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BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart. Draft_E-174

be it written that ye come to an appreciation of the agency and eternal- life awareness that ye overcome all things in the
name of Jesus Christ. So be it written that ye abide in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. [January 9, 2001 (1)]
January 9, 2001 (2)
January 9, 2001 (2) [I was saying in my prayer I was grateful for being taught through the Spirit of the Lord. I heard the
words of the Lord in my mind:] This is the last time of restitution. [January 9, 2001 (2)]
January 12, 2001 (1)
January 12, 2001 (1) [I prayed in the name of Jesus Christ these words: I praise thee, O Lord God, that I would see the
avenue of righteousness available to me.] Write and I will answer thee according to thy desire to be found in the path of
righteousness even that ye come to understanding and are found prepared to obtain the knowledge of the new veil of
righteousness as ye are granted the wisdom and courage of a participant of the holy order of the Son of righteousness
whereby ye are found prepared to overcome the world. [January 12, 2001 (1)]
January 14, 2001 (I)
January 14, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye overcome the things of fear in thy heart as ye overcome the limited perspective
which overcomes thy mind and causes thee to lose the focus of an eternal perspective. Blessed art thou as ye seek to find the
things of beauty as ye find the words of eternal life in thy heart and find the way opened before thy view that ye would
rejoice in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and be bound to the things of an everlasting friendship to the name of God even
an everlasting friendship of fellowship with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hearken and be found encompassed with the
believing heart composed of the faith to overcome the world and the things which are sealed away from the understanding of
those who look not unto the voice of the word of everlasting remembrance neither do they test the things of an awakened
heart in the name of Jesus Christ, for I say unto thee: Blessed art thou for thy desire to overcome the things of the world
which bring upon thee a fear which is a curse and bondage to curtail thy belief in the things of an everlasting inheritance
which is prepared for the pure in heart who break forth into singing and rejoice with an added- upon perspective and who
are called out of the bondage of the world and are given a greater capacity to progress in the light of the name of the Lord
Jesus Christ. So be it written to give thee peace in the world that ye might be transported to a belief and view cast upon thy
mind of the eternal nature of the things of a royal inheritance which sees from eternity to eternity and bears the knowledge
placed upon that mind to an elevated perspective of righteousness and the view of an eternal inheritance in the knowledge of
the way and sequence of the face to face communication of the pure heart to stand in the face to face tribute of righteousness
which is prepared to overcome all things in the foundation analysis of perfected righteousness where ye are called to rejoice
and bear testimony of the overcoming testimony of the Son of God who beareth testimony of the Father and who delivereth
the meek to an understanding of the way opened before the view in the name of righteousness and the name of eternal
inheritance and in the name of eternal sacrifice of the things of a worldly perspective. So be it given unto thee to bear the
testimony of the Living Son of righteousness that ye prepare the way for others to believe in the foundation knowledge of
the living tree of eternal testimony standing in the presence of God as a pure witness of the divine Sonship of the Son of
righteousness that ye testify as a living testament to the glory of the Lord that ye abide in the name of eternal righteousness
and eternal longevity that ye bear witness of the everlasting inheritance granted to those who have overcome the world and
have been escorted to a realm of understanding where the believing heart can understand all things in the way and season of
eternal righteousness. Blessed is the way of eternal life opened before thine understanding that ye would be found awakened
to the way of righteousness and eternal life in the name of righteousness and eternal- life awareness bestowed upon the pure
who find the happiness of the way even a knowledge of the name of the way of eternal- life awareness in the Fatherhood-
knowledge of the things of an enlightened name and glory of eternal lives which bringeth to the faithful an everlasting
power to function in the eternal things of everlasting life in the presence of God. So be it written to grant thee the fellowship
knowledge of the pure blood of the Father that ye might inherit with the Son of God all principalities and dominions, all
contracts of righteousness, all things which evoke belief in the eternal righteousness of the Son of God, even the things
which are laden upon thine understanding in the presence of the Righteous Father who speaketh to thy mind and heart; and
ye are beckoned to abide in the way and nurture of the way of eternal inheritance as one prepared to come forth to a view of
the knowledge of the Son of God who has granted thee an extension of the rights and privileges which are geared to grant
thee an inheritance of the perfect knowledge and faithful inheritance reserved for those who have overcome the world of
unbelief and slothfulness in the knowledge of the Son of God. So be it granted to thee to obtain an understanding of the
things of an everlasting inheritance given unto thy heart and granted unto thine understanding as ye find peace in the
presence of God who doth strengthen thee in the receiving of this knowledge and inheritorship commandment given to
strengthen thee in the world to the knowledge of the face of God as a living endowment of the season of extended
righteousness granted unto the pure who find the face to face knowledge of eternal righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye
inherit with the Son a knowledge of the eternal righteousness of the Father, even the Father Elohim who doth portray unto
thee the things which are inherited by the Son of God, even as ye have received as an inheritor of the things of God to an
understanding of the pure rights and privileges placed upon thy heart to a knowledge of the elevated perspective of the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Maione Southard. Draft_E-174

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