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Report on Monthly Survey of
Retail Sales

December 2010

引言 Introduction 1
概況 General observations 1
統計表 Tables
1. 按零售商類別劃分的零售價值指數 1. Value index of retail sales by type of 4
retail outlet
2. 按零售商類別劃分的零售業銷貨價值 2. Value of retail sales by type of retail outlet 7
3. 按主要貨品種類劃分的超級市場的 3. Value of retail sales in supermarkets by 10
零售業銷貨價值 broad product category
4. 按主要貨品種類劃分的百貨公司的 4. Value of retail sales in department stores by 11
零售業銷貨價值 broad product category
5. 按零售商類別劃分的零售量指數 5. Volume index of retail sales by type of 12
retail outlet
6. 零售業總銷貨數量變動情況 6. Movement of the volume of total retail sales 15

統計圖 Charts
1. 總零售價值指數 1. Value index of total retail sales 16
2. 總零售量指數 2. Volume index of total retail sales 16

統計調查方法 Survey methodology

1. 統計調查的涵蓋範圍 1. Survey coverage 17
2. 樣本設計 2. Sample design 17
3. 資料搜集 3. Data collection 17
4. 分析零售業銷貨額統計數字時應注意事項 4. Points to note in analysing retail sales statistics 18
5. 零售商的分類 5. Classification of retail outlets 18
6. 新零售業銷貨額統計數字的後向估計數列 6. Backcasted series of new retail sales statistics 19

附錄 Appendices
甲. 各零售商類別的修訂涵蓋範圍 A. Revised coverage of different types of 20
retail outlets
乙. 零售商類別按新舊分類對照表 B. Concordance table for types of retail outlets 21
under old and new classifications

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Published in February 2011

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引言 Introduction

1. 零售業銷貨額統計數字是從「零售 1. The Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

業銷貨額按月統計調查」搜集的數據編 (MRS) collects data for compiling retail sales
statistics primarily intended to measure the sales
製,主要是用來量度本地零售業機構單位 receipts in respect of goods sold by local retail
銷售貨品的收益,以評估本地零售業短期 establishments, for gauging the short-term
的業務表現。 business performance of the local retail sector.

2. 零售業機構單位的分類是採用「香 2. The classification of retail establishments

港標準行業分類」。該行業分類用於各經 follows the Hong Kong Standard Industrial
Classification (HSIC), which is used in various
濟統計調查,把經濟單位撥歸不同的行業 economic surveys for classifying economic units
類別。為方便分析本地零售業短期的業務 into different industry classes. To facilitate
表現,本報告內把零售行業,按個別組別 analysis of the short-term business performance
of the local retail sector, the industry classes of
的重要性,組合成二十個零售商類別。 the retail sector have been grouped into 20 retail
outlet types in this report, taking into account
their importance in the retail sector.

3. 政府統計處在二零零八年十月推行 3. Upon the implementation of the new

新 的 「 香港標準行業分類2.0版」後,「零 HSIC Version 2.0 by the Census and Statistics
Department in October 2008, the MRS has been
售業銷貨額按月統計調查」已作出改變, enhanced to adopt the new classification in
採用新行業分類編製零售業銷貨額統計數 compiling the retail sales statistics. Starting
字。由二零零九年一月起,所有零售業銷 from the reference month of January 2009, all
the retail sales statistics are compiled based on
貨 額 統 計數字均按「香港標準行業分類2.0 the HSIC Version 2.0.

概況 General observations

4. 根據「零售業銷貨額按月統計調 4. According to the MRS, the value of total

查」,二零一零年十二月的零售業總銷貨 retail sales in December 2010, provisionally
estimated at $34.9 billion, increased by 18.5%
價 值 的 臨 時 估 計 為 349 億 元 , 較 二 零 零 九 over a year earlier. After netting out the effect
年 同 月 上 升 18.5% 。 扣 除 期 間 價 格 變 動 of price changes over the same period, the
後,二零一零年十二月的零售業總銷貨數 volume of total retail sales increased by 15.9%
in December 2010 when compared with a year
量 較 二 零 零 九 年 同 月 上 升 15.9% 。 所 用 的 earlier. The relevant components of the
物價平減指數是從消費物價指數內相關的 Consumer Price Index are used as deflators.

5. 二零一零年十一月的零售業總銷貨 5. The revised estimate of the value of total

價 值 的 修 訂 估 計 為 270 億 元 , 較 二 零 零 九 retail sales in November 2010, at $27.0 billion,
increased by 18.1% when compared with
年 十 一 月 上 升 18.1% , 而 總 銷 貨 數 量 則 上 November 2009, while the volume of total retail
升15.4%。 sales increased by 15.4%.

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 -1- Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010
6. 按商店主要類別分析,二零一零年 6. Analysed by broad type of retail outlet
十二月與二零零九年十二月比較,雜項耐 and comparing December 2010 with
December 2009, the volume of sales of
用消費品的銷貨數量升幅最大,上升 miscellaneous consumer durable goods
103.6% 。 其 次 為 鞋 類 、 有 關 製 品 及 其 他 衣 increased the most, by 103.6%. This was
物 配 件 ( 零 售 量 上 升 29.8% ) 、 電 器 及 攝 followed by sales of footwear, allied products
and other clothing accessories (+29.8% in
影 器 材 ( 上 升 27.8% ) 、 珠 寶 首 飾 、 鐘 錶 volume); electrical goods and photographic
及 名 貴 禮 物 ( 上 升 24.7% ) 、 雜 項 消 費 品 equipment (+27.8%); jewellery, watches and
( 上 升 14.5% ) 、 服 裝 ( 上 升 14.2% ) 、 clocks, and valuable gifts (+24.7%);
miscellaneous consumer goods (+14.5%);
傢 具 及 固 定 裝 置 ( 上 升 13.0% ) 、 超 級 市 wearing apparel (+14.2%); furniture and
場 貨 品 ( 上 升 9.4% ) 、 汽 車 及 汽 車 零 件 fixtures (+13.0%); commodities in
( 上 升 7.4% ) 、 百 貨 公 司 貨 品 ( 上 升 supermarkets (+9.4%); motor vehicles and
parts (+7.4%); commodities in department
6.7% ) , 以 及 食 品 、 酒 類 飲 品 及 煙 草 ( 上
stores (+6.7%); and food, alcoholic drinks and
升3.1%)。 tobacco (+3.1%).

7. 另一方面,二零一零年十二月與二 7. On the other hand, the volume of sales of

零零九年同月比較,燃料的銷貨數量下跌 fuels decreased by 3.2% in December 2010
when compared with a year earlier.

8. 二零一零年第四季與第三季比較, 8. Based on the seasonally adjusted series,

經季節性調整的零售業總銷貨數量上升 the volume of total retail sales increased by
8.0% in the fourth quarter of 2010 when
8.0%。 compared with the preceding quarter.

9. 與二零零九年比較,二零一零年全 9. For 2010 as a whole, total retail sales

年 的 零 售 業 總 銷 貨 價 值 上 升 18.3% , 而 總 increased by 18.3% in value or 15.5% in volume
over 2009.

10. 按商店主要類別分析,二零一零年 10. Analysed by broad type of retail outlet

全年與二零零九年全年比較,雜項耐用消 and comparing the whole year of 2010 with
2009, the volume of sales of miscellaneous
費 品 的 銷 貨 數 量 升 幅 最 大 , 上 升 49.8% 。 consumer durable goods increased the most, by
其次為汽車及汽車零件(零售量上升 49.8%. This was followed by sales of motor
36.8% ) 、 電 器 及 攝 影 器 材 ( 上 升 vehicles and parts (+36.8% in volume);
electrical goods and photographic equipment
28.6% ) 、 珠 寶 首 飾 、 鐘 錶 及 名 貴 禮 物 (+28.6%); jewellery, watches and clocks, and
( 上 升 26.0% ) 、 鞋 類 、 有 關 製 品 及 其 他 valuable gifts (+26.0%); footwear, allied
衣 物 配 件 ( 上 升 18.3% ) 、 服 裝 ( 上 升 products and other clothing accessories
(+18.3%); wearing apparel (+15.3%);
15.3% ) 、 百 貨 公 司 貨 品 ( 上 升 commodities in department stores (+12.5%);
12.5% ) 、 傢 具 及 固 定 裝 置 ( 上 升 furniture and fixtures (+11.9%); miscellaneous
11.9% ) 、 雜 項 消 費 品 ( 上 升 9.5% ) 、 食 consumer goods (+9.5%); food, alcoholic
品 、 酒 類 飲 品 及 煙 草 ( 上 升 6.2% ) 、 超 級 drinks and tobacco (+6.2%); commodities in
supermarkets (+3.5%); and fuels (+1.5%).
市 場 貨 品 ( 上 升 3.5% ) , 以 及 燃 料 ( 上 升

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 -2- Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010
11. 表一列出二零一零年一月至十二月 11. Table 1 presents the value index of retail
所有零售商及按零售商類別劃分的零售價 sales for all retail outlets and by type of retail
outlet from January to December 2010. The
value index is compiled with the average
年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均 monthly value index of retail sales from
零售價值指數定為一百。 October 2004 to September 2005 taken as 100.

12. 表二列出二零一零年一月至十二月 12. Table 2 presents the value of retail sales

所有零售商及按零售商類別劃分的零售業 for all retail outlets and by type of retail outlet
from January to December 2010.

13. 表三列出二零一零年一月至十二月 13. Table 3 presents the value of retail sales

按主要貨品種類劃分的超級市場的零售業 in supermarkets by broad product category from
January to December 2010.

14. 表四列出二零一零年一月至十二月 14. Table 4 presents the value of retail sales

按主要貨品種類劃分的百貨公司的零售業 in department stores by broad product category
from January to December 2010.

15. 表五列出二零一零年一月至十二月 15. Table 5 presents the volume index of

所有零售商及按零售商類別劃分的零售量 retail sales for all retail outlets and by type of
retail outlet from January to December 2010.
The volume index is compiled with the average
月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均零售 monthly volume index of retail sales from
量指數定為一百。 October 2004 to September 2005 taken as 100.

16. 表六展示零售業總銷貨數量的變動 16. Table 6 shows the movement of the volume

情況。它列出以原來數列計算某月份與上 of total retail sales in terms of the
year-on-year rate of change for a month compared
with the same month in the preceding year based
節性調整數列計算,截至所示月份的三個 on the original series, and in terms of the rate of
月與先前三個月比較的變動百分率。 change for a three-month period compared with
the preceding three-month period based on the
seasonally adjusted series.

17. 圖一及圖二分別顯示由二零零七年 17. Charts 1 and 2 depict, respectively, the

十二月至二零一零年十二月的總零售價值 movements of the value and volume indices of
total retail sales from December 2007 to
December 2010 and the seasonally adjusted
二月至二零一零年十二月的經季節性調整 indices from December 2007 to December 2010.

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 -3- Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表一: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售價值指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)

Table 1: Value index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

所有零售商類別 174.3 160.1 167.2 147.2 149.2 154.1 144.7 162.1 158.0 149.5 165.3 160.8 207.3 161.1
All retail outlets (+6.5) (+35.8) (+18.7) (+19.0) (+15.5) (+19.7) (+15.3) (+19.2) (+17.1) (+17.2) (+21.8) (+18.1) (+18.5) (+18.3)

食品、酒類飲品及煙草(超級市場除外) 159.9 155.8 157.8 137.3 143.5 140.9 129.6 131.3 139.8 165.9 154.9 147.9 163.5 147.5
Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (+1.1) (+37.7) (+16.4) (+6.9) (+9.3) (+8.8) (+10.7) (+10.3) (+7.6) (+7.4) (+6.4) (+6.7) (+8.6) (+9.6)
(other than supermarkets)
新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 178.4 182.5 180.5 158.9 160.3 141.6 131.5 122.3 130.2 133.6 145.4 138.2 164.3 148.9
Fish, livestock and poultry, (+0.5) (+28.9) (+13.1) (+3.9) (+3.2) (+0.1) (+3.4) (+5.8) (+3.2) (+5.3) (+3.3) (+0.2) (+5.2) (+5.2)
fresh or frozen
新鮮蔬果 99.7 75.3 87.5 110.2 117.0 118.3 126.1 117.4 119.4 112.0 116.2 82.4 91.9 107.1
Fruits and vegetables, fresh (+3.1) (+2.4) (+2.8) (+3.3) (+4.5) (+0.9) (+1.3) (-2.2) (+2.0) (+9.1) (+7.0) (+3.8) (+2.7) (+3.0)
麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 120.8 134.2 127.5 114.6 110.3 119.1 111.4 116.0 124.4 262.2 150.9 132.4 151.5 137.3

Bread, pastry, confectionery and (-7.6) (+35.7) (+11.1) (+10.8) (+10.7) (+15.8) (+17.4) (+17.1) (+20.2) (+9.0) (+10.5) (+14.9) (+14.2) (+13.0)
酒類飲品及煙草 243.6 243.2 243.4 200.2 209.8 206.0 198.4 212.8 207.6 216.9 215.7 221.7 278.2 221.2
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco (+21.5) (+55.5) (+36.4) (+15.0) (+22.6) (+24.5) (+26.5) (+20.9) (+8.6) (+15.5) (+11.7) (+16.9) (+21.4) (+21.1)
其他食品 161.6 139.7 150.7 118.7 137.2 141.7 118.0 127.6 144.7 119.9 158.8 165.9 154.0 140.7
Other foodstuffs (-2.3) (+52.2) (+17.2) (+4.8) (+11.4) (+9.5) (+10.2) (+8.7) (+5.1) (+1.8) (+3.9) (+3.8) (+2.2) (+7.8)
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

超級市場 134.4 141.5 138.0 125.5 124.4 135.2 132.2 139.9 140.1 138.1 140.8 133.6 146.1 136.0
Supermarkets (-12.6) (+27.0) (+4.0) (+1.6) (+2.9) (+2.2) (+2.6) (+6.4) (+4.9) (+7.5) (+8.0) (+10.1) (+12.5) (+5.6)

燃料 137.2 116.5 126.8 138.5 138.9 148.0 139.6 147.1 146.9 147.9 147.6 146.1 152.3 142.2
Fuels (+10.9) (+9.9) (+10.4) (+16.5) (+11.4) (+12.2) (+4.2) (+8.1) (+5.7) (+6.4) (+10.6) (+13.0) (+10.6) (+9.8)

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表一: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售價值指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)

Table 1: Value index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100) (Cont'd)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

衣物、鞋類及有關製品 183.9 167.5 175.7 139.5 138.0 147.6 124.5 164.5 139.1 124.7 166.4 157.1 226.4 156.6
Clothing, footwear and allied products (+2.3) (+44.8) (+18.9) (+21.3) (+10.3) (+13.1) (+13.6) (+17.1) (+13.5) (+20.3) (+24.3) (+14.1) (+20.2) (+17.3)
服裝 177.3 166.1 171.7 142.1 143.0 150.8 123.1 166.8 135.4 124.5 169.8 156.5 225.8 156.8
Wearing apparel (+6.6) (+40.9) (+20.8) (+22.6) (+9.5) (+12.6) (+13.1) (+16.5) (+14.1) (+20.0) (+23.2) (+12.6) (+18.5) (+17.1)
鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 223.5 176.1 199.8 123.3 108.0 128.4 132.9 151.2 161.1 125.9 146.2 160.8 230.3 155.6
Footwear, allied products and (-14.0) (+71.3) (+10.1) (+12.7) (+16.9) (+16.3) (+16.4) (+20.6) (+10.5) (+22.0) (+31.8) (+23.7) (+31.4) (+18.2)
other clothing accessories

耐用消費品 146.1 130.2 138.2 152.3 145.8 136.1 134.1 155.5 158.6 161.8 160.6 153.4 183.6 151.5
Consumer durable goods (+23.1) (+37.8) (+29.6) (+28.1) (+26.3) (+30.3) (+20.5) (+29.3) (+26.0) (+22.7) (+33.4) (+24.8) (+23.7) (+26.9)
汽車及汽車零件 143.9 116.4 130.2 159.8 161.5 155.4 156.4 197.3 151.9 151.5 158.5 161.8 168.5 156.9
Motor vehicles and parts (+59.3) (+54.6) (+57.2) (+48.2) (+56.9) (+69.6) (+38.2) (+73.4) (+53.7) (+9.8) (+29.8) (+15.1) (+15.1) (+40.4)

電器及攝影器材 150.2 155.1 152.7 168.9 148.5 134.6 126.7 143.5 159.2 164.6 172.8 154.6 199.0 156.5
Electrical goods and (+8.7) (+37.7) (+21.7) (+24.1) (+20.2) (+20.9) (+18.2) (+15.7) (+16.0) (+23.5) (+32.5) (+28.8) (+21.0) (+22.1)
photographic equipment
傢具及固定裝置 169.8 112.2 141.0 128.1 140.0 130.3 131.8 148.0 158.0 157.8 131.5 143.4 161.2 142.7
Furniture and fixtures (+20.0) (+17.7) (+19.1) (+8.3) (+11.9) (+14.9) (+12.1) (+11.8) (+11.0) (+13.9) (+20.5) (+10.2) (+17.8) (+14.1)
其他未分類耐用消費品 100.7 76.4 88.6 93.1 104.8 104.5 116.5 120.1 172.5 179.3 150.9 141.6 181.8 128.5
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

Other consumer durable goods, (+47.1) (+32.2) (+40.2) (+34.0) (+8.4) (+12.9) (+0.2) (+16.3) (+47.2) (+76.2) (+73.7) (+69.0) (+86.8) (+41.3)
not elsewhere classified
百貨公司 172.2 162.2 167.2 132.2 128.3 164.7 133.8 149.0 147.1 132.7 160.8 184.2 236.0 158.6
Department stores (-0.9) (+49.3) (+18.4) (+17.4) (+13.2) (+22.2) (+18.3) (+20.2) (+10.8) (+14.7) (+18.1) (+12.7) (+14.0) (+16.4)

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 256.2 223.2 239.7 197.3 201.5 218.1 212.2 238.6 238.3 212.0 242.9 236.8 340.0 234.8
Jewellery, watches and clocks, (+26.6) (+47.2) (+35.4) (+41.3) (+35.8) (+47.8) (+30.6) (+36.7) (+37.7) (+33.5) (+40.3) (+35.4) (+28.9) (+36.1)
and valuable gifts

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表一: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售價值指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)

Table 1: Value index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100) (Cont'd)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

其他消費品 180.1 160.0 170.0 144.8 157.9 147.3 146.4 157.0 147.2 123.1 145.6 135.5 186.5 152.6
Other consumer goods (+2.2) (+22.0) (+10.7) (+13.8) (+9.4) (+14.1) (+11.4) (+12.4) (+13.1) (+12.9) (+16.9) (+15.8) (+14.3) (+12.8)
書報、文具及禮品 135.0 99.7 117.3 101.1 122.8 105.2 111.7 133.1 153.2 94.2 110.7 99.9 120.0 115.5
Books, newspapers, stationery (+0.5) (-5.0) (-1.9) (+5.2) (+2.4) (+0.7) (+10.0) (+9.2) (+17.0) (+1.4) (+3.0) (+8.4) (+7.6) (+5.2)
and gifts
中藥 160.4 148.8 154.6 135.1 141.1 142.3 136.0 141.8 151.3 133.9 142.6 130.8 185.5 145.8
Chinese drugs and herbs (-5.0) (+32.8) (+10.0) (+13.9) (+17.1) (+13.4) (+4.1) (+0.1) (+7.2) (+15.1) (+14.3) (+8.5) (+11.9) (+10.3)
眼鏡店 133.1 156.7 144.9 137.1 147.5 150.0 133.2 150.9 143.8 110.5 111.1 113.2 139.0 135.5
Optical shops (+6.0) (+6.4) (+6.2) (+11.5) (+7.4) (+10.6) (+9.4) (+16.0) (+8.3) (+6.4) (+8.4) (+9.7) (+8.0) (+9.0)
藥物及化妝品 192.3 174.1 183.2 158.6 170.5 159.3 151.6 164.9 157.0 139.4 161.7 159.1 207.1 166.3
Medicines and cosmetics (+6.1) (+33.6) (+17.6) (+14.8) (+11.5) (+13.7) (+17.1) (+18.2) (+16.8) (+19.6) (+24.4) (+22.3) (+22.5) (+18.0)
其他未分類消費品 193.7 171.1 182.4 150.2 162.9 151.8 157.5 161.7 135.0 117.2 147.0 129.0 196.3 156.1

Other consumer goods, (+0.1) (+19.2) (+8.2) (+15.3) (+8.3) (+19.1) (+8.3) (+10.0) (+9.5) (+9.6) (+15.1) (+12.8) (+9.2) (+10.9)
not elsewhere classified

超級市場及百貨公司內的超級市場部門 135.0 144.6 139.8 125.1 124.4 135.7 132.2 139.4 139.3 138.8 141.0 134.7 150.9 136.8
Supermarkets and supermarket sections (-14.3) (+29.0) (+3.7) (+1.5) (+3.3) (+2.1) (+3.5) (+6.8) (+5.0) (+7.7) (+8.3) (+9.5) (+12.5) (+5.6)
of department stores (3)
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

註釋: * 臨時數字。 Notes : * Provisional figures.

(1) 零售業於每年首兩個月的銷售情況,受農曆新年時間的影響而出現頗大的波動,上 (1) Affected by the timing of the Lunar New Year festival, retail sales tend to show rather significant
表列出一月及二月合計的銷售數字,以供參考。 volatilities in the first two months of the year. The combined retail sales figures for January and
February are presented above for reference.
(2) 括號內數字表示與上年同期比較的變動百分率,並根據未進位的數字計算。 (2) Figures in brackets refer to the percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year and
are calculated based on unrounded figures.
(3) 以上 '超級市場' 的數字不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。上表列出兩者合計的補 (3) The figures for 'supermarkets' above do not include sales in supermarket sections of department
充數字,以供參考。 stores. Supplementary statistics that include such sales are presented above for reference.
(4) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」編製。 (4) All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.
December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表二: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售業銷貨價值
Table 2: Value of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 百萬港元
HK$ million
零售商類別 2010 2010
(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

所有零售商類別 29,308 26,925 56,233 24,753 25,084 25,905 24,330 27,258 26,564 25,135 27,801 27,033 34,852 324,945
All retail outlets

食品、酒類飲品及煙草(超級市場除外) 2,831 2,758 5,589 2,431 2,541 2,495 2,294 2,324 2,476 2,938 2,742 2,618 2,895 31,343
Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco
(other than supermarkets)
新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 937 959 1,896 835 842 744 691 643 684 702 764 726 863 9,389
Fish, livestock and poultry,
fresh or frozen
新鮮蔬果 166 126 292 184 195 197 210 196 199 187 194 137 153 2,144
Fruits and vegetables, fresh
麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 491 545 1,036 466 448 484 453 471 505 1,065 613 538 615 6,694

Bread, pastry, confectionery and

酒類飲品及煙草 447 446 892 367 385 378 364 390 381 398 395 406 510 4,865
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco
其他食品 790 683 1,473 580 671 692 577 624 707 586 776 811 753 8,251
Other foodstuffs
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

超級市場 3,056 3,217 6,272 2,853 2,828 3,073 3,006 3,180 3,184 3,139 3,201 3,036 3,321 37,094

燃料 687 583 1,270 693 695 741 699 736 736 740 739 731 762 8,542

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表二: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售業銷貨價值(續)
Table 2: Value of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Cont'd) 百萬港元
HK$ million
零售商類別 2010 2010
(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

衣物、鞋類及有關製品 4,124 3,758 7,883 3,129 3,097 3,311 2,793 3,691 3,120 2,798 3,733 3,524 5,080 42,158
Clothing, footwear and allied products
服裝 3,410 3,196 6,606 2,735 2,752 2,901 2,368 3,208 2,605 2,396 3,266 3,011 4,344 36,191
Wearing apparel
鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 714 563 1,277 394 345 410 425 483 515 402 467 514 736 5,967
Footwear, allied products and
other clothing accessories

耐用消費品 4,107 3,659 7,766 4,280 4,099 3,826 3,768 4,372 4,457 4,548 4,514 4,312 5,161 51,104
Consumer durable goods
汽車及汽車零件 1,049 848 1,897 1,164 1,177 1,133 1,140 1,438 1,107 1,104 1,155 1,179 1,228 13,722
Motor vehicles and parts

電器及攝影器材 2,044 2,111 4,156 2,299 2,021 1,832 1,724 1,952 2,167 2,241 2,352 2,105 2,708 25,556
Electrical goods and
photographic equipment
傢具及固定裝置 706 466 1,172 532 582 541 548 615 657 656 546 596 670 7,115
Furniture and fixtures
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

307 233 541 284 320 319 356 367 527 548 461 432 555 4,710
Other consumer durable goods,
not elsewhere classified
百貨公司 2,969 2,797 5,766 2,280 2,212 2,840 2,307 2,569 2,537 2,288 2,773 3,177 4,069 32,820
Department stores

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 5,543 4,829 10,373 4,269 4,359 4,719 4,592 5,163 5,158 4,587 5,255 5,125 7,358 60,959
Jewellery, watches and clocks,
and valuable gifts

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表二: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售業銷貨價值(續)
Table 2: Value of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Cont'd) 百萬港元
HK$ million
零售商類別 2010 2010
(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

其他消費品 5,991 5,323 11,314 4,817 5,252 4,899 4,870 5,223 4,898 4,096 4,843 4,508 6,205 60,925
Other consumer goods
書報、文具及禮品 631 466 1,098 473 575 492 523 622 717 441 518 467 561 6,486
Books, newspapers, stationery
and gifts
中藥 390 362 752 328 343 346 331 345 368 326 347 318 451 4,253
Chinese drugs and herbs
眼鏡店 175 206 380 180 194 197 175 198 189 145 146 149 183 2,135
Optical shops
藥物及化妝品 2,360 2,137 4,498 1,947 2,093 1,955 1,861 2,024 1,927 1,711 1,985 1,952 2,542 24,494
Medicines and cosmetics
其他未分類消費品 2,435 2,152 4,587 1,889 2,048 1,909 1,981 2,033 1,697 1,474 1,848 1,622 2,469 23,557

Other consumer goods,

not elsewhere classified

超級市場及百貨公司內的超級市場部門 3,341 3,577 6,918 3,096 3,079 3,358 3,272 3,450 3,446 3,435 3,488 3,334 3,733 40,608
Supermarkets and supermarket sections
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

of department stores (3)

註釋: * 臨時數字。 Notes : * Provisional figures.

(1) 零售業於每年首兩個月的銷售情況,受農曆新年時間的影響而出現頗大的波動,上 (1) Affected by the timing of the Lunar New Year festival, retail sales tend to show rather significant
表列出一月及二月合計的銷售數字,以供參考。 volatilities in the first two months of the year. The combined retail sales figures for January and
February are presented above for reference.
(2) 在「零售業銷貨額按月統計調查」所包涵的零售業機構單位,是按所從事的主要經 (2) The Monthly Survey of Retail Sales (MRS) covers retail establishments based on their principal
濟活動,劃入有關的行業類別。分類為零售業的機構單位的銷貨價值當中,除零沽 line of activity. Sales of establishments classified to the retail trade, however, may have included,
銷售外,可能會包涵有少部分的其他類別的銷售如批發銷售等。在這按月統計調 apart from retail sales, a minor portion of other types of sales, like wholesale sales, etc. In the
查,則只包涵零沽銷售。另一方面,被分類為從事其他行業的機構單位,如批發業, MRS, only retail sales are included. On the other hand, establishments classified to other trades,
like the wholesale trade, may also have retail sales. These sales are not included in the MRS.
(3) 以上 '超級市場' 的數字不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。上表列出兩者合計的補 (3) The figures for 'supermarkets' above do not include sales in supermarket sections of department
December 2010

充數字,以供參考。 stores. Supplementary statistics that include such sales are presented above for reference.
(4) 由於進位關係,個別項目的數字加起來可能與上表所示的相應總數略有出入。 (4) The sum of individual items might not exactly tally with the respective total shown above because
of rounding.
(5) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」編製。 (5) All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表三: 二零一零年一月至十二月按主要貨品種類劃分的超級市場(1)的零售業銷貨價值
Table 3: Value of retail sales in supermarkets(1) by broad product category, January to December 2010 百萬港元
HK$ million
主要貨品種類 2010 2010
(2) (2) (2)
Broad product category 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

新鮮或冷藏肉類、魚類、海產類食品、水果及 640 630 1,270 619 631 685 645 700 671 663 664 609 668 7,825
Fresh/chilled meat, fish, seafood, fruit and
vegetables and frozen food

乳類製品及蛋類、不含酒精飲品、米及粉麵及 1,369 1,482 2,851 1,217 1,213 1,314 1,301 1,404 1,398 1,356 1,394 1,337 1,464 16,248
Dairy products and eggs, non-alcoholic
drinks, rice and noodles and other foods

酒類飲品及煙草 452 532 984 458 442 482 500 506 524 544 539 515 566 6,058
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco
- 10 -

個人護理用品、家庭用品及其他物品 596 572 1,168 560 542 593 560 570 590 577 604 575 624 6,963
Personal care products, household goods
and other goods

總計 3,056 3,217 6,272 2,853 2,828 3,073 3,006 3,180 3,184 3,139 3,201 3,036 3,321 37,094
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales


註釋: * 臨時數字。 Notes : * Provisional figures.

(1) 以上 '超級市場' 的數字不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。 (1) The figures for 'supermarkets' above do not include sales in supermarket sections of
department stores.
(2) 零售業於每年首兩個月的銷售情況,受農曆新年時間的影響而出現頗大的波 (2) Affected by the timing of the Lunar New Year festival, retail sales tend to show rather
動,上表列出一月及二月合計的銷售數字,以供參考。 significant volatilities in the first two months of the year. The combined retail sales figures
for January and February are presented above for reference.
(3) 由於進位關係,個別項目的數字加起來可能與上表所示的相應總數略有出入。 (3) The sum of individual items might not exactly tally with the respective total shown above
because of rounding.
(4) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」編製。 (4) All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.
December 2010
表四: 二零一零年一月至十二月按主要貨品種類劃分的百貨公司的零售業銷貨價值
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

Table 4: Value of retail sales in department stores by broad product category, January to December 2010 百萬港元
HK$ million
主要貨品種類 2010 2010
(1) (1) (2)
Broad product category 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

Non-supermarket sections
食品、酒類飲品及煙草 189 192 381 150 137 192 155 158 160 174 216 201 257 2,181
Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco
衣履 960 793 1,754 759 667 892 728 881 811 714 870 1,060 1,332 10,467
Clothing and footwear
電器用品、傢具及固定裝置及 286 241 527 215 230 331 278 238 235 189 255 296 392 3,187
Electrical appliances, furniture and
fixtures and other durable goods
藥物、化妝品及梳洗用品 411 397 808 464 457 549 444 484 515 458 560 702 854 6,296
Proprietary medicines and supplies,
cosmetics and toilet requisites
- 11 -

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 123 112 235 102 131 151 112 126 157 130 158 170 279 1,750
Jewellery, watches and clocks, and
valuable gifts
旅行及體育用品、家庭用品及 715 702 1,416 347 339 441 324 412 397 327 427 451 545 5,426
Travel and sports goods, household
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

goods and other goods

超級市場部門 (2) 285 360 645 242 251 285 266 270 262 296 287 297 411 3,514
Supermarket sections(2)

總計 2,969 2,797 5,766 2,280 2,212 2,840 2,307 2,569 2,537 2,288 2,773 3,177 4,069 32,820

註釋: * 臨時數字。 Notes : * Provisional figures.

(1) 零售業於每年首兩個月的銷售情況,受農曆新年時間的影響而出現頗大的波動,上 (1) Affected by the timing of the Lunar New Year festival, retail sales tend to show rather
表列出一月及二月合計的銷售數字,以供參考。 significant volatilities in the first two months of the year. The combined retail sales
figures for January and February are presented above for reference.
December 2010

(2) 超級市場部門從事零售一般貨品,其中以多種食品為主要銷售貨品。 (2) Supermarket sections are engaged in the retail of general provisions including a variety of
foods as major items.
(3) 由於進位關係,個別項目的數字加起來可能與上表所示的相應總數略有出入。 (3) The sum of individual items might not exactly tally with the respective total shown above
because of rounding.
(4) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」編製。 (4) All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表五: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售量指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)

Table 5: Volume index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

所有零售商類別 154.2 142.9 148.6 132.6 131.0 135.3 127.4 143.9 141.2 133.4 144.7 138.4 177.9 141.9
All retail outlets (+3.2) (+31.5) (+15.1) (+17.3) (+12.4) (+16.3) (+11.9) (+16.2) (+14.9) (+15.8) (+19.7) (+15.4) (+15.9) (+15.5)

食品、酒類飲品及煙草(超級市場除外) 125.0 118.6 121.8 106.2 111.4 109.5 100.2 101.4 108.1 128.0 117.6 112.0 122.9 113.4
Food, alcoholic drinks and tobacco (-1.0) (+31.2) (+12.5) (+6.7) (+8.4) (+7.1) (+8.5) (+7.3) (+4.6) (+2.6) (+1.9) (+1.3) (+3.1) (+6.2)
(other than supermarkets)
新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 125.3 120.4 122.9 111.0 112.9 99.5 91.1 84.4 90.5 91.4 99.4 93.2 109.2 102.4
Fish, livestock and poultry, (+6.7) (+25.6) (+15.2) (+4.6) (+4.1) (+0.3) (+1.1) (+3.3) (+0.2) (+0.1) (-0.4) (-6.8) (-1.9) (+3.1)
fresh or frozen
新鮮蔬果 72.5 47.0 59.8 74.9 82.3 83.1 90.2 81.8 84.0 74.8 75.9 56.4 61.9 73.7
Fruits and vegetables, fresh (+1.9) (-17.0) (-6.4) (-2.8) (-7.4) (-10.4) (-5.8) (-11.9) (-5.2) (-2.4) (-6.7) (-4.7) (-7.5) (-6.6)
麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 103.5 114.8 109.1 97.8 93.5 100.7 93.9 96.8 103.8 214.4 122.6 107.3 122.5 114.3
- 12 -

Bread, pastry, confectionery and (-7.0) (+36.1) (+11.6) (+10.8) (+10.0) (+13.2) (+15.6) (+14.3) (+16.8) (+3.9) (+5.5) (+8.8) (+7.9) (+10.0)
酒類飲品及煙草 206.0 205.8 205.9 169.4 177.5 173.1 166.5 178.7 174.3 181.3 180.1 185.0 232.2 185.8
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco (+0.2) (+31.3) (+13.7) (+15.5) (+23.1) (+23.8) (+25.7) (+20.2) (+8.2) (+14.3) (+10.2) (+15.4) (+19.8) (+16.7)
其他食品 130.3 111.6 120.9 95.1 109.6 112.6 93.9 101.3 114.2 93.7 123.7 127.7 117.8 111.0
Other foodstuffs (-5.2) (+46.3) (+13.2) (+3.3) (+9.3) (+6.6) (+6.9) (+4.7) (+1.0) (-2.9) (-1.0) (-2.4) (-3.6) (+3.7)
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

超級市場 112.9 119.4 116.2 104.4 103.7 112.7 110.8 116.7 117.2 114.5 115.7 110.2 119.7 113.2
Supermarkets (-15.5) (+23.8) (+1.0) (+0.3) (+0.8) (+0.5) (+1.3) (+4.7) (+4.2) (+6.1) (+4.8) (+8.0) (+9.4) (+3.5)

燃料 124.0 104.2 114.1 122.9 121.8 131.7 126.8 132.2 131.6 132.3 129.2 125.7 128.1 125.9
Fuels (+0.5) (-0.1) (+0.2) (+5.1) (-0.7) (+2.8) (+1.7) (+4.0) (+3.5) (+3.9) (+0.2) (+0.6) (-3.2) (+1.5)

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表五: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售量指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)

Table 5: Volume index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100) (Cont'd)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

衣物、鞋類及有關製品 168.7 158.3 163.5 126.9 116.1 128.8 109.4 150.5 131.2 114.8 146.0 128.8 189.9 139.1
Clothing, footwear and allied products (-0.6) (+40.6) (+15.8) (+23.6) (+8.5) (+12.3) (+10.2) (+15.2) (+11.7) (+20.4) (+25.4) (+13.3) (+16.7) (+15.8)
服裝 157.9 154.1 156.0 127.1 117.5 129.4 105.8 149.3 125.2 112.2 145.5 122.8 182.0 135.7
Wearing apparel (+2.3) (+35.5) (+16.4) (+25.4) (+7.6) (+11.8) (+10.0) (+14.7) (+12.5) (+19.7) (+24.1) (+11.0) (+14.2) (+15.3)
鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 233.5 183.4 208.5 126.0 107.7 125.2 130.6 157.1 166.8 130.6 149.0 164.6 237.0 159.3
Footwear, allied products and (-10.8) (+73.7) (+13.4) (+13.4) (+14.8) (+15.2) (+11.6) (+18.6) (+8.1) (+23.9) (+33.9) (+24.9) (+29.8) (+18.3)
other clothing accessories

耐用消費品 176.5 161.5 169.0 191.0 178.7 169.3 165.8 192.9 199.3 203.3 203.0 190.8 230.2 188.5
Consumer durable goods (+24.5) (+42.2) (+32.4) (+32.5) (+28.9) (+32.3) (+23.6) (+30.1) (+28.1) (+27.5) (+38.0) (+29.3) (+27.4) (+30.1)
汽車及汽車零件 145.2 117.4 131.3 169.2 165.4 165.5 160.0 209.4 146.9 148.2 154.9 153.7 160.2 158.0
Motor vehicles and parts (+56.9) (+52.5) (+54.9) (+49.7) (+54.8) (+64.2) (+35.4) (+69.8) (+50.1) (+5.3) (+24.3) (+8.3) (+7.4) (+36.8)
- 13 -

電器及攝影器材 210.7 217.4 214.1 241.5 211.6 194.6 186.2 210.8 238.2 243.1 254.6 229.7 290.5 227.4
Electrical goods and (+14.4) (+44.3) (+27.9) (+30.8) (+26.7) (+27.7) (+26.1) (+21.5) (+21.3) (+30.1) (+39.3) (+35.9) (+27.8) (+28.6)
photographic equipment
傢具及固定裝置 156.2 103.4 129.8 117.7 127.4 118.9 120.2 133.8 143.1 143.3 119.7 127.6 144.0 129.6
Furniture and fixtures (+18.0) (+16.2) (+17.2) (+7.1) (+10.0) (+12.6) (+9.7) (+7.1) (+9.8) (+13.0) (+19.8) (+7.5) (+13.0) (+11.9)
其他未分類耐用消費品 126.7 96.9 111.8 117.8 134.1 133.9 150.9 154.7 227.9 239.2 201.4 191.5 245.7 168.4
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

Other consumer durable goods, (+52.1) (+39.6) (+46.4) (+39.6) (+12.0) (+17.0) (+3.6) (+21.3) (+55.9) (+89.8) (+89.3) (+82.8) (+103.6) (+49.8)
not elsewhere classified
百貨公司 163.4 153.9 158.7 124.4 117.2 151.1 124.0 138.3 135.4 121.4 143.6 160.7 205.9 144.9
Department stores (-1.1) (+45.7) (+17.2) (+15.8) (+9.9) (+19.4) (+15.2) (+15.9) (+4.9) (+11.0) (+13.6) (+7.1) (+6.7) (+12.5)

珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 170.3 150.7 160.5 131.9 131.6 141.2 137.7 154.2 154.8 136.5 153.1 148.8 214.8 152.1
Jewellery, watches and clocks, (+15.6) (+36.2) (+24.4) (+27.7) (+22.1) (+34.0) (+18.6) (+24.4) (+30.1) (+25.9) (+30.6) (+26.6) (+24.7) (+26.0)
and valuable gifts

註釋:請參看本表的最後一頁。 Note : Please refer to the last page of this table.

December 2010
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

表五: 二零一零年一月至十二月按零售商類別劃分的零售量指數(二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月期內的每月平均指數 = 100)(續)

Table 5: Volume index of retail sales by type of retail outlet, January to December 2010 (Average of monthly indices from Oct. 2004 to Sep. 2005 = 100) (Cont'd)

零售商類別 2010 2010

(1) (1) (1)
Type of retail outlet 1 2 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12* 1-12*

其他消費品 158.7 140.7 149.7 126.3 137.9 128.5 128.1 137.5 128.4 106.9 126.4 117.4 163.8 133.4
Other consumer goods (-2.2) (+16.4) (+5.7) (+9.5) (+5.4) (+9.0) (+5.8) (+10.0) (+11.4) (+10.9) (+14.8) (+13.7) (+14.5) (+9.5)
書報、文具及禮品 120.5 89.0 104.7 90.2 109.6 93.9 99.8 118.7 136.6 83.8 98.3 88.9 106.6 103.0
Books, newspapers, stationery (-2.1) (-7.6) (-4.5) (+4.3) (+1.9) (#) (+9.6) (+8.8) (+16.5) (+0.9) (+2.3) (+7.8) (+7.0) (+4.2)
and gifts
中藥 132.0 121.4 126.7 109.9 114.4 115.1 109.6 113.5 120.4 105.9 111.9 101.6 143.4 116.6
Chinese drugs and herbs (-9.0) (+26.5) (+5.2) (+8.1) (+11.1) (+7.4) (-1.8) (-6.1) (-0.1) (+7.1) (+6.1) (+0.3) (+4.1) (+3.7)
眼鏡店 116.6 137.3 127.0 118.9 127.9 129.2 114.7 130.0 123.8 95.3 94.3 95.8 118.0 116.8
Optical shops (+4.6) (+5.4) (+5.0) (+9.3) (+5.1) (+6.9) (+5.8) (+13.9) (+4.4) (+4.7) (+5.0) (+5.9) (+4.6) (+6.3)
藥物及化妝品 167.5 151.6 159.6 138.0 147.1 137.0 130.5 141.1 134.1 118.7 137.0 133.9 174.7 142.6
Medicines and cosmetics (+3.4) (+30.6) (+14.8) (+11.7) (+8.1) (+10.1) (+13.7) (+14.3) (+12.4) (+15.1) (+19.4) (+16.7) (+18.6) (+14.1)
其他未分類消費品 174.0 153.4 163.7 132.4 144.9 135.7 141.2 146.3 121.7 105.4 132.6 117.3 183.2 140.7
- 14 -

Other consumer goods, (-6.4) (+10.7) (+0.9) (+9.0) (+3.1) (+10.9) (-0.3) (+8.9) (+11.6) (+11.1) (+16.7) (+15.4) (+15.0) (+8.0)
not elsewhere classified

超級市場及百貨公司內的超級市場部門 114.7 123.5 119.1 105.1 104.6 114.1 111.8 117.3 117.4 116.1 116.7 111.7 124.5 114.8
Supermarkets and supermarket sections (-17.0) (+26.0) (+0.8) (+0.1) (+1.2) (+0.3) (+2.1) (+5.0) (+3.8) (+6.1) (+5.0) (+6.9) (+8.8) (+3.4)
of department stores (3)
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

註釋: * 臨時數字。 Notes : * Provisional figures.

# 表示變動在±0.05 之間。 # Denote changes within ±0.05.
(1) 零售業於每年首兩個月的銷售情況,受農曆新年時間的影響而出現頗大的波動,上 (1) Affected by the timing of the Lunar New Year festival, retail sales tend to show rather significant
表列出一月及二月合計的銷售數字,以供參考。 volatilities in the first two months of the year. The combined retail sales figures for January and
February are presented above for reference.
(2) 括號內數字表示與上年同期比較的變動百分率,並根據未進位的數字計算。 (2) Figures in brackets refer to the percentage changes over the same period of the preceding year and
are calculated based on unrounded figures.
(3) 以上 '超級市場' 的數字不包括百貨公司內的超級市場部門。上表列出兩者合計的補 (3) The figures for 'supermarkets' above do not include sales in supermarket sections of department
充數字,以供參考。 stores. Supplementary statistics that include such sales are presented above for reference.
(4) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」編製。 (4) All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.
December 2010
表六 : 二零零九年十月至二零一零年十二月的零售業總銷貨數量變動情況
Table 6 : Movement of the volume of total retail sales, October 2009 to December 2010
原來數列 經季節性調整數列
Original Series Seasonally Adjusted Series

截至下列月份的 三個月比較
三個月 Compared with the
按年變動百分率(%) 3 months ending 3 months ending
年/月 Year-on-year 年/月 年/月 變動百分率(1)(2) (%)
Year / Month rate of change (%) Year / Month Year / Month Rate of change(1)(2) (%)

2009 10 +8.3 2009 10 2009 7 +5.6

11 +10.0 11 8 +6.1
12 +11.4 12 9 +6.8
2010 1 +3.2 2010 1 10 +8.0
2 +31.5 2 11 +7.3
3 +17.3 3 12 +5.3
4 +12.4 4 2010 1 +0.1
5 +16.3 5 2 -1.7
6 +11.9 6 3 -2.6
7 +16.2 7 4 +0.6
8 +14.9 8 5 +2.2
9 +15.8 9 6 +5.5
10 +19.7 10 7 +7.4
11 +15.4 11 8 +8.5
12 +15.9* 12 9 +8.0*

註釋 : * 臨時數字。
Notes : Provisional figures.

(1) 這變動百分率是以截至有關月份的三個月按月平均指數,與先前三個月的按月平均指數比較而計算出來。例如,截至二
The rate is calculated by comparing the monthly average index for the 3-month period ending the month in question
with that for the preceding 3-month period, e.g. the rate for the 3 months ending Dec. 2010 is the percentage change
of the average monthly index for Oct., Nov. and Dec. 2010 compared with the average monthly index for Jul., Aug.
and Sep. 2010.

(2) 自二零零九年一月開始,經季節性調整的零售業總銷貨數量指數的編製方法由過往的「X-11自迴歸–求和–移動平均
(X-11 ARIMA)」方法更改為「X-12自迴歸–求和–移動平均 (X-12 ARIMA)」方法。過往月份的經季節性調整的數字亦已
使用「X-1 2 自迴歸–求和–移動平均」方法作出修訂。「X-12自迴歸–求和–移動平均」方法改良自「X-11自迴歸–求和–移
Starting from January 2009, seasonal adjustment of the volume index of total retail sales is performed using the
X-12 ARIMA method to replace the previous X-11 ARIMA method. Seasonally adjusted figures for past months
have also been revised using the X-12 ARIMA method. The X-12 ARIMA method is an update to the X-11
ARIMA method with enhanced modelling and diagnostic capabilities. The X-12 ARIMA method has now become
a standard method used by statistical offices for performing seasonal adjustment of statistical series in many

Seasonally adjusted series may be revised as more data become available. For retail sales index, the seasonally
adjusted series for the preceding three years are revised each year when the figures for January become available.

(3) 所有零售業銷貨額統計數字均按「香港標準行業分類2.0版」編製。
All the retail sales statistics are compiled based on the HSIC Version 2.0.

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 - 15 - Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010

圖一 : 總零售價值指數
Chart 1 : Value index of total retail sales
(Average of monthly indices from October 2004 to September 2005=100)
價值指數 價值指數
Value Index Value Index
220 220

210 索引 : 原來數列 經季節性調整數列 210

200 Key : Original series Seasonally adjusted series 200

190 190

180 180

170 170

160 160

150 150

140 140

130 130

120 120

110 110

100 100

900 90
12/07 3/08 6/08 9/08 12/08 3/09 6/09 9/09 12/09 3/10 6/10 9/10 12/10

圖二 : 總零售量指數
Chart 2 : Volume index of total retail sales
(Average of monthly indices from October 2004 to September 2005=100)
數量指數 數量指數
Volume Index Volume Index
200 200

190 索引 : 原來數列 經季節性調整數列 190

Key : Original series Seasonally adjusted series
180 180

170 170

160 160

150 150

140 140

130 130

120 120

110 110

100 100

900 90
12/07 3/08 6/08 9/08 12/08 3/09 6/09 9/09 12/09 3/10 6/10 9/10 12/10

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 - 16 - Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010

統計調查方法 Survey methodology
統計調查的涵蓋範圍 Survey coverage
「零售業銷貨額按月統計調查」 The Monthly Survey of Retail Sales (MRS)
涵蓋香港所有零售業機構單位。由二零零 covers all retail establishments in Hong Kong.
九 年 一 月 起 , 「 香 港 標 準 行 業 分 類 2.0 Starting from January 2009 round, the Hong Kong
版」已取代「香港標準行業分類 1.1 版」 Standard Industrial Classification (HSIC) Version 2.0
作為零售業機構單位的經濟活動的分類。 has been adopted in place of HSIC Version 1.1 for
classifying the economic activities of retail

根據現時的零售商分類,不同類 With the existing classification of retail outlets,

別的商店所銷售的商品種類範圍,重疊程 the overlapping of commodity coverage among
度在大部分情況下應該不大。但百貨公司 different outlet types should not be considerable in
的情況不同,基於其經營方式,所銷售的 most cases. However, for department stores, because
商品種類,多會同時包括在其他類別的商 of the very nature of their operating characteristics,
店所銷售的商品範圍內,重疊程度較大。 overlapping with the other outlet types is much greater
在闡析本報告內的零售業銷貨額統計數字 in terms of commodity coverage. Care should be
時,要留意這點。 taken about this when interpreting the retail sales
statistics in this report.

在 採 用 「 香 港 標 準 行 業 分 類 2.0 It should be noted that some establishments

版」後,一些原先在舊行業分類下歸納為 originally classified as retail outlets under the old
零售商的零售業機構單位,可能會重新歸 version of HSIC may be re-classified into other retail
納於其他零售商類別,或甚至已不再歸類 outlet types or may even no longer be classified as
為零售業。有關各零售商類別涵蓋範圍的 retail trade after the implementation of HSIC Version
轉變詳情,讀者可參閱附錄甲及附錄乙分 2.0. For details of the changes in coverage of each
別載述的「各零售商類別的修訂涵蓋範 retail outlet type, readers may refer to Appendices A
圍」及「零售商類別按新舊分類對照 and B which present the revised coverage of each
表」。 retail outlet type and a concordance table for types of
retail outlets under the old and new classifications

樣本設計 Sample design

這項統計調查是使用分層輪換複 A stratified rotational replicate sample design is
樣本抽樣設計。 adopted for the survey.
抽樣框是先以零售商類別分層, Retail establishments are first stratified by type
然後在每個零售商類別分層內,再以就業 and then by employment size. Within each stratum, a
人數分層。最後在每一分層中,抽取指定 given number of replicates are created. Sample size in
數量的複樣本。每個分層所抽取的複樣本 each replicate is determined by Neyman’s Allocation
規模是依照內曼配置方式,按各零售商類 according to the desired level of precision for the
別的估計零售業銷貨額的期望精確程度而 estimated sales values for various retail outlet types.
決定。在每個月的三個複樣本當中,會換 For each month, three replicates are used, with one
出一個舊複樣本,由另一個新複樣本取 new replicate rotated in and one old replicate rotated
代。每月共選出約三千間零售業機構單位 out. A total of around 3 000 retail establishments are
作樣本。 selected for enumeration for each reference month.

資料搜集 Data collection

每一輪的統計調查問卷會郵寄予 For each survey round, questionnaires are
獲選的機構單位。數據經郵遞方式收取, mailed to sampled establishments. Data are collected
如有需要,則輔以電話或面談訪問,以搜 by post, supplemented by telephone or face-to-face
集及核實有關資料。亦製備問卷的電子版 enumeration and verification as necessary. An
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 - 17 - Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010
本供機構單位填報及以電郵方式提交問 electronic template of the questionnaire is also
卷。 available upon request to facilitate completion and
submission of the questionnaire by email.

分析零售業銷貨額統計數字時應注意事項 Points to note in analysing retail sales statistics

本報告內所載列的零售業銷貨額 The retail sales statistics presented in this report
統計數字包括消費者在貨品方面(但不包 cover consumer spending on goods but not on
括在服務方面)的開支。此外,它們包括 services. Moreover, they include spending on goods
訪港旅客(但不包括香港居民在境外)在 by visitors in Hong Kong but not by Hong Kong
貨品方面的開支。因此,數據不應視為消 residents outside Hong Kong. Hence they should not
費者整體開支的一個全面指標。在這情況 be regarded as a comprehensive indicator of overall
下,數據使用者可能注意到消費者在服務 consumer spending. In this context, it may be noted
方面的開支佔消費者整體開支的比重越來 that the share of consumer spending on services in
越大。 overall consumer spending has been increasing over

對消費者整體開支趨勢有興趣的 Users interested in the trend of overall consumer

人士,應參考作為本地生產總值一個主要 spending should refer to the data series of private
組成部分的私人消費開支的數列。根據廣 consumption expenditure (PCE), which is a major
泛資料來源編製的私人消費開支統計數 component of the Gross Domestic Product. Compiled
字,涵蓋了香港居民不論在本地或境外在 from a wide range of data sources, PCE covers
貨品(包括從所有途徑購買的貨品)和服 consumer spending on both goods (including goods
務兩方面的消費開支。 purchased from all channels) and services by Hong
Kong residents whether domestically or abroad.

本報告內所載列的按零售商類別 Statistics on retail sales by type of retail outlet

劃分的零售業銷貨額統計數字,是各類 商 contained in this report are outlet statistics, not
店 的銷售貨額統計而非各類商品的銷售額 commodity statistics. Hence, for example, statistics on
統計。例如以「衣物、鞋類及有關製品」 “clothing, footwear and allied products” do not relate
而言,其數字並非指衣物、鞋類及有關製 to the total sales of clothing, footwear and allied
品的總銷售額,而是指專營這類商品或以 products, but to the total sales in those shops selling
這類商品為主要貨品的商店的總銷貨額。 such commodities either as the only items or as the
因此,這些商店的銷貨數字可能包括其他 principal items. Sales figures for those outlets may
商品。反過來說,亦有部分衣物、鞋類及 therefore include other commodities. Conversely,
有關製品的銷售額可能包括在其他商店類 some sales of clothing, footwear and allied products
別的銷貨數字內(例如超級市場內也有少 may have been subsumed in the sales figures for other
量衣物、鞋類等製品出售)。 outlets (such as supermarkets, where some minor
clothing and footwear items are also available).

零售業銷貨數量是將零售業銷貨 The volume of retail sales is derived from the

價值內的物價變動因素扣除後所得,所用 value of retail sales after adjusting for price changes.
的物價平減指數是從消費物價指數內相關 The relevant components of the Consumer Price Index
的項目選取。 are used as deflators.

零售商的分類 Classification of retail outlets

自一九九零年,本處已採納「香 Since 1990, the HSIC has been adopted for
港標準行業分類」,用作劃分香港的機構 classifying the economic activities of establishments in
單位的經濟活動。「香港標準行業分類」 Hong Kong. The HSIC is devised using the
是以「所有經濟活動的國際標準產業分類 International Standard Industrial Classification of All
(國際標準產業分類)修訂本第二版」為 Economic Activities Revision 2 (ISIC Rev. 2) as a
藍本,加以編訂,使其切合本地環境,從 framework with local adaptation to reflect the structure
而反映本港經濟結構。「香港標準行業分 of the Hong Kong economy. It is a statistical
類」是一套統計分類架構,按照主要經濟 classification framework for classifying economic

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 - 18 - Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010

活動把經濟單位撥歸行業類別。這個分類 units into industry classes based on their major
架構不僅是在不同的統計調查中作為抽選 economic activities. This framework not only
經濟單位樣本的基本分層,也是用以編 provides a basic stratification for sample selection of
製、分析和發布按經濟活動劃分的統計數 economic units in various surveys, but also serves as a
字的標準行業分類。 standard industrial classification in Hong Kong for
compilation, analysis and dissemination of statistics by
economic activities.

零售業機構單位的分類是採用 The classification of retail establishments in the

「香港標準行業分類」。為方便分析本地 MRS also follows the HSIC. To facilitate analysis of
零售業短期的業務表現,本報告內把零售 the short-term business performance of the local retail
行業,按個別組別的重要性,組合成二十 sector, the industry classes of the retail sector have
個零售商類別。 been grouped into 20 retail outlet types, taking into
account their importance in the retail sector.

政府統計處就「香港標準行業分 The HSIC has been reviewed from time to time

類」不時予以檢討,以反映香港經濟產業 to reflect significant changes in the structure of the
結構的變化和新興的經濟活動。「香港標 Hong Kong economy and the emergence of new
準行業分類 1.1 版」於二零零一年推行, economic activities. HSIC Version 1.1 was
為了使「香港標準行業分類」更能反映本 implemented in 2001 and in order to bring HSIC more
地經濟活動的最新情況,並改善官方統計 up-to-date on local economic activities as well as to
數字的國際可比性,以便利不同的使用 foster international comparability of official statistics
者,「香港標準行業分類」在二零零八年 for different users, a full-scale revision exercise was
已全面作出修訂。已修訂的「香港標準行 completed in 2008. The revised HSIC, i.e. HSIC
業 分 類 」 ( 即 「 香 港 標 準 行 業 分 類 2.0 Version 2.0, was released in October 2008. HSIC
版」)於二零零八年十月公布。由二零零 Version 2.0 is being used progressively in different
九年開始,政府統計處在不同的統計調查 surveys by the Census and Statistics Department (C&SD)
相繼採用「香港標準行業分類 2.0 版」。 starting from 2009. Readers may refer to the feature
有關修訂「香港標準行業分類」的詳情, article “Revision of the Hong Kong Standard
讀者可參閱刊載於《香港統計月刊》二零 Industrial Classification” published in the November
零八年十一月號的「修訂「香港標準行業 2008 issue of the Hong Kong Monthly Digest of
分類」」的專題文章。 Statistics for more details on the revision of HSIC.

由二零零九年一月起,零售業銷 Starting from the reference month of

貨額統計數字的編製是以「香港標準行業 January 2009, the retail sales statistics are compiled
分類 2.0 版」為基礎。 based on the HSIC Version 2.0.

新零售業銷貨額統計數字的後向估計數列 Backcasted series of new retail sales statistics

政府統計處就二零零八統計年度 Parallel coding of the industry classes of
進行的「零售業銷貨額按月統計調查」所 establishments covered in the MRS, one under the
涵蓋的機構單位,按其行業組別採用並行 HSIC Version 1.1 and the other under the HSIC
編碼(即一套編碼按「香港標準行業分類 Version 2.0, was undertaken in different survey rounds
1.1 版 」 , 而 另 一 套 則 按 「 香 港 標 準 行 業 in the reference year of 2008. Based on the 2008
分類 2.0 版」)。根據新舊系統並行分類 survey data with dual classifications, the series of
的二零零八年調查數據,以「香港標準行 retail sales statistics under HSIC Version 2.0 has been
業分類 2.0 版」為基礎的一系列零售業銷 backcasted to the base period (i.e. October 2004 to
貨額統計數字已作出後向估計至基期(即 September 2005). Readers who are interested in the
二零零四年十月至二零零五年九月)。讀 backcasted series or have enquiries about the survey
者如對後向估計的統計數列或統計調查結 results may contact the Distribution Services Statistics
果有任何查詢,請與政府統計處經銷服務 Section of the C&SD (Tel: (852) 2802 1258 or E-mail:
統 計 組 聯 絡 , 電 話 : (852) 2802 1258 或

零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月 - 19 - Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales December 2010

Revised coverage of different types of retail outlets(1)
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

零售商類別 涵蓋範圍 零售商類別 涵蓋範圍

Type of retail outlet Coverage Type of retail outlet Coverage
新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 新鮮或急凍魚類、其他海產食品及禽畜肉類的零售商。 其他未分類耐用消費品 樂器、電腦及周邊設備、電腦套裝軟件、醫療用品、辦公室器材(電
Fish, livestock and poultry, Retail outlets selling fish, other sea products, livestock and Other consumer durable goods, 腦、傢具及固定裝置除外)、科學及專業儀器、衣車及其零件的零
fresh or frozen poultry, fresh or frozen. not elsewhere classified 售商。
新鮮蔬果 新鮮蔬果的零售商。 Retail outlets selling musical instruments, computers and peripheral
Fruits and vegetables, fresh Retail outlets selling fresh fruits and vegetables. units, computer software, medical goods, office appliances and
麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 麵包及糕餅、糖果、餅乾、曲奇餅及蛋卷的零售商。 equipment (except computers, furniture and fixtures), scientific and
Bread, pastry, confectionery and biscuits Retail outlets selling bread and cakes, confectionery, biscuits, professional instruments, sewing machines and parts.
cookies and egg rolls. 百貨公司 百貨公司。
酒類飲品及煙草 酒類飲品及煙草製品專賣的零售商。 Department stores Department stores.
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco Retail outlets selling alcoholic beverages, tobacco products in 珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 珠寶首飾及貴金屬裝飾物、人造珠寶及相關物品及鐘錶的零售商及
specialised stores. Jewellery, watches and clocks, 奢侈品綜合店。
其他食品 士多及辦館、一般糧油食品零售商及經乾製或醃製的魚類 and valuable gifts Retail outlets selling jewellery and precious metal accessories, imitation
Other foodstuffs 及其他海產食品;經烤製、乾製或醃製的肉類;經醃製的 jewellery and related articles, watches and clocks and luxuries
食品及香料;食米;粉麵;豆腐及豆類製品;蛋類;非酒 comprehensive stores.
類飲品專賣;飲品(酒類及非酒類約各佔一半)及茶葉的零 書報、文具及禮品 書報、文具、禮品、精品及紀念品的零售商。
售商及其他專門食品的零售商(不設座位)。 Books, newspapers, stationery Retail outlets selling books, newspapers, stationery, gifts, novelties and
Groceries of general provisions, groceries of Chinese and gifts souvenirs.
provisions and retail outlets selling fish and other sea 中藥 中草藥、中成藥、跌打藥酒及補酒等的零售商。
products, dried or preserved; meat, roasted, dried or preserved; Chinese drugs and herbs Retail outlets selling Chinese drugs and herbs, bone-setting medicated
preserved provisions and spices; rice; noodles and rice sticks; liquors and tonic wines, etc.
bean curds and bean products; eggs; non-alcoholic beverages 眼鏡店 眼鏡店。
in specialised stores; beverages (include alcoholic and Optical shops Optical shops.
- 20 -

non-alcoholic) and tea leaves and other retail outlets selling 藥物及化妝品 藥物及健康補給品、化妝品及個人護理用品的零售商。
specialised food without seats. Medicines and cosmetics Retail outlets selling medicines and health supplements, cosmetics and
超級市場 超級市場及便利店。 personal care products.
Supermarkets Supermarkets and convenience stores. 其他未分類消費品 唱片、錄音及錄像;工藝品;古玩;花卉及植物;五金器具、金屬
燃料 油站及柴炭煤類燃料、火水及石油氣的零售商。 Other consumer goods, 配件、油漆及其他裝修材料;皮革或類似材料製的行李箱及同類物
Fuels Petrol filling stations and retail outlets selling firewood, not elsewhere classified 品;袋類製品;玩具;電腦遊戲;其他綜合商品;日用寢具;帳幔;
charcoal, coke and similar fuels, kerosene and L.P. gas. 繩索及網類用具;地毯、圍氈、牆壁與地板覆蓋物;竹製品及藤製
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

服裝 時裝店及成衣、運動服裝、晚裝、毛皮衣物及配件如手套、 品;陶瓷及玻璃製品;非電動的廚房及煮食用具;帆布及帆布製品;
Wearing apparel 帽類及皮製腰帶等的零售商。 其他家庭用品;運動設備;賭具;雨傘;紙製品;中式宗教物品;
Boutique shops and retail outlets selling garments, sportswear, 寵物及動物零售店(包括飼料及配件) ;防火設備;其他雜項全新商
evening dresses, fur clothing and accessories like gloves, hats
and leather belts, etc.
Retail outlets selling records, music and video recordings; works of art
鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 鞋類、布料、製衣配件及其他衣物、鞋類及有關製品的零 and craft; antiques; flowers and plants; hardware, metalware, paints and
Footwear, allied products and other 售商。 other building renovation materials; luggage cases and similar articles
clothing accessories Retail outlets selling footwear, fabrics, tailoring accessories of leather or leather substitutes; sacks and bags; toys; computer games;
and other clothing, footwear and allied products. other general merchandise; household linen; drapery; rope, cord and
汽車及汽車零件 汽車、電單車、自行車、小型船艇、遊艇及其配件及零件 netting appliances; carpets, rugs, wall and floor coverings; bamboo and
Motor vehicles and parts 的零售商。 cane products; china, earthenware and glassware; cooking and kitchen
Retail outlets selling motor vehicles, motor-cycles, bicycles, utensils, other than electrical; canvas and canvas products; other
boats, pleasure crafts and accessories and parts. household articles; sporting equipment; gambling apparatus; umbrellas;
電器及攝影器材 電器(機械及辦公室器材除外)、 攝影器材及用品的零售 paper products; Chinese religious articles; pets and animals (incl. feeds
Electrical goods and photographic 商。 and accessories); fire prevention equipment; other miscellaneous new
goods and second-hand goods; and stamp collection shops. Retail
December 2010

equipment Retail outlets selling electrical goods (except machinery and

sales of goods without the use of a shop-front( 2 ) .
office appliances), photographic equipment and supplies.

Appendix A
傢具及固定裝置 傢具及固定裝置、床褥及廚櫃等的零售商。 註釋 : (1) 修訂後的涵蓋範圍,是根據「香港標準行業分類2.0版」所劃分的。
Furniture and fixtures Retail outlets selling furniture and fixtures, mattress and Notes : Revised coverage is in accordance with the HSIC Version 2.0.

kitchen cupboards, etc. (2) 在「香港標準行業分類2.0版」,不經店面的商品零售(例如經流動貨攤、郵購、互聯網及自動販賣機的商品零售)已不包
Retail sales of goods without the use of a shop-front (e.g. via mobile stalls, mail orders, internet and vending machines) are no
longer included in various types of retail outlets and are grouped collectively under “Other consumer goods, not elsewhere
classified” in HSIC Version 2.0.
零售業銷貨額按月統計調查報告 二零一零年十二月

Concordance table for types of retail outlets under old and new classifications

舊分類(1) 新分類(2) 舊分類(1) 新分類(2)

Old classification(1) New classification(2) Old classification(1) New classification(2)
新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 新鮮或急凍魚類及禽畜肉類 其他未分類耐用消費品 # 其他未分類耐用消費品
Fish, livestock and poultry, Fish, livestock and poultry, fresh or frozen Other consumer durable goods, Other consumer durable goods, not elsewhere
fresh or frozen not elsewhere classified # classified
新鮮蔬果 新鮮蔬果 汽車及汽車零件 (P)
Fruits and vegetables, fresh Fruits and vegetables, fresh Motor vehicles and parts (P)
麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 # 麵包、糕餅、糖果及餅乾 電器及攝影器材 (P)
Bread, pastry, confectionery and Bread, pastry, confectionery and biscuits Electrical goods and photographic equipment (P)
biscuits # 百貨公司 百貨公司
酒類飲品及煙草 酒類飲品及煙草 Department stores Department stores
Alcoholic drinks and tobacco Alcoholic drinks and tobacco 珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物 珠寶首飾、鐘錶及名貴禮物
其他食品 # 其他食品 Jewellery, watches and clocks, Jewellery, watches and clocks, and valuable gifts
Other foodstuffs # Other foodstuffs and valuable gifts
中藥 (P) 書報、文具及禮品 # 書報、文具及禮品
Chinese drugs and herbs (P) Books, newspapers, stationery Books, newspapers, stationery and gifts
- 21 -

藥物及化妝品 (P) and gifts #

Medicines and cosmetics (P) 中藥 中藥 (P)
超級市場 超級市場 Chinese drugs and herbs Chinese drugs and herbs (P)
Supermarket Supermarket 眼鏡店 眼鏡店
燃料 燃料 Optical shops Optical shops
Fuels Fuels 藥物及化妝品 藥物及化妝品 (P)
Report on Monthly Survey of Retail Sales

服裝 # 服裝 Medicines and cosmetics Medicines and cosmetics (P)

Wearing apparel # Wearing apparel 其他未分類消費品 其他未分類消費品 (P)*
Other consumer goods, Other consumer goods, not elsewhere classified (P)*
鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件 鞋類、有關製品及其他衣物配件
not elsewhere classified
Footwear, allied products and Footwear, allied products and other clothing
other clothing accessories accessories 註釋 : # 根據新分類,有關類別中的部分行業已不包括在零售業內。
Notes : Part of industry in the respective group is no longer included in the retail sector under the new
汽車及汽車零件 汽車及汽車零件 (P) classification.
Motor vehicles and parts Motor vehicles and parts (P) * 在「香港標準行業分類2.0版」,不經店面的商品零售(例如經流動貨攤、郵購、互網及自
電器及攝影器材 # 電器及攝影器材 (P) 動販賣機的商品零售)已不包括在各零售商類別,而整體性歸類為「其他未分類消費品」。
Electrical goods and photographic Electrical goods and photographic equipment (P) Retail sales of goods without the use of a shop-front (e.g. via mobile stalls, mail orders, internet
and vending machines) are no longer included in various types of retail outlets and are collectively
equipment #
grouped under “Other consumer goods, not elsewhere classified” in HSIC Version 2.0.
December 2010

傢具及固定裝置 # 傢具及固定裝置 (P) 部分行業。

Furniture and fixtures # Furniture and fixtures Part of industry.

Appendix B
(1) 舊分類是根據「香港標準行業分類1.1版」所劃分的。

Old classification is in accordance with the HSIC Version 1.1.
(2) 新分類是根據「香港標準行業分類2.0版」所劃分的。
New classification is in accordance with the HSIC Version 2.0.
Means of Obtaining Publications and Other Statistical Products
of the Census and Statistics Department

網站 Website
用 戶 可 以 在 政 府 統 計 處 網 站 Users may download statistical publications free
( of charge from the website of the Census and
Statistics Department (
products/publications/index_tc.jsp) 免費下載統
計刊物。 index.jsp).

政府統計處部分刊物備有印刷版,於政府新聞 Some publications of the Census and Statistics

處的政府書店網站 (有 Department are available in print versions and
are offered for sale online at the Government
Bookstore of the Information Services
Department (

郵購服務 Mail Order Service

本處部分刊物附有郵購表格,供訂購或按期訂 A mail order form for ordering or subscribing to
閱刊物的印刷版。請填妥郵購表格,連同所需 print versions of publications is available in some
of the Department’s publications. Completed
form should be sent back together with a cheque
亦 可 在 政 府 統 計 處 網 站 下 載 or bank draft covering all necessary cost and
( postage. The order form is also available for
other_services/provision_of_stat/mail_ordering_ downloading from the website of the Department
of_publications/index_tc.jsp)。 (

銷售中心 Sales Centre

市民可親臨政府統計處刊物出版組購買刊物 Print versions of publications and CD-ROM
的印刷版和唯讀光碟產品,並即時提取。刊物 products are available for purchase and
collection on the spot at the Publications Unit of
出版組的地址是: the Census and Statistics Department at the
following address :

香港灣仔港灣道十二號 19/F Wanchai Tower

灣仔政府大樓十九樓 12 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong.

電話:(852) 2582 3025 Tel. : (852) 2582 3025

圖文傳真:(852) 2827 1708 Fax : (852) 2827 1708

該組並設有閱讀區,讓使用者翻閱陳列的統計 The Unit also provides a reading area where

處各類的刊物。閱讀區也備有統計處編製的宣 users may browse through various publications
of the Department on display.
Publicity/educational leaflets and pamphlets of
the Department are also available for collection.

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