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PhD Final Examination - February 3rd, 2011 - Rende, Italy

University of Calabria - Rende, Italy

Engineering Modeling Department

Computational Mechanics PhD course

Numerical tools for moisture-stress and fracture

analysis of timber structures
Student Tutors
Antonio Lorenzo Dr. Antonio B ILOTTA

Improved Moisture

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 1 / 49

1 Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures

Multi-Fickian approach
Stress Analysis
Wadso experiments
Jonsson experiments
Lisbon pedestrian bridge measurements
KTH experiments

2 Crack growth in glulam structures

Cohesive elements and damage evolution
Mode I fracture - modified DCB specimen - short-term case

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 2 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures

PhD Final Examination - A. Lorenzo Mendicino

1 Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures

Multi-Fickian approach
Stress Analysis
Wadso experiments
Jonsson experiments
Lisbon pedestrian bridge measurements
KTH experiments

2 Crack growth in glulam structures

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 3 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Why and how to take into account humidity?

Humidity dynamics can lead to swelling and shrinkage

phenomena, where moisture concentration gradients can cause
Serviceability of timber can be significantly affected by the
combination of mechanical loading and humidity history

EC5 - Deformation Factor

EC5 - Resistance Reduction

Rk Emean
Rd = kmod Emean,fin =
γm 1 + kdef

Humidity variability produces mechano sorptive effects.

You should know its distribution and dynamics to take into
account them.

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 4 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Mechano sorptive model requires

knowledge of MC distribution and dynamics
Presence of sustained loads and varying moisture content
Modeling of moisture transfer in wood
Goal: m = m(x, y , z, t)
Standard modeling: Fick’s equation
= ∇ · (D · ∇u)
∂t Ω

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 5 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Multi-Fickian approach

Single-Fickian model doesn’t give good results in the presence of

high values of RH (relative humidity)
Multi-Fickian model, Frandsen et al.

Domain equations

∂ Boundary conditions
(cb ) = ∇ • (Db (cb ) • ∇cb ) + ċ
∂t n • Jb = 0
n • Jv = kp (pvs − pva )

(cv ) = ∇ • (Dv (cv ) • ∇cv ) − ċ

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 6 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Multi-Fickian approach
The model describes the moisture
transport process in wood which is
characterized by three phenomena:
bound water diffusion,
water vapour diffusion and
coupling between the two phases
through sorption.
Domain equations

∂ Boundary conditions
(cb ) = ∇ • (Db (cb ) • ∇cb ) + ċ
∂t n • Jb = 0
n • Jv = kp (pvs − pva )

(cv ) = ∇ • (Dv (cv ) • ∇cv ) − ċ
A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 7 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Constitutive Modelling for wood

wood as orthotropic material

extension to 3D of previous 1D models: Toratti (1992), Toratti
and Svensson (2002)

elastic strain


viscoelastic creep


(recoverable part)
p q
X X mechanosorption
ε = εe + εu + εve
i + εms
j + εms,irr
(irrecoverable part)
i=1 j=1

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 8 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Computational wood mechanics via Abaqus


geometry, material properties, BC, mechanical loading, initial fields, etc.

3D elements: C3D6T, C3D8T, DC3D6, DC3D8


UMAT (constitutive model and algorithm for stress-update)

DFLUX (external flow)
HETVAL (internal source)


coupled moisture-stress analysis (with Fick’s law)

sequential moisture/stress analysis (for multi-Fickian models)

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 9 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Implementation of multi-fickian model:

Sequential Analysis Scheme
The model is implemented into the Abaqus FEM code.

∂cb ∂cv
+ ∇ · Jb = ċ (1) +∇·Jv = −ċ (2)
∂t ∂t
1 Evaluation of cv (t) and cb (t), by
equation (2)
cb (t + ∆t) = cb (t) + ċ∆t
2 Evaluation of cb (t), by equation (1) and the value of cv (t)
calculated in the previous step
3 Evaluation of cv (t) by equation (2) and the value of cb (t)
calculated in the previous step
4 repeat 2-3 till convergence to experimental results

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 10 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Implementation. Using Heat transfer analysis

= div (K · ∇T ) + q, on Ω

n(K · ∇T ) = f , on ∂Ω

T = T̄ , on ∂Ω

ABAQUS procedure T q K f

Vapor Equation h −ċ p1s 1

ϕMH O Dv −kp (hs − ha ) ϕM1H
2 2O

Bound Water Equation m +ċ/ρ0 Db 0

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 11 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling

Implementation. Using Heat transfer analysis

= div (K · ∇T ) + q, on Ω
*MATERIAL. To define a conductivity (diffusivity)
solution-dependent for heat transfer analyses
HETVAL allows you to define a heat flux (sorption rate) due to
internal heat generation for heat transfer analysis
DFLUX allows you to define the Neumann BC

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 12 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Modeling


Sequential analysis: when you solve an equation you need the

unknown of the other

= div (K · ∇T ) + q, on Ω
State variable to store bound water unknown. It will be updated by
SDVINI user subroutine. To set m0 in the first step analysis
*FIELD input option To read and use the other phase solution
calculated in the previous analysis.
Output requests. To write the solution which will be used in the
next analysis.

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 13 / 49
$"%&'()*"% "&*!"# )$%+#,-
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Testing and)#"
)($ %!)," ,)#)."-Frandsen’s Results
Validation. K/OPL 6R/O5 -65/RT
"#"(*&)*&(' 23/ 4567 &*! #"%," * *+ K/R55 66/P6 -T/L<R
Comparison with literature computational results
-&.%/ 1 56( *6'#( #'"'7($("* !8 $6( 9'%.:!!
Simulation Results from the paper by%*!$6("7
Frandsen '.%<"'$(-
et al.,$! A$6(revised
multi-Fickian moisture transport '$ 12 > to
<? describe
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effects in Wood.
=!" steps;
2 successive external RH increment %," &."( )($ %"*>, )#" !+%"( *+
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#+) ! )#" ,#"%"(*"$/
A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 14 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Testing and Validation.

Choose parameter values

Wood type properties ϕ = 0.65, ρ0 = cost,
External ambient properties T = 20 ◦ C, vair = 3 m/s.
An adsorption path with a single isotherm defined by values of
f1 , f2 , f3 ;
Parametric analysis to determine best fi and Ci values

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 15 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Testing and Validation.

Choose parameter values
Db0 = 7e − 6m2 /s, from Frandsen’s Thesis
0 −Eb
Db = Db exp
ξ = 0.03, from Frandsen’s Thesis
 1.81 !!
−5 patm T
Dv = ξ 2.31 × 10 m2 s−1
patm + pv 273K
An adsorption path with a single isotherm

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 16 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Testing and Validation.

Choose parameter values

ċ = Hc (cbl − cb ) (3)
   C 3 
 C1 exp −C2 cblb + C4 cb < cbl

Hc =   C3  (4)
 C1 exp −C2 2 − cblb + C4 cb > cbl

C1 C3 C4
(s−1 ) (s−1 ) c21 c22
2.6e-6 50 8e-8 5.21e-6 19.0

Table: Shape parameters of the Hc Table: Shape parameters of C2


A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 17 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Wadsö‘s specimen.

Comparison with literature computational results Frandsen’s results

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 18 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

I RH step. Multi-Fickian: 1st step results

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 19 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

I RH step. Multi-Fickian: 2nd step results

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 20 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

I RH step. Multi-Fickian: 1st/2nd step results

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 21 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Specimen analyzed by Jönsson (2004)

Experimental Results by Jönsson et al., Moisture Induced

Stresses in Timber Structures, Doctoral Thesis.

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 22 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Abaqus model for Jönsson’s specimen.

Wetting at RH=80%. Initial MC: 4 months with RH=40%.

Abaqus model and results after 38 days. Top: tangential

stress in the material coordinate system), centre: tangential

stress in the global coordinate system, bottom: moisture

content distribution ⇒

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 23 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Jönsson’s specimen - Mendicino et al. (2010)

Fickian model for moisture transfer

= ∇ · (D · ∇u)
∂t Ω

multi-Fickian model (Frandsen et al. model, 2007)

= ∇ · (Dv · ∇cv ) − ċ
= ∇ · (Db · ∇cb ) + ċ

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 24 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Jönsson’s specimen - Mendicino et al. (2010)

Fickian model for moisture transfer

= ∇ · (D · ∇u)
∂t Ω

multi-Fickian model (Frandsen et al. model, 2007)

= ∇ · (Dv · ∇cv ) − ċ
= ∇ · (Db · ∇cb ) + ċ

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 24 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Moisture content on a glulam beam

Pedestrian bridge, Parque das Nações, Lisbon, Portugal. Experimental data by Lina Nunes and Pedro Palma


The moisture content values are based on measurements of electric resistance of wood by a sensor/logger

"Scanntronik Materialfox Mini"

The electrodes are stainless steel screws

Bridge erected in 2006; measured values since 17.01.2007 to 11.09.2007. The period for the analysis reaches

11208 hours (from 01.06.2006 to 11.09.2007)

The period for the analysis reaches 11208 hours (from 01.06.2006 to 11.09.2007)

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 25 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Moisture content on a glulam beam

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 26 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Moisture content on a glulam beam

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 26 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Moisture content on a glulam beam

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 27 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

Moisture content on a glulam beam

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 28 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulations

Proton NMR imaging was applied for recording the moisture

spatial distribution of various samples of Norway Spruce
The time-dependent moisture distribution along the radial,
tangential and longitudinal directions in wood was monitored upon
three consecutive changes of relative humidity: (1) from 65 to 94
%; (2) from 94 to 33 %; (3) from 33 to 65 %.
Uncoated samples and specimens coated with Aquatop and oil
(Linogurad) were studied. Adhesive (MUF) bond samples were
also tested.
The experiments were numerically simulated by using the
multi-Fickian model.
The numerical results are found to be in agreement with the
experimental data.

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 29 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulations

Figure: KTH simulation: Load Region

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 30 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated T specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 31 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated T specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 32 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated T specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 33 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated T specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 34 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated L specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 35 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated L specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 36 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated L specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 37 / 49
Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures Application

KTH simulation: uncoated L specimen

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 38 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures

PhD Final Examination - A. Lorenzo Mendicino

1 Evaluation of moisture induced stresses in timber structures

2 Crack growth in glulam structures

Cohesive elements and damage evolution
Mode I fracture - modified DCB specimen - short-term case

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 39 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Modeling

The cohesive zone

    
 tn  Knn Kns Knt  εn 
t= ts =  Kns Kss Kst  εs = Kε
tt Knt Kst Ktt εt
   

(1 − D)t¯n , t¯n ≥ 0

tn =
tn otherwise

ts = (1 − D)t¯s

tt = (1 − D)t¯t

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 40 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Modeling

The cohesive zone

Parameters of the exponential law

Maximum nominal traction stress Tmax → damage


Maximum separation displacement δmax → the

element doesn’t contribute anymore to stiffness

Damage parameter α as exponent of the

exponential law

 max −δ 0

δm 1 − exp −α δδmf −δ 0
m m
D =1− max {1 − }
δm 1 − exp(−α)

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 41 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Modeling

Stanzl-Tschegg et al. specimen - Zagari, Fortino et

al., 2009
[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
900 500 12000 0.558 0.038 0.015 40 700 700

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 42 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Application

Specimens with PU and MUF glues tested (at MPA)

Crack forced to propagate along the glueline

Abaqus mesh and cohesive element

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 43 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Application

Specimens with PU and MUF glues tested (at MPA)

Load-displacement curves

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 44 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Application

Specimens with PU and MUF glues tested (at MPA)

Load-displacement curves

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 45 / 49
Crack growth in glulam structures Application

Material properties and parameters

Material properties for wood lamellas

[MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa] [MPa]
900 600 13500 0.558 0.038 0.015 40 700 700

Young modula for the adhesives

PU09 adhesive MUF07 adhesive
EL [MPa] 2650 1650
ET [MPa] 10 10

Optimal cohesive parameters and fracture energy Gf

Tmax [MPa] δmax [mm] α[−] Gf [Nm/m2 ]
MUF07 1.75 0.08 1.6 141.37
PU09 2.15 0.12 1.0 164.74

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 46 / 49
Conclusions and next developments

Conclusions and future work 1/3

A numerical method for the evaluation of moisture induced stresses in

wood is used for the analysis of glulam beams showing
mechanosorptive effets
The method was previously presented in (Fortino 2009) by using a
single- Fickian approach for moisture transfer model and now has been
enriched by using a multi- Fickian approach.
The numerical values of moisture content and stresses are found to be
in good agreement with the experimental data. This is promising for the
development and the extension of the method to more general cases of
timber connections under natural humidity conditions. However, the
whole method becomes computationally more expensive.
The method can be extended for the analysis of cracked timber

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 47 / 49
Conclusions and next developments
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Conclusions and future work 2/3
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20(!3+ +' 5 *+ -5!cases, the20(!3
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'##!"- #!3*-$/! work
5'2$($-; *"( 20$+-'#! 0"-!"- *+ -5!aimed
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20(!3 #!3*-$/!3; !*+; -0 model
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* "'2!#$ *3 2!-50(to+' 5describe real
*+ -5! G"$-! !3!2!"- 2!-50(>humidity conditions as
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A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 48 / 49
Conclusions and next developments

Conclusions and future work 3/3

More experimental data in different RH environments and in

the presence of different coatings are needed for the
validation of the moisture diffusion model

Improved Moisture

A. Lorenzo Mendicino (UniCal, Italy) PhD Final Examination February 3rd, 2011 49 / 49

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