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VOL. 143, NO. 15 THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 2011

Sign ordinance displays problems By David Veselenak Vailliencourt said that wasn’t an option under
Weave the Web:
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the clock for in-depth cover-
age of Washtenaw County.
Our “Most Viewed” story
Heritage Media the old ordinance either. this week is “‘Arthur’ movie
“Before we had this ordinance, no signs were review.”
What will happen with Manchester’s sign allowed at all,” she said.
ordinance? Karl Racenis, chairman of the DDA and
The issue has been heavily debated over the owner of the Manchester Mill downtown, said
last two months, after one business owner peti- the DDA discussed several aspects of the ordi-
tioned the village to allow her to place her sign nance, including how the ordinance regulates
in an area against the ordinance. more for-profit signs than non-profit signs.
Dawna Stockwell, the Currently, the ordinance Check out
owner of Stockwell’s Catering allows businesses to display
on Adrian Street, brought Regardless of where one sign for a civic or chari- our videos:
her case to the Planning table activity authorized by ■ 2forU
Commission in February. She businesses are the Zoning Administrator.
■ Joyce Grant
asked to be allowed to place a “The current sign ordi-
sandwich board down on the located, Vailliencourt nance for temporary signs is Blogs:
street near Main Street to help more generous to non-profits
attract business, something said she would like than it is for businesses,” Follow the Manchester
Enterprise staff blog, The
she’s done for years. Racenis said. “I see non-profit
But the village told the sign ordinance signs posted in areas where
Wire, at www.wireenter-
Stockwell earlier this year business signs aren’t allowed.”
that her board was against to help keep The village is examining
The sandwich board abovie sits outside Stockwell’s Catering. village ordinance, and she using way signs to point
moved it back in front of her downtown thriving patrons to businesses in town,
business. something that is still being
“When we opened the sec- while not confusing discussed by the DDA.
ond business on Adrian, that’s
patrons or Vailliencourt, who owns Connect with
when it started,” she said. the Black Sheep Tavern and HotJobs by Monster:
Since she returned it near congesting it Coffee Mill Café on Main
her and her daughter’s new Street, said Village Manager Click on the “jobs” tab
on the home page of our
restaurant next door to the
catering business, the issue
with signs. Jeff Wallace sent letters to
business owners regarding website or go directly to
has been debated by the vil- signs, but has not followed up
lage council, the downtown development because of the discussion.
authority and the planning commission sev- Another point brought up by Racenis several
eral times. times is businesses on Main Street pay more in
What began as a discussion regarding one rent for the increased exposure. Typically, rent
specific instance has become a discussion of on main streets runs 10 to 15 percent more than
the whole ordinance, which was enacted in side street businesses.
2001 with some updates in 2008. Stockwell argued that point, saying her rent
With the economy still tanking and several on Adrian Street is similar to rent paid on
vacancies in buildings downtown, some mem- Main Street. Join us on Twitter:
bers of the council believed it would be a good “I went and I asked if people would tell me, Become a Manchester
Ollie’s pizza features a neon sign in the window. idea to re-evaluate the ordinance. and that’s not true,” she said. Enterprise follower. Click on
“It’s not just ‘can we allow one business Regardless of where businesses are located, the Twitter tab on the home
to put a sign up,’’ said Village President Pat Vailliencourt said she would like the sign ordi- page of our Web site or go
Vailliencourt. “It’s a tough situation. It’s a nance to help keep downtown thriving while directly to
tough time for all businesses.” not confusing patrons or congesting it with ManchEnterprise.
At last week’s meeting, the council voted signs.
4-2 to send the ordinance back to the planning “We want people to come downtown and
commission for further evaluation. It was come to everybody’s place downtown. That’s
scheduled for discussion at the planning com- what we’re looking at,” Vailliencourt said.
mission meeting Tuesday. “We’re looking at how we want the downtown
Stockwell asked the council to have her sign sign ordinance to read for everybody. Because I
“grandfathered in,” since it was up before think if you start saying ‘signs can move,’ you
C&C pizza drivers have car-top signs for delivery vehicles. the current ordinance took effect in 2008. But have to look at all of the signs moving.”
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Missing dog is vital We already have more

than 165 fans on Facebook.
Click on the Facebook tab
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to sheep business
on Facebook.

By Tanya Wildt gates was either left open or blew of Kuhl’s farm on West Pleasant
open. His sheep moved through Lake Road.
Heritage Media
the open gate into another field “If I had been home, it probably
The Marketplace:
wouldn’t have happened,” Kuhl Local ads are just a hop
Manchester resident Ron Kuhl where the fence was a being
said. He said when snow melts, away at the
is searching for his business repaired, allowing the flock to marketplace. While you are
partner, his dog Midge, a Great move into a neighbor’s field. fences can be left pulled in, allow-
ing animals to escape He said he there, you can check out
Pyrenees that guards one of his Midge followed the flock and has all the special supplements
flocks of sheep. since been missing. would have known the animals
of Journal Register Co.
should have been locked up to pre-
Kuhl is offering a $500 reward A Jeep Liberty was reported newspapers in Michigan.
vent a situation like this. Click on “marketplace”
for either information about being seen parked near Kuhl’s “He’s very attached to this
Midge’s whereabouts or her farm that day and a Manchester on the home page of our
particular dog,” said Nancy Hebb, Web site or go directly to
return, no questions asked. He can school bus driver reported see- a friend of Kuhl who keeps her www.marketplace.micen-
be contacted at (734) 678-4426. ing a woman leading a dog by the sheep at his farm and also raises
On Thursday March 17, when collar to her red car, possibly a Molly looks similar to her half-sister Midge, Ron Kuhl’s aspx.
Kuhl was out of town, one of his Ford F-150, about one mile west PLEASE SEE DOG/13-A missing Great Pyrenees.

Editorial. . . . . . . . . . . . .6-A
INSIDE Obituaries . . . . . . . . . .10-A
BRIEFLY... ■ Tree Order Pick-up: Pick-up of 5055 Ann Arbor-Saline Road.
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-C
orders for trees and shrubs purchased ■ Submitting Info: We gladly accept
■ Manchester Kindergarten Round- through the Conservation District’s story ideas, photos, and press releases
on Up: Manchester District Schools spring conservation plant sale is sched- about upcoming events. If you would like
paper Kindergarten Round-Up is scheduled for uled for Friday April 22, 2-7 p.m. and to submit something, contact Tanya
Saturday April 30 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Saturday April 23 from 9-11 a.m. at the Wildt at (734) 429-7380, ext. 15, or
in the Klager Elementary cafeteria. Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds,

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