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Teaching and Learning Activities No. 3

Cherie Anne G. de Guzman

Angelica Carl Mae P. Cauilan

Rizzla N. Delos Santos

Kate Winslette Clemente

Jade L. Caldeon

Isabela State University Echague, College of Nursing

NLM: Nursing Leadership and Management

Ma’am Melissa Lim Bucao

October 6, 2021





A leader takes the initiative to step forward and guide or influence others in making

decisions or taking action. When you are a leader, you act in certain ways, such as

displaying confidence. You can be a leader in a variety of ways and at a variety of

times; not everyone is a leader all of the time! Being a leader requires you to grow

and work on your personal development, but it also gives you the opportunity to make

a real difference in your community and inspire others to do the same. A leader

assists his team in deciding on and working toward their goals and priorities. Nurses'

primary role is to promote and encourage caring for people regardless of their ethical

origins and religious backgrounds and support them through health and illness.

Nurses must also be patient to help in handling the patients' physical needs to prevent

illness and cure health problems. Nursing is the process of giving care or nursing to

the patients well-being.n today's world, health is crucial to our well-being. It is self-

evident that being healthy equates to being affluent. According to Dickerson and

Latina (2017), collaborative approach is characterized by nurses sharing

responsibility and works collaboratively. When nurses’ work together, staff

communication improves therefore increasing the quality of care leading to

satisfaction of patients. Nurses make a significant contribution to a person's health.


One of the most significant traits and characteristics of a nurse is the ability to lead

and manage others. Nurses must also have their own techniques or ability to manage

their patients' condition. The patient untoward (negative) behavior such as being

aggressive or inappropriate towards the nurse can greatly influence the intervention

needed. The first strategy of a nurse should be to build rapport with the patient in

order to achieve or acquire the patient's cooperation as well as their trust, which is

beneficial to both the patient and the nurse in achieving patient participation in every

intervention and providing quality nursing care that is required to improve the

patient's condition and acquire a positive outcome. The principle of leadership has

been ascribed to quality management, research, and education since it first appeared

in the literature in the early nineteenth century. The central issue is how effective

leadership styles can help to improve the quality of health-care results. Effective

leadership entails empowering ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results in the

face of adversity and change, as well as maintaining consistent performance and

benefits. Furthermore, in healthcare companies, leadership is regarded as a critical

component in ensuring high-quality health care, patient happiness, and financial

performance. Leadership is a critical component in ensuring the quality of health care

services, patient satisfaction, and financial performance of an institution.


The purpose of this study is to gain knowledge and awareness of the most effective

leadership and management technique in dealing with nurses' perceived untoward

patient behavior.

Specifically, this study attempts to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of the following?


1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Academic year level

2. How do patients evaluate nurses' inappropriate behavior?

3. What techniques did the nurse employ in dealing with the patient's obnoxious


4. What interventions can be implemented to assist nurses in dealing with erroneous

patient behavior?

5.Is there a significant difference on the respondent’s assessment on the leadership

and management skills of nurses towards perceived untoward behavior of patients

when they are grouped according to profile?

5.1 Age

5.2 Sex

5.3 Academic year level

Chapter III


This chapter presents the research design and the methodology used in

conducting the study. It also describes the study's participants, including sampling

technique, sources of data, the research subjects, and the instrument to be employed

to gather data. This chapter shows the researchers' procedure in gathering the

necessary data for the study and how they analyzed, interpreted, and presented in the

best possible way.

Research Design

The qualitative research design, specifically qualitative descriptive design,

will be used to examine further, understand and analyze the leadership and

management techniques provided by nurses to deal with perceived untoward patient

behavior admitted to the said study site. This kind of approach gathers all the

necessary data to influence the researchers to have an in-depth disposition of the


The researchers will use the said research design to know more about the

leadership and management techniques provided by nurses to deal with perceived

untoward patient behavior that will be beneficial to the nurse and the patient as they

will learn to adapt and understand the nurses techniques in terms of managing

perceived patient’s untoward behavior.

The main goal of qualitative descriptive design is to provide an accurate overview of

an incident as well as the significance a person attaches to it. Other qualitative

approaches take more time than qualitative descriptive. This design requires careful

consideration of sampling, data collection, and data interpretation. A qualitative

descriptive design is typically utilized when an uncomplicated description is desired

which is the central point is on the content of what, where, when and why of a

particular event or experience (Antonio et. al, 2020).

Locale of the Study


The study will be conducted at Callang General. The said hospital was built

on 1993 and owned and managed by Dr. Stepehen C. Callang.

Participants of the Study

The respondents for this study are the staff nurses of Callang General Hospital.

The overall population of the study is 60 employed nurses. The researchers decided to

choose all the 60 staff nurses working at the said hospital as respondents to gather

more accurate and complete data.

The respondents of the study is determined through a total enumeration

sampling method. Total population sampling is a type of purposive sampling

technique that involves examining the entire population that has a particular set of

characteristics (Taherdoost, 2016).

The researchers chose this sampling method to get deeper insights from the

respondents for better results.

Data Gathering Instruments

The researchers employed the following tools in gathering the necessary data for this


Survey questionnaire. This stool will serve as the researchers' main instrument to gather

the necessary data. The questionnaire will be constructed by the researchers to gather and find

answers for the research problems indicated in this study.

Supervision of the research adviser and research coordinators will be

employed to ensure the researchers-constructed questionnaire's legitimacy and

reliability. The questionnaire will be distributed to nurses in selected private hospitals

for content validation before distributing it to the study's participants.


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers followed the procedure in the conduct of this study.

1. Choosing and approval of the title. To begin a research study, researchers must

choose a specific title that focuses on the research study. After that, researchers

submitted the selected title to the research professor for approval.

2. Making of Research Proposal or Concept paper. Once approved, researchers

brainstormed to discuss, share ideas, suggestions, and formulate the study's concepts

and flow.

3. Sampling procedure. Researchers used a total enumeration sampling method to

select participants. The sample size of 60 was selected based on the researchers'


4. Sending of request letter. Researchers provided a request letter as permission to

conduct the chosen study. The said letter was addressed to the head of Professional

Education Training and Research Office (PETRO) of Callang General Hospital

including the research protocol, sample questionnaire and consent form for the


5. Providing a consent letter for the participants. The researchers offered consent

form to all the participants, including the study's purpose and nature. The consent

letter determines and guarantees that the participants are willing to give their time,

knowledge, and effort to answer the questionnaire with all honesty. The consent

provides the participants' assurance that their identity and other necessary data shall

remain confidential.

6. Preparing the instruments. A survey questionnaire is the primary tool to gather the

necessary data for this study. The researchers constructed a questionnaire in

coordination with the research adviser and research professor.

7. Determining the respondents’ preference in the manner of sending or giving the

research instrument. Along with the electronic consent, the researchers also attached a

space provided to allow the respondent to choose whether to send it through email,

messenger, in printed form or any platform that will be most convenient for them.

8. Collecting and organizing data. After all the participants answered the

questionnaires, researchers collected, organized, and combined data according to its

point to quickly understand all the gathered data.

9. Interpretation and Analysis of data gathered. Interpretation and analysis of the

gathered data starts right after the participants answered the electronic survey

questionnaire. Compilation and organization of the data is made and followed by

analysis and interpretation.


Dickerson & Latina (2017). Nursing 2020. Team nursing: A collaborative approach improves
patient care, 47, 16-17.

Taherdoost (2016). Sampling Methods in Research Methodology; How to Choose a Sampling

Technique for Research. International Journal of Academic Research in Management. 5.

Antonio, M (2013). The importance of nursing research. The Journal of Nursing Education.

Aboshaiqah, . Ahmad & Hamdan- Mansour, Ayman & Sherrod, Dennis &
Alkhaibary, Ahmed & Alkhaibary, S.. (2014). Nurses’ perception of managers’
leadership styles and its associated outcomes. Am J Nurs Res. 2. 57-62.

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