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Secure and Priority Based Routing Mechan-

ism in MANET through Mobile Agent
Puneet Kumar1,A.K.Vatsa1

School of Computer Engineering and Information Technology, SHOBHIT UNIVERSITY,

Abstract—The wide availability of mobile devices equipped with infrastructure-free wireless communication capabilities
together with the technical possibility to form Mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET) paved the path for building highly dynamic
communities of mobile users. Mobile agent is a program segment which is self-controlling. The mobile agents have no security
mechanism and authentication scheme is used to permit mobile agents to perform computations. Due to lacks of security
aspects when applied to MANET where nodes cannot be classified as they are malicious or not, hence for the cases where the
security of data or reliability of agent became must we need some method to insure the things. Thus, In this paper, we propose
a Admission Control Mechanism on hierarchical model architecture of MANET maintained by Mobile agent using secure and
priority based routing algorithm with effective security authentication technique. Our technique has three phases, In Initial
phase, Admission Control method - where we provide admission of mobile nodes in hierarchical model. In the next phase, we
discuss the priority based routing mechanism using BFS technique for routing. In the last phase, we provide security over
mobile agents with effective authentication methods.

Index Terms—Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), Hierarchal Model, BFS, Admission Control, Authentication.


1.1 MANET Admission control refers to the decision process that is
Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET) refers to a multi-hop performed prior to the incorporation of devices to the
packet based wireless network composed of a set of mo- Mobile Ad Hoc Network.
bile nodes that can communicate and move at the same A node that wishes to use the network to transport
time , without using any kind of fixed wired infrastruc- traffic in must first request a connection, which involves
ture. It is self-organizing, rapidly deployable, adaptive informing the cluster head about the characteristics of the
and dynamic reconfigurable network of mobile devices traffic. The cluster head judges whether it has enough
connected by wireless links [1]. Node acts as host and resources available to accept the connection, and then
router to assist in transmitting data to other nodes in its either accepts or rejects the connection request. In Short
range. MANETs differ from wired/wireless networks in we can say that the admission control mechanisms' func-
that there is no central control, no base station, and no tion is to ascertain whether the network can satisfy a data
wireless switches. session's requirements without violating the session of
As a result, any task in the network must be distri- the nodes of previously admitted sessions.
buted and executed by all its members. These tasks in- 1.4 Routing Mechanism in Hierarchical ModelofMA-
clude manually creating and updating policies for the NET
admission as well as the access control of devices over Routing in an MANET typically consists of two phases:
time. route discovery and route maintenance. Route Discovery
1.2 Hierarchical Model of MANET is the mechanism by which a node S (lower level cluster
A hierarchy is an arrangement of Nodes in the form of head ()) intending to send a packet to destination D
clusters in which the items are represented as being (upper level cluster head ()) obtains a route to D. Route
"above", "below," or "at the same level as" one another. Maintenance is themechanism by which node S is able to
The hierarchical model refers to an architecture in which detect, while using a route to D, that one or more links
the network has been divided into small clusters or and along the route have failed. When a broken link is discov-
provide a hierarchy in the form of Lower level clusters ered, the source can use another route or can revoke
and moving up to upper level clusters. There are cluster Route Discovery.
heads at each level which manage the associated nodes at MANET routing protocols are commonly classified
each level. This technique makes navigation in Mobile Ad into two categories – Proactive and Demand based. Proac-
Hoc Network easy and also reduces the complexity of the tive routing continually maintains information on all
network as it is highly dynamic in nature. available paths using periodic updates so when a packet
1.3 Admission Control needs to be sent, routes are known and can be used im-

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 0320-1113

mediately. The proactive method takes little time to dis- defined level which may consume considerable amount
cover routes but must maintain routing information for of network resources as well as delayed updation may
unused paths. Demand based routing, rather than main- cause delay in detection of topology changes. Hence, this
taining paths between all nodes at all times, invokes a calls for the development of the Hierarchical architecture.
route discovery procedure on demand. Demand based The clustering is the technique which made it possible to
schemes use less network bandwidth as they avoid send- deploy hybrid approach of protocols in MANET’s. Since,
ing unnecessary routing information but they typically the formation of clusters is to be done carefully, previous
take longer to discover routes. works have done clustering on three main basis viz. fixed
1.5. Security of Mobile Agent in MANET geographical locations [10], based on numerousity of
A Mobile agent is a self-governing software entity that nodes in a cluster and depending upon hop counts [11].
can manage its execution. It can suspend its execution; Several architectures have been defined using hybrid of
transfer itself from one networked host to another and proactive as well as reactive approach and tried to solve
resume its execution. Agents are programmed to perform the problem of MANETS’s. One of the most popular has
certain tasks- as it meant for. In the process of performing used the same hybrid approach [12] and defined how the
the task, the agent may traverse numerous Clusters. The work is done in reactive way for path determination and
Cluster head acts as a host and provides an execution reservation.
environment for the agent. The autonomous and mobile Another model tells about Integrated Services [2],
nature of the agents introduces new complexities and [24], Differentiated Service [25], FQMM [26],[27],[28] and
security issues. Mobile Agent carries sensitive informa- SWAN [26],[29]. The Integrated Services (IntServ) model
tion which must be secure and tamper-proof, and must was the first standardized model developed for the Inter-
not reveal information inappropriately. The Host plat- net. The Differentiated Services (DiffServ) model was de-
form should provide a safe environment for the agent to signed to overcome the inherent demerits of the IntServ
execute. A malicious agent may attack the Host and model by IETF (RFC 1633). A Flexible QoS Model for
access sensitive data or tie up inordinate amount of re- MANET (FQMM) has been proposed which considers the
sources causing Denial of Service to other applications or characteristics of MANET’s and tries to take advantage of
agents. both the per-flow service granularity in IntServ and the
1.6. Problem Identification service differentiation in DiffServ. SWAN model was de-
Due to lack of security aspects in Mobile agent when ap- veloped by the Comet team at Columbia University. The
plied to MANET, where nodes cannot be classified as model divides the traffic into real time UDP traffic and
they are malicious or not, hence for the cases where the best effort TCP traffic.
security of data or reliability of agent became must. We The architecture[8] proposed and the model used
need some method to insure the mechanism for routing solves the problem of management of topology and pro-
done by mobile agent and Mobile agent needs security viding services in a better way than any other work pro-
while providing routes for nodes and maintaining the posed in this field however the practicality and imple-
hierarchal model of MANET. mentation are no doubt matter of moulding the proposals
1.7. Paper Organization and to change them the way they fit. Still the work can be
We organize this paper in chapters. In Chapter -1 we have done to minimize the overhead transmission for topology
discussed about the clusters in Hierarchical model. This maintenance.In Paper [13], a hybrid reliable data trans-
chapter also describes how cluster heads are managing mission technique for multicasting in MANET has been
the attached nodes. Chapter -2 describes about the admis- proposed. It works in a controlled manner to provide a
sion control mechanisms of the nodes at different hie- lossless non real time data to the receiver. It uses an ad-
rarchy levels of the model. mission control scheme, depending on the output queue
Routing Algorithm using Breadth First Search has size, to analyse flow is admission or rejection. Thus the
been explained in Chapter -3. Chapter -4 discusses Secu- proposed scheme not only controls the reliability in a
rity Mechanism concerning authentication. In Chapter -5 network but also the overhead and scalability issues of
conclusions about the paper has been explained and the existing techniques. By simulation results, it has been
paper hasbeen finally concluded with the discussion of shown that the proposed hybrid technique achieves better
future scope. delivery ratio with reduced overhead when compared
with existing techniques.
In [16], a multipath unicast routing algorithm with
multiple constraints based on mobile agents has been
In Paper [8], a routing scheme for MANET’s has been proposed. It uses mobile agents to collect information of
proposed so that the services can be provided to the mo- all mobile nodes, and reduces the network delay and the
bile nodes with decreasing the amount of overhead overhead of control messages for routing. Early work on
transmission and providing such an architecture which routing in dynamic networks using mobile agents by
properly manages the network with minimum probabili- Kramer et al concentrated on route discovery using
ty of error occurrence. There is a strong requirement to agents to continuously track the network topology and
make the updation of the topological information to a update routing tables at all mobile hosts reached. Unfor-

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 0320-1113

tunately, this method increases network load significantly key of the current host will be erased by the mobile agent
because mobile agents are constantly moving through the prior to migrating to the next server or host. The agent
network. Other limitations of Kramer et al’s work are that has the list of encryption keys for each server to be vi-
it is difficult to determine the appropriate number of sited. Even though the PRAC scheme ensures date integr-
agents to use and it is not possible to have multiple appli- ity, agents must determine how many keys they need to
cation specific routing algorithms concurrently in use. carry before leaving the owner. Also, the agent has to
The MAC sub layer in the model is implemented by carefully protect the keys and erase the used key once
using the CDMA over TDMA channel model [16]. The they complete their actions on each server. PRAC only
CDMA over TDMA channel model is the same model as provides weak forward integrity [17]. Also, this is im-
defined. The free slots recorded at each node may be dif- possible for multi-hop mobile agents in a real network
ferent. We define the set of the common free slots be- environment [18] [19]. Zhou et al [20] [21] analysed and
tween two adjacent nodes to be the link bandwidth [14]. developed a protocol to overcome the weakness of the
The path bandwidth is the set of available slots between Cheng et al model to defendtwo-colluder truncation at-
two nodes. If these two nodes are adjacent, the path tack.
bandwidth is the link bandwidth. Considering the two The Zhou et al [21] model is the same as the Cheng et
nodes A and B link_BW (A, B) is defined to be the time al [22] scheme and uses a co-signing mechanism in which
slots that are not used by any adjacent host of X to receive a host needs the preceding host’s signature on its encap-
or to send packets from the point of view at node X. sulated offer beforesending it to the next host. Even
Therefore, we can use the link bandwidth to compute the though it is able to protect the data from the two-colluded
path bandwidth. This information can provide us an indi- attack, it cannot defend against multiple-colluder (more
cation of whether there is enough bandwidth on a given than two) truncation attacks. Xu et al [23] proposed a pro-
route between a source-destination pair. tocol to defend against the two-colluder truncation attack
We adopt the energy consumption model discussed with the help of the one hop backward and two-hop for-
in [30]. Supposing Eelec = 50nJ/bit, Eamp =100pJ/bit/m, ward chaining method. It also defends against the mul-
and the distance from the transmitter to receiver is d, then tiple colluder truncation attacks, fake stem attack and
we get the energy consumption of the transmitter for then the interleaving attack. It will defend the multiple
transmitting each bit is Eelec + Eamp·d2. Further, we as- colluder truncation attacks as long as any two of the col-
sume that each transmitter runs at the same power and luders are not adjacent. This protocol can be extended to
the communication radius is R, thus theenergy consump- overcome the adjacent attacker limitation, but the proto-
tion of the transmitter for transmitting each bit is Eelec+ col process will be too complex to implement. After this,
Eamp·R2. On the other hand, the energy consumption of 3-ID algorithm [18] [19] is developed with complete secu-
the receiver for receiving each bit is Eelec. Supposing the rity for the information in the mobile agent environment.
maximum energy of a host is Emax and the consumed
energy is Econsume, then g (A), the normalized remain-
ing lifetime of a host is (EmaxEconsume)/Emax. Corres-
pondingly, the cost of host A is f (A) =1/g (A). Phase-1: Architecture of Secure and Priority based
In [15], security mechanism for the mobile agent has Routing Mechanism
been incorporated in the wireless environment. The prob- In [8], the hierarchy in the network means dividing the
lem with the mobile agent (multi hop mobile agent) is the network in smaller regions and managing the regions as
security issue in gathering information from number of if they are small MANET’s. This technique is like the di-
remote hosts. Generally, a multi-hop mobile agent will vide and conquer approach in the algorithms which is
visit more than one remote host in the single departure used to divide the problem in smaller parts. Initially it
from the owner. The order of visiting the remote host looks like the same clustering approach. This gives us
may be static (travel path is given by the originator) or several benefits, as this may divide the load between sev-
dynamic (travel path decided by the remote hosts). In eral nodes to maintain the topology of the network. This
both these cases, information protection is the major chal- hierarchy will also cause effective path determination as
lenge against the attackers. During the journey of the well as routing and need not to travel on any path which
agent, a single host (server) or a set of malicious hosts may not lead to the destination. The hierarchy which we
(servers) can collude together and modify, delete or insert use is rooted to several levels and taking an abstract view
malicious data (information or offers) in data set collected the functioning is similar. The cluster formation criterions
from the preceding hosts. For this, Yee [9] proposed the which are previously described can be used to make up-
PRAC (Partial Result Authentication Codes) to protect the per layer cluster.Now consider a tree where root is the
mobile agent information. Yee classifies his algorithm into complete MANET and the leaves are the lowest and most
three types: fundamentalclusters. Each node on the n-1th level is a
i) Simple MAC-based PRACs group of these fundamental clusters. All such clusters on
ii) MAC-based PRACs with one-way functions every level are on equivalent positions on the network.
iii) Publicly Verifiable PRACs The formation and splittingcriteria are same except the
These three types of PRACs are the key associated. The values which will be different in every level. The values

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 0320-1113
SUE 3, MARCH 2011, ISSN 0320-1113

will aalso be dynam

mically generated since therre is no limi- node authen ntication priorr to granting access to thee net-
n over maximuum Value of leevels.This can
n be better work. The user/
u mobile node
n must prresent some soort of
credentials before
b being granted
g access to the network.

Hierarchicall Model of MANET

M mainntained by Mobile
Agent: A hieerarchical mod del is typically
y depicted as a tree
like structurre which consists of clusterss at various leevels.
The Mobile Agent
A navigattes within the cluster at diffferent
levels and seelects the nodee based on pro obability.

Routing Mo odel based on n structure of node: It main ntains

the routing of
o mobile unitt call as per th he information n giv-
en in the tab
ble of structuree of nodes. Thhe structure of node
contains infformation reg garding the node’s
n probabbility,
link expiration time, rem maining energ gy, bandwidth h etc.
which works as a deciding g factor for sellection of nodees.
Figure 1: Hieerarchical Mod
del of MANET
T, [8]
Authenticattion using PR RAC: Securitty mechanism m has
showwn by figure 1. The hierarch hical model iss maintained been provided to the nodees using autheentication baseed on
by in
nstances ofmo obile agent, which are traveelling in the PRAC algoriithm
network inside eaach cluster and instances are also run-
ning on every leveel in proactivee way updatin ng the infor- Phase-II: Admission Control at nodees in Hierarcchical
matioon after every certain time intervals.
i Also
o this mobile model
agentt waits for som
me time on eveery node. There are nodes We consiider the Hierrarchical mod del of MANE ET, in
whichh act as in nterfaces betw
ween clusterss acting as which clusteers are formeed. Suppose the losses for non-
rendeezvous pointss where mob bile agents coo-operate to real time daata determined d by the period  are deriveed on
y the informatiion. the followin
ng parameters:
he working mechanism
m can
n be interpreteed by the ar- DL = Data drop rate in eache period 
PLN = Probaability of dataa loss (DL) of lower level clluster
head ()
PUN = Probaability of dataa loss (DL) of upper level clluster
head ()
PHN = Probaability of dataa loss (DL) of highest level clus-
ter head (○)
PIN = Probaability of dataa loss (DL) of interfaces betwween
clusters ()
Mr = Num mber of multicaast receiver
The probability of dataa loss of DL att each cluster head
along with the number of o multicast receiver
r (r) caan be
chiteccture given beelow: calculated onn the basis of;

Figure 2: Arch
hitecture of Seccure and Prioriity based
Routing Mecchanism

Mobiile Node: It iss a device wh hich is capablee of connect- The above eq quation state two
t factors;
ing too the MANET T from a variiety of differeent points of i. Increase in
n data drop increases the probability
p off data
entryy. Within the scope of that definition, such
h devices are loss.
cell p
phones, laptopp computers, handheld
h deviices and oth- ii. Increase in receivers along
a with daata drop evolv ves a
er commmunicating portable devicces. higher data loss.
Thus whhen a probabillity of losses increases
i due to ei-
Adm mission Contro ol Regulated by Mobile Node:N It is a ther data losss or due to increase in recceivers and crross a
mech hanism which restricts accesss to the netwo ork based on particular thhreshold leveel (P(DL, Mr)T Th), the sourcee get
identtity or securityy posture. Thiss access decisiion is on the informed an nd tries to maintain
m the consistency
c o the
basis of informatio on maintainedd in the structture of node network.
like bbandwidth, prrobability, energy etc. Adm mission con-
trol iss controlled by
y Mobile Agen nt which can force
f mobile

© 2011 Jou
urnal of Computing Press, NY, USSA, ISSN 0320-1

Phase-III: Routing mechanism in hierarchical model with other agents and nodes. The state variables may be
through BFS regulated by Mobile Agents updated if necessary when an agent leaves a node. The
Assumed parameters are as follows: data structure of node is shown in Table 1.
•Link Expiration Time: We assume that two nodes A • Counter: Each node in the network maintains a counter
(Lowest level Cluster Head ()) and B (Upper Level which is initialized to 0 when the network commences.
Cluster Head ()) are within the same transmission range Agents navigate form one node to another, collecting and
r of each other. We let (x1, y1) be the coordinates of mobile distributing information. When an agent has completed
node A and (x2, y2) be the coordinates of mobile node B. its tasks and is about to leave a node, it adds 1 to the
We let v1 and v2 be the mobility speeds and θ1 and θ2(0 ≤ node’s counter and stores the new value against the
θ1, θ2< 2π) be the moving directions. node’s ID in its data structure [7].
• Therefore, we can obtain the link expiration time by
using the following equation: Routing Mechanism is as follows:
The node’s information matrix can be acquired through
Mobile Agent Routing algorithm [5]. When the data
packets wanted to be send to node j, it can be transmitted
by the routing algorithm according to the probability of
data loss at cluster head at node i. The routing algorithm
is a Breadth first search algorithm. The destination node
is the root of the tree. A jump is a layer of the tree. The
In addition, the equation cannot be applied when v1 = v2 maximum number of layers is the number of nodes in the
and θ1 = θ2. network. Suppose node i is the source node, node j is the
• We define the set of the common free slots between two destination node. Communicating with node j, node i
adjacent nodes to be the link bandwidth (BW) [6]. The perform as follows:
path bandwidth is the set of available slots between two
nodes. If these two nodes are adjacent, the path band- Step-1: Determine LETij of i’s matrix. If LETij is not equal
width is the link bandwidth. to 0, there is a connection between i and j. Calculate
• Route Expiration Time: The RET is the minimum link link_BW (i, j). The data packets are sent to j directly if
expiration time along a routing path [4]. Therefore, the link_BW(i,j) is equal to twice of BW_need and the proba-
RET is equal to the minimum of the set of LETs for a bility of data loss at node i(lower level cluster head) is
route. The hop count (HC) is the number of wireless links more in comparison to data loss at node j(upper level
in a path. Route selection is based on the value of R, cluster head) i.e. (PLN>=PUN). End routing. Otherwise, go
which is the ratio of RET with HC. to step2.
The value of R is decided as follows:
Step-2: Determine line LETj of i’s cache matrix. Select
items which are not equal to 0. These items are child node
R is used to evaluate the selected routes. By finding the
of j. If all items in LETj are equal to 0 and (PLN>=PUN),
maximum value of R, which the value of the RET is max-
there is no path available between i and j. End routing.
imized and the value of the HC is minimized.
Check the remaining energy whether satisfy energy re-
•Agent Model: An agent consists of three components:
quirement. If yes, this node is the child node of node j.
(a) The agent identifier; (b) The agent program, (c) The
Otherwise, go to step3.
agent briefcase (including state variables). The agent
briefcase includes a set of network state variables such as
Step-3: Calculate the path survival time R which include
survival time, counter, available bandwidth, energy con-
node i. Compare the value of R. The biggest one is the
sumption etc. An agent is capable of sharing its briefcase
first spare routing. Record the routing, go to step4.

Step-4: Continue searching their child nodes according to

its corresponding line. If child nodes contain i, go to
step3. If all child nodes don’t contain i, continue searching
their child nodes according to corresponding line and
judge whether child-child nodes contain i. If node i is
found less than n (number of nodes) times and
(PLN>=PUN), record the routing. Otherwise, the routing is
not existed. Node i cannot communicate with node j. End

Step-5: Calculate path_BW (i, j) of the selected routing .If

the available bandwidth is twice of BW_need and
(PLN>=PUN), this routing is the best routing between

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 0320-1113

nodes i and j. End routing. If the first selected path cannot Phase–IV: Security mechanism using Partial Result Au-
satisfy the requirement of the bandwidth, go to step6. thentication Codes (PRAC) Algorithm: Yee [9] intro-
duced Partial Result authentication Codes (PRACs). The
Step-6: Distribute the required bandwidth into several idea is to protect the authenticity of an intermediate agent
available paths according to path_BW (i, j), that is, the state or partial result that results from running on a serv-
required QoS bandwidth is composed of several selected er. PRACs can be generated using symmetric crypto-
paths. The routing between node i and node j is not ex- graphic algorithms. The numbers of encryption keys are
isted if all selected paths cannot satisfy the bandwidth used by agent. The agent’s state or some other result is
and probability requirement. End routing. Otherwise, processed using one of the keys, producing a MAC (mes-
add each value of the routing to get the sum. sage authentication code) on the message when the agent
migrates within the cluster. The key that has been used is
Pseudo code of phase – III is as follows: then disposed of before the agent migrates. The PRAC
Void Router (int n, int i, int j) can be verified at a later point to identify certain types of
// n: the number of the nodes; i: the source node; tampering. A similar functionality can be achieved using
// j: the destination node asymmetric cryptography by letting the cluster head pro-
{if (LETij!=0) duce a signature on the information instead.
{if (link_BW(i,j) >=2*BW_need) && (PLN>=PUN) ;
{Getting the routing ;
Ending the routing; }
} We have considered the introduction of MANET and
else { their hierarchical structure. Then, we have discussed all
if (an item in line j not equal to 0) pros and cons of their routing mechanism under heads of
{for (k=the number of items in line j not equal to 0; related work. Therefore, we found earlier there were no
k>0;k) consideration of admission control and priority of mobile
{if (PWR(m)>= PWR_need&& m is not the father units. Thus, decision was taken on basis of existing in-
node of node j && (PLN>=PUN) ; formation in routing table, which was not effective as well
) as maintenance of hierarchical structure of MANET was
Record node m as child node of node j; } not efficient by mobile agent. Therefore, in this paper, we
if (the nodes include node i) propose a Admission Control Mechanism on hierarchical
{Record each routing which includes node i; model architecture of MANET maintained by Mobile
Calculate RET of each routing; agent using secure and priority based routing algorithm
// the biggest is the first select; with effective security authentication technique. Our
// the second biggest is spare technique has three phases, In Initial phase, Admission
for (k=1; k<=the numbers of spare routing; k++) Control method - where we provide admission of mobile
{if (k_path_BW(i,j) >=2*BW_need) && (PLN>=PUN) ; nodes in hierarchical model. In the next phase, we discuss
The kth spare routing is the best routing, End the priority based routing mechanism using BFS tech-
routing ;} nique for routing. In the last phase, we provide security
for (k=1;k<= the numbers of spare routing; k++) over mobile agents with effective authentication methods.
{if (k_path_BW(i,j) <2* BW_need) && (PLN>=PUN) ;
Join the kth spare routing into the routing path
aggregate Q; Our proposed architecture and mechanism will provide
BW_needBW_needk_path_BW (i,j) /2 && (PLN>=PUN) ; secure and efficient routing. But it is based on hierarchical
} structure and this structure is maintained by mobile
else { routing in routing Q is the selected routing; End agent, so, mobile agent should be very effective and effi-
routing;} cient during maintenance of MANET structure as well as
} routing table. The scalability, bandwidth, congestion
if (k==0) {All spare routing cannot satisfy QoS windows size and other Quality of Service parameters
requirement, End routing;} may be reconsidered on basis of proposed architecture.
else append child node in these child nodes, repeat
searching routing; 6 REFERENCES
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Author Biographies

Puneet Kumar is working as Lec-

turer in the Department of Com-
puter science and Engineering at
Sir Chhotu Ram Institute of Engi-
neering and Technology, CCS Uni-
versity Meerut (U.P.) and he is
pursuing M.Tech Computer Engi-
neering from Shobhit University
Meerut. He obtained his B-Tech
(CSE) from Uttar Pradesh Techini-
calUniversity, Lucknow (U.P.). He
has worked as SME in IT industry. He has been in teach-
ing for the past three years. He has been member of sev-
eral academic and administrative bodies. He has attended
several seminars, workshops and conferences at various
levels. His area of research includes MANET (Mobile Ad-
Hoc network) and Congestion Control.

A.K.Vatsa is working as Assis-

tant Professor in the School of
Computer Engineering and
Information Technology at
Shobhit University, Meerut
(U.P.). He obtained his M-Tech
(C.E.) from Shobhit University
and B-Tech(I.T.) from V.B.S.
Purvanchal University, Jaun-
pur (U.P.). He has worked as
software engineer in software
industry. He has been in teaching for the past one decade.
He has been member of several academic and administra-
tive bodies. During his teaching he has coordinated sev-
eral Technical fests and National Conferences at Institute
and University Level. He has attended several seminars,
workshops and conferences at various levels. His several
papers are published in various national and internation-
al conferences and journals. His area of research includes
MANET (Mobile Ad-Hoc network), Congestion Control
and VOIP-SIP(Voice over IP).

© 2011 Journal of Computing Press, NY, USA, ISSN 0320-1113

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