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Quiz Bacterial Taxonomy and genetic transfer Pilihan Ganda, Waktu: 20 menit Points: 59/65 1.In a culture containing both F- and F+ cells, which of the following will occur over time? (1 Point) No conjugation will occur The cells will all become genetically identical AIL F- will become F+ cells All Fe cells will become F- cells 2.NIM 10420003 3. The science of classification is generally known as (1 Point) nomenclature ‘taxonomy morphology dichotomy 4, Classification is necessary to (1 Point) establish criteria for identifying organisms arranging related organisms into groups provi ing information on how organisms evolved all of the above 5, Binomial nomenclature was originated by (1 Point) Louis Pasteur Robert Koch Hans Delbruck Carolus Linnaeus 6. In the name Escherichia coli, Escherichia refers to the (1 Point) class phylum species genus of the bacteria 7.Which of the following levels of classification would contain the greatest number of organisms? (1 Point) phylum order genus class 8, The correct order of taxonomic hierarchies (from most broad to most specific) is (1 Point) class, order, family, phylum order, family, class, phylum phylum, class, order, family phylum, class, family, order 9. Organisms in the same are more closely related than are organisms in the same (1 Point) phylum, genus class, order family, phylum phylum, order 10. Which of the following questions would not be a good choice for a dichotomous key? (1 Point) are the cells rod shaped are the cells Gram negative do the cells ferment glucose where is the cell usually found 11. Organisms are generally classified according to. (1 Point) cell size evolutionary relationships colony color alphabetically 12. Which of the following is a reason that bacteria cannot be classified in the same way as animals? (1 Point) some bacteria are not motile bacteria don’t reproduce sexually bacteria are single celled organisms bacteria are prokaryotic organisms 13. The two Kingdom system of classification divided all organisms into either or (1 Point) animals, bacteria plants, animals eukaryotic, prokaryotic motile, nonmotile 14. Before bacteria received a kingdom of their own they were generally classified along with (1 Point) plants animals fungi viruses 15. The classification system proposed by Whittaker in 1969 divided organisms into Kingdoms. (1 Point) 2 16.Which of the following characteristics is not found in all living organisms? (1 Point) cells that are bounded by a membrane genetic information carried in the form of DNA ability to convert light energy to chemical energy ribosomes that produce proteins 17.All members of the Kingdom Monera are (1 Point) cyanobacteria prokaryotes fungi protists 18. A prokaryotic cell would be assigned to which of the taxonomic Kingdoms (1 Point) Monera Animalia Fungi Protista 19. A eukaryotic, unicellular organism with no cell wall would be classified as a (1 Point) Monera Animal Fungi Protista 20. A eukaryotic, multicellular organism that has no cell wall would be classified as a (1 Point) Monera Animal Fungi Protista 21. The Kingdom Monera is also known as the Kingdom (1 Point) Bacteria eubacteria prokaryotae ‘Archaeobacteria 22, Within the Kingdom Monera, the group of most interest to medical microbiologists is the (1 Point) cyanobacteria eubacteria archaeobacteria prokaryotic bacteria 23, Bacteria found in extreme environments (high heat, very high salt concentration) would best be described as a member of the (1 Point) eubacteria prokaryotae cyanobacteria archaeobacteria 24. In the five Kingdom scheme of classification, Algae are classified along in the Kingdom (1 Point) Monera Protista Plant Fungi 25, Fungi can be differentiated from plants by the fact that (1 Point) fungi are all unicellular, plants are all multicellular fungi do not have a cell wall, plants have a cell wall fungi cannot photosynthesize, plants can photosynthesize fungi are prokaryotic, plants are eukaryotic 26. The three domain system of classification does not include the (1 Point) ‘Archaea Eukarya Monarya Bacteria 27. According to the three domain classification system an organism with a cell wall made of peptidoglycan would belong the (1 Point) Bacteria Archaea Eukarya None of the above 28. According to the three domain classification system an organism with cells measuring more than 10 micrometers across would most likely belong to the (1 Point) eukarya bacteria archaea eukarya, bacteria and archaea would be equally likely 29. According to the three domain classification system, modem plants and animals belong to what Domain? (1 Point) bacteria eukarya archaea none of the above 30. Organisms that degrade organic molecules to methane belong to the domain (1 Point) archaea eukarya bacteria animalia 311. Viruses are not assigned to any Kingdom because (1 Point) there are too few viruses to bother viruses are not alive virology is not a recognized branch of microbiology none of the above, viruses are grouped with the bacteria 32, Genetic homology determines evolutionary relationships among organisms based on (1 Point) the similarity of ribosomal RNA between species the similarity of DNA between species morphological similarities between species the number of traits shared by two organisms 33. In DNA hybridization experiments, DNA from two closely related organisms will show (1 Point) very little annealing a high percentage of annealing 100% annealing itis impossible to tell 34, The 16S ribosomal subunit is used to study evolutionary relatedness because (1 Point) Itis the easiest type of RNA to sequence ribosomes have evolved very slowly ribosomes evolve very quickly so differences are Level of Difficulty: Easy to spot none of the above 35. In phage typing, bacteria that are lysed by the same type of bacteriophage are thought to be (1 Point) more closely related to one another less closely related to one another more closely related to the bacteriophage less closely related to the bacteriophage 36.Which of the following criteria is not commonly used to classify bacteria? (1 Point) morphology type of ribosomes staining characteristics biochemical characteristics 37. Mycoplasmas are unusual in that they (1 Point) are sometimes Gram negative and sometimes Gram positive have no cell walls must live inside other, are extremely large 38. David Bergey is generally regarded as having had developed the system of binomial nomenclature. (1 Point) Tue False 39.A bacterial strain contains several species. (1 Point) Tue False 40. A dichotomous key is used by biologists to identify organisms based on their characteristics. (1 Point) True False 41. The five kingdom system of classification is not used to classify viruses. (1 Point) True False 42.In the five kingdom system of classification, all prokaryotic organisms are found in the kingdom Monera. (1 Point) True False 43. All organisms that can photosynthesize are found in the plant kingdom. (1 Point) True False 44. A domain is a subdivision of a kingdom. (1 Point) Tue False 45. In the three domain system, all prokaryotes are grouped into the same domain. (1 Point) True False 46. In the three domain system, eukaryotic organisms are found in two of the domains (1 Point) True False 47.A genus contains several different species (1 Point) True False 48, A dichotomous key contains a series or paired statements that can be used to help identify an organism (1 Point) Tue False 49. According to the five kingdom system of classification algae are part of the kingdom monera (1 Point) Tue False 50. The kingdom monera contains only prokaryotic organisms. (1 Point) True False 51. Yeast and mushrooms are classified in the kingdom fungi (1 Point) Tue False 52. Arthropods and helminths are microbiologically important members of the animal kingdom (1 Point) True False 53. High frequency recombination cells arise when (1 Point) they have multiple F plasmids a portion of the cell's F plasmid has been incorporated into the bacterial chromosome conjugation and transformation happen at the same time Bacterial chromosomes do not break during conjugation 54. Conjugation requires contact between donor and recipient cells. (1 Point) True False 55, Bacterial conjugation is an example of (1 Point) transduction vertical gene transfer horizontal gene transfer bacterial transformation 56.Nama Daniar Abdurrahman 57.Cells able to accept naked DNA from the surrounding Level of Difficulty: Medium are said to be (1 Point) transduction-ready capable competent porated 58. Which of the following processes increases the genetic diversity of bacteria? (1 Point) transformation conjugation transduction all of the above 59, Which of the following processes requires contact between donor and recipient cells? (1 Point) transduction conjugation transformation transcription 60. Transformation refers to the transfer of genes using a virus. (1 Point) True False 61.When genes are passed on from parent to offspring, which of the following events has taken place? (1 Point) horizontal gene transfer transduction vertical gene transfer retrograde gene transfer 62. Vertical gene transfer occurs between cells of the same generation. (1 Point) True False 63. The transfer of DNA between bacteria cells by a virus is (1 Point) transformation transduction transferration conjugation 64. Specialized transduction refers to the fact that only specific genes are transduced (1 Point) Tue False 65.A lytic viral cycle is usually the result of infection by a (1 Point) prophage virulent phage temperate phage antiphage 66. Which of the following happens earliest in a typical bacteriophage lytic cycle? (1 Point) Which of the following happens earliest in a typical bacteriophage lytic cycle? phage DNA is inserted into the bacterial chromosome bacterial cell lyses viral DNA and proteins are produced by the host cell 67. When conjugation occurs between a Hfr donor and a F recipient, which of the following describes the outcome (1 Point) Fe cells F- cells with some quantity of chromosomal DNA F- cells with no chromosomal DNA F’ cells with some duplicate gene pairs ‘This content is created by the owner of the form. The data you submit will be sent to the form owner. Microsoft is not responsible for the privacy or security practices of its customers, including those of this form owner, Never give out your password, Powered by Microsoft Forms | Privacy and cookies | Terms of use

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