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Leadership and its IMPACT!

on Organizational Culture and Effectiveness

…a Lead-Level Organizational Solution

“Everything rises and falls on Leadership” – John Maxwell, cutting-edge entrepreneur, best-selling author, and
dynamic speaker


Leaders’ impact organizational culture and that, in turn, determines levels of individual, group, and
organizational effectiveness. This 8-day lead-level bundled solution is designed to help individual leaders
strengthen thinking and behavioral styles that promote their effectiveness and moderate styles that
prevent them from realizing their potential. It also helps leaders understand and improve the impact they
have on culture, as well as increase effectiveness at the individual, group, and organizational level.

Most Frequently Used for:

 Initiating leadership development and establishing a direction for change

 Providing leaders with unique insights regarding their impact on others
 Helping leaders adopt strategies to increase personal effectiveness
 Enhancing organizational effectiveness through leadership development
 Improving leaders capabilities as a team member or individual contributor

“The level of leadership exhibited determines the results. Over time, where there are lackluster results, there is a
leadership deficiency. Where there are stellar results, there is strong leadership.” – From the article “Results” by Chris
Brady, independent business owner, co-Founder of TEAM, and co-Author of Launching a Leadership Revolution.

Project Title:
Leadership and its IMPACT! on Organizational Culture and Effectiveness – Presented by the
leadership and culture change experts at Dillard Partners, LLC

Project Description:
Through a combination of high-impact training and high-touch consulting, this project will help any
organization kick-start or enhance its organizational development efforts. Designed to show leaders how
and why to measure organizational culture and reveal the impact leadership has on individual, group, and
organizational effectiveness, LeadersIMPACT!™ quickly begins uncovering assumptions about
leadership, motivation, cooperation, and achievement. Action plans are also created that include practical
first steps toward increasing overall effectiveness at the individual, group and organizational levels.

A cross-section from the organization will complete an Organizational Culture Inventory™ (OCI) from
Human Synergistics®, a world-leader in high-quality assessments and simulations for individuals,
leaders, teams, and organizations. The OCI provides a picture of the organization’s operating culture in
terms of the behaviors that members believe are currently expected or implicitly required of them by
leaders in the organization. This provides valuable insight to leaders on how they are currently impacting
the organization as a whole, and can serve to help them guide the way in which members approach their
work and interact with one another. This, in turn, directly impacts organizational effectiveness, including
the capacity to solve problems and adapt to change.

This program includes our 2-day intensive grow-level LeadersIMPACT!™ workshop where
participants really begin to understand Leadership and its IMPACT! on Organizational Culture and
Effectiveness. The workshop includes the “Coach” simulation, which teaches leaders how to balance task
mastery and self-set goals (achievement orientation) with complementary human relations skills
(cooperation) to “get things done”. And for optimal flexibility, the workshop can be broken into four 4-hour
segments for greater convenience in delivery without disrupting business operations.

Project Outline:
A. Day 1 – Part 1 (¼ day @ Client Site)
 Meeting with Top Management to explain the purpose and process of the project
 Set up schedule for the project
B. Day 1 – Part 2 (¾ day @ Client Site)

Success at the Speed of Leadership™ 1 of 2

Leadership and its IMPACT! on Organizational Culture and Effectiveness
…a Lead-Level Organizational Solution

 Complete the OCI-Current, OCI-Ideal, and/or OEI

C. Day 2 – Leadership and its IMPACT! on Organizational Culture and Effectiveness (On/Off-Site)
 Welcome and Ice Breaker (1 hour)
 Introduction to Culture (1 hour)
 How Culture Really Works (30 minutes)
 Leaders’ Impact on Organizational Culture & Effectiveness (1.5 hour)
 Coach – Simulation (3.5 hours)
 Culture’s Impact on Group/ Team Performance – Group Styles Inventory™ (30 minutes)
D. Day 3 – Leadership and its IMPACT! on Organizational Culture and Effectiveness (On/Off-Site)
 Teams and Teamwork (1 hour)
 Analysis of Group Interaction/ Score and Debrief of Group Styles Inventory™ (1.5 hour)
 Organizational Culture and Effectiveness (OCI and OEI) (1.5 hours)
 Culture’s IMPACT! on Individual Thinking and Performance – Life Styles Inventory™ (4 hours)
E. Day 4 (Dillard Partners, LLC)
 Analysis of the OCI Feedback Report from Human Synergistics®
 Prep for Site Transformation Assessment and Readiness Tour (START)
F. Day 5 (Client Site)
 START - Onsite review and evaluation of Culture and Key Performance Indicators
G. Days 6-7 (Dillard Partners, LLC)
 Analysis of OCI and Onsite review
 Prepare Executive Summary and Report w/ Recommendations
H. Day 8 (Client Site)
 Presentation to Top Management on results of the project
 Action Planning for Organizational Culture and Effectiveness

“A leader’s skills, abilities, competencies, behaviors, activities, and styles are important, but they do not define the
essence of one’s leadership. Rather, the essence of leadership is the impact that a person has on the thinking and
behavior of others and the culture that he or she ends up creating as a result. Thus, managers who want to learn to
be better leaders need to understand their impact as well as the personal characteristics and qualities that contribute
to that impact. Information on impact provides the context—and purpose—for the choices that the manager will then
make about changes in leadership activities, behaviors or styles.” – From “The Essence of Leadership” by Janet L.
Szumal, Ph.D., Human Synergistics® Center for Applied Research

Human Synergistics® Material Overview:

Coach Simulation – A values-oriented exercise designed to highlight co-operation and achievement, or
co-achieving (coaching) and as a primary leadership style. It helps participants apply the principles of
achievement motivation by demonstrating that there are clearly some exceptional ways of thinking and
behaving that increase individual, group and organizational effectiveness.
Group Styles Inventory™ – Designed for serious team-building programs, the GSI assesses the way in
which team members interact with one another and approach problems and decisions. Insights into these
interaction styles enable teams to identify what they need to do to work together more effectively and
achieve synergy—that is, to ensure that their interactive efforts have a greater impact than the sum of
their individual efforts.
Life Styles Inventory™ – The LSI provides people with insightful and otherwise unavailable information
on their thinking and behavioral styles—information that can be used for self discovery, self monitoring,
and self development. LSI helps people to get to know themselves. It provides feedback on patterns of
thinking that are Constructive and productive as well as those that are Defensive and counter-productive.
Guided by this feedback, the individual can improve upon what is good and work to change what could be
better. The results: improved individual well-being and enhanced performance.
Organizational Culture Inventory™ – The OCI is recognized as one of the most widely used and
thoroughly researched organizational surveys in the world. Developed by Drs. Robert A. Cooke and J.
Clayton Lafferty, the OCI provides a picture of an organization’s operating culture in terms of the
behaviors that members believe are expected or implicitly required. By guiding the way in which members
approach their work and interact with one another, these “behavioral norms” determine the organization’s
capacity to solve problems, adapt to change, and perform effectively.

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