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12-ish pm, 3/22/2011 2nd, Mayan day 1 Lord or Light

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♥ This video

How many of us - no wait, that doesn’t matter. Rather, do you do

something else while you’re eating? Like watch TV, read a book or the
paper, work puzzles or the like? Maybe you surf the Internet, or watch
a video while having dinner. You may think it’s relaxing. Well, let’s
look at that.

First off, I know I do this, so be aware I know I’m talking to me, as well.
Sometimes I take my meal out to the lawn chair, and have it there,
with the birds and the sun and breeze. More often, though, I’m
putting something in my mouth as an automatic motion while sitting
in front of the computer. There, I admit it.. I’m not even present with
that. My attention is elsewhere.

This is just another one of the ways in which we’ve become a bit of an
automaton. We’re on auto-pilot. It’s worth observing, just to see
what’s there to be seen. What we’re doing here, with all of this
observing stuff, is coming back to our center. We’re coming into
presence - into present self-awareness - from wherever we’ve gotten
off to.

Now, remember, too, that observing doesn’t require than anything

change. Trying to change from the outside like that - externally, at
the command of the mind - will just set you back. Besides, it’s no fun,
anyway. This other way - the heart way - is much more enjoyable -
and, you learn some neat things. We’re coming back Home, in
consciousness - centering down.

Now, don’t take from what’s being said, here, anymore than I’m
saying. I’m not saying, for instance, that you can only and always do
just one thing at a time. Let’s not generalize. That’s just mind at
work. It’s always mind that generalizes. We can begin to notice that,
and let it be a signal to get back more fully into heart.

You’re there anyway, you know - all the time. It’s just a matter of
gathering the outer consciousness back in. You’re already present,
100% of the time, there in your heart. Yeah, sometimes it doesn’t
seem to help much to know that. If we’re lost in mind, we can spend
lifetimes lost like that - even though we are also present in heart the
whole time. It’s a bit of a mystery - but not so much, when we get
back into heart. Heart understands such things, where mind hasn’t a
chance to.

As a for instance of when it’s often appropriate to be elsewhere than

body centered, take when you’re driving the Interstate on a long
stretch. The body can drive - no need to supervise that so closely.
Once you’ve trained yourself to be a good driver, those motions
become habit. The body knows them better than the conscious mind
does. It’s like concentrating to take one step - being aware of
contracting and loosening each muscle, watching the careful
placement of the foot. That’s counterproductive. Simply not needed.

Moving on. So, we’ve become automated in useful ways - and in ways
that are not at all useful. Time to start watching - to come to center,
and simply observe. Please remember, too, that when I say observe, I
only mean that. This is not time to be changing things. If you do,
then that would just be mind at work - and we’re in the process of
mind transcendence. You’ll see that unfolding.

As we’re moving our locus, our center of awareness out of the mind,
we see all kinds of things - some that will shock us - like the ways
we’ve become like a robot - such as when eating. Don’t try to change
this, remember. Just watch it happening. Simply look at that. As you
do this from heart you’ll be tutored and taught from within. You have
an inner teacher, a guru in there - everyone does.

Who is it? Well, that’s a subject for another journal, so let’s just say it
is You - capital “Y” - Higher Self. It doesn’t matter, though - just call it
heart. You see, it’s always mind that comes up with these questions -
and the answers don’t really matter more than a hill of beans.
They’re unimportant to the focus of the moment - they’re distractions
- that’s all.
But you have to have already separated out from the mind a bit, to be
able to comfortably see this. Otherwise, you may see it, but you may
also get terribly tense - check your solar plexus out - dead give away.
No big deal, now. There’s no right or wrong, good or bad, here. All of
this is strictly neutral. We’re just observing - not making any
judgments. Just seeing what we see.

You see, things will begin to take care of themselves - IF you let them.
That’s the big secret, here. Can you see it? If you can, that’s a good
sign, for it’s heart that sees such things - not the mind. To mind it
makes not one lick of sense.

Things doing themselves: mind will say. “Yeah, right!” Well, you can
observe that, too - then just turn away from it. Ignore the mind’s
pronouncements. (And for support with this, remember the Open
Letter to Mind journal - and the Mantra for Mind. That can really
help. ;)

Okay, are you feeling more heart centered, yet? That’s the best place
to listen to these journals. That’s how they can have the most effect
for you. Oh, they have an effect, regardless, for in watching or
listening or reading them on Scribd, you’re getting the flow of the
energy. That’s the real message. The words are just secondary.

Okay, lost a few of you there. Please know that’s okay. The mind
doesn’t need to understand these things. Heart does. That’s enough.
In your observing, it’s good to watch yourself watching the mind.
Yeah, I’ll say it again - watch your self watching the mind. Let it sink
in. You’re getting some good distance, here - from the self on the
surface - the one that just does things. The one that observes is
separating out.

I remember when all of this sort of thing was new to me. I recall how
much it helped when I realized that, deep within, was a place where
“I” already knew all of this. I connected with that - I felt, now and
then, how what was being said was already known, in some way -
even though not by the conscious mind. It was a bit trippy for a while,
but then, as I settled down into it, I began to realize there really is a
Knower - capital “K” - deep within.

Thus, whatever I or anyone else says to you - you already know that.
Center for this - hear it again - you already know. You already know.
You already know. No, it’s not the conscious part of the mind - or
even mind, at all, probably - that’s the repository of this inner
knowing. It just is. Best not to question it, at first - just go by the feel.

You’ll come to a sensing of it, at some point. It will be rather like deja
vu - your inner knowing, if you’re relaxed enough - can come right
through. You can then be in the lovely space of both hearing
something coming to you from the ‘Outside,’ while having the
knowing arise from within. The inner knowing is deeper and fuller, as
well. This doesn’t explain well. You’ll just know. You’ll have the
experience of it. Stay with heart.

Bottom line to this little sharing is that, once I came to really realize
that, in some unknown way, I seemed to know things inside - well, life
just got easier for me. I could relax. I realized I have an Inner
Knower, one who is very good at discerning. We’re getting down to
the space and the place (don’t get lost in the words) of intuition - this
inner knowing. It’s really neat. Don’t try to take mind in here. Mind
just won’t fit.

Now, that doesn’t mean that I am always aware of what the Inner
Knower knows. Don’t get me wrong. It’s more of a sensing than a
knowing, most times. It’s just so comforting, knowing it’s there. It
changes things - shifts them around, inside - once you realize there’s
no need to worry or fear about what you don’t know or what you think
you know, or just any of it.

Once you realize you have this omniscient Inner Knower on duty,
within, all the time - well, somehow you can relax. Being totally in the
know - even if it isn’t always consciously accessible - well, it’s still a
great thing. You don’t worry about trusting someone else, anymore.
You don’t have to. You’ve got your Self - that’s capital-S Self, of
course - there within.

So, not only do we have an Inner Teacher or Guru always on duty -

now we realize we also have this Inner Knower - or Inner Knowing is
better. It’s not a person or an object - it’s just Knowing - capital K.
(Read the transcripts while you listen for such details, if you like. I
don’t always mention them. It gets a bit awkward.)
Now, how is all of this considered threading the eye of the needle?
Glad you asked. ;) Once upon a time, we were all gathered, all
centered within. We couldn’t imagine any other way of being, frankly
- that was simply our reality. We were heart beings - for endless
aeons we’d been like that.

At some point, and for whatever reason - probably playfulness - we

went out. We left our heart center for a romp in the land of
disconnection - in 3D, where things seem all separate and distinct.
They aren’t really - that’s just a seeming - but we wanted to
experience that, so we left on a journey. This was the journey from
the heart to the head.

We never really intended to leave off being centered in heart while we

explored mind - but that’s what happened. It crept up on us - little bit
by little bit, I’m guessing - incrementally. I may be wrong - it could
have been drastically, all at once. Even if there was such an event,
though - we’ve continued on, incrementally - losing self - more and

Down through the ages we’ve come to this place. We’re on the return
journey, now - back inside - back within- back to heart. We threaded
our way out and away from our central core, but we left a string trail -
to follow back - to lead us Home. By all this observing we’re doing,
we’re beginning to get good at seeing the string trail - and following it
- back into heart.

At the farthest point, out away from center, we were completely

identified - with mind and body - thought we were that. We just
couldn’t believe anything else could be so. There are many, today,
still under that delusion. To them, it’s a shock to come onto the
stories the NDE’ers tell of their experiences - out and away from the
actual dead body, there. What a shock!

For some, that’s the first time they come face-to-face with the
possibility they just may not be the body - or the mind. It’s
disconcerting. Or, they may have an astral travel experience - an OBE
- out of body experience. That’ll do it, too. See if it won’t. Sometimes
it takes a shock like that to even allow the self to consider such
possibilities. Well, that’s fine. Just realize how very far ahead of the
game you are with these things.
And let’s all realize that, at times our seemingly insoluble issues or
problems just need a dose of backing off - disidentifying - stepping
back. Time to release our death grip on being anything physical.
That’s often enough to clarify the vision - hook you up with Inner Self,
who is more than able to guide you in this or in anything. But we’ve
got to let go a bit.

It helps so much to realize - we really don’t know everything, like we

thought we did - when we were teens. That’s a good analogy for the
adult still locked into mind. Mind thinks it knows so many things.
Waking up is often just a matter of finding out all you didn’t know -
thought you did - finding out you were wrong.

We’ve been misled so thoroughly - it’s been meant to put us off track.
There are those who never intended we find the string trail at all - find
our way back. Well, too bad, so sad, for them, isn’t it? We’re literally
all waking up - in our own ways. You can see it all around. People are
changing. Sometimes they don’t even realize that - but it’s
happening. Our vision is the clearer the more distance we’ve got on
this thing. Oh, what joy is to be had in all of this. I hope you find it -
there within. ;)

Oh, and P.S. - of course the eye of the needle is heart, and the string
trail is the thread - and what you find once you’ve threaded it - well,
that’s for you to discover - that’s Wonderland - but I call it the
Kingdom of Heart. You decide, though - none compels.


♥ iTunes podcast - Awake in the Now

♥ channel -Awake in the Now


EVERYthing is blessing, emptiness or void, just watch or observe,

Inner Knower or Knowing, intuition or discernment, explore and
experiment, Mayan Tzolkin calendar, let go or ignore mind, eating
while distracted, robot or automaton, present moment awareness, just
observe or watch, crumb or string trail, mind generalizes, lifetimes lost
in mind, always present in heart, video journal, awaken or enlighten,
Source God or Spirit, Heart Vision, perspective change

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