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Part I: Energetics, Evolution, and Spiritual Anatomy

This book describes the six foundations that support the awakening of the Kudalini by quieting the mind and
helping to turn us into superconductors of the divine. It is based on the author, Gabriel Cousens' spiritual,
holistic medical, professional, and nutritional experience of his personal enlightenment.
The Six Foundations of Spiritual Life, as developed by Gabriel, form the basis for
understanding how we can nourish the Kundalini as it awakens and takes us toward the next step in the
evolutionary process -- Liberation -- the purpose of life, and the purpose of this book. It asks "how do we eat
and live in a way that will stimulate the awakening of, nurture, and intensify the spiritualizing energy flow of
the Kundalini?"

Proper nutrition is best understood as a support for spiritual evolution. When we eat in a healthy,
harmonious way, our ability to attune and commune with the Divine is enhanced.

What is Kundalini?

• Kundalini is the Grace of God, which transforms consciousness into the non-dualistic holographic
awareness of the Truth of God (I AM THAT awareness).

• In this Kundalini process, we experience non-causal ecstasy, non-causal contentment, non-causal

Love, non-causal peace, and communion with God, which is our
natural state.

• There are two Kundalini energies. The mundane Kundalini emanates out of the dormant Shakti
Kundalini. It powers the physiologic functions of the body. It is a dormant remnant of the spiritual

• The dormant spiritual kundalini energy is based at the base of the spine, and has the potential to
transform us into the non-dualistic, living awareness of the Truth of God, of I AM THAT. Once the
Kundalini is awakened, it moves through the physical and subtle bodies, removing blocks and
spiritualizing the consciousness of the aspirant. This process of enfoldment awakens our
consciousness to the higher awareness and energy of each chakra.

• Kundalini has been a part of many spiritual traditions, including yoga, Kabbalah, African tribal
rituals, and transpersonal and Jungian psychologies.

• Another term for Kundalini energy is prana. In Yoga, the term prana is used to describe basic
universal energy. This energy must be awakened, generally through meditative practices, in order to
be experienced.
• Kundalini works to purify and awaken each chakra so that our mind merges with the highest
awareness. The Kundalini energy continues to work as a spiritualizing force in the physical anatomy
and in all the subtle anatomies, until it merges with the I AM consciousness in the crown chakra.

The Six Foundations for Spiritual Life formulated by Gabriel are:

• Nutrition: vegan, organic, live-food, high-mineralized, low-sugar, individualized, moderate food

intake diet, well-hydrated with pure living water, and including Spiritual Fasting.

• Building prana (life force): Yoga asanas (postures), pranayama (breathing practices), Ophanim (the
energetics of the Hebrew letters), T'ai Chi, Reiki, Tachyon Energy, other energy practices, and
sacred dance. These all enhance and expand the consciousness of the body-mind complex, filling it
with increased life force energy or prana.

• Service and charity: In the process of service and charity, we are able to face our attachments to
things, as well as to feel our connection to all of the family of humanity. This helps to expand
consciousness through direct experience.

• Spiritual guidance and inspiration: Being in the energy of Truth in the presence of a Liberated or
awakened spiritual teacher. This gives meaning, value, heart, and energy to spiritual wisdom
teachings and spiritual life energetics. It is also important to spend time with spiritual people or
community. Expanding and refining the mind with spiritual wisdom teachings, the great scriptures
such as the Zohar, the Torah, the Tao Te Ching, or the Vedas, and great mystical poetry such as that
of Hafitz, Rumi, or Blake is also part of this Foundation. Wisdom literature helps formulate and
focus our consciousness and expand it. Zero Point Process (Western jnana Yoga) as taught by
Gabriel, sacred music, and spending time in Nature are also part of this Foundation.

• Silence: Meditation, prayer, repetition of mantra (hagiya), and chanting (mizmor) the names of
God. Silence is the doorway to the Heart of God. The source of all spiritual wisdom emanates from
the silence of the Divine.

• Kundalini Awakening: Shaktipat initiation, which is the awakening of the Divine force that is
resting in potential within us. This is known as the descent of Grace. It usually occurs through a
living enlightened spiritual teacher, but may occur spontaneously. Once the Shakti Kundalini is
activated, it begins to spontaneously move through our body, spiritualizing every cell, every aspect
of the DNA, every chakra, every nadi (the channels of the subtle nervous system), every organ, and
every tissue, so that consciousness becomes activated into the next evolutionary stage.

Yet these are not goal-oriented practices, but ways of Being that remove the obstacles that prevent
enlightenment from the mind and body. The Six Foundations simply prepare us to awaken from the dream
illusion that we are separate from each other and the earth.
What is essential to remember is that:

• We were never born and will never die.

• We are not the body-mind-I AM complex.

• One cannot lose what one never had (that is, the body-mind-I AM complex).

• One cannot attain what was never lost

Devotion and love of God is another major driving force in the Kabbalistic-Jewish and Yogic traditions, and
most major religions. Without Divine Love, without the burning desire to commune fully with God, the Six
Foundations can become empty mechanical disciplines that have a limited impact on our spiritual evolution.

An Experience of Kundalini Energy

Kundalini is activated through a spiritual transmission called Shaktipat, a process by which a liberated
spiritual teacher with an already awakened Kundalini acts as a vehicle for the transmission of this cosmic
energy into the spiritual aspirant. This is not the only way that Kundalini can be awakened, but it is
powerful, effective, and considered by many to be the most direct method.
The awakening of the Kundalini can manifest in many ways. The following are based
on the experience of Gabriel.

• Kryias: Unusual physical movements or sensations that may occur on emotional, mental, and
spiritual levels. They may be gentle pulsations or swirling feelings over the chakras, very vigorous
physical movements, sudden changes in emotional states, spontaneous crying, rapid thought
production, or spiritual visions. They are evidence of the purifying movement of the Kundalini as it
travels through the body and subtle energy system.

• Visions of the charka system or energy body.

• A feeling of peaceful bliss

• Pains in the sacral and lumbar areas, which are a result of the awakening of the Kundalini.

• The inner world and the universe begin to emerge into awareness.

• Certain emotional issues may come up intensely and then quickly pass

• The being becomes pure ecstasy and Love.

The awakening may be intense, as described above, or it may be moderate or mild. This depends on the
Kundalini energy build-up in each person and what his or her internal spiritual circuitry can handle.

The Ultimate Kundalini Experience

Once the Kundalini is awakened, it is a process, of purifying the body and deepening the experience. If the
seeker continues to awaken, they will proceed down a long path. The final stage is when energy in the sixth
chakra is released when the awakened awareness of all the chakras are merged into the one non-dual
awareness of the Truth.

• Shakti Kundalini and spiritual Kundalini completely merge into a single Kundalini energy. All
polarity of the Kundalini and duality in our consciousness vanish

• The energy of each chakra merges into this one energy, although a remnant of each remains for
body maintenance.

• The subtle bodies are perfectly aligned and merged together.

• The primary center for energy intake becomes the pure prana taken in through the crown chakra.

• The body and mind essentially dissolve into this one energy, our Union in God Consciousness.

• We operate from a sense of pure knowingness, and become absorbed in the pure apperception of
God Awareness. This is a quality associated with Enlightenment.

Sahaja samadhi is when, both awake and asleep, one is aware of being in the awareness of I AM THAT. Even
though the mind-body complex seems to be asleep at night, the witness is experiencing pure Light. The
being realizes they are the divine. There is no path, since we are already here.

Like everything else on the spiritual path, the non-dualistic awareness does not become totally immediate.
No one, even the most enlightened masters, is in 100 percent unbroken awareness of the Truth all of the
time. As long as we are in the body, we are still subject to the subtle pulls of money, sexuality, greed, and the
lust of the body in different ways.

What Happens When the Kundalini is Fully Open and One Becomes

• Each Enlightened Being is an individual expression of the Divine that manifests differently in each
moment as the Absolute plays through the individual soul. Because of individual karmas we are
drawn to different expressions of Liberated Ones. There is no one expression of Enlightenment.
• The Six Foundations are the roadway that help destroy the dream of one's individual existence
separate from the breath Oneness of the universe. From this roadway, footpaths branch off, walked
by the Liberated Ones. Yet all Enlightened Ones have one shared function: to help people wake up
and stay awake.

• In Liberation, all the common rules of the world of duality seem ridiculous. Yet at the same time,
even though they seem ridiculous, we must uphold the rules of the world in order to keep order and
maintain social harmony. This is the main way that people who first enter into the Beingness of
Liberation may slip into a hole called "the ego of Liberation" and create imbalance because they
experience themselves as being beyond the rules of unawakened life.

What are the Chakras?

• The chakras are subtle energy centers.

• On the physical plane, the chakras are connected to the endocrine system and nervous system.
Vortexes are created that pull the cosmic energy into the chakras and then into and energizing the
endocrine and nervous system plexuses.

• When the chakras are balanced as a total system, the total cosmic energetic flow into the human
system is maximized.

• The charkas have been described throughout history by Sufism, Christianity, Kabbalists, western
clairvoyants, and yogic traditions.

• Each chakra has a specific energetic nature that relates to color, sound, and geometric shape.

Location and Meaning of the Chakras

There is no absolute consensus on the full chakra system. However, most people agree on the seven major
chakras of the body.

• The first chakra is at the base of the spine in the perineal area, and is associated with survival.

• The second chakra is located between the pubic bone and the umbilicus, and is associated with

• The third is located between the umbilicus and the solar plexus region, and is associated with
instinct and awareness.

• The fourth is in the midline at the heart level, and is about love.
• The fifth is at the thyroid (throat) level, and is associated with communication.

• The sixth is between the eyes at the brow, and is associated with intuition.

• The seventh is like a skullcap on the vertex of the skull, and is associated with spirituality and faith.

• It is also generally accepted that there is an eighth transpersonal chakra above the head.

Awakening the Chakras

• The chakras always have energy flowing through them; it is a matter of how much energy.

• The chakras are either awake or asleep. The awakening of the chakras is primarily associated with
the development of more evolved spiritual awareness.

• With the awakening of each chakra, there occurs a key transition from mundane consciousness to a
more complete spiritual awareness.

• The first through the third chakras are linked as one unit, with the heart chakra the pivotal
integrator. The fifth through the seventh chakras comprise the second unit, and its relationship to
the heart is also important.


• The vrittis are affecting our psycho-emotional state. They are how the mind expresses itself as
thoughts, tendencies, and desires through the chakra. They represent the activity of the mind.

• The core practices of the Six Foundations harmonize and heal the vrittis so they are no longer

• Many yogis believe that the main purpose of yoga asanas is to balance the vrittis.

Live-food diet, mantra, chanting, service, charity, meditation, Shaktipat, and awakening Kundalini all have
an effect on the vrittis and the lives of spiritual aspirants.


• There are 72,000 nadis, with fourteen basic ones and three main ones that carry the spiritualizing
Kundalini. They help form the chakra system.

• The chakras are said to have spokes, like a wheel. These spokes, called nadis, radiate out from the
• A nadi is a hollow channel through which anything flows, including the blood vessels, lymph
channels, and physical nerves on a physical level.

• On an energetic level, they are channels for the flow of subtle energy. They carry the subtle prana.

The chakras, nadis, vrittis, and Kundalini energy are a completely integrated system. A change in one
affects a change in the others. They all affect the expansion of consciousness.

Healing Imbalanced Kundalini Energy

Sometimes as the Kundalini energy awakens, it can become imbalanced. The author has observed and
treated a number of interesting Kundalini crises, which has given him a unique insight.

• The prime treatment for Kundalini imbalance from the author's experience is receiving Shaktipat
from a Kundalini master, since their energy becomes linked with the balanced energy of the master.
Shaktipat restores the sense of the identity and the chakra balance.

• The second aspect of healing Kundalini imbalance is surrender. This is essential when people are
desperately attempting to open their kundalini rather than lovingly desiring to return to their true
nature. Kundalini awakening is a gift of God's Love, but instead people feel impatience, pride,
egoistic will power, and a lust for consciousness. This is where a lot of these imbalanced energies
can originate.

• The third part of the treatment is building up the ojas. Gabriel gives a great secret for those who are
eating live foods for spiritual reasons, which is the importance of eating ojas building foods. Ojas
building foods are important for creting optimal balance once the kundalini is awakened. Ojas is
considered the purest form of all tissues. It is responsible for body energy, brightness, strength,
immunity, vital force, and physical and mental strength. Asana practice, a live food diet with mostly
low glycemic foods are all ways to build up the ojas.

The Subtle Body System

The seven subtle anatomies are:

• etheric

• emotional

• mental

• astral
• spiritual

• causal

• soul bodies

These seven subtle anatomies comprise what is also known as the aura.

When all seven subtle bodies are aligned, cosmic energy flows through more intensely and with less
resistance to energize and spiritualize the body-mind-spirit complex.

New Nutritional Paradigm

To develop fully an understanding of spiritual anatomy and spiritual awakening, it is obvious that we must
also develop an overall new paradigm of nutrition, Spiritual Nutrition, that includes the material, mental-
emotional, energetic, and spiritual qualities of our Being.

The more we transmute biologically, the less material food we need to take into our systems -- we are living
more and more on the cosmic prana.

The divine light of God is the ultimate spiritual nutrition.

Our Bodies are Crystals

• The key to understanding the assimilation of energy into our physical structure is through the
awareness of our body as a series of interacting crystal structures. We are all, in fact precious

• Realizing that are bodies are similar to crystals gives us a physical basis for understanding the
human thought vibrations, gems, crystals, flower essences, gem elixirs, and homeopathy in healing.

• Micronutrients reach their correct sites in the body because they are drawn to the appropriate
resonating crystalline sites in the system.

• By increasing the crystalline energetic structure of a person, we create a renewed and healthy field
on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Assimilating Food into the Human Body

• Eating is more than just adding up calories, vitamins, and minerals to be materially accumulated as
building blocks in our bodies. All food radiates a unique, species-specific, subtle vibration from its
energy field.

• More than just absorbing the vibration of food, we absorb the vibration of the person who made the

• The vibrations of food resonate with our bone structure, which is similar to that of a crystal. The
bone structure amplifies and transmits resonant energy to the body as a whole.

• Wholistic digestion, then, involves an intimate relationship with the nutrients we take in.

• Plant energy is transferred directly from chlorophyll to the hemoglobin in the red blood cells and
the red blood cells and plasma transfer the plant energy directly to the cells and to the bone
structure, which transmit it to the body.

Importance of Living Nutrients

• Every single cell is a living crystal with an optimal cellular resonance. Nutrients from a non-living
source do not recreate this optimal living frequency.

• Living materials and herb complexes are needed that restore the energetic resonance of the organs,
glands, and cells.

• If a product has any radiation, pesticides, herbicides, organophosphates, heavy metals, talcum
powder, magnesium stearate, titanium dioxide, or other synthetic materials, it may potentially
disrupt the energetic field.

The Role of Meditation

Stress creates degeneration and aging. Mental, emotional, and physical stress cause the subtle bodies to lose
their alignment with each other and block the incoming flow of cosmic energy, or prana.
Meditation reverses the effects of stress.

Our ultimate function and purpose is to enjoy a harmonious meditative way of life that aligns our physical
and all our subtle bodies, allows us to experience the full Grace of God, allows the full cosmic energy or
prana to penetrate all levels of our body-mind-spirit being, filling our lives with the ecstasy of Love.

Right life is the foundation of this spiritual sanctuary. It arises from right diet, right fellowship, right
understanding, right livelihood, right relationship to self, significant others, and society, and attunement to
the heavenly and earthly universal laws. It is the living expression for how we integrate our physical, moral,
and spiritual lives.

Kundalini and Transcendence

Transcendence is the evolutionary process where the energies of the body become more organized and there
is a higher level of energy. The process of transcendence begins with the awakening of the Kundalini.

If we eat high-energy light, biogenic foods, the Kundalini vortex is more energized and thus more active in
transmuting us from matter to energy. Heavier foods and meats slow the vortex energy and slow the
transcendence process, as well as mental and emotional stress.

Part 2: The Spiritual Nutrition Paradigm

Although one cannot eat one's way to God, the Spiritual Nutrition dietary approach of an individualized,
organic, vegan, live-food, high-mineral, low-glycemic, well-hydrated, moderate-intake diet prepared with
Love is a powerful aid in the process of spiritual evolution.
The conventional paradigm of nutrition is focused on the component, additive, and
interactive effects of material properties such as calories, vitamins, proteins, and minerals. It is based on
many outdated belief systems that don't account for the interconnectedness of everything, and that food is
eaten simply to fill up.

A new paradigm of Spiritual Nutrition is evolving which describes nutrients as a dynamic force that interacts
with humans on the physical body level, the mind-emotional level, the energetic level, and the spiritual level.

The basic guideline of spiritual nutrition is: Eat in a way that increases God Communion and let go of what
diminishes that Communion.

Types of Nutrients

When we think of nutrients, we only think of nutrients provided by food. However, there are many other
ways that we can collect nutrients than simply eating food.

1. The Nutrient of Pure Cosmic Energy or prana… which is the ultimate nutrient.

2. Sunlight, which provides many nutrients.

3. Vitamin O, or oxygen taking in from the lungs and skin. This can be optimized through breathing

4. Sexual energy as nutrition

5. The electromagnetic field energy of the Earth

Diet affects the spiritual life of whole cultures as well as individuals.

In Ayurveda, which is the ancient system of healing that is native to India, there are three basic
classifications of diet:

1. A sattvic diet is the most uplifting, spiritually and physically. It is the diet of choice for most who are
on the spiritual path. It takes one inward to the Self. The modern day sattvic diet consists of
organic, whole, natural fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. It emphasizes foods grown in
harmony with Nature by organic farmers, on good soils, ripened naturally, and prepared with an
attitude of Love.

2. A rajasic diet is one that is stimulating and activating for performing many worldly activities. It is
the warrior's or corporate executives diet. Coffee, tea, tobacco, fresh meats, and large amounts of
stimulating spices such as garlic and onions are examples of rajasic foods.

3. A tamasic diet is a degenerate diet for body, mind, and spirit. Tamasic foods are stale, decayed,
decomposed, spoiled, overcooked, recooked leftovers, genetically Modified (GMOs), microwaved,
and other forms of processed foods. These processed foods are chemicalized with preservatives,
pesticides, fungicides, sweeteners, artificial colors, sulfites, nitrites, and similar chemicals.

Ensuring balanced blood sugar levels helps one to meditate.

The thoughts of those who gather, prepare, serve, and eat the food affect the subtle quality of the food and
those who eat it.

The Key Element to the Spiritual Nutrition Approach is Veganism

• Flesh food increases animal-like tendencies such as the vibrations of anger, lust, fear,
aggressiveness, and murderous impulses.

• The energy of a flesh-food diet adds to the impurities of the mind and the nervous system.

• It communicates the energy of destruction to the cells

• The lives of the creatures we've eaten weigh down our astral body with their negative feelings of fear
and suffering at their time of death.

A vegan way of life actively creates six aspects of Non Violence:

• compassion and non-cruelty toward animals

• preserving the Earth and its ecology

• feeding the hungry

• preserving human life

• preservation of personal health

• inspiring peace

Statistics show that vegetarians live longer and have lower rates of chronic degenerative diseases such as
arthritis, heart disease, and cancer.

Plant nutrition, when understood as densified sunlight, is distinctly different from animal nutrition.


Expert research around the world suggests that we need 25-35 grams of protein per day, and less if the
protein we eat comes from live foods. This is in stark contrast to the amount that is generally promoted.

Too much protein may contribute to the development of many of our most common and serious diseases,
such as arthritis, kidney damage, pyorrhea, schizophrenia, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart disease, and
cancer. A high-protein diet causes premature aging and lowers life expectancy.


One of the biggest problems with a vegan diet is B12 deficiency, which is necessary for optimum health. It is
strongly recommended that all vegan and live-food practitioners supplement with B12.

Live Foods

Spiritual Nutrition includes Spiritual Fasting and the taking of primarily live foods (uncooked roots, leafy
vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds). These are the foods that facilitate clear nadis, calm vrittis, and expanded
Live foods are not only health-producing, but non-reproducible by science.

Raw, natural foods come loaded with the active enzymes needed for much of their digestion and overall
health. When enzymes are depleted, so is our vital force and health.
In cooked foods, 100 percent of the enzymes are destroyed, 70-85 percent of the vitamins are destroyed,
pesticides and fungicides break down to form toxic compounds, protein is 50 percent less able to be
assimilated, because of coagulation, and there is an increase in free radical production.

The general recommendation for a maintenance diet for health and spiritual life is 80 percent live and 20
percent cooked foods, with 25-30 percent of the diet biogenic foods. The recommendation for a healing and
most spiritualizing diet is a 100-percent live-food approach.


Gene expression is affected by diet, lifestyle, and environmental stresses, such as movement, food, breath,
stress, and emotional and spiritual life. What we eat speaks to our genes, either turning on the youthing
genes or turning on aging genes.


The single most important rule for spiritual eating is to under eat. One of the main reasons is that it is
difficult to meditate if the body is working to digest.

Eating fewer calories turns the youthing genes on, and promotes longevity.

The art of Spiritual Nutrition is to take just the right amount of food and drink for our individual needs. It
means to consume exactly what is necessary to be a superconductor for the spiritualizing energy of the
Kundalini. It is to eat in a way that best allows us to attract, conduct, store, and transmit the cosmic energy
entering our system.

Spiritual Fasting

Spiritual Fasting is a powerful force in Spiritual Nutrition. Fasting for at least seven days on green juices is
the most powerful dietary way of becoming a superconductor for the Divine.

Combined with meditation, which on one level is a sacrifice of the mind, fasting becomes a mystical sacrifice
of the ego of body and of mind.

Spiritual Fasting diminishes the physical stresses of excess food, along with emotional stresses, psychological
stresses, spiritual stresses, and environmental stresses, is the optimal setting for activating the youthing

Fasting increases the amount of cosmic prana entering the body and therefore the potential of reaching the
critical energy necessary for awakening the Kundalini.
Principles of Ayurveda, the Indian Way of Healing

Since no one diet is good for everyone, the tridosha system offers a harmonious diet for spiritual life by
helping us identify the diet that is best for our particular constitution. The different types (or doshas) are
kapha, pitta, and vata, or variations of the three.

• Kapha people have a slow digestion, made even slower by oily or fatty foods. They do well with
pungent, bitter, and astringent foods, which often help to bring them into balance. They are
especially thrown out of balance by sweet (which they often crave), sour, and salty foods.
Excessively sweet fruits may also cause a derangement. The one exception to this is raw honey,
which is considered a main dietary antidote to a kapha imbalance. All dairy products, with the
exception of some goat milk products, tend to cause derangement in kapha.

• Foods that aggravate vata include: cold foods, carbonated drinks, ice water, an excess of dehydrated
foods, salads with light salad dressings, but vata may have the full range of vegetables and salad,
particularly if they are combined with high-oil-content food such as avocados, soaked nuts and
seeds, or seed and nut salad dressings. Moderate- and low-glycemic fruits, including berries,
avocados, tomatoes, pears, and a little applesauce, are helpful for balancing because they have a
certain amount of sweetness. Excess dry fruits tend to be imbalancing because they are too sweet
and because their dryness aggravates vata. Fruits that seem most balancing for vata seem to be
apricots, avocados, berries, cherries, coconut, figs, citrus, melons, nectarines, and plums.

• Too much pungent, acid, salty, and dry food; too much mustard seed, sesame and linseed oil, fish,
mutton, stems of green leafy vegetables, and wine are not good for Pitta. Sweet, astringent, and
bitter tasting foods help to rebalance pitta, as do moonlight and cold baths.

Using the energies of different herbs to balance our doshas makes the live-food diet
possible for everyone and every type.

Live foods not only build prana and tejas (the inner fire, the fire of the Divine or Kundalini). but must also be
used to build and sustain ojas.

Part of sustaining ojas is to avoid depleting the ojas with drugs or excessive practices or activity.

Live foods are highest in prana, tejas, and ojas.

Rainbow Diet

The four principals of the rainbow diet are:

• Different-color foods are specific for energizing, balancing, and healing their corresponding color-
related charkas. For example, a red apple may be particularly powerful for the red base chakra.
And broccoli may particularly benefit the green heart chakra.

• Each food, according to its outer color, which is its reflecting surface, can be related to the specific
color and energy of a particular chakra.

• Each color food energizes, cleanses, builds, heals, and rebalances the glands, organs, and nerve
centers associated with its color-related chakra.

• The purpose of the Rainbow Diet is to help balance, on a regular daily cycle, each individual chakra,
its associated organs, glands, and nerve plexus, and the chakra system as a whole.

Here is an overview of how the rainbow diet works:

The first, second, and third charkas are red, orange, and yellow-golden These chakras should be stimulated
in the morning, so foods of these colors are eaten. These includes fruits such as apples, oranges, and

Yellow-golden, green, and blue foods are eaten at miday for enhancing the third, fourth, and fifth chakras.
The predominant color for the midday meal is green, the color of the fourth heart chakra. This is the time for
eating salads and other vegetable dishes -sprouts, avocados, lettuce, and dark greens.

Blue, indigo, purple, gold, and white foods enhance the fifth, sixth, and seventh chakras, which are
stimulated in the evening. Gold is included in the evening because purple and gold are complements, and the
crown chakra is associated with golden, as well as purple, These may include blueberries, grapes,
strawberries or plums.

The Rainbow Diet is not a technique for Enlightenment. It is simply a support system to aid in a harmonious
and centered spiritual unfolding.

Low Glycemic Eating

A low-glycemic food is one that slowly raises the blood sugar and has an overall minimal affect on the blood
sugar levels. A high-glycemic food more rapidly converts to sugar and creates a significant elevation in the
blood sugar. This style of eating causes a massive range of health problems, most notably diabetes.

Hypoglycemia is epidemic and is a result of our cultural living, which consists of a disharmonious, stressful
lifestyle, and eating a tamasic diet with excessive amounts of white sugar.

Hypoglycemia can adversely affect the flow of Kundalini and the maintenance of a steady meditation state

Minerals are one of the deep secrets of Spiritual Nutrition. Minerals are frequencies of Light, frequencies of
information, and frequencies of creation for the material world in the universe in which we live.

There are approximately 23 key minerals, including 16 major minerals and 7 minor trace minerals.

Manna is the ultimate alchemical mineral; it is the Philosopher's Stone. It is the most powerful mineral for
transforming consciousness.

Living Water

The function of water is to bring active natural hydrogen into the cell, so the cell becomes hydrated and the
DNA of the nucleus becomes hydrated.
Water is that great communicator of consciousness. What we drink affects our
consciousness and our physical, emotional, and mental state. By drinking water filled with Love, gratitude,
and healing energies, we create a resonance field that creates Love and healing in other people and in all the
water bodies of the planet.

Without water there would be no life on this planet. Healthy water brings life and uplifts the spirit. Polluted
water brings disease and misery. It too is a reflection of the planetary soul.

Why Organic, Natural Foods?

Organic foods are produced without using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or toxic chemicals.

Wild-crafted foods (foods harvested from wild plants) have the highest nutritional content, with organic
foods next, and conventionally grown foods last.

Organic foods have about twice the vitamin and mineral content as conventional foods.

Authentic food has to do with what we can do to add energy to food and soil, by Love and devotion in its
production. This allows us to absorb the highest energy from our food, which is the main way we derive
energy from the planet.

The Purpose of Diet

The purpose of spiritual nutrition is to:

• Aid our spiritual unfolding in the context of the Six Foundations.

• Increase our ability to assimilate, store, conduct, and transmit the cosmic, heightened, evolutionary
energies now being generated on our planet and the intensified energy released by our own spiritual
development, so that these energies either activate and increase our energy potential for the
Kundalini awakening or further support the already awakened Kundalini that acts as a
spiritualizing force in our body-mind-spirit complex.

• Maintain, purify, and honor the body as the physical aspect of the spirit and as the temple for the
spirit in a way that keeps our minds clear and our bodies physically able to cope with the demands
of the spiritual process of Whole Person Enlightenment.

• Balance our individual chakras, balance the chakras as a whole system, and directly aid our
meditation process.

• Use the process of developing an individualized diet for spiritual life, which we call the art of
Spiritual Nutrition, as a spiritual practice in itself.

• Honor and enhance our food as a main interface between

Foundations of the Spiritual Nutrition Approach

There are several key nutritional aspects to the Spiritual Nutrition approach that can be of benefit to most
everyone. To review, they are:

• Live foods -- raw, whole, unprocessed

• Veganism -- diet free from flesh, dairy, and eggs

• Undereating -- calorie restriction that supports optimal phenotypic gene expression

• Sattvic, holy diet that quiets the mind

• Low-glycemic -- minimizing high-sugar foods

• Organic -- foods that do not contain chemical pesticides, herbicides, or fertilizers, and are not
genetically engineered or irradiated

• High-mineral -- taking in the necessary frequencies of Light

• Well hydrated -- foods high in the hydrogen offered by structured water

• Individualized to your constitution

• Spiritual Fasting -- green juice fasting in the context of meditation and spiritual practice, several
times per year

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