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Spanish I/II

Star Valley High School

Sr. Draney
Agosto, 2008

Bienvenidos! I hope you have had an excellent summer and are looking forward to
taking this class. The following will explain class procedures, rules, and grading for this

Course Description: This class is an introduction to Spanish language and culture. The
focus will be on basic conversation and grammar. By the end of the semester you will be
able to conjugate verbs and discuss a variety of everyday topics in Spanish.

Required Materials: There is no formal textbook for this class. Resources will be
pooled from a variety of resources and supplied to the students. Students will need to
bring a binder and normal materials such as paper, writing utensil, assignments, etc, to
class. Students will not be able to go back to their locker for these items.

Grading: Grades will be earned as follows:

90-100%= A
80-89% = B
70-79% = C
60-69% = D
Below 60% = F

The final grade for this course will be based on the following components:

Participation (In Class) 30%

Exams 20%
Assignments 20%
Quizzes 20%
Final Exam 10%

Class Rules:

1. Traer las materias a la clase. Come to class prepared!

2. Tener respeto para todos. Respect your peers.
3. Participar, Participar, Participar. Participate!

Failure to comply with class rules will first affect the student’s participation grade
(10pts/day). If the behavior continues parents will be notified and regular school
discipline will begin.
Tardies: Students will no longer be assigned noon detention for excessive tardies,
however, promptness and preparedness continue to be important life skills. In this class
students will receive 2 “freebies” for the semester, after which each resulting tardy will
deduct 3% from their final grade. Please be on time-your grade will thank you for it.

Make-up work/tests: Students will be given one day for each day they miss to make up
work. If you are going to be gone, please make arrangements ahead of time to get your
assignments. Late work will lose 10% per day it is late. Students have one week to take
tests/quizzes that they miss. All make-up work can be done during homeroom or at
another arranged time.

¡Sean paciente! Be patient. It took several years of listening to English all day-everyday
before you could speak well enough to communicate. Many of us still speak English like
a second language. Participate in class, look for opportunities to use your Spanish
outside of class, and your ability to speak Spanish will improve tremendously.

The following topics will be covered during the semester:

Spanish I – Saludos y despedidas (greetings), información personal (personal

information, birthday, address, phone # etc.), el salón (the classroom), paises y capitales
(countries and capitals), números (numbers), colores, días y meses (days and months), el
tiempo (the weather), direcciónes (directions), lugares (places), comida (food), la ropa
(clothing), pasatiempos (hobbies), la familia (family), horarios (schedules), la música
(music), muchos verbos regulares y irregulares en el presente (lots of present tense
regular and irregular verbs) y mucha cultura (lots of culture).

Spanish II – We will review most of what was covered in Spanish I and learn these
additional items: mascotas y animales (pets and animals), deportes (sports), profesiónes
(jobs), más ropa (more clothing), expresando opinión personal (expressing personal
opinion), la casa (the house), el transporte (transportation), las recetas (recipes), el
restaurante (the restaurant), immigración (immigration), verbos regulares y irregulares en
el presente, pasado, y futuro (regular and irregular verbs in the present, past, and future).

¡Vamos a tener un año divertido y exitoso! We are going to have a fun and successful

Student Signature ______________________________ Date _____________________

Parent Signature _______________________________ Date ____________________

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