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Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________

Learn the Hours and minutes: The long hand denotes the minutes. The minutes are the numbers
outside the clock, and it goes by the count of 5. Count in 5, starting from 1 as 5 minutes through 12 as 60 minutes. Here,
the long hand is in 4, that denotes 20 minutes. The short hand denotes the hours, the numbers inside the clock. If the
short hand is between 2 numbers, take the number which the short hand had just passed by. Here, the short hand is
between 1 and 2. Check for whether the short hand is past 1 or past 2. It is past 1. So the time is 1 hour and 20 minutes.

Where is the short hand? ________________________

The short hand denotes? _________________________

Where is the long hand? __________________________

And the long hand denotes? _______________________

What is the time? ___________________________________

How many minutes do we have for an hour? ___________________

Where is the short hand? Circle it. Past 1 or Past 2

Copyrights © Momz Tutelage 2010 – 2011. All rights reserved.

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________

Answer key: Learn the Hours and minutes: The long hand denotes the minutes. The minutes
are the numbers outside the clock, and it goes by the count of 5. Count in 5, starting from 1 as 5 minutes through 12 as
60 minutes. Here, the long hand is in 4, that denotes 20 minutes. The short hand denotes the hours, the numbers inside
the clock. If the short hand is between 2 numbers, take the number which the short hand had just passed by. Here, the
short hand is between 1 and 2. Check for whether the short hand is past 1 or past 2. It is past 1. So the time is 1 hour and
20 minutes.

Where is the short hand? _Between 1 and 2__________ and it denotes? ____1 hour_____

Where is the long hand? _____4_____________and it denotes? ____20 minutes________

What is the time? ___1:20__, _______1 hour and 20 minutes________________________

How many minutes do we have for an hour? ________60 minutes____________________

Where is the short hand? Circle it. Past 1 or Past 2

Copyrights © Momz Tutelage 2010 – 2011. All rights reserved.

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: __________________________________

Practice writing minutes:

Draw long hand in 7 and write the minutes ______________________

Draw short hand between 4 and 5 and write the hours ______________

What is the time? ____________________________________________

Copyrights © Momz Tutelage 2010 – 2011. All rights reserved.

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