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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH - teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-76

of the second anointing unto the blessing of prophets in the literal church of the First Born even that ye do subscribe to the
doctrine and are made aware of the implication of such a responsibility even as ye are set- apart to the healing of nations and
the healing of the chosen of God, ye are set upon added dominion whereby ye are accounted of God worthy to receive in the
name of the Lord God who ordaineth thee unto this order of priesthood responsibility even that ye be found pure and
wholesome of prophetic heart to come in the time set- apart for this unction that ye be given strength to endure all that is set
to stop the forward momentum in the days of great persecutions and wickedness upon the earth. Ye have been given
dominion to function in the order designed for those who are called up and anointed in the heavenly councils to be given
understanding wherewith ye are given the time set- apart for the things of the patriarchal- priesthood promises to be added
upon thy head even that ye are sealed upon with the knowledge that ye have been granted the time to learn of the things of
thy responsibility in that ye do function in the knowledge given unto thee whereby ye are awakened to the things of a
forever dominion where worlds are brought into existence through the new world of revelatory experience granted unto the
pure of heart. And it is given unto thee to know that ye do now walk with the blessing upon thy head to the written and
spoken word to the convincing of those who are seeking a knowledge of opened worlds of new revelation and opened
worlds of configured treatises of the word of the Lord assigned to the earth to fulfill the promises given to the Saints who
are given the promise of comfort and a second witness whereby ye are given knowledge to speak given knowledge to
whisper in the ear and given knowledge of the way of the Lord inasmuch as ye find the way opened for thee to understand
that ye have been set- apart to the healing of nations and the healing of the souls of those who find the persecutors of the
righteous among the friends of the family of Christ who have not had the confirmation given as a place of peace assigned to
speak the words of eternal life as a written and spoken endowment for the vanity of the world is seen upon their brow and
the things of the functioning hierarchy are far from their perceptions. Ye have been given to know of the things in thy
foreordination which are for the healing blessing of the women in the church of the First Born who are come to thee to find
the manna of the word of comfort and the manna of the word of knowledge and the manna of the word of prophecy and the
word of righteousness inhabiting the prepared heart which has overcome the world and which is brought forth to new
understanding and brought about as an arm of mercy and love to those who are given the knowledge of eternal life in their
heart as an endowment of peace and of the comfort of the face of new prophecy abiding in the sanctioned presence of those
who call thee up to receive a confirmation of the blessings given to *he stout of heart filled with the righteous tower of
knowledge leading to the mouth of God. So be it given to thee to gain understanding and configured fellowship with the
literal church of the First Born as the council of the Fathers and the council of the Gods have met and conveyed knowledge
to thee of thine election to stand as a pillar of righteousness whereby ye are assigned a seat to sit down in the grand circle of
forever wisdom and knowledge to be given as an everlasting covenant established between thee and those who ordain to
convey upon thee the rights to the honor and priesthood of Aaron and of the rights to the honor and priesthood of Samuel
who in the temple of the Lord's House did say: Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth; and to bestow upon thee the honor and
the priesthood of Moses unto the gathering of the children of Israel who are scattered to the ways of God and are brought to
a healing knowledge of the mind and will of God even that the honor and priesthood of the Son of God is bestowed upon
thee in the name of the Savior Jesus Christ that ye would fulfill thy priesthood responsibilities in the name of the Son of
God who doth bestow upon thee the sacred- redeemership blessings granted to those who are found prepared to
acknowledge the hand of the Lord in all things even that ye would be called upon to bestow the smile of revelation even that
ye be called forth and appointed to declare thy lineage to give an accounting of the manna of discipleship ye have received
in that ye would prepare the Record to stand as a testament throughout the ministry of mortal minds receiving a knowledge
of the godhood blessings bestowed upon the righteous of heart who are feasted upon in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
And it is given thee to understand that the council of the Gods have met and have confirmed upon thee thine exaltation of
position to rule over the minds of men to grant unto them an endowment of knowledge whereby ye are called up to occupy
this position of priesthood responsibility in the order and commission of the everlasting inheritance of the glory of God unto
a knowledge confirmed unto thee that ye would be brought to a responsible knowledge and to a responsible stewardship to
speak the word of the Lord at appointed places set- apart for the confirming of the statutes that are confirmed upon those
who are prepared through the ministration of the Holy Spirit of promise inasmuch as ye do find thy sustenance given as an
endowment upon thy mind and heart whereby thy calling and election to stand at the head of a dispensation of the glory of
God in that ye do find the knowledge of righteousness set upon thy mind in the holy house of redeemed understanding.
Even as ye do come to understanding ye are measured a rule of knowledge whereby thy cup is full of the promises of God
and ye are brought to greater understanding and ye are feasted upon with an inheritance of the mind and will of God that ye
be confirmed in the righteousness allotted unto men and women of peculiar understanding which peculiar understanding is
given in holy councils where the Gods of heaven and the forces governing the spiritual endowment are set to convey upon
the righteous a knowledge of the righteousness of the Father as prepared by the Son that ye would be aware of the sacrifices
required that ye do find the things of God prepared as inhabiting the righteous heart in conjunction with the things of God to
the out- pouring of the blessings of righteousness even the manner and tribute welcome of the Son of God; for I confirm

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-76

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