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Aspects of Creation - that I am wondering about from my point of understanding.

I do not say that negative/feminine is bad and that positive/male is good. If yo

u look to the story of creation, after all of creation was done, God declared it
was "all" good. That was all before the fall took place, though. Or you could l
ook at it as creation is not finished yet and we are still in the 6th day where
God is still in the process of creating mankind and He/She isn't done yet with u
s, which is what I believe.
A website was pointed out to me that tells how the creation was meant to be and
what we are all working towards to creating it to be back that way. Right now th
ough, in this time we are suspended in, there is still duality here in the physi
cal and the astral realms rather it is just an illusion or not. Also, it all ha
s an effect on us rather we believe it to be just an illusion or not. Disease,
suffering, and death were not in the original creation plans is the way I unders
tand it! These things are still a reality to us in the here and now that we are
still in.
I do not agree with some that says the bible left out the is there
, in the old and the new testaments.. both. I think this is just propaganda of t
he modern day gnostics from their way of interpretation. Sure the bible does not
say anything about there being a female God, but I don't think it puts much emp
hizes on the gender of any of the gods it speaks of. The one God it speaks of is
said to be not describable, nor does mankind have the ability to look upon God,
meaning to know God completely. The bible says the God source is neither male n
or female, acutally. Since it says we, mankind, both female and male are created
in the image and likeness of God it would mean the God source has both of those
principles but not separated amd off balance as it is in us with our egos rulin
g over. Each person has both principle within them but with us one principle is
more dominate than the other so we are said to be either male or female dependi
ng upon which principle is dominate.
I was wondering what was the difference in polarity and duality, so I googled th
at and found the following website that says there is no polarity in God either.
The way this site explains it both polarity and duality is ego realities or is
This site has help explain the ego to me better than anything I have ever read.
Now this thing about all of creation being an illusion...I don't always go by th
ese trendy thoughts. An illusion is something that appears to be, but isn't. To
say we and all creation is an illusion or a dream in the mind of God.... I see
this as a false statement. The same metaphysical people that made that claim al
so say all of creation is made of light and sound. So if "all" is an illusion,
light and sound would be an illusion as well since that is what "all" in the phy
sical is made of, right? Hmmm... doesn't that put a kink into things?
If you look at the first verse in the bible it says God created the Heavens and
the Earth. The Heavens (plural) are speaking of the 4 spiritual worlds which wer
e created first, then after that the earth/physical was created. One would think
that since the Heavens symbolizes the 4 spiritual worlds the earth as it is use
d here, would represent the whole physical universe/world which was formless and
empty and in complete darkness...until God spoke light into this physical world
that first day. Many people think that the heavens here is speaking of the sky
/space, but the sky was not created until the second day.
Isn't that a bit strange that the earthy dense physical world existed before God
spoke light upon/into while it was empty and formless. I would think it would b
e what we called matter, maybe, but then it goes on to say that the Spirit of Go
d hovered over the waters. This hovering over makes me think of a mother hoverin
g over her child. Water is plural here, so what is the waters it speaks of her
e? These waters existed before God spoke light into being as well. And what was
this light that was created on the first day that is different from the light cr
eated by the sun and moon and stars which did not get created until the fourth d
ay. What was the light that was spoken into being on that first day?
On the second day the bible says more about the waters and an expanse called sky
which was created to separated the waters from above from the water below. What
is these waters? We can understand the water that is under the sky, but what ab
out the waters that are above the sky. How far does sky extend out there? Is it
passed our solar system or just as far up until what we call space begans. Is t
here mulitiple universes out there in the making and the waters above is what se
parates one from the other? Just speculating here. Paul Davies says there are mu
litiple universes and they are separated by a membrane of sorts.
On the third day was when the water under the sky were gathered to one place (ca
lled sea) so dry land could appear and vegetation grew there on the third day!
How did vegetation grow without the sun which wasn't created until the 4th day?
If the sun and moon and all were remove would we then be able to see that light
that was created the irst day?
The 4th day was when the sun and moon and stars and all where created to make th
e seasons so the passing of time could be known and counted.
The 5th day was when the creatures of the water and the bird of the air were cre
Then the 6th was when all the animals were created first and them mankind.
Sort of got off track there, was talking about rather we are just an illusion or
An illusion is something that isn't, but just appears to be. To believe we are
an illusion would go against the saying, "I think therefore I am". It would be
like nothing aware of nothing. So looking at it in that sense we are more than o
r physical part. God is said to be light, life, and love which are infinite and
we are made of these same things. Image is our outward physicalness and likenes
s is the inward spiritual parts. It is also said that each being is a sound (son
g). In an altered state a person is actually able to hear their own soul song,
Many people who have experienced having an out-of-body experience or near death
experience have heard their song. So our physical body may be an illusion, but I
am not convinced that is so. I see the physical as light, sound, life, love in
a crystalized form and still just as real as the spiritual fluid espects of us.
I see that the physical part of creation was designed by the God source on purp
ose and not from some mistake caused by Adam and Eve eating fron the tree of kno
wledge of good and evil. To me it appears that eating from the tree of knowledg
e cause a split in out psyche which actually dumbed us down and caused the veil
of fogetfulness to come over us. In that sense Adam and Eve did died to their tr
ue spiritual self and the egoic self was then created as a separate self and too
k over which created duality and polarity.
The purpose we are here is because a physical dwelling place for God is being cr
eated. God's dwelling place is all of creation and we are the living temple in t
he process of becoming.
Wow! I just found this today. I think this may explain what the light on the fir
st day was all about. Ha!

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