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A. Background Of The Study

There are four language skills that must be simultaneusly achieved by the students in
learning language, namely speaking, listening, reading and writing writing is the most
complicated skill which is really needed for written communication. Vallate (1977:217) “of
the four language skill above, writing may truly be consider ed as the most sophiscated
”.furthermore, Haris (1969:69)”defines writing as highly sophiscated skill combining a
number of diverse elements such as content, from grammar, etc” from the quotation above it
can be concluced that writing, as the last skills that comes in order of the skill is a complex
activity because it requires many components in order to achiaved the good result. the
question to all teachers when they want to prepare themselves to teach in claas is how should
I teach? In examining the answer to this question, it requires understanding of teaching
method and their relationship between teacher and student. accourding to
Hammer(2004:257),there are a number of different approaches to the practice of writing
skills both in and outside the classroom ”’.we need to choose between them, declining
whether we want the students to focus more on the process of writing than its product,
whether we want them to study different written genres, whether we want to encourage
creative writing-either individually or cooperatively-and how the computer can be useful
writing tool. We need to be aware of the different roles we can and should be assume or
writing activities.

B. Indentification Of The Problem

Based on the background of the study, the problem of the study researcher was
identified as the following process approach gives significant effect on the student’s
achievement in paragraph writing.
C. Scope and Limitation

There are many approaches that can be used in teaching writng skill but in this
recearch, the receacer,applied process approach in SMA AL-HIDAYAH to improve students’
writing and the writing skill limited on the writing of descriptive paragraph.

D. Formulation Of The Problem

The problem of this research was formulated as follows:

1. What is the effect of process approach on the students’ achievement in paragraph


2. Are the students’ able to write paragraphs by using process approach?

E. Objective Of The Study

In line with recearcer problem as follows:

1. This study aims at findproing out the effect of process approach on students’
achievement in paragraph writing.

2. This study aims at finding by applying process approach show better invropment than
those who were taught without process approach.

F. Significance Of The Study

It is expected that the findings of this study can provide some inputs for teachers of
english in stimulating students to write by using process approach in order to improve the
students’ ability to compose in english. The analysis of descriptive paragraph as the product
of writing can give information about difficulties of writing.



A. Theoretical Frame Work

1. Approach, Method and Frame

1.1 Approach

An approach is a set of correlative assumptions, dealing with the nature of the

language teaching learning. Approaches are an axiomatic and describe the nature of the
subject matter to be taught. By using an approach is very important element in managing the
students in classroom.

1.2 Method

Method is an overall plan for the orderly presentation of the language material, no
parts that is based upon the selected approach. A method is a procedural when a teacher uses
a method, it will make him/her easier to present the material.

1.3 Technique

A technique is implementation that actually takes a places in classroom. It is a

particular trick, stratagem, used to accomplish an immediate objective. technique must be
concistent with a method, as well as approach.when the teacher teaches in the
classroom,she/he must be able to create strategy how to manage the class, when she/ he faces
with the naughty students or the stupid students.

From the definition above , it is added that an approach refers to the theory about the
nature of the language teaching and learning, that serve as the source of practices and
practices in language teaching.

2. Process Approach

Jordan (1977:168)”process approach epowered its students, enabling them to make clearer
decision about derection of their writing by means of discussion, task, drafting , feedback and
imformed choices there by encouraging student to be responsible or making improvement
them selves”. this approach details the stages throught which students must progress in
generating writing project . Hamer (2004:19)”suggests the following as a representation of
the stages of process approach.

Figure 2.1

The Stages Process Approach

Planning → Drafting → Editing →Final → draft

The process approach in writing is not linear, as indicated above, but rather recursive.
This means that researcher plan, draft and edit but then often re-plan, re-draft re- edit. Even
when they get to what they think is their final draft the may find themselves changing their
mind and re-planning, drafting or editing.

2.1 The Stages Of Process Approach

Accourding to Harmer (2004:22),the stages of process Approach in writing have

four main elements, which are :

1. Planning

2. Drafting

3. Editing ( reflecting and revising)

4. Final Draft ( the written product )

2.1.1 Planning

Experienced researcher plan what they are going to write. Before starting to write or
type. They try and decide what it is they are going to say. For some researchers this may
involve makin detailed notes. For others a few jotted words may be enough. Still other may
not actually write any preliminary notes at all since they may do all their planning in their
heads.but they will have planned, nevertheless, just as the shopping list writers has though at
some level of consciousness about what about food is needed before writing it on the piece of
the paper .

When planning, researcher have to think about three main issues. In the first place,
they have consider the purpose of their writing since this will influence (among other things )
not only the type text they wish to produce, but also the language they use, and the
information they choose to include. Secondly, experienced researcher think of the audience
they are wishing for, since thus will influence not only the shape of the writing (how it is
laid out, how the paragraph are structured, etc,)but also the choice of language whether , for
example, it is formal or informal in tone. Thirdly, researcher have to consider the contents
structure of the piece that how best sequenced the facts, ideas or arguments which they have
decided to include.

2.1.2 Drafting

We can refer to the first version of a piece of writing as a draft. this first ‘go’ at a text
is often .done on assumptions that it will be amended later. As the writing process into editing
a number of drafts may be produced on the way to final version.

2.1.3 Editing (reflecting and revising )

One researcher have produced a draft then, usually , read through what they have
written to see where it works and where it does not. Perhaps the order of the information is
not clear. Perhaps the way something is write is ambiguous or confusing . they may then
move paragraph around or write a new making the introduction . they may then use a
different from of words for a particular sentence . more skilled researcher tend to at issues of
general meaning and overall structure before concentrating on detailed features such as
individual words grammatical accuracy.

2.1.4 Final Draft

One researcher have edited their draft, making the changes they consider to be
necessary , they produce their final version. This may look considerably different from both
original plan and the first draft , because things have changed in the editing process.
However, the researcher is know ready ti send the written text to its intended audience. In

addition Stanley in Http.WWW. teaching English . org. uk/think /write. process states that
there are three stages in process approach:

Stage I


The teacher needs to stimulate the students’ creativity ,to get them thinking how to
approach a writing topic . in this stage, the most important thing is flow of ideas, and it is not
always necessary that the students actually produce much (if any) written work. If they do,
then the teacher can contribute with advice on how to improve their and planning .

In brainstorming, getting started can be difficult, so students divided into groups

quickly produce words and ideas about writing . then in the planning , students make a plan
of writing before the start . these plans can be compared and can discussed in groups before
writing take places.

Stage II

Focusing Ideas

During this stage, students write without much attention to the accuracy of their work
or the organization. The most important feature is meaning. Here , the students should
concentrate on the content of writing .is the coherent ? is the anything missing? Anything
extra ?

In this stage, students

Working on drafts they do activity of fast writing, where the students write quickly on
a topic for fi ve to ten minutes without worrying about the correct language and fluctuation.
Writing as quickly as possible, if they can’t think for a word they leave a space or write it in
their own language. The important thing is to keep writing.

Stage III

Evaluating , Structuring And Editing

Now the writing is adapted to readership. Students should focus more on from and on
producing a finished piece of work. The teacher can help with the error correction and give
organizational advice.

There are three activities in this stages , namely : ordering ,self-editing , peer editing
and proof- reading.

In ordering, students takes notes written in one of the pre- writing activities above and
organize them. What would come first? Why ? here ,teacher tells them to start with the
information known to the readers does not known to the readers before moving into what the
readers not know.

In self-editing, students must learn how to evaluate their own language to improve
through checking their own text, looking for error structure . these way students will become
better writers.

In peer editing and proofreading, the text are interchanged and the evaluation is done
by other students. They my check text for spelling , punctuation, etc. the teacher can also ask
the students to reduce the texts, to edit them, concentrating with the most important

3 .The students Achievement

Based on oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, as Hornby,” Achievement” is a thing

done successfully, especially with afford and skill. Based on the taxonomy bloom (1956:16)”
the three aspects of learning achievement (cognitive, affective and psychomotor)”.

Cognitive consist of knowledge, understanding , application, analysis, synthetic and

evalution. Application includes the method on concrete case . analysis includes the ability to
divide the small parts into whole. Synthetic includes combining the new thing into the new
things into the new understanding and evaluation includes the ability to perform an opinion
about something.

Affective is the chancing of behavior that affects someone lies to do something. There
are acceptance, sign with the acceptance by using their sense and respond. Decision, decide a
problem with is simple up to complex.

Psychomotor, the skill to do something, ready to do based on physic and emotion,

self- control and become a habit. Therefore, it is concluded that achievement is a success in
reaching particular goal, status or standard, especially by effort, skill, courage etc.

4. Writing

According to Heaton (1988:135) “ writing is ability to use the structure “. Writing

refers to the skill using graphic symbols that have to be arranged according to certain
conventions. it means that writing is the act of skill in forming graphic symbol and combining
a number of diverse elements. It is also someone’s ability in using grammar to express his/her
ideas in the from of written expression. Heaton divides as general components in writing skill
as the following:

1. language use : the ability to write the correct and appropriate sentences.

2. mechanical skill : the ability to use correctly those conventions “peculiar” to written
language, examples :punctuation and spelling.

3. Treatment of content: the ability to think creatively and develops thoughts including
all relevant inf0ormation .

4. Stylistic skill : the ability to manipulate sentence and paragraph and use language

5. Judgment skill : the ability to write in appropriate manner for a particular purpose
with particular audience in mind, together with an ability to select, organized and
other relevant information.

1. Paragraph

According to maclin ( 1994 : 227 ), “ A paragraph Is unit of thought that has several
or many sentence on it”, a more detailed definition id De Soto’ (2000 : 33) who
defines that :

“ a paragraph is a group of sentences, generally from 8 to 10, which develop a single
topic. Paragraph begins with a topic sentence, which summarize the single topic, or
main ideas, expressed in the paragraph. The remaining sentence of the paragraph
explains and develop this ideas or topic. A well written paragraph is unified, coherent
and complete,”

A good paragraph develops a unit of an outline. Every sentence in the paragraph should
clearly relate to that unit and the sum of the sentences should make the reader feel that the
been efficiently developed.

2. deseriptive paragraph

Writing is one of language skills that should be known when one is learning a
language. Writing has some information to be presented which will be informed to the
reader. The ideas can be written into several kinds of paragraph. Wishon and burks (1880 :
337 ) “ there are four types of writing, namely narration, explanation, interpretation) and
argumentation ( persuading, convicting)”,

Descriptive paragraph is apiece of writing that presents ideas by providing the details
about the characteristics of people, places and things. It means that descriptive paragraph is a
piece of writing paragraph which describes something by stating the details for object
described. Besides, kiefer (1983: 51) say “descriptive paragraph is a sort of writing which the
writing has determined the central focus for the description, details that flash out idea can be
chosen such as the description of place, events, and others”.

From the quotation above, it can be concluded that descriptive paragraph is paragraph writing
in which an object is described.

3. conventional approach

According to Marjohan in conventional approach is one

of conventional method form in education field, beside progressive approach and liberal
approach. It is an authoritative approach that is dominated. In the process of the teaching by
applying conventional approach, teacher behave authoritative, regards his self as the right

one, which insist the student to agree and to accept that teacher has explained/said, so that the
student seem to be passive learners, they just know and accept the knowledge and in
understanding the lesson, they tern to learn by heart by note book. Lecture is the method used
in this approach. The procedure of conventional approach, which would be used this research
is in the teaching procedure in control group.

B. Conceptual Frame Work

Writing is one the four of languages skill should be acquired by the students because
all information, knowledge and science already achieve can be expressed by writing down an
opinion, ideas, thought, or any piece of information clearly and legibly. Students should train
as much as possible to express response to the experience they achieve in learning process.

Writing descriptive paragraph is a process in which researcher express her or his

thought, feeling and imagination to describe her observation. The ability in writing
descriptive paragraph is not the same from all students are hard to write a good coherent
descriptive paragraph, while the order is not. Therefore, it is necessary to find a way in
teaching writing descriptive paragraph in order to improve the students’ ability so they can
write a good coherence descriptive paragraph.

One of way improving the students’ ability in writing descriptive paragraph is by

applying process approach. Process approach treats all writing is a creative act, which
requires time and positive feedback to be done well. In process writing, the teacher moves
away from being someone who sets students a writing topic and receive the finished product
for correction without any intervention in the writing process it self.

So by this study, it is hope that by applying process approach will bring better result
that without applying it, in o0rder to improve students’ ability in writing descriptive

C. Hypothesis

The hypothesis are formuled as follows:

Ha : teaching English by applying process approach significantly affect student s’

achievement paragraph writing.

Ho : teaching English affect students achievement in paragraph writing.



A. Location

This research was conduct at SMA Al -Hidayah, this school is located on letda
sujono street Gg. Perguruan no.4 Medan. There are nine parallel classes and each class
consist of students. The first grade students of academic year 2010/2011 were taken as the
sample of research was conduct yet in this school related to the topic.

B. Population and sample

Population was all member of students to whom the researcher wishes to generalize
the result of the first grade students of 2010/2011 academic year which consist of students in
parallel classes.

C. Research Design

The kind of this study was an axperimental design that consist of pre-test and post
test in order to know the effect of process approach on the students’ achievement in
paragraph writing.

D. Instrument Of The Research

This research writing test as the instrument for collecting the data. The student was
asked to write a descriptive paragraph based on the topic given by the teacher. The paragraph
at least 8-10 sentences by writing a story about “My school”. Experimental group and
control group had same either in pre-test or the post test.

1. The Validity Of The Test

Validity refers to the extent to which result of evaluation procedure servers the
particular uses for which they were intended. There were three types of validity, namely:
content validity, criterion validity, and construct validity. Taiwo (1965:17) says that
“construct validity was determined by correlating measures of the “construct” with know
measure of observable criterion that the construct was highly related to”. This research
conducted the construct validity in which the write make try out to check the clarity of the
test and to measure the validity was the best. The try raters. From calculation, writer made
sure that the students was able to write descriptive. Therefore, writing test was valid.

2. The Reliability

Reliability was a necessary characteristic of any good test for it to be valid at all,a
test must first be reliable as measuring instrument. If the test was administered to the
same candidates on different occasion, then to the extent that it produces result, it was not
reliable. The test in this study uses writing test from. The scoring of writing test involved
the subjectivity, thus to find out whether the test was reliable or not, the researcher uses
inter-rater reliability.

3. Scoring

Some important indicators should be considered in scoring the student’ writing

result heaton (1988: 146) “escribes that there were five components that must be paid
special attention in scoring writing namely”.

a. Content

The score of the content depends on the students’ ability to write ideas, information
in form of logical sentences.

The criteria of scoring this are as follow:

27.30 excellent to very good

22.26 good to average

17.21 fair to poor

13.16 very poor

b. Organization

The organization refers to the student’s ability to write ideas, information in good
logical order. The topic and supporting sentences were clearly stated.

The criteria of giving the score are as follow:

18.21 excellent to very good

14.17 good to average

14.18 fair to poor

14.19 very poor

c. Vocabulary

The criteria of scoring vocabulary are give below:

27.31 excellent to very good

14.17 good average

10.13 fair a poor

1-9 very poor

d. Language Use

language use refers to the capability of writing down the sentences either simple,
complex, compound sentences correctly and logically. It also refers to the ability to use
agreement in the sentences and some other words such as noun, adjective and time is follow:

22.25 excellent to very good

18.21 good to average

11.17 fair to poor

11.18 very poor

e. Mechanics

The criteria of scoring mechanics are giving follow:

5 excellent to very good

4 good to average

3 fair to poor

2 very poor

4. The Procedure Of The Treatment

In getting data, three procedure was taken by researcher namely: pre test, treatment
(teaching presentation) and post test

4.1 Pre-Test

Before the treatment ( taching presentation ), a pre test was administered to the
exprerimental and control group. The pre test was used to find put the mean score of each

4.2 Treatment

Treatment was giving to the experimental group for some periods. The experimental
group student wasbtaught how to write a short paragraph by using process approach. While,
the control group was taught by using conventional approach. Conventional approach in this
study means the common method used by the english teacher, as it was indicate by the
researcher in the classroom.

4.2.1 Experimental Group

The treatment was conduct after the administration of pre-test. Experimental group
was taught in three meetings.

4.2.2 Control Group

In control group, the students would be teach by using conventional method or as

usual. It means that the students wiil always ask to open their englist book in getting some
informaton about descriptive writing.

4.3 Post Test

The post test was administered after treament was completed. The administration of
this test was meant meant to find out the difference in mean-score of both control and
experimental group.

E. The data analyzed based on the following steps:

1. Checking the sample’s answer

2. Scoring the result

3. Calculating the data. A calculating (t) make find out the whether the application of
process approach has a significant diffrence between the two means ( pre test and
post test ) in teaching or not.


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