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2008 IEEE International Conference on Signal Image Technology and Internet Based Systems

A Fast Fingerprint Classification Algorithm by Tracing Ridge–flow Patterns

Neeta Nain, Bhavitavya Bhadviya, Biju Gautam, Dinesh Kumar Deepak B M

Department of Computer Engineering GlobalLogic, NOIDA
Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur

Abstract images. Some of the algorithms employ mathematical

models to achieve classification. But, the complexity lies
We propose a novel algorithm to classify fingerprint im- in finding the exact mathematical model, as the fingerprint
ages using the ridge flow patterns. In Fingerprint Verifi- images do not show intra-class common patterns. These
cation Systems (FVSs), classification of the fingerprint im- methods [11]– [13] are dependent on the positions and
ages saves time and increases accuracy, as compared to the the number of singular points. Some of the methods fall
sequential search method. In this paper, we have first ex- under the category of frequency domain. In this category,
tracted the High Ridge Curvature (HRC) region using the the images are enhanced, transformed into frequency
Sobel operator and Gabor filter. Once the region is ex- domain [3], and the coefficients of frequency are used for
tracted, the ridges within the region are traced in both the comparison. Methods such as [6]– [10] are based on the
directions, starting from any point on the ridge. Vectors are ridge structures, and the locations and the positions of the
drawn at the end points of the ridge. The vectors drawn at minutiae.
the end points are able to determine the class to which a fin-
gerprint image belongs. In case of a whorl, the co-ordinates
of the ridges from the starting point are monitored in or- The algorithm [12] uses Kohonen’s feature maps in
der to determine the class. The algorithm is very fast as it order to classify the images. The training takes time,
eliminates the core point detection, and is based on simple which may adversely affect the time complexity when
ridge–flow connectivity. The implementation was done on the number of test images to be processed is high. [4]
Matlab, and the overall accuracy of classification without uses one–vs–all support vector machines to classify; the
rejection was 98.75%. accuracy is comparable with some of the best algorithms,
but this is at the cost of time taken in classifying. The
algorithm [9] uses a feedback based genetic algorithm,
which is time consuming in error propagation. In [7], the
1. Introduction algorithm is based on the core point detection and this can
be time consuming at times. In [2], the paper presents
Biometric recognition refers to the use of distinctive a novel algorithm in classifying fingerprint images using
physiological (e.g., fingerprint, face, retina, and iris) and orientation field flow curves. This algorithm considers
behavioral (e.g., gait, signature) characteristics, called generating field flow curves which may be redundant in
biometric identifiers or automatically recognizing individ- some cases. For instance, in a fingerprint image with a
uals. Biometrics offers reliable means of authentication, loop, it traces ridges around the delta point, which may be
and greater security and convenience [5] than traditional not necessary. We propose a simple and fast algorithm in
methods of personal recognition; these attributes cannot be order to handle faster classification. We have minimized
easily shared or stolen. the number of such traces by considering the ridges, for
tracing, only within the HRC region. This also eliminates
Classification plays the most important role in increasing the core point detection and hence aids in reducing the time
the accuracy of fingerprint matching, and in reducing the complexity.
amount of time taken in finding a match. The fingerprint
images are broadly classified into four categories: right
loop, left loop, whorl, and arch. In this paper, algorithm The number of classes is chosen as four, as seen in
classifies tented arch and arch as one class. Figure 1 shows Figure 1. The classes tented arch and arch are merged to
the fingerprint images belonging to different classes. There form only one class.
are several methods and techniques that classify fingerprint

978-0-7695-3493-0/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE 235

DOI 10.1109/SITIS.2008.101
3. The local orientations at the pixel (x, y) can be calcu-
lated as follows:
i+ W
2 j+ W
Vx (i, j) = 2δx (u, v)δy (u, v) (3)
u=i− W W
2 v=j− 2

i+ W
2 j+ W
Vy (i, j) = δx2 (u, v)δy2 (u, v) (4)
u=i− W W
2 v=j− 2

1 Vy (i, j) π
θ(i, j) = tan−1 + , (5)
2 Vx (i, j) 2
where θ is the direction of the block centered at pixel
(x, y), it is orthogonal to the local orientation of each
Figure 1. Fingerprint image classes: (a) Right block.
loop, (b) Whorl, (c) Arch, and (d) Left loop.
4. The blocks with slope values ranging from 0 to π2 are
located. Then, trace a path down until you encounter
a slope that is not ranging from 0 to π2 and mark that
2 Algorithm block. The block with the highest number of marks
yields the HRC region.
The algorithm has two stages. In the first stage, the HRC
region [1] is extracted. The core point detection is elimi- 2.2 Ridge Tracing
nated in order to reduce computation. In the second stage,
instead of tracing the ridges around the core point, the ridges Once, the HRC region is extracted, starting from the
in the HRC region are traced. Since the core point lies in top–most center pixel in the HRC region, we search for
the HRC region, the classification accuracy is not affected. ridges in the downward direction. A tracing is carried out
Once the ridges are traced, the classification is done on the in both the directions of the ridge, as shown in Figure 2
basis of the vectors drawn at the end points, and other pa- (a). The tracing is carried out on the thinned–binary image.
rameters, which are mentioned in Subsection 2.2. The extracted binary image is the output of the Gabor filter.
The tracing classifies the fingerprint images into different
2.1 High Ridge Curvature (HRC) Extrac- classes.
The tracing is done simply by using the connectivity of
This stage employs the calculation of the HRC region as the pixels. While tracing, if a bifurcation is encountered
described in [1]. The algorithm used is as follows: at any point, one of the branches is traced till the end,
after which, the bifurcation point is reconsidered, and the
1. A block size of W XW is centered at pixel (i, j) in the second branch is also traced till the end. The pixels are
normalized fingerprint image. remembered by marking the pixels, so that re–tracing is
2. For every pixel in the block, calculate the gradients avoided. While tracing any fingerprint image, the number
along the X and the Y directions. Call them as δx and of interceptions made between the ridges and the vertical
δy respectively. The horizontal Sobel operator used to line, formed by joining the top–most and the bottom-most
compute δx is: center pixels in the HRC region, is calculated. The reason
for this is given below. When a bifurcation is encountered,
the tracing of the second branch does not add to the count
 
1 0 −1
 2 0 −2  (1) of the number of interceptions.
1 0 −1 Tracing more than one ridge: this is done in order to
avoid errors in classification. For instance, when a ridge
The vertical Sobel operator used to compute δy is: ends abruptly and unexpectedly, due to physical damages
  on the finger or some other reasons, more than one ridge is
1 2 1 traced in order to retain good classification accuracy. This
 0 0 0  (2) is a rare case, though. The Gabor filter based extraction
−1 −2 −1 is very efficient and hence takes care of most of the

discontinuous ridges. In this paper, for every image, we for a loop.
have considered tracing three ridges.
4. Whorl: In case of a whorl, the classification is done on
The conditions based on which the images are classified the basis of success in any one or all the below men-
are: tioned conditions:

1. Right loop: A ridge starting from the HRC is traced in • While tracing, the vertical line (formed by join-
both the directions, and the vectors are drawn at such ing the top–most and the bottom–most center
points as shown in 2 (b). The angular magnitude be- pixels in the HRC region) is intercepted many
tween the ridges is very small as compared to an arch times, which is not the case for a loop, or an arch.
(where the angular magnitude between the vectors is Typically, the value for the number of such inter-
large). The calculation of the HRC eliminates the er- ceptions for a loop is one in almost all the cases,
rors significantly. Outside the HRC, or significantly and zero for an arch. This is shown in Figure 3.
away from the core point, the tracing fails to classify • While tracing, if the X and the Y coordinates of
the images. For a fingerprint loop, a ridge outside the the points are monitored by taking a simple av-
HRC may help in wrong classification. The vectors erage over the scanned pixels, the centroid (aver-
at the end points may have a large angular magnitude. age) lies very close to the core point, which is not
This is because, the loop exists only close to the core the case for a loop, or for an arch.
point. This is shown in Figure 2 (c). The difference
between a right and a left loop, in order to classify, can
be calculated by taking the sum of the two vectors. The
resultant vectors points to the right of the starting trace
point in case of a Right loop, and lies to the left of the
starting trace point in case of a left loop.

Figure 3. Figure showing the ridges and the

Figure 2. The figure (a) shows how the ridges line formed by joining the top-most and the
within the HRC are traced in both the direc- bottom-most center pixels of the HRC region.
tions. The tracing is actually carried out on
the thinned–binary–fingerprint images. This
image is shown for clarity. The HRC, here, is
shown for clarity; it is not the calculated HRC. 3 Experimental Parameters
Figure (b) shows the vectors drawn by join-
ing the starting point of trace and the ending This section presents the various parameters that were
points of trace, and the angular magnitude obtained during the implementation of the algorithm. Apart
between the vectors. Figure (c) shows the from this, it also shows how the various thresholds of these
wrong classification when a ridge is traced parameters are used in order to classify images.
from outside the HRC.
3.1 The Angular Magnitude
2. Left loop: The algorithm uses the same technique as it
does for the right loop. The only difference lies in the The angular magnitude is the angle between the vectors
resultant vector, which points to the left of the starting drawn by joining the end points with the starting trace point
trace point, as is discussed in the previous point. as shown in the Figure 2 (b) and (c). For the fingerprint arch
images, this angle was always greater than 90 degrees. But
3. Arch: In case of an arch, the vectors share a large an- for the fingerprint loop images, this angle was always less
gular magnitude. The angular magnitude is very small than 90 degrees. The difference between the right loop and

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5 Conclusions and future work

This paper presents a new algorithm to classify finger-

print images into four different classes. The algorithm is
based on simple geometrical techniques and is very easy to
be implemented. The algorithm eliminates the calculation
of the core point and hence stands out as a very fast algo-
rithm. Further work would be directed towards increasing
the accuracy of the whorl fingerprint images.


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