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4 PAIN Activity

1. REVIEW: Pain Assessment in your textbook.

2. Complete and submit "Pain Activity,":

o While considering appropriate nursing responses in the situations below, also identify factors that
may be influencing the nurse, the child, and the family (i.e., growth and development, stress, life

How to Submit:

When you have completed your Nursing Diagnosis, save in Word (.doc), rich text (.rtf), or text (.txt) format
and submit to the instructor using Assignments.
Situation Is this an appropriate Better response would be:
response? Provide
1. When preparing a 4 year-old child No. A preschooler will It is important to prepare
for an IV insertion, you state, anticipate painful the child for the procedure
“This is going to hurt”. procedures. Preschoolers and provide support or
benefit from medical play
allow the parent to stay.
prior to a painful procedure;
can help decrease their Consider the use of
anxiety and any subsequent distractions. Then say “this
pain. may pinch, but only for a
2. A neonate is NPO for lab. The Yes, A neonate can localize The better response would
child is lying in the isolette, and purposefully withdraw be to console/comfort the
crying, and refusing the from painful stimuli. There neonate by picking him up
pacifier. You continue to is a distinctive cry when
or having the parent do so.
place the pacifier in the experiencing acute pain.
infant’s mouth and the child High-pitched and shrill, Continue to try the pacifier
continues to cry. followed by apnea and the or a gloved finger.
short gasps or burst of
crying. The eyebrow is
furrowed, the mouth is taut,
and the tongue is thrusted
during the cry, as well as
nasal flaring and a distressed
facial expression.
3. A 1 month-old infant has just Yes this is appropriate.
returned to your unit Postoperative pain is
following abdominal surgery. included as acute pain. The
There is an order for uses of opioids for pain
Morphine 1 mg q 3-4 hours relief are effective when
PRN. The child is crying and administered in small
thrashing. You note that the frequent doses.
last dose was given 3 hours
ago. You give another dose
of Morphine.

4. A 6 year-old child is Yes this is appropriate.

preparing to go to whirlpool Preventing pain is important
for treatment of 2nd degree in a school age child. Pain is
burns on her arm. There are usually all or nothing. A
prn orders for acetaminophen child this age may view pain
and morphine. The child has as punishment for a bad
rated her pain during therapy deed. Provide factual
as a 10 on a scale of 1-10. information about the cause
You administer of the pain and reasons
acetaminophen and plan for painful interventions are
the child’s mother to read to necessary. The use of
her during the treatment. distraction during therapy is
also beneficial such as the
mother reading the book to
her during treatment.
Include the use of relaxation
and consider hypnosis.
5. A 14 year-old is 2 days post- No. Adolescents may feel Acknowledge and
abdominal surgery. As you they need to hide their pain. frequently assess pain.
enter the room, she smiles at They may deny pain to Even though they prefer
you and continues to talk and prove strength or in hopes to
independence it is
joke with her visitor. She rates go home; or to show
her pain as 8 on a scale of 1- maturity. They may even be important to include family
10. You chart “In no acute concerned that taking in discussions on effective
distress and appears medications for pain will pain treatment. Explain the
comfortable, talking and lead to addiction. Distraction preferred level of pain as
joking with a visitor.” is used to cope with pain well as how this is
such as talking, sleeping achieved. Leave time to
watching TV or playing
discuss concerns about
addiction and management
of pain and medicate
6. A 12 year-old is 3 days post- No the nurse did not It is important to
scoliosis surgery. She does not thoroughly assess her pain. thoroughly assess pain. By
smile and is lying very still in Help the child measure the day 3 post-op she should be
bed. She rates her pain as 8 on pain themselves. Adequate
feeling like getting up. Self
scale of 1-10. You chart: pain control promotes
Rates surgical pain as 8 on a shorter hospital stays and exercises such as positive
scale of 1-10. promotes quicker return to thinking and guided
normal functioning and lead imagery can be used.
to a more positive hospital Relaxation therapy can also
experience. be used, the child might be
afraid to move.
7. You are starting an IV on a 5 It is appropriate to use Explain procedure in age
year-old who had EMLA analgesic cream prior to IV appropriate terms as “this
cream applied to 2 sites 15 procedure. It is also will pinch.” Encourage the
minutes ago. important to prepare the parent to support the child
client shortly before the by sitting next to him. The
procedure to enhance parent can also help support
coping. Allow a parent to
the limb to start the IV on.
comfort or sit next to and
support the child. Encourage the child to be
very still and to say, “stop”
if any pain is experienced,
but to not move.
8. An 8 year-old has an order for Post operative pain is It would have been more
5-10 mg of Morphine q 3-4 considered acute pain. The appropriate to control his
hours for post-op pain. He has appropriate control of pain is acute post-op pain by
just returned from surgery. maintaining pain below a 3.
frequently medicating at
He has a pain-rating goal of 2
on a scale of 1-10. At 2 pm he every 3 hour interval. If his
received 5 mg, pain was 8, R- pain was at an 8 and
30, P-100, and he was restless. relieved down only to a 4
At 4 pm he reported pain was two hours after med
4. At 5 pm he reported pain administration and then
was 8, R=24, P-96. You back up to 8 the next hour, I
administer 10 mg.
would have given him 7mg
and monitored his response.
You can always administer
more medication in an hour
or two if the pain is still
severe. It is better to have
smaller frequent dosing to
control pain; the client
should never experience
peak pain. If however, he
still is experiencing pain
spikes at the full 10mg, it
would be important to
notify the physician.
9. A 9-year-old returns from Even though the patient is It is important to discuss the
orthopedic surgery. The child nonverbal, it is important to fears of the parent. The
has cerebral palsy, is use the FLACC behavioral client should be regularly
nonverbal, and unable to pain scale or the COMFORT
assessed for pain and
respond to a verbal pain behavior scale and scoring
assessment tool.. She weighs form. Objective pain treated accordingly.
33 lbs. Her orders read: measures are ideal for a
child with cerebral palsy.
• Morphine Sulfate 1 mg
continuous IV infusion The blood pressure doesn’t
• Morphine Sulfate 1 mg every indicate the child is in acute
1-2 hours intravenous bolus for pain.
breakthrough pain
One hour after starting the continuous
IV infusion, her eyes are open wide
and her blood pressure is 128/90. The
patient’s mom says, “I think she is in
severe pain.” The nurse administers
the 1 mg ordered for breakthrough
pain and documents “The patient’s
mother states the patient is in severe
pain. Patient’s eyes are open wide, BP
128/90. Morphine administered as
ordered for breakthrough pain.”

0-59% or
90-100% or 75-82% or 7.5- 0-5.9
83-89% or 8.3-8.9 points 60-74% or 6.0-7.4
9-10 points 8.2 points points

(1) Responds fully to the assignment (follows

(2) Thoroughly comprehends key concepts
(3) Exercises good critical thinking
(4) Expresses understanding clearly and
(5) States facts correctly
(6) Provides adequate supporting arguments with
reasons, evidence, and examples
(7) Is focused and well organized
(8) Uses college level vocabulary
(9) Correctly documents and cites sources
including textbook and module lessons
(10) Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word
choice, spelling, and format
Overall Evaluation

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