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sdr Nov 07 Inclusion

Inclusion Policy

1. Rationale:
1.1 Nailsea School provides education for all, acknowledging that the society within which we live
is enriched by the ethnic diversity, culture and faith of its citizens.
1.2 ‘An educationally inclusive school is one in which the teaching and learning, achievements,
attitudes and well-being of every young person matter. Effective schools are educationally
inclusive schools. This shows not only in their performance, but also in their ethos and their
willingness to offer new opportunities to pupils who may have experienced previous
difficulties. This does not mean treating all pupils in the same way. Rather, it involves taking
account of pupils' varied life experiences and needs. The most effective schools do not take
educational inclusion for granted. They constantly monitor and evaluate the progress each
pupil makes.
1.3 An inclusive school is one that identifies any pupils who may be missing out, difficult to
engage, or feeling in some way to be apart from what the school seeks to provide. All staff
take practical steps - in the classroom and beyond - to meet pupils' needs effectively, and they
promote tolerance and understanding in a diverse society.’ (Reference: Evaluation Educational
Inclusion - OfSTED 2000)
2. Purpose:
2.1 to describe the groups of individuals within our community who may for one reason or another
become un-included in the school community or unable to access the full range of opportunities
it offers.
2.2 to make the values and ethos of inclusion clear so that all members of the school community are
aware of the expectations of the school
2.3 to ensure that the procedures and practices of the school do not exclude any individual from the
full range opportunities it offers.
2.4 to describe the procedures by which the school will monitor the effectiveness of its inclusion
policy and update its procedures as necessary.
3. Guidelines:
3.1 Educational inclusion is a broad concept. It is about equal opportunities for all pupils, whatever
their age, gender, ethnicity, attainment and background. It pays particular attention to the
provision made for and the achievement of different groups of pupils within a school. Different
groups could apply to any or all of the following:
3.1.1 Girls and boys
3.1.2 Minority ethnic and faith groups, travellers, asylum seekers and refugees
3.1.3 Children who need support to learn English as an additional language (EAL)
3.1.4 Children with special educational needs
3.1.5 Gifted and talented children
3.1.6 Children "looked after" by the local authority
3.1.7 sick children, young carers, children from families under stress, pregnant schoolgirls and
teenage mothers.

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sdr Nov 07 Inclusion

3.1.8 Children who are at risk of disaffection and exclusion

3.2 We believe that every child and young person should have equal right to:
3.2.1 be included as a valued, responsible and equal member of the learning community with all
other children and young people of the same age
3.2.2 have access to a broad, balanced and inclusive curriculum experience and differentiated
teaching and learning
3.2.3 support to enable them to achieve their full potential and to be included in a lifelong learning
3.2.4 have their views heard and contribution recognised
3.2.5 In order to cater for all of the above groups of children Nailsea School Polices have reference
to disability, gender, ethnic, racial or cultural inclusion as appropriate. T he most relevant
policies are listed in section 5 together with the relevant procedure documents.
3.3 The school monitors the effectiveness of its policy through;
3.3.1 analysis of examination results and assessments
3.3.2 monitoring the rate of exclusions, suspensions and detentions for the various groups
3.3.3 student interview and discussion
3.3.4 tutor monitoring interviews
4. Review:
4.1 This policy will be reviewed at yearly intervals and will be next reviewed November 2010
4.2 The chair of Parent Student and Community governors sub-committee and Deputy Headteacher
SSG are responsible for the review.
5. Related Documents:
5.1 A Guide to the Law for School Governors: Community Schools February 2004
5.2 SEN [Special Educational Needs] Policy
5.3 Gifted and Talented Policy
5.4 Equal Opportunities Policy
5.5 Behaviour Policy
5.6 Anti-Bullying Policy
5.7 Racial Equality and Cultural Diversity
5.8 Child Protection Policy
5.9 Health and Safety Policy
5.10Use of Restricted Physical Intervention with children with challenging behaviour
5.11Dealing with children with health needs (including medication protocol)
5.12Headteachers Guide to Dealing with Bereavement and Loss in School
5.13The North Somerset Schools agreement on Managed transfers between Schools
5.14The North Somerset Schools agreement on 6th Day Exclusion cover

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