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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative
•- witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-54

heart and found prepared to weather the test within thine own mind overcoming the thoughts placed there to overthrow thy
purity of heart to find peace amid the counterfeit- destructive elements in the world. Bring forth thy pure- heart desire and be
willing to see thy protection in thy faith undaunted as ye move forward and with the ability to discard the jeers and the
taunting comments which replay in thy mind when they are allowed to remain uncovered by the blood of Jesus Christ.
Cover those remaining vestiges of fear with the saving and redeeming sacrifice of thy Savior and Redeemer and come unto
the white fruit of redemptive clearance, even the mercy and love of God protecting thee from the veil of unbelief in the
world. Partake of the fruit of faith placed in the name of Jesus Christ and see the fear within thy mind dissolve as the things
of the promises of God sink deep within thy heart. Dissolve the fear of man and what man can do. Recognize the saving
ordinances of salvation are experienced through complete faith in God unto the monitoring of the constant flow of the words
of Christ upon thy brow. Release thy reliance upon the puny arm of man and rely upon the mighty arm of deliverance and
the living light of truth and overcoming the threads of fear woven in the daily experience that ye would be mindful of the
world of liberty of mind, the world of liberty of heart and the world of liberty of worship. Ye need not fear as ye praise God
from a pure desire to be found in the presence of great understanding and be found covered by the blood of Jesus Christ in
the sacrificial stance of obeying the command of God to come to the feast and replenish the water of life in thy mind which
offsets the words of spoken meanness in the world. Be ye diligent in removing thy focus in the things of man which
sabotage thy faith in the Eternal God who doth rid thy heart of the barriers which are found stopping thy progress. Beware
of pride gained in the world, even thy pride of appearing like unto the world in that ye would be found acceptable to those
who would judge thy motive and thine offering to be of no worth in the sight of God. [July 29, 1996 (1)]
July 29, 1996 (2)
July 29, 1996 (2) Ye need not fear the Lord thy God as ye come to partake of the elements of the new birth of righteousness
even ye would come to understanding even ye would be found in the world, but not of the world. Be not daunted in the fight
for truth in uncovering the things of the eternal focus and the things which bring peace in thy heart Ye shall find thy
salvation in the arms of thy Savior that ye would focus upon the eternal things of everlasting life even the focus of
knowledge and light and experience garnished and partaken of as ye help others gain a foothold in the faith that overcometh
the world of fear and fearful cowering among those who seek unrighteous dominion over thy mind and heart. Be kind and
turn thy cheek and heed not that which is hurled at thy sensitive strata, neither allow thy cheek to give heed as ye change thy
focus to Christ and forgiveness that thy cheek might not be marred with the abusive words and the confrontational displays
of anger and malice spit upon thy face. These things are of darkness and disfigure the sender and cause the harshness of
darkness to attack the one who refuses to see beyond the display of malice and vengeance and jealousy. Hearken unto these
words so as to find thy peaceful cheek turned in the battle for truth. Turn thy cheek and see the glory of God arising upon
thy countenance and place thy faith in the word of everlasting happiness as ye place thy focus upon Christ and take thy
focus off the attacker, or the abuser or the one who defames thy name even ye would forgive the darkness which inhabits
another and is hurled at thee. [July 29, 1996 (2)]
August 1, 1996 (1)
August 7, 1996 (1) Ye are called to be strong in thine affliction even called to carry forth in the knowledge- gathering
process that ye would be found among the jewels which shine and bear witness of the love of God in the darkness of the
surrounding world. Blessed art thou that ye might be found in supplication that ye might be awakened to the things of
eternal life, the things of welcome into the presence of God. So be it written that ye rejoice in the name of God. Amen that
ye might rejoice in the living tribute of everlasting light and glory received at the throne of God. [August 7, 1996 (1)]
September 5, 1996 (1)
September 5, 1996 (1) Ye have broken through to the reserved space of peace within thy knowledge, thy premortal
knowledge of the greatness of thy preparation to stand tall and be counted in the battle for the souls of men upon the earth,
to redeem them according to thy willingness to place their sins upon thy back and make an atonement in similitude of the
great atonement of thy Redeemer, even Jesus Christ; for ye shall spread thine understanding forward and replay the scenes
of thy childhood- fostered love which ye obtained in the premortal courts with thy Father and Mother of the everlasting
covenant, even thy Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother who look upon thee with compassion that ye might be girded up
in thy mortality to learn through thine own experience those things of the sacred knowledge of redemption that ye might be
found prepared to inhabit the strength to ward off all destructive thoughts and feelings through thy faith in the name of Jesus
Christ which bringeth thee peace in thy trial and peace in thine attitude of forbearance when ye are accosted with words
which maim thee and disfigure thy confidence before the throne of thy Father who declareth thy purity and desire for
righteousness shall be found sufficient to weather the test to regain thy premortal strength to stand amid all persecution and
name- calling which would seek to defame thy pure intentions to glorify the face of the Lord God within thine own heart. So
be it written and given unto thee that ye shall be given the knowledge of the intents of the hearts of those who seek to
discredit thine intentions before the throne of the Father, even Elohim who doth prepare thee with an armful of loving
condolences and sacred messages to sustain thee in thy trial unto perfected righteousness. So be it written and given unto

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-54

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