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39 International Mathematical Olympiad

IMO 1998

39st International Mathematical Olympiad
IMO 1998 Problems and Solutions

Problem A1
In the convex quadrilateral ABCD, the diagonals AC and BD are
perpendicular and the opposite sides AB and DC are not parallel. The
point P, where the perpendicular bisectors of AB and DC meet, is inside
ABCD. Prove that ABCD is cyclic if and only if the triangles ABP and CDP
have equal areas.

Let AC and BD meet at X. Let H, K be the feet of the perpendiculars from

P to AC, BD respectively. We wish to express the areas of ABP and CDP
in terms of more tractable triangles. There are essentially two different
configurations possible. In the first, we have area PAB = area ABX +
area PAX + area PBX, and area PCD = area CDX - area PCX - area PDX.
So if the areas being equal is equivalent to: area ABX - area CDX + area
PAX + area PCX + area PBX + area PDX = 0. ABX and CDX are right-
angled, so we may write their areas as AX·BX/2 and CX·DX/2. We may
also put AX = AH - HX = AH - PK, BX = BK - PH, CX = CH + PK, DX = DK
+ PH. The other triangles combine in pairs to give area ACP + area BDP
= (AC·PH + BD·PK)/2. This leads, after some cancellation to AH·BK =
CH·DK. There is a similar configuration with the roles of AB and CD
The second configuration is area PAB = area ABX + area PAX - PBX,
area PCD = area CDX + area PDX - area PCX. In this case AX = AH + PK,
BX = BK - PH, CX = CH - PK, DX = DK + PH. But we end up with the
same result: AH·BK = CH·DK.
Now if ABCD is cyclic, then it follows immediately that P is the center of
the circumcircle and AH = CH, BK = DK. Hence the areas of PAB and
PCD are equal.
Conversely, suppose the areas are equal. If PA > PC, then AH > CH. But
since PA = PB and PC = PD (by construction), PB > PD, so BK > DK. So
AH·BK > CH·DK. Contradiction. So PA is not greater than PC. Similarly it
cannot be less. Hence PA = PC. But that implies PA = PB = PC = PD, so
ABCD is cyclic.
39th IMO 1998

(C) John Scholes;
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 19 Aug 03
Problem A2
In a competition there are a contestants and b judges, where b ≥ 3 is an
odd integer. Each judge rates each contestant as either "pass" or "fail".
Suppose k is a number such that for any two judges their ratings
coincide for at most k contestants. Prove k/a ≥ (b-1)/2b.
Let us count the number N of triples (judge, judge, contestant) for which
the two judges are distinct and rate the contestant the same. There are
b(b-1)/2 pairs of judges in total and each pair rates at most k
contestants the same, so N ≤ kb(b-1)/2.
Now consider a fixed contestant X and count the number of pairs of
judges rating X the same. Suppose x judges pass X, then there are x(x-
1)/2 pairs who pass X and (b-x)(b-x-1)/2 who fail X, so a total of (x(x-1)
+ (b-x)(b-x-1))/2 pairs rate X the same. But (x(x-1) + (b-x)(b-x-1))/2 =
(2x2 - 2bx + b2 - b)/2 = (x - b/2)2 + b2/4 - b/2 ≥ b2/4 - b/2 = (b - 1)2/4 -
1/4. But (b - 1)2/4 is an integer (since b is odd), so the number of pairs
rating X the same is at least (b - 1)2/4. Hence N ≥ a (b - 1)2/4. Putting
the two inequalities together gives k/a ≥ (b - 1)/2b.
39th IMO 1998
© John Scholes
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 20 Aug 03

Problem A3
For any positive integer n, let d(n) denote the number of positive
divisors of n (including 1 and n). Determine all positive integers k such
that d(n2) = k d(n) for some n.
Let n = p1a1...prar. Then d(n) = (a1 + 1)(a2 + 1) ... (ar + 1), and d(n2) =
(2a1 + 1)(2a2 + 1) ... (2ar + 1). So the ai must be chosen so that (2a1 +
1)(2a2 + 1) ... (2ar + 1) = k (a1 + 1)(a2 + 1) ... (ar + 1). Since all (2ai + 1)
are odd, this clearly implies that k must be odd. We show that
conversely, given any odd k, we can find ai.
We use a form of induction on k. First, it is true for k = 1 (take n = 1).
Second, we show that if it is true for k, then it is true for 2mk - 1. That is
sufficient, since any odd number has the form 2mk - 1 for some smaller
odd number k. Take ai = 2i((2m - 1)k - 1) for i = 0, 1, ... , m-1. Then 2ai +
1 = 2i+1(2m - 1)k - (2i+1 - 1) and ai + 1 = 2i(2m - 1)k - (2i - 1). So the
product of the (2ai + 1)'s divided by the product of the (ai + 1)'s is 2m(2m
- 1)k - (2m - 1) divided by (2m - 1)k, or (2mk - 1)/k. Thus if we take these
ais together with those giving k, we get 2mk - 1, which completes the

39th IMO 1998
(C) John Scholes
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 20 Aug 03

Problem B1
Determine all pairs (a, b) of positive integers such that ab2 + b + 7 divides
a2b + a + b.
(a, b) = (11, 1), (49, 1) or (7k2, 7k).
If a < b, then b ≥ a + 1, so ab2 + b + 7 > ab2 + b ≥ (a + 1)(ab + 1) =
a2b + a + ab ≥ a2b + a + b. So there can be no solutions with a < b.
Assume then that a ≥ b.
Let k = the integer (a2b + a + b)/(ab2 + b + 7). We have (a/b + 1/b)(ab2
+ b + 7) = ab2 + a + ab + 7a/b + 7/b + 1 > ab2 + a + b. So k < a/b +
1/b. Now if b ≥ 3, then (b - 7/b) > 0 and hence (a/b - 1/b)(ab2 + b + 7) =
ab2 + a - a(b - 7/b) - 1 - 7/b < ab2 + a < ab2 + a + b. Hence either b = 1
or 2 or k > a/b - 1/b.
If a/b - 1/b < k < a/b + 1/b, then a - 1 < kb < a + 1. Hence a = kb. This
gives the solution (a, b) = (7k2, 7k).
It remains to consider b = 1 and 2. If b = 1, then a + 8 divides a2 + a +
1 and hence also a(a + 8) - (a2 + a + 1) = 7a - 1, and hence also 7(a +
8) - (7a - 1) = 57. The only factors bigger than 8 are 19 and 57, so a =
11 or 49. It is easy to check that (a, b) = (11, 1) and (49, 1) are indeed
If b = 2, then 4a + 9 divides 2a2 + a + 2, and hence also a(4a + 9) -
2(2a2 + a + 2) = 7a - 4, and hence also 7(4a + 9) - 4(7a - 4) = 79. The
only factor greater than 9 is 79, but that gives a = 35/2 which is not
integral. Hence there are no solutions for b = 2.
A variant on this from Johannes Tang Lek Huo is as follows:
We have ab2 + b + 7 divides a(ab2 + b + 7) - b(a2b + a + b) = 7a - b2 . If
7a = b2, then b must be a multiple of 7, so b = 7k for some k. Then a =
7k2, and it is easy to check that this is a solution. We cannot have 7a <
b2 for then 0 < b2 - 7a < ab2 < ab2 + b + 7. If 7a > b, then we must have
7a - b ≤ ab2 + b + 7 > ab2, so 7 > b2, so b = 1 or 2.
We can then continue as above.
39th IMO 1998
(C) John Scholes
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 20 Aug 03

Problem B2
Let I be the incenter of the triangle ABC. Let the incircle of ABC touch
the sides BC, CA, AB at K, L, M respectively. The line through B parallel
to MK meets the lines LM and LK at R and S respectively. Prove that the
angle RIS is acute.
We show that RI2 + SI2 - RS2 > 0. The result then follows from the cosine
BI is perpendicular to MK and hence also to RS. So IR2 = BR2 + BI2 and
IS2 = BI2 + BS2. Obviously RS = RB + BS, so RS2 = BR2 + BS2 + 2 BR·BS.
Hence RI2 + SI2 - RS2 = 2 BI2 - 2 BR·BS. Consider the triangle BRS. The
angles at B and M are 90 - B/2 and 90 - A/2, so the angle at R is 90 - C/2.
Hence BR/BM = cos A/2/cos C/2 (using the sine rule). Similarly,
considering the triangle BKS, BS/BK = cos C/2/cos A/2. So BR·BS =
BM·BK = BK2. Hence RI2 + SI2 - RS2 = 2(BI2 - BK2) = 2 IK2 > 0.
39th IMO 1998
(C) John Scholes
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 20 Aug 03

Problem B3
Consider all functions f from the set of all positive integers into itself
satisfying f(t2f(s)) = s f(t)2 for all s and t. Determine the least possible
value of f(1998).
Let f(1) = k. Then f(kt2) = f(t)2 and f(f(t)) = k2t. Also f(kt)2 = 1·f(kt)2 =
f(k3t2) = f(12f(f(kt2))) = k2f(kt2) = k2f(t)2. Hence f(kt) = k f(t).
By an easy induction knf(tn+1) = f(t)n+1. But this implies that k divides f(t).
For suppose the highest power of a prime p dividing k is a > b, the
highest power of p dividing f(t). Then a > b(1 + 1/n) for some integer n.
But then na > (n + 1)b, so kn does not divide f(t)n+1. Contradiction.
Let g(t) = f(t)/k. Then f(t2f(s)) = f(t2kg(s)) = k f(t2g(s) = k2g(t2g(s)), whilst
s f(t)2 = k2s f(t)2. So g(t2g(s)) = s g(t)2. Hence g is also a function
satisfying the conditions which evidently has smaller values than f (for k
> 1). It also satisfies g(1) = 1. Since we want the smallest possible value
of f(1998) we may restrict attention to functions f satisfying f(1) = 1.
Thus we have f(f(t) = t and f(t2) = f(t)2. Hence f(st)2 = f(s2t2) = f(s2f(f(t2)))
= f(s)2f(t2) = f(s)2f(t)2. So f(st) = f(s) f(t).
Suppose p is a prime and f(p) = m·n. Then f(m)f(n) = f(mn) = f(f(p)) = p,
so one of f(m), f(n) = 1. But if f(m) = 1, then m = f(f(m)) = f(1) = 1. So
f(p) is prime. If f(p) = q, then f(q) = p.

Now we may define f arbitarily on the primes subject only to the
conditions that each f(prime) is prime and that if f(p) = q, then f(q) = p.
For suppose that s = p1a1...prar and that f(pi) = qi. If t has any additional
prime factors not included in the qi, then we may add additional p's to
the expression for s so that they are included (taking the additional a's
to be zero). So suppose t = q1b1...qrbr.Then t2f(s) = q12b1+a1 ...qr2br+ar and
hence f(t2f(s) = p12b1+a1 ...pr2br+ar = s f(t)2.
We want the minimum possible value of f(1998). Now 1998 = 2.33.37,
so we achieve the minimum value by taking f(2) = 3, f(3) = 2, f(37) = 5
(and f(37) = 5). This gives f(1998) = 3·235 = 120.
39th IMO 1998
© John Scholes
26 Oct 1998
Last corrected/updated 20 Aug 03

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