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Feeling tired in the day time.

One very common effect of Insomnia is that Insomnia can cause you to be very tir
ed during the day. Just imagine you having absolutely no sleep for 24 hours, and
the next day you have to work or study. You will feel fatigue and giddy.
Inability to concentrate well.
Because a person feels very tired during the day, it lead to another very seriou
s negative effect of Insomnia. A person will lose his concentration. You will n
ot be able to fully concentrate at work and this may lead to dangerous consequen
ces. For example, it is mandatory that a driver gets at least 8 hours of sleep d
aily to ensure he can focus 100% on driving. Failure to do so may lead to accide
nts that lead to unimaginable consequences.
Experiencing Hallucination .
A person will experience hallucination if he do not have enough sleep. This can
pose a problem in work performance. Imagine you having an very important busines
s presentation and you are experiencing hallucination. This can drastically aff
ect your presentation skills and answers.
Lead to permanent diseases like hypertension or diabetes.
Long term insomnia can lead to serious diseases like hypertension or diabetes. T
his may change your life and cause you to take medication for the rest of your l
ife. Insomnia may also lead to premature ageing. Without given your body adequat
e amount of time to repair, regenerate and rejuvenates itself, Insomnia may dama
ge or weaken your body immune system. This may result in the inability of your b
ody immune system to fight against diseases like fever, flu or cough.
Primary Insomnia
Primary insomnia refers to a sleep disturbance that occurs without any specific
underlying condition that causes the insomnia. Individuals with primary insomnia
experience a sleep problem without having any medical or psychiatric condition
that is the cause of it. Primary insomnia is largely due to learned maladaptive
sleep patterns and represents the most common form of insomnia.
Secondary Insomnia
Secondary insomnia differs from primary insomnia in that a specific condition ca
n be identified as the cause of the sleep problem and should be evaluated by a p
hysician. Some examples of secondary insomnia are:
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder caused by difficulty breathing during sleep. Per
sistent, loud snoring and frequent long pauses in breathing during sleep, follow
ed by choking or gasping for breath are the main sighs of sleep apnea. For more
information, visit .
Restless Legs Syndrome is a sleep disorder characterized by unpleasant sensation
s (creeping, burning, itching, pulling or tugging) in the legs or feet, occurrin
g mostly in the evening and at night. Moving the legs around tends to relieve th
e unpleasant sensation temporarily. For more information, visit .
Sleep-wake schedule or circadian rhythm disorderers are sleep disorders caused b
y having sleep-wake schedules that do not match up with your natural sleep sched
ule. People who work the night shift may suffer from this problem
Insomnia due to medical conditions: Many common medical problems and the drugs t
hat treat them can cause insomnia, including allergies, arthritis, heart disease
, hypertension, asthma, Parkinson's disease, attention deficit hyperactivity dis
order, or hyperthyroidism. Physical discomfort (e.g. chronic pain) may also caus
e problems sleeping.
Insomnia due to substance use or withdrawal: Many drugs and medications can caus
e sleep disturbances, either while taking them or while withdrawing from them. A
lcohol, stimulants, sedatives, and even long-term use of sleep medications can c
ause insomnia.
Insomnia due to an emotional problem: Insomnia can be a symptom of a number of e
motional difficulties. If you find that you worry excessively about numerous min
or matters or if you have experienced sadness or a loss of interest in activitie
s for a number of weeks consult your physician.
1. The majority of those who suffer from insomnia experience depression when the
condition stays for a longer period of time. And the longer there¡‾s lack of proper
sleep the more likely that the person will suffer from clinical depression that
will require adequate treatment.
2. A large part of those who have insomnia, especially the chronic form of it, d
evelop heart complications and diseases. The most obvious cause for this is that
the body deprived from sleep doesn¡‾t get enough rest, is constantly exhausted and
therefore weakened, including the cardiovascular system. With such a situation i
t¡‾s much easier to develop a heart problem from simple stress than when having good
3. Those who are deprived from sleep for even a short period of time are much mo
re prone to being involved in serious accidents. Not only does one¡‾s concentration
constantly fail and make it very hard to perform tasks where attention is requir
ed, but it is also very likely that the person will fall a sleep for a short per
iod of time when performing such a task. Imagine the consequences of that happen
ing while you¡‾re driving a car.
4. Your mental abilities are also very likely to suffer from sleep deprivation.
People who are performing intellectual tasks usually confront the inability to c
oncentrate properly, slowness of thinking processes, problems with memory and fo
cus. It doesn¡‾t mean that you have to buy Ambien right away, however you should see
k attention if your mental abilities are the source of your income.
5. Not getting enough sleep can also lead to frequent and severe headaches. It i
s probably one of the most frequent problems people confront with when experienc
ing insomnia. Some people choose painkiller medications over sleeping aids like
Ambien to resolve the problem, however it doesn¡‾t bring much of a desired effect.
6. One of the most unpleasant and terrifying side-effects of insomnia and sleep
deprivation are hallucinations. They are very likely to occur if insomnia persis
ts for a longer period of time and include both auditory and visual hallucinatio
ns that are very hardly recognized to be unreal. Sometimes, the experience can b
e so realistic that the person will believe that it¡‾s actually happening. This is t
he first sign of the central nervous system being over-exhausted and that¡‾s definit
ely a signal to start looking for Ambien online if you do not want to experience
any other mental complications.
The history of insomnia
Insomnia is far from being a modern problem. According to the Online Etymology D
ictionary, the term ¡°insomnia¡± appeared in 1623, was Anglicized as insomnie, from Lati
n insomnia ¡°want of sleep,¡± composed of ¡°in¡±(meaning not) and ¡°somnus¡± (meaning slee
modern form dates from way back, in 1758.
Insomnia is far from being a problem of the modern society as it has affected us
from the beginning of time. I do not think that caveman didn¡‾t had problems sleepi
ng, as they had lots of ¡°problems¡± on their head, like, for example, worrying about wh
at they¡‾ll eat the next day, how to keep the carve warm or how to avoid those pesky
predators that were wandering around.
All this stress they encountered could easily cause insomnia even to them, even
if there is no written document that can attest this as the start of insomnia hi
How the word insomnia appeared
The history of insomnia, most precisely the ¡°insomnia¡± word began back in 1623, in the
third known English Language dictionary, written by Henry Cockeram, and the fir
st that actually has the word ¡±dictionary¡± in title. He gave the following meaning to
the word insomnia: ¡°Insomnie. Watching, want of power to sleepe¡±. The start of the 20t
h century attributed this with the meaning it has today.

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