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Unified Software Development Process

(Implementation and Test)
Unified Software Development Process...........................................................1
(Implementation and Test)...............................................................................1
Core Workflow – Implementation.....................................................................2
Workflow Detail – Structure the implementation model.............................................................4
Workflow Detail – Plan the Integration.......................................................................................4
Workflow details – Implement a component...............................................................................5
Workflow details – Integrate Each Subsystem............................................................................9
Workflow Detail – Integrate the system......................................................................................9
Core Workflow - Test......................................................................................11
Concepts related to Test Workflow............................................................................................13
Concepts - Quality.....................................................................................................................13
Concepts: Quality Dimensions..................................................................................................17
Concepts – The Life Cycle of Testing........................................................................................18
Concepts – Key Measures of Test..............................................................................................20
Concepts – Types of Tests..........................................................................................................25
Concepts – Stages In Test..........................................................................................................27
Concepts – Performance Test.....................................................................................................28
Concepts – Structure test...........................................................................................................28
Concepts – Acceptance Test.......................................................................................................29
Concepts – Test Automation and Tools......................................................................................31
Workflow Detail – Plan Test......................................................................................................33
Workflow Detail – Design Test..................................................................................................40
Workflow detail - Implement Test.............................................................................................46
Workflow Detail – Execute Test In Integration Test Stage........................................................49
Workflow Detail – Execute Test in System Test Stage..............................................................51

Core Workflow – Implementation


The purpose of implementation is:

o Plan the system integrations required in each iteration. Our approach to this is
Incremental, which results in a system that is implemented as a succession of small and
manageable steps.
o To define the organization of the code, in terms of implementation subsystems organized
in layers,

o To implement classes and objects in terms of components (source files, binaries,

executables, and others),
o To test the developed components as units, and
o To integrate the results produced by individual implementers (or teams), into an
executable system.
 Implementation is the focus during the construction iterations
 Implementation is also done during elaboration to create the executable architectural baseline
and during transition to handle late defects such as those found when beta releasing the
 It is must be maintained through out the software life cycle.


 Build
A build is an operational version of a system or part of a system that demonstrates a subset of
the capabilities provided in the final product.

 Software Integration
The term "integration" refers to a software development activity in which separate software
components are combined into a whole. Integration is done at several levels and stages of the
o Integrating the work of a team working in the same implementation subsystem,
before releasing the subsystem to system integrators.
o Integrating subsystems into a complete system.
The Unified Process approach to integration is that the software is integrated incrementally.
Incremental integration means that code is written and tested in small pieces, and combined into
a working whole, by adding one piece at a time.
It is important to understand that integration occurs (at least once) within each and every
iteration. An iteration plan defines which use cases to design, and thus which classes to
implement. The focus of the integration strategy is to determine the order in which classes are
implemented, and combined.

 Stubs

A stub is a component (or complete implementation subsystem) containing functionality for

testing purposes. When you use an incremental integration strategy you select a set of
components to be integrated into a build. These components may need other components to be
able to compile the source code, and execute the tests. This is specifically needed in integration
test, where you need to build up test specific functionality that can act as stubs for things not
included or not yet implemented. There are two styles used here:
o Stubs that are simply "dummies" with no other functionality than being able to
return a pre-defined value.
o Stubs that are more intelligent and can simulate a more complex behavior.

The second style should be used with discretion, because it takes more resources to implement.
So you need to be sure it adds value. You may end up in situations where your stubs also need to
be carefully tested, which is very time consuming.

Workflow Detail – Structure the implementation model

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Structure the implementation  Design Model  Software Architecture
model Document
 Implementation Model

Activity - Structure the implementation model


 To establish the structure in which the implementation will reside.

 To assign responsibilities for Implementation Subsystems and their contents.

Design Packages will have corresponding Implementation Subsystems, which will contain one or
more components and all related files needed to implement the component. The mapping from the
Design Model to the Implementation Model may change as each Implementation Subsystem is
allocated to a specific layer in the architecture. Note that both classes and possibly design
subsystems in the Design Model are mapped to components in the Implementation Model -
although not necessarily one to one

Workflow Detail – Plan the Integration

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Plan System Integration  Design Model  Integration Build Plan
 Use Case Realization

Activity – Plan system Integration


 To plan the system integration

 Identify Subsystems
 Define build sets
 Define series of builds
 Evaluate the Integration build plan

Workflow details – Implement a component

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts
Implement Component  Design Model  Component
 Test Cases
 Test Procedures
 Workload Analysis

Fix a Defect  Change Request Component

Perform Unit Test Component
Review Code  Component Review Record

Activity – Implement Component

Activity – Fix a Defect


Stabilize the Defect

The first step is to stabilize the defect (i.e. a symptom), to make it occur reliably. If you can't
make the defect occur reliably, it will be almost impossible to locate the fault.

Then try to narrow down the test case by identifying which of the factors in the test case make
the defect occur, and which factors are irrelevant for the defect. To find out if a factor is
irrelevant, execute the test case and change the factor in question. If the defect still occurs, this
factor can probably be eliminated.

If successful, you should finish with at least one test case that causes the defect to occur, and also
some idea of what factors are related to the occurrence of the defect.

Locate the Fault

The next step is to execute the test cases that cause the defect to occur and try to identify where
in the code the source of the fault is. Examples of ways to locate a fault are:

 Narrow down the suspicious region of the code. Test a smaller piece of the code; remove a
piece of the code, and rerun the test cases. Continue to remove pieces of code, as long as
the defect still occurs. Eventually you will have identified where the fault can be found.
 Use the debugger to step through the code line-by-line, and monitor the values of
interesting variables.
 Let someone else review the code.

Fix the Fault


When the fault has been located, it is time to fix it. This should be the easy part. Here are some
guidelines to keep in mind:

 Make sure you understand the problem and the program before you make the fix.
 Fix the problem, not the symptom; the focus should be on fixing the underlying problem
in the code.
 Make one change at a time, because fixing faults is in itself an error-prone activity, it is
important to implement the fixes incrementally, to make it easy to locate where any new
faults are occurring from.

When the fault has been fixed, add a special test case that verifies this particular fault.

Activity – Perform Unit Tests


 To verify the specification of a unit.

 To verify the internal structure of a unit.

Execute Unit Test

To execute unit test, the following steps should be followed:

 Set-up the test environment to ensure that all the needed elements (hardware, software, tools,
data, etc.) have been implemented and are in the test environment.
 Initialize the test environment to ensure all components are in the correct initial state for the
start of testing.
 Execute the test procedures.

Note: executing the test procedures will vary depending upon whether testing is
automated or manual, and whether test components are needed either as drivers or stubs.

 Automated testing: The test scripts created during the Implement Test step are
 Manual execution: The structured test procedures developed during the
Structure Test Procedure activity are used to manually execute the test

Evaluate Execution of test

The execution of testing ends or terminates in one of two conditions:


 Normal: all the test procedures (or scripts) execute as intended.

 If testing terminates normally, then continue with Verify Test Results:
 Abnormal or premature: the test procedures (or scripts) did not execute completely or as
intended. When testing ends abnormally, the test results may be unreliable. The cause of
termination needs to be identified, corrected, and the tests re-executed before additional test
activities are performed.

If testing terminates abnormally, continue with Recover from Halted Tests, below.

Verify Test Results

Upon the completion of testing, the test results should be reviewed to ensure that the test results
are reliable and reported failures, warnings, or unexpected results were not caused by external
influences (to the target-of-test), such as improper set-up or data.

If the reported failures are due to errors identified in the test artifacts, or due to problems with the
test environment, the appropriate corrective action should be taken and the testing re-executed.
For additional information, see "Recover From Halted Tests" below.

If the test results indicate the failures are genuinely due to the target-of-test, then the Execute
Test Activity is complete and the next activity is to Evaluate Test.

Recover from halted test

There are two major types of halted tests:

 Fatal errors - the system fails (network failures, hardware crashes, etc.)
 Test Script Command Failures - specific to automated testing, this is when a test script cannot
execute a command (or line of code).

Both types of abnormal termination to testing may exhibit the same symptoms:

 Unexpected actions, windows, or events occur while the test script is executing
 Test environment appears unresponsive or in an undesirable state (such as hung or crashed).

To recover from halted tests, do the following:

 Determine the actual cause of the problem

 Correct the problem
 Re-set-up test environment
 Re-initialize test environment
 Re-execute tests

Activity – Review Code


Workflow details – Integrate Each Subsystem

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Integrate Subsystem  Components (from  Build
implementer X)  Implementation Subsystem
 Components (from
implementer Y)

Activity – Integrate Subsystem

 To integrate the components in an implementation subsystem, then deliver the implementation
subsystem for system integration.


 Subsystem integration proceeds according to the Artifact: Integration Build Plan, in which
the order of component and subsystem integration has been planned.
 It is recommended that you integrate the implemented classes (components) incrementally
bottom-up in the compilation-dependency hierarchy.
 At each increment you add one, or a few components to the system.
 If two or more implementers are working in parallel on the same subsystem, their work is
integrated through a subsystem integration workspace, into which the implementers deliver
components from their private development workspaces, and from which the integrator will
construct builds.
 If a team of several individuals works in parallel on the same subsystem, it is important that
the team members share their results frequently, not waiting until late in the process to
integrate the team's work.

Workflow Detail – Integrate the system

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Integrate System Implementation Subsystems Build
(new versions)

Activity – Integrate system

 To integrate the implementation subsystems piecewise into a build


 Accept Subsystems and Produce Intermediate Builds


When this activity begins, implementation subsystems have been delivered to satisfy the
requirements of the next (the 'target') build described in the Artifact: Integration Build Plan,
recalling that the Integration Build Plan may define the need for several builds in an iteration.
Depending on the complexity and number of subsystems to be integrated, it is often more
efficient to produce the target build in a number of steps, adding more subsystems with each
step, and producing a series of intermediate 'mini' builds - thus, each build planned for an
iteration may, in turn, have its own sequence of transient intermediate builds. These are subjected
to a minimal integration test (usually a subset of the tests described in the Integration Build Plan
for this target build) to ensure that what is added is compatible with what already exists in the
system integration workspace. It should be easier to isolate and diagnose problems using this
The integrator accepts delivered subsystems incrementally into the system integration
workspace; in the process resolving any merge conflicts. It is recommended that this be done
bottom-up with respect to the layered structure, making sure that the versions of the subsystems
are consistent, taking imports into consideration. The increment of subsystems is compiled and
linked into an intermediate build, which is then provided to the tester to execute a minimal
system integration test.

This diagram shows a build produced in three increments. Some subsystems are only
needed as stubs, to make it possible to compile and link the other subsystems, and
provide the essential minimal run-time behavior.
The final increment of a sequence produces the target build, as planned in the Integration Build
Plan. When this has been minimally tested, an initial or provisional baseline is created for this
build - invoking the Activity: Create Baselines in the Configuration Management workflow. The
build is now made available to the tester for complete system testing. The nature and depth of
this testing will be as planned in the Integration Build Plan, with the final build of an iteration
being subjected to all the tests defined in the Iteration Test Plan.

Core Workflow - Test



The purposes of testing are:

 To verify the interaction between objects.

 To verify the proper integration of all components of the software.
 To verify that all requirements have been correctly implemented.
 To identify and ensure defects are addressed prior to the deployment of the software.


 In many organizations, software testing accounts for 30 to 50 percent of software

development costs.
 Yet most people believe that software is not well tested before it is delivered. This
contradiction is rooted in two clear facts.
o First, testing software is enormously difficult. The different ways a given program
can behave are unquantifiable.
o Second, testing is typically done without a clear methodology and without the
required automation or tool support.
 A well-conceived methodology and use of state-of-the-art tools, can greatly improve the
productivity and effectiveness of the software testing.
 For "safety-critical" systems where a failure can harm people (such as air-traffic control,
missile guidance, or medical delivery systems), high-quality software is essential for the
success of the system produced.
 For a typical MIS system, this situation is not as painfully obvious, but the impact of a defect
can be very expensive.
 Well-performed tests, initiated early in the software lifecycle, will significantly lower the cost
of completing and maintaining the software.
 It will also greatly reduce the risks or liabilities associated with deploying poor quality
software, such as poor user productivity, data entry and calculation errors, and unacceptable
functional behavior.
 Many MIS system are "mission-critical", that is, companies cannot fulfill their functions and
experience massive losses when failures occur. For example: banks, or transportation
companies. Mission-critical systems must be tested using the same rigorous approaches used
for safety-critical systems.

Concepts related to Test Workflow

Concepts - Quality


 If a question is asked – What is quality? – The common answers that you get are :

o I don’t know how to describe it – but I’ll know what I see it.
o Meeting requirements

 Quality is not a single dimension, but many

 The actual definition (as per unified software development process).
 The characteristic identified by the following:
o Satisfies or exceeds an agreed upon set of requirements, and
o Assessed using agreed upon measures and criteria, and
o Produced using an agreed upon process.

 Achieving quality is not simply "meeting requirements" or producing a product that meets
user needs, or expectations, etc.
 Rather quality includes identifying the measures and criteria to demonstrate the achievement
of quality
 The implementation of a process to ensure that the product created by the process, has
achieved the desired degree of quality (and can be repeated and managed).

There are four major aspects of quality, which needs to be understood. These are as follows:

 Product Quality
 Process Quality
 Measuring Quality
 Evaluating Quality

Product Quality
Product quality is the quality of the product being produced by the process. In software
development the product is the aggregation of many artifacts, including:
 Deployed, executable code (application, system, etc.), perhaps the most visible of the artifacts,
for it is typically this artifact for which the project existed. That is, this is the primary product
that provides value to the customer (end-users, shareholders, stakeholders, etc.).
 Deployed non-executable artifacts, including artifacts such as user manuals and course
 Non-deployed executables, such as the implementation set of artifacts including the test
scripts and development tools created to support implementation.
 Non-deployed, non-executed artifacts such as the implementation plans, test plans, and
various models.

Process Quality
Process quality refers to the degree to which an acceptable process, including measurements and
criteria for quality, has been implemented and adhered to in order to produce the artifacts.
Software development requires a complex web of sequential and parallel steps. As the scale of
the project increases, more steps must be included to manage the complexity of the project. All
processes consist of product activities and overhead activities. Product activities result in
tangible progress toward the end product. Overhead activities have an intangible impact on the
end product, and are required for the many planning, management, and assessment tasks.
The objectives of measuring and assessing process quality are to:
 Manage profitability and resources
 Manage and resolve risk
 Manage and maintain budgets, schedules, and quality
 Capture data for process improvement

 Process quality is measured not only to the degree to which the process was adhered to, but
also to the degree of quality achieved in the products produced by the process.
To aid in your evaluation of the process and product quality, the Rational Unified Process has
included pages such as:
 Activity: a description of the activity to be performed and the steps required to perform the
 Work Guideline: techniques and practical advice useful for performing the activity.
 Artifact Guidelines and Checkpoints: information on how to develop, evaluate, and use the
 Templates: models or prototypes of the artifact that provide structure and guidance for

Measuring Quality
 The measurement of Quality, whether Product or Process, requires the collection and analysis
of information usually stated in terms of measurements and metrics.
 Measurements are made primarily to gain control of a project, and therefore be able to
manage it.
 They are also used to evaluate how close or far we are from the objectives set in the plan in
terms of completion, quality, and compliance to requirements, etc.

 Metrics are used to attain two goals, knowledge and change (or achievement):
o Knowledge goals: they are expressed by the use of verbs like evaluate,
predict, monitor. You want to better understand your development process.
For example, you may want to assess product quality, obtain data to
predict testing effort, monitor test coverage, or track requirements
o Change or achievement goals: these are expressed by the use of verbs
such as increase, reduce, improve, or achieve. You are usually interested in
seeing how things change or improve over time, from an iteration to
another, from a project to another.

 All metrics require criteria to identify and to determine the degree or level at which of
acceptable quality is attained.
 The acceptance criteria may be stated in many ways and may include more than one measure.
Common acceptance criteria may include the following measures:
o Defect counts and / or trends, such as the number of defects identified, fixed, or
that remain open (not fixed).
o Test coverage, such as the percentage of code, or use cases planned or
implemented and executed (by a test). Test coverage is usually used in
conjunction with the defect criteria identified above).
o Performance, such as the time required for a specified action (use case, operation,
or other event) to occur. This is criteria is commonly used for Performance
testing, Fail over and recovery testing, or other tests in which time criticality is
o Compliance. This criteria indicates the degree to which an artifact or process
activity / step must meet an agreed upon standard or guideline.
o Acceptability or satisfaction. This criterion is usually used with subjective
measures, such as usability or aesthetics.

Measuring Product Quality

 Stating the requirements in a clear, concise, and testable fashion is only part of achieving
product quality.
 It is also necessary to identify the measures and criteria that will be used to identify the
desired level of quality and determine if it has been achieved.
 Measuring the product quality of an executable artifact is achieved using one or more
measurement techniques, such as:
o reviews / walkthroughs
o inspection
o execution

Measuring Process Quality

 The measurement of Process Quality is achieved by collecting both knowledge and

achievement measures.
o The degree of adherence to the standards, guidelines, and implementation of an
accepted process.
o Status / state of current process implementation to planned implementation.
o The quality of the artifacts produced (using product quality measures described
 Measuring process quality is achieved using one or more measurement techniques, such as:
o progress - such as use cases demonstrated or milestones completed
o variance - differences between planned and actual schedules, budgets, staffing
requirements, etc.
o product quality measures and metrics (as described in Measuring Product Quality
section above)

Evaluating Quality

Throughout the product lifecycle, to manage quality, measurements and assessments of the
process and product quality are performed. The evaluation of quality may occur when a major
event occurs, such as at the end of a phase, or may occur when an artifact is produced, such as a
code walkthrough. Described below are the different evaluations that occur during the lifecycle.
Milestones and Status Assessments
Inspections, Reviews, Walkthroughs

Milestones and Status Assessments

Each phase and iteration in the Rational Unified Process results in the release (internal or
external) of an executable product or subset of the final product under development, at which
time assessments are made for the following purposes:
 Demonstrate achievement of the requirements (and criteria)
 Synchronize expectations
 Synchronize related artifacts into a baseline
 Identify risks

 Major milestones occur at the end of each of the four Rational Unified Process phases and
verify that the objectives of the phase have been achieved. There are four major Milestones:
 Minor milestones occur at the conclusion of each iteration and focus on verifying that the
objectives of the iteration have been achieved. Status assessments are periodic efforts to assess
ongoing progress throughout an iteration and/or phase.

Inspections, Reviews, and Walkthroughs

Inspections, Reviews, and Walkthroughs are specific techniques focused on evaluating artifacts
and are a powerful method of improving the quality and productivity of the development
process. Conducting these should be done in a meeting format, with one worker acting as a
facilitator, and a second worker recording notes (change requests, issues, questions, etc.).
The three kinds of efforts are defined as follows:
 Review: A formal meeting at which an artifact, or set of artifacts are presented to the user,
customer, or other interested party for comments and approval.
 Inspection: A formal evaluation technique in which artifacts are examined in detail by a
person or group other than the author to detect errors, violations of development standards,
and other problems.
 Walkthrough: A review process in which a developer leads one or more members of the
development team through a segment of an artifact that he or she has written while the other
members ask questions and make comments about technique, style, possible errors, violation
of development standards, and other problems

Managing Quality in Unified Software Development Process.

Managing Quality is done for the following purposes:

 To identify appropriate indicators (metrics) of acceptable quality.

 To identify appropriate measures to be used in the evaluation and assessment of quality.

 To identify and appropriately address issues affecting quality as early and effectively as

Managing Quality is implemented throughout all workflows, phases, and iterations in the Unified
Process. In general, managing quality throughout the lifecycle is to implement, measure, and
assess both process quality and product quality. Below, are highlighted some of the efforts
expended in each workflow to manage quality:

 Managing quality in the Requirements workflow includes the analysis of the requirements
artifact set for consistency (between artifact standards and other artifacts), clarity (clearly
communicates information to all shareholders, stakeholders, and other workers), and precision
(appropriate level of detail and accuracy).
 In the Analysis & Design workflow, managing quality includes assessment of the design
artifact set, including the consistency of the design model, its translation from the
requirements artifacts, and its translation into the implementation artifacts.
 In the Implementation workflow, managing quality includes assessing the implementation
artifacts and evaluating the source code / executable artifacts against the appropriate
requirements, design, and test artifacts.
 The Test workflow is highly focused towards the management of quality, as most of the
efforts expended in the workflow address the purposes of managing quality identified above.
 The Environment workflow, like test, includes many efforts addressing the purposes of
managing quality. Here, you can find guidance on how to best configure your process to meet
your needs.
 Managing quality in the Deployment workflow includes assessing the implementation and
deployment artifacts, and evaluating the executable and deployment artifacts against the
appropriate requirements, design, and test artifacts needed to deliver the product to the end-
 The Project Management workflow includes the overview of many efforts for managing
quality, including the review and audits to assess the implementation, adherence, and progress
of the development process.

Concepts: Quality Dimensions

 When our focus turns to the discussion of testing to identify quality, there is no single
perspective of what quality is or how it is measured.
 In Unified Process, we address this issue by stating that Quality has the following dimensions:
o Reliability: software robustness and reliability (resistance to failures, such as
crashes, memory leaks, etc.), resource usage, and code integrity and structure
(technical compliance to language and syntax).
o Function: ability to execute the specified use cases as intended and required.
o Performance: the timing profiles and operational characteristics of the target-of-
test. The timing profiles include the code’s execution flow, data access, function
calls, and system calls. Operational characteristics for performance include those

characteristics related to production load, such as response time, operational

reliability (MTTF – Mean Time to Failure), and operational limits such as load
capacity or stress.

Concepts – The Life Cycle of Testing

 In the software development lifecycle, software is refined through iterations.

 In this environment, the testing lifecycle must also have an iterative approach with each build
being a target for testing.
 Additions and refinements are made to the tests that are executed for each build, accumulating
a body of tests, which are used for regression testing at later stages.
 This approach implies that it causes reworking the tests throughout the process, just as the
software itself is revised.
 There is no frozen software specification and there are no frozen tests.

 This iterative approach gives a high focus on regression test.

 Most tests of iteration X are used as regression tests in iteration X+1.
 In iteration X+2, you would use most tests from iteration X and iteration X+1 as regression
tests, and the same principle would be followed in subsequent iterations.
 Because the same test is repeated several times, it is well worth the effort to automate the
 It becomes necessary to effectively automate your tests to meet your deadlines.
 Look at the lifecycle of testing without the rest of the project in the same picture. This is the
way the different activities of testing are interconnected if you view them in a non-iterative

The testing lifecycle.


 This lifecycle has to be integrated with the iterative approach, which means that each iteration
will have a test cycle following that pattern.

Execution is both execution of the new tests and regression tests using previous tests.
 The testing lifecycle is a part of the software lifecycle; they should start at the same time.
 If not started early enough, the tests will either be deficient, or cause a long testing and bug-
fixing schedule to be appended to the development schedule, which defeats the goals of
iterative development.
 Furthermore, the test planning and design activities can expose faults or flaws in the
application definition. The earlier these are resolved, the lower the impact on the overall
 One of the major tasks in evaluation is to measure how complete the iteration is by verifying
what requirements have been implemented.
 The ways in which you will perform tests will depend on several factors:
o your budget
o your company policy
o risk tolerance
o and your staff.
 How much you invest in testing depends on how you evaluate quality and tolerate risk in your
particular environment.

Concepts – Key Measures of Test


 The key measures of a test include coverage and quality.

 Test coverage is the measurement of testing completeness, and is based on:
o The coverage of testing, expressed by the coverage of test requirements and test
o The coverage of executed code.

Coverage Measures
 The most commonly used coverage measures are:
o Requirements-based (verification of use cases) and
o Code-based test coverage (execution of all lines of code)
 If requirement-based coverage is applied, test strategies are formulated in terms of how much
of the requirements are fulfilled by the system.
 If code-based coverage is applied, test strategies are formulated in terms of how much of the
source code has been executed by tests. This type of test coverage strategy is very important
for safety-critical systems.
 Both measures can be derived manually (equations given below), or may be calculated by test
automation tools.

Requirements-based test coverage

Requirements-based test coverage is measured several times during the test life cycle and
provides the identification of the test coverage at a milestone in the testing life cycle (such as the
planned, implemented, executed, and successful test coverage).
 Test coverage is calculated by the following equation:
o Test Coverage = T(p,i,x,s) / RfT

T is the number of Tests (planned, implemented, executed, or
successful) as expressed as test procedures or test cases.
o RfT is the total number of Requirements for Test.

Code-based test coverage

Code-based test coverage measures how much code has been executed during the test, compared
to how much code there is left to execute. Code coverage can either be based on control flows
(statement, branch, or paths) or data flows. In control-flow coverage, the aim is to test lines of
code, branch conditions, paths through the code, or other elements of the software's flow of
control. In data-flow coverage, the aim is to test that data states remain valid through the
operation of the software, for example, that a data element is defined before it is used.
Code-based test coverage is calculated by the following equation:
Test Coverage = Ie / TIic

Ie is the number of items executed expressed as code statements, code
branches, code paths, data state decision points, or data element
TIic is the total number of items in the code.

Quality Measures
While the evaluation of test coverage provides the measure of testing completion, an evaluation
of defects discovered during testing provides the best indication of software quality.
Defects analysis means to analyze the distribution of defects over the values of one or more the
parameters associated with a defect.
Defect analysis provides an indication of the reliability of the software.
For defect analysis, there are four main defect parameters commonly used:
o Status the current state of the defect (open, being fixed, closed, etc.).
o Priority the relative importance of this defect having to be addressed and resolved.
o Severity the relative impact of this defect. The impact to the end-user, an organization,
third parties, etc.
o Source where and what is the originating fault that results in this defect, or what
component will be fixed to eliminate the defect.

Defect counts can be reported as a function of time, creating a Defect Trend diagram or report,
defect counts can be reported as a function of one or more defect parameters, like severity or
status, in a Defect Density report. These types of analysis provide a perspective on the trends or
distribution of defects that reveal the software's reliability, respectively.

For example, it is expected that defect discovery rates will eventually diminish as the testing and
fixing progresses. A threshold can be established below which the software can be deployed.
Defect counts can also be reported based on the origin in the implementation model, allowing
detection of "weak modules", "hot spots", parts of the software that keep being fixed again and
again, indicating some more fundamental design flaw.

Defects included in an analysis of this kind have to be confirmed defects. Not all reported defects
report an actual flaw, as some may be enhancement requests, out of the scope of the project, or
describe an already reported defect. However, there is value to looking at and analyzing why
there are many defects being reported that are either duplicates or not confirmed defects.

Defect Reports
The Unified Process provides defect evaluation in the form of three classes of reports:
o Defect distribution (density) reports allow defect counts to be shown as a function of one
or two defect parameters.
o Defect age reports are a special type of defect distribution report. Defect age reports show
how long a defect has been in a particular state, such as Open. In any age category,
defects can also be sorted by another attribute, like Owner.
o Defect trend reports show defect counts, by status (new, open, or closed), as a function of
time. The trend reports can be cumulative or non-cumulative.

o Test results and progress reports show the results of test procedure execution over a
number of iterations and test cycles for the application-under-test.
Many of these reports are valuable in assessing software quality. The usual test criteria include a
statement about the allowable numbers of open defects in particular categories, such as severity
class. This criterion is easily checked with a defect distribution evaluation. By filtering or sorting
on test requirements, this evaluation can be focused on different sets of requirements.

To be effective producing reports of this kind normally requires tool support.

Defect Density Reports

Defect Status Versus Priority

Each defect should be given a priority; usually it is practical to have four priority levels:
1. Resolve immediately
2. High priority
3. Normal queue
4. Low priority
Criteria for a successful test could be expressed in terms of how the distribution of defects over
these priority levels should look. For example, to a successful test criteria might be no Priority 1
defects and fewer than five Priority 2 defects are open. A defect distribution diagram, such as the
following, should be generated:

It is clear that the criterion has not been met. Note that this diagram needs to include a filter to
show only open defects as required by the test criterion.

Defect Status Versus Severity

Defect severity reports show how many defects there are of each severity class (for example:
fatal error, major function not performed, minor annoyance).

Defect Status Versus Location in the Implementation Model


Defect source reports show distribution of defects on elements in the implementation model.

Defect Aging Reports

Defect age analyses provide good feedback on the effectiveness of the testing and the defect
removal activities. For example, if the majority of older, unresolved defects are in a pending-
validation state, it probably means that not enough resources are applied to the re-testing effort.

Defect Trend Reports

Trend reports identify defect rates and provide a particularly good view of the state of the testing.
Defect trends follow a fairly predictable pattern in a testing cycle. Early in the cycle, the defect
rates rise quickly. Then they reach a peak and fall at a slower rate over time.

To find problems, the project schedule can be reviewed in light of this trend. For example, if the
defect rates are still rising in the third week of a four-week test cycle, the project is clearly not on
This simple trend analysis assumes that defects are being fixed promptly and that the fixes are
being tested in subsequent builds, so that the rate of closing defects should follow the same
profile as the rate of finding defects. When this does not happen, it indicates a problem with the
defect-resolution process; the defect fixing resources or the resources to re-test and validate fixes
might be inadequate.

The trend reflected in this report shows that new defects are discovered and opened quickly at
the beginning of the project, and that they decrease over time. The trend for open defects is
similar to that for new defects, but lags slightly behind. The trend for closing defects increases
over time as open defects are fixed and verified. These trends depict a successful effort.

If your trends deviate dramatically from these, they may indicate a problem and identify when
additional resources may need to be applied to specific areas of development or testing.
When combined with the measures of test coverage, the defect analyses provide a very good
assessment on which to base the test completion criteria.

Performance Measures

Several measures are used for assessing the performance behaviors of the target-of-test and focus
on capturing data related to behaviors such as response time, timing profiles, execution flow,
operational reliability and limits. Primarily, these measures are assessed in the Evaluate Test
activity, however, there are performance measures that are used during the Execute Test activity
to evaluate test progress and status.
The primary performance measures include:
o Dynamic monitoring - real-time capturing and display of the status and state of each test
script being executed during the test execution.
o Response Time / Throughput - measurement of the response times or throughput of the
target-of-test for specified actors, and / or use cases.
o Percentile Reports - percentile measurement / calculation of the data collected values.
o Comparison Reports - differences or trends between two (or more) sets of data
representing different test executions.
o Trace Reports - details of the messages / conversations between the actor (test script) and
the target-of-test.

Dynamic Monitoring

Dynamic monitoring provides real-time display / reporting, typically in the form of a histogram
or graph. The report is used to monitor or assess performance test execution during test execution
by displaying the current state, status, and progress the test scripts being executed.

For example, in the above histogram, we have 80 test scripts executing the same use case. In this
display, 14 test scripts are in the Idle state, 12 in the Query, 34 in SQL Execution, 4 in SQL
Connect, and 16 in the Other state. As the test progresses, we would expect to see the number of
scripts in each state change. The displayed output would be typical of a test execution that is
executing normally and is in the middle of the execution. However, if during test execution, test
scripts remain in one state or are not showing changes, this could indicate a problem with the test
execution or the need to implement or evaluate other performance measures.

Concepts – Types of Tests

There is much more to testing software than testing only the functions, interface, and response
time characteristics of a target-of-test. Additional tests must focus on characteristics / attributes
such as the target-of-test's:
o Integrity (resistance to failure)
o Ability to be installed / executed on different platforms
o Ability to handle many requests simultaneously
o ...
In order to achieve this, many different tests are implemented and executed, each with a specific
test objective. Each focused on testing only one characteristic or attribute of the target-of-test.
Quality Dimension Type of Test

Reliability Integrity test: Tests which focus on assessing the

target-of-test's robustness (resistance to failure) and
technical compliance to language, syntax, and resource
usage. This test is implemented and executed against
different target-of-tests, including units and integrated

Structure test: Tests that focus on assessing the target-

of-test's adherence to its design and formation.
Typically, this test is done for web-enabled applications
ensuring that all links are connected, appropriate
content is displayed, and there is no orphaned content.
Function Configuration test: Tests focused on ensuring the
target-of-test functions as intended on different
hardware and / or software configurations. This test
may also be implemented as a system performance test.
Function test: Tests focused on verifying the target-of-
test functions as intended, providing the required
service(s), method(s), or use case(s). This test is
implemented and executed against different target-of-
tests, including units, integrated units, application(s),
and systems.
Installation test: Tests focused on ensuring the target-
of-test installs as intended on different hardware and /
or software configurations and under different
conditions (such as insufficient disk space or power
interrupt). This test is implemented and executed
against application(s) and systems.
Security test: Tests focused on ensuring the target-of-
test, data, (or systems) is accessible to only those actors
intended. This test is implemented and executed
various targets-of-test.
Volume test: Testing focused on verifying the target-
of-test ability to handle large amounts of data, either as
input and output or resident within the database.
Volume testing includes test strategies such as creating
queries that [would] return the entire contents of the
database, or have so many restrictions that no data is
returned, or data entry of the maximum amount of data
in each field.
Performance Benchmark test: A type of performance test that
compares the performance of a [new or unknown]
target-of-test to a known, reference-workload and
Contention test: Tests focused on verifying the target-
of-test's can acceptably handle multiple actor demands
on the same resource (data records, memory, etc.).
Load test: A type of performance test to verify and
assess acceptability of the operational limits of a
system under varying workloads while the system-
under-test remains constant. Measurements include the
characteristics of the workload and response time.
When systems incorporate distributed architectures or

load balancing, special tests are performed to ensure

the distribution and load balancing methods function
Performance profile: A test in which the target-of-
test's timing profile is monitored, including execution
flow, data access, function and system calls to identify
and address performance bottlenecks and inefficient
Stress test: A type of performance test that focuses on
ensuring the system functions as intended when
abnormal conditions are encountered. Stresses on the
system may include extreme workloads, insufficient
memory, unavailable services / hardware, or
diminished shared resources.

Concepts – Stages In Test

Testing is usually applied to different types of targets in different stages of the software's delivery
cycle. These stages progress from testing small components (unit testing) to testing completed
systems (system testing).

Unit Test
 Unit test, implemented early in the iteration, focuses on verifying the smallest testable
elements of the software.
 Unit testing is typically applied to components in the implementation model to verify that
control flows and data flows are covered and function as expected.
 These expectations are based on how the component participates in executing a use case,
which you find from sequence diagrams for that use case.
 The Implementer performs unit test as the unit is developed. The details of unit test are
described in the Implementation workflow.

Integration Test
 Integration testing is performed to ensure that the components in the implementation model
operate properly when combined to execute a use case.
 The target-of-test is a package or a set of packages in the implementation model.
 Often the packages being combined come from different development teams.Integration
testing exposes incompleteness or mistakes in the package's interface specifications.

System Test
 System testing is done when the software is functioning as a whole, or when well-defined
subsets of its behavior are implemented.
 The target, in this case, is the whole implementation model for the system.

Acceptance Test
 Acceptance testing is the final test action prior to deploying the software.
 The goal of acceptance testing is to verify that the software is ready and can be used by the
end-users to perform those functions and tasks the software was built to do.

Concepts – Performance Test

Included in Performance Testing are the following types of tests:

 Benchmark testing - Compares the performance of new or unknown target-of-test to a

known reference standard such as existing software or measurement(s).
 Contention test: - Verifies the target-of-test can acceptably handle multiple actor demands on
the same resource (data records, memory, etc.).
 Performance profiling - Verifies the acceptability of the target-of-test's performance behavior
using varying configurations while the operational conditions remain constant.
 Load testing - Verifies the acceptability of the target-of-test's performance behavior under
varying operational conditions (such as number of users, number of transactions, etc.) while
the configuration remains constant.
 Stress testing - Verifies the acceptability of the target-of-test's performance behavior when
abnormal or extreme conditions are encountered, such as diminished resources or extremely
high number of users.

Concepts – Structure test

Web-based applications are typically constructed using a series of documents (both HTML text
documents and GIF/JPEG graphics) connected by many static links, and a few active, or
program-controlled links. These applications may also include "active content", such as forms,
Java scripts, plug-in-rendered content, or Java applications. Frequently this active content is used
for output only, such as for audio or video presentation. However, it may also be used for as a
navigation aid, helping the user traverse the application (web-site). This free-form nature of the
web-based applications (via its links), while being a great strength, is also a tremendous
weakness, as structural integrity can easily be damaged.
Structure testing is implemented and executed to verify that all links (static or active) are
properly connected. These tests include:
 Verifying that the proper content (text, graphics, etc.) for each link is displayed. Different
types of links are used to reference target-content in web-based applications, such as
bookmarks, hyperlinks to other target-content (in the same or different web-site), or hot-spots.
Each link should be verified to ensure that the correct target-content is presented to the user.
 Ensuring there are no broken links. Broken links are those links for which the target-content
cannot be found. Links may be broken for many reasons, including moving, removing, or
renaming the target-content files. Links may also be broken due to the use of improper syntax,
including missing slashes, colons, or letters.
 Verifying there is no orphaned content. Orphaned content are those files for which there is no
"inbound" link in the current web-site, that is, there is no way to access or present the content.
Care must be taken to investigate orphaned content to determine the cause - is it orphaned

because it is truly no longer needed? Is it orphaned due to a broken link? Or is it accessed by a

link external to the current web-site. Once determined, the appropriate action(s) should be
taken (remove the content file, repair the broken link, or ignore the orphan, respectively).

Concepts – Acceptance Test

 Acceptance testing is the final test action prior to deploying the software.
 The goal of acceptance testing is to verify that the software is ready and can be used by the
end-users to perform those functions and tasks the software was built to do.
 There are three common strategies for implementing an acceptance test. They are:

Formal acceptance
Informal acceptance or alpha test
Beta test

The strategy you select is often based on the contractual requirements, organizational and
corporate standards, and the application domain.

Formal Acceptance Testing

 Formal acceptance testing is a highly managed process and is often an extension of the system
 The tests are planned and designed as carefully and in the same detail as system testing.
 The activities and artifacts are the same as for system testing.
 Acceptance testing is completely performed by the end-user organization, or an objective
group of people chosen by the end-user organization.

The benefits of this form of testing are:

 The functions and features to be tested are known.
 The details of the tests are known and can be measured.
 The tests can be automated, which permits regression testing.
 The progress of the tests can be measured and monitored.
 The acceptability criteria are known.

The disadvantages include:

 Requires significant resources and planning.
 The tests may be a re-implementation of system tests.
 It may not uncover subjective defects in the software, since you are only looking for defects
you expect to find.

Informal Acceptance Testing

 In informal acceptance testing, the test procedures for performing the test are not as rigorously
defined as for formal acceptance testing.
 There are no particular test cases to follow.
 The individual tester determines what to do.
 Informal acceptance testing is most frequently performed by the end-user organization.

The benefits of this form of testing are:

 The functions and features to be tested are known.
 The progress of the tests can be measured and monitored.
 The acceptability criteria are known.
 You will uncover more subjective defects than with formal acceptance testing.

The disadvantages include:

 Resources, planning, and management resources are required.
 You have no control over which test cases are used.
 End users may conform to the way the system works and not see the defects.
 End users may focus on comparing the new system to a legacy system, rather than looking for
 Resources for acceptance testing are not under the control of the project and may be

Beta Testing
 Beta testing is the least controlled of the three acceptance test strategies.
 In beta testing, the amount of detail, the data, and approach taken is entirely up to the
individual tester.
 Each tester is responsible for identifying their own criteria for whether to accept the system in
its current state or not.
 Beta testing is implemented by end users, often with little or no management from the
development (or other non end-user) organization.
 Beta testing is the most subjective of all the acceptance test strategies.

The benefits of this form of testing are:

 Testing is implemented by end users.
 Large volumes of potential test resources.
 Increases customer satisfaction to those who participate.
 You will uncover more subjective defects than with formal or informal acceptance testing.

The disadvantages include:

 Not all functions and / or features may be tested.
 Test progress is difficult to measure.
 End users may conform to the way the system works and not see or report the defects.
 End users may focus on comparing the new system to a legacy system, rather than looking for
 Resources for acceptance testing are not under the control of the project and may be
 Acceptability criteria are not known.
 You need increased support resources to manage the beta testers.

Concepts – Test Automation and Tools

Test automation tools are increasingly being brought to the market to automate the activities in
test. A number of tools exist, and to date, no single tool is capable of automating all the activities
in test. In fact, most tools are specific to one or a few activities, and some are so focused they
only address a part of an activity.
When evaluating different tools for test automation, it is necessary that you understand the type
of tool it is, the limitations of the tool, and what activities the tool addresses and automates.
Below are descriptions regarding the classification of test automation tools.

Test tools may be categorized by the function they perform. Typical function designations for
tools include:
 Data acquisition tools that acquire data to be used in the test activities. The data may be
acquired through conversion, extraction, transformation, or capture of existing data, or
through the generation from use cases or supplemental specifications
 Static measurement tools that analyze information contained in the design model(s), source
code, or other fixed sources. The analysis yields information on the logic flow, data flow, or
quality metrics, such as complexity, maintainability, or lines of code.
 Dynamic measurement tools that perform an analysis during the execution of the code. The
measurements include the run-time operation of the code, such as memory error detection and
 Simulators or Drivers that perform activities that are not, or could not be available for testing
purposes, for reasons of timing, expense, or safety.
 Test management tools that assist in the planning, design, implementation, execution,
evaluation, and management of the test activities or artifacts.

White-box versus Black-box

Test tools are often characterized as either white-box or black-box, based upon the manner in
which the tool is used, or the technology / knowledge needed to use the tools.

White-box tools rely upon knowledge of the code, design model(s), or other source material to
implement and execute the tests.
Black-box tools rely only upon the use cases or functional description of the target-of-test.
Where as white-box tools have knowledge of how the target-of-test processes the request, black-
box tools rely upon the input and output conditions to evaluate the test.

Specialization of Test Tools

In addition to the broad classifications of tools presented above, tools may also be classified by
 Record/Playback tools combine data acquisition with dynamic measurement. Test data is
acquired during the recording of events (during test implementation). Later, during test
execution, the data is used to "playback" the test script which is used to evaluate the execution
of the target-of-test.

 Quality metric tools are static measurement tools that perform a static analysis of the design
model(s) or source code to establish a set of parameters describing the target-of-test's quality.
The parameters may indicate reliability, complexity, maintainability, or other measures of
 Coverage monitor tools indicate the completeness of testing by identifying how much of the
target-of-test was covered, in some dimension, during testing. Typical classes of coverage
include, requirements-based (use cases), logic branch or node (code-based), data state, and
function points.
 Test case generators automate the generation of test data. Test case generators use either a
formal specification of the target-of-test's data inputs or the design model(s) / source code to
produce test data that tests the nominal inputs, error inputs, and limit and boundary cases.
 Comparator tools compare test results with reference results and identify differences.
Comparators differ in their specificity to a particular data formats. For example, comparators
may be pixel-based (to compare bitmap images) or object-based (to compare object properties
or data).
 Data extractors provide inputs for test cases from existing sources. Sources include,
databases, data streams in a communication system, reports, or design model(s) / source code.

Workflow Detail – Plan Test

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Plan Test  Use Case Model  Test Plan
 Design Model
 Integration Build Plan

Activity Plan Test

 To collect and organize test-planning information.
 To create the test plan.

Steps are of the activity are explained below

Identify requirements for Test

 Identifying the requirements for test is the start of the test planning activity.
 The scope and role of the test effort is identified.
 Requirements for test are used to determine the overall test effort (for scheduling, test design,
 Requirements for test are used as the basis for test coverage.
 Items that are to be identified as requirements for test must be verifiable.
 They must have an observable, measurable outcome.
 A requirement that is not verifiable is not a requirement for test.
The following is performed to identify requirements for test:
 Reviewing the material
The most common sources of requirements for test include:
o Existing requirement lists
o Use cases
o Use-case models
o Use-case realizations
o Supplemental specifications
o Design requirements
o Business cases
o Interviews with end-users
o Review of existing systems.

 Indicate the requirements for test.

 Generation of hierarchy of requirements for test.
 The hierarchy may be based upon an existing hierarchy, or newly generated.
 The hierarchy is a logical grouping of the requirements for test.
 Common methods include grouping the items by
o Use-case
o Business case

o Type of test (functional, performance, etc.) or a combination of these.

 The output of this step is a report (the hierarchy) identifying those requirements that will be
the target of test

Assess Risk

 To Maximize test effectiveness and prioritize test efforts
 To establish an acceptable test sequence

To assess risk perform the following:

 Identify and justify a risk factor

The most important requirements for test are those that reflect highest risk
o Risk can be viewed from several perspectives:
o Effect - the impact or consequences use case (requirement, etc.) failing
o Cause - identifying an undesirable outcome and determining what use case or
requirement(s), should they fail, would result in the undesirable outcome
o Likelihood - the probability of a use case or requirement failing.

Each requirement for test should be reviewed and a risk factor identified (such as high,
medium or low)

 Identify and justify an operational profile factor

o Not only are the highest risk requirements for test tested, but also those that are
frequently used (as these often have the highest end-user visibility).
o Identify an operational profile factor for each requirement for test
o A statement justifying why a specific factor value was identified.
o This is accomplished by reviewing the business case(s) or by conducting
interviews with end-users and their managers

 Identify and justify a test priority factor

o A test priority factor should be identified and justified.
o The test priority factor identifies the relative importance of the test requirement
and the order or sequence in which it will be tested.

Develop Test Strategy


 Identifies and communicates the test techniques and tools

 Identifies and communicates the evaluation methods for determining product quality and test
 Communicate to everyone how you will approach the testing and what measures you will use
to determine the completion and success of testing.

 The strategy does not have to be detailed, but it should give the reader an indication of how
you will test.

Identify and describe the approach to test

The approach to test is a statement (or statements) describing how the testing will be
 For each use case, test cases will be identified and executed, including valid and invalid input
 Test procedures will be designed and developed for each use case.
 Test procedures will be implemented to simulate managing customer accounts over a period of
three months. Test procedures will include adding, modifying, and deleting accounts,
 Test procedures will be implemented and test scripts executed by 1500 virtual users, each
executing functions A, B, and C and each using different input data.

Identify the criteria for test

 The criteria for test are objective statements indicating the value(s) used to determine /
identify when testing is complete, and the quality of the application-under-test.
 The test criteria may be a series of statements or a reference to another document (such as a
process guide or test standards).
 Test criteria should identify:
o what is being tested (the specific target-of-test)
o how is the measurement being made
o what criteria is being used to evaluate the measurement

 Sample test criteria:

For each high priority use case:
o All planned test cases and test procedures have been executed.
o All identified defects have been addressed.
o All planned test cases and test procedures have been re-executed and no new
defects identified.

Identify resources

Once it's been identified what's being tested and how, there is the need to identify who will do
the testing and what is needed to support the test activities. Identifying resource requirements
includes determining what resources are needed, including the following:
 Human resources (number of persons and skills)
 Test environment (includes hardware and software)
 Tools
 Data

Create Schedule

To Identify and communicate test effort, schedule, and milestones
Estimate Test Efforts

The following assumptions should be considered when estimating the test effort:
 productivity and skill / knowledge level of the human resources working on the project (such
as their ability to use test tools or program)
 parameters about the application to be built (such as number of windows, components, data
entities and relationships, and the percent of re-use)
 test coverage (the acceptable depth for which testing will be implemented and executed.) It is
not the same to state each use case / requirement, was tested if only one test case will be
implemented and executed (per use case / requirement). Often many test cases are required to
acceptably test a use case / requirement.

 Testing effort needs to include time for regression test. The following table shows how
regression test cases can accumulate over several iterations for the different testing stages.

Iterations vs. System Integration Unit

First iteration Test of this Test of this iteration's Test of this iteration's test
iteration's test test cases cases
cases that target builds that target units
that target the
Following Test of this Test of this iteration's Test of this iteration's test
iterations iteration's test test cases, as cases,
cases, well as test cases from as well as test cases from
as well as test previous previous iterations that
cases from iterations that have have been
previous been designed designed for regression
iterations that for regression testing. testing.

have been
designed for

Generate Test Schedule

 A test project schedule can be built from the work estimates and resource assignments.
 In the iterative development environment, a separate test project schedule is needed for each
 All test activities are repeated in every iteration.
Early iterations introduce a larger number of new functions and new tests.
 As the integration process continues the number of new tests diminish, and a growing number
of regression tests need to be executed to validate the accumulated functions.
 Consequently, the early iterations require more work on test planning and design while the
later iterations are weighted towards test execution and evaluation.

Generate Test Plan


To organize and communicate to others the test-planning information

To generate a test plan, perform the following:

 Review / refine existing materials

Prior to generating the test plan, a review of all the existing project information should be done
to ensure the test plan contains the most current and accurate information. If necessary, test
related information (requirements for test, test strategies, resources, etc.) should be revised to
reflect any changes.

 Identify test deliverables

The purpose of the test deliverables section is to identify and define how the test artifacts will be
created, maintained, and made available to others. These artifacts include:
o Test Model
o Test Cases
o Test Procedures
o Test Scripts
o Change Request

 Generate the test plan

The last step in the Plan Test activity is to generate the test plan. This is accomplished by
assembling all the test information gathered and generated into a single report.
The test plan should be distributed to at least the following:
o All test workers
o Developer representative
o Share holder representative
o Stakeholder representative
o Client representative
o End-user representative

How to Use Test Manager in Activity – Plan Test

In the Plan Test activity, you identified what you are going to test. That is, you identified the test
requirements - the use cases, functions, features, and characteristics of the application that you
will implement and execute tests against. Entering these test requirements into TestManager will
enable you to automatically generate Test Coverage reports and track your progress in
subsequent test activities.
 Create a Project Using Rational Administrator
 Creating project using existing Req. Pro Project
 Creating a project by creating new Req. Project
 Starting and Selecting a project in Test Manager
 Insert a requirement
 Insert a child requirement
 Edit requirement properties
 Delete a requirement.
 Using the Attributes tab page in properties of requirement – to set the priority (High,
Medium, Low)

Workflow Detail – Design Test


 To identify a set of verifiable test cases for each build.

 To identify test procedures that show how the test cases will be realized.

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Design Test  Design Guidelines  Test Cases
 Use Cases  Test Procedures
 Supplementary Specs  Workload Analysis
 Implemented Component Document

Activity – Design Test

Workload Analysis Document (Performance Testing Only)

 To identify and describe the different variables that affect system use and performance
 To identify the sub-set of use cases to be used for performance testing
Workload Analysis is performed to generate a workload analysis document that can be
implemented for performance testing. The primary inputs to a workload analysis document
 Software development plan
 Use Case Model
 Design Model
 Supplemental Specifications

Workload analysis includes the following:

1. Clarify the objectives of performance testing and the use cases.
2. Identify the use cases to be implemented in the model.
3. Identify the actors and actor characteristics to be simulated / emulated in the
performance tests.
4. Identify the workload to be simulated / emulated in the performance tests (in terms of
number of actors / actor classes and actor profiles).
5. Determine the performance measures and criteria.
6. Review the use cases to be implemented and identify the execution frequency.
7. Select the most frequently invoked use cases and those that generate the greatest load on
the system.
8. Generate test cases for each of the use cases identified in the previous step.
9. Identify the critical measurement points for each test case.

Identify And Describe Test Cases


 To identify and describe the test conditions to be used for testing

 To identify the specific data necessary for testing
 To identify the expected results of test

For each requirement for test (identified in plan test – activity in previous workflow detail)
Analyze Application Workflow
 The purpose of this step is to identify and describe the actions and / or steps of the actor when
interacting with the system.
 These test procedure descriptions are then used to identify and describe the test cases
necessary to test the application.
 These early test procedure descriptions should be high-level, that is, the actions should be
described as generic as possible without specific references to actual components or objects.
For each use case or requirement,
 review the use case flow of events, or
 walk through and describing the actions / steps the actor takes when interacting with the
The purpose of this step is to establish what test cases are appropriate for the testing of each
requirement for test.
Note: If testing of a previous version has already been implemented, there will be existing test
cases. These test cases should be reviewed for use and design as for regression testing.
Regression test cases should be included in the current iteration and combined with the new test
cases that address new behavior.
Identify and describe test cases
The primary input for identifying test cases is:
 The use cases that, at some point, traverse your target-of-test (system, subsystem or
 The design model.
 Any technical or supplemental requirements.
 Target-of-test application map (as generated by an automated test script generation tool).
Describe the test cases by stating:
 The test condition (or object or application state) being tested.
 The use case, use-case scenario, or technical or supplemental requirement the test cases is
derived from.
 The expected result in terms of the output state, condition, or data value(s).

Identify test case data

Using the matrix created above, review the test cases and identify the actual values that support
the test cases. Data for three purposes will be identified during this step:
 Data values used as input
 Data values for the expected results
 Data needed to support the test case, but is neither used as input or output for a specific test

Identify and Structure Test Procedures


 To analyze use case workflows and test cases to identify test procedures
 To identify, in the test model, the relationship(s) between test cases and test procedures
creating the test model
Using Rational Test Manager
In the Plan Test activity, you identified the test requirements, that is, what needs to be tested. In
test design, you decide how test requirements will be tested. This leads to formal test procedures
that identify test set-up, execution instructions, and evaluation methods. You use this information
as the specifications for recording or programming your test scripts. Then, with TestManager you
link this information to a test script and generate test coverage reports that track your test design
1. Plan script
2. Edit script properties

Review application workflows or application map

Review the application workflow(s), and the previously described test procedures to determine if
any changes have been made to the use case workflow that affects the identification and
structuring of test procedures.
If utilizing an automated test script generation tool, review the generated application map (used
to generate the test scripts) to ensure the hierarchical list of UI objects representing the controls
in the user interface of the target-of-test are correct and relevant to your test and/or the use cases
being tested.
The reviews are done in a similar fashion as the analysis done previously:
 Review the use case flow of events, and
 Review of the described test procedures, and
 Walk through the steps the actor takes when interacting with the system, and/or
 Review the application map

Develop the test model

The purpose of the test model is to communicate what will be tested, how it will be tested, and
how the tests will be implemented. For each described test procedure (or application map and
generated test scripts), the following is done to create the test model:
 Identify the relationship or sequence of the test procedure to other test procedures (or the
generated test scripts to each other).
 Identify the start condition or state and the end condition or state for the test procedure
 Indicate the test cases to be executed by the test procedure (or generated test scripts).
The following should be considered while developing the test model:
 Many test cases are variants of one another, which might mean that they can be satisfied by
the same test procedure.
 Many test cases may require overlapping behavior to be executed. To be able to reuse the
implementation of such behavior, you can choose to structure you test procedures so that one
test procedure can be used for several test cases.

 Many test procedures may include actions or steps that are common to many test cases or
other test procedures. In these instances, it should be determined if a separate structured test
procedure (for those common steps) should be created, while the test case specific steps
remain in a separate structured test procedure.
 When using an automated test script generation tool, review the application map and
generated test scripts to ensure the following is reflected in the test model:
o The appropriate/desired controls are included in the application map and
test scripts.
o The controls are exercised in the desired order.
o Test cases are identified for those controls requiring test data.
o The windows or dialog boxes in which the controls are displayed.

Structure test procedures

The previously described test procedures are insufficient for the implementation and execution of
test. Proper structuring of the test procedures includes revising and modifying the described test
procedures to include, at a minimum, the following information:
 Set-up: how to create the condition(s) for the test case(s) that is (are) being tested and what
data is needed (either as input or within the test database).
 Starting condition, state, or action for the structured test procedure.
 Instructions for execution: the detailed steps / actions taken by the tester to implement and
execute the tests (to the degree of stating the object or component).
 Data values entered (or referenced test case).
 Expected result (condition or data, or referenced test case) for each action / step.
 Evaluation of results: the method and steps used to analyze the actual results obtained
comparing them with the expected results.
 Ending condition, state, or action for the structured test procedure.
Note: a described test procedure, when structured may become several structured test procedures,
which must be executed in sequence. This is done to maximize reuse and minimize test
procedure maintenance.
Test procedures can be manually executed or implemented as test scripts (for automated
execution). When a test procedure is automated, the resulting computer-readable file is known as
a test script.

Review and Assess Test Coverage

To identify and describe the measures of test that will be used to identify the completeness of

Identify test coverage measures

There are two methods of determining test coverage:

 Requirements based coverage.
 Code based coverage.
Both identify the percentage of the total testable items that will be (or have been) tested, but they
are collected or calculated differently.
 Requirements based coverage is based upon using use cases, requirements, use case flows, or
test conditions as the measure of total test items and can be used during test design.
 Code based coverage uses the code generated as the total test item and measures a
characteristic of the code that has been executed during testing (such as lines of code executed
or the number of branches traversed). This type of coverage measurement can only be
implemented after the code has been generated.
Identify the method to be used and state how the measurement will be collected, how the data
should be interpreted, and how the metric will be used in the process.

Generate and distribute test coverage reports

Identified in the test plan is the schedule of when test coverage reports are generated and
distributed. These reports should be distributed to, at least, the following workers:
 All test workers
 Developer representative
 Share holder representative
 Stakeholder representative

Workflow detail - Implement Test

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Implement Test  Implemented Component  Test Scripts
 Test Cases  Test Cases (Updated)
 Test Procedures (Updated)
Design Test Packages and  Updated Test Cases  Test Packages and Test
Classes  Design Model Classes
 Updated Test Procedures
Implement Test Subsystems  Test Packages and Test  Test Subsystems and Test
and Components Classes Components
 Component
 Build

Activity – Implement Test

 To create or generate reusable test scripts
 To maintain traceability of the test implementation artifacts back to the associated test cases
and use cases or requirements for test


 Record, generate, or program test scripts

 Identify test-specific functionality in the design and implementation models
 Establish external data sets

Record, Generate, or program test scripts

To create or automatically generate the appropriate test scripts which implement (and execute)
the test cases and test procedures as desired

Create, generate or acquire test Scripts

For each structured test procedure in the test model at least one test script is created or generated.
The following considerations should be addressed when creating, generating, or acquiring test
1. Maximize test script reuse
2. Minimize test script maintenance
3. Use existing scripts when feasible
4. Use test tools to create test scripts instead of programming them (when feasible)
5. Refer to application gui objects and actions in the method that is most stable (such as by
object name or using mouse clicks)
The following steps are performed to create, generate, or acquire test scripts:
1. Review existing test scripts for potential use
2. Set-up the test environment (including all hardware, software, tools, data, and application

3. Initialize the environment (to ensure the environment is in the proper state or condition for
the test)
4. Create or acquire the test scripts:
5. Record / capture: for each structured test procedure, execute the test procedure to create a
new test script by following the steps / actions identified in the structured test procedure
and using the appropriate recording techniques (to maximize reuse and minimize
6. Modifying existing scripts: edit the existing manually, or delete the non-required
instructions and re-record the new instructions using the recording description above
7. Programming: for each structured test procedure, generate the instructions using the
appropriate programming techniques
8. Continue to create, generate, or acquire test scripts until the desired / required test scripts
have been created
9. Modify the test scripts as necessary (as defined in the test model)

Test / debug test scripts

Upon the completion of creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts, they should be tested /
debugged to ensure the test scripts implement the tests appropriately and execute properly. This
step should be performed using the same version of the software build used to create / acquire
the test scripts.
The following steps are performed to test / debug test scripts:
1. Set-up the test environment (if necessary)
2. Re-initialize the environment
3. Execute the test scripts
4. Evaluate Results
5. Determine appropriate next action:
a. Results as expected / desired: no actions necessary
b. Unexpected results: determine cause of problem and resolve

Review and Evaluate Test Coverage

Upon the completion of creating, generating, or acquiring test scripts, a test coverage reports
should be generated to verify that the test scripts have achieved the desired test coverage.

Identify test-specific functionality in the design and implementation models

To specify the requirements for software functions needed to support the implementation or
execution of testing
Identify the test-specific functionality that should be included in the design model and in the
implementation model. The most common use of test specific functionality is during integration
test where there is the need to provide stubs or drivers for components or systems that are not yet
included or implemented.
There are two styles:

 Stubs and drivers that are simply "dummies" with no functionality other than being able to
enter a specific value (or values) or return a pre-defined value (or values).
 Stubs and drivers that are more intelligent and can "simulate" more complex behavior.
Use the second style prudently because it takes more resources to implement. A balance between
value added (by creating a complex stub / driver) and the effort necessary to implement and test
the stub / driver is necessary.

Establish External Data Sets

To create and maintain data, stored externally to the test scripts, that are used by the test scripts
during test execution

External data sets provide value to test in the following ways:

 Data is external to the test script eliminating hard-coded references in the test script
 External data can be modified easily with little or no test script impact
 Additional test cases can easily be added to the test data with little or no test script
 External data can be shared with many test scripts
 External data sets can contain data values used to control the test scripts (conditional
branching logic

Activity Design Test Packages and Classes

Purpose: To design test-specific functionality


 Identify Test-Specific Packages and Classes

 Design Interface to Automated Test Tool
 Design Test Procedure Behavior

Identify Test-Specific Packages and Classes

Purpose: To identify and design the classes and packages that will provide the needed test
specific functionality.

Based on input from the test designer identify and specify test-specific classes and packages in
the design model.
A driver or stub of a design class has the same methods as the original class, but there is no
behavior defined for the methods other than to provide for input (to the target for test) or
returning a pre-defined value (to the target for test).
A driver or stub of a design package contains simulated classes for the classes that form the
public interface of the original package.

Design Interface to Automated Test Tool

Purpose: To identify the interface necessary for the integration of an automated test tool with
test-specific functionality.
Identify what behavior is needed to make your test automation tool communicate with your
target for test in an efficient way. Identify and describe the appropriate design classes and

Design Test Procedure Behavior

Purpose: To automate test procedures for which there is no automated test tool available.
To automate test procedures for which there is no automation tool, identify the appropriate
design classes and packages. Use the test cases and the use cases they derive from as input.

Activity Implement Test Components and Subsystems

Purpose: To implement test-specific functionality


 Implement and Unit Test Drivers / Stubs

 Implement and Unit Test Interface to Automated Test Tool(s)
 Implement and Unit Test Test-Procedure Behavior

Workflow Detail – Execute Test In Integration Test Stage

Activity Inputs From Resulting Artifacts

Execute Test Test Scripts Test Results
Builds Defects

Activity Execute Test

Purpose: To execute tests and capture test results.


 Execute Test Procedures

 Evaluate Execution of Test
 Verify Test Results
 Recover From Halted Tests
Execute Test Procedures

 Set-up the test environment to ensure that all the needed components (hardware, software,
tools, data, etc.) have been implemented and are in the test environment.
 Initialize the test environment to ensure all components are in the correct initial state for the
start of testing.

 Execute the test procedures.

o Note: executing the test procedures will vary dependent upon whether
testing is automated or manual.
 Automated testing: The test scripts created during the Implement Test activity are
 Manual execution: The structured test procedures developed during the Design Test
activity are used to manually execute test.

Evaluate Execution of Test

 To determine whether testing executed to completion or halted
 To determine if corrective action is required
The execution of testing ends or terminates in one of two conditions:
 Normal: all the test procedures (or scripts) execute as intended and to completion.
 If testing terminates normally, then continue with Verify Test Results:
 Abnormal or premature: the test procedures (or scripts) did not execute completely or as
intended. When testing ends abnormally, the test results may be unreliable. The cause of the
abnormal / premature termination needs to be identified, corrected, and the tests re-executed
before any additional test activities are performed.
If testing terminates abnormally, continue with Recover From Halted Tests.

Verify Test Results

 To determine if the test results are reliable
 To identify appropriate corrective action the test results indicate flaws in the test effort or
Upon the completion of testing, the test results should be reviewed to ensure that the test results
are reliable and reported failures, warnings, or unexpected results were not caused by external
influences (to the target-of-test), such as improper set-up or data.
The most common failures reported when test procedures and test scripts execute completely,
and their corrective actions are given below:
 Test verification failures - this occurs when the actual result and the expected result do not
match. Verify that the verification method(s) used focus only on the essential items and / or
properties and modify if necessary.
 Unexpected GUI windows - this occurs for several reasons. The most common is when a GUI
window other than the expected one is active or the number of displayed GUI windows is
greater than expected. Ensure that the test environment has been set-up and initialized as
intended for proper test execution.
 Missing GUI windows - this failure is noted when a GUI window is expected to be available
(but not necessarily active) and is not. Ensure that the test environment has been set-up and
initialized as intended for proper test execution. Verify that the actual missing windows are /
were removed from the target-of-test.

If the reported failures are due to errors identified in the test artifacts, or due to problems with the
test environment, the appropriate corrective action should be taken and the testing re-executed.
For additional information, see "Recover From Halted Tests" below.
If the test results indicate the failures are genuinely due to the target-of-test, then the Execute
Test Activity is complete.

Recover from Halted Tests

 To determine the appropriate corrective action to recover from a halted test
 To correct the problem, recover, and re-execute the tests
There are two major types of halted tests:
 Fatal errors - the system fails (network failures, hardware crashes, etc.)
 Test Script Command Failures - specific to automated testing, this is when a test script cannot
execute a command (or line of code).
Both types of abnormal termination to testing may exhibit the same symptoms:
 Many unexpected actions, windows, or events occur while the test script is executing
 Test environment appears unresponsive or in an undesirable state (such as hung or crashed).
To recover from halted tests, do the following:
 Determine the actual cause of the problem
 Correct the problem
 Re-set-up test environment
 Re-initialize test environment
 Re-execute tests

Workflow Detail – Execute Test in System Test Stage

The purpose of the System Test Stage is to ensure that the complete system functions as
intended. The system integrator compiles and links the system in increments. Each increment
needs to go through testing of the functionality that has been added, as well as all tests the
previous builds went through (regression tests).
Within iteration, you will execute system testing several times until the whole system (as defined
by the goal of the iteration) has functions as intended and meets the test's success or completion
criteria. The output artifacts for this activity are the test results.
Test execution should be done under a controlled environment.
This includes:
 A test system that is isolated from non-test influences
 The ability to set-up a known initial state for the test system(s) and return to this state upon the
completion of testing (to re-execute tests)

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