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BOOK OF 2tIFFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the trihute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-207

[September 11, 2001(1)]

September 15, 2001 (1)
September 15,2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye find the meaning behind the words given unto thee that ye overcome the
limited understanding of the world and the precepts and limited understanding of those who find their focus based upon the
way of carnal security in the world. For I grant unto thee an awakened perspective that ye would be awakened to the things
of an everlasting focus of righteousness, even the further degree of light and understanding required in the new heart which
approves of the way of an everlasting inheritance granted to bring forth the eternal reward of eternal righteousness, even the
pure knowledge of the eternal- restitution stewardship of deliverance brought forth through the new inheritance- revelatory
throne of the face to face brightness of the pure word of an everlasting inheritance of the name of eternal inheritance, even
the inheritance of the pure blood of the Righteous Father in the name of the Son of God brought to stand as the pinnacle of
deliverance granted in the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written that ye abide in the way of eternal righteousness.
[September 15, 2001 (1)]
September 17, 2001 (1)
September 17, 2001 (1) [I heard the words in my mind.] Arise and take thy place among the righteous.
September 19, 2001 (I)
September 19, 2001 (1) Blessed art thou as ye find the peace in the presence of great knowledge and understanding abiding
upon thy brow, even that the name of the presence of the host- dominion participation in the tilings of a righteous
inheritance might be found in thy heart unto a greater appreciation of the miracle of the light of the dominion and perfect
understanding granted the faithful and prayerful in the presence of the great understanding and dominion of an everlasting
inheritance. So be it written that ye do attend to the things of an everlasting inheritance granted unto thee, even that ye abide
an everlasting inheritance gained upon the factor of righteousness granted unto thee in the favored name of Jesus Christ,
who doth grant unto thee the things of an everlasting inheritance in the name of Jesus Christ So be it written that ye might
obtain a greater capacity to endure the fallen world with the light of an everlasting faith gained in the presence of God. So be
it written that ye might find joy in the things of an everlasting- inheritance knowledge in the presence of the things of an
everlasting circumference in the presence of God. So be it written that ye might see into the world of everlasting inheritance
and find the joy in the working of righteousness upon the earth and forevermore. [September 19,2001 (1)]
September 20, 2001 (1)
September 20, 2001 (1) Rise up, and find the new strength granted unto thee that ye might feast in the knowledge of the Son
of God and find deliverance in thy heart and mind, that ye might accomplish the things of the eternal reference and paradigm
for ye are known as one who is trusted of the Lord and the way of righteousness is granted to thine understanding, and ye
are found prepared to walk forth with the countenance of the Lord upon thy brow unto a greater knowledge and inheritance
granted thee in the name of Jesus Christ for ye shall not shrink the knowledge of the Son of God placed upon thy brow, even
that ye have no need to think that another would judge thee in thy righteousness for the righteousness of the pure heart is a
monitored substance and can be seen upon the countenance. Raise thine hand hi honor unto the Lord and find the
knowledge of the righteousness of the word of God lifted to thy rescue and thy sustaining. Praise the name of righteousness
and be found hi the strength of mind and heart in the righteousness name of deliverance. So be it written that ye might
obtain the counsel given of the righteous Inheritor of all righteousness for ye shall inquire of the Lord and receive the tribute
knowledge of the Son of God given unto thee as ye flee the fear and indecisive emotions which cause thee to stand not in the
defence of thine integrity of heart and mind. Praise be the word of the Lord granted in thy behalf that ye might ordain a
lawful use within thy mind and heart to the capacity to stand in the midst of trial and tribulation in the time set forth for the
tribute- welcome knowledge of the righteousness of God to be brought forth in accordance with the timetable of God. So be
it written and granted unto thee the things of a fortified inheritance of strength which is granted thee in thy trial as ye are
traumatized by the opposition and configured unrighteousness set against thee to test thy resolve based in the word of
righteousness. So be it written that ye would gain the capacity to overcome all limitation in thy heart and mind for the
format of the son or daughter of Christ is that all are alike in the presence of God based upon their faith marshalled to offset
the tribulation and fear of man. So be it witnessed to thee as ye overcome all things, even that ye are brought forth to obtain
a faith unshakable in the presence of those of influence who might look to thy faith as a reminder of their own degree of
understanding obtained in the presence of God. [September 20,2001 (1)]
September 20, 2001 (2)
September 20,2001 (2) [I heard the words of the Lord.] Do ye seek to glorify Me or the world?
September 20, 2001 (3)
September 20,2001 (3) Blessed art thou as ye arise in the name of Jesus Christ in the covenant name of an everlasting
heritage partaken of according to the tribute- welcome knowledge of righteousness in the name of Jesus Christ found in the
heart for ye are blessed this day to receive an inheritance of the name of righteousness, and ye are protected in the way of

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF ZIFFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99507. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-207

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