Sie sind auf Seite 1von 9

COMIPLATION PROCESS: c1(sum,mul,div) C2 MSIL/IL(JIT:just in time):-

itcompile whole prog but acoording to requirnment c3(after compilation MSIL/IL

form the native code which will be stored on server)


What is ASP.Net? compile mode compiler mode

1.Web application compile model:-
1.itis similar to compiler mode create similarly compile file it will be store in DLE
bin folder source code is required

Web site compile mode(2.0):-

it is similar to inplace compiilation mode in ASP.net20

Advantage; single compilation at run time source code


PRE compilation mode(2.0):-

it is similar tosite pre compilation mode in ASP.Net it is
like airtel they have their own s/w development
each prog have individual compilar APP-WEB................

NOTE:- when project is modified then all pages also get


ASP.Net:- (active server pages)

which run on server side for web development

1.ASP.Net(1.1):-it uses IIS (Internet info services)

IIS(for internet info services)
Web page extention:-
ASPX...............................prs(for designing)
ASPX.VB/CS(C-#)or j-#.............................(for coding)

if coding file and designing file both are different

then v use the cde behind technique(visual studio follow

INLINE CODING;- when both r coding and designing in

one phase
NOTE:- web server is better than html but html is given
with web server just for back ground compatibility
Two main category of tool box:-
1.web sever control(it run on server side,it also browser
independent )
2.html control(run on client side,but it is browser
Que:-what is diff bet. property and variable?
Property:- they may be read only or write only,also have
validation checkso can have control over it
Variable:- But they don't have any control

Partial class:-they can be expended ,they ignore the

multiple inherited classes,can be multilevel,code remain
in class,can't inherited

note:- here system is namespace known through
intelligence help { } show that
where namespace is collection of classes it may be
nested,this cobe will be used to inherit all the pages
Protected sub page-load(By
note:-what is diff bet. event and method event always
but method always call don't fire,when click on page-
load then page event will be fired
page-load event fired automatically,it firstly fire during
ruing of prog.*(12 to13 event fired for one page)*

1.Procedre and function r comes under method which

return value
but procedure don't but function can

Event:- this have two parameter

1.for refrence
2. manage event data

Designing ASPX;- to gave heading on page achieved by

simply typing on page,we can label ,textbox by
dragging on page or doble clicking on it,to change
property just right on the lable or textbox
*( when some time intelligence help not given then use
the ctrl+space bar)*
Note:-it return current value

To change browser:-Right click on(soluton explorer)-(rit

clk on browser)-(then change)
when u click on page every time click on page req. will
be generated on server, as well as page will be loaded
so page load event will be fired

Ispostback:-page will move from server side to client

side*(they can be read only but have a microsoft control
over it)*
Is Postback== false(will be used when first time req. will
be passed)
Que:- how to unprocess the button at its second time
use on page?
Ans:-IS postback== true(it means next req.)

coding of button and textbox:-let v have three textbox

and three button wuth sum,mul,div

FOr sum:-textbox3.text=textbox1.text + textbox2.text

To perform many more button and ignore coding v do:-

use common header function

C- # coding:- Protected void page-load(Object

sender,event arg...................)

if(Page.Ispostback== false)
{ Tostring();

if (sender==button2)
+convert.ToInt32(textbox2.text)...(convert it to string)
else if (sender== button3 )

Response.redirect server.transfer
it works with both it works with Aspx
pages it just execute the pages
Aspx and HTML but not with HTML
but not display it

it works with URL both it works with only

internal URL
internal and external (URL internal:-ur
own web site page)
(URL external:-from ur own web
site page open other web site page)

URL will change not change

Switch:- single expression and

IF:- multiple expression and multiple output
multiple expression

Button:- will fire the event and request goes to

response.rediect Hyperlink:- property-navigate

(when navigation is
required hperperlink
better option)

Que:-without submit the current page how will u

redirect the next page ?
Ans:- By using Hyperlink

Que:- how will u use breakpoint?

Ans:- Right click on page- insert brk point

Que:-how do v stop scrolling page?

ANS:- Go in Html-Main scroll position postback="true"
page langwage(............................)
(page directive,signal on page,or top on page,can't
remove for page settin)


SQL:-(Structure query lanwage)

it is common langwage for alldata bases,it is
simple english like langwage, non-procedure langwage
6. support......(MS-SQL server)


1.trigger procedure
Que:In one instanse how many SQL server?
Ans:-32,7,67 database

Que:-How many table in one data base?

Ans:-1024 column
Que:- How many column in MS-SQL server?
Ans:-30,000 column
Que:- How to create Database?
Ans:-solution explorer-data base connection-create new
sql database

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