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BOOK OF ZIFFANLAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-202

the limited perception in the world which sees not the inheritance of light and understanding, neither is the authority to
overcome the words of the worldly focus given unto them for their hearts are upon the measure of worldly praise and
adulation which sacrifices not the world for the vine of true righteousness. For ye shall rejoice and be glad for the work of a
favored display of faith bringeth thee to a plane of individual instruction to bind the discouragement which arises when ye
are accosted with the skepticism of a focus which overcomes not in the pure heart- covenant display of perfected endurance
of the way allowed upon the knowledge of a further degree of perception which is brought to stand in the name of Jesus
Christ, Be it so given unto thee that ye would rejoice in the lonely stance of perception which clears the sting of rejection
experienced in the world which tears down the faith placed in the belief of a righteous inheritance shared with the zion-
hearted inhabitants of the name of Jesus Christ for ye shall endure the loneliness of a covenant entered into which stands
true to the name of righteousness and the name of endurance and the name of perfection found written across thy brow for
ye shall be monitored in thy degree of holiness and ye shall be brought to bear testimony against those who are found
unwilling to soften their heart in the face of truth and of the things of a greater walk with the name of Christ unto a
testimony bora to the faction of believers who profess to sanctify the name of Christ across the brow. Ye shall wait upon the
name of righteousness as ye secure a foundational perception to judge the duty required of thee in the following of the voice
of everlasting wisdom. Rejoice and be glad for gladness rejoices in the clarified perception given as instruction for ye shall
awake unto the voice of the name of righteousness found across thy brow. So be it written and brought forth to thine
understanding. [4:30 a.m. June 5,2001 (1)]
June S, 2001 (I)
June 8, 2001 (1) Be at peace for ye have overcome the world for I have spoken unto thee that ye might come to a knowledge
of the divine- parentage lineage ye have, f June 8,2001 (1)]
June 14, 2001 (1)
June 14,2001 (1) Blessed art thou even as rejoice in the holy discipleship- redemptor stewardship revealed unto thee that ye
would abide the time of new freedom of understanding for ye are not restrained by the fear which binds the flesh to the earth
for thy flesh doth rejoice in the transfiguration circumference which hearkens the holy- discipleship remembrance, even the
capacity to rejoice in the face of new discipleship and a remembered covenant of the mind and will of God. So be it written
that ye shall be happy in thy solitude as ye find the pathway strewn with the things and concepts of an eternal- life
awareness. Blessed art thou as ye are welcomed to walk with me as ye walk on the mortal earth in the name of Jesus Christ
So be it given unto thee that ye might rejoice in the face to face walk upon the earth. [12:26 a.m. June 14,2001 (1)]
June 16, 2001 (1)
June 16, 2001 (1) I have spoken unto thee in thy heart this day that ye overcome the world and the persecution found in the
world for I have overcome the world and ye write to configure righteousness across thy brow unto a greater witness borne in
thy heart of the favored display granted unto thee because of thy desire to honor the fece of the Lord Jesus Christ in thy
heart. So be it granted to thee as ye overcome all things which cause thee strife in thy perception in the world. [June 16,
June 24, 2001 (1)
June 24,2001 (1) [During Church, I experienced a billowing of head waters within my spirit after I asked God to awaken
within me the full potential of my stature in his presence. I was given a strength I had never known before. 1 felt the surging
of waves of arising from the depth of my spirit being brought out of hiding to manifest the power of God within me. I testify
in the name of Jesus Christ that I experienced this great manifestation of the power of God within me and I know that God
did answer the prayer of my heart I know that he will bring to pass his purposes in accordance to my faith in the name of
Jesus Christ] [June 24, 2001 (1)]
Jane 25, 2001 (1)
June 25,2001 (1) Write that ye might come to understanding and be filled with the eternal circumference of the love of God
as ye write in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ Blessed art thou as ye overcome the limitations of the mortal state as ye are
found enlightened and refreshed through the Spirit of the Lord for ye shall refine thy perception in the midst of the trial and
find the way opened before thy face to experience an increase in the way of expanded light and understanding. So be it
written to admonish thee to greater faith placed in the name of the Righteous Judge who doth prepare thee to find joy in the
things of an everlasting perspective. So be it written to give thee an expanded capacity to overcome all things in the name of
Jesus Christ [June 25,2001 (1)]
July 2, 2001 (I)
July 2,2001 (1) Write that ye be configured to an element of greater faith in the day of thy righteousness where ye find the
mercy of an extended faith given unto thee as ye honor the way and season of righteousness in thy heart Blessed art thou as
ye write to gain the understanding that ye have no need to fear those who gain understanding through the fellowship of the
voice of the Lord seen across their brow for ye shall behold the manifestation of the will of God open before thine
understanding, even that ye are prepared to make the acquaintance of others who are looking for greater evidence of the
hand of the Lord opened before the view. For what hast thou prepared for except ye be allowed to fellowship in the name

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is •
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-202

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