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2: 151-152

Remember me, and I will remember you. And be thankful to me and not ungrateful to me

Dhikr “Rememberance” – pertains to the heart

Importance of Zikr
7 Advantaged of Zikr, and 7 Disadvantages of not performing Zikr

"Remember Allah abundantly, in order that you become "Believers, do not let either your possessions or
successful" your children divert you from the Remembrance
Quran (Surah 8: Verse 45) of Allah. Those who do that shall be the losers".
Quran (Surah 63: Verse 9)
"Only in the remembrance of Allah (swt) will your heart "Whosoever turns away from My remembrance,
find peace" his life will be made tight and narrow on the Day
Quran (Surah 13: Verse 28) of Resurrection We shall raise him blind"
Quran (Surah 20: Verse 124)
"Those men and women who engage much in Allah's "Whosoever turns away from the Remembrance
praise. for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and a of Allah, He will hurl him into a stern
Great Reward" punishment".
Quran (Surah 33: Verse 35) Quran (Surah 72: Verse 17)
"When any group of men remember Allah, angels
surround them and mercy covers them, tranquility
descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those
who are with Him." (Muslim)
"The rememebrence of Allah (swt) is the greatest
Quran (Surah 29: Verse 45)
Types of Zikr
1. Practical
2. Verbal
3. Silent

1. Practical(Zikr e Faily)
a. Commands of Allah
i. i.e. Prayer, Fasting, Hajj, umrah, Zakaat, charity etc
b. Sunnah of the prophet (saw)
i. i.e. eating, drinking, sleeping, walking, talking, dressing etc

2. Verbal Zikr (Zikr-e-Lisani) - Observed with ones toungue

a. Loud zikr; i.e. Azan, Takbir, Collective zikr etc
b. Low tone zikr, i.e. Tasbihat, masnoon duas etc

3. Silent Zikr: “Qalbi Zikr”, "Zikr-e-Khafi" and "Daimi Zikr" – performed from within

When ye have offered your (Congregational) prayers, do the Zikr of Allah, standing, sitting & lying
down on your sides"

Qur'an (Surah 4: Verse 103)

Those who perform Zikr are Wise and are promised Success, Peace, Happiness, Mercy, Forgiveness
and Great Rewards in this life and the next. All of which are valued as being positive important
factors in one's religious and worldly life.

Whilst those who do not engage in Zikr are classed as being heard hearted losers who are clearly in
the error and in the group of Satan... and as such, they will be made to live a tight and narrow life,
full of misery and woe, punished in this life as well as being risen blind in the next and who will be
remorseful of all the time not spent in the Remembrance of Allah (swt).

Let us all make a promise to ourselves to increase our time for zikr, and follow in the path of our
Tariqa in performing qalbi zikr
Quran (Surah 8: Verse 45)

Quran (Surah 13: Verse 28)

Quran (Surah 33: Verse 35)

Quran (Surah 29: Verse 45)

Quran (Surah 63: Verse 9)

Quran (Surah 20: Verse 124)

Quran (Surah 72: Verse 17)

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