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natje~ajni projekt, Zagreb, 1999.

Competition Project, Zagreb, 1999

AP-92 d.o.o., Zagreb

090 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

Contemporary Art Museum
uglovnica situacija 1:8.000 situacija krova 1:8.000 situacija 1:2.000
corner building site plan 1:8,000 site plan of roof 1:8,000 site plan 1:2,000

U suvremenom svijetu rije~ Moral toliko In the modern-day world, the word “morality”
je otrcana da ima gotovo negativno zna~enje i to is so overused that it almost has a negative
vjerojatno s pravom, jer su najve}im prevarantima connotation, and perhaps rightly so, since the greatest
i lopovima usta puna upravo rije~i Moral. Ipak, i impostors and thieves are those who most often
ba{ zato, ovaj projekt po~inje od Morala. speak of morality. Despite this, or rather, for this
Dana{nji svijet nije dobar, on je u krizi i very reason, morality is the starting point of this
stoga je potrebno raditi i djelovati tako da svijetu project.
bude bolje. Nedavno izvedeni muzej u Bilbaou Today’s world is not good; it is going
arhitekta Gehryja iz 1998. godine svojim je probojem through a crisis and one’s work and efforts should
kroz medije popularne kulture postao predlo‘ak aim at making the world a better place. The museum
suvremenog muzeja, a mo‘da i suvremene at Bilbao produced by the architect Gehry in 1998
arhitekture. Njegova popularnost zna~ajno sudjeluje has, thanks to the popular-culture media, become
u pritisku kraja stolje}a-tisu}lje}a i u zahtjevu da the model for modern-day museums or even perhaps
se arhitektura i arhitekti kona~no “izjasne” {to }e for modern-day architecture. Its popularity adds
raditi u Tre}em Mileniju i za njega. Povrh toga, significantly to the pressure applied by the turn-of-
muzejska se funkcija poklopila sa sveop}om the-century-millennium era, and increases the demand
modom rekapituliranja svega i sva~ega. Zbog for architecture and architects to finally “speak their
svega navedenog, muzej u Bilbaou potrebno je mind” about what they will be doing in and for the
kriti~ki sagledati. Kao arhitektonsko djelo on je Third Millennium. Similarly, the function of the museum
izvanredno uspje{an, ali je kao kulturolo{ko djelo has coincided with the general tendency to review
ili, to~nije re~eno, kao civilizacijsko djelo, nemoralan. everything in sight. For all these reasons, this
On je umjetni~ka razrada ve} dugo prisutnih museum should be critically analysed. The Bilbao
ideja kaosa, dovedena do krajnosti. Stvaranje museum is an outstandingly successful work of
umjetnosti koja tako neizravno potencira Kaos, architecture, but in cultural terms, or more precisely,
koji je ina~e suvremen i popularan, odnosno u in terms of civilisation, it is immoral. It is but an
modi, to jednostavno nije dobro... ako ‘elimo da artistic elaboration of the long-lingering ideas of
nam bude bolje. Ako to ‘elimo. Za razumijevanje chaos pushed to the extreme. The creation of a
tog problema, vrlo se lijepo mo‘e usporediti piece of art promoting chaos in such a straightforward
vjerojatno potpuno suprotan projekt, odnosno manner - chaos being otherwise modern, popular
gra|evina Doma likovnih umjetnosti u Zagrebu and fashionable - is simply not good... if we want
Ivana Me{trovi}a iz 1934.-38. To je primjer Reda to make things better for ourselves. 1B we want to.
i Obzira prema gradu i njegovom naslje|u, kao i To better understand this issue, a comparison can
obzira prema suvremenosti... {to je ~esto dobar be made with a project which is quite the opposite
put ka svevremenosti. - the building housing the Hall of Visual Arts,
Ili, jednostavno, to je Bolje. designed by Ivan Me{trovi} in Zagreb in 1934-38.
This is an example of order and mindfulness of the
ULOGA MUZEJA city and its heritage, including its modernity... which
Muzej Beaubourg u Parizu vjerojatno je is oftentimes a good way to achieve quality for all
najzna~ajniji muzej novijeg doba. Njegove dobre, times.
ali i lo{e strane, postale su ishodi{ne to~ke za Or, to put it simply, it is better.
utvr|ivanje novih muzejskih standarda. Istodobni
uspjeh i neuspjeh le‘i u iznimnoj atraktivnosti

092 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti 093 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

Contemporary Art Museum Contemporary Art Museum
tlocrt podruma 1:1.000 tlocrt prizemlja 1:1.000 tlocrt kata 1:1.000
basement plan 1:1,000 ground-floor plan 1:1,000 1st floor plan 1:1,000

094 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti 095 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

Contemporary Art Museum Contemporary Art Museum
uzdu`ni presjek 1:1.000 popre~ni presjek 1:1.000
longitudinal section 1:1,000 cross section 1:1,000

gra|evine, a ona je toliko velika da je u potpunosti HRAM NA BRDU THE ROLE OF A MUSEUM people like an extended hand... to gather them up
zasjenila njenu muzejsku funkciju. Zna~aj i potreba za muzejom u dana{njem The Beaubourg Museum in Paris is probably like ants... and lift them. Such a gesture is in the
Trg ispred muzeja sa svojim uli~nim svijetu postali su poput zna~aja hrama iz pro{losti. the most significant museum of recent times. Both spirit of the museum’s purpose - to raise people to
sadr‘ajima i eskalatori koji se uspinju iznad krovova Dvadeseto stolje}e proteklo je u kontinuiranom i its good and bad points have become starting the level of art as the only field of human activity
grada preuzeli su publiku koja bi trebala neopravdanom slavlju zbog otkri}a relativnosti. points for the definition of new museum standards. still left with a chance of being fresh and better. To
razgledavati unutra{njost. Dakle, Beaubourg je Pritom su ignorirane mnoge elementarne ljudske The museum’s co-existing successes and failures illustrate both the aspiration and the gesture, the
uspio privu}i publiku, ali samo do svoje fasade. osobine, {to je u realizacijama ideja sprije~ilo make the building extraordinarily attractive, so much similar example of Le Corbusier’s hand might be
Ne u unutra{njost. Povrh toga, ubrzo se pokazalo o~ekivani napredak. U prostornom smislu to se so that the building completely overshadows its taken: the “Open Hand Monument” at Chandigarh.
da u muzeju nedostaje zidova za vje{anje slika, mo‘e ilustrirati kao tako|er zanemarena potreba function as a museum.
pa su naknadno umetnute pregradne stijene kao za Granicama koje definiraju prostor. Granice su The square in front of the museum, with A TEMPLE ON THE HILL
za klasi~ne sobe s ~etiri zida. Projektirani koncept dobre i na neki na~in va‘nije nego prostor sam its street amenities and escalators rising above the In today’s world, the significance of, and
staklene, otvorene i fleksibilne eta‘e proma{io je za sebe. Zato upotreba Hrama kao arhetipskog roofs of the city, draws the attention of the audience the need for, a museum have become similar to
svoj cilj. predlo{ka mo‘e biti dobrodo{la i ugodna Novost. away from the museum’s interior. Accordingly, the significance once attributed to temples. The
Dobro iskustvo ovog muzeja pokazuje U taj predlo‘ak uklju~eno je i Brdo kao jednako Beaubourg has managed to attract audiences, but 20th century has been characterised by the
kako od muzeja napraviti gradsku i kulturolo{ku va‘an, a mo‘da i va‘niji element postepenog only as far as its façade. Not beyond. What’s continuous and unjustified celebration of the discovery
atrakciju, a lo{e iskustvo pokazuje da se ne prilaza i meditacije usmjerene prema sadr‘aju more, it soon became clear that the museum lacks of relativity. Meanwhile, many elementary human
smije zaboraviti klasi~na funkcija muzeja sa “zidom muzeja. walls to hang paintings on, so that partition walls characteristics have been ignored, curbing the
na koji se vje{aju slike”, unato~ sve ve}em pritisku were subsequently introduced, forming in this way expected progress in the realisation of ideas. In
umjetnina-performance-instalacija kojima to naizgled UZDIZANJE classical four-wall rooms. The planned concept of a terms of space, this can perhaps be illustrated as
ne treba. Lokacija na kojoj se muzej nalazi je Novi glazed, open and flexible storey had failed. a neglected need to determine space-defining
Zagreb, prostor gigantskih praznina potpuno izvan The positive experience arising from this boundaries. Boundaries are positive, and in a way
PRU@ENA RUKA ljudskog mjerila. Pojedina~ni red postignut u samim museum illustrates how a museum can be turned more important than space itself. This is why the
Kada ‘ele pomo}i, kada ‘ele dobro, ljudi zgradama raspr{io se jer nema granica koje bi into a cultural and city attraction, whereas the use of a temple as an archetypal model can be a
to pokazuju gestom pru‘ene ruke. Ova gesta je ga zadr‘ale, {to je tipi~an proizvod 20. stolje}a. negative experience shows that one should not welcome and pleasant novelty. This model also
ishodi{na slika iz koje je nastala ideja prilazne Prizemlje-parter prostora za pje{aka je forget the classical function of museums of providing involves a hill as an equally important, or even
rampe ovog muzeja, koja se iz visine kao velika izrazito neugodan i te{ko savladiv. Ta neugoda a “wall to hang paintings on”, despite the increasing more important, element of gradual access and
ruka pru‘a prema ljudima... da ih skupi kao }e prestati kada se prostor popuni izgradnjom, a pressure of artefacts-performances-installations which meditation focused on the museum’s contents.
mrave... i uzdigne. Ovakva gesta je u duhu funkcije to mo‘e biti tek za 10 ili mo‘da 100 godina. U do not seem to need one.
projektiranog muzeja koji bi trebao uzdignuti ljude tom smislu muzej se uzdi‘e iznad prostora, iznad REARING
do umjetnosti koja jedina ima {ansu da bude problema. Prila‘enje i uzdizanje prilaznom rampom AN EXTENDED HAND The location of the museum is Novi Zagreb,
Nova i Bolja. Za razumijevanje ove te‘nje i geste otvara posjetitelju vizure prema okolnom prostoru When they wish to help, when they mean an area of enormous vacuums totally outside the
mo‘da se mo‘e uzeti sli~an primjer Le Corbusierove koje ina~e ne mo‘e vidjeti, well, people show it with the gesture of an extended human scale. Individual order achieved in single
ruke, “Spomenik otvorene ruke” u Chandigarhu. ... {to mu daje osje}aj ponovnog dosezanja hand. This gesture is the image from which the idea buildings is dispersed, as there are no boundaries
izgubljenih granica prostora, of the access ramp of the present museum stemmed. to contain it, as is characteristic of a typical product
... {to se mo‘e pretvoriti u ugodan osje}aj The ramp stretches forth from a great height towards of the 20th century.

096 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti 097 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

Contemporary Art Museum Contemporary Art Museum
pogled prema Novom Zagrebu
view against Novi Zagreb

dosezanja izgubljenih granica duha, iskori{tena stvaranjem velikih vanjskih prostora - For pedestrians, the ground level of this Novi Zagreb should be accepted the way
... {to se mo‘e lijepo nastaviti kroz umjetnine ispred i ispod - za mogu}nost okupljanja i aktivnosti area is most unpleasant and difficult to deal with. it is and the museum, as corner building number
muzeja, mno{tva ljudi. Prostor ispred muzeja u svakom je This unpleasant feeling will cease only when the 2, must live an independent life without the assistance
i to je dobro. gradu jedan od najdra‘ih prostora okupljanja, space is occupied by buildings, which can only of the old town. In the distant future, the city will
iako ve}inu ljudi zapravo ne zanima {to se nalazi possibly happen in 10, or even 100, years. In this be integrated and will reach the museum with its
GRAD NOVI ZAGREB u njemu. To treba iskoristiti i to muzeju u Novom respect, the museum is raised above space, above axes and perspectives. Once the city reaches the
Muzej se nalazi na centralnoj osi Zagrebu ipak mo‘e pomo}i, jer postoji velika problems. A visitor accessing and ascending the museum, building developments will definitely have
grada sjever-jug. Kri‘anje Avenije Ve}eslava {ansa identifikacije gra|ana Novoga grada s Novim ramp is faced with a view of the surroundings that to be adapted to the museum and not vice versa.
Holjevca i Avenije Dubrovnik centralna je muzejom. cannot otherwise be seen, For this particular museum is a new cathedral and
to~ka Novog Zagreba. Zgrada INE prva je Dakle, oblikovanje ovog muzeja proiza{lo ... giving him/her a feeling of having reached once a corner building in the centre of the city of Novi
od ~etiri predvi|ene uglovnice na tom je i iz potrebe Grada. more the lost boundaries of space, Zagreb. The city of Novi Zagreb probably has
kri‘anju. Muzej je uglovnica broj dva. Vezanje ... which can turn into a pleasant feeling of having some 100,000-200,000 inhabitants, but still lacks an
muzeja prema starom dijelu grada gotovo STVARALA^KI DUH ZAGREBA reached the lost boundaries of the spirit, area where people can come together. Undoubtedly,
je nemogu}e zbog prevelike udaljenosti, Unato~ na{oj obi~nosti, u Zagrebu, u ... a feeling which can be further enhanced by the there is a great need for such a place, which is
ali to nije ni va‘no u ovom slu~aju. Hrvatskoj, postoji neuobi~ajena potreba za works of art contained in the museum, why this project has been used to the maximum
Novi Zagreb je takav kakav jest i internacionalnim stvarala{tvom. To zna~i da postoji all of which is a good feeling. extent to create large outdoor areas - in front of
muzej-uglovnica broj dva mora samostalno niz ljudi i djela koja mo‘emo slobodno pokazati and beneath the museum - to enable people to
‘ivjeti bez pomo}i staroga grada. Jednom svijetu s uvjerenjem da smo dobri, a ponekad i THE CITY OF NOVI ZAGREB come together in large numbers and take part in
u dalekoj budu}nosti ostvarit }e se kontinuitet bolji od mnogih. Lijepo je vidjeti potrebu stvaralaca The museum is positioned on the central activities. In many towns the space in front of the
grada koji }e dotaknuti muzej svojim osima da budu internacionalni i da hrabro i nesebi~no north-south axis of the city. The intersection of museum is one of the preferred places of gathering,
i vizurama. Kada grad kona~no dotakne odlaze u najdalju avangardu umjetnosti, iako im Ve}eslav Holjevac Avenue and Dubrovnik Avenue is even though many people are not really interested
muzej, svakako }e se izgradnja grada morati to zapravo nije nu‘no. Tako|er je lijepo primijetiti the central point of Novi Zagreb. The INA building in what can be found inside. This has to be
prilagoditi muzeju a ne on njemu. Jer, ipak koliko na{e stvarala{tvo vrlo malo impresioniraju is the first of the four corner buildings envisaged exploited as a factor benefiting the museum in
je ovaj muzej Nova katedrala i uglovnica u trenutne mode na svjetskom tr‘i{tu umjetnosti. on these crossroads. The museum is corner building Novi Zagreb, as the odds are high that the inhabitants
centru Grada Novog Zagreba. Grad Novi Jedna od ljepota Hrvatske u tom smislu je i number 2. The great distance makes it almost of Novi Zagreb will identify themselves with the
Zagreb ima vjerojatno 100 - 200 000 arhitektura, koja uporno i “prirodno” njeguje impossible to establish a link between the museum New Museum.
stanovnika ali jo{ uvijek nema prostor centra modernizam od samoga za~etka. Novi muzej mora and the old part of the city, and anyway, a link is Therefore, the design of the museum has
okupljanja. Ta potreba je nesumnjivo velika pokazati taj Duh. not important in this case. been derived from the city’s needs.
i zato je ovim projektom maksimalno
098 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti 099 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti
Contemporary Art Museum Contemporary Art Museum
ulazna rampa
entrance ramp

RJE[ENJE IZLO@BENE FUNKCIJE ZAGREB’S CREATIVE SPIRIT in a single storey of continuous space, with ideal may be invoked, such as the Lisinski Concert Hall
Rje{enje je ponudio Renzo Piano 1981. godine u Despite our being ordinary, in Zagreb, or natural light from above and entirely flexible walls. and the Uffizi Gallery.
Muzeju zbirke Menil u Houstonu, Texas. Kontinuiran stakleni indeed in Croatia, there is an unusual need for The demanding nature of the roof construction is
krov - blagi vi{eslojni “shed” - omogu}ava kontinuirani creativity at the international level. There are a justified by the underlying space of extraordinary ADDRESSING THE MUSEUM’S INFRASTRUCTURE
prostor muzeja u jednoj eta`i, s idealnim prirodnim svjetlom number of people, and there are many works, that simplicity, complete consistency and rational purity. Placing the exhibition area on a single storey
sa stropa i potpuno fleksibilnim zidovima. Zahtjevnost we can boast about and show to the world, certain The design of the new museum fully meets the 8 metres above the ground has made it possible to
rje{enja krovne konstrukcije opravdana je prostorom that they are of high quality, sometimes even better requirements laid out above. distribute all the infrastructure and service-related
izvanredne jednostavnosti, potpune dosljednosti i racionalne than many others. It is nice to see the need of facilities underneath the entire area of the museum.
~isto}e. To rje{enje u potpunosti zadovoljava zahtjeve creators to be international and to pursue the most ADDRES SING HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL Anything required to make the exhibition function on
navedene na prethodnim stranicama i zato ga novi muzej advanced avant-garde with courage and unselfishness, COMMUNICATION the first floor can simply be connected from below.
preuzima. although there is actually no need for it to be Since the museum’s exhibiting function has Likewise, office premises for professional activities
pursued. It is also nice to see that our creative been modelled on Renzo Piano’s project actually could simply be connected-suspended from beneath,
RJE[ENJE HORIZONTALNE circles are not so impressed with current trends on consisting of a labyrinth, the following solution including any air-conditioning devices and related
I VERTIKALNE KOMUNIKACIJE the world market of art. In this respect, architecture presented itself as logical: a glazed façade corridor- installations. The infrastructure installations of the building
Nakon preuzimanja rje{enja izlo‘benog prostora is also one of Croatia’s treasures, as it has persistently hall stretching out along the entire exhibition area have similarly been used as a method of design in
muzeja Renza Piana, koji je zapravo labirint, slijedilo je and “naturally” cherished Modernism from its very facilitating entry into and exit from each and every the Lloyds building in London. This comparison can
drugo logi~no rje{enje: stakleni fasadni hodnik-hall oko emergence. The new museum ought to reflect this part of the museum. It has all been fitted into one be related to the Beaubourg Museum designed by
cijelog izlo‘benog prostora koji omogu}ava jednostavno spirit. large flexible storey intended for exhibitions. The both Rogers and Piano, and to their work in general,
ula‘enje i izla‘enje u i iz svakog dijela muzeja. Sve u remaining technical and service areas have been since they often create similar pure spaces and use
jednoj velikoj fleksibilnoj izlo‘benoj eta‘i. Preostali tehni~ki ADDRES SING THE MUSEUM’S EXHIBITING laid out beneath the exhibition area and connected the “impurities” of infrastructure as design. The Lloyds
i radni prostori jednostavno su raspore|eni ispod izlo‘bene FUNCTION by staircases at points closest to the exhibition building has infrastructure connections on the façade,
eta‘e i najkra}im mogu}im vezama spojeni stubi{tima. A solution was offered by Renzo Piano at area. In this way the function of the museum has whereas in the present Museum of Contemporary Art
Takvo rje{enje dodatno je pro~istilo funkciju i omogu}ilo the Menil Collection Museum in Houston, Texas, in been additionally clarified and the museum has they are suspended underneath. The area beneath
oblikovnu jasno}u muzeja. Za razumijevanje ove logike 1981. An uninterrupted glass roof - a gentle multi- been made transparent in terms of design. To the museum becomes a pedestrian square of
vjerojatno mogu poslu`iti primjeri arhitekture kao {to su layered “shed” - allows the museum to be contained understand the logic, some architectural examples contrasting atmosphere and quality.
Koncertna dvorana Lisinski i Galerija Uffizi.


Izlo‘beni prostor u jednoj eta‘i, osam metara
iznad zemlje, otvorio je mogu}nost da se cijelom povr{inom
ispod muzeja rasporede sve infrastrukturne-servisne funkcije.
Sve {to je potrebno da bi izlo‘ba na prvom katu funkcionirala
jednostavno se priklju~uje ispod nje. Na isti na~in bi se
ispod muzeja priklju~io-objesio radno-stru~ni dio s uredima,
kao i klimatizacijski ure|aji s potrebnim razvodom cijevi.
Takav na~in oblikovanja zgrade instalacijama infrastrukture
upotrijebljen je na Lloydovoj zgradi u Londonu. Ova
usporedba ve‘e se na muzej Beaubourg koji su radili
Rogers i Piano zajedno, odnosno na obojicu ovih autora
koji stvaraju sli~ne ~iste prostore, a “ne~isto}u” infrastrukture
iskori{tavaju za oblikovanje. Lloyd ima priklju~ke na fasadi
dok ih ovaj muzej ima obje{ene ispod. Prostor ispod
muzeja postaje pje{a~ki trg kontrastnog ugo|aja i kvalitete.

100 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti 101 Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

Contemporary Art Museum Contemporary Art Museum

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