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The Civil War's 150th Year Anniversary (1861-2011)

So many times and eons passed to make this day a reality. Even now, the Civil War divides people along numerous lines. It kind of defined a lot of culture and history of America to this very day. The war pitted church against church, family members against family members, and spread into other causing other divisions in America. I am an American, so we always in our schools were taught about the Civil War. Emotions and different perspectives about the war develop in the psyche of people. The truth about the Civil War has come out (without deceptive revisionism. Modern revisionists

though believe that all sides in the war were either all honorable men or one side is completely guilt free of critique or criticism. In reality, Secret orders and other groups like the Jesuits, the secessionists, & the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry agitated both sides. This agitation contributed to the existence of the Civil War in the first place). The Civil War caused as high as 620,000 soldiers to die including up to 50,000
civilian causalities. That number is equivalent to the slaughter of Americans in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican War, the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, and the Korean War combined. Times are rapidly changing in the planet Earth. In our generation, we will have to execute our own thinking to find the truth and develop subsequent solutions to poverty, oppression, and any form of tyranny. Also, its important not to let the world to exploit human beings. We have to wish success among any human beings, but we should support moral absolutes in society. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with the government helping people. Yet, we will have to do things too in improving our communities, helping our families, and assisting the interests of our own people. We have an enemy. We know exactly who is the enemy is. In spite of that, we should have joy, happiness, and a sense of purpose in moving forward with our lives. Also, we should not worship the physical or monetary wealth. There is nothing wrong with improving our health, but we need to improve our spirituality too. For you can be a very strong person physically and live a long time with money and still have wickedness. Another person can live a short period of time, can be poor, and make lasting contributions for society. So, money is a tool not a god. In my life, I still

respect the diversity of humanity, yet the unity of our values that we all share. I honor

the equality that exists amongst our different sizes, ages, heights, and backgrounds. We should follow the Lord since in our time. The anti-God crowd is getting more and more bold to overtly express hatred of God & his children. Some essences of spirituality are the belief in a Creator, the necessity of man needing a Savior, and the outline of morality for us to follow. The body may suffer at times, but the spirit will live on forever if we follow the truth. So, its vital to get our lives right before we die, forgive even our enemies, make amends, be careful on how we treat people, and show compassion towards any human being. There are certain people in this world that just hate anybody that are different. So, its our imperative job to not devolve ourselves into that prejudice mindset. We should appreciate the diverse appearances, personalities, & images of the whole human race with respect & sincere love. Balance is certainly a decent quality to adhere to. You have to find that balance between having fun and seriousness in order to incorporate a more enriching life. Balance means something. It means that all of us should promote the ideal of women and men to be progressive in their outlooks, intelligence, social abilities, and overall intentions. For if either gender isnt progressive in their rights or liberties, and then society is badly having a case of problems or deterioration. Also, we need a Plan B if things dont go into plan. Also, one lesson in life is that sometimes, the loudest person in the room is the most insecure person around. It is better to act strategically than constantly reveal over exaggerate and brag about your so-called accomplishments. If you beg for your liberation, you wont get it in full. You have to demand it and create your own solutions independently in having true liberation.
Bloodshed and tons of controversy consume the era of the Civil War. The Civil War in a way was inevitable since there couldn't be a means to end slavery except by a huge conflict or a miracle. There were bigots that wanted to preserve the institution forever basically. The issue of slavery, trade, and cultural differences were major causes of the Civil War. That is why the Cornerstone Speech and many documents from the states of Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina pretty much admitted that maintaining slavery was one crucial reason for their secessions in the first place. So, it's obvious that slavery, segregation, and Jim Crow oppression are all wrong and all immoral. ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL. The North and South had strong disagreements on how to conduct their standards of living. Token compromises like the Missouri Compromise and the Nebraska/Kansas Act didn't solve the issue of slavery in a real fashion. The European elites and the Papacy saw the divisions in America. They utilized the Civil War in an attempt to divide up America and economically control the North American continent. Even the leadership of the Confederates was supported by the Papacy and the British. Some obsess about states rights. Yet, even states have done immoral acts before from enforcing fugitive slave laws to Jim Crow. States rights can never trump basic human rights. Some states were wrong to buy, sell, rape, whip, and lynch human beings. Fort Sumter took place even before Abraham Lincoln could take office. The SOUTH attacked Ft. Sumter. The SOUTH was and is part of the USA. Lincoln could not have attacked his own country. It has now been more than 130 years after the attack on Fort Sumter. 7 states that started with South Carolina seceded from the Union before Lincoln took office. This existed beyond a tariff issue as historical revisionists maintain was the biggest cause of the Civil War.

You can't discuss or understand about the Civil War without learning about Secret Societies. Both the Union and the Confederate side of the Civil War were influenced heavily by Freemasonry. For example, the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite was based in Charleston, South Carolina. Albert Pike and many Confederate leaders were Masons just like Union Colonel William C. P. Breckinridge of Kentucky. Anton Chaitkin documented a strong Masonry presence in the South as well. John Brown was once a 3rd Degree Freemason. He became anti-Mason (because William Morgan was murdered by Masons in

1826) and turned into an Abolitionist. He wanted to abolish slavery by force. He worked with others to try to seize the government arsenal at Harpers Ferry, VA to cause an insurrection of slavery. The government captured him and his allies. He was convicted of treason and hanged in December 2, 1859. There were the Knights of the Golden Circle and the Young America organization that existed in the antebellum period too. At least 16 Freemasons were appointed by Lincoln during his administration like Edward Bates, Anson Burlingame, William B. Campbell, Edward R. S. Canby, and other people. Confederate Leader Jefferson Davis was not a Freemason. His father Samuel Davis and his brother Joseph E. Davis were indeed members of the Craft. Jefferson Davis wrote that: "...I regard the

fraternity with respect and have never felt any disapproval of it other than that which pertains to every secret society. Viewing Freemasonry from a distance, and judging the tree by its fruits. I have believed it to be in itself good." I guess Jefferson Davis omitted about the
death oaths, secret rituals, and occult components of the Order of Freemasonry. The ex-Secretary of the Treasury Howell Cobb and Vice President John C. Breckinridge were members of the Scottish Rite of Freemason. The economy was in a Depression according to Henry C. Carey. Carey was one of Lincolns closest collaborators and economic advisers. One of the promoters of Reconstruction named Thaddeus Stevens accused Buchanans cabinet of promoting the interests of slavery.

When you think about it, the U.S. Civil War could of developed into a worldwide international conflict that would of involved the nations of Great Britain, France, Mexico, Russia, Spain, and Prussia.
Russia came to the aid of the Union in order to protect American forces in New York and San Francisco. Czar Alexander II freed million of Russian serfs and Abraham Lincoln witnessed the freedom of about 3 million slaves. The Russian Tsar Alexander II had liberated the 23 million serfs of the Russian Empire in 1861. Both men were killed by assassination. Alexander II revoked Papal Romes Concordat with Russia. He twice broke diplomatic relations with the Papacy in 1866 and 1877. Alexander II helped

to preserve the American Union. He or Alexander II was murdered by hand made bombs thrown at him as he rode through St. Petersburg. It isnt a secret that during the Civil War, America was friendly with Russia and Prussia. America was suspicious with Britain and France during that time period since both nations sympathized with and supported the Confederacy. The British Empire from 1848 to 1863 was attacking China, India, and Russia. It supported Napoleon IIIs acts in Mexico and Spain in Santo Domingo. This challenged the Monroe Doctrine. Lord Russell and Gladstone wanted intervention in America after Antietam in OctoberNovember 1862. The British leader William Gladstone made a speech to praise Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy at Tyneside on October 7, 1862. Gladstone said in that speech that: We may have

our own opinions about slavery; we may be for or against the South; but there is no doubt that Jefferson Davis and other leaders of the South have made an army; they are making, it appears, a navy; and they have made, what is more than either, they have made a nation We may anticipate with certainty the success of the Southern States so far as regards their separation from the North He was really wrong since the Southern Confederacy didnt win. Abraham
Lincoln refused to have war against France, Spain, and possibly Britain even though Seward desired it. The Confederacy sent envoys to London and Paris, but not to St. Petersburg. Britain and America

was very close to fighting each other during in the Civil War from Boston or New England to NYC if it wasnt for Russia. Even during the Crimean War (where Britain, France,
and the Ottoman Empire attacked Russia over resources found in the Crimean region), America still had friendly accords with the court of St. Petersburg. Before moving forward, the Crimean War must be explained more clearly. The Crimean War was like a precursor of the Civil War. The deal involved the region of Crimea in 1854. Crimea was a strategy area in the Black Sea region. Russia wanted more control in Crimea to expand its navy and other military services including expanding its trading capabilities. Other European nations didnt want Russia to possess this kind of power. Great Britain and France united (even though they are normally enemies from centuries past) including the Ottoman Empire in a military alliance to battle Russia. It lasted from 1854 to 1856. As a result, they declared war on Czar Nicholas I and attacked the Russian Black

Sea port of Sebastopol. Sebastopol was the principal Russian naval base, and the major outlet for their ships to the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. The Crimean War is known for the acts of Florence Nightingale healing the victims of the war and the charge of the Light Brigade. In 1855, Czar Nicholas I died of poisoning, and his son, Alexander II, inherited the disastrous Crimean War. Britain and France block Russian access to the Mediterranean Sea. The Russian navy was cut off from access to the Mediterranean Sea by the then Ottoman Empire, Britain, and France. In the peace treaty signed in 1856, Russia had to agree to give up use of her Black Sea fleet entirely, and their greatly devastated navy had only the Baltic and Pacific ports left. Even in 2011, Western interests and NATO are creating bases in Central Asia and the Middle East in stopping the hegemony of Russia plus China. In the 2040s and the 2050s, we will see if we have another war or a more peaceful world. Time will tell.
As early as 1861, Russia alerted the Lincoln government of the scheming from Napoleon II. On October 29, 1862 there occurred in St. Petersburg an extremely cordial meeting of Russian Foreign Minister Gortchakov with US charg daffaires Bayard Taylor, which was marked by a formal Russian pledge never to move against the US, and to oppose any attempt by other powers to do so. The Russian fleets were in New York and San Francisco to prevent European intervention in the Civil War. When a Confederate cruiser Shenandoah was to attack San Francisco in the Civil War, the Russian admiral gave orders to his ships to defend the city if necessary. Soon, the Confederate cruiser didnt attack. Russia sold Alaska to America in part to prevent the British from seizing the vast region. Tons of British people back then were patriotic and opposed the Confederacy back then. One such Brit was the famous George Thompson. George Thompson opposed slavery and

witnessed the final destruction of the Confederacy at Fort Sumter in 1865. So, I want to make that perfectly clear. In many cases, the British people collectively have been used as scapegoats

(& they were attacked by the Jesuits & other enemies) when it was the Vatican/Jesuit network and the Black Nobility bloodlines causing much of these international evils from the transatlantic slave trade, the Inquisition, the Civil War, both World Wars, the Cold War, the Ecumenical Movement, and the war on terror now in 2013. Back in the Civil War era, the European elite hated Republicanism and the federal government of the United States of America since they wanted a more authoritarian, monarchical system (including a suppression of religious liberty). In 1864 this Roman Catholic prelate, John Hughes, made the following astounding statement showing Papal Romes hatred of religious liberty: No man has a right to choose his religion. Catholicism is the most intolerant of creeds. It is intolerance itself. We might as rationally maintain that two and two does not make four as the theory of Religious Liberty. Its impiety is only equaled by its absurdity. Pope Pius IX openly supported the Confederacy (i.e., the South) and the hoped-for breakup of the Union. This same pope in 1864 condemned both religious liberty and freedom of conscience in his Syllabus of Errors. C. T. Wilcox writes the following as well: In 1822 [at the secret meetings at Verona, Italy], the Roman Catholic Monarchies of Europe conspired with the VATICAN to destroy the concept of popular government, as found in the experiment of the United States, by means of infiltration, subversion, and corruption. The tools used were the Leopold foundation, which was set up by Prince Metternich of Austria, and the JESUIT ORDER. The purpose being to use the financial and military arms of the United States to further the interests of the PAPACY in its goal of putting all the world under the temporal submission [sic; i.e., under the temporal power] of the [Roman Catholic] Church.

If Britain attacked the Union, then a world war could occur. Russia would unite with America and Prussia (with even Italy) fighting against Great Britain, France, and Spain (possibly the Portuguese and Austrian Empires). One faction will win and another faction will lose the war. Cassius
Clay was the U.S. Ambassador to Russia for most of the Civil (with Simon Cameron being the ambassador briefly). Clay was a remote relative of Henry Clay (a believer in the American System). Clay was most

anxious to see the success of the Russian-U.S. Morse telegraph. Unfortunately, that hotline to St. Petersburg and Moscow was sabotaged after the death of President Lincoln. Before he retired as ambassador to Russia, Clay negotiated the sale of Alaska from Russia to the United States. Henry Clay was another distinguished American diplomat that played a big role in saving the Union.
The Bostonian John Lothrop Motley was another diplomat in that era. He later became a friend of the future Prussian leader Otto von Bismarck while studying in the University of Gottingen. Motley served in US legation in St. Petersburg and from 1861-1867 as the US minister to the Austrian Empire, and later wrote an important biography of Oldenbarneveld, the father of the Dutch Republic, and other studies of Dutch history.

Ironically, after the Civil War, the Papacy still had a hatred of Russia since Russia was home of the Orthodox Church (or their religious rival for almost 1,000 years in that time). They or the Jesuitinfluenced elites would use the Jesuit-influenced puppet Napoleon to ruin the French Republic in order to spread a Crusade against Russia (along with them or the Papacy once supporting Hitler. Hitler's forces used Operation Barbossa in order to harm Russia as well). The Pope once crowned him or Napoleon Bonaparte as Emperor of France when his spiritual adviser was a Jesuit priest named Abbe Emmanuel Sieyes. He signed a Concordat with the Vatican in 1801, and restored the

Jesuits in 1814 after their perpetual ban by Pope Benedict in 1773. Napoleon Bonaparte

III was the Emperor of France (from 1852 to 1870) or during the Civil War. He supported the Pope's temporal power and even had 5,000 soldiers garrisoning the Papal States. France temporarily had their puppet named Maximillian von Habsburg running Mexico City. Maximillian and Carlota wanted more influence in America should the South win the Civil war. Maximilian and Carlota actually condescended to rule
Mexico but the cactus throne was to be temporary until they actually became monarchs of the entire New World. Here is a letter from the son of King Leopold I of Belgium to his sister Charlotte:

"Now King Leopold's elder son, Leopold, Duke of Brabant, also took a natural and keen interest in a project which so closely affected his sister, the Archduchess Charlotte. Indeed he was not merely interested, but he enthusiastically approved. As early as the beginning of November Prince Leopold wrote to Charlotte, declaring that Mexico was 'a magnificent country,' and stating that if he himself had a son of age he would 'attempt to make him King of Mexico.' 'There is much good to be done in America,' he continued, 'and I should like the Coburgs to undertake the task.' And again, in January, in sending to Maximilian his greetings for the New Year, he expressed a hope that 'at the moment when the enemies of Austria are prophesying her decadence and ruin, you will be able, by your labours for the good of Mexico, to prove to the world that the Habsburgs, in union with the Coburgs, see wider vistas of usefulness opening, and that, animated by a real love of law and order, they can bestow those blessings on the most diverse races.' Though Mexico was a large country, Prince Leopold felt confident that Maximilian's rule would not be confined to its boundaries. 'Once you are firmly established in Mexico,' he wrote, 'it is probable that a great part of America will place itself under your rule.' No doubt all this was 'difficult and in the future,' but Leopold yet hoped one day to see Maximilian at the head of 'a great neutral American state, closely allied with neutral Belgium.' 'To bring peace, justice and concord to this poor America,' wrote Prince Leopold, 'would be an act not of ambition, but of simple charity.'"(Dawson, The Mexican Adventure, pp. 211-212.)

Britain tried to control America especially when the Trent Affair scandal existed. The
Confederacy existed as a means to divide up the United States of America. By 1831, 11 states out of a total of 33 seceded from the Union by 1861. This came after President Abraham Lincoln was elected President in a contentious time. The leader of the Confederacy politically was Jefferson Davis. General Robert E. Lee was the famous Confederate General. Lee joined the Confederacy to submit to the interests of the state of Virginia, yet adherence to the opposition of the immorality of slavery is a much better calling than just embracing state political allegiances. In other words, he shouldn't have supported the Confederacy even if he respected Virginia. There are numerous complexities about the Civil war that ought to be researched thoroughly. Black abolitionists and leaders fought for black liberation from Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglas, Sojouner Truth, David Walker, Henry Highland Garnet, and tons of other human beings. There were white Southern Abolitionists like Duncan Smith and he served as a spy for the Union. Duncan's son named Phineas and Jeremiah were active Union spies. They've worked in southwest Louisiana during the Civil War. There were others like James G. Taylor, Henry Clay Smith, and L. W. Pennington. After Taylor's capture at Matagorda for the third time, he was executed by the Confederates, and his probate file at Beaumont verifies the year of his death. On the other hand, the Confederacy was totally in unison in wishing for the institution of slavery to exist in North America. 1861 was a crucial time in the Civil War era. This time included these events:

*President Abraham Lincoln gives his Inaugural Address in March 4, 1861. Abraham Lincoln spoke about slavery as the central theme in the speech. Hannibal Hamblin was the Vice President of America by 1861. Abraham Lincoln once opposed the expansion of slavery into new Territories, but wanted to be allowed in Southern states. Lincoln and his Whig allies wanted at first for slavery to be incrementally eliminated, but that was a token action. It wouldn't be until 1865, when Lincoln would be 100% against slavery in a sincere fashion. South Carolina and Georgia back in the late 1700's wouldn't go along with the Constitution unless the Constitution didn't ban slavery. The Confederate States was designed by Major Orren Randolph Smith of North Carolina. It adopted at the Convention of Confederate States in Montgomery, Alabama. It soon became popularly known as "the Stars and Bars." The CSA or the Confederate States of America adopted their flag in March 4, 1861 (in Montgomery, Alabama) and formed their Army in March 9, 1961. By March 11, 1861, the Confederates formed their own Constitution. The national sin of SLAVERY directed caused the Civil War making almost 600,000 people to lose their lives. In our time in 2013, America in some cases are morally worse than decades ago. There is the modern day child murder/sacrifice of ABORTION (the shedding of innocent blood is morally wrong), materialism, strife, extreme selfishness, disrespect, hatred, anger, illegal and immoral wars killing people overseas, violations of human liberties, etc. God remembers this stuff and we have to change our lives before we die. I believe fighting against evil and JUSTICE too.

There is the Masonic Square and Compass within the letter G in the center of the Merrimack Ironclad. One image of the ironclad is found from a 1901 Civil War album. The Merrimack was

the first iron clad gunboat that was built in America. It was for the Quartermaster's Department. It was armed, supplied, officered, and manned jointly by the Union Army and Navy. Confederates acquired it and renamed it Virginia. It was used against the Union Monitor back in 1862. If you're from Hampton Roads (like me), then you know about the Monitor vs. Merrimack Civil War battle. It occurred in 1862 and it revolutionized naval warfare. The Confederate ironclad Virginia (or Merrimack) began destroying the wooden Union fleet until it was driven off by the low lying Union ironclad Monitor. John L. Worden was the U.S. Naval officer who commanded the Union Monitor against the Merrimac. Worden was the Rear Admiral of the U.S. Navy and he was of course a Freemason. The whole Battle of Hampton Roads came from March 8-9, 1862. The Confederates wanted to break the Union blockade, which cut off Virginias largest cities in that time (which were Norfolk and Richmond) from international trade. USS Virginia destroyed 2 Union ships, but the USS Monitor defended the Union Minnesota. The 2 ironclads fought for about 3 hours, but the damage was very little to each other. The duel ended indecisively, Virginia returning to her home at the Gosport Navy Yard for repairs and strengthening, and Monitor to her station defending Minnesota. The ships did not fight again, and the blockade remained in place. The new USS Monitor Center at the Mariners' Museum officially opened on March 9, 2007, and a full-scale replica of USS Monitor, the original recovered turret, and artifacts and related items are now on display. Some artifacts from CSS Virginia are also on display. The Mariners Museum exists today in Newport News, VA.

The person to the left is General Ulysses S. Grant that led Union forces to victory. The image to the right is General Robert E. Lee signing the documents of surrender at Appomattox Courthouse on April 9, 1865. Robert E. Lee passed away in 1870 at the age of 63. His father was the Revolutionary War figure Henry Lee III. Robert E. Lee was a famous man of his era. He was a genius in military strategy. Numerous Confederate victories or defense tactics to repelled Union advances can be attributed heavily to Robert E. Lees strategies. After the war, Robert E. Lee believed in a system of free public schools for blacks, but he wasnt totally on board of black suffrage or voting rights. An University is named after Robert E. Lee in Virginia.

Ulysses S. Grant wasnt perfect, but he was more progressive on civil rights than Robert E. Lee. Grant wanted black people to have civil rights and provide justice to the oppressed Native Americans. Grant explicitly condemned Secret Societies. President Ulysses S. Grant once
observed, "All secret, oathbound, political parties are dangerous to any nation." My father is known to like history, but ironically my mother loves to research information about the Civil War. She would buy books on Abraham Lincoln, Norfolk, Virginias role in the Civil War, etc.

There are tons of other facts in the Civil War. Abraham Lincoln abandoned the colonization plan of black people in his lifetime. The Confederacy wanted some African American troops to fight for them as a part of pure desperation at the end of the war. Many prominent Confederates acknowledged that it went against the core values of theConfederacy. One famously declared that if slaves seem good soldiers, "then our whole theory of slavery is wrong." Thousands of African Americans instead fought for the Union side in order to fight for freedom and emancipation. The North wasn't perfect, but they did peacefully and voluntarily abolish slavery in every one of its states before 1865. The Union wasn't perfect, but the Union offered a much better life for black people than the Confederacy did (especially since the leaders of the Confederacy falsely considered black people to be intellectually inferior to the white race). Even the Confederate war criminals murdered innocent African American soldiers during the Fort Pillow Massacre. Low level Mason Nathan Bedford Forest was involved in the massacre. Forest would be one founder of the Ku Klux Klan (which was heavily made up of Freemasons even in its revitalization during the early 20th century by Royal Arch Freemason Colonel William Joseph Simmons. 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons Robert C. Byrd and Hugo Black were once Klan members). There was the Lawrence Massacre in August of 1863 too. The Confederacy refused to allow prisoner exchange to include African Americans once Lincoln allowed them to serve as soldiers. Therefore, prisoner exchanges were ended and prisons were set up.

General George Meade was a Major General in the Union Army. He was born in 1815. He was the commander of the Army of the Potomac during the vital and important battle of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in early July of 1863. Some have accused Meade of allowing General Robert E. Lees beaten Army of Northern Virginia to safely retreat when he could have trapped and forced Lees Army to surrender. This act may have prolonged the war for more than 2 bloody years. It would be a common occurrence for Freemasons among both sides of the war to help each other, which is a conflict of interest. One example occurred in the battle of Gettysburg. The Confederate Freemason Armistead was worn in that battle, so his brother Freemason Union Captain Henry H. Bingham helps Armistead off the field (and sent him to a hospital, but Armistead died 2 days later). The Brotherhood of Freemasonry was undivided in many instances even during the Civil War.

There is a Skulls and Bones connection to the Civil War. Of course, the Skulls and Bones was created in 1832 by Alphonso Taft (President U.S. Grant's Secretary of War, U.S. Attorney General) and William Huntington Russell. Russell is the grand-nephew of Samuel Huntington. Samuel Huntington was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and President of the Continental Congress (1779-1781) and he was the Governor of Connecticut (from 1786-1796). The Skulls and Bones had members of both sides of the Civil War. This pattern is related to the international bankers funding both sides of numerous wars or configurations spanning the time of human history. Bonesman Orris Sanford Ferry was the Brigadier General of the U.S. Army during the Civil War. Bonesman Burton Norvell Harrison was the Private Secretary to Jefferson Davis. Bonesman John Thomas Croxton was the Major General of the U.S. Army. Other rebel Bonesmen include people like Thomas L. Bayne, Thomas McKinney Jack, William T. S. Barry, and others. Other Bonesmen in the Union side were Henry Martyn Dechert, Stanley Woodward, William Fowler, and other human beings. People realize that the roots of the Civil War came from the Maafa and the beginning of the American nation. Back then, the American nation didn't immediately end slavery, so compromise and immoral gradualism came about on this issue of slavery. The Civil War caused slavery to be banned from American society. Many Harvard University graduates contributed to the Revolutionary War on the side of the colonists from James Warren (a paymaster General of the Continental Army) to Caleb Strong. Even after the Revolutionary War, rebellions like Shay's rebellion (it was led by the Revolutionary War veteran former Captain Daniel Shays. Shays and company wanted to protest the foreclosure of their homes and endless debt), and the War of 1812. U.S. Army Colonel William Sherman (or the then Superintendent of the Louisiana State Seminary and Military Academy) gave a speech on December 24, 1860. After he learned of South Carolina's secession, Sherman said that the North would defeat the South badly because the North had more mechanical and ingenious resources and supplies than the South. This was a self-fulfilling prediction since the Union developed more supplies, resources, and manpower than the Confederacy as the Civil War progressed. The Confederacy was totally defeated in 1865. Jefferson was inaugurated as the leader of the Confederacy in Montgomery, Alabama on February 18, 1861. President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated as President of the United States of America in Washington, D.C. on March 4, 1861. President Abraham Lincoln's legacy is a complex one. He wasn't perfect, but his insight and character was vastly superior to Jefferson Davis. President Abraham Lincoln had been through a whole lot of trials and tribulations. People like Frederick Douglas put legitimate pressure upon President Lincoln in order for him to act more progressive in his

attitudes about slavery and the Civil War. President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address expressed his further awakenings on the evils of slavery and the destructive nature of the Civil War. Many great leaders in human history became great by pressure and overcoming obstacles. The Civil War reminds us that the immorality of slavery should have been abolished as soon as possible. If that was done, thousands of peoples' lives would have been saved. The battle of Gettysburg transpired from July 1 to July 3, 1863. It occurred in the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. This battle of course came up with the largest number of causalities during the entire Civil War. Some consider this battle to be a major turning point in the war. The reason was that after this battle, Robert E. Lees Army of Northern Virginia didnt invade the North anymore. Robert E. Lee had early success in Chancellorsville, Virginia in May of 1863. So, he led his army through the Shenandoah Valley in order to begin his 2nd invasion of the North or the Gettysburg Campaign. Lee wanted to end the war by the North agreeing to a compromise via a series of battles that go into Harrisburg or even Philadelphia. Maj. General Joseph Hooker perused Robert E. Lee and later Meade (when Hooker was relieved of his command). People among both armies collided in Gettysburg by July 1, 1863. The battle was long and Lee was forced into a retreat after the 3 day battle. A lot of people realized about what Gettysburg was about. It was about the incompatibility of bigotry & hatred to solve problems. That battle taught us about the value plus the preciousness of all human life and the human common links of joy, tranquility, and being unified to strive for justice are far better ideals to live by than eternal strife. We remember the dead among both sides in the Civil War to not only remember sacrifice, but to adhere to Gods compassion and Gods will in order to make better our own lives.

The Union defeated the Confederates by 1865. Abraham Lincoln reformed a lot of his thinking and admitted that slavery was one big reason for the Civil War. He was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Booth made his decision to assassinate Lincoln after he heard Lincoln give a speech advocating rights for freedmen. This set Booth off and he worked in a conspiracy to kill Lincoln. Even the haters of

conspiracies readily admit that the assassination of the President Abraham Lincoln was a product of a conspiracy. The Civil War ended and the advancement of human rights continued forth. There was the Emancipation Proclamation (although it only effected states in the Confederacy), the 13th to 15th Amendments, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and other rules too that promoted human liberties. This is one part of the human rights movement.

There are news about John Wilkes Booth and Jesse James. They have existed in the history of the Civil War and times after it. After the Civil War, racists utilized Black Codes to deny black people their God-given human rights. They had links to the Knights of the Golden Circle that I have known this for years. Booth is said to be a member of the KGC. Some even believe that Booth survived the death in the tobacco barn. One person is called Izola Forrester (or Booth's granddaughter) in her 1937 book called "This One Mad Act." She believed that the KGC aided and abetted Booth's escape from Washington, D.C. The man shot and killed in Garrett's barn was James Boyd, a former confederate agent working for the War Department. He bore a passing resemblance to Booth aside from his red hair and moustache. Booth's hair was jet black and he had shaved off his moustache at the home of Dr. Samuel Mudd shortly after escaping from Washington. No friends of Booth were told to witness the body of Booth supposedly. John May said that he had removed a tumor from Booth's neck months before Lincoln was assassination. He saw the corpse and said that corpse wasn't like Booth and he didn't believe that the dead person was Booth. Later, he changed his mind and agreed with the official story of John Wilkes Booth's death. National Detective Police agents Andrew & Luther Potter had been on the trail of Booth from the beginning. They looked at the corpse and said that has a red moustache that is different from the real John Wilkes Booth. It is said that Booth was in Texas under the alias of John St. Helen. Mainstream historians for the most part believe that John Wilkes Booth died in the fire. Jesse James was a Freemason and a suspected member of the Knights of Golden Circle. The KGC promoted the Confederacy and spread all over America. They opposed Lincoln when Lincoln promoted subsidies for mining, Lincoln issued fund for the construction of the transcontinental railroad. President Lincoln advanced the development of national infrastructure. This tradition comes from his role as a Whig. The Whig opposed Andrew Jacksons cuts of federal funds for road, canal, and railroad construction. Andrew Jackson was like an old school version of a Tea Party follower. Lincoln supported the Land Grant College System to use government money to promote higher education. The late President Abraham Lincoln gave major government support to all branches of science via the U.S. Coast Survey and

the National Academy of Sciences. Abraham Lincoln sold bonds directly to the people while European bankers wanted more centralized control over America.

The new movie called The Conspirator exposed the real conspiracy behind the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The movie describes the sentences and executions of those involved in the plot. Robert Redford was the director of the project. There is no doubt that the Abraham Lincoln assassination was a product of a conspiracy, which even skeptics admit now. C. T. Wilcoxs The Transformation of the Republic is one of the best books on explaining in an easy fashion about the events of the Abraham Lincoln assassination. The book shows uncovered documents that has the smoking gun on the events of the Lincoln assassination. He found letters of Americans concerned about the Romanist intrigues of the day. He also uses images of nineteenth century newspaper stories and editorial to add more documentation to his work. Wilcox writes that the monarchies and the Vatican hated the USA for its promotion of representative government. It was in 1822, in Verona, that the nations belonging to the Holy Alliance signed on to a document entitled the Secret Treaty of Verona in which they pledged "to use all that their efforts to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever county it may exist in Europe, and to prevent it being introduced in those countries where it is not yet known." These reactionary factions supported the Confederacy of the Civil War.

It has been over 150 Years since the Emancipation Proclamation. Are We Truly Free? The Answer is Obvious.

Quick Facts on the Civil War:

*There are many facts on the Confederacy that exposes it as fraudulent. Now, Jefferson Davis called for 100,000 troops in his inauguration day speech. This was a month before Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated and he called for peace. The U.S. only had about 2,000 troops east of the Mississippi River when the southern states began to secede. The Civil War was about trade, social divisions, politics, and slavery. *Many state Constitutions of Confederacy supported slavery and Confederate leaders expressed support for slavery by their own words as well. The state legislatures of the rebellious southern states made many pronouncements as to their reasons behind secession and the majority of them mentioned SLAVERY. The right to rebellion is mentioned in the Declaration of Independence, but succession is not mentioned at all. The Declaration of Independence was about America being free from Britain.

*The United States Constitution mentions no right to secede at all. The Yankees were not losing the war in 1862. This was in the time of the Battle of Bull Run. The rest of the war has Union advances on all fronts except Virginia. There were battles of the Civil War in the West and Trans-Mississippi Theater. Abraham Lincoln did advocate VOLUNTARY colonization for black Americans, because he thought that would be best for both blacks and whites. However, President Abraham Lincoln abandoned that idea after he spoke with black leaders like Frederick Douglas in 1862. He believed that the black soldiers and sailors would be allowed in the army and the navy. The reason that Lincoln did not receive many, if any votes, in southern states, was that southern states had made it a crime to advocate for any anti-slavery position. *Much of the opposition to the Emancipation Proclamation came from the Democrats including their rabid Copperheads. Those Democrats used racist hysteria against workers and immigrations. Some Democratic politicians and newspapers falsely claimed that freed slaves would steal the jobs of white workers. We have heard this stuff before. Some in the ruling class whipped up this hysteria as a means to divide Americans. This same rhetoric is used against immigrant workers today. There were the 1863 anti-draft riots in New York City. These riots were about racist terrorists assaulting and killing innocent th black men, women, and children all over New York City back in the 19 century. It turned into a racist pogrom. In 1864, McClellan was a Democratic Presidential candidate in 1864. *The Southern states considered Republicans to be Anti-Slavery so any Republicans in southern states who attempted to gather enough signatures to place Lincoln on that states ballot would have been arrested. You cannot receive any votes if you are never allowed onto the ballot in the first place by unconstitutional laws. The Emancipation Proclamation said NOTHING about forcibly resettling the freed slaves. The Emancipation Proclamation tried to free the slaves in the region of the Confederacy. The Emancipation Proclamation was an unprecedented assertion of Presidential and federal power. It was legitimate on its face, but it did not go far enough during that time period. That is why the abolitionists were disappointed in it. A revolutionary transformation of American society ended slavery. Even in Britain, there were British textile workers that expressed solidarity with black and white activists across the Atlantic in seeking freedom from oppression. A key provision of the Emancipation Proclamation

was the arming of the slaves. Black troops played a critical role in the Union victory. Black soldiers in many times were rather fight to the death than surrender since the Confederates readily massacred surrendering black sodliers (like Nathan Bedford Foreest did in the Fort Pillow Massacre inside of Tennessee. Forrest was a slave trader before the war. He founded the KKK). Black garrisons and soldiers fought with strength and courage against Confederate terrorists indeed. The 54th was a great black regiment. Even Frederick Douglass and Lorenzo Thomas encouraged the recruitment of thousands of black soldiers for the Union during the Civil War.

The Confederacy once allied with the imperialist British in order to make America 2 divided nations. They were defeated and

America is still the United States of America.

The man to the right is one conspirator named Michael OLaughlin. There were a lot of murderers of President Abraham Lincoln. Payne, alias Wood, alias Hall was another convicted man in the plot. He had yet had another name called LEWIS THORTON POWELL. He was arrested and later hanged as an associate of Booth in the conspiracy. *For thousands of years even, the Nobility bloodlines used the monarchs as instruments to strife true human individual liberty, religious freedom, and all basic human rights in general in order to have centralized, authoritarian control over human beings. That is why checks and balances are instituted in order prevent the existence of a tyrannical government. CT Wilcox discovers that one the biggest conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln was John Harrison Surratt. He was an object of one of the greatest manhunts in history. Surratt escaped America to hide himself in Canada with the help of Roman Catholic priests. These priest help him to escape into Liverpool, England, and then to Papal Rome itself. He became a member of the Pope's Pontifical Zouaves military units. CT Wilcox details about the civil trial of Surratt ion Washington, D.C. after he was captured in Alexandria, Egypt. Jesuits from Georgetown supported John Surratt throughout his civil trial. There was a hung jury despite overwhelming evidence against Surrat. In the 21st century, Barack Obamas political mentor is

Zbigniew Brzezinski. Brzezinski isnt just a technocrat, but he has links to the Jesuit-inspired Opus Dei and the Knights of Malta. Such groups are involved in the Vatican-Paneuropa agenda in the geopolitical stage. One of this networks documents is called the Council of Trent that bashed the God-given values of the freedom of conscience and the right of humans to not accept authoritarian government. Its ironic that President Abraham Lincoln wanted the South to be rapidly on equal footing with the Union and the bigots still assassinated him for no reason whatsoever. Its a shame. C.T. Wilcox, author of the book The Transformation of the Republic: The Origins of the Religious Hi-Jacking of the American Government and the Truth Behind the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln from 2005 wrote the following in the Pages of 190, 298, and 299: John Wilkes [Ed.: Booth] was the only member of the Booth family whose sympathy was with the Confederacy. According to the Great Conspiracy, a book published in 1866 by Barclay Co., in Philadelphia, Pa., John Wilkes Booth had been initiated into the Knights of the Golden Circle [Ed.: a Jesuit front group] in Baltimore [Ed.: Maryland] in the fall of 1860There is much to convince the fair-minded investigator that John Wilkes Booth had been a convert to the Roman [Ed.: Catholic] Church. The evidence [Ed.: presented] in both the trials of the conspirators and John H. Surratt shows that Booth was frequently at Mass in various Roman [Ed.: Catholic] Churches. The fact that he [Ed.: i.e., Booth] wore an Agnus Dei [Ed.: Latin for Lamb of God] bronze medal at the time of his deathwhich had become corroded from the moisture of his body, showed long wear. Only three weeks prior to the murder, as Admiral Baird tells us, he met Booth coming out of a Vesper Service at a Roman Catholic Church in Washington [D.C.]. This alone of course would not be conclusive, but taken together with other evidence strengthens the conclusion that he [Ed.: Booth] was not only a professed Romanist [Ed.: i.e., Roman Catholic], but that he was a devout one. The close associates of Booth from his arrival in Washington [D.C.] from Montreal the middle of November 1864, until his flight after the murder [Ed.: of Lincoln], were fanatical Romanists [Ed.: i.e., Roman Catholics]. [Ed.: Booth] became a constant, almost daily, visitor at the Surratt home [Ed.: Mary Surratt was a devout Roman Catholic] on H Street, which was the meeting place of Roman [Ed.: Catholic] priests of Washington and vicinity. A person like me cant support the Confederacy. The reasons are plenty. The Confederacy made no immediate effort to end slavery or give all people equal rights under the law. The leadership was either members of or run by Elite Groups or Secret Societies. Many of the leadership were open racists and wanted to continue slavery and discrimination in their land. The Union wasnt a group of demigods or saints, but at least they were involved with ending legal slavery (along with black heroes too) against those of black African descent. The landed gentry back centuries ago tried to promote the evil racial caste system. They instituted a nefarious system, which divided Africans, exploited poor whites, and Native Americans to made huge profits for the 1 percent. Also, this action prevented a real alliance of the 99% (making up of the dispossessed) against the ruling elite. The racist caste system was rooted in slavery and it generated a culture of racism that persists in a national scale (even after slavery was legally extinguished by 1865). That is why the Southern aristocracy instituted Jim Crow as a means to deprive human beings of basic human rights. The white reactionaries

regularly talk about the oppressed white people during the era of slavery. Yet, the many of the poor white majority in the South sided with the slaveholding planters (or the elite that ironically oppressed them, which was much less oppressive than the horrendous, brutal oppression of the black slaves) in following the agenda of the wicked Confederacy. The Southern reactionaries advanced evil Fugitive Slave laws as well. The Confederacy wanted to protect slavery, which was one primary cause of the Civil War (out of other reasons for the war). The Confederacy called Abraham Lincoln as an abolitionist when he had no plans to abolish slavery at first (yet, he was personally opposed to slavery philosophically). Racism is one tactic out of many (like classism, gender bigotry, etc. Male privilege is just as immoral as white privilege and class privilege) where the gentry tried to prevent genuine progressive democratic development. Howard Zinn's A PEOPLES HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES discussed this issue greatly. A unified front among many backgrounds of the dispossessed or the oppressed could topple the elite. Unfortunately, today because of reactionary policies, income inequality, bigotry, etc., America has been less progress, less egalitarian, and less developed than many other industrially advanced nations. There has been the recent working class insurgency in Wisconsin and other places. Protesters in Wisconsin defended the right of collective bargaining. This has been a reawakening of the American working class who want to confront corporate politicians and other regressive elements. The events in Wisconsin prove to us that all workers (public, private, educated, or uneducated) have the right to experience economic justice and true, genuine democracy. The good news is that we have a chance for America to reach its total potential. It wont be easy, but let the journey begin. Also, we need to do radical actions to help the poor. A new 21st century war on poverty must continue. A new history of humankind for America can be achieved if we promote real democratic principles. There must be a sense of rational discourse too in promoting a more humane societal reality. These rights are outlined in FDRs Economic Bill of Rights and Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr.s Poor Peoples Campaigns proposals. Our society must be a personoriented society instead of a thing oriented society. Fundamentally, its about extending real human rights to all people on the face of the Earth. Its doesnt matter who you are, you deserve respect and equality in every facet of your life. Also, the South isnt just responsible for slavery. The North too is responsible for slavery in America. Its just that the system of slavery is more culturally rooted in the South than the North. For a time, the commercial capitalist interests of the North (and in Europe like in the UK) benefited from the trade in slaves. The profits created by slave labor were crucial in establishing the industrial revolution. This has been confirmed by Eric Williams book entitled, Capitalism and Slavery. Back then, the reactionary elites from slaveholders, etc. opposed federal power when it seemed that their particular interests were threatened. They are hypocrites since they say nothing when the federal government used tariffs, free land, and tax breaks to oil corporations, slave owners, immigrants, and the military to suppress strikes and rebellions. Now, when social legislation was passed in the 1930s and the 1960s as a means for the federal government to help the poor and other minorities, then the reactionaries cry about big government in a disingenuous fashion. So, reactionaries dont complain when the big government assists the rich, corporations, and the military industrial complex. They only complain when the big government tries to defend the rights of the poor, oppressed minorities, workers, and women. Some in the GOP act like Dixiecrats. The Republican governor of Virginia declared April Confederate History Month. One Republican official said that slavery

was a blessing. The counterrevolution from Reagans time still persists today (which is s cousin to Nixons Southern Strategy). Today, America has evolved in promoting the interests of Empire. This new Empire is dominantly ruled by neo-feudalists abusing many countries. That is why my people and the Confederate flag will never mix. That flag represents the evil from centuries ago. Yet, the good news is that tons of Americans not only love this country of America. They are actively fighting for truth and legitimate reforms. There is still hope since our best days are ahead in the future. The great ideal of active participation in society is a joy and the Dream will never die.

Abraham Lincoln didnt believe in Samuel Huntingtons imperialist rhetoric (as he called for the clash of civilizations or the war on terror), especially by the time Lincoln died. Ironically, the Brzezinski, Kissinger, and Huntington faction helped to create al-Qaeda and other Afghani guerrillas in order for these militants to fight in the anti-Soviet Cold War. Back then, President James K. Polk wanted to make territorial concessions to the British in dealing with the then Oregon territory. Other folks didnt want compromise with the British at all. Lincoln exposed the Anglo-American bankers and Southern racists that wanted warfare globally. Lincoln even questioned some parts of the Mexican War as a Congressman back in 1847. I dont believe Lincoln was perfect or a god, but Huntington is wrong on foreign policy issues as well. Abraham Lincoln was pro-Henry Clay. He wrote in 1859 that, I was an old Henry Clay tariff Whig. In old times I made more speeches on that subject, than on any other. I have not since changed my views." Senator Henry Clay was Lincolns mentor and political guide. Clay promoted a protectionist tariff in 1843. This caused growth in the economic development of machine industries and raised wages. The Polk administration still wanted a tariff reduction as supported by the British and the slave-owners. A Lincoln supporter was James G. Blaine. He was 17 when he was present in the 1847 Lexington speech. Blaine continued Lincolns legacy until his death in 1892. He was the Secretary of State and he spread nationalist economics and anti-imperial solidarity (from America to Ireland, South America, Russia, India, and Korea). Lincoln allowed the beginning of the Transcontinental Railroad in order for resources to spread more rapidly across the North American continent (instead of supplies going across the Atlantic Ocean to spread resources across the world. This travel across the Atlantic Ocean was long and tedious). The robber barons stole the railroad system after they were built. The government used the Homestead Act and other programs to assist settlers and farmers in the West. This same goal of infrastructure development

continued in the times of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John F. Kennedy (including in our time in 2013).

This was the land of Richmond, Virginia in 1865.

The legacy of the Civil War still exists today. There are debates on the composition of the War. There are debates on whether Abraham Lincoln went too far in some of his actions. Lincoln wasnt perfect and him suspending habeas corpus and suspending some newspapers are things that I dont agree with it of course. Yet, my people especially would have been better off with Lincoln as President than Jefferson Davis. Today, some streets in Hampton Roads and Richmond are named after Confederate leaders. Statues of Confederate soldiers exist all over the South and in parts of Virginia (like even here where I live inside of Hampton Roads). Today, nationwide, there are reenactments by history buffs details some of the battles or various events that transpired over the course of the Civil War. Thats interesting stuff. The Civil War probably will forever be etched in the American consciousness since that war was so personal for us who are Americans. It changed the way we think about war (a lot of warfare in that era signified the age of Modern Warfare), how we think about humanity in general, and how we think about radical social/political changes that will come decades later. The end of the Civil War began Reconstruction and Jim Crow (which was the reactionary backlash against Reconstruction). We still have neo-Confederates today wanting nepotism and oppression against not just people that look like me, but against all human beings. Many people (who are ashamed of their own heritage with selfhatred) today are under the spell of mental slavery. Yet, I wont go out like that. I will promote

my heritage without malice and I will promote a sincere dedication for justice for all peoples. By Timothy

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