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10 Cool Things You Can Do with JavaScript and YUI

By Diona Kidd

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1. The YUI
The Yahoo User Interface (YUI) library is a collection of JavaScript and CSS resources
that make it easy to build a wide variety of interactive web pages. It also includes
easy-to-use widgets that can be directly dropped into a page.

YUI not only handles the cross-browser challenges for developers, from JavaScript to
font sizes, but it also includes CSS that can be included to minimize the time to
implement a widget. In addition to JavaScript and CSS, the library also includes test
scripts, examples, and documentation for YUI components. Using YUI, you can
minimize your effort to create a feature rich web interface.

2. Manipulating the DOM

Creating interactive interfaces on the web requires interacting with the Document
Object Model. It's okay if you don't have the innermost knowledge of the DOM
because YUI does a lot of this work for you in one of its core libraries.

The YUI DOM class offers convenient methods to access DOM elements. This library
is a singleton and doesn't require instantiation. Simply put, just include the
prerequisite yahoo.js and the library, dom.js, and call the methods directly.

You can do a lot using the DOM Collection library, including easily accessing page
elements for manipulation. You also can get and set styles, the XY coordinate of an
element, manipulate class names, and even get the Viewport size.

The DOM library is probably most often used to retrieve page elements by either ID
or class for manipulation. You also can shorten your code by assigning this singleton
object to a variable at the beginning of a function or class. You can do this with
almost all of the YUI utility classes.

$D = YAHOO.util.Dom;

This allows you to call any method of the DOM class using a much shorter line of
code throughout your function or class.


3. AJAX Requests
There are a lot of AJAX libraries these days. YUI's AJAX implementation has a lighter
footprint than some other libraries. The Connection Manager class handles AJAX
requests in YUI. It provides a simple but powerful interface while handling cross-
browser instantiation of the XMLHttpRequest, handles' states, and server responses.
To use the Connection Manager, include the prerequisites Yahoo and Custom Event,
and then the Connection Manager.

<script src="="../yui/build/yahoo/yahoo.js"></script>
<script src="="../yui/build/event/event.js"></script>
<script src="="../yui/build/connection/connection.js"></script>

When you want to handle a response from an AJAX call, create a callback object to
handle the server response and the returned data. If you don't care what information
comes back from the server, you can omit the callback object.

var callback =
success: function(o) {/*success handler code*/},
failure: function(o) {/*failure handler code*/},

The response object is passed into each function in your callback object. If you need
to pass in additional objects, numbers, strings, or arrays to your callback methods,
you can do this by using the optional argument member.

Each of these members is optional. The Connection Manager will automatically call
either success or response member functions depending on the server response.
Each of these members is optional because you are overriding the callback object in
the Connection Manager and passing in a custom methods for handling the response.
If there is no response method defined in your code, nothing happens.

To make an AJAX request, you also need to define the data you want to send to the
server, the URL to send the data to, and the method to use. In this example, you'll
use the following URL, URL param string, and the HTTP POST method. If the data
string has special characters, you would need to encode the postData string.

var sUrl = '';

var postData = 'username=anonymous&password=blank';
var myMethod = 'POST';

At this point, you have defined methods defined to handle success and failure, your
designation URL, your POST data string, and your HTTP method. Now, you just need
to make your AJAX request using the Connection Manager. Use the asyncRequest
method of the Connection Manager to query the server.

var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest(myMethod, sUrl,

callback, postData);
You also could retrieve a form element from the page by using
the DOM class and pass the form object in to the Connection

4. Drag and Drop

Drag and drop is a cool effect that interacts with the DOM of a web page. It's been
gaining popularity over the last few years, cropping up in shopping carts and other
interactive interfaces.

Creating drag and drop interaction is easy using the DragDrop library in YUI. To
create this effect in YUI, first include the Yahoo DOM Event and the DragDrop classes
in the head of your HTML document.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/yahoo-dom-event/

yahoo-dom-event.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/dragdrop/
dragdrop-min.js" ></script>

Then, add an element to the page that you want to drag and drop.

<div id="element1">
Drag &amp; drop this element around the page.

Finally, instantiate the DragDrop object.

var dd1 = new YAHOO.util.DD("element1");

5. Displaying Tabular Data on a Web Page

At some point, almost everyone needs to represent tabular data on a web page. The
DataTable control provides a simple but powerful way to display tabular data on a
web page. This YUI widget also offers interactive features including sortable and
resizable columns, row selection, pagination, scrolling, and inline editing.

The DataTable control is dynamically marked up as a table, with a <thead> and two
<tbody> elements. The <thead> is populated by the ColumnSet class and the
<tbody> relies on the DataSource, RecordSet classes and DOM UI.

The DataTable has quite a few prerequisites, but don't be intimidated. Once you're
set up, using the DataTable in your web page is pretty painless. You can use the
included CSS to style the data table, without worrying about browser display issues.
Dependancies are contingent upon the features you want to include. For instance,
resizable columns require the DragDrop library and AJAX requires the Connection
Manager. More information on the various features of the DataTable widget is
available in the YUI documentation and examples.

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="/build/datatable/


<!-- Dependencies -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/yahoo-dom-event/
<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/element/
<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/datasource/
<!-- OPTIONAL: Connection (enables XHR) -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=" /build/connection/
<!-- Source -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/build/datatable/

A table is useless without data, so you first need to define the data that will be used
for the table. Do this by instantiating a DataSource object that will contain your data
for the rows in the table.

YAHOO.example.fruit = [

Instantiation of the DataSource object is, of course, done by calling the method 'new'
on the DataSource utility class. The first and only argument to 'new' is the data
structure for the class uses to build the object. In this case, the argument is the
array Yahoo.example.fruit.

var myDataSource = new YAHOO.util.DataSource(YAHOO.example.fruits);

You also could use JSON, XML, Text, or a HTML table but for this example, use a
JavaScript array to keep things simple.

Next, you need to set the responseType and define your responseSchema for your
DataSource object. Because you're using a JavaScript array, set the responseType to
TYPE_JSArray. The responseSchema defines the names of the columns the object
will receive.

myDataSource.responseType = YAHOO.util.DataSource.TYPE_JSARRAY;
myDataSource.responseSchema = {
fields: ["name","price"]

Now, you can instantiate the DataTable object. All you need to pass in is an ID or
element reference of a DIV element that will act as a container for the DataTable,
the column definitions, and the newly created DataSource object.

var myColumnDefs = [
{key:"name", label:"Fruit Type"},
{key:"price", label:"Price"}

var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("myContainer",

myColumnDefs, myDataSource);
As you can see, the keys for the column definitions match the fields defined in our
responseSchema. The labels in the column definitions are used in the markup for the
table for the visible table headers.

You also could pass in a forth parameter to the DataTable object containing
configuration options. There are a lot of options to the DataTable control in YUI.
Again, I would highly recommend reviewing the examples and documentation to see
the full list of options and features for this widget.

5a. Pagination
One of the features of the DataTable widget that I find most useful is pagination.
Pagination makes interaction with large datasets much easier for the end user and
keeps the design of a page intact.

Pagination also occurs without page reloads and the pagination elements are
configurable. A user can choose how many rows to show on a page and easily access
other pages in the DataTable.

// Configure pagination features

// The following object literal reiterates default values
var myConfigs = {
paginated:true, // Enables built-in client-side pagination
paginator:{ // Configurable options
containers: null, // Create container DIVs dynamically
currentPage: 1, // Show page 1
// Show these in the rows-per-page dropdown
dropdownOptions: [10,25,50,100,500],
pageLinks: 0, // Show links to all pages
rowsPerPage: 100 // Show up to 100 rows per page
var myDataTable = new YAHOO.widget.DataTable("myContainer",
myColumnDefs, myDataSource, myConfigs);

6. Rich Text Editor Widget

The Rich Text Editor widget was just added to YUI in version 2.3.0. The YUI editor is
cross-browser compatible and includes a lot of the standard features you would
expect for a simple text editor.

<!-- Skin CSS file -->

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../yui/build/assets/

<!-- Utility Dependencies -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/yahoo-dom-event/
<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/element/
<!-- Needed for Menus, Buttons and Overlays used in the Toolbar -->
<script src="../yui/build/container/
<script src="../yui/build/menu/menu-min.js"></script>
<script src="../yui/build/button/button-beta-min.js"></script>

<!-- Source file for Rich Text Editor-->

<script src="../yui/build/editor/editor-beta-min.js"></script>

The Rich Text Editor has been designed to replace an existing HTML <textarea>
element. If users try to use the Rich Text Editor without JavaScript support, they will
simply see a standard <textarea>.

Here's the basic markup for the text area, straight from the YUI documenation.

<body class="yui-skin-sam">
<textarea name="msgpost" id="msgpost" cols="50" rows="10">
<strong>Your</strong> HTML <em>code</em> goes here.<br>
This text will be pre-loaded in the editor when it is rendered.

Once you have the <textarea> on the page, you can set up the Rich Text Editor
widget by calling new on the Editor widget, passing in some basic configuration
options, and telling the Editor to render itself.

var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.Editor('msgpost', {

height: '300px',
width: '522px',
dompath: true, //Turns on the bar at the bottom
animate: true //Animates the opening, closing and moving of
//Editor windows

7. Calendar Widget
The Calendar widget was the first thing that I used from YUI. I have used several
different calendar widgets over the years, including creating my own. The YUI
Calendar widget is easy to configure, use, and skin; this makes it an attractive
calendar solution for web developers.

The prerequisites for this widget are minimal and include the Yahoo DOM Event and
Calendar classes. I also use the base CSS stylesheet and alter it as needed. To
create a calendar widget, you'll start off with the following code in the header of the
HTML page.

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../yui/build/calendar/


<!-- Dependencies -->

<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/yahoo-dom-event/
<!-- Source file -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/calendar/

Next, create a div element in the page to act as a placement container for the
calendar widget. You can put this anywhere in the page markup.

<div id="cal1Container"></div>

Lastly, instantiate the calendar object and configure it using JavaScript and the YUI
methods included by your prerequisites. The first argument to the Calendar is the ID
for the new element Calendar will create. This element acts as a container to the
Calendar's DOM structures. The second argument is the ID of the container div
element you just created on the page.

var cal1;
function init() {
cal1 = new YAHOO.widget.Calendar("cal1","cal1Container");

As with a lot of other YUI widgets, you also could pass in an optional argument for
configuration that sets various attributes of the Calendar including selected dates,
current month, minimum and maximum dates that can be selected, and the
calendar's title. There are several other configuration options as well. I encourage
you to read the YUI documentation to learn more because there are way too many
options to cover in this article.

8. Overlay Transition Effects

Transition effects are useful to visually 'ease in' new page elements or transition
existing elements. To assign transition effects, the element needs to be an Overlay

Transition effects are created using the Container Effect class in combination with the
effect property of the YUI Overlay object. It allows configuration of transitional
animation for Overlay and its subclasses, activated when the Overlay is shown or
hidden. For instance, the Overlay can fade in and out, or slide in or out of the

The Container Effect class is based on the Container and Animation classes. Both of
these classes are prerequisites for transitions.

The effect property accepts an object or an array of objects, each object defining two
fields. The first field is the predefined name of the effect to use and the second is the
duration of the animation.

YAHOO.example.container.overlay1 =
new YAHOO.widget.Overlay("overlay1", { xy:[150,100],
visible:false, width:"300px",
effect:{effect:YAHOO.widget.ContainerEffect.FADE,duration:0.25} } );
9. Animation of HTML Elements
In addition to transition effects, you can also create motion, animate scrollbars,
animate color transitions, animate along a curved path, and smoothly resize
elements using the animation library in YUI.

You can animate an element on a web page by first defining the element in your
markup, and then creating a new animation object using the ID of the element and
lastly, calling the animate function.

<div id="test"></div>

var myAnim = new YAHOO.util.Anim('test', {
width: { to: 400 }
}, 1, YAHOO.util.Easing.easeOut);

Properties for the animation can be defined when you instantiate the animation
object or by using their respective properties.

10. Overlays and the Lightbox Technique

Take a look at how to create the famed 'Lightbox' effect by using the Overlay object
in YUI.

An overlay is a widget based on the Container object, which means the Container
library is a prerequisite. You also need to use the Yahoo DOM Event class.

First add your prerequisites, Yahoo DOM Event, and Container.

<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/yahoo-dom-event/

<script type="text/javascript" src="../yui/build/container/
You also need to add the styles needed for the lightbox. These are included in the
source download for brevity. Then, you start a JavaScript block and define the
functions in the YAHOO.example namespace.

In your init function, create and render the overlay widget that will contain the larger
version of the image. Next, create an overlay object that is 100% in height and
width of the viewport and append this div to the body of your document. This will
contain your transparent background image that makes the page appear to fade
behind the larger image version. Finally, add a listener event to both the 'show' link
and the close button to both show and hide the overlay.

YAHOO.example = function() {
var $D = YAHOO.util.Dom;
var $E = YAHOO.util.Event;
return {
init : function() {
overlay_img = new YAHOO.widget.Overlay("overlay_img",
{ fixedcenter:true, visible:false, width:"330px" });

// Dynamically build a second, hidden overlay div to

// contain the transparent background image

var overlay = document.createElement('div'); = 'overlay';

// Assign 100% height and width = $D.getViewportWidth()+'px'; = $D.getViewportHeight()+'px';
document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(overlay); = 'none';

// Assign event listeners

$E.addListener("show", "click", YAHOO.example.lb_show, null);
$E.addListener("close", "click", YAHOO.example.lb_hide, null);


Once the init() function is defined, create two additional methods to correspond to
the assigned listening events. The first is lb_show() and the second is lb_hide().
These are very simple functions that alter the visibility of the two overlay elements.

lb_show : function() {
$D.get('overlay').style.display = 'block';
$D.get('overlay_img').style.visibility = 'visible';

// hide both overlay elements

lb_hide : function() {
$D.get('overlay').style.display = 'none';
$D.get('overlay_img').style.visibility = 'hidden';
The last action in your JavaScript block is to call the init function when the page
loads. Use the Yahoo.util.Event by its full name because the variable $E is out of
scope outside of the Yahoo.example namespace.

YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", YAHOO.example.init);

In your markup, add an image with the id "show" so you can use this image to
trigger the lightbox overlay when the image is clicked. Then, add the markup for the
hidden div you will use to show the larger version of the image. Here, you can see
the 'close button' that has an onclick event listener assigned to call lb_hide().

<a href="#" id="show"><img src="images/IMG_0076.jpg"

style="height: 200px; width: 150px; border: 0;" /></a>

<div id="overlay1" style="visibility:hidden">

<div class="hd"><span>Keyhole</span><a href="#" id="close"
<div class="bd"><img src="images/IMG_0076.jpg" /></div>
<div class="ft"><span>Some sort of comment on the photo</span></div>

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