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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH - teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains trie new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-26

glory and light, even as ye find the new countenance of godliness upon thee in thine attempt to overcome the world. Blessed
be the name of the Lord thy God even ye would overcome thy seizure in mortality even that thy face might reflect the
knowledge and the light of the Father through the Son of God, even Jesus Christ. [January 25, 1995 (4)]
February I, 1995 (1)
February 7, 1995 (1) The term prophecy denotes that a prophet may speak as directed by the Lord Jesus Christ unto whom
he hath sworn an oath of allegiance and devotion to commit to words the writing upon the heart given to man of God
through the gift and bestowal of the gift of God which uttereth all things unto those to whom it shall be designated who shall
hear the mind and will of God. A prophet designated by the revealing of the mind and will of God will perform unto God
the actions of prophetic utterance and of writing to prepare a people for the coming desiructions upon the face of the earth—
literally fiilfilling the word of the Ixird unto man in whom the seed of eternal life groweth like unto a tree of knowledge of
good and evil in whom is the knowledge given that the life and eternal- life cycle of the righteous and the death and etemal-
death cycle of the wicked who deny the Christ and who defy the God of Israel unto a claiming of the rights of the priesthood
for all those who desire to pervert the way of the Lord unto a death of spirit knowledge held inviolate within the godly
eternal- intelligence structure, which is as a closet of knowledge of things good and evil whereby the good is of God the
Eternal Father and his Son Jesus Christ and the evil is the evil indoctrination of Lucifer who was cast out of the presence of
God. [February 7, 1995(1)]
February', 1995 (2)
February 7, 1995 (2) Ye bear a burden far greater because of thy knowledge of the way. Ye bear the knowledge of the living
Christ. Ye bear thy knowledge given to thee because of the desire to serve God in purity of heart; for ye are guileless and
proceed to hear the word of the Lord given unto thee in the closet of thy holy partition of knowledge given during the
spiritual- creation process— and ye have been given sanctioned presence to access this knowledge because of thy pure heart.
Ye have participated in the regaining of thy strength to stand in the presence of the Lord to receive an out-pouring of
knowledge to sustain thee and strengthen thee in thy travail upon the earth and receive a martyr's reward of righteousness,
even that ye would come to hear the word of the Lord in thy heart and feast upon the everlasting manna of pure
righteousness. [February 7, 1995 (2)]
februaryl5, 199S (I)
February 15, 1995 fl) Ye have been called this day to arise with the knowledge of eternal life upon thy brow, even the
knowledge that thy God doth find thee perfected in thy cleanliness to hear the word of the Lord as given unto thee that ye
would hearken unto the voice of many waters which foundation is as the foundation of the heavens which awake within the
purified heart of a sou) found not in rebellion against the voice of forever longevity of life eternal. Be at perfect peace, my
daughter of the holy covenant of restored communication between God and the waters of life on the earth, even a purified
fountain of living water which hearkens unto the voice of many waters. Beat peace; for thy hearing is equal to thy faith in
the living God. [February 15,1995 (1)]
February 22, 1995 (2)
February 22, 1995 (2) Ye have been addressed as a daughter of the most high God and ye are found worthy to obey
commandment given of God. Ye have heen found worthy to find within thyself a strength given of God, a premortal faith
unto reliance upon the holy word of the Lord. [Edited; February 22, 1995 (2)]
February 22, 1995 (3)
February 22, 1995 (3) [Written February 22, 1995 (3) I received an insight into my dream. The drilling of the screws in my
head was to secure a wire system to give me strength in my back supported by the wires along my backbone to uphold me. I
did not understand it was for ray good to give me a strength to walk in the paths of the Lord. The insight was that I had
walked away across the street with screws in my head and when I came back, I had wires aligned down my backbone—
meaning the strength of the Lord was mine as a capacity to stand— being aided by divine power.] [A flexible wire was
attached to my backbone along my spine, and up over my head and skul! to the bridge of my nose and attached to my
mouth.This description written June 3, 2002.] [February 22, 1995 (3)]
February 25, 1995(3)
February 25, 1995 (3) Ye have accomplished the work well that ye come with broken and contrite heart feasting upon the
word of the Lord. Ye have been found pleasing in the sight of God and ye shall obtain the Spirit of peace— even as ye feast
upon the living manna of discipleship in the name of the Lord. Rest in peace and be accompanied with the words of eternal
life in thy mind unto a restful assurance that ye need not go out from the presence of the Lord which dwelleth within thee.
[February 25, 1995(3)]
February 25, 1995 (4)
February 25, 1995 (4) Be true to the name of thy discipleship origin; for ye shall follow the lead of the Savior in doing the
necessary things; and ye will meet others along the way who ye will be given a password to open up their faith and trust in
God to rely upon his direction to further the work of the Lord upon the earth. [Edited; February 25, 1995 (4)]
March S, 1995(1)

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the

All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-26

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