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BOOK OF Z1FFANIAH — teaching the new creation- revelation process which sustains the new- creative

witness of the voice of eternal righteousness found perfected in the tribute offering of a pure heart Draft_E-213

judgment and not seen as one of feirness. Be comforted [(*) I saw a protection of light placed upon my brow.] in the word of
the Lord granted unto thee as a protection is placed upon thy brow to shield thee from the looks and glares of a disfigured
brow found in the measure of a mealless barrel of faith. [I felt a change in my spirit confidence.] Arise and come forth to a
new stature of endurance as ye arise from the dregs of unkindness and arise to bespeak the words of the Lord as a kindness
originating from the presence of the Lord. Blessed art thou as ye feast in the measure of a meal spread before thee in the
circumference name of everlasting righteousness. So be it granted to thee that ye might come forth to greater peace in the
furrowed- brow adaptation of a miracle presented to thy face in the face- to- brow- completion ritual to adhere the
righteousness element of an everlasting inheritance to the brow of a recipient of the name of Jesus Christ. Blessed art thou
this day that ye do abide in the knowledge of the miracle which accompanies the righteous in the name of Jesus Christ
Amen and amen unto the joy recorded on the earth to abide in the countenance of the face of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it
granted to thy brow, even an accumulated happiness granted unto thee in the face to brow alignment of the word and
inheritance of the name of Jesus Christ. So be it written to grant thee peace in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. So be it
granted thee to understand the amazing brightness of the word of redemption granted in the name of Jesus Christ So be it
unto thine enlightenment that ye rejoice in the way set before thy mind and heart in the season tenure of an appointment
granted unto thee in the name of righteousness. [(*) I saw a protection of light placed upon my brow; December 26,2001
December 2S, 2001 (1)
December 28,2001(1) Blessed art thou this day as ye find the sustenance granted unto thee in the name of Jesus Christ,
who doth declare unto thy heart and mind the great tidings of the happy heart found prepared to obey and keep the law of
sacrificial listening unto the word of righteousness and the word of eternal salvation in the temple heart- holy sphere of
greater recognition of the face of God. So be it granted unto thee the peace which cannot be measured in the trial, nor can
the peace of the Lord be known upon the heart of one who denies the living presence of the Son of God inhabiting the heart
unto a voice of everlasting wisdom and knowledge bestowed in a place of sacred dwelling, even that ye would rejoice in the
Lord this day and be welcomed into a communication with the voice of everlasting happiness, even that thy mind is turned
from the things of the world, and the judgment found in the world which cannot duplicate the presence of God upon the
pure- heart bounty of righteousness. So be it to grant thee the favor of God in the things of everlasting- priesthood
fellowship that ye would be granted the circumference dominion in the name of God to come forth to greater faith in the Son
of God, even One who speaks unto thee in the remembrance covenant of everlasting life and dominion granted the pure of
heart and pure of desire to overcome the world in the name of eternal righteousness. Blessed art thou as ye overcome the
judgment ye face in the world for I give unto thee my countenance and my recognition and my peace in the face of libelous
words which mark thy countenance with a pitting and a smear, even that ye bear this cruel treatment in the name of holy
righteousness that ye be found capable of declaring a pure witness of righteousness in the foundation knowledge of the
everlasting covenant unto which ye have promised thy faithful endurance in the season of pitting and name- calling. So be it
granted unto thee that ye abide the things of the world and bring forth the mighty hope of reunion with the eternal in the
things of thy discipleship in the name of names, even my name of righteousness bestowed upon thy brow in the holy-
sanctioned circumference in the holy dominion of everlasting covenant in the sacred dominion of priesthood righteousness
found covering thy brow unto a sealing of the knowledge of the Lord in the hour of thy readiness to adjust the attitude to
one of knowledge and sealing in the predominate heritage as a righteous daughter of the everlasting covenant of inheritance
in the household doctrine of an everlasting righteousness granted in the name of eternal inheritance and joyous participation
in the royal- circumference dominion of a hallowed- hallmark deliverance in the name of godliness in the name of
righteousness in the name of the small- indelible scripting of the name of God upon thy brow in the dominion of everlasting-
priesthood inheritance. So be it granted unto thee to abide the knowledge of the face of Christ and see beyond the veil into
the holy dominion of an everlasting inheritance granted thee in the seasoned perspective of an happy heart found perfect in
the knowledge of the redeemership blessings granted unto thee in the face to face- abiding light of indelible script. For I say
unto thee: Rejoice in the name of God found across thy brow and no longer review the judgment in the world for ye have
overcome the world and have the countenance of an everlasting judgment found across thy brow even that ye would shout
the shout of an everlasting inheritance awakened upon the holy of heart and found rejoicing in the sequence of an
everlasting dominion that ye would abide the trial hi perfect peace granted unto thee that ye come forth to greater
appreciation for the degree of tribulation granted unto thee in thy righteousness. For ye shall rejoice with those who find
pleasure in the trial unto the joy brought forth through the effacing ignominy to find greater cause to find the faceless
replication of unrighteousness among those who spit upon the pure of heart. For I grant unto thee words of beauty and
words of eternal lives and words of sacred dominion to offset the trial faced in thy heart and mind amidst the jeering of those
who know not the face of everlasting righteousness for I speak comfort unto thee in the seasoned display of the hierarchy of
the wondrous- rejoicing welcome into the knowledge of the face of righteousness and the knowledge of the pillar of
standing dominion in the temple dominion of righteousness, even that ye abide a knowledge of the opportunity to help the

Please contribute by making copies to share the message. BOOK OF 23FFANIAH is printed as an introductory unpublished manuscript
for review. STREAMS OF RENEWAL, INC. is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation enlisting the support of those who desire to change the
world through new- creation fellowship and renewal. Future website is
All support is welcome. 9138 Arlon Street, A3-231, Anchorage, Alaska 99501. Patricia Kathleen Malone Southard. Draft_E-213

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