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Chronic Illness

By Avinoam Lerner, CH
By Avinoam Lerner, CH

Reviving Your Body’s Natural Defense to Heal Cancer

What is Immersive Healing?

Immersive-Healing is an immunotherapeutic mind-body approach to

healing cancer. It is based on three basic premises:

1. The body’s natural immune-system is designed to defend against

all ilnesses, cancer included.

2. Harmful states of mind (primarily anger, guilt, shame, etc.) can

suppress the immune system.

3. If these harmful states of mind can be resolved and cleansed, the

immune response can be revived and cancer prevented or healed.

In essence, all healing is self-healing, and at the root of every healing

process is the decision to be in control of this process.

Healing cannot take place before unresolved emotional imprint from the
past are addressed. Otherwise, the internal subconscious calling for self-
punishment, mutilation or limitation will continue.

In order for the healing of the body to take place, we need to have a
healing of the mind.

Part of what defines us as human-beings is that we are emotional beings,

capable of expression. Sometimes, though, it seems safer to suppress
hurts and pains rather than express them. It can be overwhelming, or
even a bit frightening to open up and let go of our anxieties, fears, anger
and resentment or even admit to their existence.

From a mind-body perspective, suppressed and unresolved emotional

conflicts and trauma, compounded over the years, build an internal -

Avinoam Lerner  1157 Walnut Street, Newton MA  Phone (617) 564 - 0707
Email: 
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By Avinoam Lerner, CH

pressure. Any illness, including chronic disease, can be caused, worsen

or aggravated by this internal pressure.

The by-product of the internal pressure is self-limiting beliefs, distorted

self-image and emotional pain which translate via the natural mind-body
connection into the environment within the physical body.

A body functioning in such a stressful internal environment is likely to

develop and experience a state of physical disease.

To facilitate and promote self-healing of these psychological factors,

two powerful, dynamic and therapeutic tools, hypnotherapy and Neuro-
Linguistic Programming, have been combined.

These techniques have been around for some time, and have proved
effective individually. However, integrated into one healing modality,
their efficacy increases.

In a session, a person will learn to develop a deep state of focused

attention, a state where the mind is sharp, focused and alert while the
body may feel deeply relaxed. In this state, work is done on a
subconscious level and the mind is free to review and identify specific
emotions, harmful imprints, moments in time, and circumstances which
may have contributed to the development or expression of the disease.

Immersive-Healing can be practiced best in two ways which support the

body as it heals. First, practiced in conjunction with conventional
medical treatment, Immersive-Healing can enhance the effectiveness of
the medical treatment. Second, when preceding medical treatment, it
can lessen the amount of conventional medicine needed.

In both cases, the goal of this process is to help identify, resolve and
cleanse the psychological factors suppressing the natural immune
defenses of the body. Resolving and cleansing these factors, the natural
innate tendency of the body toward health kicks in and healing can
finally take place.
Avinoam Lerner  1157 Walnut Street, Newton MA  Phone (617) 564 - 0707
Email: 
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