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This week we have the opportunity to have our own Bible Study on the resurrection. In this devotion you’ll read the
resurrection story in each of the Gospels along with two other passages that describe the resurrection.

Learning and growing in our understanding of the resurrection is a life-long task. We probably have read the Scriptures in this
devotion before. As you read them and reflect on them, take time to be open to the presence and nudging of the Spirit.

Comments about the devotion can be E-mailed to

Monday, April 25
Read Matthew 28:1-10
As Pastor Paul shared yesterday in the Easter sermon the first words out of the mouth of the angels and of Jesus were the
same. Both said, “Do not be afraid.” This is quite a statement considering that the worst event in human history had just
happened—the willful murder of Jesus.

The words by the angels and by Jesus can transform our own fears. If the crucifixion can be transformed, then our own fears
can be transformed.

What fears do you have right now? Imagine the angels and Jesus coming to you and saying, “do not fear.”

As you pray today, give thanks that our fears can be transformed. Pray that we at Chain of Lakes Church can be a place where
people release their fears. Praise God for the power of the resurrection.

Tuesday, April 26
Read Mark 16:1-8
The resurrection story in Mark has three endings. The first ending ends in verse 8, the shorter ending ends in verse eight, and
the longer ending ends in verse 20. Most Bibles include all three endings.

Imagine the story ending in verse 8. The story said that the women said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. If that had
happened no one would know about the resurrection.

What if you were responsible for sharing the story of the resurrection with the world? Would you be quiet and afraid or would
you share the story?
God depends on us humans to communicate the resurrection story with others. Today as you pray, ask God for an opportunity
to share the resurrection story with someone today.

Wednesday, April 27
Read 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
This passage written by the apostle Paul is like a statement of faith. Paul shared the story of the resurrection.

Look at verses nine and the first part of ten—“For I am the least of the apostles, unfit to be called an apostle, because I
persecuted the church of God. But by the grace of God I am what I am, and his grace toward me has not been in vain.”

Paul identified himself as a person of the resurrection. He could not have become the person God wanted him to be without the

How does the resurrection make a difference in your life? Would you ever introduce yourself as “Hi, my name is ___, and I am
a person of the resurrection!”

As you pray today, talk to God about how the resurrection forms you as a person.

Thursday, April 28
Read Luke 24:1-12
The seventeen words of the angel in verse five are worth committing to memory today, “Why do you look for the living among
the dead? He is not here, but has risen.”

The question that the angel asked is one that can be asked of us. Where do we discover life? Where do we discover renewal?
Hopefully we discover life in God and through the church.

As you pray today, talk to God about where in your life you are discovering life. If you are not discovering life, ask for help
from God. If you are discovering life, give thanks to God.

Discovering life is one way that the resurrection still plays out in our lives.

Friday, April 29
Read John 20:1-18
The resurrection story in John is not often heard on Easter Sunday because it’s not part of the regular lectionary readings. The
story is quite different than the resurrection stories in Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
One of the most poignant scenes in the Bible is the conversation between Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Mary Magdalene is so
overcome with grief that she mistook Jesus to be the gardener. When she realized that Jesus was alive she exclaimed to the
disciples, “I have seen the Lord.” These words started the sharing of the resurrection story.

I—Pastor Paul—hopes that everyone can frequently say, “I have seen the Lord.” Being able to say this is a sign that we are in
tune with what God is doing in the world and in our lives.

Where have you seen the Lord lately? When are some times in the past two weeks that you have seen the Lord? This isn’t the
physical seeing of the Lord, but the experience of God.

As you pray today, talk to God about the times you’ve seen the spiritual presence of God. Ask God for help so that you can see
God even more clearly.

Saturday, April 30
Read Romans 8:31-39
This passage from Romans is often read at funerals as a source of comfort. It’s also an excellent primer on the resurrection.

Paul was convinced that the love of God is the most powerful force in the universe. This love demonstrates that God is always
on our side. We know that God is on our side because of the resurrection.

Paul closed this reading with a powerful recital that nothing can separate us from the love of God. Take some time to slowly
read these verses—read them more than once if you life. Ponder how our reality on earth is different because of the gift of the
resurrection displayed through God’s love.

“For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor
height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
(Romans 8:38-39)
Prayer Requests, April 17, 2011

Y Jane Zech (Barb & Lee Bliss cousin), and her family. Jane is suffering from brain cancer and is
in her final days of life.
Y Pastor Steve Muhia as he goes in for a colonoscopy Tuesday, April 19 at Mercy Hospital.
Y Virginia Schober, Amy Moore’s Aunt, who is recovering from a broken vertebrae and needs to
wear a halo until mid-June.
Y Carole Lloyd as she recovers at home after successful surgery.
Y Nicholas LaMay, Angelica’s nephew, who is living with his father in Oregon and is struggling to
finish high school because of anger and bi-polar disorder.
Y Pray for Angelica Van Iperen’s friends, Paul and Ruben, and they struggle with infertility and
limited resources to treat it.
Y May all the activities we are doing bring more people to Christ and the church.
Y Pray for Jonathan and Judith’s family as they deal with work, childcare, and day to day living.
Y Jacob Mielke a 19 year old man who is struggling with cancer. He is getting chemo at the Mayo
Y Peter Ralston, Faith Ralston’s son who is struggling with addiction.
Y Donna Mc Cullen, Ken Mc Cullen's wife as she goes through more intense chemotherapy
Y The Pastor Nominating Committee of Community Presbyterian Church in Plainview as they
discern who God is calling to be their new pastor.
Y Gary Wassam as he looks for a job.
Y Bill Fink as he looks for a job.
Y Pray for continued courage on Dwight Zvorak’s recovery from alcoholism.

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