 1957, 95,000 miles, well
maintained. Excell-
Full Time position for
local nonprofit. A yard or garage sale experienced: ASSOCIATES for Busy Salon 1959 West Pittston
H.S. 1950, 1954,
in Wilkes-Barre
in classified
570-714-9924 Excellent organiza- Immediate full-time/
in classified
ent overall condi- 1955, 1956, 1960
tion. Keyless entry, tional skills, comput- LINE COOKS part-time openings Area. Hazleton H.S. 1938,
EX, Van, Sunroof.
built in baby seat,
dual climate con-
er / bookkeeping
with Quicken
is the best way LIFEGUARDS is the best way
with leading optical
chain. Great salary,
commissions, bene-
570-822-0103 1939, 1940, 1941,
1942, 1943, 1945,
trol. Rear air. Seats required. Send BARTENDERS 1948, 1949, 1950,
560 Pierce St.
Kingston, PA
61,000 miles.
Loaded. Good
7. Recent inspec-
tion & tires. KBB
resume to:
Box 2495 to cleanoutyourclosets! & WAITSTAFF to cleanoutyourclosets! fits, & 401k. Experi-
ence preferred but
1953, 1954, 1955,
1956, 1957, 1959,
$5000 or best offer.
over $6300. Asking
$5,000 firm. Call
c/o Times Leader
15 N. Main Street You’re in bussiness Call 570-788-1112 You’re in bussiness
not necessary.
Call 570-822-5900.
Oils, melters and
1960, 1961, 1962,
1964 Hazle Twp H.S.
570-606-7654 ext. 118 to set up EOE.
with classified!
(570) 417-9884 Wilkes-Barre, PA 1951, 1952
with classified!
570-714-9924 many extras. Best
18711 an interview. offer. 570-709-2125 570-825-4721
710 Appliances 710 Appliances 712 Baby Items 716 Building 716 Building 716 Building 732 Exercise 744 Furniture & 744 Furniture & 746 Garage Sales/
Materials Materials Materials Equipment Accessories Accessories Estate Sales/
18 cu. ft. Frigidaire, 3-Tier, maple, with 2 DINETTE SET: 41” LAMP - Parlor stand
Flea Markets
DOORS: (2) sliding INTERIOR DOOR: DOORS: 2 entry TREADMILL:Proform
stainless steel look mats & sheets. New closet doors, 24x80 Still in shrink wrap. doors. Wood & 385. Records dis- round dining table up lamp. Very good
with black handles. Condition. $35. Crib wood with natural Jeld Wen solid pine glass entry door tance & time. $75. over pedestal base. condition. Grey
has ice maker. Paid Set - Pottery Barn finish. $40. DOOR 6 panel 30”. Paid 32”x80” great 570-472-9660 4 matching chairs, metal color. $25.
18Cu.Ft. FRIGIDAIRE $600 3 years ago, velour animal print: (1) 30x80 natural $95. Make an offer. shape $75. Steel includes matching 570-740-1246
REFRIGERATOR!!! must move fast! bumper pads, quilt finish. $50. 570-466-6481 Entry door 32”x 80”. cushions. Like New .
Stainless Steel Look $100 or best offer. set, sheets, crib Excellent condition. Rt. hand swing ( in &
740 Floorcoverings $200. BEDROOM LAMPS: Green with

with black handles. Call 570-262-4788 skirt & curtain set. WHITE ASH LOGS - gold base lamps,
675-4383 to the right), nice FURNITURE: double
Has ice maker. Paid Excellent Condition. Fresh Cut, 3 pieces FLOORING: 3/4x5 white pleated
glass, great shape, size dresser. 42” W
$600 3 Years ago. REFRIGERATOR: Natural heart pine shades, like new.
$35. 570-675-3414
Line up a place to live 12”x54”. $20 each.

can use a coat of with 6 deep draw-
Must move fast! Kitchen Aid top 570-779-3551 hardwood flooring. $25. Speaker
paint, reducing the ers & 3 smaller cen-
$100 Or Best Offer.
If interested call
mount with
maker; white; 65”h
STROLLER will not
in classified! price to $75. or
Total of 211.5 sq. ft.
Brand new in boxes.
ter drawers. Large stands, cherry
wood for bookshelf
take both doors for mirror attached. Tall

262-4788. $100 x 30”w x 31 1/2”d; fold $25. Pack N 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale Paid $522. asking size. 1 year old. $25.
$125. save $25.! chest of drawers. 3
(570)262-4788 white; 18.8 cu ft; Play, fabric a little $250. 256-7868 570-283-2412
Cash or paypal. large and 3 small
energy star; humidi- yellowed due to
APPLIANCE 570-735-2661 RUG: Area Rug. 4x6 drawers. French LOVESEAT &
ty controlled; slide n age, non-smoking
PA RT S E T C . Polypropylene. Navy Provincial light OTTOMAN solid
lock; adjustable house. $20. Both WINDOWS (3) New 202 South Main St.
Used appliances. with ivory. $70. beige with beautiful sand colored cush-
bins; whisper quiet; good condition. storm windows, (REAR)
Parts for all brands. 570-654-8042 brass trimmings. 3 ioned, excellent
223 George Ave. excellent; $375. 570-574-3418 asking $60. total. Saturday 4/9
pieces $175. shape $200.
Wilkes-Barre 570-817-1724 570-825-5847 9am-3pm
TURKEY FRYER, All- Swing. Baby Bounc- 742 Furnaces & unusual, refin- SOFA: 100% Italian
1/4 mile past Blue
Heaters ished/antique 50” W Coal/Huber Colliery
FREEZER: Kenmore In-One gas & char- er. Baby Play Gym. 720 Cemetery with 2 top shelves
black leather sofa & towards Sugar
upright, white, very coal single burner $20 each. loveseat, very good
good shape. $100 smoker grill, & pro- 570-829-0852 or Plots/Lots DOORS: (2) Birch supported by 4 condition $550.
sliding closet doors brass posts & mir- Kitchen set, tables ,
or best offer. pane tank! Like new, 570-301-8017 570/824-7807 or
(30” x 77”) $40. (2) rored back. Two lamps, dishes, bird
570-474-0154 over $300 invested. CEMETERY 570-545-7006
UMBRELLA stroller, 6ft electric base- lower doors with houses & other
Take all for $165. PLOTS
red & blue plaid $7. board heaters (1) 9 frame brass lattice decor, bedding,
Cash or Paypal.
Backless booster (2) Available. ft 9” electric base- work with printed
AFFORDABLE 12,000 air condition-
570-735-2661 St. Mary’s MATTRESS SALE
seat $5. Car seat, board heaters (2) fabric behind. Maize er, storm windows,
Cemetery. Near We Beat All
WASHER & electric gray with blue trim, Honeywell thermo- color. $75. COFFEE
front gate on N. Competitors Prices!
dryer. Amana, $30. Pack & Play, stats $45. TABLE: 42” square,
Main St. Call for Mattress Guy
white, 3 years old, cream & olive green 570-288-8689 contemporary table
details at Twin sets: $149
bought new, excel- plaid pattern $60.

B a d Cre d it
in Parsons style, Full sets: $169
lent $200 each. Pack & Play Graco, (570) 328-7370 HEATER: Amish, completely covered
with remote. Queen sets: $189
Call 570-417-8078 blue & yellow, $30. with brass and
All New

N o Cre d it
Mahogany cabinet.
or 735-2764 Stroller, green &
cream plaid $40. CEMETERY PLOTS One year old. Excel-
chrome tiles to form
geometric pattern.
American Made
RECONDITIONED Why Spend Booster high chair, Plymouth National lent. $250. Original price
N e e d a Ca r?
Hundreds on cream with bur- Cemetery in 570-654-6283 $1,100. Asking MICROWAVE/TV
60 Day Warranty
New or Used
gundy, $25. TV
video baby monitor,
Wyoming. 6 Plots.
$450 each. Call HEATER:
Prices are negotiable!
STAND, Oak on
wheels $20. Oak file ASSOCIATION
Monday-Friday Most problems brand new, $50. 570-825-3666 570-288-5835 cabinet, 2 drawer
Ca ll M a rc u m M otors
heater, asking $20.
8:00PM-5:00PM with your appli- Baby bath tub $25. 570-675-0248
570-825-5847 DINING ROOM
Saturday ances are usually shower $20. Wood- Bear Creek Club

570 -693-30 76
8:00AM-11:00AM simple and inex- en changing table STOVE: Antique 4 PICTURE: giant House White Haven
$60. Eddie Bauer maple no chairs, Southwest $75.
Gateway pensive to fix! (3) together. burner kerosene oil $35. Also comes Road off of Rt 115
Save your hard car seat, beige & Maple Lawn stove $25. Wooden Teepee Across From Bear
Shopping Center with extra table leaf,
earned money, Let black suede $40. w w w .m a rc u m m otors .c om Section of 570-675-0920 The table without
shelf stand $75. Creek Cafe
Kingston, PA Exer-ersaucer, $50. Area rug, olive
(570) 819-1966
us take a look at it
first! 570-239-5292 All Ve hic le s Com e w ith Dennison the leaf is around 5’ green with leaf
April 8th & April 9th
9:00AM - 2:00PM
30 years in 2 YR - 2 4 ,0 0 0 M ile W a rra n ty Cemetery. 744 Furniture & long. Took the legs imprint, approxi-
Section ML. off for easy trans-
GRILL electric the business. 714 Bridal Items $550 each. Accessories mate 5x7 $40.
port, cash or paypal
East Main 610-939-0194 570-239-5292
ceramic 12”x12”
BEDROOM - 570-735-2661
nonstick. Smoke
free. New in box. 570-735-8271 CAKE Frilly Fun &
Fruitwood dresser,
$15. 570-655-2154 Nanticoke functional! Perfect
shower gift or Cen-
OAKLAWN CEMETERY bureau, 2 twin beds,
brass full size bed
Wood. 66” tall by ASUCCESSFULSALE Looking for the right deal
MICROWAVE: GE, all 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 4 grave sites, $495. LIVING ROOM
49” wide. Excellent
options, with 712 Baby Items
terpieces! Custom
made! $50.
fabulous location.
Purchased 20 years
Traditional blue vel-
vet with White Trim.
condition. $25. INCLASSIFIED! on an automobile?
turntable, excellent 570-241-6163 ago. $2,450 3-Pieces. $450.
Doyouneedmorespace? Turn to classified.
condition. $40.
combo with 5 draw-
package, new, tags
APRIL SALES EVENT! 610-838-7727 570-799-9846 ENTERTAINMENT
CENTER: traditional
A yard or garage sale It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
MR COFFEE espres- ers, light wood, on, ivory strapless, 6 Mo. Service Contract Included! 726 Clothing BEDROOM SET
oak finish, excellent in classified the directions!
so/ cappuccino night stand included size 10, beautiful
condition $40. Book is the best way
machine $15. Laun- shelf: 5 shelves,
dry tub, faucet &
$70. Changing
table with storage
bead work,
beaded to match
veil SPORT BOOTS men’s black
python print, size 9D
large, light oak fin-
cabinet $20. Front shelves, light wood with slip. paid $600. $20. 570-829-0852 BEDROOM SETS ish, very good con- You’re in bussiness
gate Kristina bar
stool $75. 696-1432
$30. Glider/rocker Asking $150. or 570-301-8017 KING,
KING Mediter- dition. $20. Canopy
Bed Frame: queen,
with classified!
with ottoman, light 570-287-3505 ranean Style. All
RANGE: GE Profile
tan cushions with
light wood $50. WEDDING package:
4 Door, 5 Speed, A/C
Freedom Pkg, 4x4, Runs Great, AT
sizes M/L, 25 items
wood. Triple dress-
er with mirror, 2
headboard & base,
black metal. $135.
green, works well. DALLAS
Convertible crib, ring pillow, money
bag, apron -
6,995 * $
8,995 * for $30. Boy’s sizes
L/XL polos, shorts,
end tables, Armoire 570-430-4054 $60. 570-654-1581
or 570-881-5143
light wood, with vinyl chest. $650. FULL,
with 5 burners. mattress $50. or babushka, hanky, 08 MITSUBISHI 06 BUICK LACROSSE shirts, sweatshirts, HUTCH: Like new.
large oven, 7 years all wood, bookcase SOFA $800. Love
all items for $180 . satin slippers. All ECLIPSE GS 25 items $30. Bare- $150. Sofa Couch:
old, like new. style headboard, Seat $500. Almost
(570) 855-9221 made with satin ly worn, some still Brand new. $100.
bisque $300. GE dresser with mirror, new, excellent con-
lace, pearls & have tags 237-1583 (2) Lamp Tables:
profile over the 5 drawer chest dition, hardwood
Too many baby sequins, beautiful, $40. (1) Hanging
counter microwave CLOTHING night table, $450. frame & spring coil
toys? never used $100. Light: $40.
oven, convection & 5 Speed, CD, Alloys, 4 Door, AT, Low Miles,
women’s size large Call 570-823-8036 construction.
Pass them on, sell 570-654-6283 Sporty, One Owner XClean Call 570-443-7202
microwave cooking, & extra large con- 570-287-3600. 43 Hildebrandt Rd.
like new $125.
them with an ad!
570-829-7130 716 Building
12,995* $
11,995* sisting of pants,
Girls. Full/queen
TABLE kitchen or Saturday 9am-2pm
570-417-4177 tops, sweaters, rock maple, 52” Directions: 309
07 CHEVY ONE 00 CHRYSLER headboard, lingerie dining 36” round
BABY ITEMS: Materials TON DUMP TRUCK GRAND VOYAGER SE shoes size 9, over oval table, 4 chairs bear right at Dallas
REFRIGERATOR chest, armoire, oak veneer, very
Newborn swing 35 items. 2 wool painted yellow $75. Shopping Center,
$75. 570-829-0852 dresser w/mirror. sturdy, took legs off
$50. Gate $10. Pack DOOR. Solid wood, coats size L. $10 Call 570-704-6588 go to light and turn
or 570-301-8017 Green/Pink. Excel- for easy transport,
N Play $30. Child- 6 panel. Exterior or each. 570-655-1808 lent/ $325. right on Hildebrandt
K I T C H E N TA B L E , good condition $15.
REFRIGERATOR craft crib $75. interior. Natural oak 570-815-5152 Rd. Just pass Dal-
CLOTHING: Plains Early American, with 570-822-7903
Kenmore, almond, Changing pad cover finish, right or left Dual RR Wheels, 14K Miles, 7 Passenger, Rear Heat/AC,
las High School on
Auto, Excellent Condition PW, PDL, Cruise soccer, new hooded four chairs for sale.
$10. Child’s oak 4 with hardware. CHAIR rocks & TABLE: round pub left hand side.
21.6 cu. ft. with ice
maker & filtered drawer chest $50. 36x80. $150. Call
570-735-8730 or
21,995* $
5,995* sweatshirt, adult xl.
paid $25. asking
swivels, love seat,
pink color, good
Table & chairs are
solid wood with table with glass top; Mahogany pedes-
water $300. Dresser combo * Plus tax, tags, title & doc fees. $15. Plains soccer black legs & tan top/ wooden brown tal, enclosed book
changing table 570-332-8094 condition. both $50.

570-868-6018 hooded sweatshirt, seats. Table is table with glass top stand, dry sink,
$100. 825-0569 570-655-2154 protector; tubular farm table, 10 wind-
GLASS DOOR. 3 youth medium. round & measures
REFRIGERATOR: looks like new! $9. 42” in diameter & metal table base; sor chairs, 55" sony
General Electric / GLIDER CHAIR. Tan way glass door for COMPUTER DESK,
1339 N. RIVER STREET Plains soccer hood- has a 12” leaf. Ask- 42”h x 39” round; tv, 5 pc. bedroom
No Frost. Works cushions with honey bath tub. $25 larger corner, light
PLAINS, PA. 18702 ed sweatshirt, youth ing $175 for table, excellent. $125. set, patio set, ma-
colored wood. 570-331-8183 oak color & gray.
good. $75.
570-655-5404 Excellent condition. 829-2043 large, looks like $75. 570-868-6018 leaf & chairs. Call 570-817-1724 hogany entertain-
ment center,
$100. 654-8042 new! $9. Clarks 570-430-1366.
sandals, nib. artisan COMPUTER STAND: Find Something? floral decorations,
collection burma with storage space LAMP - Parlor stand Lose Something? kitchen items, oil on
412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale style, brown, size 9. $50. Entertainment up lamp. Very good Get it back where it canvas, 3 pc. living
retail $80. sell $36. Center $40. condition. Grey room, hutch, bunk
metal color. $25. belongs beds, rugs & more!
(570) 696-5607 570-829-0852 or
570-301-8017 570-740-1246 with a Lost/Found ad!
DRESS: Girl’s size 12 570-829-7130
white special occa- COUCH & love seat.
sion dress. Brand Couch has a queen 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health
new with tags. Per- sleeper. $100.
fect for communion Or best offer.
or wedding. $30. 570-474-0154
A Benson Family Dealership 570-256-1024
DESK secretary with

with a Classified Ad. $100. 288-9940
top 3 drawers,
- Trades Coming in Daily - Don’t Miss These JACKET: boys gen-
uine Italian stone pecan finish, 36x 44
NEW 2011 NEW 2011 BUICK NEW 2011 BUICK REGAL NEW 2011 GMC YUKON leather jacket, size x15” excellent con-
GMC SIERRA 1500 LACROSSE CX CXL & TURBO’S SLT & DENALI’S 14. $25. 868-6018 dition. $95.
1.9% Financing WOMAN’S The Greater Hazleton Health Alliance has the following
0% Financing 2.9% Financing Available 2.9% Financing CLOTHING: blouses,
Available Available Available sweaters, dresses full time openings:
MSRP $28,645 & pant sets. Sizes DINING ROOM SET
Reg, Ext, Crew Cab 4x4’s, Choose From 20, SLE’s & SLT’s
Choose From 6, Comfort &
Convenience Package Discount & Rebate -$2,389
Moonroofs, Leather, Some with Navigation,
Choose From 5 4X4, Reg & XL’s, Choose From 5, Extra Sharp! 12-14. $1-$10 each. oak, 48” round table Community Relations Coordinator – Full Time
Open toe shoes: with two 12” leafs &
Save Up To $6,600 Priced From
26,256 Save Up To $2,749 Off Sticker Save Up To $6,088 Off Sticker new, size 7. $5. 4 matching chairs
570-287-4994 $125. 288-7138 MT/MLT’s – Full Time & Part Time
730 Computer 36”x 60” table with RN’s - Full Time, Part Time & Casual
Equipment & 2 leaf. Hutch cup-

A Real Gas Miser! 14K Miles, 7 Passenger Seating

Software board with glass
display doors. Hutch
(with OB, Pediatric, Med/Surg, Telemetry
Critical Care & ED experience)
Just Arrived, 45K Miles, Roadster Roof

47 3/4”W, 15 1/2” D
8,995 $
8,995 $
and 72” H. $350.
GX260. Windows
2009 CHEVY AVEO LT SDN XP. pentium 4. 570-474-6919
4X4 Excellent condition. DINING ROOM
Nurse Practitioners – Full Time
$85. Dell Dimension
8100. Excellent con-
(with Rehab or Pediatric experience)
dition. Windows XP. ordered, rectangu-
Choose From 2, Tons of Warranty Just Traded, All Wheel Drive, Only “Limited Package”, Heated Leather Seating,
Moonroof, “Too Many Options To List!” dvdrw. cdrw. $70. lar with brass base. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package, including
9,595 $
9,850 $
13,995 HP PAVILION A362X 5 chairs with brass medical, dental, vision, 403(b) option, tuition reimbursement
PENTIUM 4 tower. frames, rattan insert
2009 KIA SPECTRA EX 2006 CHEVY COBALT LT 2011 CHEVY SUBURBAN LS 4X4 excellent condition.
dvdrom/cdrw. win-
& upholstered royal defined contribution plan and malpractice insurance
blue seats. $250.
dows xp. card read- STUDENT DESK for NP/PA’s.
er. front audio/ maple, 2 drawers
usb2.0. $90 on top, large drawer
Preferred Equipment Pkg, Just 34K Miles White Beauty, Local Trade, “Great Starter Car!”
Silver Beauty, Only 14K Miles,
“Can Not Be Told From A New One!”
570-905-2985 on side (can be Candidates interested in joining our team can forward
9,995 $
8,995 $
37,995 DESK. Computer used for hanging
files) $30. Printer
their resume in confidence to:
Desk $50. Call 735-
2002 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4 2007 VW JETTA stand-medium col-
8730 or 332-8094
ored wood, with 2 Employment Applications are available for download
shelves $20. Com- from our web site at
732 Exercise puter station- Saud-
Equipment er, large, oak finish, 700 E. Broad Street, Hazleton, PA 18201
Local Trade, Leather, Moonroof, Extra Clean!
Stunning Low Miles Local One Owner, Moonroof, 52K Miles
lots of shelves, 2 file
12,995 $
11,995 $
12,995 AB DOER, with ab
videos $25. Bun &
drawers $50.
Our Heart Is In Healthcare
2007 BUICK LACROSSE CXL 2003 CHEVY TAHOE LT 4X4 2006 FORD F150 CREW CAB 4X4 Thigh Roller $10.
Both very good con- 412 Autos for Sale 412 Autos for Sale
dition. 574-3418
2000 GMC ‘02 Hyundai

Jimmy 4x4 Elantra GLS 4Dr
5 7 0 -4 5 7 -5 4 4 1
O R S • 570-457-5441


Local Trade, 48K Miles, Extra Clean! Just Traded, Power Galore, As Traded One Owner, XLT, 5.4L, Tow Pkg, 53K Miles
Squeeze sit up $25.
12,995 $
8,995 $


2005 CHEVY COLORADO 2007 BUICK LUCERNE body motion, low

LS XCAB 4X4 impact, good condi- Loaded!

tion $50. NORDIC-
TRACK- Walk Fit,
4,990* $4,990*
4 Cyl, Economy, Local Trade, Low Low Miles
36K Miles, CXL, We Sold It New! Just Traded, 43K Miles, “Too Many Options To List!”
manual treadmill,
great workout! $75.
03 Ford 02 Ford Escape
13,995 $
2008 PONTIAC TORRENT AWD 2006 FORD F150 CREW CAB 4X4 2003 CHEVY SILVERADO Hip & Thigh machine
XCAB 4X4 $30. VITAMASTER- 07 P ontiac C oupe G -6

Stationary bike $20.

G T,33K,C le an............ 12,495
OR S • 5

Loaded w/ 66K Miles
EXERCISE BIKE. 07 C hevy Im pala L S
7,890* $6,490*
Local One Owner, Just 43K Miles, Moonroof LS Pkg, Z-71 Off Road,
Local Trade, 53K Miles, XLT Equipment
Custom Cap, Just Traded Lifestyle Air Chal-
53K,F ue lF le x .................... 9,995
17,995 $
19,995 $
12,995 lenge TA. Good con-
dition, older model.
2007 INFINITI FX35 2010 JEEP GRAND 2010 DODGE DAKOTA $35. 570-655-5102 ‘99 Buick ‘97 Plymouth 06 M itsubishi Eclipse G T
EXERCISE BIKE: Custom 4Dr Breeze B lac k B e auty,66K ..... 10,


Recumbent, mag-

7 0 -4 5 7 -5 4 4 1

netic, electronic,
$50. 570-779-4176
06 H y undai Tiburon G T
V 6,32K ......................... 10,995
This One Must Be Seen, All Wheel Drive Big Horn Edition, 12K Miles, Power Galore
Choose From 2, Miles As Low As 13K Miles
GLIDER: Fast Track. 59K Miles 4 Dr, 4 Cyl, A/C
23,995 From $ 23,995 $
23,995 $
4,990 * $
570-675-3414 06 H onda C ivic
S uper C lean,S unroof,77K . 10,995
All Prices Plus Tax & Tags, Customer Must Qualify for All Rebates. See Salesperson for Details. See dealer for details. Some restrictions apply. Dealer may discontinue program at any time. $
*All Prices Plus Tax & Tags.
HOURS: Slim down with
Susan Lucci Pilates

Monday Thru Thursday Chair with arm P ETIL L O M O TO R S.C O M


8:00am - 8:00pm attachments. Brand

Friday & Saturday New. $220. Mini CALL STEVE MORENKO G O O D C R EDIT G ETS
A Benson Family Dealership Trampoline. Brand 2010 Wyoming Ave., Wyoming

8:00am - 5:00pm New. $22. L O W INTER EST R A TES!

570-709-3564 718-4050

548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 746 Garage Sales/ 752 Landscaping & 758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous
Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Estate Sales/ Gardening
Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets Flea Markets $75. MANUALS: 1950-
Organized in 1975, The Institute for Human Resources and Services, Arbor Care & 570-735-4824 1985. $10 each.
Inc. is a non-profit corporation dedicated to providing residential
services to individuals with developmental disabilities.
Tree trimming,
Pinto Trailer Hook
for dump truck: $50.
pruning & removal. OBO.
We are currently seeking candidates for the following positions: AIR PURIFIER : Ionic 570-823-6829
Residential Program Workers & Supervisors: POTATO PANCAKE - Stump Grinding,
Cabling. Breeze by Sharper

The primary responsibility is to assist adults with developmental dis- CLAM CHOWDER DINNER & HANOVER TWP. W. NANTICOKE
1st United
Free Estimates
Fully Insured
Image $65.
Methodist Church
abilities in their homes. Full time and Part time positions are available. 570-542-7265 53 gallon.
Applicants must possess a valid PA driver’s license and a high school CHINESE AUCTION CRAFT 29 E. Poplar St.
CHIPPER, shredder,
underwear XL size, Excellent
condition $195.
diploma or equivalency.
Friday April 8th
& BAKE 255 James St
mulcher, bagger.
Craftsman 5 HP. 3
14 per package $5.
each. 288-9940 570-876-3830
Apply in person or email resume to
The Institute for Human Resources and Services, Inc.
Serving 3-7 pm
Take Outs
SALE Saturday, 9am-4pm
Contents of finer
cutting stages. Very
good condition.
BED RUG with cover
HELMET, size medi-
Start at 2pm home include 2 for Chevy S-10 pick-
250 Pierce Street, Suite 301; Kingston, PA 18704 Sullivan Place Apts. beautiful bedroom
$350. 675-4383
up 6’ box. $200. um, black, $8 or
(Fax) 570-288-9112 570-655-0546 best offer. 823-4941
$7.00 Per Person 100 Claymont Ave. suites - 1 queen size DONE-RIGHT
EOE Holy Mother (Off Lynwood Ave.) - 1 regular, 2 twin Pressure
Of Sorrows Church Saturday, April 9th beds, cedar chest, and FLEA MARKET Washing 554 Production/ 554 Production/
8:00 am to 2:00 pm 2 magnificent Saturday, April 9 Patios, decks, sid-
212 Wyoming Ave
Spring & Easter curios, Kittinger ing, concrete. Serv-
Operations Operations
Dupont 9am to 3pm
Items, Candy, Food, table, Extra Large Tables are available ing Lackawanna &
554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/
Operations Operations Operations
Come Join
Us & Enjoy
Gifts & More! T.V., wicker & other
patio furniture. Fen-
for $5 and $10. Call
prior to April 9 to
Luzerne Counties.
570-655-4004 PRODUCTION
Call 654-4262 ton Waterford, reserve. 735-5343

For More Info A yard or garage sale Lenox, 2 Bavarian
China Sets, tools,
Setups can start at
Day Of Dinner 7 a.m. Proceeds
Call 654-0345
in classified lamps, loads of benefit children’s See our ad under
is the best way linens, kitchenware, programs. 1165 Lawn Care in
for FULL TIME work with

Call an Expert.
Shopping for a tocleanoutyourclosets! stackable washer &
dryer, silver plate
new apartment? You’re in bussiness and gold plate flat-
Spike & Gorilla’s
Lawn Care & Out- MACHINE OPERATORS needed for
Classified lets with classified! ware, bikes, loads
door Maintenance
The Times Leader has an opening in the Packaging Department you compare costs - of x-mas, garden busy plastic manufacturing plant.
for a Full Time Shift Supervisor. The Packaging Department is without hassle KINGSTON starter unit, Exten-
We do it all!
Lawn Care - Summer $9.00/hr. to to start.

responsible for insertion and packaging of our printed products

or worry!
sion ladders. Lawn-
mower, yard tools & WEST WYOMING packages available,
concrete patios,
60-90 day evaluation with
Get moving much more.
tree trimming & $ increase $ based on YOUR
with a primary goal of servicing our distribution operation. with classified! Sale conducted by
E. Ashbridge
removal. Gutter performance, attendance etc.
cleaning. Custom
In this fast-paced environment, we strive to achieve superior dog Kennels & 12 hour shifts on alternating 3 & 4
deadline performance, high efficiency and good customer service wooden playsets. day work weeks. Every other
through planning, organization, and staff development. The ideal weekend a must.
129 S. Dawes Ave. TRIMMER/EDGER Previous mfg. experience preferred.
candidate will have a high level of energy and enthusiasm. Some EXETER Saturday, April 9th Torro electric, 10”

mechanical aptitude along with manufacturing process or inven- 9am-4:30pm

Antique & Depres-
MOUNTAIN TOP 334 Holden Street
Saturday, 8AM-4PM
cut, new in box
$20. 825-9744
Some heavy lifting. Promotion from
within opportunities.
& Sunday 8AM-1PM
tory management experience is desirable. Good communication, sion Era Dressers, Too Many Items To Benefit Pkg. includes: Medical,
antique rockers, List, Everything 754 Machinery &
problem solving, and computer skills are required. Must also child Victorian Must Go. Don’t Equipment Dental, Vision, Life Ins., Vacation,
mourning cape &
have a sense of urgency and the ability to work in a fast-paced, hat, pickle caster,
Miss This Sale! Holiday pay PLUS
team oriented manufacturing environment. This is a night shift caster sets, Can- Applicants may apply between:
position that offers plenty of opportunity for career development
dlewick, Military
Uniforms, Pride
HAULMARK ‘07 TRAIL- 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Mon – Fri.
1010 Chestnut St AEP INDUSTRIES, INC.
and advancement. We offer a salary commensurate with experi- Saturday, 9AM-2PM
New & Old Items
Mobility Scooter,
refrigerator, Finger
480 S. Main Road
Saturday April 9th ER 6’X14’
Like new with
20 Elmwood Avenue
Tredle, china closet, 9:00AM - 2:00PM
ence and an excellent benefits package, Various household office furniture, Tools, Home Interior electric brakes, Crestwood Industrial Park
items, home decor, new tires and Mountaintop, PA 18707
medical, dental and more. Pre-employment
tools & loads of decor, books,
dolls, clothing, general household reinforced tongue. EOE We are a drug free workplace.
household items,
linens & much more
drug screening and background Rain Or Shine
goods! miscellaneous, etc. $2700.

Photos available at 570-239-5457
check required.
LAWNMOWER 512 Business/ 512 Business/
SS. Peter & Paul Ukr
BLADE monitor Strategic Strategic
meter, with cables
Catholic Church new, never used Management Management
548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health Corner of N. River
Human Resources Department NANTICOKE $5. 570-735-6638
& W. Chestnut by
South Valley
Valley General Hospital EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
Saturday April 9th
10am - 2pm

756 Medical
Equipment The Osterhout Free Library is seeking an Execu-
tive Director to lead the overall operations and
15 N. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711 Small Prices
with power cable, development of Osterhout Library system and its
“Free Stuff” & three branches. The incumbent will serve as the
E-mail: Homeade Food
excellent condition
$10. 570-287-4994 Administrator of the Wilkes-Barre District
Fax: (570) 831-7364 Physical Therapists Available
DIABETES Lancets Library System and the Luzerne County Library
box of 100 $5. System.
No Telephone Calls Please. We are an equal opportunity Full Time Day Shift
Per Diem Opportunities Available West Side Play-
Qualifications include and MLS from an ALA
employer committed to diversity in the workplace ground. W. Grand LANCETS box of 100
accredited program, and minimum of seven years’
Physical Therapy Asst. St. Saturday, April 9 $5. each. Diabetic

WILKES-BARRE experience including four years in administrative

8am - 2 pm syringes 60 bags of
$15 per space, set 10 $.50 each. Lon- capacity, and excellent communication skills.
Full Time Day Shift tus Insulin 5 boxes
up at 7am Unity Center For
All vendors wel- $20. each. Novolog
Excellent Benefit & Salary Spiritual Living
Competitive salary & benefit package.
566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business come. 735-6990 Insulin 5 boxes $20.
Development Development Development Package! each. One Touch Forward resume & cover letter to
Valid state license to practice therapy and PITTSTON Ultra Mini $5. Accu-
Chek Aviva $5. One
Search Committee

strong communication and clinical skills 56 WOOD STREET Touch Ultra 2 $5. 71 S. Franklin St. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
required. SNF or Rehab hospital experience 570-239-0057 No Phone Calls. EOE.
preferred but new graduates considered.
How To Apply? Call 877-339-6999 x1 140 S. Grant St.
Summit stairway lift,
566 Sales/Business 566 Sales/Business
Send Resume To Fax: 866-854-8688 Fri. April 8, 10-6pm one year old, barely Development Development
Or Apply In Person
Sat. April 9, 9-1pm
Saturday $1 Bonus
Bag Day
used, battery back-
up. Asking $1800
or best offer. Call
Work Hard. Play Hard. 395 Middle Road, Nanticoke Saturday, April 9
570-824-7722 570-401-1558
Toys, Baby Girl To place your POWER CHAIR -
Fun, energetic individual with a love for the Clothes and more. ad call...829-7130 Jazzy Select,
$700 or best offer Valley Chevrolet is seeking
nightlife wanted! 548 Medical/Health 548 Medical/Health Priced to sell.
Everything must go.
Call for more details
individuals who are self-starters,
team-oriented and driven.
Northeastern PA’s #1 arts & entertainment free
weekly is looking for a sales account executive
Do it here in the
(No experience necessary)
Classifieds! We Offer:
for the Weekender as well as online sales for WYOMING 570-829-7130 • Salary & Commission • Benefits SCOOTERS: • 401k Plan • 5 Day Work Week
Base salary plus commission package
RN’s CRAFT SHOW/ Golden Avenger
$100; Amigo $100;
Wrangler 4-wheels
• Huge New & Used Inventory

Part Time 7-3 & 11-7
Benefits package including Health Care, 401K, life Now accepting applications for
(Pride Mobility)$250
& one other $100.
Apply in person to:
Blake Gagliardi, Sales Manager
and disability insurance Per Diem RN’s all shifts 141 Kossack St. Or best offer for Rick Merrick, Sales Manager
Residence in Monroe County and Saturday April 9 any. Call between

sales experience preferred LPN’s 8am-1pm April 9th 12pm & 4pm.
Home furnishings, 9am-2pm
Bachelor’s degree preferred Part Time 11-7 curtains, bedding, WHEELCHAIR: 24”
Now accepting applications for seasonal items, 376 Wyoming
Creative, enthusiastic individuals only need apply Per Diem LPN’s all shifts ceramic, dishes. Ave.
wide heavy duty.
One of a kind. Like
Wyoming United new.
CNA’s Say it HERE
in the Classifieds!
$249 negotiable. 601 Kidder Street, Wilkes-Barre
Pre-employment drug screening and background 570-655-9452
Full Time 3-11 & 11-7 570-829-7130
check required. Part Time 7-3, 3-11 & 11-7 28 Vendors 554 Production/ 554 Production/ 554 Production/
Interested candidates should send letter of interest, Food Operations Operations Operations
resume and salary history to: Available
2nd shift $1.75
How To Apply?
Call 877-339-6999 x1
FOREIGN The Times Leader has Immediate opening for
Rachel A. Pugh at Fax: 866-854-8688 Night & Day Shifts part time Inserter/Packager
General Manager, Weekender Email:
CURRENCY for our Packaging Department.
Vice President of Marketing, The Times Leader Complete Application in Person HIGHEST Experience preferred, but will train the right candidate.
395 Middle Road, Nanticoke Holy Trinity Church PREMIUMS FOR Located directly across from LCCC on Hughes Street SILVER DOLLARS This position reports directly to the Packaging Supervisor.
LCTA Bus Route Saturday, April 9th
& BETTER ITEMS Duties include but are not limited to:
We are an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity in the workplace. 9am-Noon
$1 a bag day.
GOLD & • Opening of insert skids
• Feeding of circulars into assigned hoppers
370 Tax Preparation 370 Tax Preparation 370 Tax Preparation 370 Tax Preparation 370 Tax Preparation 370 Tax Preparation SILVER • Stackdown of ROP
• Clean up of Packaging Department at the end of
WATCHES assigned shift
OF STERLING Employees must be able to work flexible hours and be able to lift
SILVER at least 25 lbs. and have own vehicle.
Old Postcards &
Local Photo’s, Pre-employment drug screening and background check required.
Lead Soldiers & Interested candidates should mail, E-mail or fax a letter of
Old Toys, Mining interest or resume:
& Military Stuff, Human Resources Department
Old Crocks, Jugs
The Times Leader
& Bottles, Fine
China & Glass-
15 N. Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711
ware, Local
Advertising Fax: 570-831-7364
We are an equal opportunity employer committed
PAYING to diversity in the workplace.


Individual & Small Business’ 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/ 533 Installation/

To Advertise 20 + years experience

40% OFF of your last years



Call Today new clients only
minimum $80.00
Located Directly McCarthy Tire Service Co., Inc, has immediate full time openings for
across from the Truck Service Technicians at our location on Kidder Street. Qualified
829-7130 Dallas Agway on candidates must possess a valid driver’s license, experience in chang-
Wilkes-Barre, PA Rt. 415 ing/fixing tires is preferred but not necessary, training will be provided
by employer. We offer a very competitive pay rate and benefits package
Look for our blue
& white signs including medical, dental, vision, and 401(K) program with a company
Tues. thru Sat.
Interested applicants may apply in person at 340 Kidder Street,
10 am to 5 pm
570-674-2646 or call Jeff at 570.822.3151 for more information.
758 Miscellaneous 758 Miscellaneous 762 Musical 776 Sporting Goods 786 Toys & Games 796 Wanted to Buy 815 Dogs 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale
Instruments Merchandise
SET: Gerber white
tiful 16x20 paintings
Backtrail X1 Nyquist,
porcelain bathroom
sink with mirror and
of the Sullivan Trail
Coal breaker that
ORGAN: Hammond
Performance Con-
Full 20 x2.1 tires; 24T
sealed bottom
Brothers, William
Fuld, Ouija in box
WANTED 8 weeks
medicine cabinet.
Matching set. $80.
was a Pagnotti
Enterprise structure
sole (walnut finish).
5 pre-sets, tone
bracket. Ridden
only 2 or 3 times
$25. Vintage 1975
Selchow & Righter JEWELRY $350 each. Blacks
$250. each.
570-331-8183 that stood off Exeter bars, built-in Leslie since new & the Co., Parcheesi, in 570-836-1090
Ave,. West Pittston. speakers, automat- child did not like it; box $25. Best offer.
Comforter, Shams &
$40. each.
Beautiful nostalgic
(2) ic rhythm. Includes
bench. $500 or best
looks new; CRMO
seat tube & cranks.
ACA Registered.
Dust Ruffle for
Double Bed. Green
paintings 16x20 of offer. 570-472-9660 Nice present. New LINE UP $150 each
the Old Newcomb $249. asking $149. Estate like 6.35
with Pink Flowers. A GREAT DEAL... Paper Trained 1206 Spring St. 37 Chestnut Road
$8. 570-639-2780
Bros Coal & Ice
buildings and coal To place your 570-696-1410.
Health Guarantee Totally remodeled 2 (Old Farm Estates)
acre setting in
Northwoods. 5,000
silos that once ad Call Toll Free BOXING BAG: Ever- IN CLASSIFIED! Family Raised bedroom home with Custom built solid sq. ft. in all. Classic
BEDLINER: 89 last boxing heavy 570-256-7996 fabulous kitchen, 2 brick 4 bedroom,
stood at the bottom Looking for the right deal brick home features
Chevy S10, standard
cab $30. 2000
of Tompkins, 1-800-427-8649 bag, good condition,
$42. Boxing speed on an automobile? POMERANIANS
car garage,
inground heated
3.5 baths Colonial
style home with an
Summit Pointe
Pittston Paintings by Builders attention
Chevy Cavalier LS a well known
PIANO: Upright bag with mounting Turn to classified. AKC, 11 weeks, pool and 4 person open floor plan on to detail at every
rear trunk spoiler, acoustic piano. It’s a showroom in print!
black $10. Four
Pittston artist $40.
each. call Jim 655
Original Ivory Keys,
Mahogany wood.
condition, $32.
Classified’s got WILKESBARREGOLD Champion blood-
line. 1st & 2nd
hot tub. Finished
basement could be
1+ acre lot in the
Poconos. A few of
turn. 2 story family
room with accent
barrel carb running
9474 email bing 570-430-4054 Shots & wormed. a 3rd bedroom. the amenities windows & fire
from Chevy motor Becker Bros. N.Y. the directions! Vet checked. Duryea Borough. include central A/C.

CASH place, modern
$50. 3 suitcases in Deep, full sound. DOLLS: $300 to $400. MLS #11-576 2 Master bedrooms
excellent shape
$40. 570-740-1246
Perfect for student
or teaching studio.
Four $20.
(570)48GOLD8 570-864-2643 $145,900
Call Charlie
each with bath
room and fireplace,
maple kitchen with
cherry finish, den
$100. 883-7584 with Oak built-ins,
original boxes, 1092 Highway 315 Blvd PUPPIES VM 101 ultramodern impressive oak
LINEUP Wings, White Dia- DVD’S Harry Potter
(1st four movies) all
(Plaza 315)
315N .3 miles after
Chihuahuas, 570-829-6200 kitchen, hardwood entry. Elegant
764 Musical
monds, Eternity, Huskies, Poms, Min floors throughout,
Mambo, $8. to $45.
$30. Goosebumps
DVD’s (4) & books
Motorwold Pins, Shih Tzus, cathedral ceiling
master with
whirlpool overlook-
Yorkies, Maltese, and 2 car garage. ing wooded lot.
INCLASSIFIED! (12) -all $25.
570-301-8515 PIANO: Baldwin Dachshunds, Pugs, MLS #11-653 Formal living room,
570-237-1583 $469,900
Doyouneedmorespace? RELIGIOUS ITEMS - Console $800. Just Labs & more!
Call Kim
4 bedrooms, 5
A yard or garage sale Hand made tuned, excellent Old Shot Guns GAME TABLE 10 IN 1 570-453-6900 or Doyouneedmorespace? 570-466-3338
baths. 4 car garage
condition. 570-764-2578 & 2,500 sq. ft.
Rosaries, $5. Rifles, Swords approximate 3 X 5 - A yard or garage sale
in classified 570-829-2411 Call 570-898-1278 $50. 868-6018 barn/shop for car
is the best way ROTISSERIE - Ron
& Daggers,
Military Items GAMES Are You Mon-Sat SHIH-TZU PUPPIES in classified
is the best way
enthusiasts or
other use.
tocleanoutyourclosets! Popeil’s Showtime.
766 Office Vintage Scopes Smarter Than A Fifth 10am - 8pm Parents on premises
Equipment Old Toys & Grader? , new,
Closed Sundays Shots Current. $500. tocleanoutyourclosets! Call Kevin
You’re in bussiness Excellent condition. Pomeranian Puppies
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
Used once. $75.
Call 674-7858 FILE CABINET desk-
Coins sealed $12.
Tykes snacks
Highest Cash Pay
Outs Guaranteed $600. Call
with classified!
BLAKESLEE 570-696-1195 or
BEDLINER: 89 top, 15”x18”, holds PRIVATE COLLECTOR. snow cones cart,
We Pay At Least
570-401-1838 64 N. Mountain Dr
Chevy S10, standard
cab $30. 2000
Lots of Them
hanging folders,$15.
570-655-2154 570-417-9200
beverage 76% of the London
Chevy Cavalier LS
dispenser, snack- Fix Market Price Wormed and shots
rear trunk spoiler, WALLPAPER PRINTER, Fax, Copi-
er, Scanner. 4 in 1 DRIVER, Adams
vending tubes, play for All Gold Jewelry $500 each.
1,000’s of patterns cash register, a 570-743-8049
black $10. Four HP Series 2200. Redline Titanium.
WALLPAPER & BLIND scale, cutting Visit us at
barrel carb running Excellent condition 460cc. Graphite
from Chevy motor
$50. 3 suitcases in
30 Forrest St.,
$50. 570-675-4383 shaft, 10.5 deg. $40.
call after 7 pm
boards, used 2x
$40. cash or paypal
Or email us at
Standard Poodle
Puppies, AKC
4 Weeks Old, Vet
New construction
excellent shape Wilkes-Barre, PA TYPEWRITER: (570) 822-1811 wilkesbarregold@ Stunning 2 story
$40. 570-740-1246 570-970-6683 Electric Smith Coro- Checked, Dew on 1 acre lot.
POTTERY WHEEL: Claws Removed. with 2 master bed- 2500 sq. ft.
na Typewriter/Work FISHING ROD & child’s deluxe wheel
BEER MEISER Tails Docked, $650. room suites, over- 2 story, 4 or 5
SEWING MACHINE: Processor. Very REEL: $25. with extra clay used 314 Packer St.
DANSBY 1/4 KEG 4 females, 3 males. sized rooms, 4 bed- bedrooms, 2.5
Singer Capri Preci- Good Condition with 570-825-2494 once, paints Newly remodeled 3
ONLY. $225. Available May 4th. rooms, 3.5 baths, bath, Great room
sion Built Deluxe in ribbons. $50. unopened. $15 bedroom home with
570-283-2047 GOLF CLUBS: (4) (570) 751-2236 deck, neutral col- with cathedral
cabinet, good con- 570-788-2388 570-331-0815 1st floor master, 1.5
various drivers $20. ors, great location. ceiling, fire place,
dition. $25. after 5:00 PM. baths, detached
BOOKS, The Twilight each. 735-4824 All measurements dual zone gas heat
call 570 735-0191 WWE wrestling 835 Pets- garage, all new sid-
Series, 3 paper- are approximate. & central air,
championship toy
back, 1 hardcover. SILVERWARE. 768 Personal HARD BALL BAT:
belts $10. each 800 Miscellaneous ing , windows, shin- Just Reduced 2 car garage,
One has music disc Rogers service for Easton Stealth SC gles, water heater, $185,000 REDUCED Now!!
& poster $25. for all. 8. Lighted ceramic Electronics 900. 32 inch, 29 oz. Little Tikes girls pink
PETS & ANIMALS CHINCHILLA kitchen and bath- 570-696-2468 NOW $284,900.
Hardly used. $75. vanity pink $25. Lit- rooms. A must
3 ARTIFICIAL HOME Easter bunny $10. 2 ADDING MACHINES: 1 & 1/2 Years old, 2 Call 570-675-4805
570-283-5958 after tle Tikes kitchen set see house!
INDOOR DECORA- boxes assorted Monroe 3140 $25 . cages & all equip-
& chair $30. Little
TOR TREES. Asking books $5. Texas Instruments
5pm or 570-301-
Tikes grill $10. Dis- 810 Cats ment. $150 $119,900 Collect cash, not dust!
$15. each. 570-675-0920 3484 anytime. Call 570-814-7002 MLS 11-73 Clean out your
$15. 570-779-4176 ney Princess tricy-
VALANCES (5) Call Tom basement, garage
TIRE: 1 Goodyear PUMP electric pump cle with adult push 570-262-7716
hunter green with PRESIDIAN DIGITAL or attic and call the
bullion fringe on bot- Invicta P195/70R16 PHONE SYSTEM -
Coleman $15. handle $25. Chil- 12 weeks & up. 840 Pet Services
on wheel 5 hole 570-288-1063 dren’s shopping Shots, neutered, Classified depart-
tom, will cover 2 answering machine
single windows or 1 from “92 Dodge & 2 portable SKIS: USA Super S
cart $10. Children’s
Dirt Devil battery VALLEY CAT RESCUE Spring Is Here
Great time to
ment today at 570-
large window up to Spirit $35. 1 phones. $20. Volart 72IN Skis with
Goodyear Conve- operated vacuum 824-4172, 9-9 only. Train Your Dog!
100”, has 3” pocket
570-675-0248 Salomon 900S aluim asking $10. Lego set Puppy Basic
for rod, asking $20
for all. Call between
9am - 9pm
nience Spare (new)
125/80D16 3 Cara-
van 15” wheels (5
tage 1975, 40 chan-
bindings $150.
(small) $5.
570-239-5292 815 Dogs Obedience
Starting April 16
hole) 4 Kelly Nava- nel, JCPenney, TACKLE BOX: and April 17
Reasonable Rates
gator Gold P195 model, 6218, 12 volt, New. $3. Skate- 788 Stereo/TV/ Call Mary at
BUG GUARD /75R14 with wheel CB transceiver with board. 17” x 15”.
chrome like bug (5 hole) good 2 LED, TX-RX indica- New. $5. Backpack.
Electronics 570-332-4095
guard & mirror Kelly Navigator tor, ANL, NB, PA, New. $3. for more info.
DVD Player, Sam-
guards for 2004 800S 195/75R14 on controls, micro- 570-287-4994 sung with remote,
Dodge Durango, wheel (5 hole) good phone, like new excellent condition 845 Pet Supplies (Newberry Estate)
excellent condition. 1 Kelly Explorer $99. Or best offer. TENT Pop-up cloth 3 bedroom, 2 bath

$20. 570-675-4383 Nice 2 bedroom
$35. 570-902-5244 P205/70R15 from 570-287-2901 paintball bunker/ REPTILE TANK: 55 2360 Laurel Run Rd. first floor condo
truck. $35. each. tent, never used, ranch in Great
TV-Sany-27” good gallon with metal offers a spectacular
CANES & WALKING 570-868-6772 $20. Huffy Micro condition, remote- stand, metal mesh OPEN golf course view!
STICKS for hiking & 770 Photo Large Living Room,
walking, 15 available
bike, blue, $30. $15. 570-288-1063 flip top lid, lamp, HOUSE Central a/c. Fire- sunny eat-in kitchen
TIRES. 4 Kumho Equipment 570-239-5292 heat pad, & décor place. Huge closets.
$4. each. GARDEN P195/70/R14 like April 10th & oversized bath.
TURKEY CALLS: 792 Video $100. 10 gallon with 3 patios. Garage. Perfect place to
DISPLAY concrete new, less than 500 CANON ultrasonic
Friction Slate/Glass. metal mesh lid, cave 1-3pm Pool, tennis, golf. start out or down-
donkey with flower miles. 5th tire spare EF, 28-200mm, AF- Equipment
Lists $49. Mouth & water bowl $40. Very well main- Many extras. size to.
cart 3’x 3’ $100. mounted on 98 MF, F/3.5-5.6 USM, ENHANCE 570-474-0154 $149,900
Manger for Christ- Camry wheel. All for calls: push/pin. $7. tained Log home $62,900
mas display, home
Macro-zoom lens in
Friction selling $20.
DVD PLAYER: new YOUR PET and serene proper- Ask for Bob Kopec MLS# 10-4624
$250. after 7 pm box $175 or best in box with remote, Humford Realty
made, 15 Figurines. 570-822-1811 offer. 570-287-2901 $3.50 each. CLASSIFIED ty awaits you. This Five Mountains
never used. $20. home features 3 570-822-5126
12 “ x 15 “ $12 Call 570-287-2073 570-288-1063 AD ONLINE Realty
TIRES: 4 Michelin bedrooms, including
CUTLERY 15 Knives DIGITAL CAMERA - 570-542-2141
in case $6. CHRIST- green x MXV4 plus HP Photosmart 7.2 a very spcious
778 Stereos/
MAS ITEMS over radial tires. XSE Megapixel palm- 794 Video Game Call 829-7130 22x12 master bed-
200 items includes p205/55R16 M&S sized Camera w/3x Accessories Systems/Games room. Open floor
15,000 miles on Place your pet ad plan allows for
tree ornaments,
tires, excellent con-
optical and 8x digital
STEREO: Technics GUITAR ONLY for and provide us your 900 great entertaining.
2 bedroom, 1 bath.
under tree items, zoom. Large Cherry kitchen,
window displays, dition!! Tires sell Screen. 2 Gig SD with 2 3 1/2” speak- Guitar Hero III X-Box email address REAL ESTATE Stone fireplace in large enclosed rear
new at Jack ers $50. 239-5292 keeping with the
lights, flowers &
vases, all for $60. Williams for $189.
card with minor
dings. $59 call Rick
360 & Playstation 2,
used almost new This will create a FOR SALE rustic theme. Full
porch with heat,
1 car garage,
570-735-2081. each. Asking $250. 570-283-2552 780 Televisions/ $20. 570-868-6018 seller account walk-out basement asking $94,900.
570-926-5075 online and login gives the potential
CANISTER SET 4 Accessories PS2 GAMES: Call Of information will be 906 Homes for Sale for more living
Call 570-675-4805
TOASTER: white $3. 772 Pools & Spas
piece, burgundy, $8. Duty 3 Special Edi- emailed to you from space. 17x15 deck NEW LISTING!
Coffee machine: SONY TV: 35” Trini- tion $12. Call Of Duty Having trouble
Hamilton Beach can overlooks the Desirable
white Betty Crocker, HEATER/POOL, tron. Works perfect. World At War Final “The World of Pets paying your mort-
opener, used less woods. $239,000
$125. 570-675-3414 gage? Falling upscale Dallas
than 1 year $8. 4 cup $3. brand new in Fronts $15. Guitar Unleashed” MLS #10-2433
behind on your neighborhood.
Electrolux canister 4 570-472-1646 unopened box Hero $10. Hitman 2 Call Tracy Zarola
payments? You Attention to detail
ply bags Style C
propane 100,000 782 Tickets $10. Dance Dance You can then use
may get mail from 570-574-6465 at every turn in this
generic 10 count btu, for above Revolution Extreme your account to 570-696-0723
hardware, fits 2005- people who promise 5000+SF home on
ground pools up to
$10. Electrolux
upright 4 ply, style U
2008 Escape, Mer-
cury Mariner, Mazda
24, with manufac-
turers warranty. Call
2 $12. Tekken Tag
Tournament (some
enhance your online
ad. Post up to 6 to forestall your
foreclosure for a fee
LEWITH & FREEMAN three floors.
Oversized cherry
8 count $10. Style U Yankee Baseball scratches works captioned photos kitchen with granite
generic upright 4 ply
10 count $10.
2005-2008 Escape
$110. after 6:30 week
days or any time
week ends. $699.
Tigers 4/2, $79
Blue Jays 4/30, $79
fine) $5.
of your pet
Expand your text to
in advance. Report
them to the Federal
Trade Commission,
BEAR CREEK island and upgrad-
ed appliances. Tray
570-868-6018 Red Sox 5/14, $99 GAMES: Spongebob include more ceiling, crown and
& Mercury Mariner. 570-675-0005 information, include the nation’s con-
Squarepants Super- panel moldings,
CANNING JARS: $50. 570-466-1214 Red Sox 5/15, $99 your contact sumer protection 4 bedroom bi-level
sponge $10. Tony family room with
Quarts $3/doz. Pints POOL: Intex 4 ft pool Mets 5/21, $99 information such agency. Call 1-877- with open floor plan.
WHEELS Toyota Hawks Pro Skater vaulted ceiling and
$3/doz. 1/2 Pints ladder $. Mets 5/22, $99 as e-mail, address FTC-HELP or click Large eat-it kitchen,
Scion 16” steel 5 lug (some scratches gas fireplace. First
$2/doz. 6 Glass 5 570-574-3418 phone number and on A mes- 2 baths & fantastic
wheels. Total of 4. Phillies Baseball works fine) $5. floor den/library, 5
gallon water jugs Crash Bandicoot 2 or website. sage from The great room all on 2
Brand new. $180 Cubs 6/11, $85 Times Leader and bedrooms, 5 baths, private acres. Ideal
with metal holding
570-287-1642 774 Restaurant A’s 6/25, $85 Cortex Strikes Back finished lower level,
racks. $75.
570-735-4580 WICKER STAND Equipment Red Sox 6/30 $95
(some scratches
works fine) $5.
1 year new 20x42
Mets Baseball Shopping for a 2992 Laurel Run Rd. Oasis in-ground $219,900
English Ironstone
with spring, fall &
winter silk flowers
COOLER, for restau-
Yankees 7/2, $95
Kitchen (Windows
SHORTHAIRED POINTER PUPS new apartment? Absolutely stunning
jewel snuggled on 1
pool, 3-car garage
on a 1+/- acre lot.
MLS# 10-2022
Call Jeannie
5 females available,
serving for 8. Silver
$10. 2 small rant use, with dou- Phillies 7/17, $85 Vista, XP or MAC)
asking $550 each.
Classified lets acre lot bordering MLS#11-1067 Four Star
dressed angels on Cardinals 7/21, $75 $15. Excellent Con-
Elegance Pattern.
bench $5. 2 porce-
ble swing door, Ask-
dition unless noted. Pups come from you compare costs - state game lands. $619,900. McCabeRealty
$20. 570-825-8256 ing $1,500 or best Baseball Overnight Rec room can be Call Maribeth Jones
lain dressed bun- offer. Call Red Sox @ Pirates
Cash or PayPal. champion blood- without hassle re-converted to 696-6565
lines & are excellent
nies on wicker Take $85 for all. or worry!
DINNERWARE: (570) 459-6017 6/25-6/26 $239 pets! Available by garage. This stylish
bench $12. 1 granny 570-735-2661
Farberware China
bunny dressed on Mariners @ Red Sox Easter. 570-854- Get moving 4 bedroom modern
(Calais #4173). 44 home can be heat-
piece includes small rocker $5. RESTAURANT 7/23-7/24 $219
796 Wanted to Buy
5511 or email tim- with classified! ed for only $700 a
Jewelry Box 12”x5” EQUIPMENT,
service for 8 with Yankees @ Orioles year! Entertain or
$2. 8x12 walk in 8/27-8/28 $209 Merchandise
sugar bowl, cream-
570-287-4994 cooler $2300;
relax in our 600 sq Looking for the right deal
er, serving plate & Nascar At Dover ft + family room fea-
bowl. Used once will 8x8x10 walk The Video turing a coal stove, on an automobile?
5/15 & 10/2
sacrifice for $50. 760 Monuments & in freezer $3800;
$159 each Race Game Store
built in aquarium Turn to classified.
331-0815 Pizza oven with and full wet bar! It’s a showroom in print!
Lots stones $2000; New York City 28 S. Main W.B. State of the art
White with 22k gold
Stainless steel
kitchen hood
Brunch Cruise Open Mon- Sat,
12pm – 6pm
AMERICAN BULL DOG alarm system. Enjoy
serenity on the
Classified’s got
the directions!
Single family home
GRAVE LOT 6/5, $99 Female, brown & for sale in quiet
trim. Creamer, large $3000; Stainless white, 5 months patio or the 10x17
Near baby land at 570-822-9929 / neighborhood-
platter & sugar steel pizza oven COOKIE’S old, good with deck and only min- Beautiful 2400 Sq.
Memorial Shine in 570-941-9908
bowl. Serving for 8,.
Carverton. hood $4000; TRAVELERS children, trained. utes from town Ft. 6 bedroom, 2
Never used. Bought bread pan rack 570-815-8330 Includes crate. 16 Hazleton St MLS #11-555
$400. Call full baths, 2 story
in 1948. Made in $100; 2 soup AKC papers. Conveniently $189,900
570-287-6327 home, fully air con-
USA. 570-693-1088 warmers for $100; $350 located to Rt. 309 Sandy Rovinski
ditioned, oil & gas
2 door sandwich CONCERT TICKETS: 570-905-0260 and 81. Off street Call 288-0770
LADDER: 22 foot, heat, renovated
Looking for that prep table $500. 2 tickets for parking in front and Ext. 25 kitchen, full unfin-
wood extension. rear. Two-story, 3
special place
$29. Call after 5pm.
570-287-7684. called home?
All equipment is
sold as is. For
more info, call
Avenged Sevenfold,
Three Days Grace,
and SevenDust.
& SYSTEMS bedroom, modern
kitchen, Pergo
ished basement, 2
enclosed porches,
Classified will address Section 205. Row F.
Highest $$ Paid
flooring in living
15 x 20 deck with
LUGGAGE Your needs. 570-847-0873 Guaranteed power awning
$100. 299-0324 room and dining 152 Pine Drive
Samsonite 2 piece Buying all video Bright & Open floor cover – generous
$40. 570-825-2494 Open the door RESTAURANT American Bulldog room, modern bath,
size lot, off street
with classified! ELTON JOHN games & low gas utility bills. plan - 4 year old
EQUIPMENT, Puppies, NKC parking, first floor
MOTORCYCLE TICKETS - 2 tickets systems. PS1 & 2, MLS#10-3703 . two story home set
Somerset Dough for April 11. On right, on 2.26 private washer/dryer. All
MUFFLERS: 762 Musical Xbox, Nintendo, Price reduced to
Sheeter, Model by stage, seats 102 ares - Fabulous appliances includ-
Chrome for Harley Atari, Coleco, $68,500.
Instruments CAR-100. 1 avail- & 204. $158 for both modern kitchen ed. Offering price
Davidson Road Call Maribeth Jones
able. $1,500 each tickets or $79 each. Sega, Mattel, with stainless steel $180,000
King. $25 each or at 696-6565
GUITAR, electric, Call for more info 570-823-4572 Gameboy, appliances. 4 bed- Call 570-421-0587
$40 for two. 570-498-3616. Brindle & White, or
570-675-3414 fender strat, red, Vectrex etc. rooms, 2.5 baths.
like new with case 6 Males, 4 Females, use “Dupont Home”
Detailed moldings &
MUGS 2 Campbells $225. Mandolin, RESTAURANT
& Pre 90’s toys,
Shots & Wormed,
Ready April 25, Contemporary style hardwood floors. in E-mail subject
Soup Tourine Mugs electric cutaway, by 4 tickets for Elton home in need of Walk out basement
ovation, like new SOMERSET TURN John at Mohegan The Video $800.00 each,
$10. Oster 2lb Bread
Call Steve at some TLC. 3 bed-
Machine $20. Whe- with case $150. OVER MACHINE - Sun - Wachovia Game Store MLS# 11-901
570-956-7166 rooms, 2 baths,
len small lightbar, Amplifier 25w with model SPM45, arena. April 22, Call Geri
1150 S. Main kitchen, dining Blueberry Hill.
reverb, fender like $500. VICTORY 2 floor- 14 rows from
red & blue lens $20. Scranton room, living room 570-696-0888 3 bedroom ranch.
570-675-0248 new in box $75. door frigerator, stage. 570-696-3801
Mon - Sat, with fireplace, foyer, Large lot with pool.
Amplifier 15w with Model RAA2D575D, 570-446-3254
reverb, fender new
in box. $45
$200 For more
information, call TICKETS MUST
12pm – 6pm
PUPPIES, AKC laundry room, full
basement & 2 car
Lease To Buy. For
more details, call
SELL!! Two $200 US Shepherds By Fanti attached garage on (570) 655-8118
570-371-8581 570-498-3616 25 Yrs. Experience
Airways flight 9+ mostly cleared
vouchers. $300 Family Raised & flat acres.
796 Wanted to Buy 796 Wanted to Buy 776 Sporting Goods OBO! 570-814-4643 Black/Tan, $180,000

& newcar
Black/Red. M/F MLS# 10-4750
Merchandise Merchandise BASEBALL
EQUIPMENT:USED. 786 Toys & Games
29 Brown St.
Solid 2 story home
Five Mountains
CATCHERS MITT, 570-239-5498 with 3 bedrooms, Classic home, two
youth, Rawlings AMERICAN GIRL 1.5 baths, vinyl story, single family,
new $25. Men’s
Nike tan catchers
DOLLS: Josefina
$50.00; clothes $10 Wanted: GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS sided, large carport
and fenced yard. LINEUP at
3 bedrooms, 2 bath-
rooms, single car
AKC Registered.
each; Brown Hair
American Girl Doll Junk First shots &
Convenient loca-
tion. Home needs ASUCCESSFULSALE detached garage,
eat-in kitchen, din-
wormed. Parents on
• Firearms • Gold • Silver catcher leg guards, $35; clothes $10
Cars & premises. www.
updating by ing room, family

• Jewelry • Coins • Tools

used $10. Youth
Louisville Slugger
each; Bitty Baby
Twins blonde boy &
great potential.
$79,900 IN CLASSIFIED! room, living room,
oil heat, unfinished
basement, 110x115,
outfielders glove, girl $45 (for pair);
clothes for twins Highest 570-746-1689
MLS 11-74
Call Colleen Doyouneedmorespace? a landscaped yard
• Military • Collectibles used $10. Omaha
Little League bat $15 for set; Lyndsey 570-237-0415 A yard or garage sale with a front covered
Guaranteed Highest Cash Paid! (gold), used $15. Doll $90; clothes Prices ITALIAN CANE CORSO porch and large
Call 570-868-613 $10 each, Molly Doll
$50; Carrier for bitty Paid!! Mastiff Puppies in classified patios in the rear
$126,900. Call
($10 Bonus per gun with ad) BASKETBALL HOOP $15; American Girl
ICCF Registered.
Sire over 200 lbs. is the best way (570) 840-4654
Portable, missing FREE before 9:00 p.m. for
570-735-1487 DAY screws for connect-
doll Jogging Stroller
$45. All in excellent
Blue & blue fawn.
Vet Checked
Looking for Work?
Tell Employers with
tocleanoutyourclosets! ONLY
D . a private showing
ing backboard & condition. PICKUP
570-617-4880 You’re in bussiness or email mulch810

570-472-7572 EVES hoop to post. $20

a Classified Ad.
570-829-7130 with classified!
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale

153 Espy St
65 West
Pettebone St.
Beautiful remod- PENDING
eled home in nice
neighborhood. 4
bed, 3 bath, new
carpeting new
kitchen, stainless
66 East Grove St., appliances. Entertaining is a 34 Carroll St.
A must see. 94 Ferry Road 163 Poplar St. Stunning view of Spacious 3 or 4
Time to purchase “must” in this the Wyoming Valley Beautiful Home
your first home! $174,500. Nice vinyl sided 2 waterfront com- Nice 2 1/2 story Completely remod- bedroom home.
Leave Message story situated on a home with original architecturally built Quiet street.
Why keep paying pound! Spacious on pristine 1 acre eled Inside & Out.
570-881-8493 great corner fenced 1717 River Road woodwork. Corner MLS# 10-624
rent, this ½ double room sizes accom- lot…grape vines, 1509 Grove St. An absolute must
lot in Hanover Twp. Compact 2 story lot in quiet neigh- PRICE REDUCED
is a great starter modate family and fruit trees, fish Just across the see property! New
2 bedrooms, 2 home with 3 bed- borhood. Roof 9 $79,900
home! Nice size friends in this five electrical, plumbing,
rooms, eat-in
kitchen, 1st floor
HANOVER TOWNSHIP modern baths,
additional finished
bedroom, 3500SF
beauty. Old world
rooms, 1st floor
bath with laundry,
years old. Hard-
wood floors in good
pond, raised gar-
dens, contemporary
Avoca border sits
this quaint 3 bed- roof, wall to wall
carpeting, windows,
Call Bill
(570) 362-4158
space in basement large kitchen. Park- condition. Ductless home with Great room Ranch home
laundry, attic pull charm includes room fireplace, on a triangular interior & exterior
for 2 more bed- ing in rear with AC and new 100
down for storage, living room with beamed ceilings, shaped lot. If you doors, new oak
rooms or alley access. amp wiring
some replacement knotty pine walls, hardwood flooring want low taxes and kitchen with tile
office/playrooms. $39,900 MLS #11-625
windows & a beamed ceilings and much more! utilities, this is the floor, hardwood
Attached 2 car MLS 11-99 $89,000
fenced in yard. and a gas stone MLS#11-1079 house for you! staircase, all new
Call Colleen
Take a look &
make your offer!
garage connected
by a 9x20 breeze-
way which could be
fireplace Dining
room includes two
built-in corner
Donald Crossin
Call Maribeth Jones
MLS #11-773
light fixtures, new
hot water heater
& baseboard
a great entertaining ESTATE 696-6565 Call Colleen
MLS#10-3582 58 and 60 W. Saint cupboards and 570-237-0415 heating units.
Jill Jones area! Above ground sitting area with 570-288-0770 MLS# 10-4137 Call
Marys Road. pool, gas fireplace,
570-696-6550 stone fireplace 570-696-2468
Reassessed by gas heat, newer
the county in 2006 Game room with
to $154,000 after
the appeal in 2008
roof and “All Dri”
system installed in
mahogany flooring,
Five bedrooms, JENKINS TWP.
MLS #11-626
including fabulous
views of the lake in
2 W Sunrise Dr.
Looking to buy a $119,900 the spacious mas-
$112,000. Two Mark R. Mason 49-51 Curtis St.
home? homes on one lot. ter and fifth bed-
570-331-0982 room (presently an Fully occupied dou-
Place an ad here Close to schools, CROSSIN REAL ble with separate
and let the nice neighbor- office). Lush gar-
ESTATE utilities. 2 bed-
hood. Two dens with perenni-
sellers know! 570-288-0770 als and annuals. 84’ rooms each side,
570-829-7130 fridge's, two New Listing off street parking
stoves, two wash- of lakefront with
Looking for that two-story boat-
Located within 1 and fenced in yard.

ers, two dryers Well maintained block of elementary
and one dish- special place house! “Low taxes”. bi-level continually school & neighbor-
MLS #10-2584
washer all includ- called home? MLS#11-1083 cared for by the hood park this spa- 73 Parry St. 144 Patriot Circle Call Lu-Ann
PENDING ed. Off street Classified will address $850,000. original owners. cious 4 bedrooms Recently renovated This is a move in
Call Maribeth Jones 570-602-9280
parking for seven, Your needs. Upgraded kitchen offers 1450 sq. ft of 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath ready, updated
fenced in yard. 570-696-6565 with granite counter living space with home on a large lot townhome with
The larger home is Open the door tops and breakfast 1.75 baths, walk up in great location. beautiful granite &
3 bedroom, 1.5 with classified! bar. Four bedrooms attic, and partially Steps away from marble floors, tile
baths, wall to wall the Back Mountain Gorgeous Original
and two baths. finished basement. backsplashes & a
carpet, freshly Large veranda over Extras include gas trail. Features a large deck with Woodwork & Hard-
painted, finished the garage. Lower fireplace, an in- wrap around porch, canopy. $108,000 wood floors. 4 bed-
basement, natu-
ral wood work
throughout and an
HAZLETON level recreation
room with fireplace
ground pool with
fenced yard, new
hardwood floors
downstairs, new
MLS #10-3937
Call Mary Price
rooms, 2 baths, 1st
floor laundry area,
built-in drawers/
58 Cliff St
Wildflower Village and wet bar. 27’ x gas furnace, hard- wall-to-wall carpet- 570-472-1395
1101 Chicory Court enclosed back 10’ 3-season wood floors & ing upstairs. 2nd 570-474-9801 cabinets in 2nd floor
This immaculate porch. Ceramic room…. A great more. Call Ann floor laundry, brand hallway. Dou-
end unit townhome, tile kitchen, count- place to entertain. Marie to schedule a new bathrooms, blestairs leading
5 years young, is er top, 1.5 bath, Motivated sellers! showing. large walk in closet from upstairs into
ready and waiting office and foyer. Come and tour this $114,900 and spacious yard. foyer & kitchen.
for its new owner to New Roof, hot lovely home Ann Marie Chopick Move in condition! Walk-up finished
Single family home
move right in! water heaters and in a great 570-760-6769 MLS 11-220 attic with 2 more
located on a well
Bright 3 bedroom, insulation. The neighborhood! $114,900 rooms. New furnace
manicured fenced 3 bedrooms with
1.5 bath, new car- back house is a 103 N. Church St. MLS#11-1031 Mark R. Mason (‘07), Deck, Drive-
corner lot. This formal dining room
peting and flooring three floor, 2 bed- Well built stone $239,500 570-331-0982 way, Much restora-
home provides (570) 288-6654 and 1st floor family
throughout, crown room. Both have construction. Mary Ellen Belchick Crossin Real tion & remodeling
paved off street room. Additional
separate utilities. Convenient location done. $99,900.
moulding. Gas fur- parking & a single 696-6566 Estate multi-use room on
nace and air condi- $134,000 Call to schools & public 570-288-0770 Call Nancy Palumbo
car detached first floor. Aluminum
tioning. Back yard Andy transportation. 570-714-9240
garage. Entering
$34,900 siding. Screened-in
features patio, vinyl 570-714-9225 the front door side porch. Garage.
fence and storage MLS #10-4687
you’re greeted by $62,500
Hanover Township
$116,000 Call Tracy
MLS 11-144
Call Terry
hardwood floors,
updated windows
& a pleasant floor
Construction with
(PHFA: $1,875 down
5.125% interest,
30n years, $364
or Angie HANOVERmodern
GREEN 3 plan. Seller will
pay 3% towards
Pond - 2 Available
1/2 acre pond view. NANTICOKE
Ask for Bob Kopec
570-885-4896 closing costs. 1 acre with pond. Humford Realty
bedrooms, 1.5 bath Call for appointment Central sewer.
rooms, hardwood 570-822-5126
$89,900 8 Circle Drive Roomy 2 story with

floors, move in con- MLS# 10-4598 Only one lucky fami- hardwood, tile,
dition. Large eat in Call Vieve Zaroda ly will be able to maple kitchen,
kitchen with new (570) 474-6307 make this home 2 car garage and
cabinets, ceramic
tile, & stainless steel
appliances. Finished
Ext. 2772
HAZLETON 23 Mead St.
their own! Beautiful-
ly kept Ranch with
2 car garage, new
Charming two-story
all the goodies.
Complete move in
package from the
basement, newly Newly remodeled 2 home with hard-
bath, partially fin- wood and pine low $200’s. 90 day
FACTORYVILLE carpeted family story on a corner ished basement, 3 build time. 25 West
floors, modern
EXCEPTIONAL room. Custom bar
with tile flooring &
modern half bath.
Smith Hourigan
lot with fenced in
yard and 2 car
garage. 4 bed-
season room,
almost 1 acre in
Dallas School Dis-
kitchen and baths,
formal living room
Financing available.
Oak Ridge Homes
Washington St.
Move right into this
very nice 3 bed-
FAMILY HOME Fenced yard, large rooms, 1 bath, and dining room, 3 Incorporated
570-474-6307 trict. Home Warran- room 1 bath home.
sunroom & 1 car 1,660 sq. ft. bedrooms, gas (570) 788-7100
cy included. For Lots of natural
Two story, 4 bed- heat, separate 8 Butler St.
garage. Roof, fur- $89,900 woodwork and a
more information 330SF of office Grand old home
rooms, 4 bath nace & hot water 89 N. Church St. MLS 10-3684 and photos visit our beautiful stained
rooms, double car heater are less than Call Bill space. Detached making it’s debut!
Very large 1/2 website at glass window.
attached garage, 5 years old. 570-362-4158 garage and carport, Perched on a cor-
double, 3 floors of www.atlas Kitchen appliances
eat-in kitchen, din- $140,000 Call (570) updated windows, ner lot, home fea-
space to fill, might and wall to wall car-
ing room, family 824-7894 for a roof and furnace. tures original wood-
be possible to MLS #11-370 peting approxi-
room, living room, private showing Zoned business work, nice size
make this a Duplex, $179,900 mately 1 year old.
central air, finished commercial. rooms, 2nd floor
plenty of room in Call Charlie Home also has a
acre +, deck. Con-
HANOVER TOWNSHIP this property, 2nd 570-829-6200
one car detached
balcony, 2 kitchens
and walk up attic.
veniently located
between Clarks Two homes, front &
kitchen started on
2nd floor. Buyer to
pay full transfer tax.
JENKINS TWP. VM 101 Call Maribeth Jones
MLS 11-347
Home needs updat-
ing but has loads
Summit and Bow Creek Manor of potential!
rear, on 1 lot. One This is a Fannie Meticulously main- Call John
Tunkhannock; MLS #11-731
car garage, patio. Mae HomePath tained 4 bedroom, 3 570-704-6846
hardwood floors; $49,900
Front home has 3 Property. ''First- 1/2 bath two story Antonik & Associ-
central vac; Call Colleen
bedrooms, huge Look'' property no on almost 1 acre. ates, Inc.
retractable deck 570-237-0415
kitchen, lots of investor offers will Master bedroom 570-735-7494
awning; pristine storage and a be considered for Find Something?
suite. 2 family
Call Shari at ERA Reduced! workshop in the 1st 15 days of Lose Something?
rooms. 2 fireplaces. Shopping for a
Get it back where it
Brady Associates Bi-Level. 1,750 sq ft. basement; Rear listing, please see
Office/den. Large new apartment?
home features new www.HomePath
$275,000 Call 3 bedrooms, 2
kitchen, 2 bed- .com 250 Susquehan- with a Lost/Found ad!
deck overlooking a
private wooded
Classified lets
baths, 1 car garage.
(570) 836-3848
or email New carpeting, rooms and good $24,900 nock Drive 570-829-7130 yard. 3 car garage. you compare costs - Doyouneedmorespace?
Immaculate Cape
paint, etc. Large lot. storage space. MLS #11-55 $369,000. without hassle A yard or garage sale
MOCANAQUA Call for appointment Call Stacey Cod home features
Asking $118,000.
$89,900 570-262-1158 1st floor master Bob Kopec or worry! in classified
Deremer Realty Humford Realty
570-477-1149 MLS# 10-4597 570-696-2468 suite with office and
570-822-5126 Get moving is the best way
3/4 bath. 2nd floor 7 Hickorywood Dr.
Call Vieve Zaroda with classified! tocleanoutyourclosets!
has 2 large bed-
Wonderful 4 bed-
(570) 474-6307
You’re in bussiness
Ext. 2772 rooms with walk in
closets and adjoin-
room Ranch with
sweeping views of NUANGOLA with classified!
147 - 149 Old
Ashley Road ing bath. 1st floor the valley. Master SALE BY OWNER
Live in one side,
rent the other.
laundry and 1/2
bath, modern
bedroom with walk-
in closet and bath, PITTSTON TWP.
3 bedrooms each kitchen with bam- ultra modern eat-in
side with 1.5 baths. Smith Hourigan boo floors, living kitchen with granite 2 bedroom, 1 bath
Nice rural area. Group Job Seekers are room with stone counters and cherry home across street
Large Yard. 570-474-6307 fireplace. 2 tier cabinets with large from the river with
looking here! deck overlooks
$93,000. Call island and stainless detached 2 car
Where's your ad?
RR1, Box 297
for appointment.
570-606-6093 HARDING 570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
above ground pool,
ready for
summer fun!
steel appliances. 2
car garage, full
unfinished base-
MLS# 11-283
Summer is just
around the corner,
MAJESTIC VIEW! 71 Mountain Road
3 bedroom brick ment specialist MLS #11-657 ment with Five Mountains 17 year old 2 story, now is the time to
Ranch home nes- $299,000 walk-out to yard. Realty single family home, make the invest-
HUNLOCK CREEK Call Colleen 120 Parnell St.
tled on approxi- MLS #10-4060 570-542-2141 Move right in this ment! 50' of lake- Classic Ranch in
mately an acre of 570-237-0415 $269,900 beautiful 3 bed- front on a motor- great location. 3
well groomed river-
front land with
Call Colleen
MOCANAQUA room, 2 1/2 baths.
Eat in kitchen with
boat lake! With a
newer roof, remod-
bedroom, 3 baths,
high quality
45 Jeanette St
breathtaking scenic pergo floors and eled kitchen and throughout. 3 sea-
views, cascading silestone counter bath, not much left son porch over
tree lines and the PRICE REDUCED tops, two tiered for you to do but looking private rear
legendary cliffs of
Falls. Beautiful bird
679 Appletree Rd.
4 bedrooms,
2.5 bath home
JENKINS TWP. island. Dining room,
family room with
relax and enjoy the
Lake views from
yard. Owners says
sell and lowers
and wildlife to daz-
zle the eye and
476 Wyoming St.
Nice 3 bedroom nestled among the LINE UP fireplace, additional
great room with
the sunroom, dining
room, bedrooms or
price to
$219,900. For
Main Road
excellent fishing
and hunting for your
single home. Gas
heat. COnvenient
trees on a very
private 1 acre, this Country Living A GREAT DEAL... cathedral ceiling.
Finished basement
patio. This home
makes a perfect
more information
At It’s Best. and photos please
enjoyment. Living location. To settle
estate. Affordable
country retreat
has high quality, Well Maintained IN CLASSIFIED! Beautiful sprawling with laundry room, summer getaway or
year round home.
visit our website at
room w/fireplace, work shop and
family room, full @ $39,500 modern updates farmhouse on 6+ Looking for the right deal three bedroom one
exercise room. MLS #10-3124
acres. Garage, and a half ranch is
heated basement, Call Jim for details complemented with
stream. Easy
on an automobile? situated on a large Forced hot air fur- $269,900 MLS #10-2817
riverfront deck, Towne & Country original woodwork Turn to classified. nace, central air. Call Jill Jones
access to Route 11. level lot with Call Charlie for
central A/C and Real Estate Co. & builtins. Maple Wynd Tree Oaks Est. Two car attached
much more. A one 570-735-8932 or eat in kitchen Affordable at 2 story home with It’s a showroom in print! foyer,formal dining
garage. Extensive
your private
REDUCED TO room, hardwood showing.
of a a kind find. 570-542-5708 with all appliances
3/4 bedrooms, 2.5 Classified’s got floors, lots of closet landscaping with VM 101
Must see! overlooks huge baths on 1.4 acres, the directions! waterfall & private
MLS #10-3751 LINEUP family room with Bonus To 2600 Sq.Ft. on cul
space, finished
paver patio. 800
floor-to-ceiling brick Selling Office basement with a
$182,000 de sac in great acres of state land 570-696-6550
Call Debbie ASUCCESSFULSALE fire place. Formal Call Jim
Towne & Country
fireplace, enclosed
three seasons out back door.
570-332-4413 INCLASSIFIED!
dining room with
Pella sliders look Real Estate Co.
kitchen, granite
counters, stainless
porch and attached $230,000.
Call 570-417-9162 PARSONS / WB
Crossin Real
Estate Doyouneedmorespace?
out to stone patio &
inground pool.
570-735-8932 or
appliances, great
island, sunk in living
two car garage.
Ready to move in
and priced right! All
after 9AM to set up
an appointment or
3 bedroom, quiet
neighborhood. Off PITTSTON TWP.
street parking, large
A yard or garage sale French doors lead room, oak stair-
570-288-0770 measurements are email
to Master bedroom case, 4 car garage, fenced yard. Fully
in classified approximate.This
FORTY FORT suite with walk-in decks, great view, insulated. Low heat
property qualifies
is the best way closet. Central air & Pittston Schools.
for The 100% Rural
It's that time again! bills. Move in ready.
Hi efficient heat, $394,900 Rent out your
tocleanoutyourclosets! water supplied (570) 208-2383 or Beautiful Bi-Level Housing Mortgage
apartment Call (570) 262-4400
for qualified Buyer.
You’re in bussiness spring house. (570) 510-7918 with Oak Hardwood
with the Classifieds
with classified! $185,000
MLS #10-3089
Floors in Living
room, Dining room,
570-696-2468 570-829-7130 PITTSTON
Hallways &
Call Steve Shemo 40 Gain St.
New construction, INKERMAN
45 Main St.
Upgrades Galore,
central air, gas
Be the first occu-
pants of this newly
3 bedroom, 2 bath heat, 16x32 constructed Ranch
1509 Wyoming Ave. tan brick ranch on in-ground pool home on a low traf-
Freshly painted and 1 acre. Features surrounded with fic street. All you
insulated, immacu- include pella Perennial Gardens could ask for is
windows, oak hard- already here, 3

Find a
late and sitting on & Fenced yard with
wood floors, car- bedrooms, 2 baths,
almost half an acre
peted bedrooms,
Hot Tub, shed,
MOCANAQUA 16 Defoe St. hardwood and tile

this 3 bedroom 1.5 deck, oversized Lovely 2 story, 3
bath home can be tiled kitchen & driveway, 1 car floors with granite
baths, maple 133 E. Broad St. bedrooms, 1.5 bath and stainless steel
yours. Features 8 Diamond Ave. garage. 1 year Charming 3 home that features

include a modern Loads of space in kitchen cabinets, warranty. $189,900 kitchen, gas fire-
hanstone counter- Own this home for bedroom brick open floor plan with place, central air, 2
kitchen, central this modernized tra- less than $400 a MLS# 10-3677
tops, propane fire- ranch with ample cathedral ceiling car garage and
A/C. laundry room, ditional home. 3rd Call Nancy Palumbo
place, walk up attic, month! Large 3 off street parking, family room. Pris- rear patio and full
office and free floor is a large bed- 570-714-9240
standing fireplace. room with walk-in
at tray ceiling in living bedroom home with updated kitchen & tine hardwood basement. For room & attached formal dining room, a great fenced in floors. 3 season more information
All appliances closet. Modern
2 car garage. off street parking yard! The basement sun room leads to and photos, log
included. Just move kitchen, family room
$279,900 is partially finished & patio, in ground onto www.atlas
right in! For more addition, deck over- and large yard. For Very nice side by
MLS# 10-4527 heated. Hardwood pool and manicured
details and photos looking large corner more information side (2 unit) with off
Five Mountains under carpets. Also vinyl fenced yard. MLS #10-3676
visit: www.atlas lot. Not just a street parking for 5, starter home but a Realty
and photos, log
onto www.atlas
Collect cash, not dust! public water &
coal stove for heat
type in basement.
MLS 11-141
570-542-2141 Call Colleen
MLS 11-604
home to stay
in and grow! Clean out your sewer. At present
time both sides are
$113,900 Call Terry 570-237-0415
Call Kim MLS #11-622 Job Seekers are MLS#09-2449
basement, garage vacant. Live in one
MLS #10-2723
Call Mary Price
$64,900 or Angie
570-466-3338 $127,900 looking here! side and rent out
Call Colleen
570-237-0415 Where's your ad?
Call Charles or attic and call the the other.

Classified depart-
570-829-7130 and
MLS# 10-3183
D . Five Mountains
ask for an employ- ment today at 570- Realty
Line up a place to live
in classified!
ment specialist Line up a place to live
in classified!
829-7130! 570-542-2141
in classified!
906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 906 Homes for Sale 909 Income & 909 Income &
Commercial Commercial
1610 Westminster Rd
For Sale By
97 Lacoe Street

NEW LISTING 536 W. Eighth St. 83 E. Chestnut St.

PRICE REDUCED! Charming 2 story, Spring is here! Nice starter home 29 Amber Lane Motivated Seller is
Gorgeous estate Spacious livin- Well maintained Now’s the time to with 7 rooms, 3 A honey of a house looking for offers.
like property with groom, eat in house complete put in an offer on bedrooms, 1.25 Modern oak 62-67 ½Thomas St S. Mountain Blvd.
just over 20 years This would make an Best location in
log home plus 2 kitchen, 1st floor with appliances and this immaculate, baths. 1 car garage old will have a kitchen, formal din-
story garage on 1 laundry / powder some furnishings if move in ready, 2 and carport. Home ing room, 1st floor awesome family Mountaintop. 7,700
brand new roof compound. No sq. ft. building with
acres with many room, 2 bedrooms, desired. 3 bed- bedroom home! Off has plenty of park- before you move in. laundry. Updated
outdoor features. 1.5 baths on a deep room, 1 bath, dining street parking with ing in rear with bath, walk in closet. shortage of parking 250’ frontage.
2 large bedrooms on this unique prop- Currently an
Garage. lot with patio and room, enclosed 1 car garage, no shed and great freshly painted with Worth a look.
MLS# 11-319 waterfall. Priced to back porch. Roof, maintenance yard yard. Asking $34,800. SUNDAY April 10 erty. One single automotive
new carpeting. home, one duplex center. Building is
$325,000 sell $54,900. Call vinyl siding windows with entertainment MLS #11-559 Large eat in MLS#: 09-3646 12:00-1:30PM
Call Charles Call Ann Marie all replaced within bar, quiet neighbor- $99,900 Call Jeannie Price Reduced! and an extra lot all adaptable
kitchen, 26x12 living included. Homes to many uses.
570-760-6769 last 5 years. Situat- hood, all kitchen Call Tom room w/new car- Four Star 192 East Third St.
570-288-6654 ed on large lot, off appliances includ- 570-262-7716 McCabe Realty Charming home are right on the $595,000
pet, 3 season room Edwardsville/Larksvi Call Dave
Bell Real Estate street parking. Stor- ed. You don’t want overlooking large 570-674-9950 with natural
age shed. Very nice to miss out woodwork - Newer lle border. 570-474-6307
fenced in yard. Plus
SHAVERTOWN neighborhood!!!!! on this one! a garage and drive- WILKES-BARRE roof - 5 bedrooms - $129,900
$85,000 FIRM!!! MLS 10-4063 way. Move in now! 2 baths - walk-up
Call (570) 288-9681 $112,500 attic finished for Call Betty
MLS #11-749 (570) 510-1736
Call Melissa WEST WYOMING $89,900 additional living
SWOYERSVILLE 570-237-6384
space. $119,900
MLS# 10-1614
148 Stites Street Call Geri
Smith Hourigan
912 S. Franklin St.
Charming 750 sq.
13 Lehigh St., N.
Lovingly cared for 2 ASUCCESSFULSALE
ft. corner lot home.
All hardwood floors, WILKES-BARRE Move-in condition
2-story with 3
Job Seekers are
looking here!
20 Nittany Lane bedroom, 1 bath new hot water bedrooms, 1.5 Where's your ad?
Convenience! Loca-
tion! Easy Living!
bungalow with
many improve-
Immaculate 2 story, INCLASSIFIED! boiler, gas heat, baths with open 570-829-7130 and
stone & vinyl. Large immaculate with full floor plan; finished
This home has it all. ments done includ- lot on cul-de-sac. Doyouneedmorespace? basement. lower level, walk-up
ask for an employ-
3 floors of living ment specialist
space w/hardwood
ing new (2 yrs. old) 3 bedrooms, 2 1/2 A yard or garage sale 2 car garage. attic and fenced-in
central air and fur-
in classified YATESVILLE
baths. Detached 570-446-3254 yard with newer 328 Kennedy Blvd.
floors and gas fire- nace. 1 car garage oversized 2 car pool. $82,900
place in living room. with attached cus- garage with loft. is the best way Looking for that MLS #10-3914
Modern medical
Open floor plan,
lower level family
tom built carport.
This property is a
Tile, hardwood,
granite, central air.
tocleanoutyourclosets! special place 313 N. River Street
DJ Wojciechowski
570-283-9100 x22
PRICE REDUCED space, labor &
industry approved,
room w/laundry and “must see”! laundry/pantry & You’re in bussiness called home? Nice 2 bedroom ADA throughout, 2
doctor offices plus
3/4 bath. 3 bed- Classified will address
rooms w/2 full
MLS #10-3624
large family room with classified! single home, A/C,
well maintained.
Former Vic Mar
building. Reduced! 4 exam rooms, xray
with built in bar & Your needs.
baths on upper
level. Deck and
patio for outdoor
Donald Crossin
fireplace on 1st
floor. $284,900. WEST PITTSTON
97 Lacoe Street
Open the door
with classified!
Near courthouse
& colleges.
Affordably Priced
Turnkey business
Complete commer-
and reception and
breakrooms. Could
be used for any
Crossin Real
living! 2 zone heat, Estate
West Wyoming @ $44,900. WILKES-BARRE cial kitchen, large business purpose.
Will remodel to suit.
central a/c, inter-
com and stereo
Call Jim
Towne & Country
29 W. Beatty St.
dining area, 90 x
130 parking lot. Also available
plus central vac
system, 2 car
garage. What more
3 bedroom Ranch.
Real Estate Co.
570-735-8932 or
Lovely 2 story re-
modeled home in
12 Reid st.
Spacious Bi-level
home in semi-pri-
Live-in quarters.
Well known
for lease.
MLS #11-751
570-542-5708 very good condi- location.
could you want? Corner, double lot, vate location with Call Charlie
tion. Laminate and $89,000
MLS #11-782 central air, all private back yard. 3 VM 101
tile flooring through- MLS# 11-445
$199,900 hardwood floors. season room. Gas
out. 16x20 great Call Pat Guzzy
Call Colleen Very well $118,000. fireplace in lower
room addition with 570-407-2480
570-237-0415 maintained, 2 Call 570-693-4451 level family room. 4
cathedral ceilings bedrooms, garage.
bedroom, 1 bath, 1
car garage in quiet WHITE HAVEN and recessed light-
ing. Quiet neighbor-
MLS 10-4740
neighborhood. Move hood. Appliances
in ready, hardwood Call Charlie
375 Greenpond Rd. SALE BY OWNER included in sale. 570-829-6200
floors, gas heat & $62,000
Well kept Ranch in
199 Clearview Ave great outdoor living VM 101
Midway Manor with (Turn @ Spring Gar- 570-885-3664
space. Kitchen
7 rooms, 3 bed- den) Classic Colo- 35 Hillard St.
594 N. Main Street appliances
Beautifully redone 3 rooms, 2 baths, 2 nial newly remod- included. $112,500 Great
car garage, newer 570-586-1111
bedroom, 2 bath eled featuring ALL MLS 10-4063 neighborhood

ranch. New roof, NEW flooring, bath, Call Melissa surrounds this

carpeting, paint & MLS #10-4474 dining room, living 570-237-6384 updated 2 story
$162,900 room with picture 54 Shade Tree Rd.
stainless appli- with original
Call Tom window provides Well maintained
ances. Gas heat, woodwork. 3 107-109 E. Carey St.
570-262-7716 fantastic views of bi-level in tranquil
central air, garage, bedroom, 1 bath, High traffic, high
the Back Mt., dry- wooded setting by
screened in back 1,500 sq.ft. oak potential location
wall, refrigerator, a stream. Large
porch. Large fenced eat-in kitchen, with enough space
bath tub, lighting, bedrooms with lots
in back yard & more wood floors, for 2 second floor
deck & much more. of storage through-
$139,900. Call stained glass apartments. Large
2 bedrooms, 1 bath, out. Spacious
570-706-5496 windows, large front windows for
open living area &

PLAINS SHICKSHINNY eat-in kitchen, unfin-

ished basement,
brand new deck.
large breakfast bar
in kitchen (great
room sizes, fenced
yard, deck. $89,000
MLS #10-3023 116 Amber Lane
Lawrence St.
Nice 3 unit
showroom display.
Basement & sub-
location in quiet basement for
Absolute Must single detached Call Tracy Zarola Very nice Bi-level property. Lots of
community but additional storage
See River Ridge garage. Located on 570-574-6465 home with 2-3 bed- off street parking
close to I-80 & 940. or workspace.
Townhouse! a quiet street. Low 570-696-0723 rooms, open floor and bonus 2 car
Comes with access 61 Pittston Ave. $125,900
Taxes! This Home
Is Priced Right to community pool.
& clubhouse. This
LEWITH & FREEMAN plan, built in
garage, driveway, Stately brick Ranch
in private location.
garage. All units are
rented. Great
MLS# 10-1919
Call Stanley
And Will Not Last on corner lot. income with low
house comes with Large room sizes, (570) 817-0111


ment only
Shown by appoint- Ledge View
an additional lot
Pin# Q11S5-VAR-
363 North
Lower level family
room with pellet
stove. Move in
fireplace, central
A/C. Includes
MLS# 10-2675
Coldwell Banker
Rundle Real Estate
Development VAR, DB/Page-Book extra lot.
remodeled 3 bed- call 570-604-7780 132 Clear Spring Ct. Washington St. condition home Call Karen 570-474-2340
room, 1.75 bath 3004 Page 210588. $95,000 MLS #10-3512
Ranch style town- Coldwell Banker
brick & aluminum
ranch on over 4 TRUCKSVILLE home, with 2 bed-
rooms, 1 3/4 mod-
Home warranty
included. $135,000
MLS 10-4538
Call Colleen
Rundle Real Estate
570-474-2340 PLAINS TWP.
acres with Pond. MLS #10-1776 570-237-0415 Call Charlie
ern baths, modern Call Mary Price 570-829-6200
New stainless steel kitchen with stove, 570-472-1395 VM 101
Shopping for a
appliances, 2 car
264 Burke Street attached and 1 car
dishwasher, 570-474-9801 new apartment? HIGHWAY 315
garbage disposal,
No maintenance built-in garage, fridge. Separate
Classified lets 2 acres of commer-
fees. Many paved driveway, laundry room, 1 car you compare costs - cial land. 165 front
upgrades. Move in
condition. 2,000 sq.
ft. Berber, ceramic
open front porch,
3 season room,
rear patio, brick
garage, like new
Large home with
5 bedrooms,
within walking
WILKES-BARRE without hassle
or worry!
feet. Driveway
access permit and
lot drainage in
MLS 11-366 909 Income &
tile & hardwood.
2 bedroom, 2.5
fireplace & property
goes to a stream REDUCED!
distance of Kings
College. Possible SALE BY OWNER Commercial Get moving
with classified!
place. WIll build to
suit tenant or avail-
baths. All appli- in the back. 163 Highland 570-602-9280 in-law suite on 3rd Properties able for land lease.
ances, washer $199,900 floor. Great origi- MLS 11-17
& dryer & window MLS# 10-4716 Meticulously main- nal woodwork.
treatments includ- Five Mountains First floor fluted 22 W. Germania St Call Charlie
tained 2 story on 570-829-6200
ed. Walk in closet. Realty beautifully land- columns in living
No units in front of 570-542-2141 room, original VM 101
scaped double lot in
or behind. 1 car stained glass
garage. Very
private. Near all SWOYERSVILLE
Trucksville. Newer
roof, vinyl siding
and windows, 3
WEST PITTSTON window, pocket
french doors,
interstates. bedrooms. 1.5 mod- beautiful hard
REDUCED TO Very nice 3 wood floors &
ern baths, wood- bedroom. Newly
Call 570-829-3162
burning fireplace, renovated with
large kitchen. 2
car garage, Off
gas heat, fenced new roof & street parking. This 6,600 sq. ft. A yard or garage sale

yard, beautiful siding. Near
paver patio pond Mercy Hospital.
$40,000 25 St. Mary’s St. concrete block in classified
MLS# 11-824 3,443 sq. ft.
and 1 car garage. $44,900! Call Michael Pinko masonry commer-
building has multi-
ple uses. 5 offices
is the best way
Nicely maintained Bonus additional lot
across street Well cared for and
570-650-1126 (570) 899-3865 cial building with & kitchenette. tocleanoutyourclosets!
home. 3 bed- SUNDAYS 12-2pm
rooms, full bath
236 Poland St.
Cute 2 bedroom included. This home nicely kept. A place 54 Penn Street
warehouse/office Over 5,800 sq. ft.. You’re in bussiness
and 2 apartments
with shower, pri-
vate driveway with
starter home in is ready for YOU to
move right in!
to call home! Com-
plete with 2 car WILKES-BARRE Classic home, two with sperate elec-
warehouse space
(high ceilings). 2
with classified!
need of some cos- story, 2 bedrooms, tric and heat. Per- overhead doors.
1 car garage, metic updating. MLS #10-2524 oversized garage, 2 bathrooms, eat-in fect for contractors $97,500
Appliances Great for first time REDUCED! central air, first floor kitchen, dining
Smith Hourigan or anyone with stor- MLS 10-1326
included homebuyers. Huge $159,000 laundry, eat in room, office/study,
Group age needs. For Bob Kopec
$76,000 lot, patio, newer Call Mark Mason kitchen. Convenient living room, utility
570-474-6307 more information HUMFORD
Call 570-655-9722 windows, shed, 570-331-0982 to shopping, West room, radiator heat, and photos log onto REALTY
Crossin Real Pittston pool and
nice location. window units, unfin- www.atlas 570-822-5126
PLAINS TWP Estate ball fields. $152,500
MLS #11-772 ished basement,
FOR SALE BY OWNER $65,000 570-288-0770 MLS 11-583
Call Judy Rice 39 Nicole Drive Renovated; oak
flooring; ceiling fans;
Reduced to
Call Karen Ryan $89,000
570-714-9230 fenced yard; appli-
108 Simpson St. MLS #10-3872
Cute and well cared ances; window cov- Call Charlie May Street 155 E Walnut St.
950 Center St.
for home. Enclosed erings. Close to Mall 570-829-6200 Good investment
4 Lan Creek Rd
patio on back, off
street parking for 4
& Home Depot.
VM 101 property knocking
on your door. Don't
570-283-9100 cars. Nice big yard, Call (570)970-8065 miss out, come and
Close to Mohegan or email
Sun & Geisinger, 4 privacy in rear. see for yourself.
Collect cash, not dust! MLS 09-3505 Also included in the
Bedrooms, 3 Baths, Clean out your 438 Tripp St $49,900 2-story home locat- sale of the property
Fireplace, 2 Car
Garage. Excellent
basement, garage Call Jay Crossin ed in Barney Farms LINE UP is the lot behind the
or attic and call the Ext. 23 in excellent condi- home. Lot size is
Condition. All Appli- Former Parrish
ances Included. Classified depart- ACREAGE CROSSIN REAL tion. 4 bedrooms, 25X75, known as
Center Hall with
Large yard.
Go To
ment today at 570-
950 Center St.
Unique Property.
and 4 baths, full fin-
ished basement IN CLASSIFIED! kitchen & parking
147 Cherry St.
Well maintained 2 with wet bar, fire- Looking for the right deal MLS#08-2954 MLS# 10-2666
for details.
Asking $219,900 SWOYERSVILLE story. 10 years old.
Privacy galore.
3.5 acres. Pole
place in family room,
screened in porch,
in-ground pool with
on an automobile?
Turn to classified.
Call Charlie
Call Karen
Coldwell Banker
Rundle Real Estate
Call 570-817-1228
for showing Barn 30 x 56 for fenced yard. Newer It’s a showroom in print! 570-474-2340
storage of equip- heating and cooling Classified’s got
Looking for the right deal
on an automobile?
ment, cars or
boats. A must
systems. A lot for
your money! the directions!
Commercial space
Turn to classified.
see property.
Karen Altavilla
WYOMING for lease. $10/sq. ft.
Physician's office LARKSVILLE
It’s a showroom in print! MLS# 10-3799
570-283-9100 x28 ready to occupy
Call Geri
Classified’s got 9 Jay Street 570-696-0888 195 Mclean St. approx 7500 sq. ft.
SUNDAY Various suites up to
the directions! Totally renovated 570-696-3801
Off street parking
with carport, nice 20,000 sq. ft. also

Ranch home.
Modern kitchen, LEWITH & FREEMAN Completely remod-
eled home with
rear yard, first floor
laundry, updated
available. State of
the art amenities.
modern bath, 3 570-288-9371
bedrooms, AC, everything new. electrical, some Ample parking. 863-865 Main St.
Let the Community Looking to buy a Contact Judy Rice
off street parking. New kitchen, baths, replacement win- Good
Know! bedrooms, tile home? 714-9230
Affordable at dows, why not take NEW LISTING! neighborhood,
Place your Classified floors, hardwoods, a look at this Place an ad here MLS# 10-4102
$149,500 104 5TH ST. 462 W. State St. Great location. Well
Ad TODAY! granite countertops, home!!!! 3 Bed- and let the
Towne & Country Great location to Lower End Pizza! established Bar &
Real Estate Co. 570-829-7130 all new stainless rooms, large eat in sellers know! invest in with this Grill on Main St.
steel appliances, kitchen, lower level 570-829-7130 Established prof-
570-735-8932 or duplex, you can itable business for with parking lot.
WEST PITTSTON refrigerator, stove,
microwave, dish-
has a 1/2 bath and
a built in bar area,
have a tenant help sale. Restaurant, Liquor License &

WILKES-BARRE with your mortgage equipment included.

bar, game room,
44 Church St 322 SALEM ST. washer, free stand- would make a nice or just collect the Kitchen features
46 Church St. Rear ing shower, tub for game room! Call for separate dining
rents. 2 bedrooms room. Parking for stainless steel
Package Deal, sold two, huge deck, your appointment in each unit. Semi- hood, Fryers &

together for large yard, excellent today! 35 cars. Turnkey
modern kitchens operation. Addition- Ansul system.
$115,000. 2 units. neighborhood MLS #11-453 and baths. Both Turnkey operation
MLS 10-3634 $154,900 (835.00 / $67,500 al parking lot
units have access included. priced to sell.
MLS 10-3635

30years/ 5%) Call Jill Jones to the basement for Currently open. 6
Maria Huggler 570-654-1490 $225,000
storage. First floor Call Jay Crossin room apartment on
CLASSIC has gas fireplace, 2nd floor. $130,000
MLS# 11-65
ductless A/C units Crossin Real
570-587-7000 Great 1/2 double and laundry area. Call Stanley
located in nice 73 Richard Street Estate
DUPLEX PROPERTY 3 Bedroom, 1 Bath Large garage with (570) 817-0111
LINE UP For Sale By Owner
Move-in good con-
West Pittston loca-
tion. 3 bedrooms,
570-696-6550 Traditional in Very workshop area.
A yard or garage sale
Coldwell Banker
Good Condition. Take a look and
A GREAT DEAL... dition. 1 Bedroom new carpet. Vertical LINE UP Rundle Real Estate
Find your next in classified
Open Layout. Off bring your offers!
Each. All Separate blinds with all appli- MLS#11-1038 570-474-2340
IN CLASSIFIED! Utilities. Off Street ances. Screened in
vehicle online.
Yard &
Shed. $109,900 A GREAT DEAL...
Looking for the right deal
Parking. Great
Location, Excellent
porch and yard
Many Updates.
Asking $47,900
Jill Jones
696-6550 is the best way IN CLASSIFIED!
Looking for the right deal
Collect cash, not dust!
Clean out your
on an automobile?
to cleanoutyourclosets!
Charlie VM 101 Call 570-762-1537 basement, garage
Turn to classified.
$55,000. for showing on an automobile?
Turn to classified. or attic and call the
It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
CALL 570-407-3100
Line up a place to live Line up a place to live You’re in bussiness It’s a showroom in print!
Classified’s got
Classified depart-
ment today at 570-
the directions! in classified! in classified! with classified! the directions! 829-7130!
909 Income & 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 941 Apartments/ 944 Commercial 944 Commercial 950 Half Doubles
Commercial Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Unfurnished Properties Properties

WYOMING Like New 2 bed- 2 bedroom. All Scott Street with ample blacktop Very spacious 3

3 large 1 bedroom parking areas (once bedroom half dou-
apts, 3 kitchens
room apartment in
great neighbor-
appliances included.
All utilities paid;
Mayflower 2nd floor, 5 rooms,
heat & hot water a used car lot) with ble with neutral
with appliances, 3
AMERICA hood. 2nd floor. electricity by tenant. Crossing furnished. Stove, an adjacent 3 bed- decor. Off street
baths. Apts. have
access to one REALTY Includes new
kitchen (with new
Everything brand
new. Off street park- Apartments fridge, off-street
parking, no pets.
room house. Excel-
lent condition. OFFICE SPACE parking. Private
yard in rear. Ample
another. No lease.
$795 for all 3 apts RANCH STYLE stove, dishwasher
& microwave) and
ing. $695 + security
& references 570.822.3968
$400/month + secu-
rity & references.
location PITTSTON
Storage. Conve-
nient to schools.
($265 per apt.) Forty Fort - Stylish on Route 92 in $560 / month + utili-
layout, duplex, bath w/washer 570-969-9268 Call 570-696-3381 Main St.
Convenient to all dryer hookup. Hard- Nicholson. Easy ties. 1 year lease,
FIRST FLOOR, - Light & bright 12,000 sq. ft. build-
Affordable Building
waiting for your
colleges and gas
drilling areas. beautiful, quality.
Kitchen with built-
wood throughout
with ceramic tile in PITTSTON
2/3 bedroom, 1st
open floor plans
- All major
1st floor, 2 bed-
access to route 81.
Near Marcellus
Shale Drilling sites.
ing in downtown
location. Ware-
security. No pets.
Call 570-793-6294
Call for more info kitchen and bath.
business to occupy
it! It also offers
income from 2 bed-
ins, laundry,
mahogany decked
porch, more!
$695/mo + utilities
and security. No
floor, full kitchen.
Heat included, no
appliances included
- Pets welcome*
room. Wall to wall
carpet. Off street
Land for additional
storage. 2 car
house with light
Building with some
3 bedroom, eat-in
pets. $675 + 1 parking. Washer/ garage attached to
BACK MOUNTAIN 2 YEAR SAME RENT Pets, references office space. Entire kitchen with stove
room apartment month security. Call - Close to everything dryer included. 1 house plus large
$650. + utilities. . required. Call Scott building for lease or & dishwasher.
above. Off street 570-655-3314 - 24 hour emergency month security & mechanical garage
Second floor. Quiet NO PETS/ SMOK- (570)823-2431 will sub-divide. Laundry hookup.
parking. Offers con- references & credit with office space
Ext. 137 maintenance
sidered! MLS 11-572 area, private ING/EMPLOYMENT check. No pets. Call MLS #10-1074 Freshly painted,
and a vehicle lift and Call Charlie
entrance, 1 bed- VERIFICATION. new carpet & new
$79,500 - Short term for more info. compressor.
Call Judy Ross room apartment. Services provided. 3rd floor, 1 bed- leases available (570) 574-2249 570-829-6200 linoleum. Fenced
Includes water and
570-714-9230 Fridge, stove, AMERICA REALTY Newly remodeled, room, eat in septic. Alternate
VM 101 yard. No pets/no
garbage, sewage
included. Picnic
570-288-1422 2nd floor 2 bed-
room, 1 1/2 bath. All
kitchen, stove &
fridge. Living room,
Call TODAY For WILKES-BARRE SOUTH heat sources:
propane, electric,
smoking. $600 +
utilities, secuirty &
area. No pets, 1
year lease, security.
GLEN LYON appliances included.
Washer & dryer.
1 bath, coin-op
and coal. Garage is
insulated with
references. Call
(570) 823-9436
Heat, water, sewer 1 & 2 bedroom
Central air. Off propane heat.
570-675-8636 street parking. $675 included. $495/
month + security apartments.
Laundry facility. Off
$2,300. call 570-
DALLAS 2 bedroom, washer, + utilities. No pets. 343-3345 or 570-
Call 570-287-9631 and references Certain Restrictions street parking avail- 840-5898 before $1.00 SQ. FT. 3 Half Doubles
dryer, stove &
PRICE REDUCED! 1 bedroom, 1 bath, refrigerator includ- or 570-696-3936 Call 570-822-8671 Apply* able. Starting at
$440. 570-332-5723
8:00 pm for details. 18,000 & 9,000
sq. ft. Great,
376 & 378 North
Maple Avenue
off street parking, ed. $350 month.

KINGSTON clean assembly 3 & 4 bedroom.
laundry room, deck. Sewage included.
Newly remodeled.
1 year lease. Credit No pets. muench Wilkes-Barre space; A/C; Gas
heat; Own meters; Both available
check & references
570-735-2207 NEWLY REMODELEDall Š2 bedroom Rte. 315
2,000 SF New 1/2 baths; May 30. $850 &

required. $525/ single, $950/month. Also,
month + utilities. 2 bedrooms, exceptional Office / Retail freight elevator

HANOVER WILKES-BARRE Next to Gymboree Owner/Agent Plains 3 bedroom

(570) 675-4597 11 Holiday Drive appliances provid- Kingston
4,500 SF Office 908-852-4410 1/2 double. $795/
Kingston ed, pets ok, Tenant ŠLarge 3 month. For info,
DALLAS 618 FELLOWS ST Pays Electric Only!! 2 bedroom apart-
bedroom Showroom,
Large 2 Bedrooms, “A Place To ment. 1 bath. Eat in Warehouse (570) 814-9700
1 Year Lease, $775/ Hanover
285 Wyoming Ave. 2nd floor, 1 bed- 2nd floor, appli- Call Home” kitchen. Closed in Loading Dock
per month, $775/ Š3 bedroom,
First floor currently room, quiet, fridge ances, NEW refrig- Spacious 1, 2 & 3 terrace. $625 + utili- Call 570-829-1206 Wyoming Ave.
security deposit. large, affordable
used as a shop, and stove, off-street erator, stove & Bedroom Apts ties & security. Call High traffic location.
Call (570) 335-0146 Nanticoke
could be offices, parking. Garbage, microwave. Off 3 Bedroom 718-809-3338 Office space with Large 1/2 double, 3
Š2 bedroom,
etc. Prime location, sewer, water includ- street parking. Townhomes Character. 885 sq. bedroom, sunny &
corner lot, full base- ed. No pets. $400/ Collect cash, not dust! large, water
Porch & Yard. Sun Gas heat included Free standing build- ft. Great for busi- spacious, $650
ment. 2nd floor is 3 month plus lease Clean out your included
room. Available FREE Walking Distance to ing. Would be great ness, retail or spa. month, 1 year lease,
bedroom apartment and security. basement, garage Pittston
April 1st. $550/ + 24hr on-site Gym the Casino!! 2 bed- for any commercial Rent includes heat credit check &
plus 3 car garage 570-690-1003 or attic and call the ŠLarge 1
utilities. Small pets Community Room room, 1 bath, living use. 1900 sq. ft. on & water. Call for security deposit.
and parking for bedroom water
ok. 570-357-1138 Swimming Pool room, kitchen, off Classified depart- included
the ground floor more details at Attic, cellar, eat in
6 cars. DALLAS TWP or 610-568-8363 Maintenance FREE street parking. ment today at 570- Wyoming
with an additional 570-655-9325 kitchen, front &
MLS #10-4339
$174,900 CONDO FOR LEASE: Controlled Access
$600/month + utili-
ties, security & ref-
829-7130! Š3 bedroom
800 sq. ft in finished
lower level. Excel- Wilkes-Barre
back porch, no pets,
no smoking, new
Call Charlie $1,800. 2 bedroom/ erences. Call Clas-
lent location, only 1 COMMERCIAL RETAIL SPACE carpeting & paint.
VM 101 and much more... Old Forge
2 Bath. Call Us to sic Properties Nikki block from North in Established Not Section 8
Call Today Š2 bedroom
discuss our great Callahan Cross Valley Shopping center. approved.
or stop by 2 bedrooms apt. exceptional
Amenity & Mainte- 718-4959 Ext. 1306 Expressway and 800 to 1,200 sq. ft. 570-817-2858 or
for a tour! 2nd floor, stove, water included
nance program!
HANOVER TOWNSHIP Now Offering one block from Rent negotiable. 570-714-1606
Call 570-674-5278 fridge, fenced in McDermott &
Wyoming Ave (route 973-879-4730
Move In Specials McDermott
Great location, 1 yard, $500 + gas, 11) Take advan-
Dallas, Pa. bedroom apartment 570-288-9019 2 bedrooms, Heat electric & water. Real Estate
912 Lots & Acreage MEADOWS in residential area, included. Laundry 570- 417-0088 for Inc. Property
tage of this prime
location for just
To place your 3 bedroom, 1 bath
APARTMENTS all utilities included. appointment & Management ad call...829-7130
facilities, Off-street $1050 per month! half double, Freshly
DALLAS 220 Lake St. $500/month parking, No Pets. application. 570-821-1650
570-262-1131 cleaned & painted.
Goodleigh Manor Housing for the + security. Call 570-675-3904 (direct line)
2 bedroom, 1st floor Tenant pays all utili-
Mon-Fri. 8-7pm
WILKES-BARRE Looking for that
2 acre leveled lot at elderly & mobility 908-482-0335 Just renovated.
very top of moun-
tain. Spectacular
impaired; all utilities
included. Federally
Extra large master
bedroom, laundry
Beautiful 1st floor, 2
264 Academy St
Sat. 8-noon
special place
called home?
ties including sewer.
$550 plus security.
view (lot# 21) drive- subsidized program. hookup, off street 2 bedrooms, newly Call (570) 332-5723
way enters from Extremely low 2nd floor, washer/ parking, quiet
1/2 bedroom. Stove
renovated building. Classified will address
Tulla Drive.
Construction of
income persons
encouraged to
dryer hookup, yard,
parking, No Pets,
neighborhood, no
pets. $625 + securi-
and fridge. Large
kitchen, on-site
laundry room. Off
Washer & dryer.
$600/per month
Your needs.
Open the door
Newly renovated
home required by apply. Income less Quiet /Secluded/ ty. Heat, hot water includes heat, hot
Michael Dombroski. than $11,900. & water included.
street parking. $600
water and parking. with classified! 2 bedroom with
Convenient $425. + utilities, security, appliances, central
Restricted 570-675-6936, 845-386-1011 646-712-1286
+ utilities. Discount lease & background Lease this free- air & heat, off
Covenants Apply. 8 am-4 pm, Mon-Fri. 570-328-9896
available, lease, ref- check. Call standing building for street parking,
Call 570-406-5128
OPPORTUNITY erences. 574-9827 LUZERNE 570-417-0088
570-855-4744 Parkway Plaza
Sans Souci Parkway
monthly rent. Totally
energy efficeint.

HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE for appointment $600 + utilities.
Commercial Space
1 bedroom, wall to renovated & ready
For Lease 1,200 sq. Call 570-760-1045
Goodleigh Manor Looking for the right deal 103 Penn St.
wall, off-street
parking, coin LINEUP 3 bedroom, 1/2
double, 1.5 bath,
ft. starting at $600/
to occupy. Offices,
conference room, Shopping for a
New development. on an automobile?
2 acres. Beautiful
Turn to classified.
2 bedrooms, $460
month + utilities.
laundry, water,
sewer & garbage ASUCCESSFULSALE gas heat, off-street
month. Off street
parking. Central
work stations, kit
and more. Ample new apartment?
View. $49,900 parking, fenced in
Negotiable It’s a showroom in print! Stove & fridge incl. included. $495/
INCLASSIFIED! yard, excellent 2.5 & 3 room
heat & air. Call parking and handi- Classified lets
month + security 570-991-0706
570-357-1138 Classified’s got
references/security condition. $595/ efficiencies. Heat, cap access. $1,750/ you compare costs -
required. Section 8 & lease. HUD Doyouneedmorespace? month. MLS 11-419
DURYEA the directions! welcome. Call Ed accepted. Call
A yard or garage sale
month + utilities,
references &
hot water, garbage
& full maintenance KINGSTON Call Judy Rice without hassle
or worry!
44.59 ACRES 570-287-9661 570-687-6216 or 5701-714-9230
included. Off street
security. No pets. 18 Pierce St
Extension 229 570-954-0727 in classified Call 570-881-4078 parking. No Pets. Office Space Get moving
is the best way $500/mo + security Available Immedi- with classified!
Totally renovated
6 room apartment.
Partially furnished, 3 rooms, 1 bed-
You’re in bussiness
WILKES-BARRE Call 570-693-3492 ately, Off street
parking. Security
brand new fridge/ room, heat & hot
2nd floor, 2 bed-
room, Wall to wall
447 S. Franklin St.
LINE UP required. 3 room
WILKES-BARRE 2 bedroom, water
electric range, elec- with classified! A GREAT DEAL...
Suite $300/month,
water included, free carpet, stove & 1 bedroom, study, & sewer included.
tric washer & dryer. use of washer & includes utilities.
Brand new custom dryer available. No
fridge included.
$500 month + utili- SWOYERSVILLE off street parking,
laundry. Includes IN CLASSIFIED! 570-690-0564
$525/ month. Sec-
tion 8 considered.
draperies, Roman
shades, carpeting /
pets & no smoking.
$480 + security & 1
ties & security.
No Pets. Call
1 bedroom. Eat-in
kitchen. Washer/
heat and hot water,
Hardwood floors Looking for the right deal KINGSTON RENTS? Call 570-899-6104
Industrial Site. Rail flooring & energy year lease. Call 570-406-2789 dryer hookup. Gas and appliances. on an automobile? Are you paying too
served with all efficient furnace & 570-331-7016 Days heat. $440/month. Trash removal. Turn to classified. COMMERCIAL SPACE much for your cur-
utilities. KOZ windows. 2 bed-
room + large attic
or 288-6764 Night
MOUNTAIN TOP Water included. $575/per month,
It’s a showroom in print!
rent office? Call us!

approved. Security & no pets. Call (570) 821-5599 We have modern
$2,395,000 loft bedroom with
KINGSTON 1 Bedroom apart- Call 570-760-5573 Classified’s got office space avail-
MLS#10-669 spacious walk-in ments for elderly, able in Luzerne
72 E. W alnut St. the directions! 620 Market St.
Call Charlie closet, full tiled bath disabled. Rents Newly Renovated Bank Building on
on 1st floor, Easy
access to I-81,
2nd floor, located in
quiet neighborhood.
based on 30% of
ADJ gross income. APARTMENTS WYOMING Prime Space.
1,250 sq. ft.,
Public Square.
Rents include heat,
3 bedrooms, 1.5
bath, fridge & stove
airport & casino, off
street parking. No
smoking, No pets.
Kitchen, living
room, dining room,
sun room, bath-
Handicap Accessi-
ble. Equal Housing ENERGY EFFICIENT
1 bedroom + 4
Deluxe 1 & 2 bed-
Near Kingston
Corners. Great
central air, utilities,
trash removal, and
provided, washer/
dryer hookup & wall
Opportunity. TTY711 425 South Franklin location for retail or nightly cleaning - all to wall carpet.
$750 + utilities & room. 2 large and 1 or 570-474-5010 rooms. Very modern room. Wall to Wall without a sneaky $475/month plus
Street. For lease. business office.
PRICES REDUCED security. small bedrooms, This institution is an & clean. 1st floor, carpet. Some utili- CAM charge. security & utilities.
Available immedi- Easy Access and
EARTH 570-762-8265 lots of closets, built equal opportunity washer, dryer, off ties by tenant. No Access parking at 570-472-2392
ately, washer/dryer parking. Call Cliff
CONSERVANCY in linen, built in provider & street parking, new pets. Non-smoking. the new intermodal
on premises, no 570-760-3427
46+/- Acres
DURYEA hutch, hardwood
and carpeted
employer. carpeting 1st month
& security required.
pets. We have stu-
dio, 1, 2 bedroom
Elderly community.
Quiet, safe. Off OFFICE SPACE
garage via our cov-
ered bridge. 300SF PLAINS SPACIOUS
Hanover Twp.,
Modern 2 bedroom,
2nd floor. Quiet
floors, fireplace,
storage room, yard, MOUNTAIN TOP No pets, no smok-
ing. $550 + utilities.
apts. On site park-
ing. Fridge, stove
street parking. Call
570-693-2850 KINGSTON to 5000SF available.
We can remodel to
4 bedrooms, wall to
wall carpeting. 1.5
10+/- Acres
Hanover Twp.,
location. Appliances
& garbage included.
Off street parking.
w/d hookup and
stove incl. Heat and
hot water incl.
1 & 2 Bedroom,
Call 267-872-4825 provided. We have a
24/7 security cam- WYOMING
166 W. Union St.
Avail. March 1.
suit. Brokers Pro-
tected. Call Jeff
baths, living room,
kitchen. Fridge,
$69,000 era presence and all 600 sq. ft of newly Pyros at 822-8577 stove, dishwasher,
No pets. $485 + Available May 1. 1 available Lovely, large 1st renovated office washer/ dryer
28+/- Acres doors are electroni- floor 2 bedroom
security. Call yr. lease + security immediately, No space. Rent hookup. Off street
Fairview Twp., cally locked. $450- apartment. Lami-
570-479-1203 $900/month pets. Rents based includes heat and parking. $700 + utili-
$85,000 650/per month, nate floors. Stove,
570-406-1411 on income start electric. Off street 1701 Wyoming Ave. ties, 1st, last &
61+/- Acres
Nuangola EXETER at $395 & $430. Immediate water & sewer paid,
One month/security
fridge, washer & parking available. 900 sq. ft. private security. No pets.
$125,000 KINGSTON Handicap Accessi- independent living
deposit. Call (570)
dryer. Lovely deck. $800 per month. office suite. Suitable 570-823-4116 or

SENIOR APARTMENTS ble. Equal Housing openings at: Full basement. Call 570-287-5090 for general office 570-417-7745 or
40+/- Acres Available May 1 Myers Manor 793-6377 after Parking in front.
Opportunity. use, professional 570-417-2737
Newport Twp. Great neighbor- 10:00 a.m. to set an Handicap access.
Call 570-474-5010 on the Wesley
$180,000 222 Schooley Ave. appointment or office, etc. Includes
32 +/- Acres Exeter, PA
hood! 2nd floor, 2
bedrooms. Large
This institution is an
Village Campus
Cozy one bedrooms
email shlomo_voola
No pets, no
smoking. $650 +
all utilities, including
Wilkes-Barre Twp. cleaning and free
Accepting applica- dining & family equal opportunity and studios avail- utilities, references 2 bedrooms, 1 1/2
See additional Land parking.
tions for 1 bedroom room. New bath & provider and able. Ask about our & 1 month security. baths, Utilities by
for Sale at $900/month
apartments. Quality kitchen with tile employer. move-in incentives! (570) 709-9206 Lease Space tenant. $600. Sec-
www. earth
1 bedroom apart- floors, windows, Call (570) 655-2891 WILKES-BARRE (772) 465-9592 Available, Light
Call Charlie
570-829-6200 tion 8 Welcome. Call
ments for ages 62
and older. Income
carpet & appliances
including washer &
LINE UP or visit us online at
Clean, 2 bedroom, (570) 693-3963 manufacturing, VM 101 570-690-6289
before 6pm
2nd floor duplex. warehouse,
limits apply. Rent dryer. Includes A GREAT DEAL... unitedmethodist Stove, hookups, office, includes
930 Wanted to Buy
Real Estate
only $437 month.
* Utilities Included
garage. No pets /
smoking. $675. IN CLASSIFIED! parking, yard. No
pets/no smoking.
all utilities with SUGAR NOTCH
* Laundry Facilities Some utilities includ- $475 + utilities. free parking. 3 bedrooms, quiet
* On Site ed. Lease &
NANTICOKE Call 570-868-4444 I will save street, yard. Fresh

Management deposit. After 6 2 bedroom, 2nd you money! 947 Garages paint. $525/month
*Private parking p.m., 570-814-6714 2 bedroom, wall to floor apartment. WILKES-BARRE + utilities, lease,
wall carpet, off-
Any Situation
Call for appointment
570-654-5733 street parking, $495
Washer/dryer hook-
security. No pets.
Call (570) 332-1216

570-956-2385 KINGSTON
Monday - Friday per month+ utilities, heat & hot water SAVE MONEY THIS YEAR! or 570-592-1328
Large 1 & 1/2 car
8am-11am. Equal
Housing Opportunity
security, lease.
HUD accepted. Call
included. Stove &
Fridge. References
113 Edison St.
Quiet neighborhood.
3 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSE garage for rent.
$125/month. No
570-687-6216 & security. $650. 2 bedroom apart-
1/2 DOUBLES & electric or heat. Call 1/2 DOUBLE
EXETER/W. PITTSTON or 570-954-0727 570-654-7479
Leave Message
ments available for
immediate occu-
570-714-9234 Well maintained,
mint condition, sun-
room, freshly paint-
APTS. W/d hookup,
off street parking,
Bring Rover or Kitty East State St. WEST PITTSTON water included. $625
Call Aileen at Wyoming, Kingston,
1200 & 700 SF
Office Available.
950 Half Doubles ed, new carpeting,
stove, dishwasher,
& move right in this 2 large bedrooms. 320 Race St. 570-822-7944 Wilkes-Barre, Plains
tile kitchen & bath, Reasonable. basement, yard
second floor, 2 Modern kitchen and 1st floor, 5 rooms, Shavertown 570-760-1513 storage shed. No
bath, all appliances
$600-$700/mo + bedroom. Off street
dishwasher, w/d
2 bedrooms, 1 bath.
WILKES-BARRE 2 bedrooms, tile
pets or smoking.
utilities. 237-2076 parking, coin
laundry,great loca- hookup. Ample
Includes heat, hot
water & sewer.
All rentals include
appliances, sewer, SWEET VALLEY kitchen and bath,
w/d hookup, off- 570-654-3755

FORTY FORT tion. $600/month +

security, heat &
closets and stor-
age. No smokers.
Credit report, 2
occupants, no
LODGE maintenance. street parking
$600/per month,
1st floor, 1 bedroom. $580 per month Security & credit
electric. 262-1577 smoking, no pets, Formerly The references plus utilities Call
941 Apartments/ Hardwood floors, includes sewer, security. $625/ Travel Lodge (570) 237-2076
central air, off garbage & water. month. Available Call 899-3407
Unfurnished 497 Kidder St.,
street parking. No KINGSTON 570-239-2741 January 1st, 2011. for info/appointment

pets, no smoking.
$575/ month plus E.Light,
Rooms Starting
at: 944 Commercial
162 Short St. WEST WYOMING
3 bedroom, gas
security & utilities. bright, 1st Daily $44.99 + Renovated 3 bed-
Affordable 1 bed- Call (570) 574-9773 Properties room in quiet loca- heat, new paint &
floor, 2 bedrooms, tax REDUCED PRICE!
room. Off street tion. Fresh paint, carpet, laundry
elevator, carpet- Start your own

parking, w/d Weekly $189.99
hookup, water incl. AMERICA ed, Security + tax business in the new carpeting and room. No pets.
Includes garbage
system. Garage. Immediate personal heart of Sweet Val- new kitchen w/dish-
$375/per month, + REALTY CO. Extra storage &
washer. No pets or fee & sewer. $700 +
security Call care openings in Refrigerator, ley! Showroom, fire-
1750 & 3200 SF utilities & security.
(973) 508-5976 RENTALS cable TV included. Myers Manor WiFi, HBO Retail / Office place, pole building, smokers. Only $650
(570) 430-7901
FORTY FORT Laundry facilities. and Anderson Upscale 1 bedroom 570-823-8881 storage building, per month, +utilities.
Heat & hot water Space Available Call (570) 466-6334
Call for 1, 2, Personal Care apartment. Modern www.Wilkes 570-829-1206 paved parking,
furnished. Fine Facility on the kitchen, washer / fenced rear, well &
Bedrooms or other.
ASHLEY Over 30 years Wesley Village dryer included. Must septic. Prime loca-
Convenient to bus
COMMERCIAL BUILDING tion, high traffic
managed service Campus see! 570-430-3095 1/2 double.
provided. NO & stores. No area. Lot next door
Modern 2 bedroom, A variety of 12,000 + square 3 bedrooms. Stove,
pets. References. West Pittston, Pa. is going with the
laundry, parking,bus PETS/SMOKING /2 accommodations refrigerator,
YEAR SAME RENT, Security. Lease. GARDEN VILLAGE foot. Forty Fort property.
stop. No pets. available! Meals, dishwasher. Washer
Water included. EMPLOYMENT VER- No smokers
please. $840. housekeeping,
221 Fremont St.
Rent with Option
NOW LISTED AT /dryer hookup. 2 Half Doubles
$535 + utilities, first IFICATION/APPLICA- $115,000 Both located in nice
/last & security TION REQUIRED. 570-287-0900 laundry and trans-
portation included.
Housing for the
elderly & mobility
SENIOR LIVING To Buy or For Sale.
Zoned commercial MLS# 08-3297
Newly painted.
Off street parking. neighborhoods. Off
570-542-5726 Details call Five Mountains $675 + utilities. street parking. No
570-288-1422 Need to rent that Call (570) 655-2891 impaired; all utilities & Industrial. Ware-
OPEN HOUSE Realty 570-814-0843 pets. Security & all
or visit us online at included. Federally house, offices, 4
Vacation property? April 16th 570-542-2141 570-696-3090 utilities by tenant.
www. subsidized bath rooms, huge
LINEUP Place an ad and program. Extremely 10:00AM-4:00PM storage area. 3 bedrooms, 1 bath,
1 & 2 bedroom unitedmethodist
apartments, just
get started!
570-829-7130 low income persons
encouraged to
Š1 & 2 bedrooms
ŠLaundry facility
Available June 1st.
Collect cash, not dust! detached garage.
$675/month. Also,
remodeled, no pets.
PITTSTON apply. Income less ŠStove, fridge Clean out your NICE 3 BEDROOM
Adorable 2 bed-
$500 to $575 +
utilities & security. INCLASSIFIED! than $11,900. ŠSecure building
room. $525/month
Call 570-328-3773 Doyouneedmorespace? Large 2 bedroom. 2 APARTMENTS 570-655-6555, ŠCommunity
A GREAT DEAL... basement, garage 570-766-1881

AVOCA A yard or garage sale Newly painted.

Stove & fridge
Off street parking,
on site laundry.
8 am-4 pm,
Š2 fully handicap IN CLASSIFIED! or attic and call the 1/2 DOUBLE
3 bedrooms, 1 bath-
Job Seekers are
in classified included. Deck/porch. Tenant EQUAL HOUSING looking here!
Newly remodeled.
2 bedroom, 2 bath, is the best way Washer/ dryer pays electric, trash
& water/sewage.
also available
apts. Looking for the right deal
on an automobile? Classified depart- room, off-street
parking, very clean, Where's your ad?
hookup. $650; heat
dining room &
kitchen. $550 /
tocleanoutyourclosets! included. Call 3 bedroom $695.
2 bedroom $575. Line up a place to live
Turn to classified.
It’s a showroom in print! ment today at 570- private yard, quiet
neighborhood, $550
570-829-7130 and
ask for an employ-
You’re in bussiness 570-814-0843 or
month. Call
(570) 457-8886 with classified!
570-696-3090 Security required.
(570) 881-1747 in classified!
Call Christy
Classified’s got
the directions!
829-7130! /per month, Call
(570) 606-5350 ment specialist
953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent 953 Houses for Rent

Large completely
2 bedroom home.
Northampton Ct.
LUXURY remodeled 2 bed- All appliances, 3 bedroom town-
TOWNHOUSE room styled town- water, sewer & trash. house, sunroom,
ON GOLF house. Stove & NO PETS. Security heat pump, 1.5
COURSE fridge included. and lease. baths, parking.
$1395 plus Private interior 570-762-6792 $800 month. Call
utilities. Minutes attic & basement (570) 283-9033
from I-81 & I-80.
Very large, 2,100
access. Washer/
dryer hookup. Heat JENKINS TOWNSHIP 959 Mobile Homes
sq. ft. open floor included. Nice yard.
plan 1st floor
with full base-
$750. No pets.
HOUSE FORimmedi-
ment. Includes
all appliances + It's that time again! ately, 4 bedrooms, 2 Move in ready &
laundry. On 15th Rent out your bath rooms, refrig- affordable 2 bed-
hole, deck over- erator & stove pro- room & 3 bedroom
apartment vided, washer/dryer homes located in
looking fairway. with the Classifieds
2 car garage, hookup, off-street quiet, country set-
570-829-7130 parking, $600.00/ ting. Starting at
1 year lease +
per month, plus utili- $7,000. Financing
security & refer-
ences. Small HANOVER TOWNSHIP ties. 570-561-5836 available with mini-
mum down. Call
pets allowed. 3 bedroom, 1 bath,
Available April
1st. Call now for
w/d hookup first
floor $695/ month.
KINGSTON 570-477-2845

(570) 592-3113
570-991-1883 HUNLOCK CREEK
Very nice 1 bed-
941 Apartments/ room. $400 / month.
GET THE WORD OUT Water, sewer &
Unfurnished trash included. Call
with a Classified Ad. 570-477-2845
941 Apartments/
Unfurnished VILLAGE
A PAR TM E NTS Ask About Our Homes available in
Birchwood Village
Holiday Specials!
1 B edroom Sta rting 46 Zerby Ave Estates.
Estates 2 and 3
$250 Off 1st Months Rent, Sunday 1pm-3pm bedrooms. Rent-
a t $675.00 & $250 Off Security Lease with option to-own available.
to buy, completely CALL TODAY!
• Includes gas heat, Deposit With Good Credit. remodeled, mint, 570-613-0719
w ater,sew er & trash 1 bedroom starting @ $690
turn key condition,
• C onvenient to allm ajor 3 bedrooms, 1.5 962 Rooms
Featuring: baths, large
highw ays & public
closets, with
‹ Washer & Dryer hardwoods, carpet
transportation & tile floors, new
‹ Central Air Nice, clean
• Fitness center & pool ‹ Fitness Center
kitchen and baths, furnished room,
gas heat, shed, starting at $315.
• P atio/B alconies ‹ Swimming Pool large yard. Efficiency at $435 1024 Building & 1042 Cleaning & 1084 Electrical 1135 Hauling & 1189 Miscellaneous 1219 Photo
• P et friendly* ‹ Easy Access to $134,000, seller
will pay closing
month furnished Remodeling Maintainence Trucking Service Services
I-81 with all utilities SLEBODA ELECTRIC
• O nline rentalpaym ents costs, $5000 down included. Off ALL OLDER HOMES Connie’s Cleaning Master electrician
Mon – Fri. 9 –5 and monthly
• Flexible lease term s
44 Eagle Court payments are
street parking.
15 years experience
Bonded & Insured
Licensed & Insured
Bucket truck to 40’ CASTAWAY VITO’S
M ond a y - Frid a y 9 -5 868-4469
Sa turd a y 1 0-2
Wilkes-Barre, PA
18706 (Off Route 309)
Remodel / Repair
Residential and
Commercial HAULING JUNK &
A yard or garage sale & Baths Connie supervises 1105 Floor Covering
822-27 1 1 570-823-8400
in classified
the work and does
the cleaning. Installation REMOVAL GINO’S
w w w .liv ea tw ilk esw ood .com KINGSTON is the best way
Building or
Connie Mastruzzo 823-3788 / 817-0395 Wanted:
* Restrictions Ap p ly
54 Krych St. tocleanoutyourclosets! Remodeling? Brutski - Owner
570-822-9214 or
962 Rooms 962 Rooms Single: 3 bedroom,
1.5 bath, gas heat,
You’re in bussiness
with classified!
wall to wall,
Bear Creek Township
kitchen with stove
and refrigerator. WEST NANTICOKE Look for the Call Diane
Certified, Insured.
Glassware, Pottery
Costume Jewelry Trucks
Casino Countryside Inn

Furnished with pri-

by Walt & Marge
Quiet street. No BIA symbol 570-825-9438 Old Postcards, Packages to fit
pets. Not Section vate bath. Cable,
of quality
A-1 Floor Mechanix Books, Toys, Trains, Highest
Rooms starting at 8 approved. garbage & all other HOME/OFFICE “Expert Installation” Games, Fishing
all budgets
Daily $39.99 + tax $675/mo. utilities included. For information CLEANING Hardwood, Tile, Equipment, Hunting, Prices 570-379-2311
570-288-6009 Non-smoking. Call on BIA Experienced, Laminate, Shower Military, ect. Tools,
Weekly $169.99 + tax 570-814-5465 membership References & Walls, Backsplash. Old Hardware.
Background check. Reliable, Quality, 570-817-4238 or 1234 Pressure
LARKSVILLE call 287-3331 Guaranteed. FREE PICKUP
965 Roommate Call Shirley & Tina
Tina 570-287-4005
Microwave or go to Washing
2 bedroom, living Wanted
Leave Message
Why Pay Retail?
21 Years Experience *** FREE ***
Refrigerator room, kitchen and Jim 570-394-2643 PICK-UP DONE-RIGHT
bath. Great view!
Section 8 wel-
Appliances, Grills
Lawnmowers, Pipes
1195 Movers
Patios, decks, sid-
come. Utilities by Great References Bicycles, AC’s
Repair & Cleaning
(570) 823-8027 tenant $500/mo +
Harveys Lake & all
surrounding areas.
Pots, Pans, Cans
Nuts, Bolts, Tools BestDarnMovers
ing, concrete. Serv-
ing Lackawanna &
Call 570-814-8299 Professional male
seeking profes- ADDITIONS &
Weekly, bi-weekly
Radiators, Wires
Moving Helpers
Call for Free Quote.
Luzerne Counties.
sional female to Window Cleaning.
DECKS 570-709-8765 We make moving easy.
Looking for the right deal share house. Only Regulars, storms, *AFFORDABLE*
on an automobile? $250/ month. All Roofing Sofits, etc. Pressure House Clean - outs 1249 Remodeling &
Basements, Attic’s 570-852-9243
944 Commercial 944 Commercial Turn to classified. utilities included. Gutter, Inside 1054 Concrete & washing, decks, Repairs
docks, houses,Free Garages, Sheds
Properties Properties It’s a showroom in print! Beautiful home 5
Repairs, Masonry estimates. Insured. (570) 817-4238 1204 Painting &
Classified’s got rooms + 2 bed-
rooms. Rec base- Lic. Ins. D. Pugh (570) 288-6794
the directions! ment, carpeted.
THOMAS DANIELS Concrete We Make Your
NANTICOKE No pets, neat per-
son wanted, age General Contractor
All phases of
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1132 Handyman
Free Estimates
Airplane Quality at
Lexington Village
570-762-8202 675-2995 concrete. Small We Haul It All !!!
Submarine Prices!
PROVINCIAL TOWER - S. MAIN Nanticoke, PA jobs welcome.
Senior discount,
D EPENDABLE H ANDY M AN pressure washing,
Many ranch style DAVE JOHNSON Home repairs & decks & siding.
Great Commercial Store Front, homes. 2 bedrooms 971 Vacation & Expert Bathroom Free estimates improvements,
Commercial/Resi- D & D
& Inside Suites Available Licensed & Insured
Steps from New Intermodal Hub
2 Free Months With
A 2 Year Lease
Resort Properties Remodeling, Whole
House Renovations, 288-1701/655-3505
custom jobs, 30
Years Experience P.C. HAULING & CLEANING dential. Over 17
years experience!
From decks and

$795 + electric Interior & Exterior email: ddietrick143@
& Public Parking DEMPSKI MASONRY Call Us First! Free estimates. kitchens to roofs,

Starting at $650 SQUARE FOOT RE Boca Raton

Carpentry. Kitchens
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All Phases
Dave 570-479-8076
That’s all you need!
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Licensed & Insured
and baths, etc.
utilities included MANAGEMENT Beautiful 5 room
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Licensed &Insured
570-819-0681 Licensed & Insured
IT ALL HANDYMAN 570-592-5401
IT ALL!!!!!!!
FREE RENT - Call For Details Today! 866-873-0478 Fully furnished. On
No job too small.
Free Estimates.
570-829-1573 PITTSTON
canal lot. $600
weekly. If interest- HOME IMPROVEMENT 570-824-0130
plumbing & all types
of home repairs,
1162 Landscaping/
Int./Ext. Experts!
Aluminum, Wood
ed, write to: & Deck Staining
James Street
Single family home, 120 Wagner St. CONTRACTING also office cleaning
Free Estimates
freshly painted, Moosic, PA 18507 All carpentry work, & GARDEN SERVICE Licensed-Insured 570-406-9387
brand new gas fur- windows, doors, Residential & 30 Years Licensed/Insured
All types of
IN THE HEART OF WILKES-BARRE nace, 3 bedrooms,
1 1/2 baths, off
974 Wanted to Rent siding, drywall,
painting, masonry, concrete,
JOB TOObase-
SMALL! Commercial Experience
Real Estate masonry and Shrub Trimming & Book Now &
Immediate Occupancy!! street parking. No stonework, electri-
cal, plumbing, stucco
ments, kitchens,
Mulching. Junk
Receive 10% Off
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HOUSE WANTED Lic./Insured Removal. Free Est.
attic/cellar cleaning. 570-283-5714
MARTIN D. POPKY APARTMENTS $675 / month + utili- baths repairs, etc. (570) 855-8382 or
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ties. Call Betty at Licensed & Insured. (570) 675-3517
want to rent house Jeff 905-7759 570-451-0701 1252 Roofing &
Century 21 25 years experience.
61 E. Northampton St. with 2 baths, 3 bed- Tony 885-5307
Call 570-357-8631 Brizzy’s Chris Emmett’s
Smith Hourigan rooms in the follow- Siding
Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 Group ing School Districts, Arbor Care & Int./Ext. Painting
• Affordable Senior Apartments
570-287-1106 Dallas & Mountain NICHOLS CONSTRUCTION WYOMING 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE Landscaping
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ext 3559 Top. 201-232-8469 All Types Of Work VALLEY All types of home SPECIALISTS
• Income Eligibility Required or 570-714-6127 New or Remodeling MASONRY repairs & alterations pruning & removal. 25 Yrs. Experience All types of roofing.
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Find the
Free Estimates foundations, Free Estimates. Cabling. 10% Senior Discount 25 Years Experience
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• Curb side Public Transportation 2 bedroom house Northeast dryvit, flagstone, 570-542-7265 FREE ESTIMATES Reliable Service
for rent. $540 + utili- Contracting Group brick work. Senior 1135 Hauling & Prompt Starts Lifetime Shingles
Please call 570-825-8594 ties & security. Call Decks, Roofs, Sid- Citizen Discount. Trucking MOWING, TRIMMING & Completions. on all roofs for same

484-274-6647 570-287-4144 EDGING, SHRUBS & No Hidden Extras. price as 30 year.
ing, Masonry,
TDD/TTY 800-654-5984
Driveways, Patios,
Additions, Garages,
38 Yrs. Experience
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1057Construction & cleaning attics, cellar,
MONARCH RENTALS The Classified Call Us & Save 5% 570-650-3008 570-824-6381
(570) 338-2269 garage, one piece or
section at Off Your Last Bill! Roof Repairs & New
M. PARALIS PAINTING Roofs. Shingle, Slate,
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Hot Built Up, Rubber,

APARTMENTS 3 bedrooms,
all appliances
For All of Your
Remodeling Needs.
GARAGE DOOR dumpsters.655-0695
NEED YOUR LAWN CUT? Power washing.
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The good life... Regions Best Call 570-822-7039 to place your ad. Will Beat Any Price
25 Yrs. Experience
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close at hand Address References. Insured insured Cleaning attics, WORK? 570-288-0733
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• Total Air-Conditioning
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• Total Air-Conditioning
Riverside Dr.
Free Estimates
HIC# 065008
Call Joe
cellars, garages.
Demolitions, Roofing
Two responsible
High School
Jim Harden
New Roofs &
(570) 735-8551 & Tree Removal. students available.
• Washer & Dryer • Gas Heat & HW Included Stately brick, 4 Mountain Top Repairs, Shingles,
1039 Chimney (570) 606-489 Free Est. 779-0918 or
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542-5821; 814-8299
2 half bath home. Service Gutters, Chimney
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• Hi-Tech Fitness Center • Shopping Shuttle spacious rooms, 1078 Dry Wall 1st CHOICE Lawn Care & Out- Cards accepted.
• Tennis & Basketball Courts • Full -Size Washer & Dryer beautiful patio, A-1
1 ABLE CHIMNEY Hauling, door Maintenance FREE ESTIMATES!
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included. $1,600/
Rebuild & Repair
Chimneys. All
Lawn Care &
We do it all!
Lawn Care - Summer Serra Painting
Monday - Friday 9-5 Monday - Friday 9-5 Hanging & finishing, Yard Clean Up.
Monday - Friday 9-5 Monday - Friday 9-5 month + utilities. types of Masonry. design ceilings. packages available, Book Now For
Saturday 9-1
Saturday 9-1 Saturday
Saturday 9-1
9-1 MLS#10-2290 Liners Installed, Free Estimates. concrete patios,
Free estimates. 570-288-0552 Spring & Save. All
680 Wildflower Drive 200 Gateway Drive 570-696-3801 Brick & Block, Licensed & Insured. tree trimming & Work Guaranteed Mister “V”
Call Margy Roofs & Gutters. removal. Gutter Constr uction
Plains, PA 18702 Edwardsville, PA 18704 570-696-0891 ONLY
D . Licensed &
AARON’S HAULING cleaning. Custom
30 Yrs. Experience Year Round
Hanging & Finishing
We get the job
done right! Small or
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wooden playsets.
& Powerwash & Paint
Vinyl, Wood, Stucco
Roof Specialist
Specializing In Large. Garages, Aluminum. All Types of

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OFFICENTERS - Pierce St., Kingston walls, steps, etc.
28 Years
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ALL KINDS OF Best rate guaran- experience.
Chimney Cleaning, teed - Call Today! Celebrating 76
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570-574-7195 Tradition!
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1-888-680-7990 No Job
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Free Estimates Now accepting new Insured.
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For Rental Information Call:
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