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Shocking as these statements may be, there is a clear chain

of evidence that backs them up. Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph
Ratzinger, bears a unique personal responsibility for the
entire mess.

Moreover, his responsibility has nothing at all to do with his

current position as Supreme Pontiff. His actions forty years
ago helped set the stage of the crisis in the first place. And it
was his efforts to begin to undo the effects of those actions
twenty years later that will inevitably cause the scandals to

Outrageous? Impossible? Crazy? Consider the following historical items and connect the dots yourself.
It all hinges on the fact that the Inquisition (now called the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith"
or CDF) has been running the cover-up since the counter-Reformation.

Before the Scandals

There were few clergy abuse scandals for hundreds of years simply because clergy sexual
abuse was covered up at first by the Inquisition and later by the secret system it had created.

• 1478 – The Spanish Inquisition is founded by Ferdinand and Isabella. Run and
jealously guarded by the crown, its prime focus is mainly on protecting the state from
“Around divisions caused by converted Jews and Moslems, as well as heresy and clergy
1565, the 1542 – The Roman Inquisition is revived by Pope Paul III in the wake of the Protestant
Reformation. From the beginning, the Roman version is mainly concerned with
confession intellectual dangers to the Church at large, such as Lutheranism and modern science
as well as clerical discipline. It publishes the Index of Forbidden Books, and remains to
booth is this day (although under a different name) as it began: the most powerful department of
invented… the Vatican.
1559 – Pope Pius IV authorizes the Spanish Inquisition to actively seek out and punish
to prevent priests who seduce women through misuse of the sacrament of Confession, known as
"solicitation in the confessional."
sexual April 15, 1561 – The pope, pleased by its success, extends its sexual jurisdiction over
all Spanish dominions. The recently revived papally-run Roman Inquisition is given
contact similar broad powers.
between The crime of solicitation is first published as one that must be denounced to the
Inquisition under penalty of excommunication. This causes such a sensation in Spain
priests and that the scribes are overwhelmed by the number of women complaining. It would be
quietly removed from the list, even while later popes extended the powers and
penitents.” jurisdiction of the Inquisition over clergy sex cases.
Around 1565, the confessional booth is invented in Milan by St. Charles Borromeo, as
a screen between two chairs. The idea is to prevent sexual contact between priests and
penitents. Within half a century, the Vatican would order them installed in every church
in the world.
1622 – Pope Gregory XV decrees that priests are still obliged to individually inform
penitents of their duty to inform on sexually predatory clergy, but the whole process
becomes cloaked in secrecy. In areas where no Inquisition is active, bishops are
empowered to set up their own secret tribunals and inflict the most extreme
• 1646 – The Piarists, a highly successful order teaching poor boys across Italy, is
abolished by the pope for child sexual abuse. Founded by the patron saint of Catholic
education, St. José Calasanz, the order had been taken over by a pedophile ring, and
finally busted by the Roman Inquisition. The order will be quietly revived later, but these
scandals are successfully concealed until the opening of the Inquistion's own archives
In 1922, any at the dawn of the twenty-first century.
1820 – The Spanish Inquisition is abolished by decree. Archives show its continual
knowledge of intervention in clergy sex cases until the very end.
the Holy 1836 – "Maria Monk," an alleged escapee from a Canadian convent, is the first to break
silence about sexual and other abuse in nunneries. She is nearly universally reviled and
Office's role in disbelieved.
1867 – American historian Henry Charles Lea publishes a three-volume study on
sex crimes is celibacy in the Catholic Church which reveals the long and often futile struggle to
impose chastity on clerics, including the involvement of the Inquisition, and is largely
now deemed ignored
too 1880 – Personal friend of Lincoln and former American priest, Charles Chiniquy, bitterly
complains of the current ongoing dangers and results of solicitation in The Priest, The
scandalous. Woman, and the Confessional
1908 – The now-Universal Roman Inquisition is renamed the "Supreme Sacred
New rules Congregation of the Holy Office" and given authority across the globe.
1922 – Any knowledge at all of the Holy Office's role in sex crimes is now deemed too
were written. scandalous. New rules were written. They have never been released.
1947 – The Servants of the Paraclete, a religious order dedicated to helping fallen
They have priests, is established with headquarters in Jemez Springs, New Mexico by Fr. Gerald
never been Fitzgerald.
1954 – An American ex-Franciscan, Emmett McGloughlin, in his autobiography first
released. reveals the existence of the Jemez Springs establishment as one "ecclesiastic prison"
among others where priests are sent without trial for sexual offenses, alcoholism, and
1962 – Reporting laws that mandate disclosure of sex abuse appear for the first time
and McGloughlin publishes another book with a few more details on Jemez Springs.
Prophetically, he writes, "The sexual affairs of priests in the U.S. are more closely
guarded secrets than the classified details of our national defense."
On March 16, Cardinal Alberto Ottaviani, the head of the Holy Office, presents Pope
John XXIII with Crimen sollicitationis, in English, Instruction on the Manner of
Proceeding in Cases of Solicitation (pdf). This is a highly secret document containing
instructions for bishops on how to proceed trying cases of sexual abuse and
homosexuality among clerics.
In October, the Second Vatican Council begins.

Vatican II...
The secret system was inadvertently broken during the Ecumenical Council. Though it
happened as an unintended consequence of trying to protect progressive theologians, Joseph
Ratzinger was undoubtedly largely responsible for this.

• Immediately after the Council began, the head of the liberal faction, Cardinal Josef
Frings of Belguim, opposes Ottaviani's proposed plan of discussion. Ottaviani boycotts
the Council for weeks out of pique, giving liberals the chance to determine their own
agenda. Among them is Joseph Ratzinger, one of Frings' trusted theological advisors.
• On November 8, 1963, Frings gives a rousing speech that Ratzinger wrote calling for
reform of the Holy Office and its "medieval ways." It is enthusiastically applauded. Pope
Paul VI calls Frings that evening to tell him that the reform will go through.
• Heated discussions over celibacy and the clergy also consume the Council. Finally in
the Decree on the Life and Ministry of Priests, carefully coded language reveals that
1) priests will no longer be punished for sexual transgressions but treated with "with
fraternal charity and magnanimity" and 2) celibacy is not necessary for the priesthood
but would still be demanded of Latin-rite priests. This sets the stage for the great clergy
• On December 7, 1965, the very last day of the Council, the reform of the Holy Office is
announced. It will henceforth be called the "Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith"
(CDF). Some secrecy will be ended, priests would be given certain rights of appeal and
representation, and the Index of Forbidden Books will be discontinued. Ominously, the
CDF is given the power of questioning faith and morals anywhere in the entire Church.
Only the Pope retains more power.
... and After
It took some time for the "secret system" to break down after Vatican II. It took just as long for
Cardinal Ratzinger to fix it.

• June 14, 1967 – Finally bowing to pressure, Pope Paul IV issues an encyclical that
removes the restrictions of the Holy Office on clergy wishing to leave, and the flight of
disgruntled religious begins.
• 1968 – Returning to academic life, Ratzinger is traumatized by anticlerical student
protesters. His doubts about the direction of the Council grow, and he becomes a
• Mid-1970s – With few other options available, the Paracletes' Jemez monastery
becomes a major center for treating priests with sexual problems, over the objections of
founder Fitzgerald, who wanted to imprison them on an island for life. Instead, the order
opens up more treatment centers, even halfway houses, and loans priests in treatment
out to local communities without warning anyone. At some point, they are advised to
destroy most of their files by the bishops, and advised the New Mexico archdiocese to
do the same.
• 1981 – Pope John Paul II names Ratzinger as Prefect of the CDF. The former protestor
is now the "Vatican's enforcer." He begins a highly publicized series of campaigns
against liberal causes that have sprung up since the Council – and many of his former
allies, too, such as Hans Kung and Karl Rahner. National bishops councils established
by the Council are also opposed as threats to papal power.
• 1983 – Canon Law (pdf) is revised, complete with a statute of limitations for clergy sex
• 1984 – The first significant modern scandal begins with the exposure of Gilbert Gauthe,
a serial child molester in Louisiana. His attorney, Ray Mouton, calls for help. Priests
Tom Doyle, then working in the nunciature in Washington, and Michael Peterson, a
psychiatrist who had recently founded a treatment center for troubled priests, become
involved. Together, they write a proposal for American bishops, The Problem of Sexual
Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the Problem in a Responsible Manner,
most simply known as The Manual (link). It calls for a "crisis control team" to fly around
the country putting out hotspots, with little concern for victims.
• 1985 – The Manual is presented to the bishops at their June meeting. It would even be
shown to Pope John Paul II. Nothing happens.
• 1992 – The scandals first receive extensive national media attention when the notorious
James Porter cases surface. His tracks lead to Jemez Springs, which leads to scandals
breaking out in New Mexico. By this time, some 1,200 other religious had also passed
through their programs.
• American bishops find themselves again frustrated by Rome, which blocks their
• 1993 – Archbishop Robert Sanchez of New Mexico becomes the first high-ranking
prelate to fall as his affairs are exposed on CBS' 60 Minutes.
• At World Youth Day in Denver, Pope John Paul II infamously dismisses the crisis as a
largely North American affair due to a corrupt secular society.
• Late 1990s – Despite the pope's wishful thinking, the crisis becomes truly global.
Scandals continue throughout the United States, too many to mention, but also break
out across Canada, Ireland, Australia, Austria, even Poland.
• The Servants of the Paraclete scale back their treatment programs in New Mexico.
Meanwhile, two priests, a former client and one of their own, are murdered in separate
events by men claiming they were abused by them.
• 1997 – Ratzinger opens the Inquisition's own secret archives to select scholars,
allowing for the rediscovery of the Inquisition's role in the cover-up.
• April 30, 2001 – The CDF secretly issues Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela,
or Safeguarding the Sanctity of the Sacraments (link) under Pope John Paul II's name.
This replaces Crimen sollicitationis with a policy even more secret and ruthless than
before. All priestly sex crimes are to be placed under the CDF, which usually will
authorize the bishops to conduct trials themselves. However, clerical homosexuality is
not even mentioned.
• May 18, 2001 – Ratzinger quietly adds the cover letter (pdf) for the new policy, making
cases "subject to the pontifical secret." In other words, absolute secrecy is imposed on
all who know about them under pain of automatic excommunication that only the pope
can forgive.
• 2002 – American bishops issue the so-called "Dallas Charter" calling for audits and zero
• 2002 – The scandals reach Boston (again) with John Geoghan and other cases.
Cardinal Bernard Law, exposed as a prime enabler of the cover-up, resigns and is
compensated with a major post in the Vatican.
• 2003 – Crimen sollicitationis is discovered among diocesan legal papers in Boston.
• 2004 – Pope John Paul II apologizes for the excesses of the Inquisition and asks for
• The National Review Board issues a report claiming 10,000 child sexual abuse victims
of nearly 4,000 Catholic priests just in the United States over the last 50 years,
undoubtedly gravely underestimated.
• April 19, 2005 – Ratzinger ascends the papal throne as Benedict XVI.
• In June, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops finally gets a toothless version of
the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People approved.
• 2007 – David Yallop, in his critical biography of John Paul II, reports that there are so
many referrals for action against priests to the CDF that it takes 18 months just to get a
• 2008 – The Vatican reports that for the third year in a row, the number of new cases has
gone steadily down, despite record high financial settlements.

NOTE: More money, but fewer cases, and many more priests being reported to Rome. This
is exactly what should be expected if the secret system is once more in place. And Joseph Ratzinger,
who helped accidentally dislodge it, is the one largely responsible for doing so.

One can only shudder at what he may accomplish as pope.

The Roman Catholic Church, it seems, is quietly once again

dispensing its "justice" privately, unobserved and therefore unchecked
and unbalanced.

Once again, it asserts its clerical "privileges" – that is to say, private

laws for the good of the clerical class, not the secular society. And
certainly not for the boys and girls, women and men, who are have
been its victims.

Is this at all tolerable in a modern democratic society that upholds one

law for all people?

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