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The Importance of Initiating Contact with

Angelika Whitecliff

Initiating contact with ETs is not in and of itself necessary for one's
own spiritual advancement. With that stated, there are several
reasons why this particular subject is extremely important and I will
take this opportunity to discuss a few. The first looming issue is that
there is a vast interaction taking place upon this planet between
humans and different ET groups. But why has there been perpetrated
such a through job in maligning, debasing and dismissing almost all
of the contactee accounts that report respectful, non-invasive and
benevolent interactions, especially with humanoid beings who only
promote our own spiritual growth as our real salvation?

It is difficult to find such contactee books in our country (not as true

in other countries such as Germany, Italy, Mexico and South America)
and the media ignores these stories. Instead it cleverly peddles cases
of abduction, terror and avid manipulations to promote fear,
confusion and finally numbness and non-action. People are skillfully
schooled toward a victim mentality in this way. People not only need
to be made aware of inspiring and uplifting cases that are happening
now, such as the Sixto Paz Wells contacts in Peru, but people need
to understand that the choice is theirs to put energy into creating
more abduction coverage or to instead put this energy into opening
the door wider for positive experiences to come through on all levels.

Initiating empowered contact is one path to opening this door. We do

not know many of the ET players yet, but we do know more than
enough to begin our own journey of benevolent contact. A second
reason why the action of initiating contact with ETs is of
considerable merit is because of the number of starseeds currently
incarnated on this world. Not all but many feel a sense of loneliness
or loss because of their seeming separation from those they once
knew as a beloved family. (Generally - wherever the majority of your
incarnational time is spent, at least until you obtain a significant
enlightened mastery as a being, this is where you will identify on
deep levels as home.) So there is a great longing in many hearts.

Calling in your deepest star family connections can be a powerful

way to heal that inner rift and to create a bridge of support that can
serve your spiritual goals as well as those of the planet. Third, there
are many paths to enlightenment and higher understanding. A
spiritual master, such as an eastern guru can open your third eye for
you to expedite your path. This is not necessary to achieving the
goal, but many individuals seek out gurus and

adepts to help them on their path because they can offer help in
some form. There are spiritually advanced races here that can assist
in the same way if you desire and accept this sort of assistance.
They can act like an older brother or sister who is a little farther
along the path. Because they have traveled the very path we are
now on, they can hold up a light to illuminate the darkness of the
unknown that we are entering. Again, this is not necessary, but it is
available and the choice is ours to accept assistance or not. There is
the threat of mind control, black projects, alien abductions, this list
goes on and on. How can people win a game so rigged? The answer
is that through dedicated self-exploration; meditation and a personal
commitment to the discipline of becoming one with your 'true' self.

All these threats lose energy and are eventually rendered powerless
as you connect with the one universal force, the divine oneness. Yet
you do not have to be on the verge of achieving this ultimate goal
to be safe, all you have to do is begin walking this path of refining
your own energies and not look back. Your internal commitment will
guide you to safety from within. Non-action, apathy, depression, a
judgmental & dismissive attitude all leave you very vulnerable to the
regressive energies. is dedicated to the idea
of empowered citizen based interactions with extraterrestrials.
Many people come to this arena of information because they feel
'contact' is important to their lives in some way. For such people
who are passionate about this field, for those who need to overcome
experiences of feeling victimized by ETs, for those who know that
this work is part of their individual purpose, and for many other
reasons, this vision of initiating contact with benevolent ETs can be
a valuable individual experience and manifestation for the planet. We
all can help each other and the planet by holding to our dreams of a
better world and by doing something, anything, to help our vision

Many who visit this web site will be the pioneers and courageous
leaders who will actually create experiences of empowered and
mutually edifying exchanges with our ET friends. In no way does this
interaction have to remain upon the fringe or characterized by
trauma or genetic engineering programs. When committed individuals
and groups get together to promote a new vision, a better way, this
influences our reality and offers hope and inspiration to others. This is
how we step by step create a new system, one to replace the
current one which does not express our highest expression of light
and love upon this world.


Angelika Whitecliff

This is a possible, plausible and currently active model for ET contact

and the establishment of mutually beneficial relationships which will
assist the Earth's entry into the galactic community as a conscious,
self-determining and empowered member. Each new relationship will
be founded upon the collective agreement that the loving support of
the spiritual evolution of humanity is the paramount objective of
contact and all subsequent interactions. In tandem all new ET
associations will support and uphold the right of humanity's loving
stewardship of the planet and assist our increased understanding of
how to promote respectful and harmonious interactions with all of
Gaia's diverse species, life forms and environments.

Contact will begin through the individual initiative of starseeds, walk-

ins and those with open minds, open hearts and strong integrity -
who in loving awareness of their own star heritage - project the
invitation in a thought-form of light to our ET neighbor's. These
thought-forms will clearly convey that we are ready to establish and
take responsibility for a mutually edifying exchange. Next, small
groups of these inviting human-starseed hosts will join together in
common vision around the planet.

Awakened to self and in communication with the many Earthly

kingdoms including but not limited to the animal, plant, mineral and
delvic groups, all will honor the many voices of Gaia and unite with
the goal of raising consciousness on the planet, healing the
environment and goodwill for all. These individuals and groups will
reach out into our galactic community with consciousness, using the
intuitive gifts of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairsensience and the other
psychic abilities spiritually evolved beings all share, beginning the
process of communication.

Becoming our first galactic ambassador's and diplomats of an

awakened humanity, such individuals will become responsible for
shepherding the planet into its galactic role as member and peer.
Educational relationships will begin and be established with willing ET
groups in alignment with the enlightened humanity's objectives.

Physical contact will next begin as high-minded motives and integrity

are used as foundations for further activities together. Then small
groups will subsequently build bases upon the land, after acquiring
Gaia's permission and support, for the sites of sustained ET contact.
Gaia will further provide adequate portals and vortexes for physical,
inner and extra-dimensional travel and the travel of consciousness to
our sister planes of reality. These initial bases will accommodate the
viewing and eventual landing of ET craft, and provide meeting and
resting facilities for human-ET exchanges.

In the future we will be utilizing our combined resources in 5th

dimensional light technologies and architecture. For now landing
platforms, housing and all other necessary constructs will be erected
and made available to the chosen ET groups in sustained contact
with the site specific galactic diplomats in residence and visiting.
Eventually, the numbers involved in such ET interactions will increase
and the collective consciousness will be stimulated with a new model
for galactic awareness. Gently and in harmony with the evolution of
consciousness upon the planet, all of humanity will awaken to
perceive the new model of reality and all our brother and sister
communities of space. Angelika Whitecliff

*About Angelika: A telepathic communicator with angelic, extraterrestrial,

astral and other multidimensional entities, Angelika Whitecliff is a natural
clairvoyant and has conducted private consultations for well over a decade.
She has professionally taught classes and seminars in developing clairvoyance,
the energetic healing arts, retrieving past/future life memories and
communicating with spiritual guides, angels and extraterrestrial visitors.
Angelika began having physical contact experiences with angelic and nature
beings in childhood, and then with extraterrestrial biological entities beginning in
her early twenties.

Interactions at all levels continue to this day, and all these experiences have
assisted Angelika in acquiring a very strong vision of hope and confidence in
humanities inevitable spiritual awakening. She has also been inspired as a
painter, graphic artist and sculptor depicting some of these different entities.
Spending several years as a public channel for the archangels, delivering
messages and healings, Angelika now focuses upon educating people about
their own spiritual power and about the myriad of multidimensional beings
waiting to interact with us in loving, benevolent ways. Angelika?s formal
disciplines includes completion of the clairvoyant program at the Berkeley
Psychic Institute, minister training with Spirit Revisited, advanced training in the
healing arts with Yuen Energetics and Spirit Revisited hands-on-healing
program, field experience working with numerous magnetic and manifestation
healers in the Philippines, 2 years herbalist training, channeling training and
hermetic philosophy study through the school of Builders of the Adytum.

Her life?s work so far has led her to become a highly effective interpreter and
communicator for various multidimensional beings and races. In the past three
years, Angelika has been called by the cetaceans of Hawaii and the humpback
whales of the Caribbean to actively swim and forge a relationship of
interspecies communication, DNA activation and mutually beneficial
interactions regarding Gaia’s and humanities shifting galactic consciousness.
Currently living on the Big Island of Hawaii and swimming daily with the dolphins
of the Kona coast, she has found the dolphins to be effective teachers
regarding our stewardship of the planet and emissaries to other extraterrestrial
civilizations. Especially those races interested in assisting the advancement of
human consciousness and our responsibilities as we take our place as a member
of the vast galactic community. Angelika is Co-Organizer of the 2006
Extraterrestrial Civilizations and World Peace Conference, Co-Founder of and Co-ordinator of the Citizen Diplomacy program of
the Exopolitics Institute.


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