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Open Doors

Prayer Calendar
April 2011


1. Pray for the Christian children who are taught in school how to adore idols and gods. Pray that
God will protect their minds and hearts.


2. Believers from a Muslim Background struggle to make a living in their communities. They are
seldom hired because of their Christian faith. In view thereof, Open Doors implemented a pro-
gram that extends livelihood assistance to enterprising believers. Let us pray for the Lord to
prosper our beneficiaries this year.

3. Last year Muslim extremists sought to close down Elizabeth School, which is run by the Pres-
byterian Church of Bangladesh; they wanted to replace it with a madrassah (Islamic school).
Local investigators have found no fault in the school: not with their accredited curriculum nor
their textbooks. Let us pray for the Lord’s intervention and favour on behalf of Elizabeth School.


4. Believers have difficulty to gather because they can

only rent places owned by Hindu or Buddhist land-
lords. They are not free to do what they want during
fellowship and worship. Pray for the Lord to grant
them favour with their non-Christian landlords and for
these churches to eventually have their own place of

5. In remote areas that are predominantly Hindu or Bud-

dhist, believers occasionally experience criticism, hu-
miliation and alienation from their neighbours. Please
uphold them in prayer, so that they can stand firm in
the faith when they go through these difficulties.


6. Youth believers among the Sundanese people in West Java are isolated from each other. They
seldom have ways to be mentored in Biblical principles concerning relationships. Pray for the
Lord to send His workers to the Sundanese youth formerly from a Muslim Background.
Southern Philippines

7. Believers from the Tausug tribe are met with hostility in their families and communities the
moment their faith in Christ is exposed. Some are prevented from reading the Bible and con-
tacting their Christian friends. Please pray for them to find other opportunities to grow in their
love for God.

8. Besides adult believers, Open Doors’ literacy program in Western Mindanao is benefiting many
Christian children too. Their hopes are restored when they learn to read and write. Please con-
tinue praying for God’s wisdom and strength to be with the coordinators, teachers and

Sri Lanka

9. This year Open Doors will provide monthly support for 15 Christian teachers who will work
in Sri Lankan schools. With their help, elementary Christian students can fulfil their academic
requirements to progress to high school. Pray for the Lord to sustain these teachers and for
Christ to be revealed through their lives.


10. Despite language barriers and travel difficulties, Philip (pseudonym) started a small tribal church
in an isolated village in Central Vietnam. Nine new believers were added to his church last year.
We praise God for this testimony! Please continue praying for God’s protection upon Philip and
his growing congregation.


11 According to a Compass Direct report dated 17th of January, Asha Mberwa (36) was killed for
her faith in Christ by extremist rebels on the 7th of January. She leaves behind four children
aged 12, 8, 6 and 4. Please pray for the children as they mourn the loss of their mother. Pray for
God’s comfort and consolation and also that the seed of faith, sown by their mother, will grow
in the children’s lives.


12. Please join us in prayer for the Christians who continue to meet in secret. Pray for their protec-
tion and continued spiritual growth.


13. In January, angry Muslims attacked and stabbed Yilma (pseudonym) three times for refusing to
accept Islam. Please pray for a speedy recovery from his injuries. Pray that he will be aware of
God’s protection and provision in his life.

14. Some Christians in certain parts of southern Ethio-

pia feel that they can no longer live in these areas
as a result of continued threats against their lives.
Let us pray for God’s comfort upon the remaining
believers in this region and that they will put their
trust in God.

15. Richie (pseudonym) is an illiterate man who daily listens for four to six hours to the New Testa-
ment on MP3. He has been experiencing severe persecution from his neighbours for being a
Christian and now feels like moving to another city. Please pray that God will grant him wisdom
and give him clear direction.


16. It is becoming increasingly difficult to import Bibles due to further legal requirements. Please
pray that the official import of Bibles by the Bible Society will remain possible in Uzbekistan.

17. A Christian family living in a village in the Ferghana Valley is being ostracized by the community
and lack any (traditional) support during weddings or funerals. They feel very isolated. Please
pray for the pastors in the Ferghana Valley who are reaching out to Christians in the many
surrounding villages. Pray that they will have wisdom when responding to the needs of their
fellow believers.


18. Please pray for all Christian organizations in Tajikistan - the Ministry of Culture has issued an
order to check all non-Islamic organizations in the country. May the Lord grant those concerned
wisdom on how to deal with this situation.


19. Join us in prayer for a secret Qatari believer who dearly loves the Lord and hungers for fellow-
ship with Qatari Believers from a Muslim Background like himself. May the Lord protect and
strengthen him and may he be one of many indigenous believers in Qatar.


20. The economic situation in Iran

has deteriorated quickly
during the last months. The cost
of bread, milk and petrol has
increased enormously. Pray for
our brothers and sisters that they
will cope with this situation.

21. Pray for the mental recovery of

those Iranian Christians who
have been forced to see
executions in jail.

22. Pray for protection of Christians

who meet each other in house
groups. The Iranian Government
wants to destroy these house
groups and the underground

23. Pray that the believers will experience a strong sense of the “New Life in Christ” as they
celebrate Easter this year. Pray that the resurrection life of Jesus will be evident in the lives of
many believers in Iraq.

24. Continue praying for the Christians who have decided to remain in cities like Baghdad and
Mosul, although they are being threatened in many ways and some are paying for it with their
lives. Pray especially for the leadership of the Church that they will be true leaders at a time
when it’s almost impossible to see the road ahead.

25. Pray for the continuous work on the Kurdish Bible. The revision of the New Testament should be
ready in a few months. Pray that it will be a tremendous blessing to the Kurdish people.


26. There has been a lot of turmoil in the country recently. Pray that everything will settle down
and that good governance will be implemented. Also pray for the people who have lost loved
ones in the violence. Pray that they will know that God is their comforter.


27. Plead with God for Christians who live in constant fear of being found out by the several secret
services active in this country. Pray for peace in their hearts and also pray for the regime; may
they respect the will of their people and enable people to follow Jesus.

Arabian Peninsula

28. After receiving a copy of the Jesus Film, Khalid, a young local Muslim, responded to his Christian
friend: “My dad and I watched that film you gave me and we both really liked it! I have started
to read the Bible.” Pray that Khalid and his father will keep their interest and will find answers
that lead them to faith in Christ.


29. Malay locals are sometimes drawn to the love of Christ through television, radio and randomly
distributed literature. After embracing the Gospel, they are clueless on what to do next.
Specifically pray for God to connect these new believers to mature Christians who are willing
to mentor them in the faith.


30. A group of tribal believers in one undis-

closed village in Laos is having a hard
time finding jobs, because non-
Christian employers will not hire them.
Local authorities also prevent them
from going to other villages to attend
church fellowships. Please fervently
pray for these believers to find strength
and joy in spite of their situation.

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