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How Meryl Dorey stole $11,000 from AVN members and/or donors.

I'd like to bring to your attention the admission and publication by The Australian
Vaccination Network that they successfully raised at least $11,000 which was to fund an
advertisement [final page].

I believe the manner and timing in which the money was raised, the prompt closing of the
donation window and subsequent failure to reference the fate of the $11,000 is significant.
The source for this is archived editions of Living Wisdom, running from March 2nd, 2009 to
June 25th, 2009. These archives may be found here;

I might stress at the outset that AVN archives of Living Wisdom are in dissonance to Meryl
Dorey's assertion that the AVN did not have access to auditors between July 2nd 2007 and
June 2nd 2009, when it was without authorisation to fundraise. The February 2009 edition,
under the heading "The AVN needs your help", includes; 

"The AVN has now reached a crisis point and it's up to you to decide whether
or not we are able to continue to provide these services.

Our auditors have told us that they they have serious concerns about our
financial status and our ability to continue as a viable entity.... Our debts are
just over $50,000 - more than half of that co-signed for by Meryl Dorey
personally ....". 

On October 16th, 2010 Mel McMillan wrote an article in The Lismore Northern Star entitled
"AVN seeking legal advice". It includes;

"It is understood that between July 2, 2007 and June 2, last year (2009), the AVN was without
authorisation to fundraise.

Ms Dorey admits this was true but claimed the OLGR was aware of the AVN's fundraising status.

'During this time we were unable to find an auditor,' Ms Dorey said.

'It took the AVN 12 months to find an auditor and then another year before the audit was conducted
because the AVN was put at the bottom of the new auditor's work pile', Ms Dorey claims."

I believe this disparity suggesting a delay until mid 2010 in finding auditors, is quite pertinent.
Either Ms. Dorey misled members, readers and donors or misled the OLGR.

Which brings the next matter - the successful collection of $11,000 into stark consideration. The
appeal began in the very next Living Wisdom publication on March 2nd 2009, 11 days after the
published claim that AVN auditors had "serious concerns about [the AVN] as a viable entity". 

Paul Gallagher. April 27th, 2011.

Regarding the advertisement, the March 2nd, 2009 edition sought donations from
members totalling $53,000 by Monday March 9th, 2009. It suggested readership numbers
meant a donation of $20 would suffice. The AVN had been in touch with Generation
Rescue in the USA and were given permission to run their advertisement in Australia. 

Donors could email for internet banking or donate directly into:

Australian Vaccination Network Gift Fund

BSB 032591
Account - 196282

Further ambiguity as to financial record management appears in the same issue under "Your support
is amazing!". It is claimed that the call for $50,000 11 days earlier had allowed the AVN to
"continue... for now". It includes;

"The AVN committee is in the process of working with our accountants in order
to develop systems which will make our operations more sustainable. In the
meantime, if there are any business mentors out there who would like to help
us with advice, that would be very much appreciated."

A slight typing error led to Generation Rescue being referred to as Operation Rescue, and
was corrected later the same day;

Four days later on March 6th, 2009 under "Update on Fundraising for Autism Ad", the
AVN's Living Wisdom claims a total raised of $5,000;

By March 31st, 2009 the AVN Living Wisdom claims under "What's been happening?" -
Item 1 - that $7,000 of $53,000 has been raised. At this point the authors claim to have
been seeking to "fund a full page ad in The Australian newspaper". However, rather than a
one off ad, they now seek "a full page ad in every edition of Copeland Publishing's CHILD
magazine.... This will cost $26,000 in total".

To the best of my knowledge, Copeland Publishing do not accept or agree with AVN
material. An advertisement claiming vaccines cause autism runs contrary to the theme of
CHILD magazine.

The next mention is in Living Wisdom, June 14th, 2009 [incorrectly headed "July 2009"]
under "Two weeks left - please don't let this effort go to waste!". They write;

"We need to raise $23,000 in total and if we get 2/3 of the money, the American
organisation, Generation Rescue, will give us the other 1/3. So far, we have raised $7,000

Paul Gallagher. April 27th, 2011.

and we need to raise another $8,000 before Generation Rescue will give us the rest. I feel
that we have given it a really good go, but it's time to say there needs to be a time limit."

A fund raising closure date of June 29th is set. Website donors are directed to;

The bank deposit account details change to;

Westpac Account
Account name - Australian Vaccination Network, Incorporated
BSB - 032 591
Account Number - 188223

At this point the total sought is $15,000 - $7,000 raised plus $8,000 needed. On June 25th
- 11 days later - an additional $4,000 is reported, bringing the total raised to $11,000. They
write in Living Wisdom;

"We are entering the home stretch folks. On June 14th in our last e- newsletter, I put out
an appeal for the final $8,000 needed to get our ad regarding the connection between
autism and vaccination into all of the Copland Publishing magazines (Sydney's Child,
Melbourne's Child, etc.). We have raised about 1/2 of that $8,000 but, like the saying goes
(sort of!), you can't be a little bit pregnant or a little bit dead. $4,000 won't get the ad in
these publications - we need another $4,000 and we only have 3 days to get it."

Based on the last receipt of $4,000 in 11 days, or indeed the initial $5,000 in four days, if
the fund raising was extended for a short time past the final 3 days, the $15,000 sought
may have been achieved. 

The outcome of this fundraising attempt or the promised advertisement is not noted again.
No mention is made of monies raised over the final three days. Nor indeed if the AVN itself
could contribute with the help of accountants the AVN claimed were making "our
operations more sustainable".

Donations appear to have been made, or at least called for, into two separate Westpac
accounts. The AVN Gift Fund and The AVN Incorporated. 

No mention of trust account deposits is presented to members. The $11,000 is to my

knowledge not mentioned again in subsequent Living Wisdom editions.

- Please see below for the missing-in-action advertisement.

Paul Gallagher. April 27th, 2011.

Paul Gallagher. April 27th, 2011.

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