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Chapter 1.

Workbench Basics

Set Workbench preferences

Organize imports

The following preferences define how the Organize Imports command generates the import statements in a compilation unit
(default - java, javax, org, com).

Import order list - This list of prefixes shows the sequential order for packages imported into a Java compilation unit. Each
entry defines a block. Different blocks are separated by a spacer line.

Step filters

Step filters prevent the debugger from suspending in specified classes and packages when stepping into code. Step filters are
established in Window > Preferences > Java > Debug > Step Filtering:
With step filters, you can avoid debugging external packages that your code depends on, so that you only debug your
application. The step filters affect step into and step return - and are independent of the step-by-step filters.

hen the Use Step Filters togggle (on the debug toolbar and menu) is on, step filters are applied to all step actions. In the Debug
view, the selected stack frame's package or declaring type can be quickly added to the list of filters by selecting Filter Type or
Filter Package from the stack frame's context menu:
TODO: Java and Mixed Language Debug ZZZZZZZZZ

Build path
• Source and output folder
o Project: Both source and output locations are set to the project's root.
o Folders: Source and output locations can be set individually.

To specify the source and output locations, set Source folder name and Output folder name.

• As JRE library use - Specify which JRE library to use.

o JRE container

A JRE container.

o JRE_LIB variable

The JRE specified by the JRE_LIB variable.

Setting local history preferences

To indicate the level of local history that should be kept for each resource in the Workbench:

1. Click Window > Preferences.

2. Select the Workbench > Local History category in the left pane. The Local History preferences page opens:
3. In the Days to keep files field, type the number of days that you want to keep records for any one Workbench
resource. For example, if you type 7, then a history of saved states from the last seven days will be kept.
4. In the Entries per file field, type the number of states to keep for any one Workbench resource. Note that
when you exceed the number of entries per file, the oldest changes are discarded to make room for the newer
5. In the Maximum file size (MB) field, type the maximum file size (in MB) of a resource for which a local history
should be kept. If the size of the resource exceeds the maximum amount of file size allocated, no local history is kept
for that resource.
6. Click OK to set your preferences and close the Local History preferences page.

Specifying the default perspective

The default perspective always shows up on the Window > Open Perspective menu. The Resource perspective is the pre-
defined default perspective.

To change the default perspective:

1. From the main menu bar, select Window > Preferences.

2. Expand the Workbench category on the left and select Perspectives. The Perspectives preferences page
3. Select the perspective that you want to define as the default, and click Make Default. The default indicator
moves to the perspective that you selected.

4. Click OK.

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