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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-191

offering of faithful adherence through thy trial as ye hearken to the things of the nature of an everlasting comprehension of
eternal righteousness. So be it granted unto thee as ye come to this degree of comprehension where thy spirit separates from
the persecution found in the world and ye are found in the eternal focus of living righteousness, ye shall be given greater
understanding in the lineage inheritance of greater faith in the voice of an extended duration upon the brow of the covenant
of everlasting inheritance of the things of righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye come to this greater focus of everlasting
righteousness that ye would be blessed to inherit the voice of the everlasting voice of eternal knowledge of the order of the
righteousness of the Father in the sacred name of everlasting inheritance even that ye inherit in the name of Christ and are
found prepared to stand as an everlasting witness of the glorious procedure and testimony of the lengthened stay of
witnesses as ye are blessed to become knowledgeable of the comforting witness of the testimony of the things of an
everlasting duration granted unto the focussed and the obedient to the voice of everlasting inheritance, even that ye gain an
inheritance and a witness of the ministering benefits as ye are renewed to gain the peace of an opened portal of traversing
the spacious- eternal understanding granted the pure who overcome the world in the focus of everlasting righteousness. So
be it granted unto thee that ye shall write in the overcoming name of eternal righteousness even the name of Jesus Christ in
the sacred- overcoming time given unto thee to bind the fear of the focus of the world and give up thy fear of a worldly
tribunal which focuses on the societal prejudice of a worldly focus of unrighteousness. Blessed art thou as ye overcome all
things even that thy focus of everlasting inheritance might prepare thee to feast upon the manna of the word of everlasting
inheritance that ye find the righteousness of the focus of the face of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ appearing unto thee in
the things of an everlasting inheritance and comfort in the degree of understanding granted unto thee. [April 2, 2001 (1)]
April 4, 2001(1)
April 4,2001 (1)1 give unto thee a promise and by this promise ye shall know that I am with thee even as ye ask for the
protection granted unto thee as ye overcome the face of the fear of the world even that ye abide in the covenant of the face
of the name of Jesus Christ ye shall abide a time of restitution in that ye abide in the things of the eternal focus whereby ye
have put thy faith in the word of eternal righteousness and have been granted the peace of an upturned face which is as an
awareness of the abiding voice of everlasting wisdom and exposure to the face to face exchange of the word of extended
wisdom and everlasting light found upon thy countenance. For ye shall be found in the time and season of the knowledge of
the face of the precepts and principles of the word of everlasting life even as thy knowledge of the Son of Man doth bring
thee peace and the focus of the face of everlasting righteousness bringeth the peace of an awakened heart found prepared to
overcome all things in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, for I say unto thee to release the focus of an everyday sustenance
for thy focus upon the Lord will increase thine everyday sustenance, for the windows of eternal increase flow from the voice
of God and cannot be held back by the sabotage of men in the flesh, for the increase of the things of the Lord are given thee
to sustain thee in the world that ye be not overcome by the sly- undermining attempts to derail thy focus of eternal
righteousness, for the tribute offering is made efficacious for payment made in full by thy Savior even Jesus Christ and thy
Redeemer even Jesus Christ and thy Sustainer in the trial, even Jesus Christ that ye would abide the knowledge of an
atonement made in behalf of those whose faith makes the contributing alignment in the things which awaken the heart to a
spiritual birth of righteousness even that ye would praise the name of God and be found in the way of eternal life and
awaken to the eternal increase granted the hearts of the righteous, for eternal increase is that adding upon of the things of life
which come from and are granted thee of the name of Christ, for the things of the name of Christ are brought forth unto the
righteous that ye be welcomed to partake of the things of an everlasting inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ, for I call
thee mine that ye would abide in the peace of the name of Jesus Christ in that ye shall be brought forth to greater
understanding even as the name of righteousness even the name of Jesus Christ abides upon thy countenance that ye be
marked with the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and have partaken of the righteousness of the face and name of Jesus Christ
So be it granted unto thee that ye find the way of gratitude opened before thy mind and heart that ye abide without the fear
of the world closing in upon the peace available in the face to face- tribute awareness of the voice of everlasting adherence
to the precepts and principles of the gospel of the name and face of the Son of God who waiteth by thy side to give thee the
comfort and sustaining to overcome all things in the sacred- redemption function of the atonement sequence found in thy
heart unto a clarification of the safety abiding within thy mind of the words of eternal life which are brought unto thy mind
and ye do see the peace of the Lord granted unto thee according to the active faith exhibited in the focus of the things of
eternal increase granted unto thee even the increase of the Spirit of the Lord which awakens thy heart to the foundation of
the holy word of increase even the increase of faith to sustain the receiving of the everyday sustenance to teach thee of the
name of righteousness which is honored in thy heart and ye abide the eternal covenant of the name of Jesus Christ in thy
life. So be it granted to thee to gain understanding that ye are awakened to the voice of eternal increase of the name of
righteousness which is dwelling upon thee as ye abide the Spirit of the Holy Spirit which is promised to abide the faithful
and diligent who obtain the word of eternal focus and added understanding in the things of an everlasting inheritance
granted in the name of the Lord God of Israel for I say unto thee: Receive ye of my peace which increaseth upon thy
countenance even as the words of an everlasting inheritance might be monitored upon thy heart to forestall the focus of the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-191

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