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John IX – Abbey Road Baptist Church, 7th January words he was trying to correct the false view that he

2007 was divine.

I’ve chosen this morning to preach on my favourite Nonsense!

chapter in the whole Bible. There are several reasons
why I like this chapter so much, but perhaps the most Read the prophecy of Daniel in Daniel chapter 7 where
important is this: it is so lifelike. The story is so well the prophet sees a vision of “one like a Son of Man”
told, I can imagine myself there. The characters are coming with the clouds of heaven, presented before the
brilliantly drawn, and they say exactly what I suppose Ancient of Days,
people like that might have said in such a situation. “And to him was given dominion
And glory and a kingdom,
In other words, the story is so believable. Not that other That all peoples, nations and languages
parts of the Bible are unbelievable, but just that this Should serve him;
particular chapter rings true to life – it’s memorable, it’s His dominion is an everlasting dominion
funny, and it is full of the sorts of comings and goings Which shall not pass away.”
of different characters that make it read just like the
script of a play. Why do you think that the man born blind wanted to
know who this Son of Man was? Verse 36 actually tells
Well, it’s quite a long chapter and there are lots of us the answer, “so that I may believe in him”. Believe
different points that I could pick up from a story like this in him. You don’t need to believe in just any ordinary
and begin to unravel and explain and preach about. man. The Son of Man is a divine figure.

For example, there are some great doctrinal statements Why do think it says in verse 38 that the man
made by the Lord Jesus about himself – “The Son of worshipped Jesus once he believed in him?
Man” he calls himself. Some people will try to tell you
that when Jesus said he was the Son of Man, he was Let’s get it fixed in our minds at the start of this New
trying to emphasise that he was just a man – in other Year that Jesus is the divine Son of God – God from all
eternity. He whom shepherds worshipped and Wise Men blind?”
adored – was, and is, the incarnation of God himself. In other words, “What is the cause of this guy’s
suffering?”… “Why is this happening?”
The person of Jesus Christ must be at the centre of our
Christianity and at the centre of our lives this year. I Jesus’ response, is partly comforting, because the
know we’ve got jobs to find or jobs to search for, bills to things that happen to us, Jesus tells us, are not
pay, friends to meet, families to take care of, new necessarily the consequences of our evil. There is a
church buildings to fill up with people – all kinds of sense in which we need this reassurance – that not
things that the year ahead holds for us. But really, we everyone who loses a loved one, who dies in an Iraqi
cannot tell what a day will bring. Who knows when we car bomb or a Sudanese refugee camp or a South-East
shall have those things we are trusting in and Asian Tsunami – deserves it.
depending on for our security taken from us, even our
own lives. This time last year pastor Iain did not expect Not all our pain is divine punishment, thank God.
to go through the trials he and his family faced in 2006.
None of us knows what is in store for us in 2007. But And yet Jesus’ answer is also troubling, because it is not
Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday today and forever. an answer of the sort we would like. Jesus doesn’t
He is the solid rock upon which our faith is built. actually tell us “the answer” to the question of
Whatever your fears, hopes, concerns, prayers, desires suffering – he just tells us that it is part of God’s
are for the year ahead, entrust them to Jesus Christ, purpose.
and you will know peace in the storm of life.
Now don’t misunderstand Jesus here. Suffering is a
And it’s exactly that question of life’s storm – life’s consequence of sin, and it can be a form of
suffering – that is another important one in this punishment. If people hadn’t sinned there would have
chapter, and it’s put to Jesus by his own disciples right been no suffering, and when sin is done away with
at the start. finally and fully in the new heaven and the new earth,
there won’t be any suffering there. So when Jesus says
“Who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born God allows suffering to get his glory displayed, he’s not
saying God is sadistically making us suffer for his own overcome evil and bear patiently with suffering – these
pleasure. Never, ever forget when you think about the are the keys to Christian victory. Let me say those
question of suffering, that God himself in the person of again, because I think it’s important that we get them
Jesus suffered as much as anyone could possibly suffer, the right way round: the keys to Christian victory are
without have ever sinned once to deserve any of it, and overcoming evil and bearing patiently with suffering.
that he did this all out of love for sinners. We’ll not experience the blessings of the Christian life
as they are meant to be known by getting that back-to-
There is a causal connection between sin and suffering, front. We’re not to try and overcome suffering. That’s
but Jesus basically says God has chosen not to reveal what some other religions or cults try to do. It’s what
exactly what it is, or why it’s clear in some cases but a scientific progress tries to do but it is inevitably
lot less clear-cut in others. Like the man who’s born doomed to failure because suffering and death are
blind, because even the disciples could see… this guy inescapable. I don’t mean we mustn’t try to alleviate
was suffering before he could ever have sinned. suffering – otherwise we’d have no doctors, we’d never
give to the poor, we’d never reach out in love to the
Jesus told them, and he tells us, to have faith in God – unloved and the unlovely around us.
that God knows what he is doing – that God is working
all things for good, even if (perhaps especially when) Even so, suffering is something we as Christians are to
you and I don’t understand what’s going on. bear with. But more than that, because sometimes
people can bear with suffering without being really
So-called “religions” that claim to answer the question converted by God, we are to rejoice in it. If you ever
of suffering and evil only deceive. Some will tell you it’s need proof that God is at work in someone’s life, look at
just an illusion. Others tell you God will free you from it how they deal with suffering. Now we need to be
and give you health, wealth and prosperity if you just careful, because rejoicing in suffering is not (or need
believe. not be) an attitude which laughs when tears are
appropriate, or which can’t come to God with a heavy
Don’t believe that – it’s a lie. Suffering and evil are real heart and the complaint of a troubled soul. Thank God
and right with us. But it is in trusting God that we we can cry and we can complain and we can come to
him however we feel. But suffering is not meant to enemy who causes so much destruction in human lives.
defeat us. It leaves the Christian, as it left the apostle
Paul, able to say at the end of his life, after beatings, It is with these keys in our hands that Jesus leads us
imprisonment, persecutions, and now finally facing the through door after door in trust.
death sentence in a Roman dungeon, “Nevertheless, I
am not ashamed (I have no regrets), because I know Trust means taking Jesus at his word. If you were blind
whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is and I came up with the bright idea of mixing up mud
able to guard that which I have entrusted to him for and saliva and putting that in your eyes, you’d think I
that day.” (2 Tim. 1:12) was mad. Surely nothing could be calculated to make
the problem worse!
That is how the Christian is to approach suffering.
God’s ways are not our ways and his thoughts are not
Sin and evil, on the other hand, are quite different. We our thoughts.
are emphatically not to try and bear patiently with sin.
That’s what modern relativism does, with its insistence
that nobody is absolutely right about anything except Well, I want to focus for the rest of our time this
the fact that nobody is absolutely right about anything, morning on the testimony of the man who is
and making tolerance the highest virtue. It’s what miraculously healed by Jesus.
secular humanism does, starting off by defining sin in
our lives as just human weakness and then telling us to I think this is crucially important for us today because
be self-affirming about everything we do. we live in a situation where testimony is needed.
People living in London – the vast majority of them –
No! We are to fight sin and evil. We are as Christians know next to nothing about Jesus Christ, compared to
engaged in a battle with sin and evil that is both within all the wonderful things written about him in the
us and without us. We are to put on the full armour of Scriptures. Certainly, the vast majority of them do not
God in this battle (as Win’s Bible verse to me last week know him personally. They have not spoken to him,
reminded me) and make no compromise with the listened to his voice, obeyed him, worshipped him,
loved him. To many people, Jesus means religion and keeps on repeating the same testimony, and it’s so
they have already decided that they want nothing to simple – and yet the opponents of Jesus can’t get
with that. How, then, are they going to hear__? around it – precisely because of its simplicity.

Not, I am afraid, through preaching, if by that you mean Look at what he says, first in verse 11: “The man called
Iain Batty standing up here on a Sunday morning giving Jesus made mud and anointed my eyes and said to me,
a sermon. No-one is here to listen. Most people are not ‘Go to Siloam and wash’. So I went and washed and
ready to listen. received my sight.”

If they are to hear, and if we are to fulfil our And he says it again – the same testimony in different
responsibility to the Great Commission, it will be our words in verse 15, “He put mud on my eyes, and I
words of testimony by which they hear about Jesus, and washed, and I see.”
that is something I hope we’ll all keep in our minds as
we go on into this New Year. And so all the religious objections of the Pharisees
about whether or not you should be allowed to heal on
Now, I hope I don’t need to spend much time this the Sabbath are trumped by this man’s simple
morning persuading you that sharing your Christian testimony to what Jesus did for him. If the man had
testimony is important. been a clever theologian, he could maybe have argued
with the Pharisees that God would heal on the Sabbath
In the light of judgment, in the light of eternity, and the as much as on any other day, but we have no reason to
significance of Jesus Christ to eternity for all people, we believe that he was particularly clever or educated, and
have – or we ought to have – the strongest motivations yet his words couldn’t be ignored.
for making Jesus known, and for encouraging people to
become his disciples. Even so, they asked him all over again, and in verse 25
he says, “One thing I do know, that though I was blind,
Let’s make our testimony to unbelievers simple, and now I see.”
easy to understand. I love the way the man in this story
Brilliant! So simple! apes.”
“We know that the Church has killed more people than
There’s no need to use religious jargon. There’s no use it has ever helped.”
telling someone you’ve been washed in the blood of the “We know Moses didn’t really write Genesis.”
lamb if they can’t understand what you are talking
about. There’s no point in going on about how David’s If you know how to answer, good! But if you don’t,
branch applied the balm of Gilead to your soul, if the don’t worry!
person you’re talking to doesn’t have a clue what
you’re referring to. “Whether Moses wrote Genesis or not, I do not know.
One thing I do know, that though my life before had no
People think Christians are weird enough already meaning, now it does.”
without you making it worse! “One thing I do know, that though I used to feel guilty,
my guilt and shame have been taken away.”
There’s no need to have all the answers either. Look “One thing I do know, that though I used to fear death,
again at verse 24 and see how the Pharisees call on the now I can face it as a Christian.”
man to testify again with an oath, “Give glory to God.
We know that this man is a sinner.” And the man And there’s no need, either, to pass responsibility for
replies, “Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One giving testimony on to other people, like the pastor.
thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” We’re often terribly bad at falling for the idea that
talking about Jesus is only for a few, “professional”
You see, people do tend to come to us, don’t they, with Christians to do.
things they’ve picked up from newspapers or seen on
the TV or something like that – even worse maybe it’s That’s why I like the way the man’s parents in this story
something they’ve read in the DaVinci Code, and they – though their motives are wrong of course, do what
say something like… any faithful pastor might do, and allow their son to
speak for himself. Don’t ask us, ask him! Your testimony
“We know that human beings are all descended from is valid, and your testimony is worth sharing with
others. is in Christ is a New Creation.

And I suppose that’s the final thing that stops us, isn’t Not free from suffering, but bearing patiently with it in
it. Is our testimony actually worth sharing? It’s not the hope of heaven, even rejoicing in it, knowing that
really the fear of being put out of the synagogue, or the our present suffering is not worth comparing with the
social circle we are in, whatever that is. It’s more the glory that will be revealed in us.
doubts we have that what has happened to us is really
a miracle at all. If only we had something obvious Not free from sin, but fighting it, and learning to
happen to us, like being healed of blindness, that overcome it as we trust in God.
everyone could see and be amazed at, then we’d be
happy to share boldly, because no-one could dispute These are things that the world doesn’t know and the
with us. world doesn’t do. But these are things that the world
needs. And things that only faith in Jesus Christ can
Well, first of all, other people could and would dispute give. And the wonderful thing is that as we pray, God’s
with you. Those who heard about what Jesus did for the Holy Spirit will go with us and ahead of us and create a
man born blind, even those who saw the miracle with desire for these things in the hearts of those we meet,
their own eyes – didn’t immediately fall at the feet of those we live with, work with and play with. In this New
Jesus and worship him. Their hearts were stubborn. Year, let’s trust God that he can and will do this through
They didn’t believe. Having a Damascus Road type us, and that we will see his Church grow, not just in
testimony is no guarantee that people will respond numbers, but in love for Him expressed in obedience.
favourably to it. The amazing thing is the way that a
true and simple testimony of an ordinary Christian can
bring people to Jesus.

And then, we must see how Jesus truly does do Blessing is from Ephesians 6:23
miracles in our lives. Think again about what I said
earlier about the keys to Christian victory. Anyone who Peace to you all, and love with faith from God the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace to all who love
our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love.

And the blessing of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy

Spirit, be upon you, and remain with you, now and for
evermore. Amen

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